Valoia Komesina mea o no tutupu i leoleo pe a le

Athlete from Fiji
Manana’o ni isi tagata
killed by gangs
matutua sui fale’aiga
in California… 6 kukaina meaai vela… 2
Brazil: The Netherlands
thrashes Spain 5-1 in
World Cup opener… B1
Saturday, June 14, 2014
Valoia Komesina mea o no tutupu i leoleo pe a le suia amio
tusia Ausage Fausia
Ua valoia e le afioga i le
ali’i Komesina o Leoleo i se
fa’atalatalanoaga ma le Samoa
News i le vaiaso nei e fa’apea,
afai e le suia ituaiga amioga o lo
o fa’aalia e ni isi o leoleo aga’i i
le mamalu lautele o le atunu’u i
le taimi e fa’atino ai a latou tiute
i luga o le alatele, e i ai le taimi
e i’u ina fasi ai e se tagata o le
atunu’u se leoleo.
“...ou te fai so o lava i leoleo,
e i ai lava le aso e i’u ina tu’i ai
e se isi o le atunu’u se leoleo,
ona i ai lea o le mea e tupu mai
ai, o le mea lea e tatau lava ona
outou fa’aeteete lelei ai i auala
e fa’atino ai a outou galuega,
aemaise ai o uiga tou te fa’aali
atu i le atunu’u”, o se vaega lea
o le saunoaga a le ali’i Komesina ia William E. Haleck.
Saunoa le ali’i komesina e
fa’apea, e tele naua fa’asea ua
ia maua mai ni isi o le mamalu
o le atunu’u, e fa’atatau i amio
ma auala o lo o fa’atino ai e ni
isi o leoleo a latou tiute i luga o
le alatele.
“Ou te talanoa lava i leoleo i
le tele o taimi, ina ia fa’aali sina
amio fa’aaloalo mo le atunu’u,
o le ituaiga lagona lena o lea
ou te taumafai e faufautua ai i
leoleo, ona ua tele naua fa’asea
o lo o o’u maua mai i ni isi o
le mamalu lautele o le atunu’u,
e fa’atatau i amio le mafaufau
a leoleo o lo o galulue i luga o
le alatele (traffic division), ma
ua latou manatu ai o latou o
meaalofa fa’apitoa mai le Atua
i le lalolagi”, o le saunoaga lea
a Haleck.
Saunoa Haleck e fa’apea, o
se tulaga e sili tele ona le lelei i
le mafaufau o se tagata pe afai
e taofi e se leoleo lana ta’avale
ina ua ia le tausisia tulafono i
luga o le alatele, ae alu atu le
leoleo ma fa’aali atu i ai uiga e
le manaia i le vaai.
“E le tatau i se leoleo ona
ia faia se gaioiga po o se amio
e fa’a ita ai se tagata, aemaise
lava pe afai o lea ua ia taofia se
ta’avale ina ua le tausisi i tulafono o le alatele”, o le isi lea
saunoaga a Haleck.
Sa ia taua fo’i e fa’apea, o
se tasi lea o lu’itau tele o lo o
fetaia’i ma ia i le tele o taimi i
lana galuega, o le taumafai lea e
faufautua i leoleo ina ia fa’aali
uiga fa’aaloalo ma amioga
tausa’afia i le mamalu o le
Se vaaiga i se ali’i leoleo ma le afioga i le Komesina o Leoleo ia William E. Haleck i le taimi
na la tau fai fa’aalo ai, i se tasi o sauniga na tufatufa ai fa’ailoga taualoa mo leoleo e tusa ai o le
[ata: AF]
latou tautua.
Na fa’afetaia e le ali’i
komesina le galuega fita o lo o
fa’atinoina e ali’i ma tama’ita’i
leoleo i le aso ma le po, ina ia
mautinoa e malu puipuia le saogalemu o le atunu’u, peita’i sa ia
taua fo’i e fa’apea, e tatau fo’i ona
silafia e leoleo, a o fa’atinoina ai
a latou tiute, e i ai lava fo’i tagata
o le atunu’u e fa’asea ma faitio i
auala e fa’atino ai a latou galuega
i soo se taimi.
Na taua e le ali’i komesina le
igoa o se ali’i leoleo i lana saunoaga ma ia taua ai e fa’apea,
“o se fa’ata’ita’iga o le ali’i
leoleo o Pepe Mann, e to’atele
naua tagata e le fiafia i le ali’i
leoleo lea ona o le tele o ituaiga
‘tickets’ na te tu’uina atu i le
mamalu o le atunu’u, o ni isi
fo’i taimi e le tu’u avanoa ai
le ali’i leoleo i tagata, ae atonu
ua pau lava o le auala o lo o
fa’atinoina ai e le ali’i leoleo
lana galuega”, o le isi lea saunoaga a le komesina.
“Sa i ai fo’i le taimi na ma
talanoa to’alua ai na maua ma
Pepe ma ou faufautua i ai i
auala e tatau ona fa’atinoina ai
lana galuega, aemaise o lo o ia
te ia le malosi e mafai ai ona
tu’u atu se ‘ticket’ i se tagata pe
tu’u i ai se avanoa”, o le isi lea
saunoaga a Haleck.
Na taua fo’i e le ali’i komesina lona fautuaina o le to’atele
o leoleo, ina ia fa’aali fo’i uiga
fa’aaloalo i le atunu’u i so o se
taimi latou te taofia ai i latou
i luga o le alatele, ma fa’ailoa
lelei i ai o lo o fa’atino a latou
galuega e tusa ai ma le tulafono.
E le o se taimi muamua lea
ua talatalanoa ai le ali’i komesina i le tulaga o amioga a leoleo
aemaise ai o le tatau lea ona
fa’aali amioga tausa’afia ma uiga
fa’aaloalo aga’i i le atunu’u.
I se tasi o sauniga e fa’apine
ai Leoleo o le Kuata a le matagaluega o leoleo sa faia i le masina
o Novema 2013 i le potu fono a
le Ofisa o Leoleo i Fagatogo, sa
fautuaina ai fo’i e le ali’i komesina ali’i ma tama’ita’i leoleo sa
auai i lea sauniga, ina ia avea le
fa’aaloalo o se a’upega e asoa
i o latou ua i soo se taimi e
fa’atino ai a latou galuega.
“Afai tou te taofia taavale
a tagata o le atunuu i luga o
le auala, fai ma le faaaloalo la
outou galuega, fai ia pei lava i
latou o ni isi o lou aiga, o lou
Buckle up & CRASHES
Save a Life!
01-01-14 to date
tama po o lou tina fo’i, aua o
mea lelei tou te faia, e ta’uleleia
atu ai a’u ma le matagaluega
atoa o leoleo”, o le saunoaga lea
a Haleck i le masina o Novema
na te’a nei i le taimi o le
fa’apineina o leoleo na filifilia e
avea ma Leoleo o le Kuata.
O fesili a le Samoa News
e fa’atatau i uiga ma amioga a
leoleo o lo o fa’aalia i le taimi
e fa’atino ai a latou tiute i luga
o le auala, na afua mai i le
mataupu lea o lo o tu’uaia ai ni
ali’i leoleo i lo latou fa’aaogaina
o se malosi e taofi ai se ali’i
talavou na faia ni amioga le tau
pulea i luga o le alatele, i lona
tago lea ma po fa’ailoilo i luga o
le auala, ae fetaui ma le o o atu i
ai o ni ali’i leoleo o lo o savavali
ma fa’atonuina loa lea ali’i e
taofi lana gaioiga o lo o faia.
Saunoa Haleck e fa’apea, o
le fa’alavelave lenei na tula’i
mai i le aso mulimuli o le polokalame na fa’ataua ai le vaiaso
mo Leoleo.
O fa’asea mai le aiga o le ali’i
na a’afia, o lo o tuuaia ai leoleo
i lo latou soona faia o le ali’i na
a’afia, ae o lea ali’i e a’afia i le
gasegase o le mafaufau.
01-01-14 to date
Na faamanino e Haleck e
fa’apea, a o fa’atinoina ai tiute
a alii ma tamaitai leoleo i aso
taitasi, ia latou malamalama e
i ai faitioga ma fa’asea mai le
atunu’u e fa’asaga ia i latou, i
auala e fa’atino ai a latou tiute,
peita’i e le tatau ona avea ia auala
ma fa’afitauli e fefe ai le leoleo
e fa’atino lona tiute na mafua ai
ona fa’atauto o ia e puipui le saogalemu o le atunu’u.
Sa ia taua fo’i e fa’apea,
tusa lava pe tele faitioga ma
fa’asea mai tagata fa’asaga
i leoleo, ae afai e silafia e le
leoleo sa fa’atino lana galuega
i lalo o tulafono ma ta’iala o lo
o fa’atulaga e lima ta’ita’ina ai
lana galuega, e leai la mea o le
a fefe ai fua pe solomuli mai le
fa’atinoina o lana tiute.
Na faamalulu le ali’i komesina i le atunu’u ona o ni isi
o fa’aletonu o lo o a’afia ai
le atunu’u, e mafua mai i le
fa’atinoina o tiute ma galuega
fa’atino a le Matagaluega o
Leoleo, e pei o le mataupu i
le tuai ona taunu’u mai o ID
laisene ave ta’avale aemaise ai
o laisene ta’avale mo le Ofisa o
Ta’avale Afi (OMV) i Tafuna.
O fa’afitauli fa’apenei e pei
ona saunoa Haleck, e le mafai
ona foia pe afai e le mataala le
taitai ma lana aufaigaluega o lo
o fa’atinoina lea auaunaga i le
“E le mafai ona ou alu atu
i le OMV ma fa’atonu i latou
i galuega e tatau ona fai, o le
latou tiute ia mautinoa o lo o
lelei tulaga uma e fa’atino ai le
tautuaina o le atunu’u, ae afai ua
i ai se fa’aletonu i le auaunaga
a le OMV, o le a matou galulue
e fa’alelei”, o le saunoaga lea a
E to’atele le atunu’u na
fa’aalia lagona fa’asea i le
tuai ona taunu’u mai o ID mo
laisene ave ta’avale faapea ai
laisene mo taavale.
O lea fa’aletonu e pei ona
saunoa Haleck, na mafua ina ua
tuai ona tu’uina atu le oka i fafo,
aua o nofoaga tau mamao ese ma
le Iunaite Setete e pei o Amerika
Samoa, e faitau vaiaso e aumai ai
le oka fa’atoa taunu’u.
O le susuga ia Capt.
Lumana’i Maifea lea ua tofia
nei e avea ma Pulesili o le Ofisa
o le OMV a le malo.
Feso’ota’i mai i le tusitala ia
[email protected]
office of highway safety
Page 2
samoa news, Saturday, June 14, 2014
IslandS miles
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Se vaaiga atu lena i taumafa sa tufatufaina atu mo tagata matutua i Matu’u i le aso Tofi na
[ata: AF]
te’a nei, i lalo o le polokalame o taumafa vela a tagata matutua o le TAOA.
Manana’o ni isi tagata matutua
sui fale’aiga kukaina meaai vela
tusia Ausage Fausia
Tafaoga i Matafaga?
Fagasa-Fagalea Stream
Aua Stream
Afono Stream
Vatia Stream
Lauli’i Stream
Alega Beach
Alega Stream
Fagaitua Stream
Aoa Stream
Asili Stream
Nu’uuli Pala Lagoon
Nu’uuli Pala Spring
Coconut Point
Fagaalu Beach
Gataivai Beach
Utulei (DDW)
Fagatogo Stream
For more information: http//
Lapata’iga mo Matafaga: Iuni 10, 2014
Ofisa o le Puipuia o le Si’osi’omaga
i Amerika Samoa (AS-EPA)
PRICE IOSEFA members on behalf of AMITUANA’I FAMILY of MALAELOA, American Samoa, has
executed a LEASE AGREEMENT to a certain parcel of land commonly known as OLOVALU which
is situated in the village of MALAELOA, in the County of ITUAU, EASTERN District, Island of
Tutuila, American Samoa. Said LEASE AGREEMENT is now on file with the Territorial Registrar
to be forwarded to the Governor respecting his approval or disapproval thereof according to
the laws of American Samoa. Said instrument names NEIL TAUA SAVE & TUSITALA DEBORAH
Any person who wish, may file his objection in writing with the Secretary of the Land
Commission before the 7TH day of JULY, 2014. It should be noted that any objection must
clearly state the grounds therefor.
MAY 7, 2014 thru JULY 7, 2014
Taito S.B. White, Territorial Registrar
& TAUEGA PRICE IOSEFA sui o le AIGA SA AMITUANA’I ole nu’u o MALAELOA, Amerika Samoa,
ua ia faia se FEAGAIGA LISI, i se fanua ua lauiloa o OLOVALU, e i le nu’u o MALAELOA i le
itumalo o ITUAU, Falelima i SASA’E ole Motu o TUTUILA Amerika Samoa. O lea FEAGAIGA LISI
ua i ai nei i teuga pepa ale Resitara o Amerika Samoa e fia auina atu ile Kovana Sili mo sana
fa’amaoniga e tusa ai ma le Tulafono a Amerika Samoa. O lea mata’upu o lo’o ta’ua ai NEIL
A iai se tasi e fia fa’atu’i’ese i lea mata’upu, ia fa’aulufaleina mai sa na fa’atu’iesega tusitusia
ile Failautusi o lea Komisi ae le’i o’o ile aso 7 o IULAI, 2014. Ia manatua, o fa’atu’iesega uma
lava ia tusitusia manino mai ala uma e fa’atu’iese ai.
05/14 & 06/14/14
Ua avea le tula’i mai pea o fa’aletonu i
tulaga o taumafa o lo o tufatufa atu i nofoaga
o lo o fa’amautu i ai tagata matutua ma auala
ua fa’aalia ai loa e le to’atele o i latou so latou
manatu, ua tatau ona faia se fa’aiuga a le Ofisa o
Tagata Matutua (TAOA) ina ia suia le fale’aiga
o lo o kukaina taumafa mo nofoaga e aofia ai
Pago Pago ma Atu’u.
Ae ina ua fesiligia e le Samoa News le
Fa’atonusili o le TAOA ia Ale Tifimalae i sona
finagalo e tusa ai o manatu o tagata matutua, na
saunoa ai le tofa i le to’oto’o e fa’apea, e le mafai
e le TAOA ona suia fale’aiga ua uma ona lautogia mo le kukaina o taumafa mo le polokalame.
“O le matafaioi lena a le Ofisa e Pulea Oloa
a le malo, o i latou fo’i ia na filifilia fale’aiga
ua lautogia mo le kukaina o taumafa vela mo le
polokalame”, o le saunoaga lea a Ale.
E le i malolo le pisi o le laina telefoni a le
Samoa News i lenei vaiaso i le tele o telefoni
fa’asea mai ni isi o tagata matutua, e fa’atatau i
le fa’aletonu lea o meaai sa tufatufa atu ia i latou
i le nofoaga i Pago Pago ma Atu’u, e le gata o
le aso Lua ina ua fa’atoa tatala aloaia le polokalame lea e tufatufa ai taumafa vela a le TAOA, ae
fa’apea fo’i i le aso Tofi na te’a nei, o le aso lona
lua lea o le polokalame.
O le to’atele o tagata matutua na valaau mai i
le Samoa News, sa latou taua e fa’apea, o taumafa
sa tufatufaina mo i latou i aso e lua ua tuana’i atu,
o taumafa ia e talafeagai mo tamaiti laiti.
“E pei lava ogi ipu meaai a kamaiki ipu meaai
ia ga kufa mai, e fai o le laiki ae le lava fo’i,
ua kakau oga fai se fuafuaga a le Fa’akogu i le
kulaga legei”, o le fa’asea lea se tasi o tama matua
na telefoni mai i le Samoa News i le aso ananafi.
Ae na taua e se tasi o tama matua e fa’apea,
afai ua manatu le TAOA e tatala le polokalame
o taumafa vela mo tagata matutua i le atunu’u, e
tatau la ona fai ia lelei ma ia mautinoa o meaai
nei e maua ai le malosi o tama ma tina matutua.
