Buckle up!
Fatalities CraSHES
01-01-14 to date
01-01-14 to date
office of highway safety
A “healthy” Troy
Polamalu eager for
2013 encore… B1
Fa’amuta FBI fa’amatalaga
o lo o salalau solo fa’asaga ali’i Kovana… 10
County chiefs and village mayors gathered at
the Office of Samoan Affairs yesterday morning
to put their signature on a Joint Statement of the
Council of Treaty Chiefs of Tutuila, Aunu’u &
Manu’a, and the Council of District Governors
of American Samoa that will be presented to the
Western Pacific Fishery Management Council
opposing any reduction in the current 50-mile
limit for fishing in American Samoa waters.
Presenting the document for signatures is local
attorney Marie Alailima. The proposal is being
studied this week for presentation to the Management Council at their meeting in Honolulu next
week. Read more of the Joint Statement in Thurs[photo: AF]
day’s issue of Samoa News.
online @ samoanews.com
Daily Circulation 7,000
“Overfishing and plight”
of the longline fisheries
high on WestPac agenda
by Samoa News staff
The potential collapse of the American Samoa longline
fishery and overfishing in the Western Pacific Region are
some of the issues being addressed at this week’s meeting of
the Scientific and Statistical Committee (SSC) that advises
the Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council,
according to a Council news release.
The meeting opened yesterday at the Council’s Office in
Honolulu and runs through tomorrow (June 17-19).
In the news release, the Council said the American Samoa
longline fishery is suffering from a potential economic collapse, adding that in 2013, many vessels in the fishery operated
at a loss as catches of South Pacific albacore were insufficient
to cover operating costs.
As reported by Samoa News late last year, many long longliners tied up their vessels at the main dock and put up “for
sale” signs. Vessel owners cited, among other things, the low
rates they are receiving for albacore, coupled with stiff competition from Chinese fishing vessels, which are being subsidized
by the Chinese government.
In its news release, the council said challenging operating
conditions are not confined solely to the American Samoa fleet,
and pointed out that fleets across the Central South Pacific
from Fiji to the Cook Islands have suffered similar effects
(Continued on page 15)
Manu’a High School’s Valedictorian Alisi Tagaloa of Fitiuta
Village (center) with her proud parents, Faiupu Fetui Tagaloa
and Agae Tagaloa, and some of her siblings. Photo was taken at
MHS’s Bacculaureat Service prior to their graduation on June
6. Details of Manu’a High School graduation will be in Thurs[photo: Manuatele Community Worldwide on Facebook]
day’s issue.
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Obama sets aside massive Pac.
Ocean preserve in our front yard
80 countries take part in “Our Ocean” conference
WASHINGTON (AP) — Vowing to protect
fragile marine life, President Barack Obama
acted Tuesday to create the world’s largest
ocean preserve by expanding the Pacific
Remote islands Marine National Monument,
an ocean preserve that lies between Hawaii and
American Samoa.
The designation for a remote stretch of the
Pacific Ocean marks a major symbolic victory
for environmentalists, who have urged the president to take action on his own to protect the
planet as Congress turns its focus elsewhere.
But the initiative will have limited practical
implications because little fishing or drilling is
taking place even without the new protections.
Protecting the world’s oceans and the
vibrant ecosystems that thrive deep under the
surface is a task that’s bigger than any one
country but the U.S. must take the lead, Obama
said, announcing the initiative during the
“Our Ocean” conference that the State Department and Secretary of State John Kerry are
hosting in Washington D.C.
“Let’s make sure that years from now we can
look our children in the eye and tell them that,
yes, we did our part, we took action, and we
led the way toward a safer, more stable world,”
Obama said in a video message to the conference.
Obama hasn’t settled on the final boundaries for the expanded Pacific Remote Islands
Marine National Monument, and will solicit
input from fishermen, scientists and conservation experts. Obama’s senior counselor, John
Podesta, said that process would start immediately and wrap up “in the very near future.”
President George W. Bush, a Republican,
created the monument in 2009 by setting aside
waters that encircle an array of remote islands
in the south-central Pacific, between Hawaii
and American Samoa.
Bush’s protections extend about 50 miles
from the shore of the U.S.-administered islands,
but maritime law gives the U.S. control up to
200 nautical miles from the coast, forming the
outer limit of what Obama could protect using
the 1906 Antiquities Act.
Conservation groups urged Obama to be
bold. If Obama opts for the full 200 miles,
conservation groups said, he could roughly
double the amount of ocean that’s protected
(Continued on page 14)
The Lagafuaina family and relatives from the States took time to visit the AS-EPA LEED Platinum Green Building last week. They were not only amazed that it is the first green building in the
South Pacific — right here in American Samoa — but were also impressed b what they learned
of this spectacular structure and its use of energy and water conservation. Front row: Manny
Lagafuaina, Manea Smith, Thessa Lagafuaina, Talanoa Lagafuaina and Naomi Malauulu. Back
[courtesy photo]
row: Iese Leasau Jr., Maria Kim-Lagafuaina and Lina Leasau. Page 2
samoa news, Wednesday, June 18, 2014
ASG, Manu’a Airways
sign MOU for Segaula
and interisland service
by Joyetter Feagaimaali’i-Luamanu
Samoa News Reporter
Talofa Video
Pavaiai 699-7206 • Nuuuli 699-1888 • Fagatogo 633-2239
It’s official, the lease between the American
Samoa Government and Inter Island Airways
dba Manu’a Airways Executive Vice President
Barney Sene for the Segaula has been signed
as of March this year. The lease was signed on
March 7 between Sene and Governor Lolo Matalasi Moliga, however the Segaula has not been
operational since the aircraft was handed over to
Inter Island or Manu’a Airways.
All leases with Airport Property have to go
through the Federal Aviation Administration,
however it’s unclear at this time if the lease of
the Segaula ever went through FAA, as part of
compliance with regulations for federal grants
which the Airport is receiving from FAA.
In March, when Sene attended a hearing
before the House of Representatives he explained
they are going through a certification process
with the Federal Aviation Administration and
three inspectors had been on island recently.
According to Sene, the Segaula is in fairly
good shape, but there are certain upgrades which
must be made to meet requirements and those
upgrades should be completed this month. Then
the FAA will return to do one more certification
in April. “If all goes well we will bring Segaula
up to commercial service before the flag day,”
he told lawmakers. “We’re not able to operate
it commercially, as an airline… we are not
authorized to fly it until it complies with certain
requirements to meet a certain standard or level.”
Emails sent to Sene for an update on the aircraft
were not immediately answered.
The details of the lease will be reported in
later editions, however Samoa News was able
to obtain a copy of the Memorandum of Understanding that was signed with Sene and Governor
Lolo on Manua’s Cession day in July 2013.
According to the lease-to-own MOU, for
the purpose of providing regular and sustainable commercial air service, to the island of Ofu
and Olosega, Manu’a Islands, ASG agrees to
develop and execute an Aircraft lease agreement
with Manu’a Airways.
Also ASG shall provide Manu’a Airways
unlimited access to the aircraft, records and
hangar facilities to inspect the aircraft records.
Also ASG shall make available to Manu’a Airways pertinent staff, pilots and maintenance personnel during normal workdays and weekends or
as required for questions and information queries
from operator as it pertains to the Aircraft.
ASG agrees to grant Manu’a Airways complete
and full use, uninterrupted access and complete
control of aircraft hangar facility located at the
Pago Pago International Airport which is known as
the Segaula Hangar. Among other things Manu’a
Airways has agreed to provide a minimum of five
scheduled roundtrip commercial flights per week
to and from Pago Pago International Airport, and
agrees to offer a minimum of three flights between
Ofu Airport and Fitiuta Airport per week.
Manu’a Airways agrees to charge a roundtrip
passenger airfare of no more than $145 per passenger between Tutuila and Ofu Airport, and
charge a roundtrip airfare of no more than $60 per
person for flights between Ofu and Fitiua Airport.
Airfares shall expire after four years of the MOU
of when all subsidies and support for Manu’a air
services described in the MOU terminate or end.
Manu’a Airways furthermore agrees for Ofu
Airport air service between Ofu and Fitiuta
Airports based on Aircraft fuel prices of $7.00
gallon. According to the MOU both ASG and
Manu’a Airways agrees to the fuel subsidy that
if its $7.00 per gallon Manu’a Airways pays for
it, while ASG does not pay anything however if
the fuel cost is over $7.00 then ASG will pay the
difference of fuel cost above the $7.00.
According to the MOU, to assist in reducing
Manu’a Airways operating cost for providing
low airfares to and from Ofu Airport and capital
improvements, ASG agrees to reduce the fees
and subsidies for the airport offices and facilities used in support of air service to the Manu’a
Islands for a period of up to four years.
The large aircraft hangar which is currently
$2,500 monthly, will be reduced to $1.00 a
month; small sales/ticket office currently $480
will be reduced to $1.00 monthly; Former SPEX
sales/ticket office which is currently $2,103
monthly is reduced to $1.00 monthly; Ofu Airport office which was free is now for monthly
rental of $1.00 per month and Tau, Fitiuta Airport Office from $100 monthly to $1.00 a month.
Samoa News points out that this is contrary
to what an Airport official told Samoa News last
week — that when the FAA came to the territory recently to conduct an audit or inventory on
all of the airport property and its usage in relationship to federal grant applications by the Port,
they placed the market value for the airport at
$1.50 per square foot.
(Continued on page 15)
EDIP has agricultural development
recommendations in draft report…
Cites ASCC Land Grant CNR program role
by Fili Sagapolutele
Samoa News Correspondent
Developing local agriculture opportunities is among
the recommendations by the
government’s task force in its
final draft of the Economic
Development Implementation
Plan (EDIP) to boost economic
growth in American Samoa and
thereby provide jobs, and the
American Samoa Community
College’s Land Grant Program,
Community Natural Resources
(CNR) division plays a role
in some of those developments as recommended by the
16-member task force.
One of the first things which
the plan points out is that education regarding the need for
adopting resource management
measures ought to be given a high
priority in both the school system
and at the community level. Additionally, education must take
place amongst both governmental
agencies and the public. For the
public, education should begin in
the school years, and be directed
toward today’s farmers, it says.
The task force says the
wildlife of American Samoa
should be protected by careful
monitoring of hunting and land
clearing, to make sure that
wildlife stocks are not being
depleted and that significant
loss of habitat does not occur.
“Necessary controls should
be instituted to protect the Territory from the introduction of diseases, pests and exotic plants or
animals,” it says and noted that
these recommendations should
be implemented by the Department of Marine and Wildlife
Resources, the Department of
Agriculture, the Customs/Quarantine program, and through the
Project Notification and Review
System (PNRS) reviews of
activities such as land clearing.
The report went on to say that
given its congressional mandate,
the ASCC-CNR can provide
community assistance in the areas
of Agriculture Instruction (certificate of proficiency and associate
degree programs); Research
(plant pathology, entomology,
soil science, animal science, tissue
culture, water quality, childhood
obesity [nutrition and health],
forestry, and others); Extension
services (Agriculture, Family &
Consumer Science, Nutrition,
Forestry); Soil Conservation &
Natural resources management,
Community Development, and
4-H Youth Development.
The report suggested that
the government provide occasional equipment services to
farmers; and recommended that
the Department of Agriculture
obtain the kind of equipment
(e.g. tillers, Bobcat) that farmers
occasionally need, and then
charge an affordable fee for the
use of that equipment to farmers
involved in DOA programs.
Additionally, ASCC-CNR
can assist by providing training
opportunities such as workshops
and demonstrations, before
farmers decide to purchase and
operate their own equipment and
machinery or apply chemicals,
pesticides or fertilizers in a safe
manner not only for the applicator but also the environment.
Also recommended by the
task force is for to ASG subsidize feed and fertilizer, through
a fund for animal feed and plant
fertilizer brought in by the
Agriculture Department — or a
private-public partnership.
However, the task force
strongly recommends that
ASCC-CNR seek sustainable practices as alternatives
to subsidizing animal feed and
fertilizer. “The use of locally
available inputs such as breadfruit, coconut, cassava and fishmeal in animal feed production
should be researched and developed if possible,” it says.
“The use of locally available input such as piggery
and poultry farm wastes and
leaching nutrients will help
reduce the need for inorganic
fertilizers,” the task force points
out. “These practices should be
incentivized, promoted through
ASG collaboration and education, and enforced by DOA.”
