Chapter 2: Guidelines for Procurement under Japanese ODA Loans TABLE OF CONTENTS Page PART I GENERAL .......................................................................................................................83 Section 1.01 Introduction ..............................................................................................................83 Section 1.02 International Competitive Bidding (ICB) ..............................................................87 Section 1.03 Procedures Other than International Competitive Bidding (ICB)......................88 Section 1.04 Eligibility...................................................................................................................90 Section 1.05 JICA’s Review ...........................................................................................................92 Section 1.06 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices ............................................................................94 PART II INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING (ICB)..................................................96 A. Type and Size of Contract ...........................................................................................................96 Section 2.01 Types of Contract .....................................................................................................96 Section 2.02 Size of Contract ........................................................................................................98 Section 2.03 Single-Stage: Two-Envelope Bidding and Two-Stage Bidding ............................99 B. Advertising and Prequalification .............................................................................................101 Section 3.01 Advertising..............................................................................................................101 Section 3.02 Prequalification of Bidders....................................................................................102 C. Bidding Documents....................................................................................................................106 Section 4.01 General ....................................................................................................................106 Section 4.02 Reference to JICA...................................................................................................108 Section 4.03 Bid Securities..........................................................................................................109 Section 4.04 Conditions of Contract ...........................................................................................110 Section 4.05 Clarity of Bidding Documents...............................................................................112 Section 4.06 Standards ................................................................................................................114 Section 4.07 Use of Brand Names ..............................................................................................115 Section 4.08 Expenditures under Contracts..............................................................................116 Section 4.09 Currency of Bids .....................................................................................................117 Section 4.10 Currency Conversion for Bid Comparison ...........................................................118 Section 4.11 Currency of Payment .............................................................................................119 Section 4.12 Price Adjustment Clauses .....................................................................................121 Section 4.13 Advance Payment...................................................................................................123 v Section 4.14 Performance Securities and Retention Money ....................................................124 Section 4.15 Insurance.................................................................................................................126 Section 4.16 Liquidated Damage and Bonus Clauses ..............................................................127 Section 4.17 Force Majeure .........................................................................................................128 Section 4.18 Language .................................................................................................................129 Section 4.19 Settlement of Disputes...........................................................................................130 Section 4.20 Applicable Laws......................................................................................................131 D. Opening of Bids, Evaluation and Award of Contract.............................................................132 Section 5.01 Time Interval between Invitation and Submission of Bids ...............................132 Section 5.02 Procedures relating to Opening of Bids ...............................................................134 Section 5.03 Clarification or Alteration of Bids ........................................................................135 Section 5.04 Process to be Confidential .....................................................................................136 Section 5.05 Examination of Bids...............................................................................................137 Section 5.06 Evaluation and Comparison of Bids.....................................................................139 Section 5.07 Postqualification of Bidders ..................................................................................144 Section 5.08 Evaluation Report ..................................................................................................145 Section 5.09 Award of Contract ..................................................................................................146 Section 5.10 Rejection of Bids .....................................................................................................148 Section 5.11 Notification to Unsuccessful Bidders and Debriefing.........................................151 Section 5.12 Information to be Made Public..............................................................................152 ANNEX I FACTORS TO BE EVALUATED IN PREQUALIFICATION .............................153 vi ╙ 2 ㇱ㧦୫᱅ᬺߩߚߩ⺞㆐ࠟࠗ࠼ࠗࡦ ⋡ᰴ Page ╙ 1 ┨ ✚⺰....................................................................................................................................83 ╙ 1.01 ᧦ ᐨᢥ .................................................................................................................................83 ╙ 1.02 ᧦ ࿖㓙┹ᧅ ..................................................................................................................87 ╙ 1.03 ᧦ ࿖㓙┹ᧅએᄖߩ⺞㆐ᣇᴺ.........................................................................................88 ╙ 1.04 ᧦ ㆡᩰᕈ .............................................................................................................................90 ╙ 1.05 ᧦ ᯏ᭴ߩ⏕ ......................................................................................................................92 ╙ 1.06 ᧦ ⣣ᢌ߹ߚߪਇᱜⴕὑ .......................................................................................................94 ╙2┨ ࿖㓙┹ᧅ㧔ICB㧕 ........................................................................................................96 A. ᄾ⚂ߩᒻᘒߣⷙᮨ .........................................................................................................................96 ╙ 2.01 ᧦ ᄾ⚂ߩᒻᘒ ......................................................................................................................96 ╙ 2.02 ᧦ ᄾ⚂ߩⷙᮨ ......................................................................................................................98 ╙ 2.03 ᧦ ৻Ბ㓏㧦ੑᧅᧅ߅ࠃ߮ੑᲑ㓏ᧅ..............................................................................99 B. ␜߅ࠃ߮೨⾗ᩰክᩏ.............................................................................................................101 ╙ 3.01 ᧦ ␜ ...............................................................................................................................101 ╙ 3.02 ᧦ ᔕᧅ⠪ߩ೨⾗ᩰክᩏ..................................................................................................102 C. ᧅᦠ㘃 ......................................................................................................................................106 ╙ 4.01 ᧦ ৻⥸㗄........................................................................................................................106 ╙ 4.02 ᧦ ᯏ᭴ߦ㑐ߔࠆ⸒ .........................................................................................................108 ╙ 4.03 ᧦ ᧅ⸽........................................................................................................................109 ╙ 4.04 ᧦ ᄾ⚂ߩ᧦ઙ ....................................................................................................................110 ╙ 4.05 ᧦ ᧅᦠ㘃ߩ⏕ᕈ .........................................................................................................112 ╙ 4.06 ᧦ ⷙᩰ ...............................................................................................................................114 ╙ 4.07 ᧦ ᮡฬߩ↪ ................................................................................................................115 ╙ 4.08 ᧦ ᄾ⚂ߦၮߠߊᡰ .........................................................................................................116 ╙ 4.09 ᧦ ᧅㅢ⽻........................................................................................................................117 ╙ 4.10 ᧦ ᧅౝኈᲧセߩߚߩㅢ⽻឵▚ ...................................................................................118 ╙ 4.11 ᧦ ᡰᛄㅢ⽻ ....................................................................................................................119 ╙ 4.12 ᧦ ଔᩰ⺞ᢛ᧦㗄 ................................................................................................................121 ╙ 4.13 ᧦ ೨ᷰ㊄ ...........................................................................................................................123 ╙ 4.14 ᧦ ጁⴕ⸽߅ࠃ߮⇐㊄..................................................................................................124 vii ╙ 4.15 ᧦ 㒾 ...............................................................................................................................126 ╙ 4.16 ᧦ ੍ቯ៊ኂ⾩ఘ᧦㗄߅ࠃ߮ࡏ࠽ࠬ᧦㗄 ........................................................................127 ╙ 4.17 ᧦ ਇน᛫ജ........................................................................................................................128 ╙ 4.18 ᧦ ↪⸒⺆........................................................................................................................129 ╙ 4.19 ᧦ ⚗⸃........................................................................................................................130 ╙ 4.20 ᧦ Ḱᴺ ...........................................................................................................................131 D. 