“Aua ge’i magaku se isi ua ai u u kagaka
makukua i meaai, e leai, pau le agaga, afai ua
fa’akigo le polokalame, fai ia lelei ma fuafua mai
fo’i o kagaka makukua gei e fai mai i ai a oukou
amioga”, o lana saunoaga lava i luga o le telefoni.
E to’atolu isi tina na valaau mai i le Samoa
News na latou taua e fa’apea, ua tatau ona fai se
fa’aiuga vave a le ali’i fa’atonusili o le TAOA,
ina ia sui ai fale’aiga o lo o kukaina taumafa
mo nofoaga i Pago Pago ma Atu’u, ona ua lua
aso sosoo o lo o vaaia pea le le lelei o le faiga
o meaai, e le gata e laiti ae sa i ai fo’i ni nai
fa’aletonu e pei o le mata o fualaau ‘aina o lo o
avatu mo tagata matutua.
I se ripoti na tauaao e le Samoa News mai
nofoaga eseese o lo o tufatufa ai taumafa vela
mo tagata matutua, na taua ai le to’atele o tagata
matutua e le i autova’a atu i le aso Tofi na te’a
nei mo le pikiina o a latou meaai, e le o iloa fo’i
pe mafua aisea lea tulaga.
Ae na taua e se tasi o tina e fa’apea, “afai ua
tau le o atu tagata matutua e piki a latou taumafa,
e tatau la ona fesili le TAOA pe aisea ua mafua
ai lea tulaga, o le isi tulaga, o le tele o taumafa
lea sa fa’amoemoe e tufa i tagata matutua na toe
fa’afo’i ina ua to’atele e le i o atu, o ai o le a
manauia i nei taumafa e tele a o lea ua uma ona
totogi tupe i kamupani latou te kukaina ai taumafa mo tagata matutua”.
I le talitonuga o le tina lea, afai ua manatu
e fai le polokalame, e tatau ona fautuaina e le
TAOA fale’aiga uma o lo o gafa ma le kukaina o
taumafa ina ia fai ia lelei meaai ma ia mautinoa
fo’i e lava ma lapopo’a ipu meaai.
Ina ua fesiligia le tofa Ale i sona finagalo e tusa
ai o finagalo fa’aalia o tagata matutua, sa ia ioeina
ai fa’asea e pei ona saunoa i ai tama ma tina.
“O ananafi sa faia ai fo’i la matou fonotaga
ma sui o fale’aiga o lo o kukaina taumafa mo le
polokalame, ma ua mae’a ona avatu i ai la matou
fautuaga ina ia fai fa’alelei taumafa mo tagata
matutua, e le gata ia lapopo’a ipu meaai a ia fai
fo’i ia lelei”, o le saunoaga lea a le ali’i fa’atonu.
Ae ina ua fesiligia le Fa’atonu o le Polokalame a Tagata Matutua ia Tafia Taimalelagi i
sona finagalo e uiga i fa’asea mai tina ma tama
matutua, na taua ai e Taimalelagi lona taliaina o
fa’asea atoa ai ma faitioga mai tagata matutua e
tusa ai o tulaga fa’aletonu o taumafa sa tufatufaina i le aso Tofi na te’a nei.
“O ripoti sa tu’uina mai e le aufaigaluega ia te
a’u i le aso Tofi na te’a nei, na taua ai le fa’aletonu
o ipu meaai sa tufa Pago Pago, e fai lava si laiti o
ipu meaai sa tufatufa atu i nai tagata matutua, e le
fa’apei o ipu meaai sa tufatufa i isi nofoaga o le
polokalame”, o le saunoaga lea a Tafia.
“O le isi ripoti lea na maua mai i nofoaga taitasi e 14 o lo o tufatufa ai taumafa, na matua pau
maualalo le aofa’i o tagata matutua na o o atu e
piki a latou taumafa i le aso Tofi na te’a nei, atonu
o le fa’aletonu o taumafa sa tufa i le aso Lua lea
ua mafua ai ona toa laiti tagata matutua na aga’i
atu e piki a latou taumafa i le aso lona lua o le
polokalame”, o le saunoaga lea a Taimalelagi.
Ina ua fesiligia i fa’asea mai tagata matutua,
na saunoa ai Taimalelagi, “e taua uma lava
fa’asea o lo o maua mai i tagata matutua, e le
tatau i le ofisa ona fa’atauagavale i ai, ae tatau
ona fa’ataua lagona ma finagalo o tama ma tina
matutua, aua o i latou tonu ia o lo o mafua ai le
polokalame”, o le isi lea saunoaga a Taimalelagi.
Sa ia taua fo’i e fa’apea, sa i ai lava le manatu
o le TAOA sa tatau ona lelei ni taumafa e amata
ai le polokalame i le aso Lua na te’a nei, ae foliga
mai ua mafua lea fa’aletonu ona sa tuai ona piki
fale’aiga latou te kukaina taumafa mo le polokalame, o lea na fa’atoa piki ae ua toe o ni nai aso
amata aloaia le polokalame.
E ui i fa’asea mai tagata matutua, na fa’afetaia
e Taimalelagi le aufaigaluega a le TAOA i lo latou
fa’amalolosi ao taumafai mai lenei polokalame. O le
taumafataga mo le vaiaso fou e pei ona fa’amaonia
mai e le ali’i Fa’atonu o le sapasui ma le i’a.
Feso’ota’i mai i le tusitala ia
[email protected]
Baby determined
not to have been
abandoned in Auto
samoa news, Saturday, June 14, 2014 Page 3
by Joyetter Feagaimaali’i-Luamanu, Samoa News Reporter
There is “no evidence to substantially corroborate” any suspicion
that the newborn baby reported abandoned in Auto late last month
was “left alone by the mother … in circumstances which may result
in serious physical injury, illness or death.” This was the finding
of the report submitted to the Attorney General’s Office from the
Criminal Investigation Division that looked into the matter.
This report led to the Attorney General’s office to decline to
pursue criminal prosecution. Samoa News questioned Commissioner of Public Safety, William Bill Haleck and he referred the
queries to CID Commander Lavata’i Taase Sagapolutele who
oversees the division that conducted the investigation.
According to the report Deputy Attorney General MItzie Jessop
made the final disposition last month after she was provided with
“evidential facts” from the investigation into the alleged abandonment. “Rooted on the provided findings by the CID, the Attorney
General’s office has then declined to pursue prosecution of this
alleged matter criminally,” says the report.
The report states that the mother of the baby is a single 20-year
old female who’s currently a student at the American Samoa
Community College who’s living with her parents in Auto.
“Yes it’s true that the mother of the newly born baby made a
false report, however that statement alone was made to her own
mother out of fear, but not directly to the police.”
The police report further stated that during the course of the
investigation, the mother of the newly born baby retracted the
false report and confessed to detectives that she is indeed the biological mother of the newly born child.
Late last month DPS Commissioner’s Special Assistant Saite
Fuega Moliga told Samoa News a newborn baby that was found
in an umu shed in Auto was reported to be healthy and strong and
the baby was in the hospital for observation after she was reported
abandoned. According to police officers, they received a call from
a woman claiming that she saw a newborn baby in an umu near her
house. Detectives later questioned the woman who called police for
assistance and during questioning she admitted to the police that it
was her baby. However, she allegedly told police she was scared and
that’s why she reported the baby as one she had found abandoned.
DA claims Alabama
woman charged in
girl’s death… lied
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) — An Alabama woman charged
with running her 9-year-old granddaughter to death as punishment wasn’t truthful about events that led to the child’s collapse,
prosecutors contend. A motion filed by Etowah County prosecutors Thursday said Joyce Garrard, 49, is trying to prevent jurors
from finding out she misled first responders and medical workers
about what happened to Savannah Hardin. Garrard is charged
with capital murder in the death.
Prosecutors are opposing a request filed earlier by the defense
to prevent jurors from hearing any of the woman’s statements
after emergency officials arrived to care for the girl.
The district attorney’s office said there is “absolutely no legal
basis for excluding statements from evidence because the statements may make the jury believe that the defendant committed
the crime” for which she is charged. “Clearly, (Garrard) wishes
to prevent the jury in this case from learning that she did not
respond truthfully to the questions that were posed to her by first
responders and medical professionals concerning the incidents
leading up to Savannah’s collapse,” prosecutors said.
The defense has not filed a response to the motion. Lawyers
can’t comment publicly in the case because of a gag order issued
by Circuit Judge William Ogletree. Ogletree could consider
the pleadings and other motions at a hearing set for Monday in
Gadsden. Garrard faces a possible death sentence if convicted in
the death of the child. Prosecutors say the woman made the girl
run for hours as punishment for a lie about eating candy.
The child collapsed outside Garrard’s rural home and died
three days later in a hospital. Garrard denied being responsible,
and her lawyers have suggested longstanding medical problems
and mistreatment led to the girl’s death. Originally scheduled for
this month, Garrard’s trial is now set for Sept. 22. She has been
jailed since her arrest in February 2012.
Alexandra Naiuli, a young lady with special needs, received a loud round of applause
Wednesday during the 2014 graduation ceremony for Samoana High School. Alexandra was
[photo: B. Chen]
enrolled in the Special Education program at the home of the Sharks.
Page 4
samoa news, Saturday, June 14, 2014
Competence Comeuppance
By Bob Franken
The Barack Obama presidency is in fundamental trouble.
According to a new Fox News poll, more Americans than not
question his ability to be effective in his job. This time it’s not
Fox anti-Obama hysteria. The result tracks what other surveys
are finding. According to this one, not only does a majority
consider the Obama administration less capable than Bill Clinton’s, but a 48 percent to 42 percent plurality finds it less competent than George W. Bush’s. Furthermore, 55 percent say the
current leadership has made the nation weaker, versus 35 percent who feel the country is now stronger. Given the ridicule
heaped on W.’s reign, the results are devastating for Obama.
Not that the perceptions are so difficult to understand. We’ve
been treated to a regular drip-drip-drip of administration embarrassments, or really, mistreated. Where to start? The Obamacare
debut is as good a place as any. Talk about fecklessness. And
now we have the Department of Veterans Affairs scandal.
Republicans swarm all over these messes like insects on
honey, but the president and his people make the gorging even
sweeter with their own inept public relations. What would possess the president’s press secretary, Jay Carney, to volunteer
that his boss first learned of the VA mess from news reports?
We’re witnessing their cluelessness still again, with the
release of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. It was a deal with the
Taliban: Bergdahl for five senior terrorist leaders held at Guantanamo Bay. Sgt. Bergdahl, fairly or unfairly, has been called a
deserter. The Republicans were certain to pounce, handily overlooking that they had been among those constantly demanding
that somehow he should be returned to his family.
And yet, ever since the president made his proud announcement from the White House, he and his people are scrambling
to do damage control. A couple of days later, he could only
sputter in exasperation: “I’m never surprised by controversies
that are whipped up in Washington, all right? That’s ... that’s
par for the course.”
It is par for the course. The anti-Obama partisans know that
their relentless, often shameless pounding on anything and
everything he does will cause wear and tear. And yet, he seems
to cling to the naive belief that each time, the opposition will
rise above politics.
While we’re at it, can someone justify the fact that the narrative was controlled by the Taliban? They are the ones who
released images of the exchange. Did it even occur to our folks
to shoot video of the handover? As the polls show, the president’s enemies have succeeded in eroding his credibility. Their
immediate goal is winning the upcoming election so the GOP
can take total control of Congress. Then the real prize is victory
in the presidential race two years hence.
The Republicans’ biggest problem is a set of economic and
social policies that hearken back to the turn of the century ...
the 20th century. They’re also encumbered by a collection of
outlandish potential candidates. Better to peck away at the current occupant of the White House and leave an impression that
Barack Obama is incompetent.
The polls show that their strategy is working. Unfortunately,
the president and his people are making it easier.
(c) 2014 Bob Franken
Distributed by King Features Synd., Inc.
© Osini Faleatasi Inc. reserves all rights.
dba Samoa News is published Monday through Saturday,
except for some local and federal holidays.
Please send correspondences to: OF, dba Samoa News,
Box 909, Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799.
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The Fuatagavi family from Futiga was one of many that came out in full force yesterday to
witness the Leone HS Class of 2014 Commencement Exercise held at the Kanana Fou gym.
[photo: B. Chen]
(Read Monday’s issue of Samoa News for full details)
CW5 Yandall retires after 42+ years in Army
compiled by Samoa News staff
Chief Warrant Officer 5 (CW5) Robert Totolua Yandall
retired on June 7, 2014, at Ft. Bragg, NC, after serving the
United States Army over 42+ years. He is the son of Joseph
Yandall of Leloaloa and Saitaua Ripley Alo of Leone and the
first Samoan to serve this many years in the United States Army,
Active Federal Service. Born in American Samoa, he enlisted
in the US Army on April 6, 1972
CW5 Yandall’s award and decorations include the Legion of
Merit, Bronze Star, Defense Meritourious Medal, Army Meritorious Service Medal; Army Commendation Medal; Army
Achievement Medal; Master Parachutist Badge.
CW5 Yandall has two children: Philip George Yandall CPT,
USA and Ms Cristina Marie Yandall.
LTC Marcus L. Bates who hosted the very subdue ceremony
summed it up best by saying that CW5 Yandall’s influence will
last a very long time because of the many policies that he helped
put in place for the community as well as the many soldiers that
he has mentored throughout the years.
Congressman Faleomavaega Eni Hunkin sent a letter of commendation to CW5 Yandall for his outstanding service and for
being a great ambassador for American Samoa.
MAJ (RET) Tuimavave Tauapai Laupola presented the American Samoa House of Representative Concurrent Resolution to
CW5 Yandall commending him for his service and being a great
role model for young Samoans to follow as well as a letter of commendation signed by Lt Governor Lemanu S.P. Mauga on behalf
of Governor Lolo Moliga and the people of American Samoa commending CW5 Yandall for his well-deserved retirement.
CW5 Yandall closed the ceremony by thanking God for
his many blessings that enabled him to serve the US Army for
these many years. He expressed his gratitude to all his military
families who have supported him throughout his career. He said
he would be remiss if he does not mention the support of his
children, Captain Philip Yandall and Cristina Yandall as well
as his niece Gwen Yandall and his brothers Joe, Philip and
Thomas Yandall who traveled to attend the ceremony as well as
all the well-wishes from families and friends who were unable
to attend, and especially to the American Samoa Government
for the continued support throughout the years, the House of
Representative Concurrent Resolution and the Letters of commendation from Lt. Governor Lemanu SP Mauga on behalf of
Governor Lolo M. Moliga and the people of American Samoa,
as well as Congressman Faleomavaega E. Hunkin.
Obama: More US
can do to help
Native Americans
CANNON BALL, N.D. (AP) — President Barack Obama
on Friday became only the third U.S. sitting president in eight
decades to set foot in Indian Country, encountering both the
wonder of Native American culture and the struggle of tribal
life on a breeze-whipped afternoon in the prairie. Amid snapping flags and colorful, befeathered dancers, Obama declared
that there was more the U.S. could do to help Native Americans.
Obama drew attention to inroads his administration has made
with tribes even as he promoted the need to help reservations
create jobs, strengthen justice, and improve health and education.
“Young people should be able to live, and work, and raise
a family right here in the land of your fathers and mothers,”
Obama told a crowd of about 1,800 during a Flag Day Celebration at the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation.
Citing legendary tribal chief Sitting Bull, Obama said: “Let’s
put our minds together to build more economic opportunity in
Indian country. Because every American, including every Native
American deserves a chance to work hard and get ahead.”
The president and first lady arrived by helicopter under sunny
skies as native songs and dances at the Flag Day Celebration
were already underway. The couple first met privately with
tribal youth about their challenges growing up on the reservation that was home to Sitting Bull.