“Before we increase the
amount of inorganic fertilizer and feed being imported,
their nutrient pollution effects
on ground and coastal waters
should be evaluated. The current
nitrate content and source in our
ground water wells should be
evaluated. Classes teaching the
proper amount and application
of inorganic fertilizers should
be required,” the report says.
(Continued on page 15)
samoa news, Wednesday, June 18, 2014 Page 3
On behalf of the Cancer Coalition and the cancer survivors
celebrated during the Celebration of Life activities, we extend
our heartfelt appreciation to the following individuals and
businesses who donated their time and assistance:
Honorable Lolo M Moliga and Mrs. Cynthia Moliga
Honorable Lemanu P. Mauga and Mrs. Pohakalani Mauga
Director Motusa Nua & partners at the Department of Health
Mrs. Tiana Faleali’i Savea
Mrs. and Mrs. Toma Kitiona
Galumalemana Su’a
Mrs. Maria Toese
Mrs. Salilo Julia Foifua
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Gurr and Island Flowers
Morris Scanlan Service
ACE Industries
GHC Reid
Reverend Nafatali Faleali’i
EFKAS Matu’u & Faganeanea
Ms. Sally Fuimaono
Alanoa Petals
Ms. Angie Langkilde
Ms. Ipo Hemaloto & the Get Fit American Samoa team
Mr. Gene Pan
Page 4
samoa news, Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Militants attack Iraq’s largest oil refinery
BAGHDAD (AP) — A top security official in Iraq says Islamic
militants are attacking the country’s largest oil refinery, some 250
kilometers (155 miles) north of the capital, Baghdad.
The official said fighters of the al-Qaida-inspired Islamic State
of Iraq and the Levant began their attack late Tuesday night and it
continued into Wednesday morning.
The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was
not authorized to speak to journalists. The Beiji refinery accounts
for a little more than a quarter of the country’s entire refining
capacity — all of which goes toward domestic consumption for
things like gasoline, cooking oil and fuel for power stations.
Any lengthy outage at Beiji risks long lines at the gas pump
and electricity shortages, adding to the chaos already facing Iraq.
two buses fall into Indian
mountain gorges; 21 dead
NEW DELHI (AP) — Two crowded buses went out of control
and fell off roads in separate accidents in the Himalayan foothills
in northern India, killing a total of 21 people, police said Tuesday.
Both accidents happened Monday as the buses were negotiating winding mountainous roads. India has the world’s deadliest
roads, with more than 110,000 people killed annually and most
accidents blamed on reckless driving, poor road maintenance or
aging vehicles. One bus carrying 61 people veered off a road at
a turn and plunged into a deep gorge in Himachal Pradesh state,
killing 13 tourists and injuring 43 others, some critically, Nahan
town police officer Sandeep Negi said. The bus had visited the
lake resort town of Renuka Ji.
Rescuers used a crane to lift the vehicle from the gorge.
Authorities were investigating the cause of the accident.
About 900 miles (1,400 kilometers) to the east in the rainy
northeastern state of Meghalaya, an overloaded bus went out of
control as it was approaching a bridge and fell into a 10-meter
(35-foot) ravine. Eight people were killed and at least 35 others
were being treated at a hospital for serious injuries, according to
South Garo Hills Deputy Police Commissioner C.P. Cotmare.
Mother of slain Maine
infant sues baby sitter
AUGUSTA, Maine (AP) — The mother of a 3-month-old
Maine girl who died while in the care of a baby sitter has filed a
lawsuit against the caretaker and her 12-year-old daughter.
The suit filed by Nicole Greenaway in Kennebec County Superior Court alleges negligence on the part of the Fairfield woman
who was entrusted with the care of Brooklyn Foss-Greenaway and
seeks unspecified damages. The baby sitter’s daughter, who was 10
at the time, had faced a manslaughter charge, but pleaded guilty last
month to several misdemeanors. Her mother was never charged.
Greenaway’s attorney, Sheldon Tepler, tells the Morning Sentinel
the suit is an opportunity to achieve some measure of justice after
being torn apart by Brooklyn’s death by suffocation in July 2012.
Man tried to toss a drugfilled football into prison
JACKSON, Mich. (AP) — Michigan authorities say a man
tried to throw a football loaded with drugs and cellphones into the
yard of a state prison. State Trooper Toby Baker says Sunday’s
throw in Jackson fell short, with the football landing between two
fences, not in the yard where prisoners exercise.
An officer at the G. Robert Cotton Correctional Facility saw
the man throw the football, and officers arrested the suspect.
The Detroit Free Press and the Jackson Citizen-Patriot say the
ball contained heroin, marijuana, tobacco, three cellphones and
chargers. Twenty-two-year-old Christen D. Moore was arraigned
Tuesday in Jackson District Court on contraband charges and
ordered jailed on a $50,000 bond. His probable-cause hearing
is June 30. The Associated Press left a message with the court
seeking information on whether he has a lawyer.
Ex-Va. governor makes 1st
remarks since indictment
RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Former Gov. Bob McDonnell
received sustained applause from several hundred Virginia Republicans on Tuesday evening at a political cookout that marked the
former governor’s first public appearance outside a federal courthouse since his indictment on corruption charges earlier this year.
“I’m blessed to have a lot of friends,” McDonnell told reporters
as line of supporters formed to offer words of encouragement to
the former governor and have pictures taken with him.
McDonnell and his wife, Maureen McDonnell, were indicted on
corruption charges in January. The former first couple are charged
with accepting more than $165,000 from a former CEO of dietary
supplements in exchange for helping to promote his products. The
McDonnells have pleaded not guilty and a jury trial is set to start in
July. Maureen McDonnell did not attend Tuesday’s event.
Former Lt. Gov. Bob Bolling organized the cookout, which
featured speeches from former GOP presidential nominee Mitt
Romney and U.S. Senate candidate Ed Gillespie. McDonnell did
not give a speech, but was applauded at length when introduced
(Continued on page 6)
by Joyetter Feagaimaali’i-Luamanu
Samoa News Reporter
The High Court has heard the civil litigation cases between the Development Bank of
American Samoa (DBAS) and its customers
who failed to comply with conditions of the
section 1602 housing program contract.
The cases called before Associate Justice
Lyle L Richmond were against Dennis Ahoia,
Maria Shimasaki; Sao Nua, Leon Malauulu,
Salamasina Schuster, Fred Ahoia and Peleiupu
Niko. These cases are now scheduled for Sept.
8, 2014 for their pretrial conferences.
DBAS is seeking judgment against defendants and in favor of DBAS for the full amount
of the section 1602 grant award plus judgment and post judgment interest and any other
amount in accordance with the US Treasury
guidelines to be determined at trial.
DBAS is also asking the court for a judicial order to foreclose the DBAS mortgage or
security. It further seeks that amounts paid by
defendants to DBAS as a result of the monetary judgment, or proceeds DBAS receives
from a judicial or non-judicial foreclosure
sale, except attorney fees and costs, shall
be forwarded to the US Treasury, and seeks
award to DBAS to cover attorney’s fees and
costs and any other relief the court deems
appropriate and just.
Close to 20 cases have been filed by DBAS
concerning the 1602 low income housing
loans, which were disbursed during the time
Gov. Lolo M. Moliga was the bank’s president.
The High Court summoned Secretary of
Samoan Affairs Satele Galu Teutusi Satele to
appear in court for a civil matter between the
American Samoa Power Authority and Tavita
Tili Anufe where they are waiting for a Certificate of Irreconcilable Dispute (CID) for this
matter to proceed to the Lands and Titles court.
Samoa News notes that the CID is what the
office of Samoan Affairs issues before any case
is eligible to be filed and heard before the court.
Kruse raised concerns with Satele over delays
in the mediation process at their office which
has affected the court’s lands and titles cases
now pending in the land and titles court. Kruse
told Satele that they need to work together with
the Attorney General’s office on these matters,
as it has affected the court’s proceedings.
Satele apologized on behalf of his office
and stated that he’s told the Attorney General’s
office that they need to hire an attorney specifically for Samoan Affairs issues pertaining to
lands and titles.
Kruse told Deputy Attorney General Mitzie
Jessop, who was present in court, that the court
has no authority to instruct how ASG conducts
its business, however if there are incidents
where it affects the duties of the court, that’s
when the court steps in.
This matter was postponed for another 90
days while the court ordered the attorney for
the government to look into why the Office of
Samoan Affairs has delayed issuing the CID.
© Osini Faleatasi Inc. reserves all rights.
dba Samoa News is published Monday through Saturday, except for some local & federal holidays.
Please send correspondences to: OF, dba Samoa News, Box 909, Pago Pago, Am. Samoa 96799.
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samoa news, Wednesday, June 18, 2014 Page 5
Page 6
samoa news, Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Continued from page 4
Dr. Toko Sipelii has opened up a new dental clinic in the Tafuna area between Kanana Fou and
Tafuna Mini Mart. Operating with the mission: “exceed customer expectation,” Dr. Toko’s goal is to
provide the best quality dental care to individuals and families. Dr. Toko holds a Bachelor of Dental
Surgery in Dentistry from the University of the South Pacific (FSM), a Certificate in Orthodontics,
and a Diploma in Dental Technology from the School of Health Professions (CIT) in Wellington,
New Zealand. He practiced dentistry for over 13 years at the LBJ-Dental Clinic, DOH-Dental Dis[courtesy photo]
pensaries, and was part of the School Dental Team in both Tutuila and Manu’a.
Materials Management Office
PO Box PPB, Pago Pago
American Samoa 96799
Phone No: (684) 699-3057
Fax No: (684) 699-4129
RFP No: ASPA.14.1216
Issuance Date: June 17, 2014
Date & Time Due: July 17, 2014
No later than 2:00 p.m. local time
The American Samoa Power Authority issues a Request For Proposals (RFP) to invite qualified firms
to submit formal, written proposals for the:
An Original and five copies of the Proposal must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked: “ASPA
and Public Joint Venture for Recycling Services”. Submissions are to be sent to the following
address and will be received until 2:00 p.m. (local time), Thursday, July 17, 2014:
Materials Management Office
American Samoa Power Authority
P. O. Box PPB
Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799
Attn: Nancy Tinitali-Mauga, Procurement Manager
Any proposal received after the aforementioned date and time will not be accepted under any
circumstances. Late submissions will not be opened or considered and will be determined as being
non- responsive.
The RFP package outlining the proposal requirements is available at The Materials Management
Office at ASPA’s Tafuna Compound and may also be obtained from our Website: http://
Right of Rejection
The American Samoa Power Authority reserves the right to reject any and/or all proposals and to
waive any irregularities and/or informalities in the submitted proposals that are not in the best
interests of the American Samoa Power Authority or the public.
Approved for Issuance: Utu Abe Malae, Executive Director
by Bolling. McDonnell was once considered a potential running
mate for Romney, who has given $10,000 to McDonnell’s legal
defense fund. Gillespie was the chairman of McDonnell’s successful 2009 gubernatorial campaign.
Cops: Woman used Craigslist
to find driver for son
MARIETTA, Ga. (AP) — A suburban Atlanta woman was
jailed after being accused of arranging for her son to travel with a
stranger she found on Craigslist.
Cobb County police spokesman Dana Pierce said it happened after a Gainesville, Georgia, man posted an advertisement
offering to split the cost of driving to the Sarasota, Florida area.
Pierce said Shelia Sherrie Joyner of Marietta responded, saying
she wanted to send her son to visit his grandmother. The wouldbe driver called authorities when he learned the boy is 9 years old.
Joyner was arrested after a baby sitter arrived with the boy
at the drop-off point on Friday. She was being held in the Cobb
County Jail on charges of contributing to the deprivation of a
minor. Jail records don’t show whether she has an attorney.
Nanny rescues child w
ho fell in septic hole
HACKETTSTOWN, N.J. (AP) — Authorities in New Jersey
say a nanny climbed into a 15-foot-deep septic hole and rescued a
3-year-old neighbor who was up to her neck in water.
The Express-Times of Easton, Pennsylvania, reports 26-yearold Luz Jimenez was at the Hackettstown home where she works
when she heard Alison Machigua screaming around 5:30 p.m.
Monday. Authorities say the child had walked into the yard and
fell through the grass-covered hole.
Jimenez grabbed a rope and entered the hole, which was about
a foot across. As she did that, police arrived and helped ensure
Jimenez was safe. She grabbed the child, who was holding onto a
metal object near the bottom of the hole. They got out after firefighters arrived and put a ladder into the hole.