㐿ᧅ⹏ᧅޔଔ߅ࠃ߮⪭ᧅ⠪ቯ..............................................................................................132 ╙ 5.01 ᧦ ᧅ㓸߆ࠄᧅ߹ߢߩᦼ㑆.......................................................................................132 ╙ 5.02 ᧦ 㐿ᧅߦ㑐ߔࠆᚻ⛯߈ .....................................................................................................134 ╙ 5.03 ᧦ ᧅౝኈߩ⏕ൻ߅ࠃ߮ᄌᦝ.......................................................................................135 ╙ 5.04 ᧦ ᚻ⛯߈ߩ㕖㐿ᕈ .........................................................................................................136 ╙ 5.05 ᧦ ᧅౝኈߩክᩏ.............................................................................................................137 ╙ 5.06 ᧦ ᧅౝኈߩ⹏ଔߣᲧセ..................................................................................................139 ╙ 5.07 ᧦ ᔕᧅ⠪ߩᓟ⾗ᩰክᩏ..................................................................................................144 ╙ 5.08 ᧦ ⹏ଔႎ๔ᦠ ....................................................................................................................145 ╙ 5.09 ᧦ ⪭ᧅ ...............................................................................................................................146 ╙ 5.10 ᧦ ᧅߩᜎุ ....................................................................................................................148 ╙ 5.11 ᧦ ᄬᵈ⠪߳ߩㅢ⍮ߣᄬᵈℂ↱ߦ߆߆ࠆᾖળ.....................................................................151 ╙ 5.12 ᧦ ᖱႎߩ㐿 ....................................................................................................................152 ᷝΣ೨⾗ᩰክᩏ⹏ଔ㗄⋡ ......................................................................................................153 viii ╙ 2 ㇱ㧦⺞㆐ࠟࠗ࠼ࠗࡦ ╙ 1 ┨ ✚⺰ Part I GENERAL ╙ 1.01 ᧦ ᐨᢥ Section 1.01 Introduction (1) “Guidelines for Procurement under Japanese ODA Loans” are applicable to the ODA Loans provided by JAPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY (hereinafter referred to as “JICA”), under Clause (a), Item (ii), Paragraph 1, Article 13 of the ACT of THE INCORPORATED ADMINISTRATIVE AGENCY-JAPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY. (2) These Guidelines set forth the general rules to be followed by Borrowers of JICA in carrying out the procurement of goods and services for a development project which is financed in whole or in part by Japanese ODA Loans. (The term "the Borrower" as used in these Guidelines also refers to the Executing Agency of the project and the term “goods and services” as used in these Guidelines includes related services other than consulting services.) (3) The proceeds of Japanese ODA Loans are required to be used with due attention to considerations of economy, efficiency, transparency in the procurement process and non-discrimination among eligible bidders for procurement contracts. (4) The application of these Guidelines to a particular project financed by an ODA Loan provided by JICA will be stipulated in the Loan Agreement between JICA and the Borrower. (5) These Guidelines govern the relationship between JICA and the Borrower, who is responsible for the procurement of goods and services. No provision of these Guidelines shall be construed as creating any right or obligation between JICA and any third party, including those bidding for the procurement of goods and services. The rights and obligations of the Borrower vis-à-vis bidders for goods and services to be furnished for the project will be governed by the bidding documents which the Borrower issues in accordance with these Guidelines. (6) JICA and the Borrower will agree on the schedule of procurement, either prior to or in the course of the negotiations relating to Japanese ODA Loans. 㧨⸶ᢥ㧪 (1) ޟ୫᱅ᬺߩߚߩ⺞㆐ࠟࠗ࠼ࠗࡦޔߪޠ࿖㓙දജᯏ᭴㧔એਅޟᯏ᭴ޕ߁ߣޠ㧕 83 ߇ⴕ┙⁛ޔᴺੱ࿖㓙දജᯏ᭴ᴺ╙ 13 ᧦╙ 1 㗄╙ 2 ภࡠߦၮߠ߈ଏਈߔࠆ ODA ࡠ ࡦ㧔એਅޟ୫᱅ޕ߁ߣޠ㧕ߩᬺߦㆡ↪ߐࠇࠆޕ (2) ᧄࠟࠗ࠼ࠗࡦߪޔᯏ᭴ߩ୫ੱ߇ޔᯏ᭴߇ߘߩోㇱ߹ߚߪ৻ㇱߦኻߒߡ୫᱅ࠍଏਈ ߔࠆ㐿⊒ᬺߩߚߩ⾗ᯏ᧚߅ࠃ߮ᓎോߩ⺞㆐ߦ㓙ߒޔᓥ߁ߴ߈৻⥸⊛ߥේೣࠍ⸥ߒߚ ߽ߩߢࠆ㧔એਅᧄࠟࠗ࠼ࠗࡦߢ߁ޟ୫ੱߪߣޠታᣉᯏ㑐ࠍ߽ᜰߒ⾗ޟޔᯏ᧚ߣ ᓎോࠣࡦࠖ࠹࡞ࠨࡦࠦߪߣޠᬺോએᄖߩ㑐ㅪᓎോࠍޕ㧕ޕ (3) ᯏ᭴ߩ୫᱅ߩ⾗㊄ߪ⚻ޔᷣᕈޔല₸ᕈ⺞ޔ㆐ㆊ⒟ߦ߅ߌࠆㅘᕈ߅ࠃ߮⺞㆐ᄾ⚂ߦኻ ߔࠆᧅㆡᩰ⠪㑆ߩ㕖Ꮕᕈߦචಽ⇐ᗧߒߡ↪ߐࠇࠆߎߣ߇᳞ࠄࠇࠆޕ (4) ᯏ᭴ߦࠃࠅ୫᱅ࠍଏਈߐࠇࠆߩޘᬺߦኻߔࠆᧄࠟࠗ࠼ࠗࡦߩㆡ↪ߦߟߡߪޔ ᯏ᭴ߣ୫ੱ㑆ߩ୫᱅ᄾ⚂㧔L/A㧕ߦቯࠆޕ (5) ᧄࠟࠗ࠼ࠗࡦߪޔᯏ᭴ߣ⾗ޔᯏ᧚߅ࠃ߮ᓎോߩ⺞㆐⽿છࠍ⽶߁୫ੱߣߩ㑐ଥࠍⷙቯ ߔࠆ߽ߩߢࠆ᧦ࠆߥ߆ߩࡦࠗ࠼ࠗࠟᧄޕ㗄߽ޔᯏ᭴ߣ⾗ޔᯏ᧚߅ࠃ߮ᓎോߩ⺞㆐ ߩߚߩᔕᧅ⠪߽ߚ╙ਃ⠪ߣߩޔᮭ߹ߚߪ⟵ോࠍ↢ߓߐߖࠆ߽ߩߣ⸃㉼ߐࠇߥ ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕᒰᬺߩߚߦଏ⛎ߐࠇࠆ⾗ᯏ᧚߅ࠃ߮ᓎോߦ㑐ࠊࠆ୫ੱߣᔕᧅ⠪⋧ 㑆ߩᮭ߅ࠃ߮⟵ോߪޔ୫ੱ߇ᧄࠟࠗ࠼ࠗࡦߦᓥߞߡ⊒ⴕߔࠆᧅᦠ㘃ߦࠃࠅⷙ ቯߐࠇࠆޕ (6) ᯏ᭴ߣ୫ੱߪޔ୫᱅ߩᷤߦవ┙ߜߪߚ߹ޔ୫᱅ߩᷤߦ㓙ߒߡ⺞ޔ㆐ࠬࠤࠫࡘ ࡞ߦߟߡวᗧߔࠆޕ 㧨⸃⺑㧪 ╙ 㗄ߦߟߡ ᧄ㗄ߪޟޔ୫᱅ߩޠቯ⟵ߣᧄࠟࠗ࠼ࠗࡦ߇୫᱅ᬺߦㆡ↪ߐࠇࠆᣦࠍ⸥ߒߚ߽ߩ ߢࠆޕ ╙ 㗄ߦߟߡ ᧄ㗄ߪޔ୫ੱ߇৻⥸ߦㆩߔߴ߈⺞㆐㑐ㅪߩ࡞࡞ࠍឭ␜ߔࠆߣ߁ᧄࠟࠗ࠼ࠗࡦ ߩ⋡⊛ࠍ⸥ߒߚ߽ߩߢࠆޕ ╙ 㗄ߦߟߡ ᧄ㗄ߪ⺞ޔ㆐ߦߚߞߡߩၮᧄ⊛⠨߃ᣇߣߐࠇࠆේೣࠍ⸥ߒߚ߽ߩߢࠆޕᓥ᧪ߩ⚻ᷣ 84 ᕈ㧔GEQPQO[㧕ޔല₸ᕈ㧔GHHKEKGPE[㧕ޔ㕖Ꮕᕈ㧔ᐔᕈ㧕㧔PQPFKUETKOKPCVKQP㧕ߦ ട߃⺞ޔ㆐ᚻ⛯߈ߩㅘᕈ߽㊀ⷐߥࡐࠗࡦ࠻ߢࠆߣߩ⼂߇㜞߹ߞߡࠆߎߣࠍ〯߹ ߃ޔㅘᕈ㧔VTCPURCTGPE[㧕ߦߟ߈⸥ߒߡࠆߪࠇߎޕ⇇㌁ⴕߩ⺞㆐ࠟࠗ࠼ࠗࡦ ߦ߅ߡ߽ၮᧄේೣߩ৻ߟߣߐࠇߡࠆޕ ╙ 㗄ߦߟߡ ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߪޔᯏ᭴ߣ୫ੱߣߩ㑆ߢวᗧߒߚࠬࠤࠫࡘ࡞ߦᓥߞߡታᣉߐࠇߥߌࠇ ߫ߥࠄߥޕ୫ੱߪޔ୫᱅ᄾ⚂㧔.#㧕⺞ශ೨ߦㅴࠄࠇࠆ⺞㆐ᚻ⛯߈ߦߟߡᯏ᭴ߣ ද⼏ߩޔᐭ㐿⊒េഥ㧔1&#㧕ߦ߆߆ࠆ࿖㓙⊛ߥⷙೣߦᓥߞߡ⺞ޔ㆐ᚻ⛯߈ࠍㅴࠆߎ ߣ߇ߢ߈ࠆޕ ╙ 㗄ߦߟߡ ᧄࠟࠗ࠼ࠗࡦߪߊ߹ߢᯏ᭴ߣ୫ੱ㑆ߩ୫᱅ᄾ⚂㧔.#㧕ߩ৻ㇱߢࠆߣߎࠈޔ ⋥ធᒰ⠪ߚࠆ୫ੱߣหᔕᧅ⠪߹ߚߪᄾ⚂⠪ߣߩ㑆ߢ⪭ᧅቯޔᄾ⚂✦⚿╬⺞ ㆐ߦ㑐ߔࠆ㗴߇↢ߓߚߣߒߡ߽ᦠᧅߪࠄࠇߘޔ㘃߹ߚߪᄾ⚂ᦠࠍၮߦ⋥ធᒰ ⠪㑆ߢ⸃ߐࠇࠆߴ߈ߢࠅޔᯏ᭴ߪࠄ⽿છࠍ⽶߁ߴ߈┙႐ߦߪߥᧄޕ㗄 ߢߪ⺞ޔ㆐ߩ⽿છߪߊ߹ߢ୫ੱߦࠅޔᯏ᭴ߦ⽿છ߇ߥߎߣࠍ⸥ߒߡ ࠆޕ ᧄࠟࠗ࠼ࠗࡦߪޔㅢᏱߩࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻୫᱅ߦ߅ߌࠆࠦࡦࠨ࡞࠹ࠖࡦࠣᬺോࠍ㒰 ߊޔㅢᏱߩ⾗ᯏ᧚߅ࠃ߮ᓎോ㧔ߩ⺞㆐㧕ࠍߘߩㆡ↪ኻ⽎ߣߔࠆ߽ߩߢࠆߚߒޕ ߇ߞߡ․ઁߩߘޔᱶࠤࠬߦ㑐ߒߡߪޔฦࠤࠬߦᔕߓߩࡦࠗ࠼ࠗࠟޔㅊട 㒰ࠍߚୃᱜ߹ߚߪᣂߚߥ⺞㆐ࠬࠠࡓᚑ╬ࠍએߞߡㆡቱኻಣߔࠆᔅⷐ߇ ࠆޕ ㆡᩰᔕᧅ⠪㑆ߩ㕖Ꮕᕈߩේೣ߆ࠄޔ೨⾗ᩰክᩏ߿ᧅ⹏ଔߦ㓙ߒ࿖ౝડᬺఝㆄភ⟎ 㧔2TGHGTGPVKCN/CTIKP&QOGUVKE2TGHGTGPEG㧕ࠍ⻠ߓࠆߎߣߪࠄࠇߥޕ ℂ↱ߪᰴߩߣ߅ࠅޕ (a) ୫᱅ᬺߦ߅ߡోߡߩㆡᩰડᬺߪᐔߦᛒࠊࠇߥߌࠇ߫ߥࠄߥޕ (b) ߆߆ࠆఝㆄភ⟎ߪᬺ⾌ߩჇᄢߪࠆޔᛛⴚ㕙ߢߩࡄࡈࠜࡑࡦࠬߩૐਅࠍ ߊ߅ߘࠇ߇ࠆޕ (c) ߆߆ࠆఝㆄភ⟎ߪㆡᩰᔕᧅ⠪㑆ߩᱜߥ┹ࠍᱡࠆ߅ߘࠇ߇ࠆޕ ୫ੱࠃࠅ㗫❥ߦឭ᩺ߐࠇࠆ࿖ౝડᬺఝㆄᣇᴺߩઍߪᰴߩߣ߅ࠅߩࠄࠇߎޕ ᣇᴺߪ୫᱅ᬺߦ߅ߡߪฃߌࠇࠄࠇߥޕ (a) ࿖ౝડᬺߣߩឭ៤㧔#UUQEKCVKQP,QKPV8GPVWTG㧔,8㧕㧕⟵ോઃߌ㧦ฃߌࠇ ਇนࠆ߆߆ޔߒߛߚޕឭ៤ߩޟᅑബޠ㧔GPEQWTCIGOGPV㧕ߪฃߌࠇᓧࠆޕ (b) ࿖ౝડᬺࠍߦᛒ߁⹏ଔၮḰޔ೨⾗ᩰክᩏߦ㓙ߒߡߩ࿖ౝ⚻㛎ߦኻߔࠆㆊ 85 ᐲߥ㈩ὐ㧦ฃߌࠇਇนޕ ᔕᧅ⠪㑆ߩ⥄↱ߥ┹ࠍଦㅴߔࠆߚޔᯏ᭴ߪᧅߦవ┙ߟ੍ቯଔᩰߩߦߪหᗧߢ ߈ߥߣߩ┙႐ࠍขߞߡ߈ߚࠄ߇ߥߒ߆ߒޕㄭᤨޔ୫ੱ߿࿖㓙ᯏ㑐ߩਛߦߪᧅޔᚻ ⛯߈ߦ߅ߌࠆㅘᕈࠍᦨ㊀ⷐⷞߔࠆⷰὐ߆ࠄ੍ቯଔᩰߩࠍ᳞ࠆߣߎࠈ߽ߡ߈ ߡࠆޔߚߩߘޕᯏ᭴ߪⓍᭂ⊛ߦߪ੍ቯଔᩰߩࠍᅑബߒߥ߽ߩߩޔ୫ੱ߇ߎ ࠇࠍߔࠆߎߣࠍᏗᦸߔࠆ႐วߦߪޔᯏ᭴ߪߎࠇߦኻߒߡ⇣⼏ࠍ໒߃ߥߎߣ߽ࠅ ᓧࠆޕ ᱜߥ┹ࠍ⏕ߔࠆߚߩ৻ޟᔕᧅ⠪৻ᔕᧅ㧔1PG$KF2GT$KFFGT㧕ߩޠේೣߦၮߠ ߈ޔડᬺߩឭ៤߅ࠃ߮ ,8 ߦ߆߆ࠆၮḰߪᰴߩߣ߅ࠅߣߔࠆޕ ᄾ⚂ޟㅪᏪߒߡ ޠLQKPVN[CPFUGXGTCNN[ᬺോో⥸ߦ⽿છࠍ⽶߁ડᬺߪࡉࠨޔ ࠦࡦ࠻ࠢ࠲ࠍ߆ߥࠆᒻᘒߦ߅ߡ߽ ߟએߩᧅߦෳടߔࠆߎߣߪߢ ߈ߥޕ ࠨࡉࠦࡦ࠻ࠢ࠲ߣߒߡޔᄾ⚂ᬺോో⥸ߦ⽿છࠍ⽶ࠊߥડᬺߪߩߘޔᒻᘒ ߢߩߺ ߟએߩᧅߦෳടߔࠆߎߣ߽ࠄࠇࠆޕ 86 ╙ 1.02 ᧦ ࿖㓙┹ᧅ Section 1.02 International Competitive Bidding (ICB) JICA considers that in most cases International Competitive Bidding (ICB) is the best method for satisfying the requirements regarding procurement of goods and services for projects stated in Section 1.01 (3) above. JICA, therefore, normally requires Borrowers to obtain goods and services through ICB in accordance with the procedures described in Part II of these Guidelines. 㧨⸶ᢥ㧪 ᯏ᭴ߪߩߤࠎߣ߶ޔ႐วޔᬺߦᔅⷐߥ⾗ᯏ᧚߅ࠃ߮ᓎോߩ⺞㆐ߦ㑐ߒޔ⸥╙ 1.01 ᧦╙ (3)㗄ߦߡㅀߴߚᔅⷐ㗄ࠍḩ⿷ߐߖࠆߚߦߪ࿖㓙┹ᧅ㧔ICB㧕߇ᦨ⦟ߩᣇᴺߢࠆ ߣ⠨߃ࠆޔߡߞ߇ߚߒޕᯏ᭴ߪޔㅢᏱ୫ੱߦኻߒߡ⾗ᯏ᧚߅ࠃ߮ᓎോߩ⺞㆐ࠍᧄࠟࠗ࠼ ࠗࡦ╙ 2 ┨ߦⷙቯߔࠆ࿖㓙┹ᧅߩᚻ⛯߈ߦၮߠߡⴕ߁ࠃ߁᳞ߡࠆޕ 㧨⸃⺑㧪 ᧄ᧦ߪ ╙᧦ ╙ޔ㗄ߩේೣߦᾖࠄߒ߽ᦨޔㆡߒߚ⺞㆐ᣇᴺߪㅢᏱߩ႐วߢߪ࿖㓙┹ ᧅ㧔+%$㧕ߢࠆߣߩ್ᢿߦၮߠߊޕ 87 ╙ 1.03 ᧦ ࿖㓙┹ᧅએᄖߩ⺞㆐ᣇᴺ Section 1.03 Procedures Other than International Competitive Bidding (ICB) (1) There may be special circumstances in which ICB may not be appropriate, and JICA may consider alternative procedures acceptable in cases of the following: (a) Where the Borrower wishes to maintain reasonable standardization of its equipment or spare parts in the interests of compatibility with existing equipment. (b) Where the Borrower wishes to maintain continuity of services related to goods and services provided under an existing contract awarded in accordance with procedures acceptable to JICA. (c) Where the number of qualified contractors, suppliers or manufacturers (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Contractor(s)”) is limited. (d) Where the amount involved in the procurement is so small that foreign firms clearly would not be interested, or that the advantages of ICB would be outweighed by the administrative burden involved. (e) Where, in addition to cases (a), (b), (c) and (d) above, JICA deems it inappropriate to follow ICB procedures, e.g. in the case of emergency procurement. (2) In the above-mentioned cases the following procurement methods, may, as appropriate, be applied in such a manner as to comply with the ICB procedures to the fullest possible extent: (a) Limited International Bidding (LIB), which is essentially international competitive bidding by direct invitation without open advertisement. (b) International Shopping, which is a procurement method based on comparing price quotations obtained from several (usually at least three) foreign and/or local suppliers to ensure competitive prices. (c) Direct Contracting. (3) These Guidelines will not apply in the case of procurement of goods and services which are to be financed by the local currency portion of the Loan. Procurement of such goods and services shall, however, be effected with due attention to the considerations stated in Section 1.01 (3). JICA deems it appropriate that such procurement be effected through Local Competitive Bidding (LCB) among Contractors of the country of the Borrower. 㧨⸶ᢥ㧪 (1) ࿖㓙┹ᧅ㧔ICB㧕߇ㆡᒰߢߥߊޔᯏ᭴߇ઁߩᣇᴺࠍᓧࠆࠃ߁ߥ․ᱶߥ⁁ᴫߪએ 88 ਅߩߣ߅ࠅߢࠆޕ (a) ୫ੱ߇ᣢሽᯏེߣߩㆡวᕈࠍ࿑ࠆ߆ࠄޔᯏེ߹ߚߪࠬࡍࠕࡄ࠷ߦߟߡᅷ ᒰߥ▸࿐ߢߩⷙᩰ⛔৻⛽ᜬࠍᏗᦸߔࠆ႐วޕ (b) ୫ੱ߇ޔᯏ᭴߇ੌᛚߔࠆᚻ⛯߈ߦᓥ⪭ᧅߐࠇߚᣢሽᄾ⚂ߩၮߢଏ⛎ߐࠇࠆ⾗ᯏ ᧚߅ࠃ߮ᓎോߦ߆߆ࠆᬺോߣߩ⛮⛯ᕈࠍ࿑ࠆߎߣࠍᏗᦸߔࠆ႐วޕ (c) ㆡ⏕ߥ⺧⽶⠪ޔଏ⛎⠪߹ߚߪㅧ⠪㧔એਅ✚⒓ߒߡޕ߁ߣޠ࠲ࠢ࠻ࡦࠦޟ㧕 ߩᢙ߇㒢ࠄࠇߡࠆ႐วޕ (d) ᒰ⺞㆐㊄㗵߇ዋ㗵ߥߚᄖ࿖ડᬺ߇⥝ࠍ␜ߐߥߎߣ߇⏕ߥ႐วޔߪߚ߹ޔ ዋ㗵ߥߚ࿖㓙┹ᧅࠍⴕ߁ߎߣߦࠃߞߡ↢ߕࠆ▤ℂߩ⽶ᜂ߇ߘߩὐࠍ ᑫࠆ႐วޕ (e) ⸥(a)(ޔb)(ޔc)߅ࠃ߮(d)ߦട߃✕ޔᕆ⺞㆐ߩ႐วߩࠃ߁ߦᯏ᭴߇࿖㓙┹ᧅࠍ ਇㆡᒰߣߺߥߔ႐วޕ (2) ⸥ߩ႐วޔᰴߩࠃ߁ߥ⺞㆐ᣇᴺ߇ㆡ↪ߐࠇᓧࠆ߇ߩߘޔ㓙ߦߪᦨᄢ㒢น⢻ߥ㒢ࠅ࿖㓙 ┹ᧅߩ⿰ᣦࠍขࠅࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ (a) 㒢ቯ࿖㓙ᧅ㧔LIB㧕 㧔␜ߥߒߩ⋥ធ⺧ߦࠃࠆታ⾰⊛ߥ࿖㓙┹ᧅ㧕 (b) ࠗࡦ࠲࠽࡚ࠪ࠽࡞࡚ࠪ࠶ࡇࡦࠣ㧔ଔᩰ┹ࠍ⏕ߔࠆߚߦⶄᢙ㧔ㅢᏱߪ 3 ⠪એ 㧕ߩᄖ࿖߅ࠃ߮㧛߹ߚߪߩଏ⛎⠪߆ࠄᓧߚଔᩰⓍߩᲧセߦၮߠߊ⺞㆐ᣇ ᴺ㧕 (c) 㓐ᗧᄾ⚂ (3) ᧄ⺞㆐ࠟࠗ࠼ࠗࡦߪޔ୫᱅ߩౝ⽻ㇱಽ߆ࠄⲢ⾗ߐࠇࠆ⾗ᯏ᧚߅ࠃ߮ᓎോߩ⺞㆐ߦ㓙ߒ ߡߪㆡ↪ߐࠇߥ߽ߩߣߔࠆ⾗ࠆ߆߆ޔߒ߆ߒޕᯏ᧚߅ࠃ߮ᓎോߩ⺞㆐ߪ ╙ޔ1.01 ᧦ ╙(3)㗄ߦߡㅀߴߚᔅⷐ㗄ߦචಽ㈩ᘦߒߡⴕ߁߽ߩߣߔࠆޕᯏ᭴ߪ⺞ࠆ߆߆ޔ㆐ߪ୫ ࿖ߩࠆࠃߦޠ࠲ࠢ࠻ࡦࠦޟ┹ᧅ㧔LCB㧕߇ㆡಾߣ⠨߃ࠆޕ 㧨⸃⺑㧪 ᧄ᧦ߪޔේೣᣇᴺߚࠆ࿖㓙┹ᧅ㧔+%$㧕એᄖߩ⺞㆐ᣇᴺߩ↪߇น⢻ߥࠤࠬ߅ޔ ࠃ߮ߘߩᣇᴺࠍ↪ߔࠆ႐วߦណࠆߴ߈ᚻ⛯߈ߦߟ߈⸥ߒߚ߽ߩߢࠆޕ ╙ 㗄ߦߟߡ ౝ⽻Ⲣ⾗ߩኻ⽎ߣߥࠆ⾗ᯏ᧚߅ࠃ߮ᓎോߩ⺞㆐ߦߚߞߡߪᧄࠟࠗ࠼ࠗࡦߩㆡ↪ߪⴕ ࠊߕޔ୫࿖㑆ߢ৻⥸⊛ߦ↪ߐࠇߡࠆ⺞㆐ᚻ⛯߈ࠍࠆ߇ߩߘޔ㓙ߢ߽╙ ᧦ ╙ 㗄ߦߡㅀߴߚⷐઙࠍ⏕ߔࠆ߆ࠄ┹ᧅ߇ᦸ߹ߒᣦࠍⷙቯߒߡࠆޕ 89 ╙ 1.04 ᧦ ㆡᩰᕈ Section 1.04 Eligibility (1) A firm or an organization which has been engaged by the Borrower to provide consulting services for the preparation related to procurement for or implementation of a project, and any of its associates/affiliates (inclusive of parent firms), shall be disqualified from working in any other capacity on the same project (including bidding relating to any goods and services for any part of the project). Only in special cases and only with clear justification, and after taking into account all aspects and circumstances, may JICA and the Borrower agree to permit a firm and/or its associates/affiliates (inclusive of parent firms) to be invited to bid on a project financed by Japanese ODA Loans as a Contractor, when it is also employed on the same project as a consultant. (2) The provisions of paragraph (1) of this Section also apply to Contractors who lend, or temporarily second, their personnel to firms or organizations which are engaged in consulting services for the preparation related to procurement for or implementation of the project, if the personnel would be involved in any capacity on the same project. 