Tribal government Chairman Dave Archambault praised
Obama for helping correct “historic wrongs” involving tribal
land disputes. “If Sitting Bull were here today, he would be honored, as I am, to have a president here talking to us,” he said.
Obama and Michelle Obama appeared delighted as children,
adolescents and adults in face paint and costumes stepped to
native dances on the reservation’s powwow grounds.
Obama nodded to the music and greeted some of the performers before speaking.
Obama, who was adopted into the Crow Nation during his
2008 presidential campaign, said he found common cause with
the young people he and his wife met in a reservation elementary school Friday.
“They talked about the challenges of living in two worlds of
being both native and American,” Obama said, an echo of his
own observations in the past about being the son of a Kenyan
father growing up in a white society.
“Some bright young people like the ones we met today might
look around them and sometimes wonder if the United States
really is thinking about them, caring about them and has a place
for them, too,” he said. “I said, you know, Michelle and I know
what it feels like sometimes to go through tough times. We grew
up at times feeling like we were on the outside looking in.”
As he entertained the crowd before Obama’s arrival on the
powwow ground, master of ceremonies Anthony Bobtail Bear
Sr. raised a hot-button issue in both the nation’s capital and
among Native Americans — the name of the city’s professional
football team.
“How many of you like the Washington Redskins?” he asked
Obama’s entourage. “Eeeeehhhh. Kill ‘em off right away.”
Today, the 2.3 million-acre reservation is home to about 850
residents who struggle with a lack of housing, health care and
education, among other problems familiar on reservations nationwide. The Bureau of Indian Affairs reported in January that about
63 percent of able workers on Standing Rock were unemployed.
With Native American poverty and unemployment more than
double the U.S. average, Obama promoted initiatives to spur
tribal development and create new markets for Native American
products and services. The Department of Housing and Urban
Development announced Friday that it would make $70 million
available to improve tribal housing conditions, including money
for mold removal.
Interior Secretary Sally Jewell was also in Standing Rock on
Friday to promote a plan to overhaul the Bureau of Indian Education, which is responsible for educating 48,000 Native American students in 23 states and is lagging behind other school systems by nearly every measure. Native American students have
low scores on assessment tests and the highest dropout rate of
any racial or ethnic group.
Obama was visiting North Dakota en route to a weekend
away in Palm Springs, California. In 2008, then-candidate
Obama pledged to expand health services, improve education,
combat methamphetamine dealers, promote economic development and improve housing on reservations.
Democratic North Dakota Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, who accompanied Obama to the reservation, said Obama’s trip was a “major
step forward in our efforts to elevate the issues facing our Native
American citizens to a national level.”
samoa news, Saturday, June 14, 2014 Page 5
President Barack Obama poses with Native America dancers during his visit to the Standing
Rock Indian Reservation Friday, June 13, 2014, photo in Cannon Ball, N.D. President Obama is
making his first presidential visit to Indian Country for a look at two sides of Native American
life, a celebration of colorful cultural traditions on the powwow grounds and a view of the often
(AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)
bleak modern-day conditions on tribal lands. Tausala fa’a Tutuila Café
Pago Pago International Airport
Tafuna • 699-7007
To our families, friends and customers.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for your
support and patronage since we opened the restaurant, Tausala fa’a Tutuila Café at the
Pago Pago International Airport.
It is our hope that you have been pleased with our efforts thus far. We welcome your
comments and suggestions as we work our way through the coming months.
We are humbled by the opportunity to serve this community and especially the traveling
Please come join us and meet our family and friendly staff.
Our hours are Mon-Sun 7:00am to 6:00pm and 7:00am to 10:00pm on flight nights.
Happy Fathers Day to all the dads of American Samoa.
Ma le ava tele,
Dean, Matuaao Isabel and Evelyn Hudson
Tausala fa’a Tutuila Café
Will open on Father’s Day!
Please come join us and try our delicious food.
All our menu items will be available as well as a Tausala
Sunday plate. Roasted pig (size 2) will also be available
on a “first come first serve” basis.
Fa’afetai Tele &
Happy Fathers Day.
Tausala fa’a Tutuila Café Management & Staff
Pago Pago International Airport
Tafuna • 699-7007
Page 6
samoa news, Saturday, June 14, 2014
Athlete from Fiji
killed by gangs
in N. California
An Iraqi refugee girl from Mosul stands outside her family’s tent at Khazir refugee camp outside Irbil, 217 miles (350 kilometers) north of Baghdad, Iraq, Friday, June 13, 2014.
The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, the al-Qaida breakaway group, on Monday and
Tuesday took over much of Mosul in Iraq and then swept into the city of Tikrit further south.
An estimated half a million residents fled Mosul, the economically important city. (AP Photo)
Yells for ‘Daddy’ by school
yield very surprising find
FAIRFIELD, Conn. (AP) — Police say a
Connecticut woman became concerned when
she heard someone calling “Daddy” repeatedly
near a school. But when she began looking for
a child, she instead found a large green parrot
up in a tree.
Fairfield police Lt. James Perez says the
fire department used a long pole to remove the
bird from the tree at Holland Hill School on
Thursday. The parrot then flew onto a bamboo
stand. Firefighters chased it out and an animal
control officer caught it in a net and brought it
to a shelter.
Perez says the bird was talking nonstop saying,
“Daddy,” ‘’hello,” ‘’what!” and other words.
The bird was found about one mile from its
home. It was later reunited with its owner, who
had reported it missing.
montana Man arrested for DUI,
drove drunk to bail out wife
BOZEMAN, Mont. (AP) — A southwestern
Montana man was arrested for driving under the
influence after Gallatin County deputies say he
drove drunk to bail his wife out of jail for her
DUI arrest hours earlier. The Bozeman Daily
Chronicle reports 62-year-old Rick Fancher of
Big Sky was arrested early Friday and charged
with this third DUI.
Prosecutors say jail staff reported Fancher
left the jail at 3:30 a.m. after trying to post bond
for 44-year-old Stacey Jo Fancher. She had
been arrested for aggravated DUI with a bloodalcohol level of 0.201. A deputy stopped Rick
Fancher’s pickup near the jail. Court records
say his blood-alcohol level was 0.159.
Both Fancher and his wife posted bond 9
a.m. on Friday. It was not immediately clear
when they would appear in court.
Razor blade turns up
in Burger King salad
FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. (AP) — An Arizona
woman eating at Burger King says she found a
razor blade in her salad.
Jennifer Ashley tells KTVK-TV she immediately showed the manager Wednesday at a
Flagstaff branch of the fast-foot chain.
Burger King says an employee admitted the
blade left on a shelf accidentally fell into a tub
of lettuce. The company says razor blades are
not allowed in or near food preparation areas.
The employee has since been fired.
Ashley says she received a refund and a
free salad. She says she doesn’t plan to press
charges. She just wants people to be aware of
what they are eating, even in a restaurant.
Ukraine ministry: Rebels
down military aircraft
KIEV, Ukraine (AP) — The Ukrainian
Defense Ministry said Saturday that pro-Russian separatists shot down a large military transport plane in the country’s unsettled east and
that service personnel aboard were killed.
The statement on the ministry’s website says
the plane was downed at night as it approached
an airport at Lugansk. The statement did not say
how many people were on board the Il-76 transport plane, which was carrying service members as well as equipment and food.
The statement said that the rebels “cynically
and treacherously” downed the plane using antiaircraft guns and heavy caliber machine guns.
It expressed sympathy to the families of those
killed “for their tragic and irreparable loss.”
An Il-76 is a four-engine jet that can be used
to transport heavy gear and people.
Lugansk is in Ukraine’s east near its border
with Russia, an area that has seen separatists
seize government buildings and declare independence after holding disputed referendums.
The Ukrainian health ministry says at least
270 people have died in clashes between government forces and armed separatists, who
Ukraine says are supported by Russia. Russia
denies that.
Tensions between Ukraine and Russia escalated in February after pro-Russian President
Viktor Yanukovych was driven from office by a
protest movement made up of people who want
closer ties with the European Union.
Police: Man, boys use fake
gun to steal real ones
EL CAJON, Calif. (AP) — Police say a man
and two boys used a replica gun to steal real
ones from a San Diego County gun store but
were arrested when their getaway car pulled
into a parking lot with no exit.
Police Lt. Rob Ransweiler says one suspect
pointed the fake gun at an employee Friday
while the other two smashed open display cases
at Hiram’s Guns in El Cajon.
Ransweiler says they took several handguns
and fled in a red sedan.
Police spotted the car on Interstate 8 and
chased it into La Mesa, where the driver turned
into a storage facility parking lot and was
blocked in by a wall.
Police arrested the trio without incident
and recovered the guns from the store and the
The suspects were described only as an adult
and two juveniles, all male.
(Continued on page 8)
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — A runner from Fiji was
killed in a gang shooting in Northern California just weeks
before he was set to attend a Louisiana university on a track
scholarship, friends and authorities said.
Roy Ravana Jr. and another man, Kevin Ohta, were shot
Monday in Sacramento County by two juveniles who opened
fire with two handguns and a rifle on behalf of the Norteno street
gang, prosecutors said. Ohta, 21, is expected to survive, the Sacramento Bee reported.
The suspects, ages 17 and 16, have been charged as adults with
murder and attempted murder. They were arraigned Wednesday
but did not enter pleas, said Shelly Orio, a spokeswoman for the
Sacramento County district attorney’s office.
The exact circumstances of the shooting were unclear. Sheriff’s Sgt. Lisa Bowman told the Bee earlier this week it was
not clear whether the victims fired any shots or whether they
had any gang affiliations. Friends and family of Ravana say they
were not aware of his involvement in any criminal behavior.
Fiji’s prime minister, Voreqe Bainimarama, called Ravana
an innocent bystander and said he was a great athlete and wonderful role model. “Many people dream of being given an opportunity to pursue success overseas,” the prime minister said in a
statement. “Roy was living that dream when he died. And many
young Fijians, even those who didn’t know him personally, will
feel a sense of shock and loss at his passing.”
Ravana, 20, represented Fiji, an island nation in the South
Pacific near New Zealand and Australia, in the heats of the
60-meter race at the 2012 International Association of Athletics
Federations (IAAF) World Indoor Championships in Istanbul
and later in the same year in the 400-meter race at the IAAF
World Junior Championships in Barcelona, Spain, the association said in a statement. He was also a 400-meter hurdler.
He had been selected to represent Fiji at next month’s Commonwealth Games in Glasgow. Athletics Fiji President Jo
Rodan Senior told Radio New Zealand International that Ravana’s father was going to the U.S. Saturday to bring the body
back to Fiji, and the funeral will be June 21 in Suva.
Ravana came to the United States two years ago and spent a
year at Iowa Central Community College, according to the Bee.
He went to Sacramento, where he has extended family, to
await final word on his college admission, said his friend, Ilene
Lasaisamoa, 21. She said a confirmation letter came about a
month ago, and Ravana was planning to start school in the fall.
“We considered him family,” she told the Bee.
Frenchman dead,
another injured in
a Facebook dare
PARIS (AP) — French police are warning young people
about the dangers of a dare spreading on Facebook that has
left a young man dead and another severely injured. Police
confirmed on Friday that a 19-year-old drowned a day earlier
after riding his bicycle into a port in Beganne in western Brittany while a friend filmed him. Another youth was injured for
life after diving headfirst into shallow water near Calais.
The challenge called “A l’eau ou au resto” (Into the water
or to the restaurant), dares friends to jump fully clothed into
water and film it — or buy dinner at a restaurant.
Col. Sylvain Laniel of the Gendarmerie said on the iTeli
TV station that the young bike rider had his ankle attached to
the bike. “Don’t be influenced by a stupid phenomenon of the
moment,” national police warned on Facebook. Police counseled young people to “show friends you are more intelligent
than that” by refusing the dare, and added that videos of such
pranks might one day compromise job applications.
In February, officials in Britain said several deaths had been
linked to “neknominate,” an online dare to drink in excess.
In the United States, several people have been injured participating in a Cold Water Challenge on Facebook. The dare is
to jump into cold water, or give money to a designated charity.
Casualties have included a 16-year-old girl in Wisconsin
who suffered knee ligament damage, and a student in Illinois
who fractured an ankle.
samoa news, Saturday, June 14, 2014 Page 7
tele mo lo outou agaga , le loto tautua, ma lo outou lagolagoina o lenei polokalame.
Thank you so much for all your support! Your generosity is remarkable with your interest and participation in our Rip
Current Activity. Governor Lolo M. Moliga & Lt. Governor Lemanu P. Mauga Ae Designs All-­‐Star Signs & Graphics American Samoa Aquatics Agency (ASAA) American Samoa Association of Paddlers (ASAP) American Samoa Community College (ASCC): Samoan Lang. Department American Samoa Council on the Arts, Cultural & Humanities (ASCACH) American Samoa Historic Preservation Office (ASHPO) American Samoa Power Authority (ASPA) American Samoa Swimming Association (ASSA) American Samoa Telecommunications Authority (ASTCA) American Samoa Visitors Bureau (ASVB) Amouli Village ASMC Young Aveina Brothers BlueSky Communications Brenda Smith Bruce Jewett Charlie Tautolo Children of Rev. Solomona & Fuarosa Solomona Department of Commerce (DOC): Coastal Zone Management, GIS/IT, Fagatogo Market Department of Education (DOE) Department of Marine & Wildlife Reserve (DMWR) Department of Parks and Recreation (PR) Department of Port Administration (PA): Harbor Master Department of Public Safety (DPS): Police, Marine Patrol Department of Public Works (DPW) #!" Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Fagatogo Village Felkley Family Fiu Johnny Saelua Green-­‐Ops Herthalina Aumoeualogo-­‐Lutu Island Flowers by Liana John , Jr. Jonathan Fanene KHJ/V103 KPPO KSBS KVZK-­‐TV Lalelei Samoa Leone Village Coalition Living Hope Singers LBJ Medical Center, Senior Management Manumaua Wayne Wilson Mapu Jamias Mase Akapo Akapo McDonald Samoa Miss American Samoa Eleitino Tuiasosopo Miss Flowers Organization Miss S.O.F.I.A.S Miss Maya A. Blaque-­‐Ierome National Pacific Insurance (NPI) National Parks of American Samoa (NPS) NOAA Fisheries Observer Program NOAA National Marine Sanctuary of American Samoa Voc-­‐Tech Office of Samoan Affairs (OSA) Paramount Builders Peter & Sandra Young P-­‐Pacific Rep. Larry Sanitoa Rep. Talaimatai Elisara Rep. Vailoata E. Rep. Vui Florence Saulo Rev. Iasepi Ulu & Faletua Rev. Ioane Evagelia & Faletua Rex Lokeni Rotary Club of American Samoa S.O.F.I.A.S Sanele Siloi Samoa News Senator Afoa & Etenauga Lutu Senator Mauga & Taiulagi Asuega Senator Misiualapa Tialavea Senator Soliai Tuipine Fuimaono Sky View T&T, Inc. Taeaoafua Dr. Meki Solomona Elementary School Taputimu Village Council: Rep. Timusa Lam Yuen Tautai-­‐O-­‐Samoa Longline & Fishing Association Market Tupuivao Bernard Scanlan Ugaitafa Simei Pulu; Simei Pulu Utulei Boys Utulei CCCAS Choir Utulei Village Flowers For more information visit us on Facebook at or call 699-­‐0411 (ASDHS) / 699 9130 (NWS) ASDHS-­‐TEMCO and NOAA NWS Page 8
samoa news, Saturday, June 14, 2014
brought to you by
tanoa tusitala hotel, apia, samoa
Saunia: L.A.F./Naenae Productions SOLOSOLO MANUIA
Ua lua nei vaiaso talu ona te’a mai i
tua mai le falemai si tamaitai Toga lea
na faamanualia ina ua osofai e le alii
sa la mafuta i se agaese, ma o lo o faasolosolo manuia lava o ia. Peitai, e le
taumate o le a le toe galo ia te ia lea
faalavelave pe a ia vaaia le tele o ma’ila
mai lona ao, foliga ma le tele o vaega
o lona tino, aemaise pe a oo i le Aso o
Tina i tausaga taitasi.