China blocks alliance of
world’s biggest shippers
COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) — A plan by the world’s
three biggest container shipping operators to create an alliance
has been scrapped after Chinese authorities blocked it.
Vincent Clerc, chief trade and marketing officer at Denmark’s
A.P. Moller-Maersk, said Tuesday that the rejection by China —
which like other major economies was reviewing the merger’s
potential impact on the market — came as a surprise. U.S. and
European regulators had previously cleared the deal.
As a result, the alliance of Maersk, MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company S.A. and CMA CGM of France, “as initially
planned will not come into existence,” Clerc said.
The proposed alliance, first proposed in June last year, was to
be an independently operated network with 255 vessels and was
set to start operations in late 2014. The alliance was to operate
a capacity of 2.6 million containers between Asia and Europe,
across the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. It was intended
to be an operational, not a commercial, cooperation, Maersk said.
Each company would have continued to have fully independent
sales, marketing and customer service functions.
66 missing as migrants’
boat sinks in Malaysia
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) — A wooden boat carrying 97 Indonesian migrants capsized and sank after leaving
Malaysia’s west coast, and rescuers scrambled to save 66 people
still missing, Malaysia’s maritime agency said Wednesday.
The boat sank shortly after midnight about 2 nautical miles
(3.7 kilometers) from shore on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur
while trying to leave Malaysia illegally, said the agency’s official,
who declined to be named because he was not authorized to speak
to the media. He said that the Indonesians, including women and
children, were believed to be heading home ahead of the start of
the holy Muslim month of Ramadan.
Thirty-one people have been rescued so far, the official said.
A ship and several boats were searching for survivors and a helicopter will soon be dispatched, he said.
No reason was immediately given for the accident.
Tens of thousands of Indonesians work illegally in plantations
and other industries in Malaysia. They sometimes risk dangerous
boat journeys to return home.
Blast hits Ukraine pipeline,
terrorism being suspected
KIEV, Ukraine (AP) — An explosion hit a pipeline carrying
Russian natural gas across Ukraine to Europe on Tuesday, and the
government said it suspected it may have been a “terrorist act.”
The blast, which occurred far from where government troops
are fighting pro-Russia separatists, came a day after Russia cut gas
supplies to Ukraine in a dispute over price and overdue payments.
Ukrainian state gas company Naftogaz said gas flow to Europe
was maintained by using a parallel, reserve pipeline. Slovakian
pipeline operator Eustream said it saw no fall in pressure in gas
pipelines from Ukraine to Europe after the incident.
“Several theories of what happened are being considered,
including the main theory of a terrorist act,” Interior Minister
Arsen Avakov said in a statement.
(Continued on page 7)
samoa news, Wednesday, June 18, 2014 Page 7
Continued from page 6
He said local residents heard two loud claps before the explosion, which occurred in the Poltava region about 200 kilometers
(120 miles) east of Kiev, the capital. No injuries were reported.
Boy finds man’s mummified
body in closet of house
DAYTON, Ohio (AP) — An adolescent boy found the mummified body of a man hanging in a closet while exploring what
appeared to be an abandoned house in southwestern Ohio. The
director of the Montgomery County coroner’s office in Dayton
says the body found Sunday had the hardened, leathery appearance
of a mummy because 53-year-old Edward Brunton’s tissue had
dried up and was preserved in his home’s cold, dark conditions.
Director Ken Betz says Brunton was homeless before inheriting money from his mother to buy the house in October 2009
and probably died soon after that. Betz says Brunton’s death was
ruled a suicide caused by hanging by the neck.
Betz says Brunton’s house appeared vacant and the property
was overgrown with weeds and posted with city cleanup warnings.
Canada OKs oil pipeline to Pacific Coast
TORONTO (AP) — Canada’s government on Tuesday
approved a controversial pipeline proposal that would bring oil to
the Pacific Coast for shipment to Asia, a major step in the country’s efforts to diversify its oil exports if it can overcome fierce
opposition from environmental and aboriginal groups.
Approval for Enbridge’s Northern Gateway project was
expected as Canada needs infrastructure in place to export its
growing oil sands production. The project’s importance has only
grown since the U.S. delayed a decision on TransCanada’s Keystone XL pipeline that would take oil from Alberta to the U.S.
Gulf Coast. The northern Alberta region has the world’s third
largest oil reserves, with 170 billion barrels of proven reserves.
Enbridge’s pipeline would transport 525,000 barrels of oil a day
from Alberta’s oil sands to the Pacific to deliver oil to Asia, mainly
energy-hungry China. About 220 large oil tankers a year would visit
the Pacific coast town of Kitimat and opponents fear pipeline leaks
and a potential tanker spill on the pristine Pacific coast.
Chinese media: 17 soldiers
killed in armory blast
BEIJING (AP) — An accidental explosion ripped through an
armory in central China and killed 17 soldiers while they were
stacking ammunition, state media said Wednesday. The blast took
place Tuesday afternoon in the Hunan province city of Hengyang and its cause was under investigation, the official Xinhua
News Agency said. A Hengyang city policewoman surnamed
Xiao confirmed the accident on Wednesday and said no civilians were injured. The armory is in a rural township on the outskirts of Hengyang. China’s military operates with a high degree
of secrecy and information about explosions, plane crashes and
other accidents is usually tightly controlled.
With 2.3 million members, China’s military is the world’s
largest. It has enjoyed massive upgrades to equipment and living
conditions for soldiers, fueled by two decades of soaring defense
spending. Despite that, conditions for much of the sprawling
land-based forces remain basic and oversight is often lax.
Navajo Nation wildfire
threatens homes, livestock
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — A fast-moving wildfire near
the Arizona-New Mexico border grew Tuesday as it approached
two communities and threatened traditional grazing lands on the
Navajo Nation, where sheep are a staple of life, their wool is
prized for its use in rugs, and mutton is on the menu of restaurants
throughout the region. The Assayii Lake Fire ballooned to more
than 19 square miles in less than two days while making its way
across winter and summer grazing lands in the Chuska Mountains. The flames destroyed at least four structures and threatened about 50 homes near the rural communities of Naschitti and
Sheep Springs, fire officials said.
Some homes in Naschitti were evacuated Monday afternoon,
and authorities were urging desperate Navajo families to refrain
from going into the mountains to search for their sheep and other
livestock because of the fire’s erratic behavior.
“They haven’t contained any of it yet, and they’re just letting
it burn right now because the winds are so high, and that presents
a problem,” said Leo Watchman, head of the Navajo Nation’s
Department of Agriculture. “How far out do you evacuate homes
and livestock pens? We’re not out of the danger yet.”
Guilty plea in loan sharking scheme
SANTA ANA, Calif. (AP) — An Orange County businessman accused of running a loan sharking scheme and hiring a
police officer as his “enforcer” has pleaded guilty after reaching
a deal with federal prosecutors. The Los Angeles Times reported
Monday that Kevin Tuan Khanh Do entered a guilty plea to a
single count of making a false statement to a federal agency.
Prosecutors had said Do charged a lounge owner in Santa
Ana’s Little Saigon a 60 percent annual interest rate after lending
her $170,000. Prosecutors agreed to drop other charges against
Do after he cooperated with Department of Justice officials.
Meanwhile, the trial of Anthony Duong Donner, a former
Westminster police officer accused of being an enforcer for Do,
has been pushed back until June 2015.
(Continued on page 8)
This Tuesday, June 17, 2014, aerial photo, shows the devastated town of Pilger, Neb.
On Monday, a storm packing rare dual tornadoes tore through the tiny farming town in northeast Nebraska, killing a 5-year-old girl, leaving grain bins crumpled like discarded soda cans and
(AP Photo/Dakota Aerials, Dave Tunge)
flattening dozens of homes. NOTICE OF
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to A.S.C.A. §37.1105, that ANZ GUAM, INC. dba ANZ Amerika
Samoa Bank intends to foreclose a mortgage, recorded in the Office of the Territorial Registrar in
Land Transfer, Volume Number LT 3 at page 475-476 on March 30, 2004, and that the property
subject to the mortgage will be sold on an”AS IS BASIS” at public auction.
Property to be Sold on “AS IS BASIS”: All of the mortgagor’s interest in that certain parcel of
individually owned land, which includes a six-unit apartment structure, consisting of
approximately 0.42 acres, more or less, situated in the village of Tafuna, American Samoa and
more particularly described as:
All of that certain real property lying in Land Square 28, Unit D, situated in the
village of Tafuna, County of Tualauta, Western District, Island of Tutuila,
American Samoa, being a portion of land known as “NAUMATI”, and is more
fully described as follows:
Beginning at a concrete monument which has coordinates of X=242,129.21
and Y=284,763.63 referred to the American Samoa Datum of 1962.
Run thence on azimuth 281 degrees 40’ 36”, 84.00 feet to a monument;
Thence on azimuth 281 degrees 38’ 52”, 120.00 feet to a monument; Thence
on azimuth 180 degrees 00’ 00”, 100.00 feet to a monument; Thence on
azimuth 101 degrees 38’ 52”, 120.00 feet to a monument; Thence on azimuth
21 degrees 23’ 32”, 99.36 feet to the point of beginning.
Containing 0.42 acres or 18,400 square feet more or less.
Date of Sale: Friday, June 20, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. at the property, unless postponed or canceled
by public announcement.
Location: The property is located in Tafuna.
Minimum Bid: $397,000.00
Contact: For more information about this property, please contact Marian T. McGuire at the Law
Offices of Rose Joneson Vargas, P.C., telephone number 699-2100, facsimile number 699-2105,
or send an email message to [email protected].
ANZ GUAM, Inc. dba ANZ Amerika Samoa Bank reserves the right to reject any and all offers.
Page 8
samoa news, Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Continued from page 7
This Tuesday, June 17, 2014, aerial photo, shows the devastated town of Pilger, Neb.
On Monday, a storm packing rare dual tornadoes tore through the tiny farming town in northeast Nebraska, killing a 5-year-old girl, leaving grain bins crumpled like discarded soda cans and
(AP Photo/Dakota Aerials, Dave Tunge)
flattening dozens of homes. by B. Chen, Samoa News Correspondent
Today, the Department of Health will begin
inspecting all local schools to determine whether
or not they meet the appropriate standards to
open up for the 2014-2015 school year which
officially begins in about two months.
Called DoH Operation Readiness, the inspections will be carried out for eight weeks and will
include all schools — both public and private —
as well as daycare facilities and the Early Childhood Education (ECE) centers.
A DoH inspector who spoke to Samoa News
yesterday said inspections will be carried out
at the territory’s 16 private schools first. Afterwards, the public schools will be inspected.
The goal is to eliminate a repeat of what
happened last year, when public schools were
forced to open a few weeks late because DoH
inspections revealed the need for major repairs
and improvement, especially in bathroom and
kitchen facilities.
The majority of the work should be completed, considering the Adopt-a-School initiative
and other major implementations which were
carried out last year, the government notes.
Complaints are still pouring in about the hot
meals being served by the Territorial Administration on Aging (TAOA). While most of the complaints are geared towards the menu items and the
portions, this time, some TAOA participants are
complaining about senior citizens handling the
food. Yesterday, a caller to the Samoa News said
she and her husband stopped by the hot meal distribution site only to leave without eating.
“We were being served by elderly folks,
some of them in their 70s and 80s,” she said.
“It just didn’t feel right because I felt like I was
being disrespectful, like I was being served by
my mother.” She said she didn’t understand why
these elderly women were going back through
the food plates, opening the lids and inspecting
the contents, when those who are preparing the
food had already done so.
The caller also pointed out that none of the
elderly women who were serving the food were
wearing hair nets, and she personally saw some
of them scratching their heads in the midst of service. She alleges that none of them have health
cards, which is a requirement in the food service
industry. In addition, the caller continued, the
elderly servers were stacking water bottles under
their armpits and distributing them that way. “It
was just so unsanitary and it wasn’t pleasing to
the eyes,” she added.
According to TAOA, meal portions are based
on approved federal guidelines and the program
is not only to serve food but to bring senior citizens together to congregate and fellowship.
A trio of vendors prepare the hot meals for
TAOA clients two times a week.
The Governor H. Rex Lee Auditorium in
Utulei is the site for the 2nd Annual Leadership
Academy which kicked off on Monday and is
being hosted by the local Dept. of Education.
Scores of local educators, including school
administrators, department heads, and program
coordinators representing both public and private
schools are attending the four-day event that officially opened with special remarks by Acting Governor Lemanu Peleti Mauga who spoke about the
critical role of educators and school administrators
in the growth and success of young learners.