㧨⸶ᢥ㧪 (1) ᒰᬺߩ⺞㆐ߦ߆߆ࠆḰ߹ߚߪታᣉߦ߆߆ࠆࠦࡦࠨ࡞࠹ࠖࡦࠣᬺോࠍฃᵈߒߚડ ᬺ߹ߚߪ⚵❱߅ࠃ߮㑐ㅪળ␠㧛♽ળ␠㧔ⷫળ␠ࠍ㧕ߪޔห৻ᬺߦ߅ߌࠆઁߩ ߆ߥࠆᬺോ㧔⾗ᯏ᧚߅ࠃ߮ᓎോߩឭଏߦ߆߆ࠆᧅෳടࠍ㧕ࠍⴕ߁ߎߣ߆ࠄ߽ᄬᩰ ߣߐࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆ․ޕᱶߥ႐ว߆ߟ⏕ߥᱜᒰᕈ߇ࠄࠇࠆ႐วߦߩߺߩ⥸⻉ޔ ᖱࠍൊ᩺ߩޔᯏ᭴ߣ୫ੱߪޔᣢߦࠦࡦࠨ࡞࠲ࡦ࠻ߣߒߡ㓹↪ߐࠇߡࠆડᬺ߹ߚߪ ߘߩ㑐ㅪળ␠㧛♽ળ␠㧔ⷫળ␠ࠍ㧕߇ޔห৻ᬺߩߡߒߣޠ࠲ࠢ࠻ࡦࠦޟ ᧅߦෳടߢ߈ࠆᣦวᗧߔࠆߎߣ߽ࠆޕ (2) ⸥╙(1)㗄ߩⷙቯߪ߇ޠ࠲ࠢ࠻ࡦࠦޟޔᒰᬺߩ⺞㆐ߦ߆߆ࠆḰ߹ߚߪታᣉ ߦ߆߆ࠆࠦࡦࠨ࡞࠹ࠖࡦࠣᬺോߦᓥߒߡࠆડᬺ߹ߚߪ⚵❱ߦߩ␠⥄ޔ⡯ຬࠍ⾉ਈ߽ ߒߊߪ৻ᤨ⊛ߦᵷ㆜ߒޔห⡯ຬ߇ᒰᬺߦᵷ㆜ߒޔห⡯ຬ߇ᒰᬺߦ߆߆ࠆࠄ߆ ߩᬺോࠍⴕߞߡࠆ႐วޔᒰ߽ߡߟߦޠ࠲ࠢ࠻ࡦࠦޟㆡ↪ߐࠇࠆޕ 90 㧨⸃⺑㧪 ╙ 㗄߅ࠃ߮╙ 㗄ߦߟߡ ⾉ޟਈ߹ߚߪ৻ᤨ⊛ߦᵷ㆜ߪߡߟߦ㉼⸃ߩޠએਅߩߣ߅ࠅޕ ᑪ⸳ᬺ⠪߹ߚߪㅧᬺ⠪߇ࠦࡦࠨ࡞࠲ࡦ࠻ߦ⥄␠ߩ⡯ຬࠍ⾉ޟਈᤨ৻ޟߪߚ߹ޠ ⊛ߦᵷ㆜ࠆߡߒޠ႐วޔᒰ⡯ຬ߇ⷫరડᬺߩଥࠊࠆࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ࠍᜂᒰߒߡ ߥߌࠇ߫ⷫరડᬺߩᒰࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߩᔕᧅ⾗ᩰߦߟ߈㗴ߣߪߒߥޕ ⾉ޟਈߦ⊛ᤨ৻ޟߪߚ߹ޠᵷ㆜ࠆߡࠇߐޠ⡯ຬߣߪⷫޔరડᬺࠍㅌ⡯ߒߡߥ ⡯ຬߣߔࠆޟޕㅌ⡯ޔߪߣޠㅌ⡯㊄߇ᡰᛄࠊࠇߚߎߣ߅ࠃ߮ޔㅌ⡯ᓟⷫޔరડ ᬺ߆ࠄ㊄㌛⊛ߥଢ⋉ࠍฃߌߡߥߎߣߣߔࠆޔߡߞ߇ߚߒޕᒰ⡯ຬ߇ⷫరડ ᬺࠍㅌ⡯ߒߚᤨὐએ㒠ߪⷫޔరડᬺߣߩ㑐ଥߦ߅ߡ⾉ޔਈ߹ߚߪ৻ᤨ⊛ߦᵷ㆜ ߐࠇߡࠆߣߪߥߐࠇߥޕ ⷫޟరડᬺߦଥࠊࠆࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ࠍᜂᒰߔࠆޔߪߣޠᒰࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߩࠦࡦࠨ ࡞࠲ࡦ࠻ᄾ⚂ޔᒰ⡯ຬ߇ᬺߣᧄ␠ᬺߣࠍࠊߕᬺോߦᓥߔࠆߎߣ ߇⸥ߐࠇߡࠆ႐วࠍᜰߔઁޕᣇ␠⥄ޔ⡯ຬࠍࠦࡦࠨ࡞࠲ࡦ࠻ߦะߐߖߡ ߡ߽ޔᒰ⡯ຬ߇㗴ߣߥߞߡࠆࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߦᓥߒߡߥߌࠇ߫ޔᒰⷫ రડᬺߩਛ┙ᕈߦߟߡ㗴ߣߪߥࠄߥޕ ࠦࡦࠨ࡞࠲ࡦ࠻ߩਛ┙ᕈߪ⺞ޔ㆐Ბ㓏ߩࠦࡦࠨ࡞࠲ࡦ࠻ᄾ⚂ߩߺߥࠄߕ⸳⚦ޔ ⸘Ბ㓏ᦠᧅޔ㘃ᚑᲑ㓏ਗ߮ߦᣉᎿ⋙ℂᲑ㓏ߦ㑐ࠊࠆࠦࡦࠨ࡞࠲ࡦ࠻ᄾ⚂ߦ߅ ߡ߽᳞ࠄࠇࠆޕහߜޔ⸥Ბ㓏ߦᓥߔࠆోߡߩࠦࡦࠨ࡞࠲ࡦ࠻ߩ⡯ຬߪᔕ ᧅડᬺ߆ࠄਛ┙ߢߥߌࠇ߫ߥࠄߥޕ ડᬺ㧔ࠦࡦࠨ࡞࠲ࡦ࠻ડᬺߩ㑐ㅪળ␠╬㧕߇ᧄ᧦ߦ㆑ߒߡࠆߎߣ߇⊒ⷡߒߚ႐วޔ ᒰડᬺߪේೣߣߒߡᄬᩰߣߐࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ 91 ╙ 1.05 ᧦ ᯏ᭴ߩ⏕ Section 1.05 JICA’s Review (1) JICA may review the Borrower's procurement procedures, documents and decisions. The Borrower shall submit to JICA, for JICA’s reference, any related documents and information as JICA may reasonably request. The Loan Agreement will specify the extent to which review procedures will apply in respect of goods and services to be financed out of the proceeds of the Loan. (2) JICA does not finance expenditures for goods and services which, in the opinion of JICA, have not been procured in accordance with the agreed procedures and JICA will cancel that portion of the Loan allocated to such goods and services that have been misprocured. JICA may, in addition, exercise other remedies under the Loan Agreement. 㧨⸶ᢥ㧪 (1) ᯏ᭴ߪ୫ੱߩ⺞㆐ߦ߆߆ࠆᚻ⛯߈ᦠޔ㘃߅ࠃ߮ቯ㗄ࠍ⏕ߢ߈ࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ୫ ੱߪޔᯏ᭴ߩ⏕ߩߚޔᯏ᭴߇ᱜᒰߦⷐ᳞ߔࠆ㑐ଥᦠ㘃߅ࠃ߮ᖱႎࠍឭߒߥߌࠇ ߫ߥࠄߥޕ୫᱅ᄾ⚂㧔L/A㧕ߦߪޔ୫᱅ߩ⾉ઃ㊄ߦࠃࠅⲢ⾗ߐࠇࠆ⾗ᯏ᧚߅ࠃ߮ᓎോ ߦ߆߆ࠆ⏕ᚻ⛯߈߇ㆡ↪ߐࠇࠆ▸࿐ࠍⷙቯߔࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ (2) ᯏ᭴ߪޔᯏ᭴ߩᗧߦ߅ߡޔ୫᱅ᄾ⚂ߦ߅ߌࠆวᗧᚻ⛯߈ߦࠃߞߡ⺞㆐ߐࠇߥ߆ߞߚ ⾗ᯏ᧚߅ࠃ߮ᓎോߩᡰߦߟߡߪⲢ⾗ࠍⴕࠊߥޔߚ߹ޕᯏ᭴ߪޔਇㆡᱜߦ⺞㆐ߐࠇ ߚ⾗ᯏ᧚߅ࠃ߮ᓎോߦ㈩ಽߐࠇߚ୫᱅ߩᒰㇱಽࠍขࠅᶖߔߦᦝޕᯏ᭴ߪޔ୫᱅ᄾ⚂ߦ ၮߠ߈ઁߩᢇᷣᚻᲑࠍߣࠆߎߣ߽ߢ߈ࠆޕ 㧨⸃⺑㧪 ৻⥸⊛ߦ⾗ޔᯏ᧚߅ࠃ߮ᓎോߦ߆߆ࠆ⺞㆐ߩቯߦ㓙ߒޔᯏ᭴ߩ⏕ߣหᗧߩኻ⽎ߣ ߥߞߡࠆ߽ߩߪએਅߩߣ߅ࠅޕ ୫ੱ߇࿖㓙┹ᧅ㧔+%$㧕એᄖߩ⺞㆐ᣇᴺࠍណ↪ߔࠆߎߣࠍᏗᦸߔࠆ႐วߦߪޔ ୫ੱߪᯏ᭴ߦኻߒ⺞㆐ᣇᴺߩ⏕↳⺧ࠍឭߔࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ ೨⾗ᩰክᩏߩ␜߅ࠃ߮㧛߹ߚߪㅢ⍮ߩ೨ߦޔ୫ੱߪ೨⾗ᩰክᩏᦠ㘃ࠍᯏ ᭴ߦኻߒឭߔࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ ೨⾗ᩰክᩏߦࠃࠅߊߟ߆ߩડᬺ߇ㆬቯߐࠇߚᓟޔ୫ੱߪߩߡోޔ㑐ㅪᦠ㘃 ࠍᷝઃߒߡޔᒰડᬺࠬ࠻߅ࠃ߮ㆬቯℂ↱ࠍㆬቯᚻ⛯߈ߦ㑐ߔࠆႎ๔ᦠࠍ 92 ឭߔࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ ᧅ⺧೨ߦޔ୫ੱߪᔕᧅ⠪߳ߩㅢ⍮ᜰ␜ᦠᧅޔ᭽ᑼޔᄾ⚂᩺ޔ᭽ᦠޔ ࿑㕙߅ࠃ߮ઁߩᧅߦ߆߆ࠆᦠ㘃ࠍᯏ᭴ߦኻߒߡឭߔࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ ৻Ბ㓏㧦ੑᧅᧅᚻ⛯߈ࠍណ↪ߔࠆ႐วޔ୫ੱߪଔᩰᧅࠍ㐿ᧅߔࠆ೨ߦᛛⴚᧅ ⹏ଔࠍᯏ᭴ߦኻߒߡឭߔࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ ⪭ᧅㅢ⍮ᦠࠍᦨߩᔕᧅ⠪ߦઃߔࠆ೨ߦޔ୫ੱߪᧅ⹏ଔ߅ࠃ߮⪭ᧅㅢ⍮ ᩺㧔⸥ ࠍណ↪ߒߚ႐วޔ㨬ᧅ⹏ଔ㨭ࠍޟଔᩰ⹏ଔߔߣߩ߽ࠆ߃ᦧߺ⺒ߦޠ ࠆޕ㧕ࠍᯏ᭴ߦឭߔࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ ⺞㆐ࠟࠗ࠼ࠗࡦ╙ ᧦ߦⷙቯߔࠆߣ߅ࠅޔ୫ੱ߇ḩ⿷ߔࠆᄾ⚂ࠍᓧࠆߚ ߦోᧅࠍᜎุߔࠆߎߣ߅ࠃ߮ᦨૐ⹏ଔଔᩰᔕᧅ⠪ߣᷤߔࠆߎߣࠍᏗᦸߔࠆ႐ ว㧔ࠆߪᦨޔૐ⹏ଔଔᩰ╙ੑߩᔕᧅ⠪ߣߩᷤ߇ਇ⺞ߦ⚳ࠊߞߚ႐ว㧕ߦ ߪޔ୫ੱߪᯏ᭴ߦኻߒߡޔℂ↱ࠍࠄ߆ߦߒߚߢޔ೨ߩ⏕߅ࠃ߮หᗧࠍ ᳞ࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ ᄾ⚂ࠍ✦⚿ᰴ╙ޔ୫ੱߪᱜᑼߦ⸽ߐࠇߚᄾ⚂ᦠߩ౮ߒࠍᯏ᭴ߦឭߔࠆ߽ߩ ߣߔࠆޕ ᯏ᭴ߪޔ୫᱅ᄾ⚂㧔.#㧕ߦၮߠ߈ㅊട⊛ᢇᷣភ⟎ࠍߟߢ߽ၫⴕߔࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈ࠆޕ 93 ╙ 1.06 ᧦ ⣣ᢌ߹ߚߪਇᱜⴕὑ Section 1.06 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices (1) It is JICA’s policy to require that bidders and Contractors, as well as Borrowers, under contracts funded with Japanese ODA Loans and other Japanese ODA observe the highest standard of ethics during the procurement and execution of such contracts. In pursuance of this policy, JICA; (a) will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the bidder recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the contract in question; (b) will recognize a Contractor as ineligible, for a period determined by JICA, to be awarded a contract funded with Japanese ODA Loans if it at any time determines that the Contractor has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for, or in executing, another contract funded with Japanese ODA Loans or other Japanese ODA. (2) This provision shall be stated in the bidding documents and in the contract between the Borrower and the Contractor. 㧨⸶ᢥ㧪 (1) ᯏ᭴ߪޔᔕᧅ⠪ޠ࠲ࠢ࠻ࡦࠦޟޔਗ߮ߦ୫ੱ߇ޔ୫᱅ᬺ߅ࠃ߮ઁߩᣣᧄߩ ODA ᬺߩᄾ⚂ߦ߆߆ࠆ⺞㆐߅ࠃ߮ታᣉߦߚࠅᦨ㜞᳓Ḱߩ୶ℂࠍㆩߔࠆࠃ߁ⷐ᳞ ߔࠆࠅࠃߦࠇߎޕᯏ᭴ߪޔ (a) ⪭ᧅߣផᅑߐࠇߚᔕᧅ⠪߇ޔᒰ୫᱅ᬺߦ߅ߡᄾ⚂ࠍฃᵈߔࠆߦߚࠅޔ⣣ ᢌ߹ߚߪਇᱜⴕὑߦ㑐ਈߒߚߣࠄࠇߚ႐วߩᧅ⪭ߩߘޔឭ᩺ࠍᜎุߔࠆޕ (b) ޔ߇ޠ࠲ࠢ࠻ࡦࠦޟ ઁߩ୫᱅ᬺ߹ߚߪઁߩᣣᧄߩ ODA ᬺߩᄾ⚂ࠍฃᵈޔ ߹ߚߪᄾ⚂ጁⴕਛߦ⣣ᢌ߹ߚߪਇᱜⴕὑߦ㑐ਈߒߚߣࠄࠇߚ႐วࡦࠦޟߩߘޔ ࠻ࠢ࠲ࠍޠᯏ᭴߇ቯࠆ৻ቯᦼ㑆ޔ୫᱅ᬺߩᄾ⚂ࠍฃᵈߔࠆߎߣ߆ࠄᄬᩰ ߣߔࠆޕ (2) ᧄⷙቯߪᦠᧅޔ㘃߅ࠃ߮୫ੱߣߩߣޠ࠲ࠢ࠻ࡦࠦޟ㑆ߩᄾ⚂ᦠߦ⸥タߐࠇࠆ߽ ߩߣߔࠆޕ 㧨⸃⺑㧪 ᧄ᧦ߪޔᄖ࿖ോຬ߳ߩ⿅⾔ࠍ㒐ᱛߔࠆ 1'%& ᧦⚂ߩ⊒ലޔ⇇㌁ⴕࠕࠫࠕޔ㐿⊒㌁ⴕ 㧔#&$㧕ߩ⺞㆐ࠦࡦࠨ࡞࠲ࡦ࠻㓹↪ࠟࠗ࠼ࠗࡦ߳ߩ⣣ᢌ㒐ᱛ᧦㗄ߩㅊട╬ޔ࿖㓙⊛ 94 ߦ㜞߹ࠅߟߟࠆ⣣ᢌ㒐ᱛࠦࡦࡦࠨࠬࠍฃߌⷙቯߒߚ߽ߩߢࠆޕ ᯏ᭴ߢߐࠇߡࠆ㑐ㅪⷙ⒟ߦ߅ߡ߁ߦ᧦ᧄޔ⣣ᢌ߹ߚߪਇᱜⴕὑ╬ߦ㑐ਈߒ ߚડᬺ╬ߦኻߒߡขࠄࠇࠆౕ⊛ߥភ⟎߇ቯࠄࠇߡࠆޕ ╙ 㗄ߦߟߡ ୫᱅ᬺ߅ࠃ߮ઁߩᣣᧄߩ 1&# ᬺߢ⣣ᢌ߹ߚߪਇᱜⴕὑߦ㑐ਈߒߚߣ್ᢿߐࠇߚᔕ ᧅ⠪ߦኻߒߡޔᯏ᭴߇ቯࠆ৻ቯߩᦼ㑆ޔ୫᱅ᬺߦ߅ߌࠆᔕᧅ⾗ᩰࠍᄬ߁ߎߣߦߥ ࠆᣦㅢ⍮ߔࠆߚߦᦠᧅޔ㘃ߦᧄ㗄ࠍ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ 95 ╙2┨ ࿖㓙┹ᧅ㧔ICB㧕 Part II INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING (ICB) A. ᄾ⚂ߩᒻᘒߣⷙᮨ A. Type and Size of Contract ╙ 2.01 ᧦ ᄾ⚂ߩᒻᘒ Section 2.01 Types of Contract (1) Contracts may be concluded on the basis of unit prices for work performed or items supplied, a lump sum price, cost-reimbursable, or a combination thereof for different portions of the contract, depending on the nature of the goods or services to be provided. The bidding documents shall clearly state the type of contract selected. (2) Cost-reimbursable contracts are not acceptable to JICA except in exceptional circumstances, such as conditions of high risk or where costs cannot be determined in advance with sufficient accuracy. (3) Single contracts for engineering, supply of equipment and construction to be provided by the same party ("turnkey contracts") are acceptable if they offer technical and economic advantages to the Borrower, e.g. where a special process or considerable integration of the various stages is desirable. 㧨⸶ᢥ㧪 (1) ᄾ⚂ߪޔଏ⛎ߐࠇࠆ⾗ᯏ᧚߹ߚߪᓎോߩᕈᩰߦᔕߓߡޔጁⴕᎿ߹ߚߪଏ⛎ຠ⋡ߦၮߠ ߊනଔᄾ⚂✚ޔଔᄾ⚂ߪߒߥޔታ⾌ఘㆶᄾ⚂ߢ߽ࠃߊߪࠆޔᄾ⚂ߩㇱಽㇱಽߦࠃ ࠅߎࠇࠄࠍ૬↪ߒߡ߽ࠃޕណ↪ߐࠇࠆᄾ⚂ᒻᘒߪᧅᦠ㘃ߦ⸥ߐࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ (2) ߚߛߒޔታ⾌♖▚ᄾ⚂ߪ߇ࠢࠬޔ㜞ߪߚ߹ޔ೨߽ߞߡචಽߦᱜ⏕ߦߪ⾌↪߇ࠄ ࠇߥ╬ߩᄖ⊛ߥ႐วࠍ㒰߈ޔᯏ᭴ߪฃߌࠇߥޕ (3) ߃߫․ޔߥᎿ⒟ߪߚ߹ޔ⒳ߩޘᎿ⒟ߦ߅ߡ㜞ᐲߥ⛔৻ᕈ߇ᦸ߹ࠇࠆ╬ޔ୫ੱߦ ᛛⴚ⊛⚻ޔᷣ⊛ߥὐ߇ࠆ႐วޔ⸘⸳ޔᯏེଏ⛎߅ࠃ߮ᑪ⸳߇ห৻⠪ߦࠃࠅߥߐࠇࠆ ᄾ⚂ᒻᘒߢࠆන৻ᄾ⚂㧔࠲ࡦࠠᄾ⚂㧕߇ࠄࠇࠆޕ 96 㧨⸃⺑㧪 ╙ 㗄ߦߟߡ ᄾ⚂ߩਥߥᒻᘒߣߒߡߪ✚ޔଔ㧔ࡦࡊࠨࡓ㧕ᄾ⚂㧔NWORUWOEQPVTCEV৻ቯ ߩ㊄㗵ߢ৻ߒߡߣࠅ߹ߣߡᄾ⚂㗵ࠍࠆ߽ߩ㧕ޔනଔᄾ⚂㧔WPKVRTKEG EQPVTCEVᢙ㊂නଔߢᄾ⚂㗵ࠍࠆ߽ߩ㧕ޔታ⾌ఘㆶᄾ⚂㧔EQUVTGKODWTUCDNG EQPVTCEV㧕╬߇ࠅᦠᧅߪࠄࠇߎޔ㘃ਛߦ␜ߐࠇࠆᔅⷐ߇ࠆޕ ✚ଔ㧔ࡦࡊࠨࡓ㧕ᄾ⚂ߪᄾ⚂ኻ⽎ߩౝኈ߇ࠄ߆ߓචಽ߆ߟᆔ⚦ߦផቯߢ߈ ࠆ႐ว㧔ᯅㇱኅደᑪ⸳Ꮏ╬㧕ߦ↪ࠄࠇઁޔᣇޔනଔᄾ⚂ߪኻ⽎ᢙ㊂ ߇ਇ⏕ߥ႐ว߿ኻ⽎Ꮏ㊂߇ᱜ⏕ߦផቯਇน⢻ߥ႐ว㧔ⶄ㔀ߥᧁᎿ╬㧕ߦ ↪ࠄࠇࠆߎߣ߇ᄙᧄޔ߅ߥޕ㗄ߦࠆ̌૬↪̍ߩߣߒߡߪ࠻ࡦࡊޔᄾ⚂ ߦ߅ߌࠆࡊࡦ࠻ᧄࠍ✚ଔ㧔ࡦࡊࠨࡓ㧕ޔ㑐ㅪࡄ࠷㘃ࠍනଔߣߔࠆࠃ߁ߥ ႐ว߇ߍࠄࠇࠆޕ ╙ 㗄ߦߟߡ ታ⾌ఘㆶᄾ⚂ߪᎿ㧔ᬺോ㧕ቢੌᓟߦᄾ⚂ᡰᛄ㗵߇ቯߐࠇࠆ߽ߩߢࠅޔታ㓙ߩᎿ ⾌㧔᧚ᢱ⾌ੱޔઙ⾌╬㧕ߣ㑆ធ⊛ߥ⾌↪㧔ᧄ␠⚻⾌╬㧕߆ࠄᚑࠅ┙ߟޕታ⾌ఘㆶᄾ⚂ ߦߪޔEQUVRNWUHKZGFHGG ᄾ⚂ޔEQUVRNWURGTEGPVCIGHGG ᄾ⚂╬߇ࠆߎޔ߅ߥޕ ߩታ⾌ఘㆶᄾ⚂ߢ೨ߦᄾ⚂㊄㗵ߩ⋡ಣ߇ోߊߚߚߥࠃ߁ߥታ⾌ᓟᛄᄾ⚂ߩ႐วߦߪޔ ୫᱅ኻ⽎㊄㗵߇⏕ቯߒߥߚᧄޔᢥ⸥タߩߣ߅ࠅޔේೣ⊛ߦߪࠄࠇߥޕ ╙ 㗄ߦߟߡ ᄾ⚂ኻ⽎▸࿐ߦ㑐ߔࠆᄾ⚂ᒻᘒߩ৻ߟߣߒߡᧄޔ㗄ߦࠆࠠࡦ࠲ޟᄾ⚂߇ޠߍࠄ ࠇࠆᧄޕᄾ⚂㧔߹ߚߪ⸳⸘ᣉᎿ৻ᄾ⚂㧕ߢߪ⊒ޔᵈ⠪ߩⷐ᳞㗄ߦၮߠߡන৻ߩ ⺧⽶⠪߇ࠣࡦࠕ࠾ࠫࡦࠛޔ㧔ᧁޔᯏ᪾߅ࠃ߮㔚᳇ߦ㑐ߔࠆ߽ߩࠍ㧕⺞ޔ㆐ޔᑪ ⸳߅ࠃ߮⹜ㆇォࠍ⚵ߺวࠊߖߚᎿߩ⸳⸘߅ࠃ߮ቢᚑߦኻߒߡ⽿છࠍ⽶߁ޕ ߥ߅ᧄޔᄾ⚂ᒻᘒࠍᦝߦ⊒ዷߐߖߚ߽ߩߣߒߡ⸳⸘ᣉᎿㆇォᄾ⚂ߣ߫ࠇࠆ߽ߩ߇ ࠆ߇⹜ߪࠇߎޔㆇォᓟߩㆇォᲑ㓏ߦ߅ߌࠆ▤ℂࠍ߽⺧⽶ኻ⽎ߦߔࠆᄾ⚂ࠍᜰߔޕ 97 ╙ 2.02 ᧦ ᄾ⚂ߩⷙᮨ Section 2.02 Size of Contract In the interests of the broadest possible competition, individual contracts for which bids are invited shall, whenever feasible, be of a size large enough to attract bids on an international basis. 㧨⸶ᢥ㧪 ߢ߈ࠆߛߌᐢ▸࿐ߥ┹ࠍⴕ߁ߚߩᧅޔ⺧ߦኻߒߡⴕࠊࠇࠆߩޘᄾ⚂ߪޔน⢻ߥ 㒢ࠅ࿖㓙ၮḰࠍḩߚߔᄢ߈ⷙᮨߩ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ 㧨⸃⺑㧪 ┹ේℂࠍචੑಽߦ߆ߖࠆߎߣ߇ᧅߩ⋡⊛ߩ৻ߟߢࠆએⷙߩᧅޔᮨ㧔ࡠ࠶࠻㧕 ߪᄙߊߩડᬺ߇ᔕᧅߦ⥝ࠍ␜ߔࠃ߁ߦචಽߦᄢ߈ߥ߽ߩߢࠆᔅⷐ߇ࠆ ޔ߅ߥޕ ᬺ ᄾ⚂ߢࠆᔅⷐߪోߊߥ߽ߩߩޔ࿖㓙┹ᧅ㧔+%$㧕ߩㆡ↪㒰ᄖ㧔╙ ᧦╙ ᧦ F㧕ࠍ⋡⊛ߣߔࠆᕭᗧ⊛ߥࡄ࠶ࠤࠫߩಽഀߪㆱߌࠄࠇߨ߫ߥࠄߥޕ୫ੱߪ⥄࿖㧔 ర㧕ડᬺߩฃᵈࠍ⠨ᘦߒߡࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ࠍᄙᢙߩዊ㗵ࡠ࠶࠻ߦಽഀߒࠃ߁ߣߔࠆะ߇ ࠆ߇ޔߪࠇߎޔ࿖㓙┹ᧅ㧔+%$㧕ᵴ↪ߩน⢻ᕈ߇シᷫߐࠇࠆ߫߆ࠅߢߥߊޔฦࡠ࠶࠻㑆 ߩ⺞ᢛ߇࿎㔍ߣߥࠆߎߣޔᄾ⚂▤ℂ߇ᾘ㔀ߣߥࠆߎߣ╬ߩ᩺ઙ⋙ℂ㕙߳ߩᑷኂ߇ᄢ߈ߎ ߣ߆ࠄޔᭂജㆱߌࠆߴ߈ߢࠆޕ 98 ╙ 2.03 ᧦ ৻Ბ㓏㧦ੑᧅᧅ߅ࠃ߮ੑᲑ㓏ᧅ Section 2.03 Single-Stage: Two-Envelope Bidding and Two-Stage Bidding (1) For works, machinery and equipment for which complete technical specifications are prepared in advance, a single-stage: two-envelope bidding procedure should be adopted. Under this procedure, bidders will be invited to submit technical and financial proposals simultaneously in two separate envelopes. The technical proposals are opened first and reviewed to determine that they conform to the specifications. After the technical review has been completed, the financial proposals of the bidders whose technical proposals have been determined to conform to the technical specifications are then opened publicly, with bidders or their representatives allowed to be present. Opening of financial proposals shall follow the procedures stipulated in Section 5.02 of these Guidelines. Evaluation of financial proposals shall be consistent with Section 5.06 of these Guidelines. The financial proposals of the bidders whose technical proposals have been determined not to conform to the technical specifications shall promptly be returned unopened to the bidders concerned. The use of this procedure must be agreed upon by JICA and the Borrower. (2) In the case of turnkey contracts or contracts for large and complex plants or procurement of equipment which is subject to rapid technological advances, such as major computer systems, for which it may be undesirable or impractical to prepare complete technical specifications in advance, a two-stage bidding procedure may be adopted. Under this procedure, bidders will first be invited to submit technical offers without prices on the basis of the minimum operating and performance requirements. After technical and commercial clarifications and adjustments, followed by amended bidding documents, the bidders will be invited to submit final technical proposals and financial proposals in the second stage. The use of this procedure must be agreed upon by JICA and the Borrower. 㧨⸶ᢥ㧪 (1) ೨ߦቢోߥᛛⴚ᭽ᦠ߇Ḱߢ߈ࠆᎿޔᯏ᧚ޔᯏེߦߟߡߪޔੑᧅᧅࠍ↪ࠆ ߴ߈ߢࠆᧄޕᚻ⛯߈ߦ߅ߡߪޔᛛⴚᧅߣଔᩰᧅߣ߇หᤨߦ߆ߟߢᧅߩޘឭߐࠇ ࠆߦ৻╙ޕᛛⴚᧅ߇㐿ᧅߐࠇޔ᭽ᦠߦว⥌ߒߡࠆ߆ࠍ್ᢿߔࠆߚߩᬌ⸛߇ⴕࠊࠇ ࠆޕᛛⴚᬌ⸛⚳ੌᓟޔᛛⴚᧅ߇᭽ᦠߦว⥌ߒߡࠆߣ್ᢿߐࠇߚᔕᧅ⠪ߩଔᩰᧅߩߺ ߇ᒰᧅࠍឭߒߚᔕᧅ⠪߹ߚߪߘߩઍℂੱߩ೨ߢ㐿ᧅߐࠇࠆޕଔᩰᧅߩ㐿ᧅߪࠟᧄޔ ࠗ࠼ࠗࡦ╙ 5.02 ᧦ߦ⸥ߐࠇࠆᚻ⛯߈ߦᓥߞߡⴕࠊࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕଔᩰᧅߩ⹏ଔ 99 ߪ ╙ࡦࠗ࠼ࠗࠟᧄޔ5.06 ᧦ߦᓥߞߡⴕࠊࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕᛛⴚᧅ߇᭽ᦠߦว⥌ߒ ߡߥߣ್ᢿߐࠇߚᔕᧅ⠪ߩଔᩰᧅߪޔ㐿ᧅߖߕߦㅦ߿߆ߦᒰᔕᧅ⠪ߦළߐࠇࠆ߽ ߩߣߔࠆᧄޕᚻ⛯߈ߩណ↪ߪᯏ᭴ߣ୫ੱߣߩ㑆ߢวᗧߐࠇߥߌࠇ߫ߥࠄߥޕ (2) ೨ߦቢోߥᛛⴚ᭽ᦠࠍḰߔࠆߎߣ߇ᦸ߹ߒߊߥߪߚ߹ޔታോ⊛ߢߪߥ࠲ࡦ ࠠᄾ⚂ޔᄢⷙᮨ߆ߟⶄ㔀ߥࡊࡦ࠻ߩᄾ⚂ߪߚ߹ޔᄢဳࠦࡦࡇࡘ࠲╬ߩᛛⴚ㕟ᣂ ߇⪺ߒಽ㊁ߩᯏ᧚⺞㆐╬ߩᄾ⚂ߦ߅ߡߪޔੑᲑ㓏ᧅࠍ↪ߡ߽ࠃᧄޕᚻ⛯߈ߦ ߅ߡߪޔᔕᧅ⠪ߪ╙৻ߦᦨޔዊ㒢ߩᠲᬺ߅ࠃ߮ᕈ⢻ⷐ᳞╬ߦၮߠ߈ଔᩰᛮ߈ߩᛛⴚࠝ ࡈࠔࠍឭߔࠆޕᛛⴚ㕙㨯ᬺ㕙ߦ߅ߌࠆ⏕ൻ⺞ޔᢛࠍ〯߹߃ߡᧅᦠ㘃߇ୃᱜߐ ࠇߚᓟ╙ޔੑᲑ㓏ߣߒߡᔕᧅ⠪ߪᦨ⚳⊛ᛛⴚᧅߣଔᩰᧅࠍឭߔࠆᧄޕᚻ⛯߈ߩណ↪ߪޔ ᯏ᭴ߣ୫ੱߣߩ㑆ߢวᗧߐࠇߥߌࠇ߫ߥࠄߥޕ 㧨⸃⺑㧪 ╙ 㗄ߦߟߡ ৻Ბ㓏㧦ੑᧅᧅߪޔἫജ⊒㔚ᚲߩ⊒㔚ᯏེޔᯅᑪ⸳ᬺޔਅ㋕ᑪ⸳ᬺ╬ߦ߅ ߡណ↪ߐࠇߡ߈ߚታ❣߽ࠅߦ⊛⥸৻ޔᐢߊណ↪ߐࠇᓧࠆ߽ߩߢࠆޕੑᧅᧅߪޔᛛ ⴚ⊛⹏ଔߦ㗴ߩߥ߆ߞߚᔕᧅ⠪ߩߺߩ㑆ߢଔᩰ┹ࠍߔࠆߚߩ⾰ޔ㊀ⷞߩ㕙߆ࠄᦸ ߹ߒ߽ߩߢࠆ⿰ߩߎޕᣦߦኻߔࠆචಽߥℂ⸃߇ߥߚߦޔଔߥᧅࠍㆬ߷߁ߣߒ ߡᛛⴚ⊛ߦਇวᩰߥᔕᧅ⠪ߩଔᩰᧅ߹ߢ㐿ᧅߒߚࠅޔᛛⴚᧅ⹏ଔᤨὐߢଔᩰᧅࠍ㐿ᧅߒ ߡ⹏ଔߦᓇ㗀ࠍਈ߃ߚࠅߔࠆ╬ߩࠤ߽ࠬࠆ߇ߪࠬࠤߥ߁ࠃߩߎޔߒߡࠄࠇ ߥޕ ╙ 㗄ߦߟߡ ߃߫ࠆߥ⇣ޔㅧࡊࡠࠬ߇ሽߔࠆࡊࡦ࠻ᬺޔᐞߟ߆ߩࡊࡠࠬ࠺ࠩࠗࡦ߇ น⢻ߥ࠲ࡦࠠᄾ⚂╬࠲ࡘࡇࡦࠦޔᛛⴚ㕟ᣂ߇⪺ߒಽ㊁ߩᯏེߩ⺞㆐╬ߦ߅ ߡޔੑᲑ㓏ᧅ߇ⴕࠊࠇᓧࠆޕ ᛛⴚᧅߩ⹏ଔߦߚߞߡߪޔታ⾰⊛ߥଔᩰᄌᦝ㧔ᧅᓟߩ୯ᒁ߈㧕ࠍㆱߌࠆߚޔᾖ ળ㧔ENCTKHKECVKQP㧕ߦߣ߽ߥ߁ଔᩰᄌᦝᦠᧅޔ㘃ߩⷐ᳞ౝኈ߆ࠄߩㅺ⣕㧔FGXKCVKQP㧕 ߦኻߔࠆଔᩰߩਸ਼ߖ╬ࠍචಽߦᬌ⸛ߔࠆᔅⷐ߇ࠆޕ ৻Ბ㓏㧦ੑᧅᧅߥߒੑᲑ㓏ᧅߦ߅ߡߪޔᛛⴚ⹏ଔ⚿ᨐߦߟߡ৻⥸ߦᯏ᭴ߩ ೨⏕ߣหᗧࠍᓧࠆᔅⷐ߇ࠆޕ 100 B. ␜߅ࠃ߮೨⾗ᩰክᩏ B. Advertising and Prequalification ╙ 3.01 ᧦ ␜ Section 3.01 Advertising In all cases of ICB contract, invitations to prequalify or to bid shall be advertised in at least one newspaper of general circulation in the Borrower's country. The Borrower should also promptly send copies of such invitations (or the advertisement therefor) to JICA. 