Fuafua e le DBAS suiga o le latou tagi fa’asaga ia Nua PAGO PAGO, AMERICAN SAMOA Manu’a chief predicts kick off 2 for new airline Taualuga vaiaso Mosooi ta’amilosaga 4 lakapi ta’ito’a 7 B1 Saturday, October 25, 2014 $1.00 ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ C M Y K Fa’asea aufai fa’atoaga ave uma Asia tupe ‘School Lunch’ tusia Ausage Fausia Se vaaiga i ni isi o le aufai fa’atoaga sa auai i le fonotaga sa valaauina i le va o le aufai fa’atoaga ma ta’ita’i o le atunu’u, e aofia ai le ali’i kovana ia Lolo Matalasi Moliga, lutena kovana ia Lemanu [ata: AF] Peleti Mauga ma sui o le kapeneta. Immigration hearings for corporate sponsorships expected to resume Wed by Joyetter Feagaimaali’i-Luamanu , Samoa News Reporter C M Y K Attorney General Talauega Eleasalo Ale believes the Immigration Board is prepared to move forward with business applications for sponsorship of foreigners after he clarified to board members the status of proposed legislation that was considered during the Fono’s recent special session. He was responding to Samoa News queries after members of the business community voiced their frustration when this week’s Immigration hearing for businesses was abruptly cancelled. “The Board had concerns about this (the status of the bill) and about the issuance of special provision permits, and felt it necessary to stop the hearings so they could consult with me before proceeding.” A special provision permit is a class of immigration status issued to foreign workers when the skills they possess are not available for hire from a U.S. national or citizen. The AG apologized to the public for any inconvenience this may have caused, however, he told Samoa News it is critical that the Board is able to operate and render decisions based on the law. “I believe these issues have now been clarified and the board is prepared to move forward,” he said. He said the proposed legislation to restrict corporate sponsorship of aliens did not become law during the special session. “However, as a standard policy, we scrutinize in detail every attempt by a corporate entity to sponsor aliens to enter American Samoa.” He said this is the same policy with respect to special provision applications. “Moving forward, all special provision applications and applications for corporate sponsorship will be reviewed by the Attorney General’s Office before they are submitted to the Board.” Samoa News notes it is currently the Chief Immigration Officer that reviews all special provision applications and applications for corporate sponsorship prior to handing it over to the immigration board for their review and approval. An Immigration officer who is not authorized to speak to the media said the hearings would resume on Wednesday at the usual time. See last Saturday’s issue for details of the bill that was automatically rejected after senators did not act on it before the special session ended. Buckle up & CRASHES Save a Life! LOCAL HIGHWAYS 01-01-14 to date 591 O se tasi o fa’asea na tu’uina atu e ni isi o le aufai fa’atoaga i le fonotaga sa faia ma le afioga i le ali’i kovana ia Lolo Matalasi Moliga ananafi, o le mataupu i lo latou fia malamalama pe aisea e ave uma ai e fai fa’atoaga mai Asia tupe o le polokalame a le ‘School Lunch’ a le Ofisa o Aoga, ae na o le matamata fua o nai fai fa’atoaga a le atunu’u e le tetele ni a latou siaki tupe e maua. O se sui mai le aufai fa’atoaga a le atunu’u, le afioga a Galumalemana Bill Satele, o se tasi fo’i sa avea ma faipule i le maota o sui i tausaga ua mavae sa ia lagaina lenei mataupu a o fa’afofoga le kovana, le afioga i le lutena kovana ia Lemanu Peleti Mauga, fa’apea sui o le kapeneta a le alii kovana. Na taua e Galumalemana e fa’apea, e foliga mai e sili atu ma le afa o le paketi a le polokalame o le ‘School Lunch’ o lo o alu lea i tagata fai fa’atoaga mai Asia, lea e aofia ai Saina, ae le to’atele i latou, ma le anoanoa’i o tagata fai fa’atoaga