Lemanu expressed his gratitude to all the educators saying, “Thank you for all you do for the
people of American Samoa, and the Pacific, as
well as the rest of the world.”
“What you pass on to our children will shape
the future and the well being of the human race.
I realize we are small islands in the Pacific but
sharing and growing together can unite and bond
us in ways that our voices and achievements can
be heard and recognized at the national level.”
Director of Education Vaitinasa Dr. Salu
Hunkin Finau told those in attendance that collaboration is key, and everyone needs to work
together and focus all of their resources and
efforts to the schools, where students spend a lot
of time learning.
“Encapsulating the notion that we actualize
our education vision and mission, it is no longer
acceptable to be passive, negligent, or unethical
but rather, to provide high quality education
services, we must thoroughly be honest in all
that we do for our students,” Vaitinasa told the
crowd. “Additionally, fidelity and integrity must
season our proverb to be honest, as one man said:
‘Fidelity is fulfilling your responsibility to the
best of your ability, when no one is looking’.”
California mayor curbs
self over dog poop incident
SAN MARINO, Calif. (AP) — The doo-doo has gotten too
deep for the mayor of a wealthy Los Angeles suburb who flung
dog poop onto a political opponent’s property.
The Pasadena Star-News reports San Marino Mayor Dennis
Kneier resigned Tuesday after outcry from residents who say he
smeared their image. Kneier remains on the City Council. Councilman Eugene Sun will serve as mayor.
Kneier found the bag of dog waste June 7 and tossed it onto the
walkway of political opponent Philip Lao.
Lao recognized the mayor on surveillance video and called
police. Video of the incident went viral.
In his resignation letter, Kneier says his actions were inconsiderate and disrespectful and he’s stepping down because the event
continues to be embarrassing to him and to the city.
71 kids to hospital in Canada
carbon monoxide leak
SAINT-EUSTACHE, Quebec (AP) — Five children were
overcome by a carbon monoxide leak at a Quebec daycare center
that sent 71 children and about 10 adults to a hospital, officials
said Tuesday. Quebec Family Minister Francine Charbonneau
said the five children had more intense symptoms of vomiting
and headaches but others, including some of the 10 educators, had
symptoms. She said 71 children and about 10 adults were taken
to a local hospital as a preventive measure and that all parents
had been advised. Charbonneau said the leak had been contained
within the Les Petits Explorateurs daycare building. The StEustache fire department was trying to determine the exact cause
Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless and tasteless gas that
is toxic to humans in high concentrations.
Prosecutor details the 14
killings in Blackwater trial
WASHINGTON (AP) — In a recitation of death and destruction, a federal prosecutor on Tuesday chronicled for a jury the
alleged conduct of four Blackwater security guards accused of
killing 14 Iraqis and wounding 18 others in downtown Baghdad
nearly seven years ago. In opening statements at the trial of the four
guards, Assistant U.S. Attorney T. Patrick Martin said some of the
victims were “simply trying to get out” of the way of gunfire from
Blackwater guards. “Fourteen died, 18 injured. For what?” he said.
One component of the prosecutors’ case is that the Blackwater
guards harbored deep hostility toward Iraqis and boasted of indiscriminate firing of their weapons.
Immediately after the shootings at Nisoor Square on Sept. 16,
2007, as soon as the guards got back to their base, they participated in a lie that there were insurgents in the area, said Martin
The State Dept. hired Blackwater and Martin said it took
four days for the department to look into the shootings. He
said the investigation was pathetic, incomplete, haphazard and
that “most of all it seemed bent on clearing the contractors.”
(Continued on page 9)
Family fights cops after
knives nixed at fun park
SALEM, N.H. (AP) — Five members of a Vermont family
assaulted police officers during a melee that erupted when
security guards at a New Hampshire amusement park told them
to leave their knives in the car, police said Tuesday.
The fracas started at about 1:30 p.m. Monday when the
Perry family tried to enter Canobie Lake Park in Salem. Some
of the family members had knives on their belts and were told
they couldn’t bring them into the park, police said. The family
became belligerent and eventually two Salem officers responded
to quell the disturbance. The family became more irate, yelling
profanities at the officers in front of other visitors, police said.
After several verbal warnings, an officer told one man he
was under arrest and tried to handcuff him, leading to the fight
that included people jumping on the backs of the officers,
punching, kicking and grabbing for their weapons, police said.
Two officers were injured, including one who was treated at a
hospital for a dislocated shoulder. As backup officers arrived,
the mother of the family faked a seizure, police said. She was
examined by paramedics and released at the scene.
Those arrested included Joshua Perry, 23, of Sutton, Vermont, who was charged with felony riot, resisting arrest with
serious injury, trespassing and disorderly conduct. Brian Perry,
18, of Lyndonville, was charged with felony riot, assault and
resisting arrest. E. Allan Perry, 45, of Lyndon, was charged
with felony riot, felony assault, disorderly conduct and resisting
arrest. All three were held on $10,000 cash bail, assigned a
public defender and scheduled to return to court on June 25.
Damian Perry, 18, of Lyndonville, was charged with disorderly conduct and trespassing. Ashley Perry, 20, of Sutton,
was charged with disorderly conduct and trespassing. Each was
released on a $5,000 personal recognizance bond. It could not
immediately be determined if they had lawyers.
Continued from page 8
Lockdown ends,
no threat found at
Los Angeles base
— Officials say Los Angeles
Air Force Base was locked
down for nearly five hours
after a man was reported on the
grounds with ammunition and
wires sticking out of a backpack. The base said in a statement Tuesday night that after a
building-to-building search the
reports of a threat were found
baseless and the base and surrounding streets were reopened.
Susan James, who works in
public affairs on the small
base near Los Angeles International Airport, said Tuesday
that employees were told about
1:45 p.m. to go to a secure area
of their office and remain there.
El Segundo police Capt. Brian
Evanski told the Daily Breeze
newspaper the report said a
man was on the base wearing
camouflage attire with a backpack or vest showing wires and
Israel arrests
51 former Palestinian prisoners
Israeli army has re-arrested 51
former Palestinian prisoners as
part of a furious search for three
missing Israeli teens believed
to have been abducted in the
West Bank. Army spokesman
Lt. Col. Peter Lerner said on
Wednesday that the 51 were
among more than 65 Palestinians detained overnight in the
search for the teens.
The 51 were part of a group
of 1,027 Palestinians released
in 2011 from Israeli prisons in
exchange for an Israeli soldier
captured by Gaza militants in a
cross-border raid in 2006.
Israel believes Hamas was
behind the abduction of the
teens, who disappeared last
week on the way home from a
religious seminary. Lerner says
that since the disappearance, a
total of 240 Palestinians have
been arrested in the West Bank.
Santa Cruz police
make arrest in
shooting of teen
(AP) — Police in Santa Cruz
are trying to determine the circumstances that led to the fatal
shooting of a 15-year-old boy.
Police say officers were called
to an apartment around 6:45
p.m. Monday on a report that
someone was suffering from a
gunshot wound. A 15-year-old
Watsonville boy was found dead
in a bedroom, having apparently
suffered a single gunshot.
The circumstances surrounding the shooting were not
known. Santa Cruz police say
there were several people in
the apartment at the time of the
shooting, and they recovered the
firearm they believe was used.
Santa Cruz Deputy Police Chief
Steve Clark tells the Santa Cruz
Sentinel the shooting was unintentional. A 16-year-old has been
arrested on suspicion of involuntary manslaughter. Police say he
is a Norteno gang member, but
his gang affiliation was not a
motive for the shooting.
Officials state U.S.
drone strike kills
four in NW Pakistan
ISLAMABAD (AP) — Pakistani intelligence officials say a
U.S. drone strike has killed four
men in a militant hideout in the
northwestern tribal region near
the Afghan border.
Two officials say the missiles hit a vehicle and a compound in the town of Dandey
Darpakhel in North Waziristan
on Wednesday. The officials
spoke on condition of anonymity because they are not
authorized to talk to media.
The strike was the third in the
past two weeks as U.S. missile
strikes in Pakistan resumed after
six months. North Waziristan is
home to a mix of local and foreign al-Qaida-linked militant
groups, who also attack American and NATO troops across
the border in Afghanistan.
Pakistan’s military this week
launched a long awaited antimilitant offensive in the region,
which Washington had insisted
on for years.
N.D. pumps 1 million
barrels of oil a day
(AP) — North Dakota has
joined the ranks of the few
places in the world that produce
more than a million barrels of oil
per day, due in large part to the
rich Bakken shale formation in
the western part of the state. The
April figures released Tuesday
by the state’s Department of
Mineral Resources showed the
record tally. North Dakota had
flirted with the million-barrelper-day mark for months, but
the harsh winter slowed the
pace. In March, production had
hit 977,000 barrels per day.
North Dakota’s oil fields now
represent more than 12 percent
of all U.S. oil production, and
more than 1 percent of global
production — a situation unfathomable just a decade ago, when
technology hadn’t yet caught up
to the challenge of extracting oil
from the shale. Since then, the
oil boom and the jobs it brings
have transformed North Dakota,
now home to the nation’s fastestgrowing cities and its lowest
unemployment rate.
“Reaching the 1 million
barrel a day mark is a tremen(Continued on page 13)
samoa news, Wednesday, June 18, 2014 Page 9
Lawyer – Suspect in girl’s
molestation was sleeping
MARTINEZ, Calif. (AP) — The attorney for a Northern
California man accused of molesting his 9-year-old niece says
his client was asleep at the time.
Ralph Dell’s attorney, Ernest Castillo, told jurors during
Dell’s trial on Monday that what happened to the girl is not in
dispute. But he said it was the result of Dell’s history of unwanted
behavior during sleep, the Contra Costa Times reported.
Dell, 35, of Pacheco, is charged with sexual penetration of a
child and lewd and lascivious acts in connection with the April
2012 incident. According to Contra Costa County prosecutors, Dell rubbed the girl’s back before slipping his hand in her
underwear. She and Dell’s daughter were having a sleepover
and were in a common room together watching TV.
Castillo said Dell woke up after he touched his niece, told her
what he had done was inappropriate and left the room.
“He woke up to the most gut-wrenching moment of his life,”
Castillo said. “He was startled and confused, didn’t understand
what happened or how it happened. He began to freak out.”
Castillo said he plans to call a medical expert to explain the
neurological science behind unwanted behavior while asleep
and witnesses who will testify to Dell’s history of such behavior.
Prosecutors dispute Castillo’s defense and say the case is one
of straightforward sexual abuse.
The victim, now 11, testified on Monday that she began to
tear up when the touching began.
The girl said Dell asked her whether what he was doing hurt.
During cross-examination, she said Dell looked surprised at
what he had done a few moments later.
Page 10
samoa news, Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Fa’amuta FBI fa’amatalaga o lo o
salalau solo fa’asaga ali’i Kovana
fa’aliliu Ausage Fausia
Ni isi o faiaoga o lo o auai i se aoaoga o lo o faagasolo mo le matagaluega o aoga a le malo i le
[ata: AF]
Fale Laumei i Utulei i le vaiaso nei.
A’ao’aoga lona lua mo pule
aoga ma faiaoga Ofisa o Aoga
tusia Ausage Fausia
E vaiaso atoa le umi o le a’oa’oga lona lua
a le Matagaluega o Aoga o lo o fa’agasolo
i le Fale Laumei i Utulei i le taimi nei, mo le
fa’alauiloaina o auala e fesoasoani ai i puleaoga,
ta’ita’i o polokalame i aoga aemaise ai faiaoga,
e fa’aleleia ai le fa’atinoina o a latou galuega i
totonu o potu aoga. E silia i le to’a 100 puleaoga,
sui pule aoga, fa’apea ai faufautua mai aoga a
le malo ma aoga tumaoti na auai i le tatalaina
o lenei polokalame, lea o lo o fa’atautaia e le
Matagaluega o Aoga a le malo.
O se sauniga lotu na tatala aloaia ai lenei
polokalame na taitaia lea e le susuga Rev.
Iasepu Ulu o le ekalesia EFKAS mai Fagatogo, na tomua ai polokalame fa’ataoto o lenei
aoaoga, fa’atasi ai ma le saunoaga autu na
saunia e le afioga i le Lutena Kovana ia Lemanu
Peleti Mauga, lea na ia saunoa ai i le taua o le
tiute fa’a faiaoga i le aoaoina o fanau aoga ina
ia popoto ma atamamai.
