Provincia Lombardo-Veneta Ordine Ospedaliero di S. Giovanni di Dio - Fatebenefratelli “CENTRO S. GIOVANNI DI DIO - FATEBENEFRATELLI” ISTITUTO DI RICOVERO E CURA A CARATTERE SCIENTIFICO (D.I. 19 dicembre 1996) CURRICULUM VITAE GIOVANNI DE GIROLAMO, M.D. Giovanni de Girolamo is the former Scientific Director of the St John of God Clinical Research Centre (IRCCS) in Brescia, Italy; this is one of the 48 Italian hospitals officially recognised and funded by the Ministry of Health for biomedical research, and is the only hospital recognized for such an activity in the area of psychiatry. Currently he is the Head of the IRCCS Unit of Psychiatric Epidemiology and Evaluation. He has a Degree in Medicine and a Postgraduate Degree in Psychiatry (University of Naples). He has worked as a clinical psychiatrist in mental health services in Italy, and has been involved in a variety of national and international research projects. He has received Fellowships as short-term Visiting Fellow at the Institute of Psychiatry in London (with Michael Shepherd), at the Institute of Psychiatric Demography in Aarhus (Denmark), and at the Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic in Pittsburgh, USA. From 1988 to 1994, he worked at the Division of Mental Health of WHO in Geneva, initially as Associate Professional Officer and then as Medical Officer, under the guidance of Norman Sartorius. From 1998 to 2001 he was the Coordinator of the National Mental Health Project, based at the Italian National Institute of Health in Rome, which involved 47 specific research projects and more than 100 centres throughout Italy. He has set up and directed several multicentre research projects; this is a selection: (i) the Italian site of the WHO Quality of Life Project (WHOQOL); (ii) the national survey of psychiatric residential facilities (the largest survey ever done in this area), called PROGRES; (iii) the national survey on all acute inpatient facilities, called PROGRES-Acute (equally the largest survey ever done in this area); (iv) the Italian site of the WHO World Mental Health Survey Initiative, led by Ronald Kessler (Harvard University); (v) the large RCT GET-UP involving 100 Community Mental Health Centres; (vi) the PREMIA project on child/adolescent mental health services; and (vii) the European 8-country project MILESTONE on the transition from child/adolescent to adult mental health services. In the years 2007-08, before joining the St John of God Clinical Research Centre, he was responsible for mental health research at the Regional Health Care Research Via Pilastroni, 4 – 25125 BRESCIA – Tel. 0303501590 – Fax 0303533513 – E-mail: [email protected] Iscrizione Tribunale di Milano: n. 341 - Registro PG - C.F. e P. IVA 01647730157 Provincia Lombardo-Veneta Ordine Ospedaliero di S. Giovanni di Dio - Fatebenefratelli “CENTRO S. GIOVANNI DI DIO - FATEBENEFRATELLI” ISTITUTO DI RICOVERO E CURA A CARATTERE SCIENTIFICO (D.I. 19 dicembre 1996) Agency in Bologna (Italy). His research focuses on psychiatric epidemiology and health services research; RCT; drug-utilization studies; quality of life. He is the author of 345 publications, including 40 volumes or monographs edited or authored, 251 journal articles (of which 202 indexed in Pubmed) and 68 book chapters. Address: Giovanni de Girolamo, M.D. IRCCS Fatebenefratelli, Via Pilastroni 4, 25125 Brescia (Italy) Ph 0039-0303501590 E-mail: [email protected] Via Pilastroni, 4 – 25125 BRESCIA – Tel. 0303501590 – Fax 0303533513 – E-mail: [email protected] Iscrizione Tribunale di Milano: n. 341 - Registro PG - C.F. e P. IVA 01647730157
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