Dr. Thomas Emmenegger, M.D. Head of Olinda, Milan “Caposervizio” on the Socio‐psychiatric Organisation of the Canton Ticino, Lugano Dr. Emmenegger founded the cultural and social enterprise Olinda in 1996. Olinda aggregates different non‐profit organisations whose mission is to combine human regeneration and urban regeneration, whilst transforming the large area of the Psychiatric Hospital situated in a suburb of Milan into opportunities of local development and social inclusion, such as the implementation of cultural and social enterprise activities (restaurant, bar, catering, youth hostel, hotel, theatre, cultural events). He also works as medical adviser to public mental health services for assisting and developing innovative strategies of mental health and rehabilitation programmes, actually he is “Caposervizio” on the Socio‐psychiatric Organisation (OSC) of the Canton Ticino, Switzerland. Dr. Emmenegger graduated as medical doctor in 1981 from the University of Basel and he began his professional career as an psychiatrist in the early 80ies in the Italian mental health reform movement (Trieste, Rome, Naples). Dr. Emmenegger worked as an adviser to national governments and key development partners such as WHO and UNOPS in several international and national programmes and projects in Europe, East Europe and South America at national, regional, and district levels. His areas of expertise include mental health system development, local development and social entrepreneurship programmes with public‐private partnership. In his professional activities in Italy and in Switzerland he was always both, a social entrepreneur and a doctor/psychiatrist. He is conducting several teacher activities on postgraduate schools (Universities of Rome, Milan, Trieste, Lugano) and is senior expert of several research programmes on social and mental health innovation dynamics. His work was rewarded by the “Premio Franco Basaglia” in 2008. He is co‐founder in 2010 of the International Permanent Conference on Mental Health, Trieste. Born in 1953 Publications (2010 - 2004) Emmenegger T., De Leonardis O.: La desinstitucionalización italiana: pistas y desafíos, in Vertex, Revista Argentina de Psiquiatria, 2011, Vol. XXII: 31 – 43. Emmenegger T. et al.: Rolle, Auftrag und Folgewirkungen der politischen Maßnahmen des Europäischen Sozialfonds zur Arbeitseingliederung behinderter Personen in der Autonomen Provinz Bozen. Forschungsresultate. Autonome Provinz Bozen, 2010. Emmenegger T., Vitale, T.: How Do You Build a Shared Interest? A Case of Social Innovation between Strategy and Organizational Learning, Discussion paper, 2009. Emmenegger T., De Leonardis O.: La longue marche de la désinstitutionalisation en Italie : quelques leçons à tirer pour relever les défis du néo-liberalisme, in Y. Comeau, ed., Intervention et développement des communautés, Montreal : Cahiers du Cridés, 2009 (pp. 131-150). Emmenegger T. ed al.: Sostenere l’inserimento lavorativo di persone con diversa abilità. Valutazione degli esiti delle attività del Programma Operativo Obiettivo 3 della Provincia di Trento. In: Valutare la qualità, a cura di M. Colasanto e L. Galetti. Franco Angeli, Milano, 2007, (p. 149-349, vol 2). Emmenegger T.: Olinda, a Social Enterprise as a Neighbourhood Project. Reader in: Urban and Community Development in Europe. HSA Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit, Verlag Interact, Luzern 2006 (p. 80-87). Emmenegger T.: Socializzare la contraddizione. Communitas n. 12, 2006, (p. 107-113). Emmenegger T.: Dalla riabilitazione psichiatrica all’inserimento lavorativo. Alcuni spunti di criticità. In: Callea G. Lecamp G. Materzanini A. Lavoro e legame sociale. Franco Angeli, Milano 2005. Emmenegger T.: Effective Incentives in Critical Situations. How monetary and non-monetary incentives affect performance in two Eastern Europe countries. Department of Human Resources for Health, HRH/EIP, WHO Geneva, Occasional Paper; 2005. Emmenegger T., De Leonardis O.: Le istituzioni della contraddizione. Rivista Sperimentale di Freniatria, vol. CXXIX, N. 3/2005. (p. 13-38) Emmenegger T.: I risultati imprevisti. In: Una città, ed. buone pratiche di cittadinanza. Forlì: Una città; 2004. Almanacco delle Emmenegger T. Boffo S. De Leonardis O.: Valutare le azioni FSE per lo svantaggio. Elementi costitutivi per un modello. Relazione preparata per il Servizio Formazione Professionale, Ufficio FSE, Provincia Autonoma di Trento, 2004.
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