i Amerika Samoa ae le tele se vaega tupe mai le polokalame o lo o alu i ai. “E mafua aisea ona tupu lea tulaga?”, o le fesili lea a Galumalemana aga’i ia Lolo ma ta’ita’i o le faigamalo sa auai i le fonotaga ma le aufai fa’atoaga na valaauina e le ali’i kovana i le taeao ananafi. “O le mea lea ua matou maitauina, a alu atu le fai fa’atoaga Saina ma ana fualaau ‘aina, e fo’i i lona aiga ma le siaki tupe e ova i le $1,000, ae a o atu tagata fai fa’atoaga a Amerika Samoa latou te le maua nei fa’amanuiga tetele, o le fesili, aisea e le maua ai e le aufai fa’atoaga a le atunu’u nei fa’amanuiaga tau tupe?”, o le fesili lea a Galumalemana na fa’alogoina ai le tali e o ni isi o le aufai fa’atoaga sa i ai i le fonotaga, pe’ita’i sa fa’afofoga ma le toto’a le ali’i kovana i le taua o le mataupu, ma ia fa’atonu ai loa le Fa’atonusili o le Ofisa o Fa’atoaga a le malo e tali i le fesili. “O le tali o le fa’afitauli e pei ona fesiligia e le sui, o tatou lava le mafua’aga e ala ai ona tele le siaki a le Asia ae laititi le siaki a le Amerika Samoa, aua fo’i ua lisi e le Amerika Samoa lona fanua i le fai fa’atoaga mai Asia e galue ai, ae alu le tagata Amerika Samoa ua nofonofo ma fa’atalitali le taimi e maua ai le siaki a le fai fa’atoaga Asia, ona tapa lea i ai mo le tupe o le lisi o le fanua ae le o alu e galue”, o le saunoaga lea a Lealao M. Purcell. Na fa’amanino e Lealao e fa’apea, o tagata Asia uma lava o lo o fai fa’atoaga i Amerika Samoa i le taimi nei, e le i o mai i latou ma le manatu e galulue i ni fa’atoaga, ae ina ua tatala i ai e Amerika Samoa le avanoa latou te galueaina ai a latou fanua, o iina la lea ua iloa ai le tele o le eseesega o galuega e fa’atino e tagata Asia ma galuega e fa’atino e le aufai fa’atoaga a le atunuu. Saunoa Lolo e fa’apea, o le fa’afitauli e pei ona tula’i mai i le polokalame a le ‘School Lunch’ ma le aufai fa’atoaga, e le o se fa’afitauli e tatau ona ta’atia ai fa’apea, ae tatau i le malo ona saili se auala e foia ai. “O le mea moni lava e tatau ona i ai, o tupe o le polokalame a le ‘School Lunch’ e tatau ona alu i le aufai fa’atoaga a le atunu’u, ae le o le alu faapenei, e le tatau ona tupu lea tulaga”, o le saunoaga lea a Lolo ma ia fautuaina ai loa le Teutupe a le malo, Fa’atonusili o le Paketi atoa ai ma le Fa’atonusili o Aoga a le malo, ina ia galulue e saili se auala e foia ai lea fa’afitauli. Feso’ota’i mai i le tusitala ia [email protected] FATALITIES LOCAL HIGHWAYS 01-01-14 to date 2 office of highway safety Page 2 samoa news, Saturday, October 25, 2014 Court issues dismissals and Fuafua e le DBAS continuations in some law- suiga o le latou tagi suits against 1602 recipients fa’asaga ia Nua by Joyetter Feagaimaali’i-Luamanu Samoa News Reporter Several of the Development Bank of American Samoa (DBAS) civil cases came before the High Court this week involving DBAS customers who failed to comply with conditions of their section 1602 housing program contracts. Close to $5 million in federal 1602 funds is involved in these lawsuits with a total of 18 project owners taken to court by DBAS. However the number of cases has been decreased after dismissal motions were filed and accepted by the court in four of the cases last month. The suite involving Chairman of the DBAS Board, Senator Nuanuaolefeagaiga Saoluaga Nua and his wife Usu went before the court this week and attorney for DBAS, Sharron Rancort told the court that there would be amendments to the complaint in this matter based on an occupancy violation of the 1602 program rules. The apparent rules violation relates to the senator’s 1602 apartment building in Manu’a being rented to tenants who are not qualified under program rules. The other three 1602 lawsuits calendared for this week have been continued because two of the project owners did not appear while discussions are ongoing with the third. The no shows were Ripley Development Company Inc. and Arthur Ripley, and Maria Shimasaki. Ripley