㧨⸶ᢥ㧪 ࿖㓙┹ᧅ㧔ICB㧕ߦࠃࠆᄾ⚂ߩ႐วߦߪోߡޔ೨⾗ᩰክᩏߩ㓸߹ߚߪᧅ㓸ߪޔ ୫࿖ߢ৻⥸⊛ߦᵹㅢߒߡࠆᣂ⡞ߩ߁ߜዋߥߊߣ߽ 1 ⚕ߦ␜ߐࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ୫ ੱߪޔ⸥㓸㧔߹ߚߪ␜㧕ߩ౮ߒࠍᯏ᭴ߦㅦ߿߆ߦㅍઃߔߴ߈ߢࠆޕ 㧨⸃⺑㧪 ࿖㓙┹ᧅ㧔+%$㧕ណ↪ߩ⋡⊛ߩ৻ߟߪޔ೨ㅀߩߣ߅ࠅ┹ේℂࠍน⢻ߥ㒢ࠅ߆ߖ ࠆߎߣߦࠃࠅࠦࠬ࠻ߩᦨዊൻࠍ࿑ࠆߎߣߦࠆޕหⷰὐࠃࠅࠍ␜ᧄޔᐢႎߒ߈ߢޔ ࠆߛߌᄙߊߩẜ⊛ߥᔕᧅ⠪ߦᖱႎឭଏߔࠆߎߣ߇㊀ⷐߢࠆޕ ␜ߩౝኈߣߒߡߪᧅޔኻ⽎࠻ࠢ࠲ࡦࠦޔవ✦ᧅޔಾᣣ╬ߩࠬࠤࠫࡘ࡞╬ߩ 㗄ߣߦ⏕ޔ࿕ߚࠆ⾗㊄Ḯߩሽࠍ⍮ࠄߒࠆߎߣߦࠃࠅࠅࠃޔᄙߊߩᬺ⠪ߦ⥝ࠍ ᛴ߆ߖᧅ߳ߩෳടࠍଦߔ㧔හߜ┹ޔේℂࠍଦㅴߐߖࠆߎߣ㧕ߚߦߦᧅᧄޟଥ ࠊࠆ⾗㊄Ḯߪ ,+%# ߩ୫᱅ߢࠆޠᣦࠍߚ߹ޔ㕖⺞㆐ㆡᩰᬺ⠪ߦਇⷐߥᧅෳടᗧ᰼ ࠍᛴ߆ߖߥߎߣ╬ߩߚߦ⺞㆐ㆡᩰ࿖ࠍᦠᧅޔ㘃એ೨ߩᧄ␜ਛߦ߽߹ߖࠆߎ ߣ߇ᅢ߹ߒޕ ␜ߪޔᣂ⡞ߦ߅ߡⴕ߁ߣߦޔ㔚ሶࠪࠬ࠹ࡓࠍㅢߓߡⴕ߁ߎߣ߽ߢ߈ࠆޕ 101 ╙ 3.02 ᧦ ᔕᧅ⠪ߩ೨⾗ᩰክᩏ Section 3.02 Prequalification of Bidders (1) Prequalification is in principle required in advance of bidding for large or complex works and, exceptionally, for custom-designed equipment and specialized services to ensure that invitations to bid are extended only to those who are technically and financially capable. (2) Prequalification shall be based entirely upon the capability of prospective bidders to perform the particular contract satisfactorily, taking into account, inter alia, their: (a) experience of and past performance on similar contracts, (b) capabilities with respect to personnel, equipment and plant, and (c) financial position. A sample of factors to be evaluated in prequalification is shown in Annex I. A clear statement of the scope of the contract and the requirements for qualification (criteria) shall be sent to all those wishing to be considered for prequalification. (3) All bidders meeting the criteria specified shall be allowed to bid. 㧨⸶ᢥ㧪 (1) ᄢⷙᮨ߹ߚߪⶄ㔀ߥᄾ⚂ޔਗ߮ߦᄖ⊛ߦ․ᵈ⸳⸘ߩᯏེ߅ࠃ߮․ᱶߥᓎോߩ႐วߦߪޔ ᧅ㓸߇ᛛⴚ⊛⽷ോ⊛ߦ⢻ജࠍߔࠆᬺ⠪ߩߺߦኻߒߡⴕࠊࠇࠆࠃ߁ߦᧅޔవ┙ ߞߡ೨⾗ᩰክᩏ߇ේೣᔅⷐߣߥࠆޕ (2) ೨⾗ᩰክᩏߪޔࠄ߬ߞ߽ޔᔕᧅ੍ቯ⠪߇․ቯߩᄾ⚂ࠍḩ⿷ߦㆀⴕߔࠆ⢻ജߦ㑐ߒߡⴕ ࠊࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߒ(ޔߦ․ޔa)ห⒳ߩᄾ⚂ߦߟߡߩ⚻㛎ߣታ❣(ޔb)ੱ᧚ޔᯏེ߅ࠃ߮ࡊ ࡦ࠻㕙ߢߩ⢻ജ(ޔc)⽷ോ⁁ᴫ߇ޔ⠨ᘦߐࠇࠆޕ೨⾗ᩰክᩏ⹏ଔ㗄⋡ߩࠍᷝΣ ߦ␜ߔޕᄾ⚂ߩ▸࿐߅ࠃ߮⾗ᩰⷐઙ㧔ၮḰ㧕ࠍ⸥ߒߚᢥᦠߪޔ೨⾗ᩰክᩏࠍฃߌࠆ ߎߣࠍᏗᦸߔࠆోߡߩᬺ⠪ߦㅍઃߐࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ (3) ᧅߪޔᜰቯߐࠇߚၮḰࠍḩߚߔోߡߩᔕᧅ⠪ߦ⸵นߐࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ 㧨⸃⺑㧪 ╙ 㗄ߦߟߡ ᧄ㗄ߪߦ․ޔᄢဳᎿᄾ⚂╬ߢㅢᏱⴕࠊࠇࠆ೨⾗ᩰክᩏ㧔23㧕ߦ㑐ߔࠆ߽ߩߢ ࠆޕ ᯏ᭴ߪ⾰ޔ㊀ⷞߩⷰὐ߆ࠄޔ23 ߪޟේೣߣߒߡᔅⷐߣޠ⠨߃ࠆ ߚ߹ޕ23 ߪᄢⷙ 102 ᮨߥ⺞㆐ߩߺߥࠄߕ⺞ޔ㆐ߩౝኈߦᔕߓߡᄢⷙᮨߢߥ߽ߩߦ߽ᔅⷐߣߥࠆ႐ว ߇ࠆޕ 23 ߪޔല₸⊛ߥᧅ⹏ଔߩታᣉ߇․ߦ㊀ⷐߣߥࠆᄢဳᎿᄾ⚂㧔ቯ㊂ൻ߇࿎㔍ߣ ߥࠆ⹏ଔⷐ࿃߇ᄙߚ㧕╬ߩ႐วޔචಽ⢻ജߩࠆડᬺߩߺߦࠃߞߡᧅࠍታ ᣉߔࠆߎߣ㧔㕙⊛⹏ଔߦࠃࠆਇㆡᩰᬺ⠪ߩ⪭ᧅ࿁ㆱ㧕ࠍ⏕ߔࠆᔅⷐᕈߩࠆ ႐วޔߪߚ߹ޔᄙᢙߩᔕᧅ⠪߇Ვߔࠆᕟࠇߩࠆ႐ว㧔ߥߒᔕᧅ⠪ߩ⽶ᜂシ ᷫ߇․ߦ㊀ⷐߣߥࠅࠆޔߡߞ߇ߚߒޔ⒟ᐲߩߒ߷ࠅㄟߺ߇ߎߩᲑ㓏ߢᔅⷐߣߥ ࠆ႐ว㧕╬ߦⴕࠊࠇࠆ߽ߩߢࠆࠍ⾰ޟޔࠅ߅ߣߩ ޕ㊀ⷞߔࠆⷰ߁ߣޠ ὐ߆ࠄ 23 ߪޟේೣߣߒߡᔅⷐߢࠆޔࠈߎߣࠆߡߒߣޠዋߥߊߣ߽ ంࠍ ߃ࠆᄢⷙᮨ⺞㆐ⶄޔ㔀ߥᎿᄾ⚂࠼࡞ࡆࡦࠗࠩ࠺ߪࠆޔᄾ⚂ߩࠃ߁ߦ ᧅḰߦᄙ㗵ߩ⾌↪ࠍⷐߒ┹ࠍૐᷫߐߖ߆ߨߥࠃ߁ߥᖱ߇ࠆ႐วߦߪ 23 ߇ⴕࠊࠇࠆߴ߈ߢࠆޕ ╙ 㗄ߦߟߡ 23 ਥⷐ㗄⋡ߣߒߡߪⷙᧄޔቯਛߦ߽ࠆࠃ߁ߦޔC㧕ห⒳ᄾ⚂ߩ⚻㛎㨯ታ❣ޔD ੱ᧚⸳ޔߦ㑐ߒߡߩ⢻ജޔE⽷ോ⁁ᴫߩฦ⻉ὐߣߦޔઁߩߘޔᒰ࿖ߢߩ⚻ 㛎ޔᒰડᬺߩ৻⥸ᖱႎ㧔⾗ᧄ㊄ޔ࿖☋╬㧕ޔ࿖㓙េഥᯏ㑐Ⲣ⾗ᬺߢߩ⚻㛎╬ ߽ߍࠄࠇࠆ㧔ᷝΣޟ23 ⹏ଔ㗄⋡ޠෳᾖ㧕ޔ߅ߥޕ23 ߩኻ⽎ߪࡔࠗࡦࠦࡦ࠻ ࠢ࠲ߢࠆ߇⋙ߩ࠲ࠢ࠻ࡦࠦࡦࠗࡔ߇࠲ࠢ࠻ࡦࠦࡉࠨޔℂߩਅߢ㊀ ⷐߥᎿࠍታᣉߔࠆ႐ว߽ߡߟߦ࠲࠺ߩߘޔ⠨ᘦߦࠇࠆߎߣ߇ࠆޕ ⽷ോ⁁ᴫߦߟߡޔᔕડᬺߪ⋙ᩏߐࠇߚ⽷ോ⻉ࠍឭߒ⽷ޔോ⊛ஜోᕈࠍ␜ ߐߥߌࠇ߫ߥࠄߥޕ2CUU(CKN ᣇᑼߦ߅ߌࠆ⽷ോᜰᮡ㧔(KPCPEKCN+PFGZ4CVKQ㧕 ࠍ↪ߚ⹏ଔߪ⽷ޔോ⊛ஜోᕈߦߟߡߩᐔߥ⹏ଔ߇⏕ߐࠇߥߚㆱߌࠆ ߴ߈ߢࠆ⽷ޔ߽ߩ߁ߣޕോᜰᮡߪ࿖ߏߣߦ⇣ߥࠆળ⸘ᚻ⛯߈ޔၮḰᣇᴺߦ ၮߠߡࠆޔડᬺߩ⽷ോ⁁ᴫߦߟߡోߡߩ㕙ࠍߔၮḰߢߪߥߚߢ ࠆߒ߽ޕ୫ੱ߇⽷ോᜰᮡߩណ↪ࠍᒝߊ᳞ࠆ႐วߦߪޔ㕖Ᏹߦၮᧄ⊛ߥᜰᮡ ߣߒߡ 0GV9QTVJ㧔⾗↥㧙⽶ௌ㧕ߩ↪ߪᓧࠆޕ୫ੱߪᔕડᬺ߇⽷ോ⢻ജ ࠍ␜ߔߢ᳞ࠄࠇࠆᖱႎᦠ㘃ߦߟ߈৻ޔቯߩᨵエᕈࠍਈ߃ࠆߴ߈ߢࠆޕ ୫ੱߪޔᔕડᬺ߇ᄾ⚂ࠍㆀⴕߔࠆߢᔅⷐߥ⾗㊄ࠍ⏕ߔࠆ⽷ോ⢻ജ߇ࠆ ߎߣࠍ␜ߔߚޔା㗬ߩ߅ߌࠆᬺ㌁ⴕ߇⊒ⴕߔࠆ㌁ⴕផ⮈⁁㧔DCPMTGHGTGPEG NGVVGT㧕ߩឭࠍᔕડᬺߦ᳞ᓧࠆ߇ߩߘޔ႐วޔᄾ⚂⪭ᧅᤨߦᒰ㌁ⴕ߇․ ቯߩࠢࠫ࠶࠻ࠗࡦࠍଏਈߔࠆߣ߁ౝኈߩ߽ߩࠍⷐ᳞ߒߡߪߥࠄߥߗߥޕ ߥࠄ߫ޔ23 ߩᲑ㓏ߢߪޔᔕડᬺߩ⽷ോ⢻ജᅤߦ߆߆ࠊࠄߕޔᒰ㌁ⴕ߇․ቯ ߩࠢࠫ࠶࠻ࠗࡦࠍଏਈߔࠆߎߣ߹ߢࠍ⚂᧤ߔࠆߎߣߪ࿎㔍ߢࠆ߆ࠄߢࠆޕ ߒߚ߇ߞߡޔ୫ੱߪᔕડᬺߦኻߒߡޔᒰ㌁ⴕߪᄾ⚂⪭ᧅᤨߦ․ቯߩࠢࠫ ࠶࠻ࠗࡦࠍଏਈߔࠆߎߣࠍޟ⠨ᘦߔࠆޠ㧔YKNNEQPUKFGT㧕ߣ߁ౝኈߩ㌁ⴕផ 103 ⮈⁁㧔DCPMTGHGTGPEGNGVVGT㧕ߩឭࠍ᳞ࠆߎߣߪߢ߈ࠆޕ 23 ⹏ଔߩㅘᕈࠍᦝߦ㜞ࠆߚߦޔ⏕ߥ 23 ⹏ଔၮḰ߇ᔕᧅᏗᦸ⠪ߦㅍઃߐ ࠇࠆࠃ߁ᧄࠟࠗ࠼ࠗࡦߢߪ᳞ߡࠆޕ 23 ⹏ଔၮḰߪ․ޔቯડᬺߒ߆ෳടߢ߈ߥࠃ߁ߥ෩ߒߔ߉ࠆ߽ߩߢߞߡߪߥࠄ ߥ߇ߩ⾰ޟޔ㊀ⷞⷰߩޠὐ߆ࠄචಽ⢻ജߩࠆડᬺߩߺ߇ᔕᧅߔࠆࠃ߁ߥࡌ ࡞ߩၮḰߣߔࠆߎߣ߇⢄ⷐߢࠆޕ୫࿖ડᬺ߇ᧅߦෳടน⢻ߣߥࠆࠃ߁ޔᕭ ᗧ⊛ߦၮḰࠍ✭ࠆࠃ߁ߥߎߣߪߒߡࠄࠇߥޕ 23 ⹏ଔߦ߅ߡߪޔ23 ၮḰࠍ෩ᩰߦㆡ↪ߒߥߊߡߪߥࠄߥޕ୫࿖ડᬺࠍఝ ㆄߔࠆߚߦ 23 ၮḰࠍ✭ࠆߎߣ㧔ޟห⒳ߩ⚻㛎ࠍ㉼⸃ߩޠᭂ┵ߦᐢߊߔࠆ╬㧕 ߿┹ޔࠍ⏕ߔࠆߚߣ⒓ߒߡ 23 ⹏ଔᤨߦ 23 ၮḰࠍ✭ࠃ߁ߣߔࠆߎߣߪޔ ߩ⾰ޟ㊀ⷞⷰߩޠὐ߆ࠄࠄࠇߥޕ ోߣߒߡߪ 23 ၮḰࠍల⿷ߒߡࠆ߽ߩߩ․ޔቯಽ㊁ߦ߅ߌࠆၮḰ߇లߚߐࠇ ߡߥડᬺ,8 ࠍวᩰߐߖࠆߎߣߪࠄࠇߥޔ߫߃ޕචಽߥ⚻㛎ੱޔຬޔ ⸳ࠍߔࠆ߽ߩߩ⽷ޔോ⢻ജࠍలߚߐߕᄾ⚂ጁⴕਛߦୟ↥ߒ߆ߨߥડᬺߪޔ ᄬᩰߣߐࠇࠆߴ߈ߢࠆࠆޕಽ㊁ߦ߅ߌࠆ⢻ജߩᰳ⪭ߪߩઁޔಽ㊁ߦ߅ߌࠆ⢻ ജߢ߁ߎߣߪߢ߈ߥޕ ╙ 㗄ߦߟߡ 23 ㅢㆊડᬺᢙߦߟ߈⹏ଔએ೨ߦ੍㒢ࠍ⸳ߌࠆߎߣߪࠄࠇߥ⸳ޕቯߐࠇ ߚၮḰࠍల⿷ߔࠆోߡߩᔕડᬺߪᧅ߳ߩෳട߇ࠄࠇߥߌࠇ߫ߥࠄߥޕ ߒ߆ߒߥ߇ࠄޔㆡಾߥᢙߩડᬺޔㅢᏱߪ ડᬺએౝ߇ޔㅢㆊߔࠆࠃ߁ߥၮḰࠍ⸳ ቯߔࠆߎߣ߽㊀ⷐߢࠆ߽ߦࠅ߹ޕᄙߊߩડᬺ߇ᧅߦෳടߔࠆߎߣߪᧅޔ ⹏ଔߦ߅ߌࠆ୫ੱߩ⽶ᜂࠍჇടߐߖࠆߚᦸ߹ߒߊߥޕ 23 ⹏ଔߩ⚿ᨐ߆ߒ␠ ޔวᩰߒߥ߆ߞߚ႐วߦߪޔᒰ ␠ߩߺߦኻߒߡᧅࠍ ታᣉߔࠆᗧ⟵߇ࠄࠇߥߚޔ୫ੱߪߎߩ 23 ᚻ⛯߈ࠍᜎุߔߴ߈ߢࠆޕ ߒߚ߇ߞߡޔ୫ੱߪ৻ቯߩ᧦ઙᄌᦝࠍⴕߞߚߢᣂߚߥ 23 ᚻ⛯߈ߪࠆޔ ᧄࠟࠗ࠼ࠗࡦߩၮᧄේೣߦᴪߞߚߩઁޔㆡᒰߥᣇᴺߦ⌕ᚻߔࠆߴ߈ߢࠆޕ 23 ᓟߩหડᬺ㧔,8㧕ߩ᭴ᚑຬߩᄌᦝߪޔએਅߩ᧦ઙ߇ోߡలߚߐࠇࠆ႐วߦߪ ᓧࠆޕ ᣂߚߥ ,8 ߇ 23 ၮḰࠍల⿷ߔࠆߎߣ㧔ᣂ᭴ᚑຬߪᔅߕߒ߽ 23 ㅢㆊડᬺߦ㒢ࠄ ࠇࠆᔅⷐߪߥޕ㧕ޔ ୫ੱߦߣߞߡᒰᄌᦝℂ↱߇ฃߌࠇࠄࠇࠆ߽ߩߢࠆߎߣޔ ߆߆ࠆᄌᦝ߇ 23 ㅢㆊડᬺ㑆ߩ┹ᕈࠍᱡߥߎߣޔ ߆߆ࠆᄌᦝ߇ᧅ೨ߦ୫ੱߦ↳⺧ߐࠇᛚߐࠇࠆߎߣޔ ߆߆ࠆᄌᦝ߇୫ੱߦࠃࠅᒝⷐߐࠇߚ߽ߩߢߪߥߊޔᒰડᬺߩ⥄↱ߥ್ᢿߦ 104 ࠃࠆ߽ߩߢࠆߎߣޕ ⾰ࠍ⏕ߔࠆߚߦߪޔ23 ᤨߦឭଏߐࠇࠆᖱႎ߇⌀ታ߆ߟᱜ⏕ߢࠆ߆ุ߆෩ኒߦᬌ ⸽ߐࠇߥߌࠇ߫ߥࠄߥࠆ߆߆ޕᖱႎߩᬌ⸽ߪᄾ⚂✦⚿ᤨߦታᣉߔࠆߎߣ߇৻⥸⊛ߦផ ᅑߐࠇߡ߅ࠅޔឭଏߐࠇߚᖱႎ߇ਇㆡᱜ߹ߚߪਇᱜ⏕ߥ႐วࠍޔᒰᄾ⚂ࠍᚑഞ⵰ߦ ጁⴕߔࠆ⢻ജ߹ߚߪ⽷Ḯࠍ߽ߪ߿ߒߡߥߣ್ᢿߐࠇߚᔕᧅ⠪߳ߩ⪭ᧅߪᜎุߐ ࠇᓧࠆޕ 23 ߩḰ߅ࠃ߮ᔕߩߚߦਈ߃ࠄࠇࠆᤨ㑆ߪⷐޔ᳞ߐࠇߚోߡߩᖱႎࠍ㓸ߔࠆߚ ߦᔕ⠪ߦߣߞߡචಽߥ߽ߩߢߥߌࠇ߫ߥࠄߥޕ ୫ੱߪޔㅢᏱᦠᧅޔ㘃ߩឭᣣࠃࠅ ᣣએౝߦᧅᦠ㘃ߦ߆߆ࠆ⚿ᨐࠍᔕ⠪ߦ ㅢ⍮ߔߴ߈ߢࠆޕ 105 C. ᧅᦠ㘃 C. Bidding Documents ╙ 4.01 ᧦ ৻⥸㗄 Section 4.01 General (1) The bidding documents shall provide all information necessary to enable a prospective bidder to prepare a bid for the goods and services to be provided. While the detail and complexity of these documents will vary with the size and nature of the proposed bid package and contract, they generally include: invitation to bid; instructions to bidders; form of bid; form of contract; conditions of contract (both general and special); technical specifications; list of goods or bill of quantities and drawings, as well as necessary appendices, detailing, for example, the type(s) of security required or acceptable. Guidelines on the principal components of the bidding documents are given in the following Sections. (2) If a fee is charged for the bidding documents, it shall be reasonable and reflect the cost of their production and shall not be so high as to discourage qualified bidders. 㧨⸶ᢥ㧪 (1) ᧅᦠ㘃ߦߪޔᔕᧅ⠪߇ޔឭଏߐࠇࠆ⾗ᯏ᧚߅ࠃ߮ᓎോߦኻߒߡߩᧅߩḰࠍⴕ߁ߚ ߦᔅⷐߥߩߡోޔᖱႎ߇⋓ࠅㄟ߹ࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆᦠߩࠄࠇߎޕ㘃ߩ⚦ߥౝኈߪޔታ 㓙ߩᧅࡄ࠶ࠤࠫ߅ࠃ߮ᄾ⚂ߩⷙᮨߣᕈᩰߦᔕߓߡ⇣ߥࠆ߇ߩߘޔౝኈߦߪㅢᏱޔ ᧅߩ㓸ᧅޔᜰ␜ᦠߩᧅޔ᭽ᑼޔᄾ⚂ߩ᭽ᑼޔᄾ⚂᧦ઙ㧔৻⥸߅ࠃ߮․⸥㧕ޔᛛⴚ ᭽⾗ޔᯏ᧚ߩࠬ࠻߹ߚߪᢙ㊂⚦ᦠ߅ࠃ߮࿑㕙ޔਗ߮ߦޔᔅⷐߣߐࠇࠆ߹ߚߪฃߌ ࠇࠄࠇࠆ⸽ߩ⒳㘃ߩㅀ╬ߩᔅⷐߥઃዻᢥᦠ߇߹ࠇࠆᦠᧅޕ㘃ߩ߁ߜਥⷐߥⷐ ⚛ߦߟߡߩࠟࠗ࠼ࠗࡦߪޔએਅߩ᧦㗄ߦ⸥ߐࠇߡࠆޕ (2) ᧅᦠ㘃߇ᢱߢࠆ႐วߦߪߩߘޔᢱ㊄ߪᦠ㘃ߩ⾌↪ࠍᤋߒߚᅷᒰߥ߽ߩߣߒޔ ㆡᩰߥᔕᧅ⠪ߩᗧ᰼ࠍߋࠃ߁ߥ㜞㗵ߢߥ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ 㧨⸃⺑㧪 ╙ 㗄ߦߟߡ ᧅᦠ㘃᭴ᚑⷐ⚛ߩ৻ࠍෳ⠨߹ߢߦߍࠆߣએਅߩߣ߅ࠅߢࠆޕ (a) +PUVTWEVKQPVQ$KFFGTU 106 (b) $KF(QTO (c) )GPGTCN%QPFKVKQPUQH%QPVTCEV (d) 5RGEKCN%QPFKVKQPU (e) )GPGTCN5RGEKHKECVKQPU (f) 6GEJPKECN5RGEKHKECVKQPU (g) $KNNQH3WCPVKHKGU (h) &TCYKPIU (i) %QPVTCEV(QTO (j) $KF5GEWTKV[(QTO (k) 2GTHQTOCPEG5GEWTKV[(QTO ᯏ᭴ߪޔ୫ੱ߇୫᱅⺞㆐ᚻ⛯߈ߦ߅ߡ↪ߔߴߊ৻ㅪߩᮡḰᦠ㘃ࠍḰߒ ߡࠆߢߎߎޕណ↪ߒߡࠆᚻ⛯߈߅ࠃ߮ᘠߪᐢߊ࿖㓙⊛ߥ⚻㛎ࠍㅢߓߡ㉯ᚑ ߐࠇߚ߽ߩߢࠅޔ୫᱅ᬺߩ⺞㆐ᣇ㊎߅ࠃ߮ⷙቯߦ߽ว⥌ߒߡࠆߚߘޔ ߩ↪ࠍᅑബߒߡࠆޕ ╙ 㗄ߦߟߡ ᧅᦠ㘃ߩଔᩰߪޔㆡಾߥᔕᧅ⠪ߩߺ߇ෳടߒߩࠄࠇߘߟ߆ޔᔕᧅᗧ᰼ࠍߋߎߣ߇ߥ ࠃ߁ޔශㅍઃ╬ߩฬ⋡⊛⾌↪ࠍࠞࡃߔࠆ߽ߩߩߺߢࠆߴ߈ߢࠆޕᄾ⚂߅ࠃ ߮ᧅᦠ㘃ߩⷙᮨ߿ⶄ㔀ߐߦ߽ࠃࠆ߇ ߪߦ⊛⥸৻ޔ75 ࠼࡞ࠍ࿁ࠄߥ㗵߇ㆡᒰ ߢࠆޕ 107 ╙ 4.02 ᧦ ᯏ᭴ߦ㑐ߔࠆ⸒ Section 4.02 Reference to JICA Bidding documents shall normally refer to JICA using the following language: “…..(name of Borrower)......has received (or where appropriate, ‘has applied for’) an ODA Loan from JAPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY (hereinafter referred to as “JICA”) in the amount of ¥ toward the cost of (name of project, signed date of Loan Agreement), and intends to apply (where appropriate, ‘a portion of’) the proceeds of the loan to payments under this contract. Disbursement of an ODA Loan by JICA will be subject, in all respects, to the terms and conditions of the Loan Agreement, including the disbursement procedures and the ‘Guidelines for Procurement under Japanese ODA Loans’. No party other than (name of Borrower) shall derive any rights from the Loan Agreement or have any claim to loan proceeds. The above Loan Agreement will cover only a part of the project cost. As for the remaining portion, (name of Borrower) will take appropriate measures for finance.” 㧨⸶ᢥ㧪 ᧅᦠ㘃ߪޔㅢᏱޔએਅߩᢥ⸒ࠍ↪ߒޔᯏ᭴ߦ㑐ߒߡ⸒ߔࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ (ޡ୫ੱฬ)ߪ(ޔᬺฬޔ୫᱅ᄾ⚂(L/A)ߩ⺞ශᣣ)ߩ⾌↪ߦኻߒޔ࿖㓙දജᯏ᭴߆ࠄ㧔㊄㗵㧕 ߩ୫᱅ଏਈࠍฃߌߡ㧔߹ߚߪޔ႐วߦࠃࠅޠߡߒ⺧ⷐޟޔ㧕߅ࠅޔ୫᱅⾗㊄㧔႐วߦ ࠃࠅ৻ߩޟޔㇱޠ㧕ࠍᧄᄾ⚂ߦߟߡߩᡰᛄߦలߡࠆ⸘↹ߢࠆޕ࿖㓙දജᯏ᭴ߦࠃࠆ ୫᱅ߩ⾉ઃታⴕߪࠆࠁࠄޔ㕙ߢ⾉ޔઃታⴕᣇᑼ߿ޟ୫᱅ᬺߩߚߩ⺞㆐ࠟࠗ࠼ ࠗࡦࠍޠޔ୫᱅ᄾ⚂ߩ᧦㗄ࠍ᧦ઙߣߒߡࠆޕ㧔୫ੱฬ㧕એᄖߩ߆ߥࠆ࿅߽ޔ ୫᱅ᄾ⚂߆ࠄᮭࠍᒁ߈ߔߎߣ߽ߪߚ߹ޔ୫᱅⾗㊄ߦኻߔࠆࠢࡓࠍⴕ߁ߎߣ߽ߒߥ ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ⸥୫᱅ᄾ⚂ߪޔᬺ⾌ߩ৻ㇱߩߺࠍࠞࡃߔࠆޕᱷࠅߩㇱಽߪޔ㧔୫ ੱฬ㧕߇ㆡಾߥ⾗㊄ᚻᒰߡߩߚߩភ⟎ࠍ⻠ߓࠆޢޕ 㧨⸃⺑㧪 ᧄ᧦ߪޔᯏ᭴ߩ୫᱅ଏਈ߇ᧅᦠ㘃ߦ⸥ߐࠇࠆߴ߈ᣦࠍ⸥ߒߚ߽ߩߢࠆ㧔ߘߩℂ ↱ߦߟߡߪᧄࡂࡦ࠼ࡉ࠶ࠢ╙ ᧦㧨⸃⺑㧪ෳᾖ㧕⺞ޕ㆐ᚻ⛯߈ߦ߆߆ࠆ᧦㗄߇ㆩ ߐࠇࠆߎߣࠍࠃࠅ⏕ߦߔࠆߚߦ᧦ߩࡦࠗ࠼ࠗࠟᧄޔ㗄ߦᓥ߁ߎߣ߇ᔅⷐߢࠆߎߣ ࠍ␜ߒߡࠆޔߪࠇߎޕᔕᧅ⠪ߦኻߒߡᯏ᭴ߩ⺞㆐ࠟࠗ࠼ࠗࡦߩሽޔㆩߩᔅⷐᕈ ߦኻߔࠆℂ⸃ߩᔀᐩࠍଦߔ߽ߩߢࠆޕ 108 ╙ 4.03 ᧦ ᧅ⸽ Section 4.03 Bid Securities Bid bonds or bidding guarantees will usually be required, but they shall not be set so high as to discourage suitable bidders. Bid bonds or guarantees shall be released to unsuccessful bidders as soon as possible after the contract has been signed with the successful bidder. 㧨⸶ᢥ㧪 ㅢᏱޔ⒳ߩޘᒻߢߩᧅ⸽߇ᔅⷐߣߐࠇࠆ߇ߪࠄࠇߎޔㆡಾߥᔕᧅ⠪ߩᗧ᰼ࠍߋࠃ߁ ߥ㜞㗵ߦ⸳ቯߐࠇߥ߽ߩߣߔࠆᧅ⪭ޔߪ⸽ᧅޕ⠪એᄖߩᔕᧅ⠪ߦኻߒߡߪᧅ⪭ޔ⠪ ߣߩᄾ⚂✦⚿ᓟน⢻ߥ㒢ࠅㅦ߿߆ߦළߐࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ 㧨⸃⺑㧪 ᧅ⸽ߦߟߡߪޔᄖ࿖㌁ⴕߩᡰᐫ߇ዋߥ࿖ߢࠆߦ߽㑐ࠊࠄߕࠆߔ⸽ޔ㌁ⴕ ࠍ୫࿖ౝߩ㌁ⴕߦ㒢ቯߔࠆߎߣ߹ߚߪߘߩළߦߚߞߡߪ୫࿖ㅢ⽻ߢߩߺළ ߔࠆߣ߁᧦㗄ࠍㅊടߔࠆߎߣߪޔᄖ࿖ડᬺ߇⪺ߒߊਇߣߥࠅޔᱜߥ┹߇㒖ኂ ߐࠇࠆߚޕߥࠇࠄޔ ࿖㓙⊛ߦࠄࠇߡࠆᧅ⸽ߩ㊄㗵ߪޔㅢᏱߩᄾ⚂ߩ႐วޔᗐቯଔᩰߩ 㧑⒟ᐲߢ ࠆޕ ㌁ⴕ⸽ޔା↪⁁㧔NGVVGTQHETGFKV㧕╬࿖㓙⊛ߦฃߌࠇࠄࠇߡࠆᒻᘒߢߩᧅ ⸽ߩឭଏࠍߓࠆߎߣ߹ߚߪ㊄߿ዊಾᚻ╬ᭂߡᵹേᕈߩ㜞ᒻᘒߦ㒢ࠆߎߣߪ ࠄࠇߥⷐߥ߁ࠃߩߘޕ᳞ߪㆡಾߥᔕᧅ⠪ߩෳടᗧ᰼ࠍߋ߽ߩߢࠆޕ ᧅലᦼ㒢ߪ⹏ࠍᧅޔଔߒ⹏ᧅޔଔ߅ࠃ߮⪭ᧅㅢ⍮᩺ߦ߆߆ࠆᧄⴕหᗧࠍᓧߡ ⪭ᧅㅢ⍮ࠍㅍઃߔࠆߚߦචಽߥ߽ߩߢߥߌࠇ߫ߥࠄߥޕ⏕߆ߟᱜᒰߥ↱߿ᔅ ⷐᕈ߇ή㒢ࠅޔᒰೋߩᧅലᦼ㒢ࠍᑧ㐳ߔࠆߎߣߪᦸ߹ߒߊߥޕ 109 ╙ 4.04 ᧦ ᄾ⚂ߩ᧦ઙ Section 4.04 Conditions of Contract (1) The conditions of contract shall clearly define the rights and obligations of the Borrower and the Contractor, and the powers and authority of the consultant as the engineer, if one is employed by the Borrower, in the administration of the contract and any amendments thereto. In addition to customary general conditions of contract, some of which are referred to in these Guidelines, special conditions appropriate to the nature and location of the project shall be included. (2) In the conditions of contract, risks and liabilities among the parties shall be allocated in a balanced manner, and modification of such allocation in customary general conditions of contract shall be reasonable in view of smooth implementation of the project. (3) Safety shall be emphasized in the implementation of the project. Safety measures taken by the Contractor shall be specified in the contract. 㧨⸶ᢥ㧪 (1) ᄾ⚂᧦ઙߦߪޔ୫ੱ߅ࠃ߮ߩޠ࠲ࠢ࠻ࡦࠦޟᮭ⟵ോޔ߮ࠃ߅ޔ୫ੱߦࠃࠅࠦ ࡦࠨ࡞࠲ࡦ࠻߇㓹ࠊࠇߡࠆ႐วߦߪޔᒰᄾ⚂ߩ▤ℂ߅ࠃ߮ߘࠇߦ㑐ㅪߔࠆᄌᦝߦ߅ ߌࠆߩ࠻ࡦ࠲࡞ࠨࡦࠦࠆ߆߆ߩߡߒߣࠕ࠾ࠫࡦࠛޔᮭ㒢ࠍ⏕ߦⷙቯߔࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ ߎߩࠟࠗ࠼ࠗࡦߦㅀߴࠄࠇߡࠆ⻉ὐࠍߪߓߣߒߡޔᘠ⠌ㅢᏱⷙቯߐࠇࠆᄾ⚂ ߩ৻⥸⊛ߥ᧦ઙߦട߃ߡޔᬺߩᕈᩰ߅ࠃ߮ᚲၞߦ㑐ߔࠆㆡᒰߥ․⸥᧦ઙ߽ࠄ ࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ (2) ᄾ⚂᧦ઙߦ߅ߡޔ㑐ଥ⠪㑆ߩࠬࠢߣ⽿છߪࡃࡦࠬࠃߊ㈩ಽߐࠇߥߌࠇ߫ߥࠄߕޔ ᘠ⠌ߥ⊛⥸৻ޔᄾ⚂᧦ઙߦ㑐ߔࠆ߆߆ࠆ㈩ಽߩᄌᦝߪߩ࠻ࠢࠚࠫࡠࡊޔṖߥታᣉ ߣ߁ⷰὐ߆ࠄㆡᒰߥ߽ߩߢߥߌࠇ߫ߥࠄߥޕ (3) ᬺታᣉߦ߅ߡߪో߇㊀ⷞߐࠇࠆߴ߈ߢࠆߡߞࠃߦޠ࠲ࠢ࠻ࡦࠦޟޕขࠄࠇ ࠆߴ߈ోኻ╷ߪޔᄾ⚂ᦠߦ␜ߔࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ 㧨⸃⺑㧪 ╙ 㗄ߦߟߡ ᄾ⚂᧦ઙߪߩߡోޔᄾ⚂ߦ↪ߐࠇࠆ৻⥸⊛᧦ઙߣޔߩޘᄾ⚂ߩ․ᕈߦࠃࠅ⇣ߥࠆ․ 110 ⸥᧦ઙߩੑ⒳㘃߆ࠄᚑࠆ߇ߚߒ߁ߎޔᄾ⚂᧦㗄ߪᒰὼޔ⏕ߦⷙቯߐࠇࠆߴ߈ߢࠆޕ ╙ 㗄ߦߟߡ ᯏ᭴ߪᧄޔ㗄ߦⷙቯߔࠆᄌᦝߦߟߡޔᱜᒰൻߐࠇߥ႐วޔหᗧߒߥߎߣ߽ࠅᓧ ࠆޕ 111 ╙ 4.05 ᧦ ᧅᦠ㘃ߩ⏕ᕈ Section 4.05 Clarity of Bidding Documents (1) Specifications shall set forth as clearly and precisely as possible the work to be accomplished, the goods and services to be supplied and the place of delivery or installation. Drawings shall be consistent with the text of the specifications. Where drawings are inconsistent with the text of the specifications, the text shall govern. The bidding documents shall specify any factors, in addition to price, which will be taken into account in evaluating and comparing bids, and how such factors will be quantified or otherwise evaluated. If bids based on alternative designs, materials, completion schedules, payment terms, etc., are permitted, conditions for their acceptability and the method of their evaluation shall be expressly stated. Invitations to bid shall specify the eligible source countries and other eligibility provisions, such as permissible import content from non-eligible source countries (as stated in Section 1.04). The specifications shall be so worded as to permit and encourage the widest possible competition. (2) Any additional information, clarification, correction of errors or alteration of specifications shall be sent promptly to all those who requested the original bidding documents. When original specifications are to be altered, added, or corrected due to reasons on the Borrower’s side, notification of those modifications, etc., should be immediately sent to all the bidders, using an addendum, and if the change is considered to be major/substantial, bidders should be given additional time for the submission of their bids. 