E toatele i latou na ootia o latou
finagalo ina ua lipotia lea faalavelave i
nusipepa, leitio ma TV, ma ua matauina
le toatele o le atunuu lautele faapea
tagata Toga o lo o alala i Samoa, ua
faaalia lo latou lagolago ma le fia fesoasoani i lea tamaitai. O lea tamaitai o lo o
i lalo nei o le vaaiga a le Toomaga Mo
E Puapuagatia ma na faaalia e le peresetene, le susuga Lina Chang, talu ona
faataotolia o ia i le falemai seia oo mai
i le taimi nei, ua tele le fesoasoani ma
le alofa tulai ua faaalia mo lea tamaitai
Toga. E le gata i lea, o le lata i le to’a 70
alo ma fanau o lo o i lalo nei o le vaaiga
a le Toomaga. Na saunoa Chang, ua
tatala nei filo o manua o lea tamaitai
Toga ma o lo o faasolosolo manuia o ia
seia vagana ai le tulaga o lona mafaufau
pe a toe manatua le faalavelave.
O le a maua nei le avanoa a le au fai
faatoaga ava i Samoa ma isi atunuu o le
Pasefika e toe faatauina atu ai i maketi
i fafo a latou ava, ina ua faia le faaiuga
a le Faamasinoga Maualuga i Siamani e
solitulafono ma le talafeagai le tapu sa
faasaina ai le toe faatauina atu o oloa e
gaosia i le ava.
O se tasi lea o oloa gaosi a Samoa
mo maketi i fafo sa aupito i alumia i le
vaitausaga o le 1990, ma sa maua ai le
pe a ma le $250 miliona tala Amerika
i le tausaga i lena vaitau i fefaatauaiga
Peitai, na motusia lea alagatupe mo
le malo aemaise le au faifaatoaga ava
ina ua faasaina i le 2002 le toe faaulufaleina atu i atunuu Europa o le ava ona
o ni gasegase sa masalomia ma tuuaia
e mafua mai i kemikale o lo o maua i
totonu o le ava.
E silia ma le $7 miliona tala le
tinoitupe e maua e Samoa mai le Faalapotopotoga o Fefaatauaiga a le Lalolagi
(WTO), mo le faaleleia atili o le tulaga
tau fefaatauaiga a le atunuu. O le faalua
ai lenei ona maua mai fesoasoani tau
seleni a le malo Samoa mai lea faalapotopotoga talu ona avea Samoa ma sui
i le 2011. E $2.5 miliona tala le fesoasoani tau seleni sa tuuina mai muamua
ina ua faatoa ulufale atu Samoa e fai ma
sui o lea faalapotopotoga.
O lea seleni sa faatino ai nisi o galuega faaleleia a le matagaluega i tulaga
tau fefaatauaiga. Sa faapea foi ona
fesoasoani ai i galuega fai a le malo i
lalo o le ofisa tutotonu o le amepasa
o Samoa i Sineva mo le faaleleia o
fefaatauaiga faavaomalo. O le foai lona
lua mai WTO ua fuafua e faatino ai le
tele o galuega e aofia ai le faatuina o se
pulega mo le fefaatauaiga o oloa, faalautele ai oloa mai Samoa lea o lo o ave
ai le faamamafa i oloa e le o faaaogaina
ai ni vailaau (organic farming), ma isi
galuega mo le faaleleia o le atinae tau
oloa gaosi mo le auina atu i fafo.
A $700,000 vacation home perched on a crumbling cliff overlooking Lake Whitney is engulfed by fire as demolition crews
deliberately burned the structure to the ground rather than
wait for it to crumble into the water as the land faltered around
it, Friday, June 13, 2014, near Whitney, Texas. The house was
condemned earlier after a fracture appeared in the bluff on
(AP Photo/Waco Tribune Herald, Rod Aydelotte)
which it was built. Hundreds of Iraqis
heed calls to mobilize
BAGHDAD (AP) — Hundreds of young
Iraqi men are flocking to volunteer centers
across Baghdad to join the fight against Islamic
militants who advanced across the country’s
north this week.
They were responding Saturday to a call by
Iraq’s most revered Shiite cleric for Iraqis to
defend their country against the Sunni Islamic
State of Iraq and the Levant, which seized Iraq’s
second largest city Mosul and Saddam Hussein’s hometown of Tikrit in a lightning advance.
The call was made by a representative of the
Iranian-born Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani.
His call, while resonating with Iraq’s Shiite
majority, could aggravate the Sunni-Shiite
sectarian divide, which nearly tore the country
apart in 2006 and 2007.
Study: 20,000 elephants
poached in Africa in 2013
GENEVA (AP) — More than 20,000 elephants were poached last year in Africa where
large seizures of smuggled ivory eclipsed those
in Asia for the first time, international wildlife
regulators said Friday.
Eighty percent of the African seizures were
in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, three of the
eight nations required to draw up plans to curb
ivory smuggling, officials with the Convention
on International Trade in Endangered Species
of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) reported.
The report says poaching is increasing in
Central African Republic, but declining in Chad.
But CITES, which regulates 35,000 species of
plants and animals and which banned ivory trade
in 1989, says the overall poaching numbers in
2013 dropped from the previous two years.
“We are seeing better law enforcement and
demand-reduction efforts across multiple countries, as well as greater political and public
attention to this unfolding crisis,” said John
Scanlon, the CITES secretary-general.
About 28 percent of Africa’s elephants are in
eastern Africa, but most of them — close to 55
percent — are in southern Africa. Some populations of elephants continue to face an immediate threat of local extinction.
O le vaiaso fou ua fuafua e amata
resiltalaina aloaia ai e le Matagaluega o
Leoleo ia taifau ma i latou e ana taifau i
totonu o le atunuu.
Ua faamalosia nei e le matagaluega
le tulafono ua maea pasia e faatatau i
le faatonutonuina ma le pulea lelei o ia
meaola, aemaise o taifau taaloa.
O le tau o le resitala e $5 i le taifau
e tasi, ma e faatagaina taifau e tolu e
resitalaina i le tagata e toatasi ae a sili
atu loa, e totogi le pemita e $30 ona ta’i
$10 loa lea i le taifau faaopopo.
O lo o faatupeina le faatinoga o
lea faamoemoe e le malo Samoa ma
le malo Niu Sila ma ua i ai nei ni
taavale se lua e faafoe ai lenei galuega
ma se fale faapitoa ua maea fausia i
Tafaigata, e taofia ai taifau taaloa ma
taifau leiloloa.
Ua faamalosia e le Matagaluega
o Leoleo lenei tulafono ona o le tele
o faafitauli ua tulai mai ona o taifau
taaloa e le gata ua satia ai le mamalu
lautele o le atunuu feafioa’e, aemaise o
tagata tafafao maimoa mai fafo i le talafatai o le taulaga ma nofoaga lalata ane.
Continued from page 6
Israel combs West Bank for
teens feared abducted
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli security forces
are combing the West Bank in search of three
missing teenagers, including a U.S. citizen, who
they fear may have been abducted by Palestinian militants. A military spokesman said Saturday that “operational and intelligence” forces
are deployed but would not elaborate.
The teens went missing Thursday night after
leaving their Jewish seminary in the West Bank.
A Palestinian security official said Israel has
arrested 14 people in connection to the case.
Israel is also examining footage from security cameras belonging to local shopkeepers
and residents. The disappearance of the teens is
the first serious incident to strain relations with
Israel since the formation of a Palestinian unity
government earlier this month led by Westernbacked President Mahmoud Abbas and backed
by the Islamic militant group Hamas.
Japan kills 30 whales in
1st hunt since ICJ ruling
TOKYO (AP) — Japan has caught 30
whales off its northern coast in its first hunt
since an international court ordered the halt of
its annual expedition in the Antarctic, officials
said Friday. The Fisheries Agency said a coastal
whaling fleet killed 30 minke whales during
the April-June season as part of Japan’s northwestern Pacific research hunt.
Another group of whalers is at work in a distant area of the Pacific. The northwestern Pacific
hunt is one of two research whaling programs
that Japan has conducted since a 1986 international ban on commercial whaling. In March, the
International Court of Justice ruled that Japan’s
Antarctic whaling program was not scientific as
Japan had claimed and must stop.
Japan has suspended next season’s Antarctic
hunt but is seeking to revise and resume it.
During the 2013-14 season, Japan caught
251 minke whales in the Antarctic, or just
a quarter of its target, and 224 others in the
northern Pacific program. Japan has slashed the
Pacific catch target by nearly half — to about
210 — for this year.
(Continued on page 12)
samoa news, Saturday, June 14, 2014 Page 9
Falepuipui i Samoa ali’i Saila na Congratulations
taofia fa’apagota atu i le teritori
tusia Ausage Fausia
O le ali’i Saila o le va’a a le malo o Samoa,
le MV Lady Naomi lea na taofia fa’apagota atu
i le teritori nei i le masina o Tesema 2012, ona o
tu’uaiga i lona faia lea o ni uiga mataga i se teineititi e 15 tausaga sa ma’i vasa a o malaga mai ma
lona tina i luga o le va’a mai Upolu mo Amerika
Samoa nei, ua fa’asala e le Fa’amasinoga Maualuga a Samoa e taofia i le toese i Tafa’igata mo
le 9 masina, ina ua ta’usala o ia i moliaga o lona
faia o amioga mataga i se teineititi.
E lata i le tolu masina o taofia le ali’i Saila
o Feagaiga Si’ilata i le toese i Tafuna, ina ua
mae’a ona faila e le malo moliaga mamafa e
tolu fa’asaga ia te ia, ae toe talosagaina loa e
le malo le fa’amasinoga mo sana poloaiga,
e solofua ai moliaga sa latou ulua’i tu’uaia ai
lenei ali’i, ina ua malilie le malo o Samoa e tu’u
atu le fa’amasinoina o le mataupu a Si’ilata e
fofogaina i luma o le fa’amasinoga i Samoa.
O moliaga sa tuuaia ai Si’ilata i Amerika
Samoa nei e aofia ai lona faiaiga i se teineititi
e laititi i lalo o le tulafono; tagofia o itutinosa o
se teineititi; faapea ai ma le fa’ao’olima mataga.
O tu’uaiga fa’asaga ia Si’ilata na afua mai i
le fa’alavelave lea na tula’i mai i le po o le aso
27 Tesema 2012 a o aga’i mai le Lady Naomi
mai lana malaga mai Apia mo Amerika Samoa,
ina ua la faiaiga ma se teineititi e 15 tausaga
le matua, lea na tau atu ai o lo o ma’i vasa i se
vaega o le va’a i le taimi o le malaga.
I le kopi o le fa’aiuga a le fa’amasinoga maualuga na maua e le Samoa News e fa’atatau i
lenei mataupu, o lo o taua ai e le ali’i fa’amasino
e fa’apea, pe tusa o le itula e 3:00 e aga’i atu i le
4:00 i le vaveao o le aso 27 Tesema 2012 i luga
o le sami, na ma’i vasa ai le tama’ita’i na a’afia,
Feagaiga Si’ilata i le taimi na taofia ai i le
toese i Tafuna i le tausaga na te’a nei. [ata: AF]
ma aga’i atu ai loa le ua molia ma ave o ia i
totonu o lona potu ina ia maua ai se fesoasoani.
E ui sa ofo atu e Siilata lana fesoasoani
mo le tama’ita’i na a’afia, peitai e talitonu le
fa’amasinoga, e tasi lava le manatu sa i le loto o
le ali’i Saila, o le faiaiga lea ma lenei tama’ita’i.
O le fa’amaoniga o lea tulaga e pei ona taua
e le fa’amasinoga, sa popole le teineititi ina ne’i
te’i ua ma’itaga pe afai la te faiaiga ma le ali’i
Saila, ae na tali le ua molia e ala i lona aga’i atu
i le isi potu ma aumai ai se pa’u e fa’aaoga mo
feusuaiga (condom) ma la feusua’i ai loa ma le
A o i ai pea i laua i totonu o le potu e pei ona
taua i faamaumauga a le faamasinoga a Samoa,
sa la fa’alogoina i se fa’asalalauga i luga o le
masini fa’aleotele leo o lo o tau saili e le tina
lana tama, ma ina ua taunu’u le va’a i Amerika
Samoa, na logo ai loa e le tina le ofisa o leoleo
a Amerika Samoa e tusa ai o le mea sa tupu, ma
taofia ai loa i le toese i Tafuna le Saila talu mai
lea aso seia o o mai i le ogatotonu o le masina
o Mati 2013.
E talitonu fo’i le fa’amasinoga, talu ai o lenei
solitulafono sa fa’atinoina i ogasami o Samoa,
o le mafua’aga lea ua avatu ai lana mataupu e
fa’amasinoina i Samoa, lea e pei ona taofia ai o
ia mai le masina o Oketopa e oo atu ia Novema
2013, ma talia ai loa le talosaga ina ia tatala o ia
i lalo o ni tuutuuga e ao ona usita’i i ai.
Na taua e le fa’amasinoga e fa’apea, e le i
manuia taumafaiga a leoleo po o le Ofisa fo’i
Nofovaavaaia e saili se auala e fesootai ai ma
le aiga o le teineititi na a’afia, peita’i ina ua
fesiligia le kapeteni o le va’a sa galue ai i luga
Siilata, na fa’amaonia atu ai e le kapeteni le
mae’a lea ona fa’atoese o le ua molia i le tina o
le tama’ita’i na a’afia, ma sa talia fo’i e le tina
lana fa’atoesega.
E ui i le tele o ituaiga fa’asalaga eseese na
manatu itu e lua e tatau ona fa’asala ai Si’ilata,
peita’i i le silasila a le fa’amasinoga, e le alofia
le tuuina atu e le faamasinoga o se faasalaga
faafalepuipui fa’asaga i lenei mataupu, ona o le
tulaga matuia o le gaioiga sa tula’i mai, fuafua
lea i tausaga o le teineititi na a’e na o le 15.
O lo o manino foi i le tulafono na pasia e le
Palemene e pei ona taua e le faamasinoga, o se
solitulafono le faiaiga ma se teineititi e i le va
o le 12 e oo atu i le 16 tausaga le matua, tusa
lava pe sa malie i ai lea teineititi, ae i le vaavaai
a le tulafono, e le i taitai matua lona mafaufau
e mafai ai ona ia faia ni faaiuga maumau tutu.
I le vaavaai a le faamasinoga i le gaioiga a le
ali’i Saila sa fa’atino ina i le aso lea, ua atagia
mai ai lona le faatinoina o ona tiute o se Saila i
luga o le va’a, i lona puipuia lea o le saogalemu
ma le olaga o tagata i luga o le va’a, aemaise
lava pe afai e manaomia e i latou se fesoasoani.
E manatu le fa’amasinoga, e le gata sa manatu
alofa le ali’i ua molia i le saogalemu o le teineititi na ma’i vasa, ae sa i ai fo’i lona mafaufau
na te fa’atinoina i ai faiga faa feusuaiga, e ala
i lona nofo sauni lea ma lana pa’u e fai ai feusuaiga, pau fo’i lea o le mea sa i lona mafaufau i
lea aso, o le faiaiga lea ma le teineititi.
E 2 tausaga na manatu le fa’amasinoga e
fa’asala ai le ali’i Saila i le toese i Tafaigata, ae
i le mae’a ai ona iloilo o itu lelei uma fa’asaga
ia te ia, ua manatu ai loa le fa’amasinoga ua lava
masina e 9 e taofia ai o ia i le toese.
Na talia fo’i e le fa’amasinoga itu lelei uma
sa fa’aalia e lona aiga, o lona nuu ma lana
ekalesia e tusa ai o lana tautua.