Na taua e le Fa’atonusili o aoga a le malo
ia Vaitinasa D. Salu Hunkin Finau le taua tele
o le aoaoga lona lua lenei mo le matagaluega,
o le a mafai ai ona fesoasoani i faiaoga i le
fa’aaupegaina o i latou i metotia eseese, a o
sauni atu mo le amataina o le isi tausaga aoga
fou i nai masina e le o toe mamao.
Saunoa fo’i le fa’atonusili e faapea, so o se
faiaoga lava o lo o galue o ia o se faiaoga i so o
se aoga i le atunuu, e tatau ona ia iloa lona tulaga
faa faiaoga, o fea o i ai le lelei ma le malosi o
ana aoaoga; o a mea faigaluega e manaomia ona
ia fa’aaoga; ma e fa’apefea fo’i ona ia ausia lana
sini mo le manuia o aoaoga a fanau.
I le polokalame ua fa’atulagaina e le matagaluega mo aso taitasi o lenei aoaoga, o lo o
fa’atulaga mai ai lava ma le autu o aso ta’itasi,
e pei ona fa’aautuina ai le aoaoga o le aso Lua
ananafi i le autu e fa’apea, “Ia fa’au’umi au laa,
ma ia fa’amamao le vaai”.
O se tasi o Matua o Faiva sa ia fa’asoa ni
isi o aoaoga taua mo faiaoga i le taeao ananafi,
o le faletua ia Helen C. Sievers, o ia lea o le
Fa’atonu o le Polokalame o le ‘World Teach
Program’, o i latou fo’i ia o lo o fa’atautaia le
a’oa’oga mo faiaoga i lenei vaiaso.
Na faamamafa e Sievers i lana tautalaga
le taua o le tiute a le puleaoga i le faafoeina o
galuega a faiaoga, atoa ai ma le fa’alagolago o
tulaga manuia o aoaoga i totonu o le aoga i le
mataalia ma le mataala o le pule aoga.
“O oe le puleaoga, o oe o le fa’atusa o le
aoga atoa, afai e lelei ma mataala le puleaoga i
le vaavaaia o faiaoga i soo se taimi e faatino ai a
latou galuega, e atagia mai ai fo’i iina le manuia
o le aoga”, o le isi lea saunoaga a Sievers.
Sa ia fa’ataoto le alafua e ala ai ona manuia
galuega fa’a faiaoga atoa ai ma le i’u manuia o
olaga o fanau aoga, e pei o le galulue faatasi o
faiaoga e ala i le fetufaa’i o metotia e faatino ai
aoaoga mo aso taitasi.
“E tatau ona iloa e le faiaoga lana lesona o
le a aoaoina o lea aso ma lea aso, e tatau foi
ona malamalama lelei tamaiti i mataupu o lo o
aoaoina, ma ia talafeagai lesona ma le vasega
o lo o aoaoina”, o le isi lea fautuaga a Sievers.
Na taua e Sievers i le faaiuga o lana folasaga
e faapea, o le taua o le galulue faatasi o le pule
aoga ma faiaoga, e atagia mai ai iina le malosi
ma le mautu o tapenaga mo le aoaoina o fanau.
Sa ia fautuaina fo’i faiaoga ina ia taumafai e
vaavaai i galuega a le isi faiaoga ma faatusatusa i ana galuega o lo o faia, ina ia iloa ai po
o fea tonu o lo o agai i ai lana auaunaga, ina ia
mautinoa e i’u manuia aoaoga mo fanau aoga.
Na faamamafa e le faiaoga ia Alvin Parker i
lana folasaga le taua o le fetufaa’i o metotia ma
auala eseese e faatino ai galuega a le faiaoga,
ia iloa fo’i e le faiaoga ona fesuisuia’i auala ma
mea faatino e kiliva ai le feau i fanau aoga.
“O se lagona fiafia tele mo oe le faiaoga pe
a e vaai atu o lo o fiafia ma naunau mai tamaiti
o le vasega i lau lesona o lo o fai atu,” o le saunoaga lea a Parker. Na taua e le alii faiaoga ia
Tipasa Alo e fa’apea, o le taua o aoaoga nei, o
le a mafai ai ona fesoasoani i isi metotia fou e
faaleleia ai auala e aoao ai fanau aoga, ma fesoasoani ai foi i le tiute faa faiaoga.
Feso’ota’i mai i le tusitala ia
[email protected]
O se ripoti sa tu’uina mai i le sui o le Ofisa Su’esu’e a le
Feterale, le FBI, i Honolulu i le vaiaso nei, ua fa’amuta ai ma
fa’amatalaga salatua o lo o salalau solo i le atunu’u, fai mai o
le ali’i kovana ia Lolo Matalasi Moliga o lo o taofia i lalo o le
va’ava’aiga a le FBI i Honolulu (house arrest).
I se imeli sa tu’uina mai e le sui o le FBI ia Tom Simon i le
Samoa News i le vaiaso nei, sa ia taua ai le le fa’amaonia o ia
“E le o taofia i lalo o le vaavaaiga a le FBI le ali’i kovana ia
Moliga, o ripoti o lo o salalau iina e le sa’o”, o se vaega lea o le
fa’amatalaga a Simon i lana imeli.
Na fa’amaonia mai fo’i e se sui sinia o le ofisa o le alii kovana
i le Samoa News, e le o taofia i lalo o le vaavaaiga a le FBI le
ali’i kovana i Honolulu, ae o lo o aumau ai pea o ia i Hawai’i mo
le fa’aauauina o ana talavai atoa ai ma le alu e vaai lana foma’i
mo lona soifua maloloina.
E talitonu fo’i le Samoa News, e matua mana’omia lava e le
ali’i kovana le latalata i le falema’i mo le mata’ituina e foma’i o
ana talavai aemaise ai o lona soifua maloloina.
Ui o lea, ua fa’agasolo i le taimi nei i luga o fesootaiga i initaneti se talosaga o lo o fa’aulu e se tagata e suafa ia Tagataese Lesa
ae le o matua iloga ona fa’amanino mai po o ai tonu lea tagata.
Ae o lo o taua i lea talosaga le talosagaina e lea tagata o le
ali’i kovana ia Lolo, na te tu’uina mai i le atunu’u fa’amatalaga
moni ma le sa’o ua mafua ai ona ia tuua le atunuu ae aumau i
I se vaega o lea talosaga o lo o taua ai e fa’apea, sa folafola
e le faigamalo a Lolo i tagata o Amerika Samoa le naunau e fai
le mea moni ma fa’amanino mea uma i le atunu’u. I le avea ai
o Lolo ma kovana filifilia o le atunu’u, a o lea ua aumau o ia i
Honolulu mo ana talavai.
O lo o taua fo’i i se vaega o lea talosaga e fa’apea, i le avea
ai o ia o se tagata palota, ae o se tagata totogi lafoga fo’i o
Amerika Samoa, na te matua mana’omia ai le tu’uina mai o ni
fa’amaoniga ua mafua ona aumau umi le alii kovana i Honolulu.
O lo o taua fo’i i se vaega o lea talosaga le fia malamalama
o lea tagata, pe aisea ua le tuu atu ai e le alii kovana le faatautaiga o le malo o Amerika Samoa i le Lutena Kovana ia Lemanu
Peleti Mauga, ae ua ia tu’uina atu i lana sui lagolago ia Iulogologo Joseph Pereira.
“Ua tele masina e le o nofoia le nofoa o le ali’i kovana, ae o
lo o fa’afoe mai i Honolulu le fa’atautaiga o le faigamalo. E tele
fa’amatalaga salatua ua salalau solo i le atunu’u i le taimi nei, i
le mafua’aga moni ua ala ai ona tuua e le alii kovana le atunu’u,
e mafua mai ona o su’esu’ega o lo o fa’agasolo fa’asaga i le
polokalame o le ‘1602 a le Faletupe o Atinae”.
O lo o taua fo’i i le talosaga lenei e fa’apea, “i le fa’agaioiina
ai o matou aia tatau o tagata palota, e tatau ai ona matua matou
unaia le faigamalo e ta’u mai fa’amatalaga sa’o, i le mafua’aga
ua ala ai ona fa’afoe mai e le sui filifilia o le atunu’u le faigamalo
mai le fafo i le afe ma afe o maila”.
O lo o taua fo’i i totonu o le talosaga le valaauina o le atunu’u
ina ia saini i le talosaga lenei, ma ia tuu atu i le alii kovana le
avanoa na te fa’amanino mai ai le tumau i le fa’amaoni atoa ai
ma le faia o le mea moni.
Talu mai le aso Gafua na te’a nei, e toa 13 tagata ua saini i le
talosaga, ma o lo o talosagaina i totonu o le talosaga ni isi saini se
87, ona fa’atoa tu’uina atu ai loa lea o le talosaga i le ali’i kovana.
O lo o i ai fo’i ni fa’amatalaga i totonu o le talosaga, i le
mananao lea o tagata i le ali’i kovana, ina fa’amanino pe afai o
le mafua’aga o lona aumau i Hawai’i ona o ana talavai.
E tele taumafaiga a le Samoa News mo le fia maua mai o
se finagalo o le ali’i kovana fa’apea ai ma lona sui lagolago,
e ala i ni imeli sa auina atu i ai, mo le fa’amaninoina mai o
lenei mataupu, atoa ai ma le tu’uina mai o sona finagalo i tala
ua salalau solo i le atunu’u, peita’i e leai ma tali na maua mai ai.
Ae i le vaiaso na te’a nei, na taua ai e le sui lagolago a le
alii kovana ia Iulogologo Joseph Pereira i le Samoa News e
fa’apea, o le a faaauau pea ona aumau ai le alii kovana i Hawaii
mo ana talavai, ma faaauau fo’i ona galue mai i le ofisa o le malo
i Hawaii.
I le fonotaga a le kapeneta sa faia i le masina o Mati o le
tausaga nei, sa fa’ailoa mai ai e le alii kovana i lana kapeneta
e fa’apea, e i le va o le 90 i le 120 aso o le a ia toesea ai ma le
atunu’u, fuafua lava i le vave uma o ana talavai o lo o fa’agasolo
i Hawaii.
(Faaauau itulau 12)
samoa news, Wednesday, June 18, 2014 Page 11
tusia Ausage Fausia
Ua poloaina e le afioga i le
fa’amasino sili ia Michael Kruse
le Failautusi o le Fa’amasinoga,
ina ia fa’amaopoopo se lisi o
mataupu tau i fanua ma suafa o lo
o taoto i luma o le fa’amasinoga
e le i faia i ai ni fa’aiuga, ina ia
tu’u fa’atasi ma tu’u sa’o atu
loa i le Ofisa o Mataupu Tau
Samoa mo a latou iloiloga. O le
aso Gafua na te’a nei na tu’uina
atu ai e Kruse lana poloaiga, ina
ua valaauina le mataupu i le va
o ‘Uiagalelei Lealofi ma Uiagalelei Iona ma le ASPA’
O loia na aofia i le talanoaina
o lenei mataupu e aofia ai Marie
Alailima lea na tula’i mo le itu
a Uiagalelei Lealofi, o Roy Hall
Jr na tula’i mo le Pulega o le
Eletise ma le Suavai (ASPA),
ma Fiti Sunia na tula’i mo le itu
a Uiagalelei Iona.
Sa faapea foi ona auai i lea
iloiloga le afioga i le Failautusi
o le Ofisa o Mataupu tau Samoa
ia Satele Galu Satele Sr., lea na
samania e le fa’amasinoga ina ia
o o atu e fa’amanino le tulaga o
le pito laau a le Ofisa o Mataupu
tau Samoa, o lo o fa’atinoina i
mataupu o fanua ma suafa e pei
ona faatonuina e le tulafono. O
le aso Faraile fo’i na te’a nei na
molimau ai le afioga i le Alo o Salamasina i luma o le faamasinoga,
ina ua samania e molimau i se
mataupu o tau fanua sa fofogaina
i le va o se aiga ma le ASPA.