㧨⸶ᢥ㧪 (1) ᭽ᦠߦߪޔቢᚑߐߖࠆߴ߈Ꮏޔଏ⛎ߐࠇࠆߴ߈⾗ᯏ᧚߅ࠃ߮ᓎോ⚊߮ࠃ߅ޔ႐ᚲ ߹ߚߪᝪ߃ઃߌ႐ᚲࠍߢ߈ࠆ㒢ࠅ⍎߆ߟᱜ⏕ߦ⸥タߔࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ࿑㕙ߪ᭽ᦠߩ ᧄᢥߣว⥌ߔࠆ߽ߩߣߒޔਔ⠪㑆ߦ㥿㦉߇ࠆ႐วߦߪᧄᢥߩᣇ߇ఝవߔࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ ᧅᦠ㘃ߦߪޔଔᩰߦട߃ߡ⹏ᧅޔଔᲧセߦ㓙ߒߡ⠨ᘦߔࠆⷐ⚛ߩࠄࠇߘ߮ࠃ߅ޔ ⷐ⚛ߩቯ㊂ൻᣇᴺ߹ߚߪઁߩ⹏ଔᣇᴺ߇␜ߐࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޔ᧚⾗ޔࡦࠗࠩ࠺ޕቢᚑᤨ ᦼޔᡰᛄ᧦ઙ╬ߩઍᦧ᩺߇ࠄࠇࠆ႐วߦߪ᧦ࠆࠍࠄࠇߘޔઙߣߘߩ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ߇␜ߐࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆᧅޕ㓸ߦߪ⺞ޔ㆐ㆡᩰ࿖߿ޔ㕖⺞㆐ㆡᩰ࿖߆ࠄߩ⸵ኈャ ಽ╬ߩઁޔㆡᩰᕈߦ㑐ߔࠆⷙቯ㧔೨ㅀ╙ 1.04 ᧦㧕ࠍ␜ߔࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ᭽ᦠߪޔ ߢ߈ࠆߛߌᐢ▸ߥ┹ࠍน⢻ߣߒޔଦㅴߔࠆࠃ߁ߥࠍ↪ߔࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ 112 (2) ㅊടᖱႎޔ⏕ߦߔߴ߈ὐޔ᭽ᦠߩ⸓ᱜ߅ࠃ߮ᄌᦝ╬ߪޔᒰೋߩᧅᦠ㘃ࠍ↳ߒㄟࠎ ߛోߡߩᔕᧅ⠪ߦㅦ߿߆ߦㅍઃߐࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ୫ੱߩℂ↱ߦࠃߞߡޔᒰೋߩ ᭽ߦኻߔࠆᄌᦝޔㅊടᖱႎ⸓ޔᱜ╬߇ⴕࠊࠇࠆ႐วߦߪޔᔕᧅ⠪ోߡߦහᐳߦ Addendum ╬ߦࠃࠅߘࠇࠄߩୃᱜࠍㅢ⍮ߔࠆߴ߈ߢࠅߦ․ޔᒰᄌᦝ߇㊀ⷐ߹ߚߪ ታ⾰⊛ߥ߽ߩߣ್ᢿߐࠇࠆ႐วߦߪޔᔕᧅ⠪ߦᔕᧅߦะߌߚㅊട⊛ߥᤨ㑆⊛ࠍਈ ߃ࠆߴ߈ߢࠆޕ 㧨⸃⺑㧪 ╙ 㗄ߦߟߡ ਥⷰ⊛⹏ଔࠍ࿁ㆱߔߴߊޔ㕖ଔᩰⷐ⚛ߦߟߡߩߘޔቯ㊂ൻ⹏ଔᣇᴺࠍᧅᦠ 㘃ߦ⸥ߔࠆߴ߈ߢࠆޔߚ߹ޕઍᦧ᩺ࠍࠆน⢻ᕈ⹏ߩߘޔଔᣇᴺߦߟߡ ߽␜ߔࠆߴ߈ߢࠆޕ ᷙੂ߿ਇᐔߥᔕᧅᲧセࠍ࿁ㆱߔߴߊᦠᧅޔ㘃ߪᔕᧅ⠪ߩᔕᧅଔᩰ⸳ቯߦ߅ߌ ࠆ⒢㊄ޔ㑐⒢ߘߩઁߩ⒢㊄ߩขᛒࠍ⏕ߦⷙቯߒߥߌࠇ߫ߥࠄߥߎޔߚ߹ޕ ࠇࠄߩ㗄⋡ߩᛒߦߟߡ⹏ޔଔᣇᴺߩਛߢ⏕ߦቯࠆߴ߈ߢࠆޕ ᔕ ᧅ ⠪ ߩ ᷙ ੂ ߿ ⹏ ଔ Ბ 㓏 ߢ ߩ ⒳ ߩ ޘ 㗴 ࠍ ࿁ ㆱ ߔ ࠆ ߚ ޔ᭽ ᦠ 㧔URGEKHKECVKQPU㧕ߪ⏕߆ߟᱜ⏕ߢࠆߴ߈ߢࠆޕ࿖㓙┹ᧅ㧔+%$㧕ߩਅ ߢߪޔ᭽ᦠߪߌߛࠆ߈ߢޔᐢ▸ߥ┹ࠍน⢻ߦߔࠆࠃ߁ᚑߒߥߌࠇ߫ߥࠄߥ ⊛⥸৻ߩ╬ࠗࡏޔ߫߃ޕᯏེߩ⺞㆐ߢ․ޔቯ࠲ࠗࡊߩ᭽ࠍቯࠆߎߣ ߦࠃࠅ․ޔቯડᬺ㧔߹ߚߪ․ቯ࿖ߩડᬺ㧕ߩߺߩᔕᧅ߇น⢻ߣߥࠆᘒߪㆱߌࠆ ߴ߈ߢࠆ⥄ޔߚ߹ޕ࿖ડᬺ߇ᧅߦෳടߢ߈ࠆࠃ߁ߦޔㆊᐲߦ✭᭽ࠍᕭᗧ ⊛ߦ⸳ቯߔࠆߎߣ߽ㆱߌࠆߴ߈ߢࠆޕ ᛛⴚ⊛ߦฃߌࠇࠄࠇߥㅺ⣕㧔FGXKCVKQP㧕ߩࠆᧅߪᄬᩰ㧔PQPTGURQPUKXG㧕ߣ ߔߴ߈ߢࠆޕᔕᧅଔᩰࠍᒁ߈ߍࠆߎߣߥߊᦠᧅޔ㘃ߦቯࠆ᭽ߦว⥌ߔࠆ⾗ ᯏ᧚߅ࠃ߮ᓎോࠍឭଏߔࠆߣ߁᧦ઙߢߩߘޔ᭽ߥᔕᧅࠍฃߌࠇࠆߣ߁ߎߣߪ ࠄࠇߥޕ 113 ╙ 4.06 ᧦ ⷙᩰ Section 4.06 Standards If specific national or other standards with which equipment or materials must comply are cited, the bidding documents shall state that equipment or materials meeting the Japan Industrial Standards or other internationally accepted standards which ensure quality equivalent to or higher than the standards specified will also be accepted. 㧨⸶ᢥ㧪 ᯏེ߿⾗᧚ߦ߆߆ࠆ․ቯߩ࿖ౝⷙᩰⷙߩઁߪߚ߹ޔᩰ߇ᒁ↪ߐࠇࠆ႐วߦߪޔᒰⷙᩰߣ ห╬߆߽ߒߊߪߘࠇએߩຠ⾰ࠍ⸽ߔࠆࠃ߁ߥޔᣣᧄᎿᬺⷙᩰ㧔JIS㧕߹ߚߪઁߩ࿖㓙⊛ ߦㅢ↪ߒߡࠆⷙᩰࠍḩߚߔᯏེ߿⾗᧚߽ฃࠇࠄࠇࠆᣦᦠᧅޔ㘃ߦ⸥ߐࠇࠆ߽ߩߣ ߔࠆޕ 㧨⸃⺑㧪 ᧅᦠ㘃ߦߡⷙᩰࠍⷙቯߔࠆ㓙ߪޔᣣᧄᎿᬺⷙᩰ㧔,+5㧕߹ߚߪઁߩ࿖㓙⊛ߦㅢ↪ߒߡࠆ ⷙᩰࠍ↪ࠆߴ߈ߢࠆߩߘޕℂ↱ߪᧄࡂࡦ࠼ࡉ࠶ࠢ╙ ᧦㧨⸃⺑㧪㧚ߩ ߦ⸥ߐ ࠇߡࠆޕ 114 ╙ 4.07 ᧦ ᮡฬߩ↪ Section 4.07 Use of Brand Names Specifications shall be based on performance capability and shall only specify brand names, catalogue numbers, or products of a specific manufacturer if either specific spare parts are required or it has been determined that a degree of standardization is necessary in order to ensure continuity for certain essential features. In the latter case, the specifications shall permit offers of alternative goods which have similar characteristics and provide performance and quality at least equal to those specified. 㧨⸶ᢥ㧪 ᭽ߪᕈ⢻ߦၮߠߊ߽ߩߣߒ․ޔቯߩࠬࡍࠕࡄ࠷߇ᔅⷐߣߐࠇࠆ႐ว߹ߚߪ․ቯߩ㊀ⷐ ߥ․ᓽࠍᜬߔࠆߚߦⷙᩰ⛔৻߇ᔅⷐߣߐࠇࠆ႐วߦ㒢ࠅ․ޔቯㅧᬺ⠪ߩᮡฬࠞޔ ࠲ࡠࠣ⇟ภ߹ߚߪຠฬࠍ⸥タߔࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕᓟ⠪ߩ႐วޔ᭽ᦠߪ․ޔቯຠߣห᭽ ߩᕈ⾰ࠍߒߚ߹ޔዋߥߊߣ߽ห╬ߩᕈ⢻߅ࠃ߮ຠ⾰ࠍ߃ߚઁߩຠߩࠝࡈࠔࠍ߽ฃ ߌࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ 㧨⸃⺑㧪 ᧄ᧦ߪᮡฬ╬ߩ⸥タࠍน⢻ߥ㒢ࠅឃ㒰ߔߴ߈ᣦࠍ⸥ߒߚ߽ߩߢࠆޕ႐วߦࠃߞߡߪޔ ࿖㓙┹ᧅ㧔+%$㧕ߦ߅ߡ߽৻ㇱᯏེ╬ߦ㑐ߒߡߪⷙᩰ⛔৻ൻ╬ߩᔅⷐᕈ߆ࠄ․ቯᮡ ฬ․ޔቯࠞ࠲ࡠࠣ⇟ภ╬ࠍ⸥タߖߑࠆࠍᓧߥ႐ว߇ࠅᓧࠆ㧔ߎߩ႐วޔᒰㇱಽ߇ ᭽ߩਥⷐㇱಽߢࠇ߫㓐ᗧᄾ⚂ࠍណ↪ߔࠆߩ߇᥉ㅢߢࠆ㧕߇ࠆ߆߆ޔ႐วߦ߽೨ㅀߩℂ ↱㧔ᧄࡂࡦ࠼ࡉ࠶ࠢ╙ ᧦㧨⸃⺑㧪㧚ߩ ෳᾖ㧕߆ࠄ․ޔቯຠߣห᭽ߩᕈ⾰ࠍ ߒޔዋߥߊߣ߽ห╬ߩຠ⾰ࠍ߃ߚઁߩຠࠍߢ߈ࠆߛߌฃߌࠇࠆߎߣ߇ᦸ߹ߒޕ 115 ╙ 4.08 ᧦ ᄾ⚂ߦၮߠߊᡰ Section 4.08 Expenditures under Contracts As the use of Japanese ODA Loans is limited to financing expenditures for goods and services from eligible source countries (including those with a permissible import content from non-eligible source countries), the bidding documents shall require the Contractor to use only such goods and services for the contract and to identify all expenditures related to non-eligible source countries (import content) in his statements or invoices. 㧨⸶ᢥ㧪 ୫᱅⾗㊄ߩኻ⽎ߪ⺞㆐ㆡᩰ࿖߆ࠄߩ⾗ᯏ᧚߅ࠃ߮ᓎോ㧔㕖⺞㆐ㆡᩰ࿖߆ࠄߩ⸵ኈ▸࿐ౝ ߢߩャಽࠍ㧕߳ߩᡰߦ㒢ࠄࠇߡࠆߩߢߦޠ࠲ࠢ࠻ࡦࠦޟޔኻߒޔᄾ⚂ߩ ⾌↪ࠍߎߩ▸࿐ߦ㒢ࠆߴ߈ߎߣࠬࠗࡏࡦࠗߪߒߥᦠ▚⸘ޔ߮ࠃ߅ޔߦ㕖⺞㆐ㆡᩰ࿖ಽ 㧔ャಽ㧕ߩోߡߩ⾌↪ࠍ⸥ߔߴ߈ߎߣࠍᦠᧅޔ㘃ߦߡ᳞ࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ 116 ╙ 4.09 ᧦ ᧅㅢ⽻ Section 4.09 Currency of Bids (1) ODA Loan of JICA is denominated in Japanese Yen and the bid price should normally be stated in Japanese Yen. Whenever necessary, however, other international trading currencies may also be permitted. In addition, any portion of the bid price which the bidder expects to spend in the Borrower’s country may be stated in the currency of the country of the Borrower. (2) The currency or currencies in which the bid price may be stated shall be specified in the bidding documents. 㧨⸶ᢥ㧪 (1) ୫᱅ߪᣣᧄᑪߡߢࠅ߽ᧅޔㅢᏱᑪߡߢߥߐࠇࠆߴ߈ߢࠆ߇ޔᔅⷐ߇ࠇ߫ޔ ઁߩ࿖㓙⊛ߦขᒁߐࠇߡࠆㅢ⽻߽ࠄࠇࠆޕᔕᧅ⠪߇୫࿖ߢᡰߔࠆ੍ቯߩㇱಽ ߦߟߡߪޔ୫࿖ㅢ⽻ᑪߡߢᧅߐࠇߡࠃޕ (2) ᧅߦ߅ߡࠄࠇࠆㅢ⽻ߪᦠᧅޔ㘃ߦ⸥タߐࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ 㧨⸃⺑㧪 ╙ 㗄ߦߟߡ ᔕᧅㅢ⽻ߣߒߡޔᣣᧄએᄖߩ࿖㓙ㅢ⽻ߩ↪߽ࠄࠇࠆޔߚ߹ޕ୫࿖ౝߢߩᡰ ߇ㄟ߹ࠇࠆㇱಽߦߟߡߪޟޔ୫࿖ㅢ⽻ᑪߡߣߒߡ߽⦟ߩࠄࠇߎޔߦᦝޕޠᔕᧅ น⢻ㅢ⽻ߦߟߡߪᧅᦠ㘃ߦߡ␜ߐࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕㅢ⽻ቯߦߚߞߡߪޔ୫ ੱߩὑᦧࠬࠢ⽶ᜂߦ㈩ᘦߔࠆ৻ᣇ┹ޔ߇ᭂ┵ߦ㒢ߐࠇࠆߎߣ߽ㆱߌࠆߴ߈ߢ ࠆޟޕ࿖㓙⊛ߦขᒁߐࠇࠆㅢ⽻㧔KPVGTPCVKQPCNVTCFKPIEWTTGPE[㧕ޔߪ⺆↪߁ߣޠ ☨࠼࡞ࠪࡦࠞ࠼ࡂޟࠆࠁࠊߩ╬ࡠ࡙ޔ㧔JCTFEWTTGPE[㧕ࠍޠᜰߔޕ 117 ╙ 4.10 ᧦ ᧅౝኈᲧセߩߚߩㅢ⽻឵▚ Section 4.10 Currency Conversion for Bid Comparison (1) The bid price is the sum of all payments to be made to the bidder, in whichever currency. (2) For the purpose of comparing prices, all bid prices shall be converted to a single currency selected by the Borrower and stated in the bidding documents. The Borrower shall effect this conversion by using the exchange (selling) rates for those currencies quoted by an official source (such as the Central Bank) for similar transactions on a date selected in advance and specified in the bidding documents, provided that such date shall not be earlier than thirty days prior to, nor later than, the date specified for the opening of bids. 㧨⸶ᢥ㧪 (1) ᧅଔᩰߪޔᔕᧅ⠪ߦኻߒᡰᛄࠊࠇࠆߎߣߦߥࠆฦ࿖ㅢ⽻ᑪߡᡰᛄߩోߡߩว⸘㗵ߢ ࠆޕ (2) ଔᩰࠍᲧセߔࠆߚᧅߩߡోޔଔᩰߪޔ୫ੱ߇ㆬቯߒᦠᧅߟ߆ޔ㘃ਛߦ⸥ߒߚ න৻ㅢ⽻ߦ឵▚ߐࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ୫ੱߪߎߩ឵▚ࠍᦠᧅޔ㘃ߢࠄ߆ߓ⸥ߐ ࠇߚᣣઃߩ⊛ޔᯏ㑐㧔ਛᄩ㌁ⴕ╬㧕߇␜ߔᒰฦㅢ⽻ߩὑᦧ㧔ᄁ㧕࠻ࠍ↪ߡⴕ ߁߽ߩߣߔࠆߩߎޕᣣઃߪޔ㐿ᧅᣣߣߒߡᜰቯߐࠇߚᣣࠃࠅ 30 ᣣએ೨ߦ㆚ࠄߥ߽ߩ ߣߒߚ߹ޔ㐿ᧅᣣએ㒠ߢߥ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ 㧨⸃⺑㧪 ╙ 㗄ߦߟߡ ⶄᢙㅢ⽻ߦࠃࠆᔕᧅଔᩰࠍᲧセߔࠆ㓙ߦߪන৻ㅢ⽻ଔᩰߦ឵߃ߡᲧセߔࠆߎߣߣߥࠆ߇ޔ ߘߩ㓙ߪޔᕭᗧ⊛ቯࠍߐߌࠆߚߦᦠᧅޔ㘃ߢࠄ߆ߓቯࠄࠇߚᣣઃߩὑᦧ ࠻ࠍ↪ߒߥߌࠇ߫ߥࠄߥ⿰ߩ᧦ᧄ߇ߩ߁ߣޔᣦߢࠆޕ 118 ╙ 4.11 ᧦ ᡰᛄㅢ⽻ Section 4.11 Currency of Payment (1) Payment of the contract price shall be made in the currency or currencies in which the bid price is expressed in the bid of the successful bidder, except where a different arrangement is clearly justified and specified in the bidding documents. (2) Where the bid price is to be paid, wholly or partly, in a currency or currencies other than the currency of the bid, the exchange rate to be used for purposes of payment shall be that specified by the bidder in the bid so as to ensure that the value of the currency or currencies used in the bid is maintained without any loss or gain. 㧨⸶ᢥ㧪 (1) ᄾ⚂㗵ߩᡰᛄߪࠆߥ⇣ޔขࠅ߇⏕ߦᱜᒰൻߐࠇ߆ߟᧅᦠ㘃ਛߦⷙቯߐࠇߡ ࠆ႐วࠍ㒰߈ᧅ⪭ޔ⠪ߩᧅߩ㓙ߦ␜ߐࠇߚㅢ⽻ߦࠃߞߡⴕࠊࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ (2) ᧅߦ߅ߡ↪ߚㅢ⽻એᄖߩㅢ⽻ߢో㗵߹ߚߪ৻ㇱߩᡰᛄࠍⴕ߁႐ว߅ߦᧅޔ ߡ↪ߒߚㅢ⽻ߩଔ୯߇៊ᓧߥߒߦ⛽ᜬߐࠇࠆࠃ߁ߦޔᡰᛄߩߚߦ↪ߐࠇࠆὑᦧ ࠻ߪᧅ⪭ޔ⠪߇ᧅߦ߅ߡ␜ߒߚ࠻ߣߔࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ 㧨⸃⺑㧪 ᔕᧅㅢ⽻ߦ㑐ߔࠆၮᧄ⊛⠨߃ᣇߪᧄࠟࠗ࠼ࠗࡦ╙ ᧦⸥タߩߣ߅ࠅߢࠆޕ ᣣᧄߦട߃ޔਥⷐ࿖㓙ㅢ⽻ߩ↪߽ࠄࠇࠆޕ ᡰᛄㅢ⽻ߪᧅ⪭ޔ⠪ߩὑᦧࠬࠢ⽶ᜂࠍㆱߌࠆߚޔේೣߣߒߡᧅ⪭ޔ⠪ߩᔕᧅㅢ ⽻ߣหߓߣߔࠆᔅⷐ߇ࠆޔߜࠊߥߔޕ⸥╙ 㗄ߢޔේೣߪᧅ⪭ߢ߹ߊޔ⠪߇ ᧅߦ߅ߡ↪ߒߚㅢ⽻ߢᄾ⚂ߩᡰᛄࠍⴕ߁ߎߣࠍⷙቯߒߡࠆ ╙ߦᦝޕ㗄ߢߪޔ ߎߩේೣ߆ࠄᄖࠇࠆ႐วߢߞߡ߽ߚࠇߐ↪ߡ߅ߦᧅޟޔㅢ⽻ߩଔ୯ࠍ⏕ߔ ࠆߚᧅ⪭ޔޠ⠪߇ᧅߦ߅ߡ␜ߒߚ࠻ࠍ߁ߎߣߣߒߡࠆޕ ╙ 㗄ߩߣߒߡߪޔᄖ⽻ᑪࡦࡊࠨࡓߢᧅߒߚᄾ⚂ߩ৻ㇱಽߦలߡࠆᡰᛄߦߟ ߡޔ୫࿖ౝߢ↪ߔࠆߚߦ୫࿖ㅢ⽻ߢߩᡰᛄࠍ᳞ࠆࠤࠬ߇⠨߃ࠄࠇࠆޕ ߎߩ႐วߡߒߣޠ࠻ߔ␜ߡ߅ߦᧅޟޔᒰೋቯߚ࿕ቯ࠻ࠍ↪ߔࠆߎߣ ߽৻ᴺߢࠆ߇ޔᄖ⽻ᑪߩଔ୯ࠍ⛽ᜬߔࠆߚߩࠇߙࠇߘޟޔᡰᛄߩ٤ᣣ೨ߩ 119 ࠻ࠍ߁ߩ╬ޠขࠅߢ߽㗴ߥ ╙ޔ߅ߥޕ㗄ߪᄖ⊛ߥࠤࠬߦ߆߆ࠆⷙቯ ߢࠅ ╙ޔ㗄ߦࠃࠆขᛒࠍផᅑߔࠆޕ 120 ╙ 4.12 ᧦ ଔᩰ⺞ᢛ᧦㗄 Section 4.12 Price Adjustment Clauses (1) Bidding documents shall state clearly whether firm prices are required or adjustment of bid prices is acceptable. In appropriate cases, provision will be made for adjustment (upwards or downwards) of the contract price, should changes occur in the prices of major cost components of the contract, such as labor or important materials. (2) Specific formulae for price adjustment shall be clearly stated in the bidding documents in order that the same provisions may apply to all bids. A ceiling on price adjustment shall be included in contracts for the supply of goods, but it is not usual to include such a ceiling in contracts for works. There should normally be no price adjustment provision for goods to be delivered within one year. 㧨⸶ᢥ㧪 (1) ᧅᦠ㘃ߦߪޔ࿕ቯଔᩰߦࠃࠆ߽ߩ߆ޔଔᩰ⺞ᢛ߇ฃࠇࠄࠇࠆ߆ߦߟߡߩ⏕ߥ⸥ タ߇ߥߐࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ႐วߦࠃߞߡߪޔഭജ߿ਥߚࠆ⾗᧚ߩࠃ߁ߥᄾ⚂ߩਥⷐㇱ ಽࠍභࠆ߽ߩߩଔᩰߦᄌേ߇↢ߓߚ㓙ߩᄾ⚂㊄㗵ߩ⺞ᢛ㧔Ⴧᷫߕࠇߩᣇะ߽߳㧕ߦ ߆߆ࠆ᧦㗄߇⸳ߌࠄࠇࠆޕ (2) ଔᩰ⺞ᢛߦ߆߆ࠆ⏕ߥᣇᑼߪޔหߓ᧦㗄߇ోߡߩᧅߦㆡ↪ߐࠇࠆࠃ߁ߦᦠᧅޔ㘃 ߦ␜ߐࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆ⾗ޕᯏ᧚ߩଏ⛎ᄾ⚂ߩ႐วߦߪଔᩰ⺞ᢛߩ㒢߇⸥ߐࠇࠆ߽ߩ ߣߔࠆ߇ޔᎿߩ႐วߦߪߥ߁ࠃߩߘޔ㒢ߪ⸳ߌࠄࠇߥߩ߇᥉ㅢߢࠆޕㅢᏱߩ႐ ว 1 ᐕએౝߦ⚊ߐࠇࠆ⾗ᯏ᧚ߦߟߡߪޔଔᩰ⺞ᢛ᧦㗄ߪ⸳ߌࠄࠇࠆߴ߈ߢߪߥޕ 㧨⸃⺑㧪 ╙ 㗄ߦߟߡ ᐕࠍ߃ࠆᎿᄾ⚂ߦ߅ߡߪޔଔᩰ⺞ᢛ᧦㗄߇ᔅⷐߢࠆߎߣ ޔߚ߹ޔᐕᧂ ḩߩᎿᄾ⚂ߢߞߡ߽ޔᲧセ⊛⍴ᦼ㑆ߦଔᩰᄌേ߇ㄟ߹ࠇࠆ႐วߦߪޔଔᩰ ⺞ᢛ᧦㗄߇߹ࠇࠆߎߣ߇৻⥸⊛ߦផᅑߐࠇࠆޕ Ꮏߩ႐วޔၮḰଔᩰᜰᢙ߹ߚߪၮḰଔᩰߪᔕᧅ✦ಾᣣࠃࠅ ᣣ೨ߩ߽ߩࠍၮḰ ߣߔߴ߈ߢࠆޕ ଔᩰ⺞ᢛઃᔕᧅଔᩰߣ࿕ቯଔᩰ㧔HKZGF HKTORTKEG㧕ߩᔕᧅଔᩰ߇ᷙߒߚ႐วޔ ⹏ଔ߇࿎㔍ߣߥࠆߩߢࠍࠇߎޔน⢻ߥ㒢ࠅ࿁ㆱߔࠆߚߦ߽ޔᔕᧅᣇᴺࠍ৻ߟߦ⛔৻ 121 ߔࠆߎߣ㧔㧔㧕࿕ቯଔᩰߦࠃࠆᔕᧅ߆㧔㧕ଔᩰ⺞ᢛઃ DCUGRTKEG ߦࠃࠆᔕᧅ߆㧕 ߇⢄ⷐߢࠆޔ߅ߥޕ࿕ቯଔᩰߦࠃࠆᔕᧅߣቯߡࠆߦ߽㑐ࠊࠄߕଔᩰ⺞ᢛઃߢᔕ ᧅߒߡ߈ߚ႐วߦߪޔCᄬᩰߣߔࠆ ߪߚ߹ޔDᾖળ㧔ENCTKHKECVKQP㧕ߦࠃࠅᄬᩰߣߒ ߥߩޔੑㅢࠅߩኻᔕ߇ࠆޔߒߛߚޕDߩ႐วߦߪޔᣢߦઁߩᔕᧅ⠪ߩଔᩰ߇ࠄ ߆ߣߥߞߡࠆߎߣ߽ࠅᧅޔᓟߩታ⾰⊛ߥଔᩰᄌᦝߦᒰߚࠆߣߺߥߐࠇࠆน⢻ᕈ ߽ࠆߩߢޔේೣߣߒߡᄬᩰߣߔߴ߈ߢࠆᦠᧅޔߚ߹ޕ㘃ߦߪޔଔᩰ⺞ᢛઃߩ႐ วߦߪᄬᩰߣߥࠆᣦ⸥ߒߡ߅ߊߎߣ߇ᔅⷐߢࠆޕ 122 ╙ 4.13 ᧦ ೨ᷰ㊄ Section 4.13 Advance Payment (1) The percentage of the total payment to be made in advance, upon entry into effect of the contract, for mobilization and similar expenses shall be reasonable and specified in the bidding documents. Other advances, such as for materials delivered to the site for use in works, shall also be clearly defined in the bidding documents. (2) The bidding documents shall specify the arrangements for any security required for advance payments. 㧨⸶ᢥ㧪 (1) ⌕ᎿḰ⾗㊄߅ࠃ߮ห᭽ߩ⾗㊄ߣߒߡޔᄾ⚂⊒ല⋥ᓟߦ೨ᛄߐࠇࠆ㗵ߩᄾ⚂ో㗵ߦ ኻߔࠆᲧ₸ߪޔᅷᒰߥ▸࿐ߩ߽ߩߣߒᦠᧅޔ㘃ߦ⸥ߐࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆ߫߃ޕᎿ ߩߚߦ႐ߦᜬߜㄟ߹ࠇࠆ⾗᧚ߩߚߩઍ㊄ߩࠃ߁ߥߘߩઁߩ೨ᷰ㊄߽ᦠᧅޔ㘃ߦ ⏕ߦ⸥タߐࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ (2) ೨ᷰ㊄ߦᔅⷐߥ⸽ߦߟߡߪᦠᧅޔ㘃ߦߘߩขߦ㑐ߒߡ⸥ߐࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ 㧨⸃⺑㧪 ೨ᷰ㊄᧦㗄ߪዊ㗵ᄾ⚂ࠍ㒰߈ᄾ⚂ߦ߹ࠇࠆߎߣ߇Ᏹߢࠆ߇ߩߘޔ㗵ߪ࿖㓙ᘠ⠌ߦ ᾖࠄߒᅷᒰߥ▸࿐ౝߣߔߴ߈ߢࠆߩߘޔ߅ߥޕ㗵ߪޔዊဳᄾ⚂ࠆߪ⦁⥾ะߌ․ ᱶᄾ⚂╬ࠍ㒰߈ޔㅢᏱޔᄾ⚂㗵ߩ 㨪㧑⒟ᐲߢࠈ߁ޕ ㅜ࿖ߩડᬺߩਛߦߪ⽷ോ⁁ᴫ߇ᔅߕߒ߽ਁోߢߥ߽ߩ߽ᄙޔߢߩࠆޘᎿߩㅴ ࠍࠬࡓ࠭ߥ߽ߩߣߔࠆߚߦ߽೨ᷰ㊄߇ήߣ߁ᒻߪᭂജㆱߌߡޔ㧔ㅀߩࠃ ߁ߥ㧕৻ቯ㗵ߩ೨ᷰ㊄ࠍⷐ᳞ߔߴ߈ߢࠆޕ 123 ╙ 4.14 ᧦ ጁⴕ⸽߅ࠃ߮⇐㊄ Section 4.14 Performance Securities and Retention Money (1) Bidding documents for works shall require some form of security to guarantee that the work will be continued until it is completed. This security can be provided either by a bank guarantee or by a performance bond, the amount of which will vary with the type and size of the work, but shall be sufficient to protect the Borrower in the case of default by the Contractor. A portion of this security shall extend sufficiently beyond the date of completion of the works to cover the defects liability or maintenance period up to final acceptance by the Borrower. For such portion of the security extended beyond the date of completion of the works, contracts may provide for a percentage of each periodic payment to be held as retention money until final acceptance. The amount of the security required shall be stated in the bidding documents. (2) In contracts for the supply of goods it is usually preferable to have a percentage of the total payment held as retention money to guarantee performance rather than to have a bank guarantee or bond. The percentage of the total payment to be held as retention money and the conditions for its ultimate payment shall be stipulated in the bidding documents. If, however, a bank guarantee or bond is preferred, it shall be of a reasonable amount. 