O le mae’a ai o le mataupu a Si’ilata i luma o
le fa’amasinoga maualuga a Samoa i le masina
o Aperila na te’a nei, ua manino mai ai le maopoopo o le tulaga o le galulue fa’atasi i le va o
le vaega fa’amalosi tulafono i Amerika Samoa
nei, atoa ai ma le vaega fa’amalosi tulafono
a le malo o Samoa, ina ia mautinoa e puipuia
aia tatau o fanau laiti mai le a’afia i faiga
fa’asolitulafono fa’apenei.
Feso’ota’i mai i le tusitala ia
[email protected]
Tafuna High School ~ Class of 2014
God bless
you on this
journey you
are about to
embark on.
Keep your
head up
high and
strive for
the best.
Love from;
Olomua & Ta’ase
Family in Aoa
Feds: Drunk honeymooner
punched a flight attendant
HONOLULU (AP) — A drunken passenger assaulted a
flight attendant while flying from Japan to Honolulu, federal
prosecutors said.
Kenji Okamoto pleaded guilty Friday to interfering with the
duties of a flight attendant by assaulting and intimidating him.
According to a criminal complaint, Okamoto was flying firstclass from Osaka for his honeymoon last month when flight
attendants noticed he was drunk before takeoff and continued
drinking alcoholic beverages during the flight.
Okamoto got upset when one of the flight attendants
wouldn’t take his meal tray away, the court document said. The
flight attendant told him his hands were full. Okamoto allegedly “threw a roundhouse type punch” at a flight attendant who
intervened in an attempt to diffuse the situation.
Okamoto struck the flight attendant in his arms, which were
raised to protect his head, the complaint said.
The Delta Air Lines flight crew told authorities that Okamoto
later apologized while crying, remained calm for the remainder
of the flight and eventually fell asleep.
After crew members restrained him in his seat, “Okamoto
apologized for his actions by repeatedly saying ‘I’m sorry’ and
bowed down on his knees and placed his head on the floor,” the
complaint said.
During an interview with authorities, Okamoto said he’s in
the construction business and was “drinking heavily because he
was celebrating his honeymoon with his wife ... that he married
on April 20, 2014,” the complaint said. Okamoto told authorities that before boarding the plane, he had four glasses of beer
and one glass of wine and he continued drinking champagne
and wine while on board.
He said the incident happened “like a flash,” according to
the court document, and that he doesn’t remember what exactly
happened but that he was upset because he felt like he was being
disrespected when the first flight attendant wouldn’t take his
tray away.
U.S. Magistrate Kevin Chang initially allowed Okamoto, 30,
of Kyoto, to be released on $50,000 bond, but Assistant U.S.
Attorney Tracy Hino appealed, arguing that Okamoto didn’t
disclose a previous conviction in Japan for assaulting a police
officer. Hino’s appeal provided photos of Okamoto’s near fullbody tattoos, arguing that Okamoto is a flight risk and a danger.
Delta banned Okamoto from flying on the airline, according
to Hino’s appeal.
U.S. District Judge J. Michael Seabright granted the appeal
to keep him held without bail at the Honolulu Federal Detention
Center. Because he was arrested at the airport, he never got to
enjoy his honeymoon, which was to be spent at a luxury resort
in east Honolulu, Hino said.
He faces a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison when
he’s sentenced on Sept. 22.
His federal public defender, Salina Althof, declined to comment after the guilty plea hearing.
Page 10
samoa news, Saturday, June 14, 2014
o le
(Iosua 24”14-18; Luka 14:25-33.)
I le tatou faitau atu i ai i le tusi faaevagelia a Luka, o i’ina tatou
te iloa lelei ai le alu o Iesu i totonu o Ierusalema, e sauni i ona puapuaga ona o faiga a le tiapolo ma le la taua ma Iesu o lo o faia pea.
O tagata poo ‘motu’ o tagata ia na mulimuli ia Iesu i lea mea ma lea
mea, i lea aso ma lea aso, i le tolu tausaga ma latou mulimuli ai ia
Iesu, ua oo nei i le taimi o le a fesiligia e Iesu.
Ua te fetalai atu foi Iesu ia latou, “Afai e sau se tasi ia au, a e le
‘ino’ino i lona tama, ma lona tina, ma le ava, ma le fanau ma uso,
ma tuafafine e oo lava i lona ola, e le mafai ona fai o ia ma’u soo.”
E manatua ai lana fetalaiga i le mataupu e (Luka 9:57, 60, 62)
‘Ua latou o i le ala, ona fai mai lea o le tasi ia te ia, “Ou te mulimuli
atu ia te oe i mea uma e te maliu i ai.”
A ua fetalai atu Iesu ia te ia, “Ina tuu ia i e ua oti e tanu e le tagata
oti, a o oe, e te alu ma talai atu le malo o le Atua.”
‘Ua fetalai atu Iesu ia te ia, “O le tago lona lima i le suotosina,
ma tepa i tua, e le tatau ia i le Malo o le Atua.”
Ona fetalai atu lea o Iesu i le mataupu e (18:29-30), “Ona feta-lai
atu lea o ia ia te i latou, Ai se tagata ua tuua e ia le fale, po o le fanau,
ona uso, po o matua, po o le fanau, ona o le Malo o le Atua, e maua e
ia o measautualasi i nei ona po, o le ola faavavau foi i le olaga atali.”
E maveaga oti lea a Iosua lea na faia ia Isaraelu, e pei ona fai
mai ai le tusi a Iosua ia (Iosua 24:14-28) (1) Mata’u i le Atua,
(2) Auauna i le Atua, (3) ma le Loto atoa i ai, (4) ma le Faamaoni.
E mafai ai ona tuu i tua tupua a atunuu e siosiomia Isaraelu ina ua
taunuu i le totonu o Kanana, ua aumai a latou tupua i tagata Isaraelu
e ifo i ai, pei o tupua e aumai faanana i totonu o Isaraelu e ifo i ai
tagata ua latou taliaina.
Le taitai lelei o Iosua, le na faia pea lana tulaga faata’ita’i ia
Isaraelu, e maliu Iosua ua faamama ‘ese uma tupua na i a latou
lau’ele’ele, ua usita’i uma tagata Isaraelu e mea na fai atu i ai Iosua.
O le mea na iloa e i latou, faapea lava o le alu nei lo latou Alii i
luma o le ‘au Farasaio e faaali lona Mamalu ma lona Iloa i le Pule
e i Lagi ma mea uma la e i ai. Ae tete’i uma le motu a tagata e ‘ese
le mea na fai atu ai Iesu, ae ‘ese le mea na mafaufau ai o tagata,
le taulaga lea ua ta’u (Luke 13:34), ‘Ierusalema e, Ierusalema e, o
le fasiotia perofeta, ma fetogi i maa e na aauina atu ia te oe, po ua
faafia ona ou manao e faapotopoto i lau fanau, e pei o le moa ona
ofaofatai i lana toloai i lalo i ona apaau, a e le mafaifai outou.’
Faaaoao i ai ona e maua lea o le mea e aoga i lou ola tautua i le Atua
i mea uma e te aoga ai, e te fai mea e te mafaia, ma mea e le aoga ai
le taumate, e te nofo lelei i lalo ma e mafaufau muamua i ai. E aua ai
le tauleagaina mea tau ia oe lava, e aua foi nei faavalea lou fuafua e
aua ai nei e faasoasoa lelei, ia lelei i totonu ma ia e lelei i lou mafaufau, E LE FAIGOFIE LE AVEA MA TAITAI LELEI. Amene.
E te fia
Toleafoa Haserota Auvaa
Na alu si toeaina i lana fomai, fesli i ai, “Pe i ai sana mea e fai
i ona taliga ua fia faalogo i tala a tagata.” fai atu le fomai, e i ai, ae
sau taeao o le a taumafai e fai se auala fesoasoani i ona taliga. Ia ua
oo nei i le isi aso ua alapo lava le toeaina, ma sau loa i le foma’i ma
fai loa ona taliga. Ua tago nei le foma’i, ua tuu i ai mea faalogo, ua
faataitai ua 100% le lagona uma o mea e talanoa ai tagata.
Ua uma lê masina, toe alu loa le toeaina e vaai le foma’i i lana
‘oppointment’ alu atu loa fesili mai le foma’i, “Ua a mai lau faalogo
Joe?.” tali le toeaina, “O le matua mea lelei lava, ou te lei tauina i se
isi o le matou aiga, o lea ua faafa ona sui mai lau ‘uili’ i faiga o le
mea faaleo tele leo lea. Manaia tele e ‘iu lava ina faifai lava e uili i
la’u maile a’u mea uma.”
O le tama a le ulugalii lena e masani ona o ae aumai le tama teine
a le latou tuaoi e ‘babysitter’ ai, ae o i le ‘party’ i lena po, matamata
le TV i le po, te’i lava i le fai atu o le tamaitiiti i le ‘babysitter’,
“E masani ona nofo lou tina ma opo mai ‘au faapea.” ia fai mai si
teine, “OK”. Ia uma loa le ata, fai mai Freddie, “E masani ona alu
Mommy e faataele ‘au.” ia fai mai si teine, “OK ia savali”. ia o loa
faataele loa ia Freddie.
Ia fai mai loa Freddie, “E masani ona sau i totonu Mommy i le
tapu ma taeele.” fai atu si teine, “Oi ou te le iloa.” ia oso mai loa se
teine i totonu o le tapu, ua tatala uma ofu nei te’i ua susu.
Fai mai le tama, “E masani lava ona tago lou Mommy aumai
lana pute ou te taaloalo ai.” Ia fai mai loa le ‘babysitter, “Oi ou te
le’i iloaina.” te’i lava i ‘ee o le teine, “E le o lau pute lena…” ae fai
mai le tama amio valea lea o Freddie, “E le o lau lima foi lena!
[Sosoo ane loa lau faitau i le tatou tala faasolo mo
lenei vaiaso, lea na gata mai i le vaiaso na tea nei i le
taimi lea ua iloa ai e Kati o lo o ola masini pu’eata i
totonu o le potu lea la te talanoa ai ma Mena.]
E lei sepu se gaioiga a Kati ao la talanoa ma
Mena i totonu o le potu o lo o taofia ai le tama’ita’i,
ina nei avea ma auala e ono lamatia ai o ia ma
le taunu’u ai le fa’amoemoe o lo o ia taumafai i
ai, o le fa’asao lea o le ola o Mena ae la malaga
atu i Italia, ina ua ia vaaia o lo o ola uma mea
pu’eata o lo o tutu mai i tulimanu e fa o le potu o
le falema’i lea e taofia ai Mena. Ua fa’ataga tago
le ali’i i totonu o lana ato pa’u na alu atu ma ia ma
aumai i fafo le faila, ona tui lea o lana mata tioata
ma taumafai e fa’amalamalama i le tama’ita’i le
mafua’aga o lona malaga atu e asi o ia i totonu o
le falema’i. O Mena i le taimi lea, sa na o le luelue
ulu e aunoa ma se fesili po o se upu e gagana ai, o
isi taimi e fiu lava Kati e talanoa atu ae ua fa’ataga
moe le tama’ita’i, ma na avea lea ma itu na tula’i
ai Kati ma savali aga’i atu i le tama’ita’i o lo o
nofo i le kesi pito i luma o le Ofisa, ma fa’ailoa i
ai vaaiga o lo o ia maitauina ia Mena, e talanoa atu
ae moe, pe le mafai ona toe aami le foma’i e siaki
le soifua maloloina o le tama’ita’i, ina ne’i tupu
se fa’aletonu ao la i ai na o laua i totonu o le potu.
O feuiaiga uma nei ua faia e Kati, na lilo ai i le
vaai a fitafita lona fa’apipi’iina o ana masini e mafai
ai ona pu’e gaioiga uma o lo o tutupu i totonu o le
falema’i, ina ia faigofie ai ona ia mata’ituina gaioiga
uma o lo o faia ia Mena, ma faigofie ai ona ia faia se
auala e toe fa’asola ese atu ai le tama’ita’i mai totonu
o le nofoaga lea. Se’i o tatou liliu atu lava i le nofoaga
autu o Leoeo nana i Italia lea ua fa’amautu ai matua
o Mena. Fai mai le tala ua tuana’i le masina e le i
toe maua atu lava e le ulugali’i se isi fa’amatalaga e
fa’atatau i le la tama po o fea o i ai, e le i toe oo atu
fo’i se isi o tama’ita’i e to’alua ia na momoliina laua
i le faletalimalo lea ua nonofo ai nei, ma ua amata
nei ona fa’aletonu manatu o le ulugali’i, pe o le a
fa’apefea nei laua pe a la mana’omia se fesoasoani
mai le malo, o ai o le a la sulu i ai.
Ina ua fa’amaonia e le ofisa o leoleo suesue a le
malo o Enelagi le tele o le a’afiaga o le ulugalii lenei
i le faalavelave lea na fasiotia ai e Kati ma Mena ni
ali’i faatupu fa’alavelave se taumafai e osofaia lo
la aiga, na manatu ai loa le malo o Enelagi e tatau
ona saili le ulugalii ina ia toe fa’afo’i atu i totonu
o le atunu’u ae sei fesiligia i lo la a’afiaga i lenei
mataupu. Ua taumafai leoleo o le malo e saili ni
faamaumauga e faatatau i le ulugalii, ma manino
ai, ua malaga ese atu i laua i Italia, ma ua silia ma
le masina talu ona la tuua le atunu’u o Enelagi. Ua
faia fesootaiga a le malo o Enelagi ma le malo o
Italia e tusa ai o lenei mataupu, ma manino ai o le
ulugali’i lenei o lo o i lalo o le puipuiga a le vaega
o Leoleo nana a le malo o Italia, e le mafai ona toe
aveese mai i laua mai le atunu’u.
[E fa’atalofa atu i le mamalu o le aufaitau i lenei vaiaso, malo le onosa’i, malo fo’i le soifua
laulelei, ae alo maia, o le vaega lua lenei o le tatou tala fa’asolo, lea na gata mai i le vaiaso na te’a
nei i le taimi lea na fa’aui lavea ai le tamaloa ma ia fesiligia le olomatua, pe aisea na le ta’uina ai
ia Tania o ia lea ua la nonofo.]
Ua na o le fa’alologo o tamaiti e o o fo’i ia Tania ma Veli a o fai finauga i le va o le olomatua
ma le tamaloa lea ua avea nei ma ona to’alua, ina ua te’i le fa’alogo a le tamaloa i fa’amatalaga a le
olomatua, ma foliga mai ai o lea fa’atoa ia ta’uina i lana tama matua o Tania, o ia o lona to’alua ua
la nonofo nei. “Vaai oe Lapa, kusa lava pe ou ke le’i ka’uiga oe i la’u kama makua, ae le avea lega
ma iku e aveese ai lo’u alofa ia ke oe, o oe lea ua ou filifilia e fai ma kama o la’u fagau e ko’akele,
ua oki le lakou kama oga o le ka’a poka ae le gofo mai e fai se kala ma kamaiki, lea la ua e oo mai i
le kakou aiga, o oe lava o le ulu o le aiga ...” O tausaga e 5 lea na nonofo ai Tania ma Veli i le aiga
o Veli i Salafai, o le umi fo’i lena talu ona nonofo le olomatua ma le fasi to’e lea ua fai nei ma ana
ma’amusa. O Lapa, e faigaluega i le Ofisa o Galuega a le malo, o se ali’i e tosoina laina o moli eletise i fale o aiga. Na la masani ma le tina o Tania ina ua latou tosoina uaea moli a le aiga o Tania i le
isi aso, ae ona iloa ai e leai se to’alua o le olomatua o i ai. O Lapa na tete’a ma lona to’alua ona o le
malosi o le inupia ma le ka’a piliaki i fale o ana uo, ae o tausaga e 8 lea na nofo to’atasi ai ua leai se
ama, na vaaia ai se suiga tele i lona olaga, ua le toe inupia pe toe ta’a solo i fale o ana uo, ae ua na o
le fiafia e nofo i le fale, alu i le lotu ma auai i soo se fa’agaioiga a le nu’u. E ui o lea ua fa’alalolalo le
olomatua i le toeaina ona o lona le talanoa ia Tania e tusa ai o le la mafutaga, peita’i ua pei o se tao
u’amea lea ua tuia ai le loto o le toeaina, ma ua amata ai ona tau pogisa lana vaai i le aiga i lea afiafi.