I lea iloiloga, sa fa’ailoa ai
e Kruse ia Satele e fa’apea, ua
tele naua mataupu tau fanua
ma suafa o lo o taatitia i luma
o le faamasinoga e le o faia i ai
se gaioiga a le faamasinoga, sei
vagana ua faatino le pito laau a
le Ofisa o Mataupu tau Samoa o
lo o faatulaga mai e le tulafono,
e ala i le faia lea o fono ma aiga
o lo o fa’amasino i mataupu nei,
ona fa’atoa mafai lea ona la’a
le fa’amasinoga e fa’atino lana
pito laau. Na taua e Satele i le
fa’amasinoga e fa’apea, talu lava
ona tuuina atu le talosaga a lona
ofisa i le ofisa o le loia sili, mo le
tofiaina atu o se loia latou te galulue i le taulimaina o mataupu tau
fanua ma suafa, e le i taunuu atu
lava se loia e pei ona talosagaina.
Na faatonu e Kruse le loia
sili lagolago ia Mitzie Jessop
sa i ai i le taimi o le iloiloga e
fa’apea, e leai se malosi o le
fa’amasinoga e fa’atonu ai le
faigamalo i auala e faatino ai ana
tiute tauave, ae afai loa e avea le
fa’atamala o le malo i le tauaveina i lana pito laau ma itu e
tuutaia ai le faatinoina o galuega
a le fa’amasinoga, o iina faatoa
mafai ai e le faamasinoga ona
avatu sana fautuaga i le malo.
Ina ua fesiligia e le Samoa
News le afioga Satele e tusa ai
o lenei mataupu, sa ia taua ai le
naunau o le Ofisa o Mataupu tau
Samoa e fa’atino lana pito laau
o lo o faatulaga mai e le tulafono, e ala i le faia lea o fonotaga ma aiga o lo o tula’i mai
ai feeseeseaiga i mataupu tau
fanua po o suafa matai foi.
O le vaiaso ua te’a na faila ai
e le malo le moliaga mamafa o
le ave ta’avale ‘ona fa’asaga i le
ali’i o Fereti Utu, e mafua mai
i le fa’alavelave lea na taofia
ai o ia e leoleo i le ave ta’avale
faatautala i le lua vaiaso talu
ai, ae maua ai o lo o se’i e le
fa’amasinoga lona laisene ave
ta’avale. O Utu na ta’usala e
le fa’amasinoga faaitumalo i le
masina o Mati o le tausaga nei
i le moliaga o le ave ta’avale
‘ona, ma faanofovaavaaia ai o ia
mo le umi e tausaga atoa i lalo o
tuutuuga a le fa’amasinoga.
O ni isi o ia tuutuuga e aofia
ai le faasa ona ia toe tagofia le
ava malosi, atoa ai ma le se’iina
o lona laisene mo le 6 masina.
Sa fautuaina fo’i Utu e le
fa’amasinoga, afai e maua o ia
o ia faafoeina se ta’avale ae o lo
o se’i lona laisene, o le a mafai
ona molia o ia i le moliaga
mamafa o le ave ta’avale a’o
se’i le laisene, ma, afai ae
fa’amaonia lea moliaga e le
fa’amasinoga, e ono mafai ona
faasala o ia i le toese mo le umi
e le sili atu i le 5 tausaga, e aofia
ai ma le fa’amalosia lea ona ia
tuliina o le 90 aso i le toese e pei
ona fa’atulaga mai e le tulafono.
O le lua vaiaso talu ai na tula’i
mai ai se fa’alavelave i Pago Pago,
ina ua vaaia e ni leoleo se to’alua
sa tiute ai i lea vaega o le ala tele le
alu saoasaoa o se pikiapu e aga’i
atu i le itu i sasa’e o le atunuu. Na
tuli e leoleo le ta’avale ma taofi i
le isi itu o Pago Pago, ma fesiligia
ai loa le ua molia i lona laisene
ave ta’avale, ae na fa’ailoa i ai e
Utu, o lana laisene o lo o se’i e
le fa’amasinoga. Ua toe fautuaina
Utu e le fa’amasinoga e aua nei
ona toe aveina se ta’avale a o
fa’agasolo ai taualumaga o lana
Emmanuel Baptist Church is accepting applications for Church
Pastor or Minister. Application should include individual
Resume, 3 letters of Character References, and Statement of
Faith. Submit your application to Pastor Search Committee,
Emmanuel Baptist Church, P.O. Box 6349, Pago Pago, AS
96799. The closing date for all applications is Monday, July
21, 2014. Please contact Simona at 733-2887 or Puletasi at
E talosaga atu ma le fa’aaloalo tele i le paia o auauna a le Atua
o lo’o talafa’auto i Amerika Samoa. O lo’o manaomia se tasi e
tauaveina le galuega fa’afaifeau a le Ekalesia Papatiso Emanuelu
i le alalafaga o Leone. O tusi talosaga uma e tatau ona iai se
faailo e iloa ai ou agava’a mo le galuega faafaifeau, 3 ni tusi
faamaonia ai le amio ma le soifua galue, faapea se faamatalaga
auiliili e faatatau i lou faatuatuaga. E tapunia avanoa mo tusi
talosaga i le Aso Gafua, Iulai 21, 2014. E mo’omia ona lafo mai
lau tusi talosaga i le tuatusi: Pastor Search Committee,
Emmanuel Baptist Church, P.O. Box 6349, Pago Pago, AS
96799. Mo se fesili, faamolemole valaau mai i le telefoni
733-2887 mo Simona po o le 731-0550 mo Puletasi.
Fa’afetai Tele Lava,
Ta’ita’i Komiti Saili
Ekalesia Papatiso Emanuelu
Leone, Amerika Samoa
Progressive Agriculture Community
Safety Day for Children
Ages 8 to 13
“Making farm, home and ranch life safer and healthier for
children through education and training:”
Thursday, June 19, 2014
7:30 am – 2:00 pm at the ASCC Gymnasium
Registration is now open
Deadline: June 17, 2014
Hosted by:
American Samoa Community College/Community &
Natural Resources (Land Grant Program)
Agriculture Extension Service~Farm Safety Program
Sponsored Internationally by:
For more information & registration contact Lefua Amio Mavaega-Luvu
Progressive Agriculture Safety Day Coordinator 699-1394/1575
Page 12
samoa news, Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Tusia: Akenese Ilalio Zec
Last month Meewon Park graduated from one of the most prestigious US universities, Harvard
— an Ivy League school— with a major in Neurobiology. Ms Park, who was born in American
Samoa, and considers herself a local girl — attended the South Pacific Academy for 9th and 10th
grade. She then went off island to Watertown High School in New York, where she graduated, and
then on to Harvard University. She is the daughter of local residents and business people Chun Ja
[Courtesy Photo]
Kim and Hyon Chong Park (owner of Mee Won, Inc.)
“Pesticide Applicator Training”
ASCC Land Grant Program will be conducting a Pesticide Applicator Safety training for those
who handle farm chemicals. If you are using farm pesticides without being certified, or you
are planning to use chemicals in the near future, this is a good opportunity for you to attend
this important training. The training schedule is as follows:
June 23 - 27, 2014
12:00 noon - 4:00 p.m.
ASCC Land Grant Training Room
Registration is FREE. To confirm your participation for this training, please call Cora or
Helen at 699-1575/2019.
“A’oa’oga mo i latou o lo’o fa’aaogaina vaila’au o’ona”
O le a faia se a’oa’oga mo i latou o lo o fa’aaoga vaila’au o’ona i fa’ato’aga. Afai o lo’o e
fa’aaoga vaila’au o’ona ae leai se tusi fa’ataga po’o e fa’amoemoe fo’i e te fa’aaoga i se taimi o
i luma, o lou avanoa lelei lenei e te ‘auai ai i lenei a’oa’oga taua. O taimi la nei mo lenei
Iuni 23 - 27, 2014
12:00 - 4:00 i le afiafi
Nofoaga e fai ai: Potu mo A’oa’oga a le Vaega o Laufanua ma
Atina’e a le Kolisi Tu’ufa’atasi ma Alaalafaga o Amerika Samoa.
“E leai se totogi o le resitala. Afai e te fia ‘auai ai i lenei a’oa’oga, fa’amolemole ia
fa’afeso’ota’i mai Cora po’o Helen i le telefoni 699-1575/2019
Vaega: 9 — Fa’atalofa atu ma fa’afeiloa’i atu i le mamalu
o le atunu’u ae maise o i latou o lo’o fiafia pea e faitau i a tatou
tala fa’asolo i lea aso ma lea aso. E i ai pea le fa’amoemoe o lo’o
manuia tutusa pea i tatou uma, i le tausiga alofa a lo tatou Matai
oi le lagi. E ao ai ona o tatou fa’apea ifo, “Le Ali’i e, ia E alofa
ma fo’ai mai le filemu i o matou loto i lenei aso, ina ia mafai ai
ona o matou maua le agaga o le alofa atu i o matou uso a tagata,
a’o le vi’iga ma le fa’afetai e fo’i atu lava i Lau Afio e fa’avavau,
fa’avavau lava, Amene.”
Ua tomumu le lo’omatua, ae ua ‘ata’ata le toeaina ma tilotilo
mai i tua i le umu i si ona atali’i lea o lo’o feagai nei ma le tausiga
o la’ua i mea uma e fai. Ua alu lava le tomumu a le lo’omatua,
ae na o le nofo lava o le toeaina ma fa’alogologo i ai. Na ona o’o
lava o le tomumu a le lo’omatua i isi mataupu fa’alupelupeina,
oso loa ma le toeaina ua le toe taofi, ona ua fa’alogo atu nei ua
‘ese le mea lea ua talanoa ane ai le lo’omatua.
“Seka, Seka, tu’u la’ia o lau tomumu, fa’alogo mai oe, o sau
ia Samuelu e fai se mea’ai ta te a’ai ai, o sau Samuelu e fafaga
pua’a ma sui povi ma fafaga moa, o fai e Samuelu. Va’ai la oe i
lou leo leaga le na e leaga ai aiga, e le fealofani ai le ta fanau. O
le mea tonu lava lea e tupu nei, tu’u la’ia o au tala i o’u tu atu i
luga sasa lou ulu i le ‘ali. Tu’u la’ia, ua tiga o’u taliga, a pologa
Petelo e fai mea uma o le aiga, ae na o le sala sala, i a Samuelu,
ae e nofo ma fai na fa’amatalaga le lelei, tu’u la’ia, ua pei oe o se
matuamoa ua to’ulu fulufulu. Ua tiga lava o’u taliga e fa’alogo
atu i tala na e te faia, e te le tautala mai i mea e lelei aiga, ae na o
tala e te au mai i ma o.”
Ua nofo sasa’e a’e nei i luga le lo’omatua sa ta’oto’oto i lea
taimi ma tauvala’au i a Samuelu, “Elu, Elu, o fea ea oe, Elu, sau
ua lava le na galuega ua alu ifo le pogisa.”
O le taimi tonu lea, o lo’o fai le ti’eti’ega a Samuelu i luga
o le pasi, e alu aga’i i Tula. O le nu’u lea o lo’o Faifeau ai le
uso o lona tama e igoa i a Sila ma lona Faletua o Su’e. Ua fiu le
lo’omatua e tau vala’au, ae leai se tasi na tali mai, na toe liliu nei
ma tilotilo ane i le toeaina, ua le mautonu lona loto po’o fea ua
alu i ai Samuelu.
E fetaui lava le liliu ane o le lo’omatua, ae palasi loa ma le
fa’alifu talo ma le moa Samoa sa fa’asupo, o lea sa galue ai le
la tama ulumatua o Petelo. Na tau tonu lava i le pogaisu o le
lo’omatua le sasala o le koko Samoa i lea taimi, ae salani e le
manogi o le supo moa. “E, si a’u tama e, o Kelo, e fai fa’alifu
manogi, e sefulu niu e a’e ai e le e’eva, si a’u tama e fai mea lelei,
e tausi matua, fa’afetai Kelo, ua malie lo’u loto i lau tausiga.”
Ua le tautala le toeaina o Paulo, ae ua na o le tilotilo ane i lona
to’alua ma fa’apea ona mafaufauga, “Leaga lava le lo’omatua e
palu vai tele, ae e le o ni vai e tau feololo mai, o le matua’i malolosi lava o vai a le lo’omatua lenei. O lea fa’atoa uma lava ona
tomumu mai nei e uiga i si o’u atali’i o Petelo, a’o lea, na o le tau
lava o le manogi o le supo moa Samoa i poga isu, pei o le a noa le
toe tautala. Pei e sili ai pe a ave i Aferika, se i fai i ai su’esu’ega a
foma’i, pe i ai se uaua o le fai’ai ua tau pe.” E faia pea…
➧ Fa’amuta FBI fa’amatalaga…
Mai itulau 10
O le masina o Aperila na sosoo ai sa valaauina ai fo’i le isi
fonotaga a le kovana ma lana kapeneta, ma o ia fonotaga uma o
lo o fa’atulaga mai lava e le alii kovana mai Hawaii.