㧨⸶ᢥ㧪 (1) Ꮏߩᧅᦠ㘃ߦ߅ߡߪޔᎿߩቢᚑࠍ⸽ߔࠆߚߩࠄ߆ߩ⸽ᚻᲑࠍߣࠆࠃ߁ ⷐ᳞ߔࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆߪ⸽ߩߎޕ㌁ⴕ⸽߹ߚߪጁⴕ⸽ࡏࡦ࠼ߦࠃߞߡߥߐࠇ⸽ޔ ߩ㗵ߪߘߩᎿߩᒻᘒߣⷙᮨߦࠃߞߡ⇣ߥࠆ߇ޠ࠲ࠢ࠻ࡦࠦޟޔߩᄾ⚂ਇጁⴕߩ 㓙ߦ୫ੱࠍ⼔ߔࠆߦ⿷ࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆ৻ߩ⸽ߩࠄࠇߎޕㇱಽߪޔᎿቢᚑᓟ୫ੱ ߇ጁⴕ⸽ᦠࠍ⊒ⴕߔࠆ߹ߢߩᰳ㒱⸽ᦼ㑆߹ߚߪࡔࡦ࠹࠽ࡦࠬᦼ㑆ࠍචಽࠞࡃߔ ࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕᎿቢᚑᓟߩᦼ㑆ࠍࠞࡃߔࠆ⸽ߩ৻ㇱߦߟߡߪޔጁⴕ⸽ᦠࠍ⊒ ⴕߔࠆ߹ߢߩ㑆ᦼޔ㑆ߏߣߩᡰᛄߩ৻ㇱࠍ⇐㊄ߣߒߡߔࠆߎߣࠍᄾ⚂ⷙቯߒ ߡ߽ࠃ⸽ޕ㗵ߪᧅᦠ㘃ߦⷙቯߐࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ (2) ⾗ᯏ᧚ଏ⛎ᄾ⚂ߩ႐วߦߪ✚ߦ⥸৻ޔᡰᛄ㗵ߩ৻ቯᲧ₸ࠍ⇐㊄ߣߒߡߔࠆᣇ߇ ㌁ⴕ⸽߹ߚߪࡏࡦ࠼ߩᒻࠃࠅ߽ᦸ߹ߒ⇐ޕ㊄ߣߒߡߐࠇࠆ✚ᡰᛄ㗵ߩ৻ቯ Ყ₸߅ࠃ߮ߘߩᦨ⚳ᡰᛄ᧦ઙߪᦠᧅޔ㘃ߦ⸥ߐࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޔࠄ߇ߥߒ߆ߒޕ ㌁ⴕ⸽߹ߚߪࡏࡦ࠼߇ᦸ߹ߒ႐วߦߪߩߘޔ㊄㗵ࠍᅷᒰߥ㗵ߣߔࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ 124 㧨⸃⺑㧪 ᧁᎿᄾ⚂߹ߚߪᄢဳᯏེଏ⛎ᄾ⚂ߦ߅ߡߪࠃߦ࠲ࠢ࠻ࡦࠦࡗࠗࡊࠨޔ ࠆᄾ⚂ਇጁⴕ߆ࠄ⾈ਥ㧔୫ੱ㧕ࠍ⼔ߔࠆߚޔ㌁ⴕ⸽߹ߚߪጁⴕ⸽ࡏࡦ࠼ߣ ߁ᒻߢጁⴕ߇⸽ߐࠇࠆߪ᧦ᧄޕ୫ੱ⼔ࠍ⋡⊛ߣߔࠆߚޔ୫ੱᚑߩᧅ ᦠ㘃ߢߪ߶߷ᄖߥߊⷙቯߐࠇߡࠆߩߘߒߛߚޕ㗵㧔ࠤࠬߦࠃߞߡߘߩ㗵ߪᄢ߈ ߊ⇣ߥࠆ߇ޔᄾ⚂㊄㗵ߩ 㨪㧑⒟ᐲ㧕߅ࠃ߮ലᦼ㑆㧔ㅢᏱޔᎿቢੌᓟ ᐕ⒟ᐲ㧕 ߪޔ࿖㓙ᘠ⠌ߦᾖࠄߒᅷᒰߥ߽ߩߣߔߴ߈ߢࠆޕ ⇐㊄㧔ᄾ⚂㊄㗵ߩ 㨪㧑⒟ᐲ㧕ߩ⸃㒰ᤨᦼߦ㑐ߒߡߪޔᄾ⚂᧦ઙߦ⏕ߦ⸥ㅀߐࠇ ࠆߴ߈ߢࠆోޔߒߛߚޕㇱ߹ߚߪ৻ㇱߩ⇐㊄ߪ⚳ᦨޔᛚ⻌⸽ᦠ HKPCNCEEGRVCPEG ߩ⊒ⴕ߹ߢ⇐ߐࠇߪࠇߘޔㅢᏱᎿቢੌᓟ ᐕ⒟ᐲߢࠆޕ ㌁ⴕ⸽ߩ႐วߦߪޔᄖ࿖㌁ⴕߩᡰᐫ߇ዋߥ࿖ߢࠆߦ߽㑐ࠊࠄߕ⸽ߔࠆ㌁ⴕࠍ ୫࿖ౝߩ㌁ⴕߦ㒢ቯߒߚࠅߩߘޔළߦߚߞߡ୫࿖ㅢ⽻ߢߩߺළߔࠆߣⷙቯ ߒߚࠅߔࠆߣޔᄖ࿖ડᬺ߇⪺ߒߊਇߣߥࠅᱜߥ┹߇㒖ኂߐࠇࠆߎߣ߆ࠄޔ ࠄࠇߥޕ ╙ 㗄ߦߟߡ ⾗ᯏ᧚⺞㆐ߩ႐วߪޔᄾ⚂ߩ⸽ᦼ㑆㧔YCTTCPV[RGTKQF㧕ߪᒁᷰߒᓟ ࡩ߹ߚߪ ャ᷼ߢߩ⦁Ⓧߺᓟ ࡩ߇৻⥸⊛ߢࠆ ޕᐕࠍ߃ࠆ⾏ᤃ㒾ࠍᓧࠆߎߣ߇߆ߥࠅ ࿎㔍ߢࠆߎߣࠍ⠨ᘦߔࠆߣᦼޔ㑆ࠍᑧ㐳ߔߴ߈ᛛⴚ⊛ℂ↱߇ࠆ႐วࠍ㒰߈ᦼ⸽ޔ 㑆ߪ ᐕࠃࠅ⍴ߊߔߴ߈ߢࠆޕห᭽ߦޔᎿᄾ⚂ߦ߅ߡ߽⽿∎℩ޔછᦼ㑆㧔FGHGEV NKCDKNKV[RGTKQF㧕ߪ ᐕࠍ࿁ࠆߴ߈ߢߪߥޕ 125 ╙ 4.15 ᧦ 㒾 Section 4.15 Insurance The bidding documents shall state precisely the types and terms of insurance (e.g. liabilities to be covered and duration of the insurance) to be obtained by the successful bidder. 㧨⸶ᢥ㧪 ⪭ᧅ⠪ߦࠃࠅឭଏߐࠇࠆߴ߈㒾ߩ⒳㘃߅ࠃ߮᧦ઙ㧔ᒰ㒾߇ࠞࡃߔࠆ⽿છ߅ࠃ߮ᦼ 㑆╬㧕ߪᦠᧅޔ㘃ߦᱜ⏕ߦ⸥タߐࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ 126 ╙ 4.16 ᧦ ੍ቯ៊ኂ⾩ఘ᧦㗄߅ࠃ߮ࡏ࠽ࠬ᧦㗄 Section 4.16 Liquidated Damage and Bonus Clauses Liquidated damage clauses shall be included in the bidding documents for delays in completion or delivery resulting in extra cost, loss of revenues or loss of other benefits to the Borrower. Provision may also be made for a bonus to be paid to Contractors for completion of work contracts by or in advance of times specified in the contract, when such earlier completion will be of benefit to the Borrower. 㧨⸶ᢥ㧪 Ꮏቢᚑᤨᦼ߹ߚߪ⚊ᤨᦼߩㆃᑧߦࠃࠅ୫ੱ߇ㅊട⾌↪ޔᷫ߹ߚߪߘߩઁߩ⋉ ߩ༚ᄬࠍⵍߞߚ႐วߦ߃੍ޔቯ៊ኂ⾩ఘ᧦㗄߇ᧅᦠ㘃ߦ⸥ߐࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޔߚ߹ޕ Ꮏ߇ᄾ⚂ᦠਛߦ⸥ߐࠇߚᦼᣣ߹ߚߪߘࠇએ೨ߦቢᚑߒߥ߁ࠃߩߘޔᣧᦼቢᚑߦࠃࠅ୫ ੱ߇⋉ࠍᓧࠆ႐วߦߪޔᒰߦޠ࠲ࠢ࠻ࡦࠦޟኻߒߡࡏ࠽ࠬࠍᡰᛄ߁ᣦߩⷙቯ ࠍ⸳ߌߡ߽ࠃޕ 㧨⸃⺑㧪 ੍ቯ៊ኂ⾩ఘ㊄ߩᲧ₸ߪ ޔᣣߚࠅߩㆃࠇߦߟ߈ᄾ⚂㗵ߩ ⒟ᐲ৻ޔㅳ㑆ߚࠅ ߩㆃࠇߦߟ߈ ⒟ᐲ✚ޔ㗵ߩ㒢ߪ 㨪㧑⒟ᐲߣߔߴ߈ߢࠆޕ ੍ቯ៊ኂ⾩ఘ㊄ߪㅢᏱߪጁⴕ⸽ࡏࡦ࠼߆ࠄᏅߒᒁ߆ࠇࠆ߇⇐ߪߦᤨޔ㊄߹ߚߪߘ ߩᓟߩ᧪㜞߆ࠄ⋧ᲕߒߡᏅߒᒁ߆ࠇࠆ㧔QHHUGV㧕႐ว߽ࠆޔߪߦᦝޕᒰ㊄㗵ࠍ ㅜ⋥ធᡰᛄ߁႐ว߽ࠅᓧࠆޕ ᄾ⚂⠪ߦኻߒߡޔ෩ᩰߦᎿ⒟ߤ߅ࠅᄾ⚂ࠍጁⴕߐߖࠆߚߦቢᚑ߹ߚߪᒁᷰߒㆃᑧߦ ࠃࠆ੍ቯ៊ኂ⾩ఘ㊄ߩ㒢ࠍ⸳ቯߒߥߣ߁ߩߪฃߌࠇࠄࠇߥⷐߥ߁ࠃߩߘޕ ᳞ߪޔᔕᧅ⠪ߦኻߒਇㆡᒰߦ㜞ࠬࠢࠍ⽶ࠊߖࠆ߽ߩߢࠆ 127 ╙ 4.17 ᧦ ਇน᛫ജ Section 4.17 Force Majeure The conditions of contract included in the bidding documents shall, when appropriate, contain clauses stipulating that failure on the part of the parties to perform their obligations under the contract will not be considered a default under the contract if such failure is the result of force majeure as defined in the conditions of contract. 㧨⸶ᢥ㧪 ㆡᒰߣࠄࠇࠆ႐วߦߪޔᒰ⠪ߩߕࠇ߆߇ᄾ⚂᧦ઙߦቯࠄࠇߚਇน᛫ജߩ⚿ᨐߦ ࠃࠅᄾ⚂⟵ോਇጁⴕߦ㒱ߞߚ႐วࠍࠇߎޔᄾ⚂ߩਇጁⴕߣߺߥߐߥᣦߩⷙቯࠍᧅᦠ 㘃ਛߩᄾ⚂᧦ઙߩਛߦ⸳ߌࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ 128 ╙ 4.18 ᧦ ↪⸒⺆ Section 4.18 Language Bidding documents should be prepared in one of the following languages, selected by the Borrower: Japanese, English, French or Spanish. If a language other than Japanese, English, French or Spanish is used in the bidding documents, a full English text shall be incorporated in those documents and it shall be specified which is governing. 㧨⸶ᢥ㧪 ᧅᦠ㘃ߪએਅߩ⸒⺆㧔ᣣᧄ⺆⺆ߪߚ߹⺆ޔ⺆⧷ޔ㧕ߩ߁ߜޔታᣉᯏ㑐߇ㆬᛯߔࠆ ߕࠇ߆৻ߟߩ⸒⺆ߢᚑߐࠇࠆߴ߈ߢࠆࠆࠇࠄ↪߇⺆⸒ߩઁޕ႐วߪోࠆࠃߦ⺆⧷ޔ ⸶ࠍᧅᦠ㘃ߦᷝઃߔࠆ߽ߩߣߒ߇ࠄߜߤߟ߆ޔᱜᧄߣߒߡఝవߐࠇࠆߩ߆⸥ߐࠇࠆ߽ ߩߣߔࠆޕ 㧨⸃⺑㧪 ᧅߩ⋡⊛ߩ৻ߟߪޔน⢻ߥ㒢ࠅᐢߊ┹ࠍ⏕ߔࠆߎߣߦࠃࠅࠦࠬ࠻ߩᦨዊൻࠍ࿑ ࠆὐߦࠅߩߘޔᗧߦ߅ߡᣣᧄ⺆߇↪ߩ⺆ߪߚ߹⺆ޔ⺆⧷ޔᔅⷐߢࠆޕ ᤨߦޔᣣᧄ⺆ߣ⺆ߪߚ߹⺆ޔ⺆⧷ޔ⺆ߩਔᣇߩ⸒⺆ߢߩᔕᧅࠍ᳞ࠃ߁ߣߔ ࠆ߽ࠆ߇ઁޔ࿖ߩᔕᧅ⠪ߦߣߞߡਇߣߥࠆ㧔⺆ߢߩᢥᦠᚑ⾌↪߇߆߆ࠆ㧕 ᚻ⛯߈ߢࠆߎߣ߆ࠄޔේೣߣߒߡࠄࠇࠆߴ߈ߢߪߥޕ ห᭽ߦޔᔕᧅ߽ᣣᧄ⺆ޕࠆߢ߈ߴࠆࠇߐߥߢ⺆ߪߚ߹⺆ޔ⺆⧷ޔᣣᧄ⺆ޔ⺆⧷ޔ ⺆߹ߚߪ⺆એᄖߩ⸒⺆ߢߩᔕᧅࠍߡ߽Ꮕߒᡰ߃ߥ߇ߩߘޔ႐วߦ߅ߡ߽ޔ ᔕᧅ⠪ߪᣣᧄ⺆߽↪ߩ⺆ߪߚ߹⺆ޔ⺆⧷ޔ૬ߖࠄࠇࠆߴ߈ߢࠆޕ୫ੱ ߪᯏ᭴ߩ⏕ߣหᗧߩߚߦචಽߥᖱႎࠍ⧷⺆ߢឭଏߔࠆ⽿છࠍ⽶߁ߎߣߦߥߞߡ ࠆޕ ᄾ⚂ᦠ߽એਅߩ⸒⺆㧔ᣣᧄ⺆⺆ߪߚ߹⺆ޔ⺆⧷ޔ㧕ߩ߁ߜޔታᣉᯏ㑐߇ㆬᛯߔࠆ ߕࠇ߆৻ߟߩ⸒⺆ߢᚑߐࠇࠆߴ߈ߢࠆޔߒߛߚޕᔕᧅ⠪㑆ߩ㕖Ꮕᕈ߇⺞㆐ᚻ⛯ ߈ߩਛߢ⏕ߐࠇࠆߩߢࠇ߫ߩߢ⺆⸒ߩઁߩߘޔᄾ⚂ᦠᚑ߽ᓧࠆߩߘޕ႐วޔ ୫ੱߪ⽿છ⠪ߦࠃࠆ⟑ฬ߇ߥߐࠇߚᄾ⚂ᦠߩ⧷⺆ ࠦࡇࠍᚑߔࠆᔅⷐߪߥ߽ ߩߩޔᯏ᭴ߩ⏕ߣหᗧߩߚߦචಽߥᖱႎࠍ⧷⺆ߢឭଏߒߥߌࠇ߫ߥࠄߥޕ 129 ╙ 4.19 ᧦ ⚗⸃ Section 4.19 Settlement of Disputes Provisions dealing with the settlement of disputes shall be included in the conditions of contract. It is advisable that the provision be based on the "Rules of Arbitration" prepared by the International Chamber of Commerce. 㧨⸶ᢥ㧪 ᄾ⚂᧦ઙߩਛߦ⚗ޔ⸃ߦ㑐ߔࠆⷙቯ߇⸳ߌࠄࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆⷙߩߎޕቯߪ࿖㓙ᬺળ ⼏ᚲߦࠃߞߡᚑߐࠇߚޟખⵙⷙೣߦޠၮߠߡࠆߎߣ߇ᦸ߹ߒޕ 130 ╙ 4.20 ᧦ Ḱᴺ Section 4.20 Applicable Laws The contract shall stipulate which laws shall govern its interpretation and performance. 㧨⸶ᢥ㧪 ᄾ⚂ᦠߦߪߣ㉼⸃ߩߘޔጁⴕߦ㑐ߒߡㆡ↪ߐࠇࠆᴺᓞࠍⷙቯߔࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ 㧨⸃⺑㧪 Ḱᴺߦട߃ߡޔ୫ੱߪ࠻ࠢࠚࠫࡠࡊޔታᣉߩ㓙ߦ឵ᢥߩౝኈ߅ࠃ߮୫᱅ᄾ⚂㧔.#㧕 ߩⷙቯߦߟߡ߽⠨ᘦߔࠆޕ 131 D. 㐿ᧅ⹏ᧅޔଔ߅ࠃ߮⪭ᧅ⠪ቯ D. Opening of Bids, Evaluation and Award of Contract ╙ 5.01 ᧦ ᧅ㓸߆ࠄᧅ߹ߢߩᦼ㑆 Section 5.01 Time Interval between Invitation and Submission of Bids (1) The time allowed for preparation and submission of bids shall be determined with due consideration of the particular circumstances of the project and the size and complexity of the contract. Generally, not less than 45 days shall be allowed for international bidding. (2) Where large civil works or complex items of equipment are involved, generally not less than 90 days shall be allowed to enable prospective bidders to conduct investigations at the site before submitting their bids. 㧨⸶ᢥ㧪 (1) ᧅߩḰ߅ࠃ߮ᔕߩߚߦਈ߃ࠄࠇࠆᦼ㑆ߪޔᒰᬺߩ⁁ᴫޔᄾ⚂ߩⷙᮨ߅ ࠃ߮ⶄ㔀ߐߦㆡಾߥ㈩ᘦࠍߒߚߢቯࠄࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ࿖㓙ᧅߦ߅ߡߪㅢᏱޔ 45 ᣣ㑆એߩᦼ㑆߇ਈ߃ࠄࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ (2) ᄢⷙᮨߥᧁᎿ߹ߚߪⶄ㔀ߥᯏེ߇߹ࠇߡࠆ႐วߦߪ੍ᧅޔቯ⠪߇ᔕߦవ┙ ߞߡ႐⺞ᩏࠍߔࠆᯏળࠍਈ߃ࠆߚᦼߩߎޔ㑆ߪㅢᏱ 90 ᣣએߣߔࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ 㧨⸃⺑㧪 ᧅ㓸ࠃࠅឭ✦ಾࠅᣣ߹ߢߩᤨ㑆ࠍචಽߣࠆߎߣߪᭂߡ㊀ⷐߢࠆޔߪࠇߎޕ නߦࠅࠃޔᐢ┹ࠍⴕࠊߖߒࠆ⋡⊛㧔߅ࠃ߮ࠦࠬ࠻ߩᦨዊൻ㧕߆ࠄᔅⷐߢࠆߣ ߁ߩߺߥࠄߕޔᔕᧅḰߩߚߩචಽߥᤨ㑆ࠍਈ߃ࠆߎߣߢᔕᧅ⠪ߪᧅᦠ㘃ࠍ♖ ᩏߒޔචಽᬌ⸛ߐࠇߚᔕᧅᧅࠍḰߔࠆߎߣ߇น⢻ߣߥࠆ߆ࠄߢࠆޔߪߣߎߩߎޕ ߃߫ᄙߊߩᾖળ㧔ENCTKHKECVKQP㧕⹏ޔଔߩᷙੂ߿ᕭᗧ⊛ߥ⹏ଔߩઁߩߘߪߚ߹ޔ ขࠅᛒߩ㔍ߒ⁁ᴫ╬ߩߘޔᓟߩ㗴ߩ࿁ㆱߦ❬߇ࠆޕචಽߥḰᦼ㑆ࠍ⚻ߡᚑ ߐࠇߚ⾰ߩ㜞ᔕᧅࠍᓧࠆߎߣߪ⚿ޔᨐߣߒߡޔ㐳ᦼ⊛ߦߪ⺞ޔ㆐ᚻ⛯߈ోߩᦼ㑆 ⍴❗ߦ❬߇ࠆߣ߁ߎߣ߇ᒝ⺞ߐࠇࠆߴ߈ߢࠆޕ ᧄ᧦ߦ߅ߡቯࠆᦼ㑆㧔৻⥸⊛ߥᄾ⚂ߪ ᣣએޔᄢဳᎿᄾ⚂ߪ ᣣએ㧕ߩ ᩮߣߒߡޔᯏེᄾ⚂ߦ 㨪 ࡩᔅⷐߢࠆߎߣߚ߹ޔᄢဳᧁᎿᄾ⚂ߦߪ႐⺞ 132 ᩏߩᔅⷐ߽ࠅᦨૐ 㨪 ࡩ߇ᔅⷐߢࠆߎߣ߇ߍࠄࠇࠆޔࠄ߇ߥߒ߆ߒޕᄾ⚂ߩ ᄢ߈ߐߣⶄ㔀ᕈ࠻ࠢࠚࠫࡠࡊޔ႐✕ޔᕆᕈߩᐲว╬ߦࠃࠅߎߩᦼ㑆ߪᄢ߈ߊᏀฝ ߐࠇࠆߚߩ᧦ᧄޔㆡ↪ߦߪࠆ⒟ᐲߩᨵエᕈࠍᜬߚߖߡ߽⦟ޕ ೨⾗ᩰክᩏ߇ᧅߦవ┙ߞߡታᣉߐࠇࠆ႐วޔ೨⾗ᩰክᩏ߇ቢੌᰴ╙น⢻ߥ㒢ࠅ ㅦ߿߆ߦᧅ㓸߇ߥߐࠇࠆߴ߈ߢࠆޕ 133 ╙ 5.02 ᧦ 㐿ᧅߦ㑐ߔࠆᚻ⛯߈ Section 5.02 Procedures relating to Opening of Bids (1) The date, hour and place for the latest receipt of bids and for the opening of bids shall be announced in the invitations to bid and all bids shall be opened publicly at the stipulated time and place. Bids received after this time shall be returned unopened. (2) The name of the bidder and total amount of each bid and of any alternative bids, if such have been requested or permitted, shall be read aloud and recorded when opened. This record shall be confirmed and signed by all bidders or their representatives present at opening of bids, and a copy of this record shall be promptly sent to JICA. 㧨⸶ᢥ㧪 (1) ᧅ✦ಾߣ㐿ᧅߩᣣᤨ߅ࠃ߮႐ᚲߪᧅ㓸ᦠߦ⸥タߐࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߒޔߪᧅߩߡోޔ ࠄ߆ߓቯࠄࠇߚᤨ㑆ߣ႐ᚲߢ㐿ߦࠃࠆ㐿ᧅ߇ⴕࠊࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆᤨߩߎޕὐએ ᓟߦฃℂߒߚᧅߪ㐿߆ߕߦළߐࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ (2) ᔕᧅ⠪ฬߣᧅ㊄㗵߮ࠃ߅ޔઍᦧ᩺ឭ߇᳞ࠄࠇߡࠆ߆⸵นߐࠇߡࠆ႐วߦߪઍ ᦧ߽᩺ޔ㐿ᧅᤨߦ⺒ߺߍࠄࠇߚ⸥㍳ߐࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆ⸥ߩߎޕ㍳ߪ㐿ᧅߦᏨߒߚ ోߡߩᔕᧅ⠪߹ߚߪߘߩઍ⠪߇⟑ฬߔࠆ߽ߩߣߒ⸥ޔ㍳ߩ౮ߒߪㅦ߿߆ߦᯏ᭴ߦㅍઃ ߐࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ 㧨⸃⺑㧪 ╙ 㗄ߦߟߡ ᕭᗧ⊛⪭ᧅࠍㆱߌߩⴐޔ㕙೨ߢᐔߥቯࠍⴕ߁ߚߦ᧦ᧄޔቯࠆ㐿㐿ᧅ ࠍࠆߴ߈ߢࠆޕ 㐿ᧅߩᤨ㑆ߪޔᔕᧅ✦ಾࠅߣหᤨ߆⋥ߩߘߪࠆޔᓟߣߔࠆޕ ৻Ბ㓏㧦ੑᧅᧅߩ႐วޔଔᩰᧅߪᛛⴚᧅߩ⹏ଔᓟߦ㐿ᧅߐࠇࠆ߇߽ࠇߎޔ㐿ߢⴕ ࠊࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕᛛⴚᧅߢᄬᩰߣߥߞߚᔕᧅ⠪ߩଔᩰᧅߪ㐿߆ߕߦᔕᧅ⠪ߦළߐ ࠇࠆߎߣࠍ⏕ߔࠆᔅⷐ߇ࠆޕ 134 ╙ 5.03 ᧦ ᧅౝኈߩ⏕ൻ߅ࠃ߮ᄌᦝ Section 5.03 Clarification or Alteration of Bids Except as otherwise provided in Section 5.10 of these Guidelines, no bidder shall be requested or permitted to alter his bid after the bids have been opened. Only clarifications not changing the substance of the bid are acceptable. The Borrower may ask any bidder for a clarification of the bid, but shall not ask any bidder to change the substance or price of the bid. 㧨⸶ᢥ㧪 ᧄࠟࠗ࠼ࠗࡦߩ╙ 5.10 ᧦ߦⷙቯߐࠇߡࠆ႐วࠍ㒰ߡߪࠆߥ߆ޔᔕᧅ⠪߽㐿ᧅᓟޔ ߘߩᧅౝኈࠍᄌᦝߔࠆߎߣࠍⷐ᳞ߐࠇߥ߽ߩߣߒߚ߹ޔᄌᦝߔࠆߎߣࠍࠄࠇߥ ߽ߩߣߔࠆߩߘޕਥⷐౝኈࠍᄌ߃ߕߦౝኈߩ⏕ൻࠍⴕ߁ߎߣߛߌ߇ࠄࠇࠆޕ୫ੱ ߪᔕᧅ⠪ߦߘߩᧅౝኈߩ⏕ൻࠍ᳞ߡ߽ࠃ߇ޔਥⷐౝኈ߿㊄㗵ߩᄌᦝⷐ᳞ߪⴕࠊߥ ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ 㧨⸃⺑㧪 ᒰὼߩߎߣߥ߇ࠄࠆߥ߆ޔᔕᧅ⠪߽ޔනߥࠆᾖળ㧔ENCTKHKECVKQP㧕ࠍ㒰߈ߘߩᔕᧅ ౝኈࠍᄌᦝߔࠆߎߣߪߢ߈ߕޔߚ߹ޔ୫ੱ߽㐿ᧅᓟߪᔕᧅ⠪ߦኻߒଔᩰ߿ᔕᧅౝኈ ߩᄌᦝࠍ᳞ࠆߎߣߪߢ߈ߥޕ ᾖળⷐ⺧ߣᔕᧅ⠪߆ࠄߩ࿁╵ߪᦠ㕙ࠍ߽ߞߡⴕ߁߽ߩߣߔࠆޕᾖળߩࡊࡠࠬࠍᱜ ߆ߟലᨐ⊛ߦⴕ߁ߚޔᔕᧅ⠪ߦߪᾖળⷐ⺧ߦ࿁╵ߔࠆߩߦㆡᒰߥᤨ㑆߇ਈ߃ࠄࠇࠆ ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ ၮᧄ⊛ߦ⹏ᧅޔଔߦ߅ߡᾖળ߇ᔅⷐ߆ุ߆ߪ୫ੱߩⵙ㊂ߢࠆޔࠄ߇ߥߒ߆ߒޕ ߘߩⵙ㊂ߪ୫ੱ߇ᕭᗧ⊛ߦᔕᧅࠍᛒߞߡࠃߣ߁ߎߣࠍᗧߔࠆ߽ߩߢߪߥޕ ୫ੱߪ⚿ᨐߩ⹏ଔߣห᭽ߦᾖળߩታᣉߦ߅ߡ߽ᐔᕈࠍߟ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ 135 ╙ 5.04 ᧦ ᚻ⛯߈ߩ㕖㐿ᕈ Section 5.04 Process to be Confidential Except as may be required by law, no information relating to the examination, clarification and evaluation of bids and recommendations concerning awards shall be communicated after the public opening of bids to any persons not officially concerned with this process until a contract has been awarded to a bidder. 㧨⸶ᢥ㧪 ᴺᓞߦࠃࠅⷐ᳞ߐࠇߚ႐วࠍ㒰߈ᧅޔౝኈߩክᩏޔ⏕ൻ߅ࠃ߮⹏ଔߦ㑐ߔࠆᖱႎ߹ޔ ߚ⪭ᧅቯߦ㑐ߔࠆផ⮈ߩߕࠇߦߟߡ߽ᧅ⪭ޔ⠪߇ቯߐࠇࠆ߹ߢߪߩࠄࠇߎޔᚻ⛯ ߈ߦᱜᑼߦ㑐ਈߒߡߥ߽ߩߦኻߒߡ㐿ߐࠇߥ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ 㧨⸃⺑㧪 ᚻ⛯߈ߩ㕖㐿ᕈߪޔ୫ੱ߅ࠃ߮ᯏ᭴߇ޔ␜⊛ߢࠇᥧ␜⊛ߢࠇޔਇㆡᒰߥ㧔ᄖ ㇱ߆ࠄߩ㧕ࠍ࿁ㆱߔࠆ߁߃ߢ㕖Ᏹߦ㊀ⷐߢࠆޕ ᧄⷙቯߪޔ೨⾗ᩰክᩏᚻ⛯߈ߦ߅ߡ߽ޔክᩏ⚿ᨐߦ߆߆ࠆㅢ⍮߇ోᔕ⠪ߦኻߒ ߡⴕࠊࠇࠆ߹ߢߩᦼ㑆ㆡ↪ߐࠇࠆޕ 136 ╙ 5.05 ᧦ ᧅౝኈߩክᩏ Section 5.05 Examination of Bids (1) Following the opening of bids, it shall be ascertained whether the bids are substantially responsive to the bidding documents, whether the required securities have been provided, whether documents have been properly signed and whether the bids are otherwise generally in order. (2) If a bid does not substantially conform to the specifications, or contains inadmissible reservations or is otherwise not substantially responsive to the bidding documents, it shall be rejected. (3) A technical analysis shall then be made to evaluate each responsive bid and to enable bids to be compared. 