O tua fale e i ai le toga fa’i sa toto e le tamaloa o Lapa ina ua fa’atoa taunu’u i le aiga i Palisi,
sosoo atu ai ma lana pu pu talo i fanua lisi o isi aiga e le o nofoia, a o lea ua fa’ataga ona fa’amama e
le aiga o Tania ina ia faaitiitia ai le vao, ma o iina lea ua fa’amoemoe le tamaloa o Lapa e faasino i ai
Veli e galue ai, pe afai e mae’a le ulua’i lua vaiaso o le latou mafutaga ae leai sana galuega e maua.
O se olaga faigata ona tau amata le aiga o Tania ma Veli, ona o lea ua manatu le tama’ita’i e toe fo’i
e saili sana galuega i le falema’i sa galue muamua ai, ona e manatu alofa fo’i i le tau amataina o le la
aiga ma si ona to’alua, ae o le tamaloa o Veli, e lei masani lava lona olaga i le olaga e tatau ona ola
ai tamaiti o le taulaga, o lea lava e fiafia e sulu lona ie ie palapala ma savalivali i le malu o le afiafi i
Palisi, e le faigata ai foi ona iloa o ia e le tupulaga, o ia o se tagata fou e lei leva ona taunuu i le nuu.
Tala i Vavau o Samoa
O se tasi lenei o Vavau e ese fo’i lona i luga o le pa, o maa uma ia e fa’amanatu ai ava
fa’amatalaina, na afua mai ai ni isi o mea tetele i uma sa maua e Vaovasa, ona alu ai loa lea o le
totonu o le atunu’u. Fai mai le tala, o totonu o le ali’i e saili sona ‘ava se to’atasi e fa’aatoa ai ana
malae o Lepuia’i i Manono sa i ai se pa ma’a e tai ‘ava e 100.
foliga o se fanua tanu, o lona igoa o le “Paleso’o”.
O le tala la fai mai ua aga’i atu nei le malaga a
O le mafu’aga o le igoa o lea pa e pei ona taua e ni le ali’i o Vaovasa e aga’i tonu atu lava i Falealili,
isi o le afioaga o Manono, e fa’amanatu ai le fal- i le tama’ita’i o Lapataume, o le alo tama’ita’i o
etua lona 100 a le ali’i o Vaovasamanaia lea na le Talauega. Na alu le aumoega a le ali’i ma la o
taunu’u ona la nonofo, ae na nonofo ma le manaia mai ai loa ma le tama’ita’i o Lapataume, peita’i
lalelei mai Sa’anapu o Logona lona igoa.
e lei taunuu ona avea ma ona faletua, ina ua
Fai mai le talitonuga e toatolu tama iloga sa i ai fa’alavelave i ai le ali’i Sa’anapu o Logona, ma
i na vaitaimi, o Tupua’i sa nofo i Safata, o Vaova- avea ai loa Lapataume ma faletua o Logona.
samanaia sa nofo i Manono, ma Toilolo sa nofo i
E talitonu Manono na toe liliu le va’a a le ali’i
Taga i Savai’i.
o Vaovasamanaia ma toe momoli le tama’ita’i i
O le talitonu fai mai o le ali’i lenei o Vaova- Falealii, ona toe fo’i atu ai lea i Manono, ae o le
samanaia, o se taule’ale’a e lalelei tele, ma o lona isi ana malaga e saili ai sona faletua lona 100 na
lalelei tele na mafua ai ona tosina tama’ita’i e maliu ai o ia. E ui i le finau mai o le motu o Tutuila
to’atele ia te ia e fia avea o ia ma o latou tane, ma fai mai o latou na maua i ai le faletua lona 100 o
e le i fa’afiti ai Vaovasa, ae sa matua fuli le ali’i e Vaovasa, e foi i le finau mai o Lefaga fai mai o
fai ona ta’ito’alua ina ia fa’amalieina ai lona loto, le latou tama’ita’i na atoa i ai faletua e to’a 100 o
pau le mea e malie ai, e le fia nofo le ali’i i soo se le ali’i, ae o le talitonuga lava ia a Manono, o le
tama’ita’i sei vagana ai lava se augafa’apae, po o Palesoo ua mafua ona le soo le pa ona e lei atoa
se taupou fo’i. Fai mai le tala o ma’a e 99 sa tuu faletua e 100 a le ali’i.
samoa news, Saturday, June 14, 2014 Page 11
Skyview, Inc.
Compiled by Samoa News staff
Polynesian Airlines’ flights to Apia are fully
booked for the month of June as three major
church conference are hosted by Samoa. But
getting a confirmed seat will be even made
more difficult later next week when one of
Polynesian Airlines’ twin-otter 19-seater plane
will be out of service for a required maintenance check.
Currently only Polynesian is operating
flights between the two Samoas because Inter
Island Airways’ 19-seater Dornier plane is
down for mechanical reasons and its unclear
when Inter Island will resume air service.
Samoa News received reports from several
individuals wanting to travel to Apia that they
are unable to set confirmed seats on any flights
over the next couple of days and were told that
all flights are full.
Responding to Samoa News questions,
Polynesian local station manager Toe Loia
confirmed that flights are fully booked, adding
that towards the end of June and into next early
next month there are three major church conferences in Apia.
Among the conferences is the Methodist
Church and the Seventh Day-Adventist Church.
Also this time of the year is the annual trip by
local youth of the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-Day Saints to visit the Mormon Temple
in Pesega.
Couple with these church conferences are
individual travelers heading to Samoa during
the local summer break, which is keeping Polynesian busy.
Loia also said that from June 18th for a
period of 30-days, one of the airline’s two aircrafts will be done for scheduled maintenance.
He said flights both to and from Apia are full
and advised that passengers who are able to get
a confirmed seat must pay their air fare right
away, to guarantee a seat on the flight.
And if a person is on standby, the airline
suggests to show up at the airport with a paid
ticket instead of calling to check on whether
the flight that day is still full.
An Inter Island Air official says the plane is
down due to a mechanical issue and waiting for
parts to arrive from off-island.
The airline apologies to travelers for the
inconvenience and will advise travelers accordingly when flights resume not only for Samoa
but for Manu’a too.
Rep. Larry Sanitoa has requested the Legislative Finance Office (LFO) to assist in
obtaining several financials reports from the
LBJ Medical Center prior to the Fono returning
next month with its top priority being the
review and debate of the budget for fiscal year
2015, which begins Oct. 1, 2014.
It’s unclear as to when the administration
will send to the Fono the FY 2015 budget proposal, but many lawmakers want to get advance
financial information from the government,
especially from ASG entities that continues to
face money woes — i.e. LBJ.
In a letter this week to the LFO, the Tualauta lawmaker says that LBJ reports are critical
and all relevant information will aid lawmakers
in making informative and thorough decisions
given the upcoming budget hearings for FY
“Given the complexity of the LBJ’s operation and the importance of the only healthcare
facility to our people and government, we will
need to continue monitoring their current revenues and expenses for this fiscal year,” he
Among the reports requested by Sanitoa are
the financial statements for the first-six months
of FY 2014 and to include revenues and expenditures report for the same period.
Also been requested is a payroll breakdown
report for FY 2013 for all employees and for
the first-six months of FY 2014.
Samoa News understands that payroll
reports are being requested to find how many
new employees have been hired in the current
fiscal year following concerns received by several lawmakers that LBJ’s payroll expenses
have spiked since late last year.
And finally, Sanitoa is seeking a complete
report on the 2% wage tax payment received
by LBJ for the first-six months of FY 2014 and
how much is still owed to the hospital, whose
chief executive officer, Joseph Davis-Fleming
recently informed some lawmakers and other
ASG officials that LBJ has not receive enough
funds from the wage tax to restart the off island
medical referral program.
The government’s Economic Development Implementation Plan (EDIP), which was
released last week, includes a recommendation
for American Samoa to adopt and implement
an animal care and control program that deals
with reducing the stray dog population in the
According to the task force charged with
coming up with the EDIPA, the Office of
Samoan Affairs, Agriculture and Commerce
Department are collaborating to address the
stray dog issue.
The task force recommends utilizing
Samoan Affairs Office to obtain pulenu’u
assistance for manpower, village space, and
working with Agriculture Department Veterinarian Dr. Brenda Smith and her team to
operate, vaccinate, monitor, and educate villages on prevention/ control of pet diseases
and parasites and the legal requirement to
license all dogs.
The federal court in Springfield, Missouri
has set pre trial conference next week before
U.S. District Court Judge David P. Rush for
defendant Calliope R. Saaga, a Samoan travel
agent based in Utah accused of misusing more
than $300,000 from a high school marching
Saaga, 39, was indicted last month by a
federal grand jury in a 15-count indictment
that included charges of wire fraud and money
He operated a travel agency business called
Present America Tours LLC.
Court records state that Saaga’s pre trial
conference is scheduled for June 24th and a
chief federal judge has ordered that prior to
this hearing, trial attorneys for both sides are
to meet personally and discuss potential plea
Final plea agreements are to be signed prior
to the conference or be ready for signature at
the conference — if any is reached.
However, if no plea is reached by the time
of the pre trial conference, then the trial date
is set for July 14th this year, unless its given a
special date, according to court records.
Prosecutors allege that the defendant was
wired $360,000 by Willard High School Band
to pay for a trip to Hawai’i in the summer of
2012 for 300 students and chaperones.
However, the defendant used the money to
finance his personal lifestyle, which included
gambling in Las Vegas, Nevada, international
travel to Samoa, and a trip to Disneyland.
Saaga is currently out on bail.
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NOTICE is hereby given that SEFO F. TOILOLO of PAVAIAI, American Samoa, has executed a
LEASE AGREEMENT to a certain parcel of land commonly known as SINAULI which is situated
in the village of PAVAIAI, in the County of TUALAUTA, WESTERN District, Island of Tutuila,
American Samoa. Said LEASE AGREEMENT is now on file with the Territorial Registrar to be
forwarded to the Governor respecting his approval or disapproval thereof according to the laws
of American Samoa. Said instrument names FONDA F. TOILOLO-TERVOLA & IUPATI M.
Any person who wish, may file his objection in writing with the Secretary of the Land
Commission before the 5TH day of AUGUST, 2014. It should be noted that any objection must
clearly state the grounds therefor.
JUNE 6, 2014 thru AUGUST 5, 2014
Taito S. B. White, Territorial Registrar
O LE FA’ASALALAUGA lenei ua faia ona o SEFO F. TOILOLO ole nu’u o PAVAIAI, Amerika
Samoa, ua ia faia se FEAGAIGA LISI, i se fanua ua lauiloa o SINAULI, e i le nu’u o PAVAIAI i le
itumalo o TUALAUTA, Falelima i SISIFO ole Motu o TUTUILA Amerika Samoa. O lea FEAGAIGA
LISI ua i ai nei i teuga pepa ale Resitara o Amerika Samoa e fia auina atu ile Kovana Sili mo
sana fa’amaoniga e tusa ai ma le Tulafono a Amerika Samoa. O lea mata’upu o lo’o ta’ua ai
A iai se tasi e fia fa’atu’i’ese i lea mata’upu, ia fa’aulufaleina mai sa na fa’atu’iesega tusitusia
i le Failautusi o lea Komisi ae le’i o’o i le aso 5 o AUKUSO, 2014. Ia manatua, o fa’atu’iesega
uma lava ia tusitusia manino mai ala uma e fa’atu’iese ai.
06/14 & 07/14/2014
Sat.(1230 400) 715 1015
Sun.(1235 PM 400 PM) 715 PM
PAST (PG-13) Sat.(1205 330) 700 1015
Sun.(1205 PM 330 PM) 700 PM
Page 12
samoa news, Saturday, June 14, 2014
Phoenix police still
looking for clues in
brutal priest attack
A protester is taken away by police officers after attempting to break into the Legislative
building during a demonstration in Hong Kong, Friday June 13, 2014.
Hundreds of villagers and students protested against the government over a development plan
(AP Photo/Vincent Yu)
in the North Eastern New Territories.
Army: Bergdahl not joined
by family after return
SAN ANTONIO (AP) — When Army Sgt.
Bowe Bergdahl arrived back in the United
States following five years of captivity by the
Taliban in Afghanistan, he wasn’t joined by his
family, military officials say.
Bergdahl was brought to Texas from an Army
medical facility in Germany, where he had been
recovering. Maj. Gen. Joseph P. DiSalvo, who
greeted Bergdahl early Friday upon his arrival,
said he exchanged a few words with Bergdahl
after a three-vehicle convoy met him.
“He appeared just like any sergeant would
when they see a two-star general, a little bit
nervous. But he looked good and saluted and
had good deportment,” DiSalvo said at a news
conference Friday, adding that Bergdahl was in
stable condition.
Army officials would not say when Bergdahl’s relatives might show up at Brooke Army
Medical Center at Fort Sam Houston.
In a statement read at the news conference,
Bergdahl’s parents said they “are overjoyed that
their son has returned to the United States” but
asked for privacy.
Col. Bradley Poppen, an Army psychologist, said a soldier typically determines when to
reunite with his or her family. Poppen declined
to release further details, citing the family’s
request for privacy. After the news conference,
officials said they did not know if Bergdahl has
spoken with his family.
The Idaho native was captured in Afghanistan in June 2009 and released by the Taliban on
May 31 in a deal struck by the Obama administration in which five senior Taliban officials
were released from detention at Guantanamo
Bay, Cuba.
Car crashes into CNN Center
in downtown Atlanta
ATLANTA (AP) — A motorist is facing
charges after police say he crashed a car into a
lobby at CNN Center, the news network’s headquarters in downtown Atlanta.
Authorities say the Mercedes Benz shattered
the glass entryway on the building’s north side
around 4:15 a.m. Friday. It came to rest in the
middle of the lobby, several yards away from
any of CNN’s offices.
Atlanta police officer John Chafee says
22-year-old Gerlmy Javon Todd is facing
charges of driving under the influence, reckless
driving and marijuana possession.
Chafee said Todd told officers he had been
driving all night and fell asleep at the wheel.
There were no reports of injuries. It wasn’t
immediately clear if Todd had a lawyer, and a
phone number for him could not be found.
Continued from page 8
Rockefeller great-grandson
dies in NY plane crash
NEW YORK (AP) — A small plane crashed
outside New York City on Friday, killing a
great-grandson of Standard Oil co-founder John
D. Rockefeller, a family spokesman said.
The single-engine plane took off from Westchester County Airport just after 8 a.m. Friday
and narrowly missed a house west of the airfield
before hitting some trees, officials said.
Richard Rockefeller, of Falmouth, Maine,
was the only person on board the Portland,
Maine-registered aircraft. The 65-year-old was
a doctor and father of two, family spokesman
Fraser Seitel said. He had recently been working
on a way to treat post-traumatic stress disorder
in wounded war veterans, Seitel said.
Rockefeller was a nephew of former Vice
President Nelson A. Rockefeller, who also was
governor of New York from 1959 to 1973. On
Thursday, Richard Rockefeller ate dinner with
his father, banker and philanthropist David
Rockefeller, in Westchester to celebrate the
family patriarch’s 99th birthday, Seitel said.
Seitel described him as an experienced pilot
whose death left the family in shock.
The plane, a Piper Meridian, crashed in the
hamlet of Purchase, a New York City bedroom community of about 10,000 residents that
houses a State University of New York campus.
Poachers massacre 68
elephants in Congo park
RABAT, Morocco (AP) — One of Africa’s
oldest national parks is under attack “from all
fronts,” its director said Friday after 68 elephants
were slaughtered in two months by poachers,
some of whom shot them from helicopters.