Ma taua e Iulogologo i se imeli i le Samoa News i le vaiaso na
te’a nei e fa’apea, ua fa’asolo ina tulaga manuia le gasegase o le
ali’i kovana, e fa’afetaia ai le atunuu ona o talosaga o lo o tuuina
atu i le Atua mo le alii kovana.
O le fesili po o afea tonu e toe taliu mai ai i fanua le ali’i
kovana, na taua e Iulogologo e fa’apea, ua leva ona toe fia fo’i
mai le ali’i kovana i le atunu’u, ae o le taimi lava e mae’a ai ana
talavai o lo o faia, ona fa’atoa mafai loa lea ona toe taliu mai le
alii kovana i le atunuu.
E talitonu le Samoa News, o lo o totogi lava e le alii kovana
le fale o lo o nonofo ai i Honolulu i le taimi nei, sei vagana ai le
tulaga o ana talavai e le o manino mai po o totogi fo’i e ia pe leai.
Ae o le mataupu e fa’atatau i le ‘polokalame o le 1602’ e pei
ona taua i le talosaga lea ua faila i luga o fesootaiga faaonapo nei,
na mafua ai ona agai mai sui o le FBI i le teritori i le masina o
Iulai o le tausaga na te’a nei, mo le faia o suesuega e faatatau i le
soona faaaogaina tupe sa tuuina mai e faatupe ai lea polokalame,
e pei ona faamaonia mai e le sui o le FBI ia Simon.
Na taua e Simon i le Samoa News i le tausaga na tea nei,
o le agaga o le latou oo mai i Amerika Samoa, ina ia matua
suesueina tuuaiga e faatatau i le soona faaaoga le tatau lea o tupe
o le polokalame.
O le alii kovana ia Lolo sa avea ma Peresetene o le Faletupe
o Atina’e i le taimi tonu na tufatufa ai tupe o le polokalame o le
1602, a o le i avea o ia ma kovana o le atunuu.
samoa news, Wednesday, June 18, 2014 Page 13
Continued from page 9
dous and timely milestone for the petroleum industry and our
state, but it is also a tremendous milestone for our nation,” U.S.
Sen. John Hoeven, a Republican, said in a statement, citing the
need for the United States to build its domestic energy resources.
Rescuers carry injured
caver through tight spaces
BERLIN (AP) — Germany’s mountain rescue service says it
could complete the rescue of an injured cave researcher from the
country’s deepest cave on Thursday or Friday as experts make
good progress through the labyrinth’s passages and shafts.
Johann Westhauser suffered head injuries June 8 while nearly
1,000 meters (3,280 feet) underground in the Riesending cave
system in the Alps near the Austrian border. Teams of rescue
experts embarked last Friday to bring Westhauser, who is strapped
to a stretcher, to the surface. By Tuesday, they had raised him to
about 500 meters (1,640 feet) below the ground.
Mountain rescue official Stefan Schneider told reporters the
operation is on schedule. He added: “Let’s wait and see whether the
rescue we’re all eagerly awaiting comes off on Thursday or Friday.”
Son of special agent charged in homicides
FRESNO, Calif. (AP) — The 25-year-old son of a state Department of Justice special agent has been charged in the fatal shootings of two men in Central California last month. The Fresno Bee
reports Eloy Romero Jr. pleaded not guilty Monday to two counts
of murder. Romero was arrested June 11 while trying to escape
out the back door of a home in the Fresno County city of Reedley.
He is suspected in the shooting deaths of 38-year-old Joseph
Blunt of Santa Clara and 40-year-old George Duarte of Reedley.
Sheriff’s officials initially reported that the two men were
found dead from what seemed to be a car accident. But the coroner later said they actually had died of gunshot wounds.
The defendant’s father is Eloy Romeo, who is the special agent
in charge of the California Department of Justice in Fresno.
AZ eatery shames art thieves on Facebook
FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. (AP) — Two accomplices in the theft of a
painting at a Flagstaff restaurant have come forward after a shaming
campaign on Facebook. The Arizona Daily Sun reported that Tyler
Christensen, the owner of McMillan Bar and Kitchen, went to social
media instead of police after the painting went missing on June 9.
Christensen posted an open letter and surveillance photo of a
man putting the painting in his backpack while the two accomplices acted as lookouts. He says the two accomplices have since
come forward and given $500 to cover the cost of the artwork.
Christensen’s Facebook post has been shared more than 7,900
times and received more than 4,300 likes and nearly 770 comments. The artwork, however, was last seen hanging from a tree.
Businessman accused of
bilking investors arrested
ATLANTA (AP) — Federal prosecutors say a businessman
accused of swindling churchgoers in an investment scheme has
been arrested. Authorities say 31-year-old Ephren Taylor II of
Overland Park, Kansas, was arrested Tuesday morning. A grand
jury indictment charges Taylor with fraud.
Taylor is accused of convincing churchgoers in Georgia
and across the country to invest in small businesses and then
using their money to fund a lavish lifestyle. The Securities and
Exchange Commission filed a complaint in April 2012 accusing
Taylor, former chief executive of North Carolina-based City
Capital Corporation, and another former City Capital executive
of defrauding investors out of more than $11 million. A federal
judge ordered City Capital to forfeit $11 million in profits and
nearly $1.5 million in interest and civil penalties.
Senate OKs first openly
gay black federal judge
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate for the first time confirmed an openly gay black man to a top-level federal judgeship on Tuesday, voting 98-0 to make Darrin Gayles a district
court judge in Florida. By 52-44, senators endorsed another of
President Barack Obama’s nominees, approving Staci Yandle, an
openly gay black woman, to join a federal district court in Illinois.
While that is not a first, the White House said that vote was a
landmark because it brought to 112 the number of female federal
judges appointed by Obama, more than any previous president.
In a third roll call, the Senate voted 92-4 to make Salvador
Mendoza a federal district judge in Washington state. The White
House said Obama has now appointed the most Hispanics — 31
— to the federal bench of any president.
White House opposes House’s defense bill
WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House is objecting to the
House’s $570 billion defense spending bill, complaining about
congressional restrictions on handling detainees at the U.S. prison
at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and obstacles to Pentagon cost-saving
moves. The Obama administration said Tuesday that the bill
would hamper efforts to reduce unneeded expenses and match
the military to the president’s defense strategy. The bill blocks
another round of military base closings and spares some aircraft.
The House is expected to consider the bill on Wednesday and
complete it by week’s end. The bill would bar U.S. funds for the
transfer of detainees from Guantanamo amid the outcry over the
swap of five Taliban leaders for Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl.
This photo provided by Tyler Christensen, shows a surveillance photo of a man placing a
painting in his backpack at the McMillan Bar and Kitchen in Flagstaff, Ariz. Two accomplices in
the theft of the painting at the restaurant have come forward after a shaming campaign on Facebook. Tyler Christensen, the owner of McMillan Bar and Kitchen, went to social media instead
of police after the painting went missing on June 9, 2014. Christensen posted an open letter and
surveillance photo. He says the two accomplices have since come forward and given $500 to cover
the cost of the artwork. Christensen’s Facebook post has been shared more than 7,900 times and
(AP Photo/Courtesy of Tyler Christensen)
received more than 4,300 likes and nearly 770 comments.
American Samoa Government
Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799
Tel: (684) 633-5155 FAX: (684) 633-4195
The Department of Commerce, as the lead agency designated to
administer American Samoa’s Community Services Block Grant
Program, announces informative workshops for all public agencies and
non-profit organizations for FY 2015 prospective CSBG applicants.
July 3rd, 2014
10:00 a.m.
Department of Commerce Conference Room,
2nd Floor, Executive Office Building, Utulei
This workshop is designed to assist prospective applicants in preparing
their proposals for FY2015. It is recommended to attend this session in
order to receive all the information necessary to write an acceptable
application. This session will cover the technical aspects as well as the
type of criteria used in the evaluation process. In accordance with strict
CSBG Act mandate, no project can be funded without a complete
application meeting the requisites of the CSBG Act.
For further information about these workshops or any other CSBG
related matter, please contact CSBG staff at 633-5155.
Keniseli F. Lafaele, Director
Department of Commerce
Page 14
samoa news, Wednesday, June 18, 2014
➧ Massive ocean preserve…
Continued from page 1
Human Resources Office
Position Title:
Employment Status:
Full Time/12 Months (Career Service)
General Description:
The incumbent reports directly to the Human Resource Manager. The incumbent will assist in the
daily operations of the ASCC Human Resources Office, which include frequent interaction with the
ASCC faculty and staff, and the general public.
Job Duties and Responsibilities:
• Responsible for the accuracy of data entered into the Datatel Payroll system.
• Track and distribute monthly leave statements. Compile quarterly reports on employee
leave balance.
• Responsible for the maintenance of all employees files to ensure current documentation
and required information is filed and noted accordingly.
• Maintain training records of ASCC employees.
• Maintain a daily account of all HR purchase orders, and track the budget fo daily
submission to the HR Director for review.
• Receive, log and route correspondences to and from the Human Resource Office, with
weekly follow-up.
• Assist in addressing daily requests from faculty and staff.
• Assist in payroll when gathering and collecting timesheets for the spreadsheet process and
for updating leave balances.
• Update the directory for all ASCC employees.
• Answer incoming calls and take messages.
• Assist in organizing activities and functions for ASCC as requested by the HR Director and
• Perform other duties as assigned by the HR Director or Manager.
Minimum Qualifications:
• AA Degree with one (1) year of office/clerical support experience.
• Knowledge of office operation, organizing files & tracking correspondences.
• Ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing, ability to maintain
confidentiality, and conduct daily duties in a professional appearance and manner.
• Knowledge of administrative functions.
• Skills in written and oral communications and computer software programs.
• Abilities in organizing files and keeping accounts of employee leave balances.
Salary: GS 12; 3-5; $15,073-$17,673
Application Deadline: June 23, 2014
Applications are available from American Samoa Community College, Human Resources Office
(699-9155 Ext. 477/335/436) or by emailing Silaulelei Saofaigaalii at [email protected]
or Lipena Samuelu at [email protected].
“An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer
And A Drug-Free Workplace”
A geographic analysis by the Pew Charitable Trusts estimated Obama could protect more than 780,000 square miles
— almost nine times what Bush set aside — and far more
if he included the waters around other U.S. islands in the
Pacific Ocean.
Obama has increasingly invoked his own authority to impose
environmental protections during his second term, wary of
ceding control to lawmakers who have shown no appetite for
major legislation to fight climate change and other ecological
challenges. Earlier this month Obama unveiled unprecedented
pollution limits on power plants, enraging Republicans and
even some Democrats.
Republicans reacted with similar indignation Tuesday and
accused Obama of overreaching.
In another environmental move, Obama launched a task
force to combat black-market fishing and seafood fraud, in
which seafood products are mislabeled to hide their origin.
One-fifth of wild marine fish caught each year are considered to be part of the black market, the White House said.
The black market for fish cost the legitimate fishing industry
$23 billion. The presidential memorandum calls for the task
force to submit recommendations within six months.
National Geographic online reported yesterday that Anote
Tong, the president of Kiribati announced on Monday that
commercial fishing would end in the country’s Phoenix Islands
Protected Area on January 1, 2015.
“We will also close the area around the southern Line Islands
to commercial fishing to allow the area to recover,” said Tong,
who spoke at the Our Ocean conference hosted by the U.S. State
Department in Washington, D.C.
The southern Line Islands also will be closed to fishing by the
beginning of next year.
The Phoenix Islands and the southern Line Islands represent
some of the most pristine coral reef archipelagos in the Pacific,
says National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Enric Sala,
who led the first underwater expedition to the five uninhabited
southern Line Islands in 2009 as part of National Geographic’s
Pristine Seas project.
Marine scientist Amanda Keledjian of Oceana, an international nonprofit focused on ocean conservation, calls Kiribati’s announcement “very significant.” Decreasing the impact
of fishing will “preserve biodiversity, large predators, and
reefs,” says Keledjian.
At the Our Ocean conference, U.S. Secretary of State John
Kerry asked the heads of state, delegates, nonprofit leaders,
scientists, and industry representatives from 80 countries to
“develop a plan that protects more marine habitats.” Less than
2 percent of the ocean is currently protected, he noted.