㧨⸶ᢥ㧪 (1) 㐿ᧅᓟᦠᧅޔ㘃ߩ᧦ઙߦታ⾰⊛ߦว⥌ߒߡࠆ߆ⷐޔ᳞ߐࠇߡࠆ⸽߇ឭଏߐࠇߡ ࠆ߆⟑ޔฬߪᱜᒰߦߐࠇߡࠆ߆ߩઁߩߘߪᧅޔ㕙ߦ߅ߡ৻⥸ߦㆡಾ߆ߤ߁߆ߦ ߟ߈ฦޕࠆߔߣߩ߽ࠆࠇߐ⏕ޘ (2) ߽ߒᧅޔౝኈ߇᭽ߩⷐ᳞ߦචಽว⥌ߒߡߥ߆ߞߚࠅޔᛚߒ߇ߚ⇐᧦ઙࠍઃ ߒߡߚࠅߩઁߪߚ߹ޔὐߢᧅᦠ㘃ߩౝኈߦว⥌ߒߡߥ႐วߦߪᧅߚߒ߁ߘޔ ߪឃ㒰ߐࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ (3) ߎ߁ߒߚክᩏߩᓟ᧦ߩࠄࠇߎޔઙࠍߺߚߒߚฦᧅߩ⹏ଔߣᲧセߩߚߦޔᛛⴚ⊛ᬌ⸛ ߇ߥߐࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ 㧨⸃⺑㧪 ╙ 㗄ߦߟߡ ክᩏߩኻ⽎ߣߥࠆ㗄ߪޔᒻᑼ㕙ߦ㑐ߒᦠᧅ߫߃ޔ㘃ߢⷐ᳞ߒߡࠆ᭽ߣߩᢛว ᕈޔㆡಾߥࠨࠗࡦߩή⸽ᧅޔ㊄ߩή╬ߢࠆޕ ╙ 㗄ߦߟߡ 㐿ᧅᓟߦᔕᧅౝኈࠍ⏕ߒ⚿ߩߘޔᨐޔ⸥ⷐઙ߆ࠄߩㅺ⣕㧔FGXKCVKQP㧕ߪࠆޔᄢ ߥਇ৻⥌߇ࠆ႐วߦߪߩᧅޔၮᧄ࡞࡞ߦᾖࠄߒᒰᔕᧅߪឃ㒰ߐࠇࠆߴ߈ߢ ࠆޕᒰߩㅺ⣕߇⸵ኈ▸࿐߆ุ߆ࠍ್ᢿߔࠆߩߪ⊒ᵈ⠪ߚࠆታᣉᯏ㑐ߢࠆࠦߒ߆ߒޕ 137 ࡦࠨ࡞࠲ࡦ࠻ߣ୫ੱߩᗧ߇⋧㆑ߔࠆ႐วߪޔਔ⠪ߩᗧߦචಽᘕ㊀ߦኻಣߔࠆᔅⷐ ߇ࠆޕ 138 ╙ 5.06 ᧦ ᧅౝኈߩ⹏ଔߣᲧセ Section 5.06 Evaluation and Comparison of Bids (1) The purpose of bid evaluation is to compare bids which conform to the technical specifications and are responsive to the bidding documents on the basis of their evaluated cost. Among the bids which conform to the technical specifications, the bid with the lowest evaluated cost, not necessarily the lowest submitted price shall be selected for award. Even when there has been prequalification of bidders, technical factors shall be given their full importance when evaluating bids. (2) Bid evaluation shall be consistent with the terms and conditions set forth in the bidding documents. (a) The bidding documents shall specify provisions for adjustment of a bid price to correct any errors in computation, the relevant factors to be considered in bid evaluation and the manner in which they will be applied for the purpose of determining the lowest evaluated bid. (b) Factors which may be taken into consideration include, inter alia, the payment schedule, the time of completion of construction or delivery, the operating costs, the efficiency and compatibility of the equipment, the availability of service and spare parts, the reliability of the quality control methods (including construction methods) proposed, safety, environmental benefits, and minor deviations, if any. To the extent practicable, factors other than price shall be expressed in monetary terms according to criteria specified in the bidding documents, or given a relative weight in accordance with the evaluation provisions in the bidding documents. (c) Provisions for price adjustment included in a bid shall not be taken into consideration. (3) For the purposes of evaluation and comparison of bids for the supply of goods to be procured on the basis of international bidding: (a) Bidders will be required to state in their bids the CIP (place of destination) price for imported goods or the EXW (ex works, ex factory, or off-shelf) price plus cost of inland transportation and insurance to the place of destination for other goods offered in the bid; (b) Customs duties and other import taxes levied in connection with the importation or sales and similar taxes levied in connection with the sale or delivery of goods pursuant to a bid shall not be taken into account in the evaluation of that bid; and (c) The cost of inland freight and other expenditures incidental to the transportation 139 and delivery of the goods to the place of their use or installation for the purposes of the project shall be included, if this is specified in the bidding documents. (4) Where Contractors are responsible for all duties, taxes and other levies under civil works contracts, bidders shall take these factors into account in preparing their bids. The evaluation and comparison of bids shall be on this basis. (5) Any procedure under which bids above or below a predetermined bid value assessment are automatically disqualified is not permitted. 㧨⸶ᢥ㧪 (1) ᧅ⹏ଔߩ⋡⊛ߪޔᛛⴚ᭽ࠍḩߚߒᦠᧅޔ㘃ߦว⥌ߒߡࠆᧅߦߟߡ⹏ଔଔᩰ ࠍࡌࠬߦᲧセߔࠆ߽ߩߢࠅޔᛛⴚ᭽ࠍḩߚߔᧅߩ߁ߜޔᔅߕߒ߽ᦨૐឭ␜ଔᩰ ᧅߢߪߥߊᦨޔૐ⹏ଔଔᩰᧅ㧔ਅ⸥(2)ෳᾖ㧕ߦ⪭ᧅߐࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕᔕᧅ⠪ߩ೨ ⾗ᩰክᩏࠍታᣉߒߚߣߒߡ߽⹏ᧅޔଔߦ߅ߌࠆᛛⴚⷐ⚛ߩ㊀ⷐᕈߦߟߡߪᄌࠊࠅ߇ ߥ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ (2) ᧅ⹏ଔߪᦠᧅޔ㘃ߦ⸥ߐࠇߚ᧦ઙߣ৻⥌ߔࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ (a) ᧅᦠ㘃ߦߪ▚⸘ޔߩ⺋Ꮕ⸓ᱜߩߚߩᧅଔᩰߩ⺞ᢛ᧦㗄ᦨޔૐ⹏ଔଔᩰᧅࠍ ቯߔࠆߚߩᧅ⹏ଔߦ㓙ߒߡ⠨ᘦߔߴ߈㑐ㅪⷐ⚛ߩߤ߇⚛ⷐߩࠄࠇߘ߮ࠃ߅ޔ ࠃ߁ߦㆡ↪ߐࠇࠆ߆߇ޔ⸥ߐࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ (b) ⠨ᘦኻ⽎ߣߥࠅᓧࠆⷐ⚛ߣߒߡߪޔߌࠊࠅߣޔᡰᛄࠬࠤࠫࡘ࡞ޔᑪ⸳߹ߚߪᒁ ᷰߒߩቢੌᤨᦼޔⒿേ⾌ޔᯏེߩല₸߅ࠃ߮ㆡวᕈ࠷ࡄࠕࡍࠬ߮ࠃ߅ࠬࡆࠨޔ ߩ⏕ޔ㧔ᑪ⸳ᣇᴺ߽ߚ㧕ឭ᩺ߐࠇߡࠆຠ⾰▤ℂᣇᴺߩା㗬ᕈޔోᕈޔⅣ Ⴚ㕙ߢߩଢ⋉߮ࠃ߅ޔᄾ⚂ߩᧄ⾰ߦ㑐ࠊࠄߥㅺ⣕߇߹ࠇࠆޕ㕖ଔᩰⷐ⚛ߪޔታ 㓙น⢻ߥ㒢ࠅᦠᧅޔ㘃ߦⷙቯߐࠇߚၮḰߦၮߠ߈ޔ㊄㗵ߦ឵▚ߒߡ␜ߐࠇࠆ ߆ᦠᧅޔ㘃ਛߩ⹏ଔⷙቯߦᓥ⋧ኻ⊛Ყ㊀㧔࠙ࠚࠗ࠻㧕߇ਈ߃ࠄࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ (c) ᧅߦ߹ࠇߚଔᩰ⺞ᢛ᧦㗄ߪޔ⠨ᘦߒߥ߽ߩߣߔࠆ (3) ࿖㓙ᧅߦၮߠߡ⺞㆐ߐࠇࠆ⾗ᯏ᧚ߩଏ⛎ߦߟߡ⹏ᧅޔଔ߅ࠃ߮Ყセࠍⴕ߁㓙ߦ ߪޔએਅ߇ㆡ↪ߐࠇࠆޕ (a) ᔕᧅ⠪ߪߘߩᧅߩਛߦޔᒰᧅߦ߅ߡឭଏߐࠇࠆ⾗ᯏ᧚ߦߟ߈ޔャ⾗ᯏ᧚ ߩ႐วߦߪ CIP(⋡⊛)ଔᩰ⾗ߩઁߩߘޔᯏ᧚ߩ႐วߦߪ EXW㧔ex work, ex factory ߹ߚߪ off-shelf㧕ଔᩰߦౝ㒽ャㅍ߅ࠃ߮⋡⊛߹ߢߩ㒾ࠍട߃ߚଔᩰߩ ⸥タࠍⷐ᳞ߐࠇࠆޕ (b) ャߩ㓙ߦ⺖ߐࠇࠆ㑐⒢߅ࠃ߮ߘߩઁߩャ⒢ᧅޔߪߚ߹ޔ㑐ㅪ⾗ᯏ᧚ߩᄁළ߽ ߒߊߪᒁᷰߒߦ㑐ㅪߒߡ⺖ߐࠇࠆ⽼ᄁ⒢߅ࠃ߮ߎࠇߦ㘃ߔࠆ⒢ߪ⹏ᧅޔଔߩ㓙ߦ ߪ⠨ᘦߩኻ⽎ߣߐࠇߥ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ 140 (c) ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߩߚߩ↪߹ߚߪ⸳⟎႐ᚲ߳ߩ⾗ᯏ᧚ߩャㅍ߮ࠃ߅ޔᒁᷰߒߦ ߁ౝャㅍ⾌ߘߩઁߩ⾌↪ߪᦠᧅޔ㘃ߦⷙቯߐࠇߡࠆߩߢࠇ߫߹ࠇࠆ߽ߩ ߣߔࠆޕ (4) ᧁᎿᄾ⚂ߦ߅ߡޔ㑐⒢ޔ⒢㊄߅ࠃ߮ߘߩઁߩ⾮⺖㊄ࠍోߡ߇ޠ࠲ࠢ࠻ࡦࠦޟ ⽶ᜂߔࠆ႐วޔᔕᧅ⠪ߪߎࠇࠄߩⷐ⚛ࠍ⠨ᘦߦࠇߡᧅߩḰࠍⴕ߁߽ߩߣߔࠆ߹ޕ ߚߘߩࠃ߁ߥ႐วߪ⹏ᧅޔଔߣᲧセ߽ߎߩၮḰߦೣߒߡⴕࠊࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ (5) ࠄ߆ߓቯࠄࠇߚᩏቯᧅଔᩰࠃࠅ㜞㗵߹ߚߪૐ㗵ߩᧅߪ⥄േ⊛ߦᄬᩰߣߔࠆ ᚻ⛯߈ߪޕߥࠇࠄ߽ߡߞߢߩ߽ࠆߥ߆ޔ 㧨⸃⺑㧪 ╙ 㗄ߦߟߡ ⹏ଔߦߚߞߡߪޔනߥࠆଔᩰߩߺߥࠄߕ߫߃ޔ⚛ⷐߩઁޔᡰᛄࠬࠤࠫࡘ ࡞ޔᑪ⸳ߥߒᒁ߈ᷰߒቢੌ߹ߢߩᤨ㑆߿ࠬࡆࠨޔㇱຠߩ⏕ߩઁ࠻ࡦࡊޔ ╬ߩᶖ⾌㧔ࠛࡀ࡞ࠡ㧕ല₸╬ߩⷐ⚛ࠍ߽ൊ᩺ߔࠆߚߒ߁ߎޕ㕖ଔᩰⷐ⚛ߪޔ ࠄ߆ߓቯࠄࠇߚ⹏ଔၮḰߦၮߠ߈ޔ㊄㗵ߦᢙ㊂ൻߒߡߪࠆޔὐᢙߦࠃ ࠅ⹏ଔߐࠇࠆߴ߈ߢࠆޕ ଔᩰ⺞ᢛ᧦㗄㧔ࠊࠁࠆ࡚ࠛࠬࠞࠪࡦ᧦㗄ᧄࠟࠗ࠼ࠗࡦ╙ ᧦ߩฦ㗄 ෳᾖ㧕ߩౝኈࠍ⹏ଔߦߚߞߡᅤߦൊ᩺ߔߴ߈߆㗴ߣߥࠆޕේೣߣߒߡࠛޔ ࡚ࠬࠞࠪࡦౝኈߪ⹏ଔኻ⽎ߦ߹ࠇߥ߽ߩߣߔࠆࠪࠞࠬࠛޔߪࠇߎޕ ࡚ࡦㇱಽߦ㑐ߒห৻ၮḰߢߩᲧセߪਇน⢻㧔╙ ᧦ߢ߁̌URGEKHKEHQTOWNCG̍ ߇․ቯൻߐࠇߡߡ߽▚ߩߘޔቯߦߚߞߡߩࡌࠬ߇⇣ߥࠇ߫㨇ޔᯏེ⺞㆐ ߩ႐วޔᔕᧅ⠪࿖߇⇣ߥࠇ߫‛߫߃ޔଔᄌേ₸╬ߪ৻⥸⊛ߦ⇣ߥࠆ㨉ޔห৻ၮ ḰߢߩᲧセߪਇน⢻㧕ߢࠅޔߦ࡚ࠛࠬࠞࠪࡦㇱಽ߇⹏ଔᲑ㓏ߢߪౕ⊛ ᢙ୯ߣߒߡ⏕ቯਇน⢻ߛ߆ࠄߢࠆޕ ╙ 㗄ߦߟߡ ᧅߪޔャຠߦߟߡߪ %+2 ⋡⊛ଔᩰࠇߘޔએᄖߩຠ⋡ߪ ':9 ଔᩰߦౝ㒽ャㅍ⾌ ߅ࠃ߮⋡⊛߹ߢߩ㒾ᢱߣട߃ߚଔᩰߦၮߠߡ⹏ଔߐࠇࠆߴ߈ߢࠆ⾗ޟޕᯏ᧚ 㧔IQQFU㧕⚳ᦨߪޠຠࠍᜰߒ'ޟޔ:9 ଔᩰߪߣޠᎿ႐⩄ᤨߩᦨ⚳ຠଔᩰࠍᗧߔࠆޕ ࿖ౝຠߦߟߡࠍࠇߎޔㅧߔࠆߚߦ↪ߐࠇࠆේ᧚ᢱߩャߦ⺖ߖࠄࠇࠆ㑐⒢ࠍ ប㒰ߔࠆߎߣߪޔャຠߦߟߡ߽ㅧ࿖ߦ߅ߡේ᧚ᢱߩャߦห᭽ߩ㑐⒢߇⺖ߖ ࠄࠇߡࠆߎߣ߆ࠄࠄࠇߥޕ 141 ╙ 㗄ߦߟߡ ᧄ㗄ߩᧁᎿᄾ⚂ߩ႐ว ╙ޔ㗄 Dߩ႐วߣ⇣ߥߞߚ⒢㊄ߩขࠅᛒࠍߡ ࠆߩߪޔᧁᎿߩ႐ว߽⒢㊄ࠍ㒰ᄖߒߡ⠨߃ࠆߩ߇ℂᗐ⊛ߢࠆ߇ࠆ߆߆ޔ⒢㊄ߪ ࿖ޔ႐ߩ┙ߦᦝޔડᬺߩᚲޔᎿߩ࠲ࠗࡊߦࠃࠅᄢ߈ߊ⇣ߥࠆߚࠍࠇߎޔ ᧅߏߣߦ⒢ࠍ㒰ᄖߒߡ▚ቯߒߡߊߎߣ߇ታਇน⢻ߢࠆߣߩ್ᢿߦၮߠߊ߽ ߩߢࠆޕ ᦨޟૐ⹏ଔଔᩰᧅ⺆ߩޠฏ߆ࠄ߽ࠄ߆ߥࠃ߁ߦޔᭂߡන⚐ߥຠ⋡ߩ႐วࠍ㒰߈ޔ ⪭ᧅߪޔ⸥ߩࠃ߁ߥ⒳✚ࠍ⚛ⷐߩޘว⊛ߦൊ᩺ߒߚ⚿ᨐ್ߣ⦟ᦨޔᢿߐࠇߚᔕᧅߦ ኻߒߡߥߐࠇࠆߴ߈߽ߩߢߞߡޔଔᩰ㕙ߩߺߢߩ৻⇟ᧅ㧔ߺ⺒ޟߍଔᩰޠߢߩ ৻⇟ᧅ㧕߇⪭ᧅߣߥࠆߣߪ㒢ࠄߥޕ ୫ੱߦࠃߞߡߪ⥄ޔ࿖ᬺ⠪⢒ᚑ㧔ߥߒఝㆄ㧕╬ߩⷰὐࠃࠅᧅޔᲧセߦߚߞߡ ࠊࠁࠆ࿖ౝડᬺఝㆄភ⟎㧔୫ࠇ࿖࿖ౝડᬺఝㆄߩ⠨߃ߩਅޔ࿖ౝડᬺ⪭ᧅߩߚޔ ᄖ࿖ડᬺߩᔕᧅ㗵ߦ㑐⒢ಽ╬ߩ৻ቯᲧ₸ಽࠍਸ਼ߖߔࠆ㧕ࠍណ↪ߒߚᣦߩⷐ᳞߇ߥ ߐࠇࠆߎߣ߇ࠆ߇ޔ୫᱅ߩ႐วߪࠄࠇߡߥޔߦᦝޕᔕᧅᤨߦ৻ቯએߩ ࿖↥ຠᲧ₸ࠍ᳞ࠆߪߚ߹ޔ࿖↥ຠᲧ₸ߩ␜ࠍ᳞ࠆ╬ޔ㑆ធ⊛ߥ⥄࿖ᬺ⠪ఝㆄភ ⟎ࠍណࠆߎߣߪࠄࠇߥޕ 㗄⋡㧔ࡠ࠶࠻㧕ࡌࠬߩᔕᧅ߇ᧅᦠ㘃ߦ߅ߡ␜⊛ߦ⸵ߐࠇߚᧅ㧔ࠊࠁࠆ RCTVKCNDKF㧕ߦ߅ߡޔ㧔㧕ฦࡠ࠶࠻ߩᦨૐଔᩰࠍว⸘ߒߚ㗵㧔ⶄᢙᔕᧅ⠪߆ࠄߩ ⺞㆐㧕ߣޔ㧔㧕ోࡠ࠶࠻ࠍ ࠣ࡞ࡊߣߔࠆ㗵㧔ห৻ᔕᧅ⠪߆ࠄߩ⺞㆐㧕߇⇣ߥࠆ ႐ว㧔․ߦޔ೨⠪㧨ᓟ⠪ߩ႐ว㧕ޔวℂ⊛ߢㆡᱜߥ⹏ଔ㧔ฦࡠ࠶࠻㑆ߩᛛⴚ⊛㑐ㅪᕈ ╬㧕߇ߥߐࠇߡࠆ㒢ࠅޔ೨⠪ߩ⚿⺰ߢߞߡ߽ᧅଔᩰߦߟߡߪ․ߦ㗴ߢߪߥ ޕ ✚ว⹏ଔᣇᑼߣߪޔଔᩰⷐ⚛ߣ㕖ଔᩰⷐ⚛ߦ㧔⋧ኻ⊛㧕㈩ὐ߇ਈ߃ࠄࠇ߽ᦨޔ㜞ว ⸘ὐࠍขᓧߒߚᔕᧅ⠪߇ㆬ߫ࠇࠆߣ߁ᣇᴺߢࠆޕ୫᱅ᬺߦ߅ߡߪ✚ޔว⹏ ଔᣇᑼߪේೣߣߒߡฃߌࠇࠄࠇߥޕଔᩰⷐ⚛ߣ㕖ଔᩰⷐ⚛ߩ㑆ߢߩ㈩ὐഀᒰߡߦ ߟ߈⏕┙ߒߚᣇᴺ߇ߥߚޔਥⷰ⊛ߥ⹏ଔ߇ߣߥࠆߎߣ߇ㆱߌࠄࠇߥ߆ࠄߢࠆޕ ᧄࠟࠗ࠼ࠗࡦߢߪޔ୫ੱߦኻߒ⏕ߥᛛⴚ᭽ࠍቯޔᛛⴚࠬࡍ࠶ࠢߦว⥌ߒߚ ᔕᧅߦߟ߈⹏ଔଔᩰߢᲧセߔࠆߎߣࠍ᳞ߡ߅ࠅ✚ޔว⹏ଔᣇᑼߪߎߩⷐ᳞ߦว⥌ߒ ߥ߽ߩߢࠆޕ ⾗ᯏ᧚߅ࠃ߮ᓎോߩឭଏߦ߆߆ࠆᔕᧅߦ߅ߡᄢߦਇဋⴧߥ㧔ᭂ┵ߦ㜞㧛㧕 නଔ㧔WPDCNCPEGFWPKVRTKEG㧕߇߹ࠇߡࠆ႐วߦߪޔ୫ੱߪ⹏ଔ⚿ᨐࠍቯߔ 142 ࠆ೨ߦޔᬺോߩㆡಾߥㆀⴕࠍ⏕ߔࠆߚޔᔕᧅ⠪ߦኻߒߡᾖળࠍⴕߩߘޔ࿁╵ࠍ ฃ㗔ߔࠆߴ߈ߢࠆߒ߽ޕ୫ੱߦㆡಾߥℂ↱߇ࠇ߫ᧅ⪭ޔ⠪ߦኻߒߡጁⴕ⸽ߦ ߟߡᅷᒰߥ▸࿐ߩჇ㗵ࠍ᳞ࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈ࠆޕ ᧅḰਛߦⴕࠊࠇࠆᔕᧅ⠪ߩᎿ႐ᬌᩏߪޔ୫ੱ߇ᬌᩏߦ߆߆ࠆ⾌↪ోߡࠍ⽶ᜂߔ ࠆߎߣࠍ೨ឭߦᓧࠆޕ 10. ୫ੱߪᦠᧅޔ㘃ߦ߅ߡⷙቯߐࠇߚᧅലᦼ㒢ౝߦᧅ⹏ଔࠍቢੌߔߴ߈ߢ ࠆޕ 143 ╙ 5.07 ᧦ ᔕᧅ⠪ߩᓟ⾗ᩰክᩏ Section 5.07 Postqualification of Bidders (1) If there has been no prequalification of bidders, the Borrower shall determine whether the bidder whose bid has been evaluated the lowest has the capability and resources to carry out the contract concerned effectively. (2) The criteria to be met shall be set out in the bidding documents and if the bidder does not meet them, the bid shall be rejected. In such an event, the Borrower shall then make a similar decision regarding the next-lowest evaluated bidder. 㧨⸶ᢥ㧪 (1) ᔕᧅ⠪ߩ೨⾗ᩰክᩏ߇ߥ႐วߦߪޔ୫ੱߪ⹏ߩᧅޔଔଔᩰ߇ᦨૐߢߞߚᔕᧅ ⠪ߦ㑐ߒޔᒰᄾ⚂ࠍലߦㆀⴕߔࠆ⢻ജߣ⾗Ḯࠍߔࠆ߆ุ߆ࠍ್ቯߔࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ (2) ḩߚߐࠇࠆߴ߈ၮḰߪᧅᦠ㘃ਛߦ⸥タߐࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߒޔᔕᧅ⠪߇ߎߩၮḰࠍḩߚߒߡ ߥ႐วߪߪᧅߩߘޔᜎุߐࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆߩߎޕ႐วߦߪޔ୫ੱߪ⹏ଔଔᩰ߇ ੑ⇟⋡ߦૐᔕᧅ⠪ߦ㑐ߒޔห᭽ߩ್ቯࠍߔࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ 㧨⸃⺑㧪 ᓟ⾗ᩰክᩏߢߪᦨޔૐ⹏ଔଔᩰᧅࠍឭߒߚᔕᧅ⠪࠻ࡦࠦߪߚ߹ޔࡗࠗࡊࠨޔ ࠢ࠲߇ޔᄾ⚂ࠍㆀⴕߒᓧࠆߛߌߩ⢻ജ ECRCDKNKV[CPFECRCEKV[ࠍߒߡࠆߎ ߣࠍ⏕ߔࠆޕ ᓟ⾗ᩰክᩏߪޔዊ㗵ߩ⾗ᯏ᧚⺞㆐߅ࠃ߮ዊⷙᮨᧁᎿᄾ⚂ߦㆡߒߡࠆޕ ᓟ⾗ᩰክᩏߦ߅ߌࠆ⹏ଔࠍኈᤃߦߔࠆߚᦠᧅޔ㘃ߦ߅ߡᓟ⾗ᩰክᩏߣห᭽ ߩ⾰⁁ߣ⹏ଔၮḰࠍ⸥タߒߡ߅ߊߴ߈ߢࠆޕ 144 ╙ 5.08 ᧦ ⹏ଔႎ๔ᦠ Section 5.08 Evaluation Report A detailed report on the evaluation and comparison of bids setting forth the specific reasons on which determination of the lowest evaluated bid was based shall be prepared by the Borrower or its consultants. 㧨⸶ᢥ㧪 ᦨૐ⹏ଔଔᩰᧅࠍቯߒߚၮ␆ߣߥߞߚ⏕ߥℂ↱ࠍㅀߴߚ⹏ᧅޔଔߣᲧセߦ㑐ߔࠆ ⚦ߥႎ๔ᦠ߇ޔ୫ੱ߹ߚߪ୫ੱߩࠦࡦࠨ࡞࠲ࡦ࠻ߦࠃࠅᚑߐࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ 145 ╙ 5.09 ᧦ ⪭ᧅ Section 5.09 Award of Contract The contract is to be awarded to the bidder whose bid has been determined to be the lowest evaluated bid and who meets the appropriate standards of capability and financial resources. A bidder shall not be required as a condition of award to undertake responsibilities or work not stipulated in the specifications or to modify the bid. 㧨⸶ᢥ㧪 ⪭ᧅߪᦨ߇ᧅߩߘޔૐ⹏ଔଔᩰᧅߣ್ᢿߐࠇߟ߆ޔㆡಾߥ⢻ജߣ⽷Ḯࠍߒߡࠆᔕᧅ ⠪ߦኻߒߡߥߐࠇࠆޕᔕᧅ⠪ߪ᧦ߩᧅ⪭ޔઙߣߒߡޔ᭽ᦠߦⷙቯߐࠇߡߥ⽿છ߅ࠃ ߮ᬺോࠍᒁ߈ฃߌࠆߎߣࠍᧅߩߘߪߚ߹ޔᄌᦝߔࠆߎߣࠍⷐ᳞ߐࠇߥ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ 㧨⸃⺑㧪 1. ⪭ ᧅ ߦ ଥ ࠊ ࠆ ㅢ ⍮ ߪ ޔ0QVKEG QH #YCTF .GVVGT QH +PVGPV ࠆ ߪ .GVVGT QH #EEGRVCPEG ╬ߩ␜ᒻᘒࠍએߞߡߥߐࠇࠆ߇ߩࠇߕޔᒻᘒᣇᴺߢࠈ߁ߣ߆߆ޔ ࠆㅢ⍮ࠍડᬺ߇ฃߌขߞߚߥࠄ߫ޔᄾ⚂ߪᒰᤨὐߢᒰ⠪㑆ߦᚑ┙ߒߚ߽ߩߣ৻⥸ ⊛ߦߪ⸃ߐࠇࠆޕ㧔⪭ᧅㅢ⍮ߪ⹏ᧅޔଔ⚿ᨐߩㅢ⍮ߢ߽ߥߌࠇ߫ᧅ⇟৻ޔᔕᧅ⠪ߣ ߩᄾ⚂ᷤߩ⺧ߢ߽ߥߎߣߦ⇐ᗧߔߴ߈ߢࠆޕ㧕ଔᩰᷤߦ㑐ߒߡߪߩᧅޔ ᧄ᧪⊛⿰ᣦ߅ࠃ߮ᔕᧅ⠪ߩ⋉⼔ߩⷰὐ߆ࠄࠄࠇߥޕ 2. ୫ੱߪᧅޔലᦼ㒢ߩᑧ㐳߇ᔅⷐߣߥࠄߥࠃ߁ޔᒰೋߩᦼ㒢ౝߦᧅ⹏ଔߣ⪭ ᧅㅢ⍮ߩ⊒ࠍቢੌߔࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆᦼޕ㒢ౝߦ⪭ᧅㅢ⍮ࠍ⊒ߔࠆߚߦޔ୫ੱߪ ታ⊛ߥࠬࠤࠫࡘ࡞╷ቯߣߘߩ▤ℂߦචಽᵈᗧࠍᛄޔṖല₸⊛ߥ⺞㆐ࠍലᨐ ⊛ߦታߔࠆߴ߈ߢࠆޕ 3. ⸥ ߦ߽߆߆ࠊࠄߕߒ߽ޔᄖ⊛ߥᖱߢ߿ࠍᓧߥߌࠇ߫ޔ୫ੱߪᔕᧅ⠪ߦኻ ߒᧅലᦼ㒢ߩᑧ㐳ࠍ᳞ࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈ࠆޔࠄ߇ߥߒ߆ߒޕᄢߥᦼ㒢ᑧ㐳߇ᔅⷐ ߣߥࠆ႐วߦߪޔଔᩰᄌേߩࠬࠢ߆ࠄᔕᧅ⠪ࠍ⼔ߔࠆߚޔቴⷰ⊛ߥଔᩰ⺞ᢛᑼ ╬৻ቯߩࠬࠢシᷫភ⟎ࠍ⻠ߕࠆߎߣ߇ផᅑߐࠇࠆޕട߃ߡޔනߦᔕᧅ⠪ߩࠬࠢシ ᷫߩߺߥࠄߕޔᐔㅘߥᚻ⛯߈ࠍ⏕ߔࠆߚߩߘޔଔᩰ⺞ᢛᑼࠍᦼ㒢ᑧ㐳↳⺧ ߩਛߦ⸥ߔߴ߈ߢࠆޕ 146 4. ᄾ⚂᭴ᚑⷐ⚛ߩࠍߍࠆߣએਅߩߣ߅ࠅߢࠆޕ %QPVTCEV#ITGGOGPV .GVVGTQH#EEGRVCPEG $KFCPF#RRGPFKZVQ$KF %QPFKVKQPUQH%QPVTCEV 5RGEKHKECVKQPU &TCYKPIU $KNNQH3WCPVKVKGU 5. ,8 ߇⪭ᧅߒߚ႐วޔ,8 ߪᄾ⚂ోߩታᣉߦߟ߈ޟㅪᏪߒߡ㧔ోߦ㧕⽿ޠછࠍ⽶ߞ ߡࠆߩߢࠍ࠻࠶ࡠޔಽഀߒߘࠇߙࠇߩ᭴ᚑડᬺߦߦಽഀߐࠇߚㇱಽߩᄾ⚂ࠍⴕ ࠊߖࠆߎߣߪࠄࠇߥޕ 147 ╙ 5.10 ᧦ ᧅߩᜎุ Section 5.10 Rejection of Bids (1) Bidding documents usually provide that the Borrower may reject all bids. Rejection of all bids may be justified when (a) the lowest evaluated bid exceeds the cost estimates by a substantial amount, (b) no bid is substantially responsive to the bidding documents or (c) there is a lack of competition. However, all bids shall not be rejected solely for the purpose of obtaining lower prices in the new bids to be invited on the same specifications. (2) If all bids are rejected, the Borrower shall review factors that made such rejection necessary and consider either revision of the specifications or modification of the project (or the amounts of work or items in the original invitation to bid), or both, before inviting new bids. (3) Where exceptional circumstances justify this, the Borrower may, as an alternative to rebidding, negotiate with the lowest evaluated bidder (or, failing a satisfactory result of such negotiation, with the next-lowest evaluated bidder) to try to obtain a satisfactory contract. 