Garamba National Park in the Democratic
Republic of Congo is under constant assault
by renegade Congolese soldiers, gunmen from
South Sudan and others. And this is just a slice
of the poaching carnage: international wildlife
regulators say 20,000 elephants were killed in
Africa alone in 2013.
The Johannesburg-based African Parks
group, which manages Garamba, said since
mid-April, the 5,000-square kilometer (1,900square mile) park has faced an onslaught from
several bands of poachers who have already
killed 4 percent of its elephants. “The situation is
extremely serious,” Garamba park manger JeanMarc Froment said in the statement. “The park
is under attack on all fronts.”
Conservationists say a thriving ivory market
in Asia is helping to fuel the worst poaching
epidemic of African elephants in decades.
A 2012 census found just 2,000 elephants in
Garamba Park, down from 20,000 in the 1960s.
(Continued on page 13)
PHOENIX (AP) — Police say the investigation into a deadly
priest shooting at a Roman Catholic church in Phoenix has been
stymied by a lack of usable surveillance video and a vague
account of the attack by a second severely injured clergyman.
Still, investigators have been able to recover forensic evidence from the dead priest’s car and the crime scene that they
are hopeful will lead them to a suspect. And they are going door
to door in the neighborhood looking for witnesses who might
have seen something.
The investigation is playing out as parishioners are mourning
the loss of the Rev. Kenneth Walker, 28, and praying for the
recovery of the Rev. Joseph Terra, 56, who was so badly beaten
in the Wednesday night attack in the rectory of their church that
police were worried he wouldn’t survive the night. He remained
in critical but stable condition.
Police said Terra told them the next day the suspect was a
white male in his 40s, but they acknowledge it was a limited
description. “Unfortunately because of the severity of his injuries, he was only able to provide limited information about one
particular suspect,” Phoenix police Sgt. Steve Martos said.
In a recording of the 911 call released by police Friday, Terra
can be heard breathing heavily and pausing as the dispatcher
asked him what happened.
“We have been broke into ... an assault,” Terra said.
“Did he hit you on the head?” the dispatcher asked.
“Yeah, I think he did,” Terra replied. “My assistant priest
here is ... uh ... has been beaten.”
“Is he breathing?” the dispatcher asked.
“No, no he’s not,” Terra said as he is then instructed how to
perform CPR.
He was unable at the time to provide a description of who
attacked him and fatally shot Walker.
“You have no description at all?” the dispatcher asked.
“No,” Terra replied.
Police and paramedics soon arrived on the scene, and Terra
“pretty much just shut down then, went into survival mode,”
Martos said Friday.
He said detectives weren’t suspicious that Terra couldn’t
describe his attacker at the time, but later was able to provide a
limited description.
“That’s not uncommon. You’re talking about an individual
who was just severely attacked,” Martos said, adding that
authorities didn’t think he would survive. “Especially with the
vicious assault that he had just endured.”
Martos said Terra was trying to save Walker’s life until
authorities arrived, even as he himself lay critically wounded.
“He’s doing everything he can because he’s the only one
there,” Martos said.
Detectives have collected surveillance video from buildings in the area, including government facilities near the state
Capitol, but they found nothing usable at this point because the
cameras weren’t pointed at the church.
Police are still unsure if there was only one suspect or
whether robbery was the motive in the attack at the Mother of
Mercy Mission, Martos said. He declined to say whether there
was forced entry. Investigators have been able to rule out several
theories, including speculation of a dispute between the priests.
“There’s nothing to indicate that this is priest on priest or
Father Terra getting into some argument or discussion with Father
Walker,” Martos said. “We don’t believe that. The evidence that
we have come across does not point in that direction at all.”
Walker was born in upstate New York, had 10 siblings and
was drawn to the priesthood after attending traditional Latin
Mass with his family in high school. He later joined the seminary, made good grades and enjoyed playing soccer, said the
Rev. Joseph Lee, academic dean at the Our Lady of Guadalupe
Seminary in Nebraska.
Walker eventually joined a Catholic order that specializes
in Latin Mass and became a priest in downtown Phoenix. He
recently officiated a younger sibling’s wedding in Kansas — the
last time he saw many relatives.
Family members said they were overcome with emotion by
the loss, but they took solace in the fact that the surviving priest
was able to administer last rites.
“For Catholics, receiving your last rites basically guarantees
you’re going to heaven,” said Walker’s stepsister, Sasha Keys.
“That’s one of the biggest reasons we have to smile.”
In his application to the seminary, Walker spoke of his devotion to God and desire to be a priest.
“The only vocation that I could be satisfied with, as a work,”
he wrote, “would be one that would be ... dedicated to bringing
people to salvation in whatever way God wills for me to do so.
This work is best carried out by the priesthood.”
samoa news, Saturday, June 14, 2014 Page 13
it’s at in
American Samoa
A cow shot by Baltimore police lies on a city street Friday, June 13, 2014.
Police say the animal escaped from a city slaughterhouse and was shot after concerned busi(AP Photo/Juliet Linderman)
ness owners contacted police. ➧ NEWS IN BRIEF…
Baltimore police shoot
cow running loose in city
BALTIMORE (AP) — Baltimore police
shot and killed a steer that escaped from a city
slaughterhouse on a downtown street Friday
morning, a spokeswoman said.
The animal was shot shortly after 10:15 a.m.
in the Mount Vernon neighborhood, and police
confirmed it escaped from the George G. Ruppersberger and Sons Inc. slaughterhouse in west
Sgt. Sarah Connolly said police received
calls from business owners concerned about
the animal running loose. The neighborhood is
home to numerous bars, restaurants and shops.
The animal was “increasingly aggressive,”
and officers made several attempts to trap it
before killing it, police said on the department’s
Facebook page.
After the shooting, police moved their cars
to block from view the dark-colored animal,
which was lying on its side next to a black
pickup with limbs straight out.
The carcass was hauled away by representatives of a company that recycles restaurant
grease and animal byproducts.
Rescuers begin hauling
out German cave explorer
BERLIN (AP) — Rescuers have begun the
difficult process of bringing to the surface a
52-year-old German explorer who was injured
in a fall deep inside an Alpine cave.
Johann Westhauser suffered head injuries
1,000 meters (3,280 feet) underground Sunday
while exploring the Riesending cave system
near the town of Berchtesgaden, close to the
Austrian border. Doctors had to climb 4 kilometers (2.5 kilometers) into the cave to reach
Westhauser and make sure he was well enough
to be brought out.
Westhauser will be strapped to a stretcher for
much of the way out but in certain narrow passages he will have to assist rescuers.
Officials said Friday it will take up a week to
bring Westhauser to the surface.
US offers $18M in rewards
for African militants
administration is offering rewards of up to $18
million for information on the whereabouts of
four Islamist militants who operate in north and
west Africa.
The State Department said Friday it had
placed rewards of up to $5 million each for
information leading to the location of Khalid
al-Barnawi, Hamad el Khairy, and Ahmed el
Tilemsi. All have ties to al-Qaida in the Islamic
Maghreb and have targeted westerners in west
Africa, including Nigeria, Niger and Mauritania.
The department also announced a reward of
up to $3 million for information leading to the
arrest or conviction of Abu-Yusuf al-Muhajir,
believed to in Egypt.
Continued from page 12
Police: 200 sheep dead
in Oregon truck crash
SCIO, Ore. (AP) — Oregon State Police say
about 200 sheep are dead after the rollover crash
of a livestock trailer that was hauling more than
300 of the animals.
Lt. Gregg Hastings says most of the dead
sheep were killed in the Friday morning crash
on Highway 226 near Scio, south of Salem.
Other injured animals were euthanized at the
direction of the sheep’s owner.
Hastings says the driver may have had a
medical problem that caused the truck and
trailer to leave the road and roll onto its side.
The driver was taken to a hospital with non-lifethreatening injuries.
Firefighters, police and passers-by helped
remove sheep from the trailer. Veterinarians
from Oregon State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine also headed to the scene.
Official reports moderate 6.0
earthquake rocks Pakistan
ISLAMABAD (AP) — An official says
a moderate earthquake has struck northwest
Pakistan, causing panic in towns and cities, but
there are no immediate reports of casualties or
damage. Mohammad Riaz, a senior scientist at
the Pakistan Meteorological Department, says
the magnitude 6.0 quake was felt in the northwestern city of Peshawar and several nearby
areas on Saturday.
He says the quake’s epicenter was located in
the Hindu Kush in neighboring Afghanistan.
Peshawar is the capital of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province bordering Afghanistan.
Pakistan is often hit by earthquakes. In September 2013, a magnitude-7.7 quake struck the
Baluchistan province, killing at least 376 people
and creating a new island in the Arabian Sea.
Prison for ex-paralegal
who secretly settled cases
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A former California paralegal who admitted stealing $327,000
from her law firm and its clients by secretly settling their cases and pocketing their funds has
been sentenced to two years and three months
in federal prison.
The San Francisco Chronicle reports
42-year-old Ana Lissa Reyes was also ordered
Thursday to reimburse her victims and pay an
additional $67,448 to the Internal Revenue Service for tax evasion.
Reyes worked for 17 years as a secretary,
office manager and paralegal for attorney Brian
Ching, who had offices in Alameda and Union
Prosecutors say Reyes contacted defendants
who had been sued by Ching’s clients, claimed
to be acting for the firm in negotiating settlements, and kept the money.
She pleaded guilty in April to mail fraud and
tax evasion.
(Continued on page 14)
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Page 14
samoa news, Saturday, June 14, 2014
Job Opportunity
CSL CARGO SERVICES is looking for
a COMMERCIAL DRIVER to join their
exciting, fast growing business. The person
we are seeking must possess a valid
commercial drivers license, a clean abstract.
Must also be computer literate. Please stop
by our office in Petesa next to Tutuila Store,
to fill out an application or send a resume to
[email protected].
NOTICE is hereby given that LEVU T. SOLAITA of NUUULI, American Samoa, has executed a
LEASE AGREEMENT to a certain parcel of land commonly known as TAUESE which is situated in
the village of NUUULI, in the County of ITUAU, EASTERN District, Island of Tutuila, American
Samoa. Said LEASE AGREEMENT is now on file with the Territorial Registrar to be forwarded to
the Governor respecting his approval or disapproval thereof according to the laws of American
Samoa. Said instrument names STEWARD SOLAITA & LISE SOLAITA as LESSEES.
Any person who wish, may file his objection in writing with the Secretary of the Land
Commission before the 7TH day of JULY, 2014. It should be noted that any objection must
clearly state the grounds therefor.
MAY 6, 2014 thru JULY 7, 2014
Taito S.B. White, Territorial Registrar
O LE FA’ASALALAUGA lenei ua faia ona o LEVU T. SOLAITA ole nu’u o NUUULI, Amerika
Samoa, ua ia faia se FEAGAIGA LISI, i se fanua ua lauiloa o TAUESE, e i le nu’u o NUUULI i le
itumalo o ITUAU, Falelima i SASA’E ole Motu o TUTUILA Amerika Samoa. O lea FEAGAIGA LISI
ua i ai nei i teuga pepa ale Resitara o Amerika Samoa e fia auina atu ile Kovana Sili mo sana
fa’amaoniga e tusa ai ma le Tulafono a Amerika Samoa. O lea mata’upu o lo’o ta’ua ai
A iai se tasi e fia fa’atu’i’ese i lea mata’upu, ia fa’aulufaleina mai sa na fa’atu’iesega tusitusia
ile Failautusi o lea Komisi ae le’i o’o ile aso 7 o IULAI, 2014. Ia manatua, o fa’atu’iesega uma
lava ia tusitusia manino mai ala uma e fa’atu’iese ai.
05/14 & 06/14/14
In The High Court
of American Samoa
FDA/JR No. 10-14
TO: MR. PELENATISO (unknown last name)
Magiagi Village
Upolu, Samoa
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the abovenamed respondent that a petition has been
filed before the High Court of American
Samoa to terminate your parental rights in a
female child born on February 9, 2014 at
LBJ Tropical Medical Center, Fagaalu,
American Samoa. A hearing will be held
after two months and ten days from the date
of the first publication of this notice, in
which the Court may enter an order that you
have not acquired any parental rights to the
minor child and place the child for adoption.
If you have any objection, or wish to claim
or assert your parental rights, you must
appear within two months and ten days
from the dat eof the first publication of this
notice and file an objection or a claim with
the Court.
ua ta’ua i luga, ua iai le talosaga ua failaina i
le Fa’amasinoga Maualuga o Amerika
Samoa e iloilo ai ou aia fa’a-matua i se
teineitiiti na fana o ia i le aso 9 o Fepuari,
2014, i le Falemai i Faga’alu, Amerika
Samoa. O lea iloiloga e faia pe a tuana’i le
lua masina ma aso e sefulu mai le aso o le
ulua’i fa’asalalauga o lenei fa’aaliga, ma e
ono tuuina atu ai se poloaiga a le
Faamasinoga e faailoa ai ua leai ni ou aia
fa’a-matua i lea teineitiiti. Afai e te tete’e, pe
e te finagalo e faamaonia ou aia faa-matua,
ia e failaina se talosaga tete’e i le
Fa’amasinoga i totonu o le lua masina ma
aso e sefulu mai le ulua’i faasalalauga o
lenei fa’aaliga.
Dated/Aso: April 05, 2014
Clerk ofC ourts
Published 5/14 & 6/14
In The High Court
of American Samoa
HCCA No.: 53-14
In the matter of the Petition of
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a Petition has been
filed in the High Court of American Samoa,
Territory of American Samoa, by MARIETA
LILI’A, of Pago Pago, American Samoa, born
October 4, 1991 at LBJ Tropical Medical Center
in Faga’alu, American Samoa. Petitioner is
requesting the Court to approve a change of
her legal name to MARIETA MULIPOLA.
A hearing on the Petition will be held on July
10, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. or as soon thereafter as
counsel may be heard, before the Trial Division
of the High Court of American Samoa, at the
High Court building in Fagatogo, American
Samoa. All interested parties may appear
before the Court on said date and time to
respond to this Petition.
Dated: June 10, 2014
Clerk of Courts
Published 6/14/14
Leone High School principal Peni Itula Te’o (far left) poses with some of his staff following the
Lions Class of 2014 commencement exercise yesterday at the Kanana Fou gymnasium.
[photo: B. Chen]
(See full story and photos in Monday’s issue of Samoa News).
San Bernardino teen-ager
allegedly killed by brother
VICTORVILLE, Calif. (AP) — Authorities say a 19-year-old man in San Bernardino
County turned himself in to face allegations of
killing his 17-year-old sister.
The Sheriff’s Department says Raymond
Bahena of Victorville shot his younger sister
Gloria Guzman on Wednesday afternoon.
Department spokeswoman Jodi Miller
tells the Los Angeles Times that the siblings
were visiting a home in Victorville when they
became embroiled in a fight. As the fight intensified, Bahena allegedly shot his sister.
Guzman was taken to a local hospital, where
she was later pronounced dead. An unidentified
man at the home was also taken to a local hospital with a minor injury.
Detectives are still investigating the shooting
and trying to talk to additional witnesses.
Man held in sex offender
killing seeks quick trial
CULLMAN, Ala. (AP) — An Alabama
father is seeking a speedy trial on charges he
killed the man convicted of sexually abusing
his daughter.
Defense lawyer Tommy Drake filed the
request in Cullman County Circuit Court on
Friday. Drake says a hearing is set for Tuesday.
Registered sex offender Raymond Earl
Brooks was shot to death Sunday at his home
near Cullman. Brooks had pleaded guilty to
sexually abusing the suspect’s daughter in 2002
when she was in elementary school.
Authorities say the suspect has also been
charged in an earlier shooting outside of a store
involving his stepdaughter’s boyfriend. No one
was hurt, and police haven’t released a motive.
The Associated Press doesn’t identify victims in sex crimes, and it isn’t naming the suspect to protect the identity of his daughter.
German journalists launch
crowd-funded magazine
BERLIN (AP) — A group of German investigative reporters have succeeded in raising
enough money through crowd funding to
launch a new online magazine. The project hit
its target of 900,000 euros ($1.2 million) after
one month, shortly before the deadline Friday.