And yet the ocean supports the livelihoods of up to 12 percent of the world’s population, Kerry said, adding that about
half the world’s population depends on seafood for a significant
portion of its protein.
“The ocean is essential for maintaining the environment in
which we all live,” Kerry said, explaining that it recycles carbon,
water, air, and nutrients. It is also home to millions of species.
“The importance of the ocean for life itself cannot be overstated,” he said.
(Source: National Geographic online)
The question of federal rights in American Samoa waters
was the subject in an Op Ed series, published two weeks ago
in the Samoa News, “Why were the successor treaty chiefs not
invited to the Decolonization seminar in Fiji?” In Part 3 of 4,
the question of federal regulations and jurisdiction versus the
Territory’s Treaty rights were discussed.
In Part 3, the author of the Op Ed, Esther Faagata Fiatoa, a
local resident and American Samoan, asked, “…which group
of leaders is capable of scrutinizing the necessity and duplicity
of these federal regulatory controls on our marine environment
and fishermen? Who is measuring them against our Treaty
rights? Who reminds these federal agencies that we have our
traditional decision making processes through our village councils and local chiefs with respect to the fisheries and marine
waters? That we want these traditional decision-making bodies
empowered to survive into the future…”
“Why are we behaving like ‘sheeple’,” she asked,
“and accepting these federal regulations and foreign decision
making processes when we are under treaty and have not yet
developed a political status model that would protect our interests in these things? “We cannot rely just on the Governor and fono to help
us. Once we see federal laws that harm our people, in ways
that our treaties protect against, we must rally together and
ask the successors to the Treaty Chiefs to help our people,”
Fiatoa concluded.
See more at: http://samoanews.com/content/en/op-ed-whywere-successor-treaty-chiefs-not-invited-decolonizationseminar-fiji
➧ Overfishing, plight of longline fisheries…
Continued from page 1
stemming from a mix of high operating costs
(mainly fuel), lower prices for albacore and low
catch rates of South Pacific albacore. Longline
fishermen perceive an influx of Chinese longline
vessels across the South Pacific to be responsible
for increased catch competition that is lowering
catch rates for domestic longline fisheries.
The Council said Chinese vessels enjoy substantial subsidies on fuel, licensing, freight costs,
vessel construction, exports, tax, loans and labor.
The influx of these vessels has been attributed as
the main contributor to the doubling of the South
Pacific albacore catch from around 40,000 metric
tons (mt) in 2000 to over 80,000 mt in 2012.
“Current catches of South Pacific albacore are
approaching and may be exceeding the maximum
sustainable yield of the stock,” the statement said.
According to the Council it is considering
options to provide relief to the American Samoa
fishery such as temporarily opening parts of the
large vessel prohibited area in American Samoa
to vessels permitted under the American Samoa
limited entry program. Spatial options were developed for this fishery to reduce potential gear conflict and catch competition between larger longline
vessels and small scale commercial and recreational troll vessels, it says. The SSC is also considering and may make recommendations to the
Council on the Western and Central North Pacific
Ocean (WCNPO) striped marlin stock, which has
been determined by the National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS) to be overfished.
“The overfishing and overfished condition of
the WCNPO striped marlin is due largely to excessive international fishing pressure,” the statement
says. “However, NMFS believes that the two tuna
regional fishery management organizations, the
Inter-American Tropical Tuna and the Western
Central Pacific Fisheries Commissions, have inadequate measures in place to correct the problem.”
The WPRFM Management Council is thus
obliged to take international and domestic management action under the relevant sections of the
Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and
Management Act (MSA) to address international
and domestic impacts, respectively. A domestic
rule under the Council’s Pelagic Fishery Ecosystem Plan may affect Hawai`i’s pelagic fisheries.
At the meeting, the SSC will also discuss specifying acceptable biological catches for the main
Hawaiian Islands deep 7 and non-deep 7 bottomfish and for crustaceans, coral reef fish and precious
corals in the Western Pacific Region as required
by the MSA. The Council needs to specify annual
catch limits for the fishing year 2015 and may consider a multi-year specification.
Recommendations from the SSC will be considered by the Council during the June 25 to 27, 2014,
meeting at the YWCA-Fuller Hall, 1040 Richards
St., Honolulu. For the full agendas of the SSC and
Council meetings and details on public comment
opportunities, go to www.wpcouncil.org/category/
As part of the Council meeting, a Fishers
Forum on noncommercial fishing will be held
on June 25, 2014, at the Harbor View Center at
Pier 38, 1129 North Nimitz Highway, Honolulu
(above Nico’s restaurant). This free public event
will feature discussion on catch limits, fishing
licenses, data collection and other recreational,
subsistence and cultural fishing issues.
This Forum will also include a NOAA-led listening session to allow fishermen to weigh in on
a proposed national recreational fishing policy.
➧ ASG and Manu’a Airways sign MOU…
Continued from page 2
In the public and general interest of improving
the air transportation infrastructure of the Manu’a
Islands, in support of reducing the high cost of
providing services to Ofu Airport and to promote
private investments in building a long term sustainable air transportation and tourism infrastructure for the Manu’a Islands, ASG agrees to forfeit
all airport landing fees for all commercial flights
to and from the Manu’a Islands which is operated
by Manu’a Airways for a period of four years.
During the subsidy period, Manu’a Airways
shall provide or make available to ASG quarterly
audited passengers traffic and financial data for
air service between Tutuila and Ofu and Fitiuta
Airports, same reports shall include audited
monthly fuel usage and costs to be used for fuel
subsidization calculation and reimbursement to
Manu’a Airways.
Also to help drive passenger traffic to and
from Ofu Airport and onwards to Fitiuta Airport,
Manu’a Airways shall implement a 24/7 self
automated internet booking reservation system to
enable ease of passengers booking without human
intervention and for provision of consolidated air
and hotel travel packages for the Manu’a Islands.
According to the MOU, Manu’a airways agreed
to work closely with the American Samoa Visitors Bureau (ASVB) and National Park Service in
creating tour and travel packages through its self
booking reservations system to the Manu’a islands.
ASG shall be responsible for any and all taxes,
income taxes, sales taxes or similar taxes or sales
commission as it relates to the sale or transfer
of Aircraft ownership to Manu’a Airways. Each
part shall bear its own legal costs associated with
negotiations of this transaction. This MOU was
signed on July 17, 2013, by Governor and Sene.
➧ EDIP draft report…
ardship Plans” for landowners (free of charge)
that can include recommendations on where
best to create/expand access roads to ensure the
least disturbance to soil, trees, etc., it says.
The task force also recommends creating a
public/private partnership to develop a produce
market on the west side of the island. It says
ASCC CNR can assist with produce grading and
packaging ideas plus organizing cooperatives to
operate farmer’s markets.
Another suggestion is replace imported labor
with local labor, by analyzing unemployment
and hiring patterns in order to devise strategy.
According to the task force ASCC CNR can
assist with training in local agriculture and related
labor in plant production, protection, harvesting,
marketing, and other related areas formally
through the Certificate of Proficiency and Associate Degrees programs. ASCC CNR can also
assist non-formally through workshops, demonstrations, public meetings, work study, service
learning, and other methodologies, it says.
In tomorrow’s edition, read what the report
has to say about the Ulu Project and food security, cocoa export and banana and taro export as
well as a grow green program.
Continued from page 3
The task force calls for enhancing the agriculture sector and recommends tax incentives
towards large-scale, territorial projects, and/or
significant procurement of agricultural equipment, technology, fertilizer(s) treatments, etc.
According to the report, the ASCC-CNR can
assist by recommending agricultural equipment,
products, and systems that are environmentally
friendly and safe.
Also being recommended is to identify areas
where agricultural production would expand
if there were better access for vehicles and —
where feasible — to develop farm roads to reach
those areas. It says ASCC-CNR can assist with
recommendations in areas of soil erosion and
sedimentation control, natural buffer and management plans through the Forestry Programs
including Stewardship Management, Urban
Community Forestry, Conservation Education,
and Forest Health programs. ASCC CNR Forest
Stewardship Program can write “Forest Stew-
samoa news, Wednesday, June 18, 2014 Page 15
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Page 16
samoa news, Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Mrs. Nifo Cha, pictured here, has accepted a patient stipend of
$500 from the American Samoa Cancer Coalition on behalf of her
husband Seong Hoan Cha, who was diagnosed with metastatic gastric cancer (stage IV) earlier this year. A resident of Vaitogi, Mr. Cha
left with his son last week for another attempt at chemotherapy in
Hawai’i. He is just 54 years old, employed and a faithful member of
the Catholic diocese, according to his church family. They have asked
everyone to “ join us in praying for his swift recovery.” His wife told
the Cancer Coalition to “please thank all the people who donated
money to ACE Angels to make this stipend possible” as this money
will help with her husband’s housing expenses during treatment.
The Cancer Coalition also wishes to thank all those who faithfully
donate to this cause. Speaking on behalf of the Coalition, Luana
Scanlan said, “We are coming to the end of our donation fund, and
have money for just one more stipend. And yet, sadly, there are so
many more patients who will be diagnosed before the end of the year.”
Members of the Cancer Coalition are planning a July 12 fundraiser
to once again fill the coffers to help cancer patients, most of whom
face economic hardship along with the physical and emotional toll
that cancer takes when it affects a member of the family, particularly
[courtesy photo]
when that person is the breadwinner.
In case like Denver police
probe, charges are rare…
DENVER (AP) — A federal judge has taken
the unusual step of asking prosecutors to investigate whether Denver police tried to intimidate a
witness in a jail-abuse lawsuit against the city, but
experts say such inquiries rarely yield charges.
Nationwide, only about 20 civil rights lawsuits led to criminal charges against officers each
year and convictions are even less common, said
Nancy Leong, an associate professor at the University of Denver’s Sturm College of Law. The
cases are a challenge for prosecutors, who have to
prove not just that an officer violated someone’s
civil rights but that they intended to, Leong said.
The judge’s request could result in federal
oversight of the departments, or it could lead to
no action at all, she said.
The Justice Department opted not to charge
three Denver police officers with civil rights
violations in a highly publicized 2009 beating
case, nor did prosecutors charge sheriff’s deputies in the case of a street preacher who died after
Denver sheriff’s deputies restrained him in jail.
Last year, a federal judge overseeing a civil
lawsuit involving a 2009 beating outside a Denver
diner made the ruling that there was enough evidence the police department harbored a culture of
abuse and cover-up that the city could be tried for
it. But the lawsuit was settled before it came to trial.
The latest allegations against the police and
sheriff’s departments came as part of a civil rights
lawsuit filed in Denver by former inmate Jamal
Hunter, who says a sheriff’s deputy not only
failed to protect him during a July 2011 beating
by fellow inmates but encouraged the attack.
One of the inmates who participated in the
assault, Amos Page, became a witness in the
lawsuit, saying in a sworn affidavit that Denver
sheriff’s deputy Gaynel Rumer knew about the
beating in advance. Kane last week asked prosecu-
tors to investigate Denver police after he listened
to a recording of two police officers interviewing
Page in March. The judge said the conversation
showed a “deliberate process of intimidation.”
The officers repeatedly suggested Page had
implicated himself in Hunter’s beating.
Sheriff Gary Wilson said in court filings that
he had referred a criminal investigation of Rumer
to Denver police, prompting their visit to a state
prison to speak with Page.
Kane also requested a far-reaching investigation into the patterns and practices of the two
Denver agencies, renewing hope among some who
have brought civil rights suits against the city that
federal investigators will also examine their cases.
But often prosecutors choose not to pursue
cases against officers because they’re hard to
prove for juries, said Gloria J. Browne-Marshall,
an associate professor of constitutional law at
the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New
York. Witnesses are sometimes other officers
who are reluctant to testify against their own.
“All of it can be rather subjective,” she said.
In Albuquerque, where the U.S. Department
of Justice recently issued a scathing report over
the Albuquerque police’s use of force, no officers have faced criminal charges in connection
with 40 police shootings since 2010. However,
the city has had to pay out millions in wrongful
death lawsuits filed on behalf of families of those
killed by Albuquerque police.
The FBI is currently investigating one Albuquerque police shooting — the March 16 case
where Albuquerque officers shot and killed a
mentally ill homeless man after a long standoff in
the Sandia foothills. A study by the University of
Illinois this year found the Justice Department formally investigates only about three police agencies
yearly due to the high costs of pursuing such cases.