㧨⸶ᢥ㧪 (1) ᧅᦠ㘃ߦߪޔㅢᏱ୫ੱ߇߆ߥࠆᧅ߽ᜎุߒᓧࠆᣦቯࠄࠇߡࠆߩᧅోޕᜎ ุߪ(ޔa)ᦨૐ⹏ଔᧅ߇୫ੱߩㄟ㗵ࠍᄢߦ࿁ࠆ႐ว(ޔb)ోᧅ߇ታ⾰⊛ߦᧅ ᦠ㘃ߦว⥌ߒߡߥ႐ว(ߪߚ߹ޔc)┹߇ᰳᅤߒߡࠆ႐วߦޔᱜᒰൻߐࠇᓧࠆޕ ߒ߆ߒߥ߇ࠄޔᒰೋߣหߓ᭽ߦၮߠߊᣂߚߥᧅߦ߅ߡߦࠄߐޔૐଔᩰߩᧅࠍ ᓧࠆߎߣߩߺࠍℂ↱ߣߒߡࠍᧅోޔᜎุߒߥ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ (2) ోߡߩᧅ߇ᜎุߐࠇߚ႐วߦߪޔౣᧅߩ೨ߦޔ୫ੱߪᒰᜎุ߇ᔅⷐߣߥߞߚℂ ↱ࠍᬌ⸛ߒޔ᭽ߩᄌᦝ߹ߚߪࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߩᄌᦝ㧔߹ߚߪޔᒰೋߩᧅ㓸ߦ߅ߌࠆ ኻ⽎Ꮏߩ᧚⾗ޔ㊂ߩᄌᦝ㧕߹ߚߪߘߩਔᣇࠍ⠨ᘦߔࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ (3) ୫ੱߪ․ߥ⁁ᴫߦ߅ߡߪޔౣᧅࠍߔࠆઍࠊࠅߦᦨޔૐ⹏ଔଔᩰᔕᧅ⠪㧔߹ߚߪޔ ᒰᷤ߇ḩ⿷ߔࠆ⚿ᨐࠍ↢߹ߥ߆ߞߚ㓙ߪᰴߩᦨૐ⹏ଔଔᩰᔕᧅ⠪㧕ߣᷤߒߡḩ⿷ ߒᓧࠆᄾ⚂ࠍ⚿߱ࠃ߁ദߡ߽ࠃޕ 148 㧨⸃⺑㧪 1. ᧅࡊࡠࠬࠍㅢߓ┹߇⏕ߐࠇߡࠆ㒢ࠅᧅޔଔᩰߪߊ߹ߢޟᏒ႐ଔᩰߣޠ ⠨߃ࠄࠇࠆߚߩ᧦ᧄޔㆡ↪ߪઁߩઍᦧᚻᲑ߇ߥ႐วߦ㒢ࠅࠄࠇࠆߴ߈߽ߩߢ ࠆޕ 2. ╙ 㗄ߦߟߡ ୫ੱߪᰴߩ႐วࠍᧅߩߡోޔᜎุߢ߈ࠆ㧦 Cߤߩᔕᧅ߽ᾖળ㧔ENCTKHKECVKQP㧕 ߦࠃࠆ⺞ᢛߢ୫ੱߩⷐ᳞㧔᭽╬㧕ࠍḩߚߒᓧࠆࡌ࡞ߦߥ႐ว ޔDᔕᧅ ߇৻⠪ߒ߆ߥߊታ⾰⊛ߥ┹߇ሽߒߡߥ႐ว ߪߚ߹ޔEᦨૐᔕᧅଔᩰ߇୫ ੱߩㄟ㗵ࠍᄢߦ࿁ߞߚ႐ว㧔ߎߩ႐วߦ߅ߌࠆㄟ㗵ߣߪޔ୫ੱ ߇৻ᣇ⊛ߦቯߔࠆᴺᄖߦૐ㗵ߢߪߥߊޔ୫᱅㗵Ⓧ▚⚿ߩ⸘⸳⚦ޔᨐߚ߹ޔ ߪߘߩઁㆡಾߥଔᩰⓍᣇᴺߦࠃߞߡᯏ᭴ߣㆡಾߦวᗧߒߚ㗵ߣߔߴ߈ߢࠆ㧕ޕ ឵⸒ߔࠆߣޔනߦࠃࠅૐଔᩰࠍᓧࠆߚߩߺߦౣᧅࠍⴕߞߡߪߥࠄߥᧄޕ ᧦ߩ⿰ᣦߪޔ୫ੱ߇ߐࠄߥࠆଔᩰᒁਅߍࠍᦼᓙߒߡᓤߦౣᧅࠍ➅ࠅߔߎߣ ߦࠃࠅߩᧅޔᗧ߇ߥߊߥࠆߎߣࠍ㒐ߋߎߣߦࠅޔ୫ੱ߇⸥ߩℂ↱એᄖ ߩᱜᒰߥℂ↱ߦࠃࠅޔౣᧅࠍⴕ߁ߎߣࠍߓࠆ߽ߩߢߪߥޕౣᧅࠍᓧ ࠆޟᱜᒰߥℂ↱್ߢࠬࠤࠗࡃࠬࠤޔߪߡߟߦޠᢿߔࠆߴ߈ߢࠆޔ߫߃ޕ ୫ੱߦ℩∎߇ࠄࠇߥߦ߽߆߆ࠊࠄߕ߇ᧅޔᱜᱜᒰߦⴕࠊࠇߚߣߪ ᯏ᭴ߣߒߡᓧߕޔ୫ੱ߇ਇ⋉ࠍⵍࠆ႐ว㧔㧦ࠦࡦࠨ࡞࠲ࡦ࠻ߣࠦࡦ࠻ ࠢ࠲ߣߩ㑆ߩਛ┙ᕈߦ㑐ㅪߒ࠻ࡦ࠲࡞ࠨࡦࠦޔᄾ⚂ߩ࠻ࡦ࠲࡞ࠨࡦࠦޔጁ ᱧߦࠦࡦ࠻ࠢ࠲ߣߩ㑐ଥ߇␜ߐࠇߡ߅ࠄߕޔᒰ㑐ଥࠍ୫ੱ߇⼂ߒߥ ߹߹ᒰડᬺ߇ᧅߦෳടߒᦨޟૐ⹏ଔଔᩰᧅࠍޠឭߒߚ႐ว㧕╬߇⠨߃ࠄ ࠇࠆޕ ⸥ D㧕ߩ႐วޔᔕᧅ⠪ ⠪ߩߺߦࠃࠆᧅ߇ᔅߕߒ߽┹ߩᰳᅤࠍᗧߔ ࠆߣ߁ࠊߌߢߪߥ ࠆࠁࠊޕUKPINGDKF ߪ⚿ߩᧅޔᨐߣߒߡ↢ߓߚ߽ߩߢ ߞߡޔ㓐ᗧᄾ⚂ߣߪᕈ⾰⇣ߥࠆ㧔ᔕᧅ⠪ߪᔕᧅᤨὐߢ UKPINGDKF ߣߥࠆߎߣ ࠍ⍮ࠅᓧߕ┹ޔ߇ᚑ┙ߒߚߣߺߥߒᓧࠆ㧕ߚޔ୫ੱߪߘߩᔕᧅ⠪ߦ⪭ᧅߒ ᓧࠆޕ 3. ╙ 㗄ߦߟߡ ߹ߚ✕ޔᕆᕈߩⷰὐ߆ࠄౣᧅߦ߆߆ࠆᤨ㑆ߩ▵⚂ࠍ⋡⊛ߣߒߚᦨޔૐ⹏ଔଔᩰᔕᧅ⠪ ߣߩଔᩰᷤ㧔หᷤਇᚑ┙ߩ႐วߦߪᦨૐ⹏ଔଔᩰ╙ੑߩᔕᧅ⠪ߣᷤ㧕ߦࠃߞߡ ᄾ⚂วᗧߦ⥋ࠄࠎߣߔࠆᣇ╷ߦ㑐ߒߡߪ߇ࠇߘޔ೨⸥ E㧕ߦᒰߡߪ߹ࠅߟ߆ޔ ᧅߩၮᧄේೣߩⷰὐ߆ࠄ㗴ߥߣ್ᢿߐࠇࠆ႐วߩߺኈߐࠇᓧࠆ㧔ᯏ᭴ߣߩ೨ ද⼏߇ᔅⷐ㧕ޕ 149 ᧅߩᜎุߦ߆߆ࠆᚻ⛯߈ߣ⇐ᗧὐߪᰴߩߣ߅ࠅߢࠆޕ 4. ୫ੱߪ⹏ᧅޔଔ⚿ᨐߦߘߩᓟߩᣇ㊎㧔ᦨૐ⹏ଔଔᩰᔕᧅ⠪ߣߩᷤ߆ౣᧅ ߆㧕ߣߘߩℂ↱ࠍ૬ߖߡ⸥タߒߚ߽ߩࠍᯏ᭴ߦឭߒޔᯏ᭴ߩ⏕ߣหᗧࠍᓧࠆ ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ ୫ੱ߇ᦨૐ⹏ଔଔᩰᔕᧅ⠪ߣᷤࠍⴕ߁႐วޔଔᩰߩᄌᦝߪᒰೋᧅᦠ㘃╬ߦ ቯࠄࠇߡߚ᭽ޔᬺౝኈޔᬺോ㊂ޔຠ⋡╬ߦ߅ߌࠆ⋧ᔕߩ⋥ߒࠍ߁ߴ ߈ߢࠆޔࠄ߇ߥߒ߆ߒޕᄢߥᬺౝኈߩᷫ߿ᄾ⚂ᦠߩᄌᦝߦߪౣᧅ߇ᔅ ⷐߣߥࠅᓧࠆޕ ᦨૐ⹏ଔଔᩰᔕᧅ⠪ߣߩᷤࠍㆬࠎߛ߽ߩߩḩ⿷ߩߊ⚿ᨐߦ⥋ࠄߥ߆ߞߚ႐ว ߦߪޔ୫ੱߪᦨૐ⹏ଔଔᩰ╙ੑߩᔕᧅ⠪ߣߩᷤߦࠆ೨ߦޔㅦ߿߆ߦᒰ ᔕᧅ⠪ߦᷤ⚿ᨐࠍᦠ㕙ߢㅢ⍮ߔߴ߈ߢࠆޕട߃ߡޔ୫ੱߪᰴߩᷤߦࠆ ೨ߦᦨޔೋߩᷤߩ⚿ᨐߦߟ߈ᯏ᭴ߣද⼏ߔߴ߈ߢࠆޕ 150 ╙ 5.11 ᧦ ᄬᵈ⠪߳ߩㅢ⍮ߣᄬᵈℂ↱ߦ߆߆ࠆᾖળ Section 5.11 Notification to Unsuccessful Bidders and Debriefing (1) Upon the furnishing by the successful bidder of a performance security, the Borrower shall promptly notify the other bidders that their bids have been unsuccessful. (2) If any bidder who submitted a bid wishes to ascertain the reasons why its bid was not selected, such bidder should request an explanation from the Borrower. The Borrower shall promptly provide an explanation as to why its bid was not selected. 㧨⸶ᢥ㧪 (1) ⪭ᧅ⠪ߦࠃࠆጁⴕ⸽ߩឭଏࠍ〯߹߃ޔ୫ੱߪઁߩᔕᧅ⠪ߦኻߒߡᄬᵈߩᣦࠍㅦ߿߆ ߦㅢ⍮ߔࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ (2) ឭߒߚᔕᧅᦠ㘃߇ㆬቯߐࠇߥ߆ߞߚℂ↱ߩ⏕ࠍᏗᦸߔࠆᔕᧅ⠪߇ࠆ႐วߦߪߘޔ ߩᔕᧅ⠪ߪ୫ੱߦ⺑ࠍ᳞ࠆߴ߈ߢࠆߦࠇߘޕ㓙ߒޔ୫ੱߪᔕᧅᦠ㘃߇ㆬቯߐ ࠇߥ߆ߞߚℂ↱ߩ⺑ࠍㅦ߿߆ߦⴕ߁ߎߣߣߔࠆޕ 㧨⸃⺑㧪 ⺑ߪޔᒰᔕᧅ⠪ߩ⹏ଔၮḰߏߣߩᓧὐߣߘߩᓧὐߩℂ↱ᦠᧅߪࠆ߮ࠃ߅ޔ㘃ߩ ᧦ઙߦว⥌ߒߡߥߣ್ᢿߒߚℂ↱ࠍ߽ߩߣߒᦠޔ㕙ࠆߪ㕙⺣ߦࠃߞߡߥߐࠇ ࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ 151 ╙ 5.12 ᧦ ᖱႎߩ㐿 Section 5.12 Information to be Made Public (1) After a contract is determined to be eligible for JICA’s financing, the names of all bidders, their bid prices, the name and address of successful bidder concerning the award of contract, the name and address of supplier, and the award date and amount of the contract may be made public by JICA. (2) The Borrower shall have all provisions and measures necessary to ensure that the above information shall be available for being made public incorporated in documents related to procurement, such as bidding documents and contracts. 㧨⸶ᢥ㧪 (1) ᯏ᭴ߪޔᄾ⚂߇ᯏ᭴ߩⲢ⾗ߦㆡᩰߢࠆߣቯߐࠇߚᓟోޔᔕᧅ⠪ޔฦߩޘᔕᧅଔᩰޔ ᄾ⚂ߩ⪭ᧅߦᚑഞߒߚᔕᧅ⠪ߩฬ೨ߣᚲߩࡗࠗࡊࠨޔฬ೨ߣᚲޔᄾ⚂✦⚿ᣣ߅ ࠃ߮ᄾ⚂㊄㗵ࠍ㐿ߢ߈ࠆޕ (2) ୫ੱߪᦠᧅޔ㘃߿ᄾ⚂╬ߩ⺞㆐㑐ㅪᦠ㘃ߦ߅ߡޔ⸥ᖱႎ߇㐿ߐࠇᓧࠆߎߣࠍ ⏕ߔࠆߚߦᔅⷐߥࠄࠁࠆⷙቯ߅ࠃ߮ភ⟎ࠍ⚵ߺࠇࠆ߽ߩߣߔࠆޕ 152 Annex I Factors to be Evaluated in Prequalification • The prequalification process is intended to prequalify Contractors with regard to the capabilities described below in advance of bidding so that invitations to bid are extended only to those who have the requisite technical and financial capability. The Borrower reserves the right to waive minor deviations, if they do not materially affect the capability of an applicant to perform the contract satisfactorily. Subcontractors’ experience and resources shall not be taken into account in determining the Applicant’s compliance with the qualifying criteria1. • This annex only gives examples of the factors to be evaluated in prequalification documents. The sample will require adaptation to a greater or lesser degree in actually preparing the prequalification documents, taking account of the scale and nature of the contract. • The weight given to each of the following factors is to be determined on a project by project basis. 1. General Experience The Applicant will submit the following information: •Average annual turnover over the last $ years. The minimum requirement is 2. •Successful experience as prime Contractor in the execution of projects of a nature and complexity comparable to the proposed contract. The execution of at least projects within the last years is required3. Experience of execution of a project of a comparable nature and complexity refers to the execution of more than (e.g. One million cubic meters of rock placed in rockfill dams in one year) 4. •Letters of reference from past customers, together with the contact address, etc., of each customer, in order to show past performance in the execution of projects of a comparable nature and complexity. •Experience of project execution in the country concerned and of project execution abroad in similar countries will be taken into consideration when evaluating an Applicant’s experience and capability. 2. Personnel Capabilities •The Applicant must have suitably qualified personnel to fill the following positions. The Applicant will supply information on a prime candidate and an 153 alternate for each of the following positions, both of whom should meet the experience requirements specified below. Total experience In similar works As managers of (years) (years) similar works (years) Project manager Other position 㧔List only key management and specialist positions.㧕 3. Equipment Capabilities •The Applicant should own, or have assured access to, the following key items of equipment in full working order, and should demonstrate that they will be available for use in the proposed contract. The Applicant may also list alternative equipment which he would propose for the Contract, together with an explanation of the proposal. Equipment type and characteristics Minimum number required 1. 2. 㧔 This section applies mainly to construction works or contracts requiring production capacity. The items listed should be limited to major items of equipment crucial to the proper and timely execution of the contract, and which applicants may not readily be able to purchase, hire, or lease in the required time-frame.㧕 4. Financial Position (1) The Applicant should demonstrate that he has access to, or has available, liquid assets, unencumbered real assets, lines of credit, and other financial means sufficient to meet the construction cash flow for a period of estimated at US$ months, equivalent, net of the Applicant’s commitments for other contracts5. (2) The Applicant should submit the audited balance sheets for the last five years and demonstrate the soundness of its financial position. Where necessary, the 154 Borrower will make inquiries of the Applicant’s bankers. 5. Litigation History • The Applicant is to provide accurate information on any litigation or arbitration resulting from contracts completed or under execution by him over the last years. A consistent history of awards against the Applicant or any partner of a joint venture may result in failure of the application. 6. In the Case of a Joint Venture (1) The lead partner should meet not less than given in paragraphs 1 and 4(1) above % of all the qualifying criteria 6. (2) The other partners should meet not less than criteria given in paragraphs 1 and 4(1) % of all the qualifying above7. (3) The joint venture should satisfy collectively the criteria of paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4(1), for which purpose the relevant figures for each of the partners shall be added together to arrive at the joint venture’s total capability. Individual members should each satisfy the requirements of paragraphs 4(2) and 5. • The formation of a joint venture after prequalification, and any change in a prequalified joint venture, will be subject to the written approval of the Borrower prior to the deadline for submission of bids. Such approval may be denied, if (a) as a result of the change in a prequalified joint venture, any of its partners individually or collectively does not meet the qualifying requirements or (b) in the opinion of the Borrower, a substantial reduction in competition may result. 1 Subcontractors’ experience and resources may be considered, however, when they perform essential work under the supervision of the main contractor(s). 2 Usually not less than 2 1/2 times the estimated annual cash flow in the proposed contract or works. The coefficient may be smaller for large contracts. 3 It is essential to ensure that the criteria are drawn up in accordance with the realistic needs of the project. Execution of three projects over a period of five years may be required for normal projects, and over a period of ten years for large-scale projects. For projects of a special nature, the criteria are to be established on a case-by-case basis. 4 For example, indicate an annual production rate for the key construction activity. The annual rate should be a percentage (e.g. 80%) of the expected peak rate of construction for the key activity. 5 Calculate the cash flow for a number of months, determined as the total time needed by the 155 Borrower to pay a contractor’s invoice after the invoice has been issued. 6 Except for very large projects, the appropriate percentage should be not less than 40%. 7 Except for very large projects, the appropriate percentage should be not less than 25%. * This annex is subject to change based on revisions made in the Sample Prequalification Documents under Japanese ODA Loans. 156 㧨⸶ᢥ㧪 ᷝΣ೨⾗ᩰክᩏ⹏ଔ㗄⋡ ೨⾗ᩰክᩏߪޔᛛⴚ⊛⽷ോ⊛ߦ⢻ജࠍߔࠆᬺ⠪ߛߌߦᧅෳടߩ㓸߇ⴕࠊࠇࠆ ࠃ߁ߦᧅޔవ┙ߜޔએਅߩ㗄⋡ߦߟߡߩޠ࠲ࠢ࠻ࡦࠦޟ⢻ജࠍክᩏߔࠆ߽ߩߢ ࠆޕᔕ⠪߇ᄾ⚂ࠍḩ⿷ߦㆀⴕߔࠆ⢻ജߦታ⾰⊛ߦᓇ㗀ࠍਈ߃ߥ႐วߦߪޔ୫ੱ ߪޔሶ⚦ߥၮḰߩㅺ⣕ࠍ㗴ߣߒߥᮭࠍߒߡࠆޕᔕ⠪߇೨⾗ᩰክᩏၮḰࠍ ḩߚߒߡࠆ߆ߩ್ᢿߦᒰߚߞߡߪ⚻ߩ࠲ࠢ࠻ࡦࠦࡉࠨޔ㛎ߪ╬↥⾗ޔ⠨ᘦߐࠇߥ ߽ߩߣߔࠆ 1ޕ ᧄᷝߪޔ೨⾗ᩰክᩏᦠ㘃ߦ߅ߌࠆ⹏ଔ㗄⋡ߩߺࠍ␜ߒߚ߽ߩߢࠆޕታ㓙ߩ೨ ⾗ᩰክᩏᦠ㘃ߩḰᚑߦᒰߚߞߡߪޔߩޘᄾ⚂ߩⷙᮨᕈᩰࠍ⠨ᘦߒߚߢߎޔ ߩࠍㆡቱᄌᦝߔࠆߎߣ߇᳞ࠄࠇࠆޕ એਅߩฦ㗄⋡ߦഀࠅᒰߡࠄࠇࠆ࠙ࠚࠗ࠻㧔㈩ὐ㧕ߪࠅࠃߦ࠻ࠢࠚࠫࡠࡊߩޘㆡቱቯ ߐࠇࠆޕ 1㧚৻⥸⊛ߥ⚻㛎 ᔕ⠪ߪޔએਅߩὐߩታ❣ࠍឭߔࠆޕ ㆊ ᐕ㑆ߩᐔဋᐕ㑆✚ᄁ㜞㧔turnover㧕ޕ$ એߢࠆߎߣ߇ᔅⷐߢࠆ 2ޕ ࡊࠗࡓࠦࡦ࠻ࠢ࠲ߣߒߡߩᧄޔᄾ⚂ߣห⒟ᐲߩᕈᩰ߅ࠃ߮ౝኈࠍߔࠆᬺ ࠍታᣉߒߚ⚻㛎ޕㆊ ࠇࠆ ᐕ㑆ߦዋߥߊߣ߽ ߟߩᬺࠍታᣉߒߡࠆߎߣ߇᳞ࠄ 3ޕห⒟ᐲߩᕈᩰ߅ࠃ߮ౝኈࠍߔࠆᬺߩ⚻㛎ߣߪޔ㧔㧦ࡠ࠶ࠢࡈࠖ࡞࠳ࡓ ߦ߅ߡ 1 ᐕ㑆ߦ 100 ਁ┙ᣇࡔ࠻࡞ߩᬺോࠍታᣉߒߚߎߣ㧕4 ࠍᗧߔࠆޕ ㆊߩห⒟ᐲߩᕈᩰౝኈࠍߔࠆᬺߦ߅ߌࠆࡄࡈࠜࡑࡦࠬࠍ␜ߔߚࡦࠦޔ ࠲ࠢ࠻ࠕ࠼ࠬ╬ࠍઃߒߚㆊߩᄾ⚂ߦ߅ߌࠆ⊒ᵈ⠪߆ࠄߩࡈࠔࡦࠬ࠲ޕ ᔕ⠪ߩ⚻㛎ޔ⢻ജߩ⹏ଔߦ߅ߡߪޔᒰ࿖ߢߩᬺታᣉ⚻㛎߹ߚߪ㘃ૃߒߚ࿖ ߢߩᶏᄖᬺ⚻㛎߇⠨ᘦߐࠇࠆޕ 2㧚ੱຬ㕙ߩ⢻ജ ᔕ⠪ߪޔએਅߩࡐ࡚ࠫࠪࡦߦߟߡޔㆡಾߥ⾗ᩰࠍߔࠆੱຬࠍ㈩⟎ߒߥߌࠇ߫ ߥࠄߕࠇߙࠇߘޔએਅߩ⚻㛎ࠍߔࠆ╙৻⠪ߣߘߩઍᦧ⠪ߦߟߡߩᖱႎ ࠍឭߔࠆޕ ✚⚻㛎㧔ᐕ㧕 㘃ૃᬺߦ߅ 㘃ૃᬺߩࡑࡀࠫࡖ ߌࠆ⚻㛎㧔ᐕ㧕 ߣߒߡߩ⚻㛎㧔ᐕ㧕 ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ࡑࡀࠫࡖ ઁߩࡐ࡚ࠫࠪࡦ 㧔ਥⷐߥࡑࡀࠫࡔࡦ࠻߅ࠃ߮ࠬࡍࠪࡖࠬ࠻ߩࡐ࡚ࠫࠪࡦߛߌߣߔࠆޕ㧕 157 3㧚ᯏེ㕙ߩ⢻ജ ᔕ⠪ߪޔචಽߦᯏ⢻ߔࠆએਅߩᯏེࠍᚲߒߡࠆ߆ࠆ߆߆ߪߚ߹ޔᯏེߦ⏕ታ ߥࠕࠢࠬࠍߒߡࠆߴ߈ߢࠅᧄޔߟ߆ޔᄾ⚂ߦ߅ߡ↪ߢ߈ࠆߎߣࠍ␜ߔ ߴ߈ߢࠆ㨫߹ߚޔᔕ⠪ߪᧄޔᄾ⚂ߩߚߩઍᦧᯏེࠍߒߡ߽ࠃޕ ᯏེߩ࠲ࠗࡊߣ․ᓽ ᦨዊᔅⷐᢙ 㧝㧚 㧞㧚 㧔ᧄ㗄⋡ߪޔਥߣߒߡᑪ⸳Ꮏ↥↢ߪߚ߹ޔ⢻ജ߇ᔅⷐߥᬺߦ߅ߡㆡ↪ߐࠇࠆޕ ߐࠇࠆᯏེߪޔ㒢ࠄࠇߚᦼ㑆ౝߢߩ⾼߇╬ࠬ⾉⾓ޔ࿎㔍ߢࠅߟ߆ޔᬺ ታᣉߦߪਇนᰳߩਥⷐߥ⸳ߦ㒢ቯߔߴ߈ߢࠆޕ㧕 4㧚⽷ോ⁁ᴫ (1) ᔕ⠪ߪޔᒰᄾ⚂એᄖߩᄾ⚂ࠍ㒰ߡ㧔ࡀ࠶࠻ߢ㧕ޔ$㧔㊄㗵㧕⋧ᒰߣㄟ߹ࠇ ࠆ 㧔ᦼ㑆㧕ಽߩᎿߩߚߩࠠࡖ࠶ࠪࡘࡈࡠࠍḩߚߔߛߌߩޔᵹേ⾗↥ޔ㧔ᛶ ᒰ╬ߦߞߡߥ㧕ਇേ↥ޔା↪ଏਈ⽷ߩઁޔോᚻᲑ߇ࠆߎߣࠍ␜ߔߴ߈ߢ ࠆ 5ޕ (2) ᔕ⠪ߪޔㆊ 5 ᐕ㑆ߩ⋙ᩏᷣߺߩ⾉୫ኻᾖࠍឭߒ㨮⽷ോߩஜోᕈߦߟߡ␜ ߔߴ߈ߢࠆޕᔅⷐߦᔕߓޔ୫ੱߪᔕ⠪ߩ㑐ㅪ㌁ⴕߦᾖળߔࠆޕ 5㧚⸷⸩ᱧ ᔕ⠪ߪޔㆊ ᐕ㑆ߩޔታᣉᷣ߹ߚߪㆀⴕਛߩᄾ⚂߆ࠄ⊒↢ߒߚ⸷⸩ޔખⵙߦ㑐 ߔࠆᱜ⏕ߥᖱႎࠍឭଏߔࠆޕᔕ⠪߹ߚߪ࡚ࠫࠗࡦ࠻ࡌࡦ࠴ࡖ㧔J/V㧕ߩࡄ࠻ ࠽ߦߔࠆⵙቯ߇ᐲ㊀ߨࠄࠇߡࠆ႐วߦߪޔᔕ߇ᄬᩰߣߥࠆߎߣ߇ࠆޕ 6㧚࡚ࠫࠗࡦ࠻ࡌࡦ࠴ࡖ㧔J/V㧕ߩ႐ว (1) ਛᔃડᬺ㧔࠼ࡄ࠻࠽㧕ߪޔ⸥㧝㧚߅ࠃ߮㧠㧚(1)ߦਈ߃ࠄࠇߚၮḰߩ ዋߥߊߣ߽㨋㨋㧑ࠍḩߚߔߴ߈ߢࠆ 6ޕ (2) ઁߩડᬺߪޔ⸥㧝㧚߅ࠃ߮㧠㧚(1)ߦਈ߃ࠄࠇߚోߡߩၮḰߩዋߥߊߣ߽㨋㨋㧑 ࠍḩߚߔߴ߈ߢࠆ 7ޕ (3) J/V ߪߩࠇߙࠇߘߩ࠽࠻ࡄޔᢙ୯ࠍޔJ/V ߩ✚ว⢻ജࠍߺࠆߚߦว⸘ߒోޔ ߣߒߡޔ㧝㧚㧞㧚㧟㧚㧠㧚(1)ߩၮḰࠍḩߚߔ߽ߩߣߔࠆޔߚ߹ޕ࠻ࡄߩޘ ࠽ߪࠇߙࠇߘޔ㧠㧚(2)ߣ㧡㧚ߩⷐઙࠍḩߚߔߴ߈ߢࠆޕ ೨⾗ᩰክᩏᓟߩ J/V ߩᒻᚑ߅ࠃ߮ㆡᩰߣߥߞߚ J/V ߩࡄ࠻࠽ᄌᦝࠍⴕ߁႐วޔ ᧅ✦ಾࠅߩ೨ߦ୫ੱߩᦠ㕙ߦࠃࠆᛚࠍᓧࠆߎߣ߇ᔅⷐߢࠆ(ޕa)ㆡᩰߣߥ ߞߚ J/V ߩࡄ࠻࠽ᄌᦝߦࠃࠅޔోߪߚ߹࠽࠻ࡄߩޘߣߒߡⷐઙࠍḩߚ ߐߥߊߥࠆ႐ว(ޔߪߚ߹ޔb)⪺ߒ┹ജߩૐਅߣߥࠆߣ୫ੱ߇್ᢿߒߚ႐วߦ 158 ߪࠆ߆߆ޔᛚߪਈ߃ࠄࠇߥޕ 1 ࡔࠗࡦࠦࡦ࠻ࠢ࠲ߩ⋙〈ߩਅޔታ⾰⊛ߥᬺോࠍࠨࡉࠦࡦ࠻ࠢ࠲߇ታᣉߔࠆ႐วߦ ߪ⚻ߩ࠲ࠢ࠻ࡦࠦࡉࠨޔ㛎ߪ↥⾗ޔ⠨ᘦߐࠇᓧࠆޕ 2 ㅢᏱᧄޔᄾ⚂ߦ߅ߌࠆᐕ㑆ߩࠠࡖ࠶ࠪࡘࡈࡠߩⓍߩ 2.5 એߣߔࠆޕଥᢙߪޔᄢⷙ ᮨߥᄾ⚂ߦ߅ߡߪዊߐߊߥࠅᓧࠆޕ 3 ߩޘᬺߦ߅ߌࠆታ⊛ߥၮḰࠍ⸳ቯߔࠆߎߣ߇ᔅⷐߢࠆޕㅢᏱߩᬺߦ߅ߡߪޔ 5 ᐕ㑆ߦ 3 ઙޔᄢⷙᮨᬺߩ႐วߦߪ 10 ᐕ㑆ߦ 3 ઙߩ⚻㛎߇᳞ࠄࠇᓧࠆ․ޕᱶߥᬺ ߩ႐วޔၮḰߪߢࠬࠤࠗࡃࠬࠤޔࠄࠇࠆޕ 4 ߃߫ࠆߥߣࠠޔᑪ⸳Ꮏߢߩᐕ㑆ߩ↢↥㊂ࠍᜰ␜ߔࠆ↥↢ߩߎޕ㊂ߪࠆߥߣࠠޔᑪ ⸳Ꮏߢߩផቯࡇࠢ㊂ߦኻߔࠆഀว㧔㧦80%㧕ߣߔߴ߈ߢࠆޕ 5 ࠗࡦࡏࠗࠬߩឭ߆ࠄ୫ੱ߇ᡰᛄࠍⴕ߁߹ߢߦᔅⷐߥᦼ㑆ߦ߅ߌࠆࠠࡖ࠶ࠪࡘࡈࡠ ࠍ⸘▚ߔࠆޕ 6 㕖Ᏹߦᄢⷙᮨߥᬺࠍ㒰߈ޔ40%એߣߔࠆߎߣ߇ㆡᒰߢࠆޕ 7 㕖Ᏹߦᄢⷙᮨߥᬺࠍ㒰߈ޔ25%એߣߔࠆߎߣ߇ㆡᒰߢࠆޕ *ᧄᷝߪޔ୫᱅ᬺߦ߅ߌࠆᮡḰ೨⾗ᩰክᩏᦠ㘃ߩᡷ⸓ߦࠃࠅᄌࠊࠆߎߣ߇ࠆޕ 㧨⸃⺑㧪 1. ᧄᷝߪߊ߹ߢ⹏ଔ㗄⋡ߩߢࠅޔታ㓙ߩ೨⾗ᩰክᩏ㧔23㧕ታᣉߦᒰߚߞߡߪޔ ⺞ߩޘ㆐ౝኈߦᔕߓㆡቱ㗄⋡ࠍୃᱜߔߴ߈ߢࠆޕ 2. 23 ⹏ଔߩᲑ㓏ߢޔ୫ੱ߇ߎࠇࠄ㗄⋡ߦ㑐ߔࠆ⸃㉼ࠍᐢߍߚࠅޔၮḰࠍ✭ߚࠅ ߔࠆߎߣ߽ᢔߐࠇࠆ߇ߪࠇߎޔฃߌࠇࠄࠇߥޕ㕖Ꮕߩේೣ߅ࠃ߮⾰ߩ㊀ⷞߦ ᔨ㗡ߦ⟎߈ߟߟޔ23 ᦠ㘃ߦቯࠆၮḰࠍ෩ᩰߦㆩߔߴߊᜰ␜ࠍਈ߃ࠆߴ߈ߢࠆޕ 159
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