The 28 journalists behind the project, called
Krautreporter, claim tabloid-style journalism is
creeping into serious online publications and
say “many media are more interested in clicks
than stories.”
Supporters, who each pledged 60 euros, will
receive at least four in-depth, ad-free articles a
day for a year and event invitations.
The model follows similar projects in the
United States and the Netherlands. Germany’s
media industry has come under heavy economic pressure from falling revenues and the
rise of free online publications in recent years,
leading to several closures.
Continued from page 13
Thailand’s junta lifts curfew throughout country
BANGKOK (AP) — Thailand’s military
government announced that it has fully lifted
a nationwide curfew it imposed after seizing
power last month, saying there is no threat of
violence and that tourism needs to be revived.
Political protests and criticism of the coup,
however, remain banned by the junta, which
said a return to elected civilian rule cannot be
expected for at least 15 months.
The curfew had earlier been reduced to four
hours from seven hours, and had been lifted in
several resort areas popular with tourists after
complaints from the tourism industry over the
financial damage it was causing. “The overall
situation in other areas of the country has been
resolved and there is no tendency toward possible violence. Therefore, in order to relieve
and mitigate the impact on people’s daily lives,
and to boost tourism by Thais and foreigners,
the curfew order is being canceled in the rest of
the country,” the junta said in a statement issued
Friday night over all domestic TV stations.
anaheim Janitor accused of
secretly recording women
ANAHEIM, Calif. (AP) — Authorities say
a janitor for a contract cleaning company has
been arrested on suspicion of secretly recording
women in a restroom at Anaheim City Hall.
Police Lt. Bob Dunn said Thursday that
24-year-old Simon Carbajal Rosales was taken
into custody May 23, just hours after a digital
camera was discovered in the restroom by a city
employee. Dunn says Rosales was arrested for
suspicion of disorderly conduct as well as possession of, and being under the influence of, a
controlled substance.
Rosales had worked at City Hall for two
years as an employee of an outside contractor.
Man sentenced in fatal
hit-and-run crash
CARMICHAEL, Calif. (AP) — A Sacramento County judge has sentenced a man to 25
years to life in prison in connection with a hitand-run crash in Northern California that killed
another man and four dogs. The Sacramento Bee
reports that Judge Patrick Marlette handed down
the sentence against Paul Walden on Friday.
Authorities say Walden was traveling around
70 mph when he went through a stop sign and
struck 21-year-old Harison Long-Randall,
Long-Randall’s girlfriend, Gemily West, and
West’s four dogs on a street in Carmichael in
2012. The collision tore off Long-Randall’s leg.
He died 13 days later.
West suffered a broken leg.
Walden, who had three previous DUI convictions, testified that he fell asleep at the wheel.
Prosecutors said he may have been on heroin.
He was convicted last month of seconddegree murder and other charges.
(Continued on page 15)
Continued from page 14
Fire crews burn
house teetering
on a Texas cliff
WHITNEY, Texas (AP) —
Charred debris from a luxury
cliff-side home fell 75 feet into
a lake below on Friday after
fire crews set the $700,000
retreat ablaze rather than wait
for it to crumble into the water
as the land faltered around it.
It took less than an hour for
the fire to level the home above
Lake Whitney, about 60 miles
south of Fort Worth. Flames
consumed exterior walls after
crews spread bales of hay and
fuel to ignite flames throughout
the expansive home.
The ground around the
home cracked and became
unstable in recent months.
Then a few days ago, part of
the land gave way beneath
the 4,000-square-foot home,
leaving pieces of the house
dangling off the side of a cliff.
Authorities condemned the
home and the owners, Robert
and Denise Webb, consented
to Friday’s burn.
Spectators in dozens of
boats witnessed the demolition
from a safe distance.
Live television coverage
shared the view of the spiraling
black smoke coming from the
gated resort community.
The Webbs purchased the
home in 2012, but a few weeks
ago were forced to remove
their personal items and
They expressed shock and
sadness at losing their lake
Geologists and inspectors
had told them before they purchased the land that the property was perfectly stable, “and
so we bought it in good faith,”
Webb said.
The house, built in 2007,
was to have been left to his
grandchildren, he said.
two men charged
following L.A.
County standoff
— Two men arrested following an armed standoff in
a Los Angeles suburb have
been charged with attempted
The Los Angeles Times
reports 37-year-old Jason
Devore of La Habra and
19-year-old George Contreras
of Los Angeles were charged
The felony criminal complaint includes a special allegation that Devore discharged
a firearm in the commission of
the crime.
The men were arrested
Tuesday night, hours after
Devore, allegedly armed with
a rifle and wearing a bulletproof vest, barricaded himself
after officers tried to arrest
him. Contreras was also inside
the mobile home in the Norwalk area.
Authorities had been investigating Devore for a series of
robberies in the Pomona area.
About 30 homes were evacuated during the standoff and
several shots were fired at law
enforcement personnel.
Custody dispute
allegedly behind
Bay Area slaying
SAN PABLO, Calif. (AP)
— Prosecutors say a San Francisco Bay Area woman shot
and killed the father of her children over a custody dispute.
Alicia Ortez was scheduled
to be arraigned on Friday on
charges of murder and child
abduction in connection with
the slaying of 43-year-old
Oscar Anguiano.
Anguiano was found dead in
the backyard of his San Pablo
home on Monday. Authorities
issued an Amber Alert after the
children — ages 2, 6 and 12 —
couldn’t be located.
They were later found safe
with the 35-year-old Ortez and
a male companion, who has
also been charged with murder
and child abduction.
Prosecutors tell the Contra
Costa Times Anguianao had
recently been awarded custody of the children. Ortez had
allegedly threatened to kill him
if she didn’t win custody.
‘Twilight’ impostor
is being accused
of touching girl
— A man accused of inappropriately touching two
teenage girls while posing as
an actor from the “Twilight”
movie series was allowed to
meet with students at an Iowa
middle school and was confronted but not arrested after
the first alleged incident, one
of his accusers says.
The girl and her mother told
The Des Moines Register that
David LaVera, of San Diego,
enticed the girl to a Newton
park on June 3 and touched her
Tuesday after police say he
inappropriately touched a different girl and drove off with
her in Baxter.
The girl was found
unharmed. LaVera is charged
with enticing a minor and with
carrying weapons.
Court records don’t list the
name of an attorney.
The mother of the first girl
who was allegedly touched
said LaVera wasn’t arrested
after she reported the inci-
samoa news, Saturday, June 14, 2014 Page 15
dent. She said an officer from
Newton found LaVera at a bar
later that evening and told him
that if he attempted to entice a
girl again, police would arrest
him. The Associated Press
does not typically name victims of sex crimes.
Oregon marijuana
initiative nears
signature target
SALEM, Ore. (AP) — An
initiative that would legalize
recreational marijuana use in
Oregon could soon qualify for
the November ballot. It needs a
total of 87,213 valid signatures
by July 3. As of Thursday, supporters had submitted more
than 83,500 signatures to the
Secretary of State’s Office.
The group New Approach
Oregon is behind the initiative,
which would legalize recreational pot for those older than
21 and would give the Oregon
Liquor Control Commission
the job of regulating marijuana
like it does alcohol.
According to campaign
finance records, New Approach
has spent more than $620,000
on its campaign so far this year.
Its backers include some of the
deep-pocketed interests that
helped fund successful 2012
legalization drives in Washington state and Colorado.
Obamas kick off
long weekend
in California
(AP) — President Barack
Obama is spending a long
Father’s Day weekend in
the California desert oasis of
Rancho Mirage.
The president and first lady
arrived at the Palm Springs airport Friday night after visiting
an Indian reservation earlier in
the day.
They are staying with White
House decorator Michael
Smith and his partner, U.S.
Ambassador to Spain James
Costos, at their vacation home.
Obama plans to take a short
flight to Orange County on
Saturday to raise money for
the Democratic National Committee at a closed-door event
at a private home. Then he’s
scheduled to deliver the commencement address at the University of California, Irvine.
Aides also say he’ll be in frequent contact with his national
security team for updates on
the violence in Iraq.
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Page 16
samoa news, Saturday, June 14, 2014
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Le afioga i le ali’i Komesina o Leoleo ia William E. Haleck ma le tofa a Leseiau Laumoli i se la
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Tafuna, Next to ASPA.
Tele suiga tetele tutupu Ofisa
Leoleo talu ona alu ese Laumoli
tusia Ausage Fausia
Eatwell Chunk
Tuna in Oil
E tele suiga tetele ua maitauina i le lotoifale o
le Matagaluega o Leoleo, talu ona fa’amavae ese
le tofa a Leseiau Laumoli mai le tulaga o le Sui
Komesina, e pei ona fa’amaonia mai e le afioga i
le ali’i komesina o Leoleo i se fa’atalatalanoaga
ma le Samoa News i le vaiaso nei.
I le tuana’i ai o tausaga e 29 o lana tautua mo
le Matagaluega o Leoleo, na fa’amavae ai loa le
tofa Leseiau mai le tofiga o le sui komesina i le
masina o Aperila na te’a nei, ae talu mai le taimi
na ia tuua ai le nofoa seia o o mai i le taimi nei,
ua tele suiga ua maitauina e le ali’i komesina i le
fa’atinoina o galuega fa’atino a le matagaluega,
e pei o le leai lea o se lagolago o lo o tu’uina atu
i suiga fou ua faia i totonu o le matagaluega i le
taimi nei.
“Talu mai lava le taimi na tuua ai e Laumoli
le nofoa, ua matua fa’aletonu mea uma, ua ou
iloaina le tulaga lena, ou te iloa o tagata ia ua
tofia e sui tulaga ia te ia i le taimi nei, e foliga
mai ua leai se fa’aaloalo ma se lagolago a le
ofisa o ave i ai, ou te le iloaina se mafua’aga pe
aisea”, o le saunoaga lea a Haleck.
O le afioga ia Save Liuato Tuitele lea ua tofia
nei e le ali’i kovana e avea ma sui komesina
le tumau, e fa’atalitali ai se tasi na te nofoia le
nofoa i se taimi o i luma.
O le tagata e agava’a i le tulaga o le sui komesina e pei ona talitonu i ai Haleck, o se tagata lea
e malamalama i auala uma e fa’atino ai galuega
a leoleo i aso ta’itasi.
“O le tofiga o le komesina ma isi fo’i tofiga o
lo o tofia e le kovana, o tagata ia e o mai ma toe
o, ae o le tagata e autu i ai le ata ma le galuega,
o le sui komesina, o le mafua’aga fo’i lena na
ou iloa ai le fa’aaloalogia ma le lagolagoina e
le matagaluega ma leoleo uma o Laumoli a o ia
nofoia le nofoa, ona ua tele tausaga o lana tautua
ma ua masani fo’i i auala e fa’atino ai le galuega”, o le isi lea saunoaga a Haleck.
E le i musu le ali’i komesina e natia ona
lagona e fa’atatau i le nofoa o le sui komesina, ae
sa ia fa’ailoa i le Samoa News e fa’apea, “afai e
tofia Save e avea ma sui komesina, ailoga e nofo
lelei i lagona o leoleo ua tele tausaga o tautua i
le matagaluega, lona uiga o le a fa’apea lo latou
manatu, o latou ua le agava’a i le galuega fua i
le tofia mai i fafo o se tasi na te nofoia le nofoa”,
o le isi lea saunoaga a Haleck.
Ina ua fesiligia le ali’i komesina pe ua ia
maua le ripoti a Save e tusa ai o lana su’esu’ega
i tulaga o lo o i ai le Matagaluega o Leoleo, na
tali Haleck, “ou te le i mauaina se kopi o lana
ripoti, ou te le o iloa fo’i po o a ni ana fautuaga
o i ai e fa’atatau i lana su’esu’ega sa faia”, o le
saunoaga lea a Haleck.
Na taua fo’i e Haleck e fa’apea, na te le iloaina
se mafua’aga ua ala ai ona faia e Save fa’aiuga
uma e pei ona ia faia mo le Ofisa o Leoleo,
na te le o iloa fo’i po o i ai se isi manaoga o
mana’omia e Leoleo ua mafua ai ona tofia o ia
na te tauaveina lea tulaga.
“E tele tausaga o taumafai mai pea lenei
matagaluega, mavae atu lea komesina ae aga’i
mai lea komesina, o lea fo’i ou te taumafai a’u ia
e fa’atulaga ia lelei ni isi o vaega mo le matagaluega, a o lea ua oso fa’afuase’i mai ana fa’aiuga
fa’apenei”, o Haleck lea.
Ina ua fesiligia le tulaga o Fuega Saite
Moliga talu ona tofia o ia e le kovana e galue mo
le matagaluega o Leoleo, na vaaia fofoga fiafia
o le alii komesina ma ia taua lona fa’afetaia o
le susuga a Fuega, i le tele o lona sao ma lana
fesoasoani ia te ia i le fa’atinoina o le galuega.
Na fa’aigoa e Haleck ia Fuega o se tagata na
te fa’ataunu’uina manaoga mo ia i le galuega, e
pei o le alu lea e asiasi i lala eseese o le ofisa o
leoleo i Leone, Tafuna, po o le alu fo’i e siaki
le vaega a le OMV po o le Fuimu, ma vaai po o
tulaga lelei le faatinoina o galuega a tagata uma
ma leoleo, ae po o i ai fo’i se manaoga taua o lo
o i ai e tatau ona talanoaina ma foia.
“O le isi itu lelei o Fuega i le taimi nei, o le
i ai lea o taimi la te talatalanoa ai fa’a le uso ai
ma le ali’i kovana, ma ia fa’ailoa i ai a’u galuega
o lo o fa’atinoina i totonu o le ofisa, tusa lava
la po o a ni ripoti ma ni tala a tagata e la’u i le
kovana e fa’apea o a’u lea ou te taumafai e fai
ni suiga le lelei i totonu o le ofisa, o le mea sili
o lo o molimau Fuega i a’u galuega o lo o fai, o
ia fo’i na te fa’ailoa i le kovana mea moni o lo o
tutupu”, o le isi lea saunoaga a Haleck.
A o le i tuua e Save le atunuu mo sana malaga
i fafo i le vaiaso na te’a nei, e le gata sa ia faia ni
isi o suiga i galuega a leoleo, ae ua ia poloaina fo’i
le faia o se ripoti ina ia mafai ai ona iloa tonu le
aofa’i o mea molimau o lo o i totonu o le potu e
taofia ai mea molimau a le malo i le ofisa o leoleo.
O isi fa’aiuga sa faia e Save e aofia ai lona
fa’atonuina o se suesuega fa’asaga i le mataupu
o lo o tu’uaia ai ni ali’i leoleo se to’afa, i lo latou
faia lea o ni gaioiga na o o ai manu’a i le tino o se
ali’i e a’afia i le gasegase o le mafaufau, i le mae’a
ai lea ona faia e lea ali’i o ni gaioiga e ono lepeti ai
le saogalemu ma le nonofo lelei o tagata lautele i
luga o le ala tele i le masina o Me na te’a nei.
Saunoa Haleck e fa’apea, na te le iloa pe
aisea ua fa’atonu ai fua le Ofisa o le Loia Sili mo
le faia o se suesuega i lea mataupu, a o lea lava
e i ai vaega fa’apitoa a le ofisa o leoleo ua i ai le
agava’a e fa’atautaia ai su’esu’ega fa’apea.
Ona o le suesuega lea ua faatautaia nei e le
ofisa o le loia sili fa’asaga i lenei mataupu, ua
taofia ai loa le faia o se suesuega fa’alotoifale a
le ofisa o leoleo e pei ona taua e le alii komesina,
ae o lona fa’anaunauga o lo o i ai, talosia ia leai
se isi o ali’i leoleo o lo o tu’uaia i lenei mataupu
e a’afia o latou igoa.
Feso’ota’i mai i le tusitala ia
[email protected]