received $1million while Shimasaki was awarded $104,550. The DBAS case against Joe and Elinor Hollister has been continued to November 17 as the parties are continuing negotiations in this matter. DISMISSALS Rancourt says the four cases that have been dismissed came before the court on September 5 for status hearings and the bank moved to dismiss the suits against Fred Ahoia, Dennis Ahoia, Komesina and Carlena Afalava and Anthony Tuiolosega because they had completed their 1602 projects. According to the government cases, Anthony Tuiolosega, the administrator of the estate of Tagaloa Tuiolosega and Antonia Tuiolosega was awarded $105,804; Fred Sony Ahoia was awarded a grant of $211,310; DBAS employee Komesina Afalava and his wife received a grant of $167,801 and Dennis Ahoia was awarded $211,310. Another case that is likely to be dismissed is against Meko and Moana Aiumu, who received $82,603. Their attorney Fiti Sunia said his clients obtained a certificate of occupancy for their project, earlier this week. Rancourt said DBAS would conduct an inspection and if all is in order, the bank would then file a motion to dismiss this case as well. Le Ta’ita’ifono o le Komiti Fa’afoe o le Faletupe o Atina’e a Amerika Samoa (DBAS), afioga i le ali’i senatoa ia Nuanuaoletusia Ausage Fausia US Army SFC Jancey Shimasaki of Fagaalu is surrounded by Capt. Puletasi Wong-Mageo, his wife Teela and daughter Caitlyn yesterday after he re-enlisted for another three years of service. [courtesy photo] Shimasaki is a member of the local US Army recruiting team. HOO-AH! Na fa’ailoa e le loia o lo o tula’i mo le Faletupe o Atina’e a Amerika Samoa (DBAS) i luma o le fa’amasinoga maualuga i le vaiaso nei, le i ai o se fuafuaga a le faletupe i le ono toe faia lea o ni isi suiga fa’asaga i ulua’i fa’amaumauga o le tagi sa latou fa’aulu fa’asaga i le afioga i ta’ita’ifono o le Komiti o le Faletupe, le afioga i le ali’i senatoa ia Nuanuaolefeagaiga S. Nua ma lona faletua ia Usu, e tusa ai o le le tausisia o ni isi o tuutuuga i lalo o le polokalame o le ‘1602’ sa fa’amanuiaina ai i laua. O vaega na taua e le tama’ita’i loia e le o tausisia e Nua o le tulaga lea i tagata e agava’a ona nonofo i le fale sa fausia i lalo o le polokalame. E foliga mai o tagata o lo o taua lo latou fa’aaogaina o le maota o Nua i Ta’u i Manu’a, o tagata e le agava’a i lalo o le polokalame ona nonofo ai. O ni isi o tuutuuga ma aiaiga o le pokoloma o le ‘1602’ lea sa fa’amanuiaina ai le tusa ma le to’a 132 o ni isi o le atunu’u, ia tatau ona nonofo mau totogi ai tagata e vaivai ma maualalo le latou tamaoaiga. O Nua ma lona faletua o Usu na fa’amanuiaina i se vaega tupe e $351,124.80 mai le polokalame o le ‘1602’, e pei ona taua i fa’amaumauga o le tagi ua i luma nei o le fa’amasinoga na fa’aulu e le DBAS. E 19 tagi na fa’aulu e le DBAS fa’asaga i ni isi sa agava’a i lalo o le polokalame, ina ua latou le tausisia isi vaega o le polokamale, e pei o le le mae’a o le galuega i le taimi ma le aso sa fa’atulagaina e tatau ona mae’a ai. O le fa’aiuga o le tausaga e 2010 na amata tufatufa atu ai e le DBAS vaega tupe sa fa’amanuia ai i latou na agava’a ma le tuutuuga, e tatau ona mae’a a latou galuega ae le i tuana’i le aso mulimuli o Tesema 2012, ae ina ua tuana’i lea taimi e le i mae’a le tele o galuega, sa toe tuuina atu ai loa e le DBAS ni tusi ia i latou nei, e fautuaina ai le tatau lea ona fa’amae’a a latou galuega i le taimi sa fa’atulaga atu e le faletupe. Ae ina ua le tausisia e i latou le taimi lona lua sa tuuina atu, na faila ai loa e le faletupe tagi fa’asaga ia i latou nei. E tolu isi mataupu na fofogaina i luma o le faamasinoga maualuga i le taeao ananafi, ma ua toe tolopo uma ia mataupu seia aulia le aso lea ua faatulaga e fofoga ai. Fesootai mai i le tusitala [email protected] samoa news, Saturday, October 25, 2014 Page 3 Page 4 samoa news, Saturday, October 25, 2014 Manu’a chief predicts kick off for new airline by Joyetter Feagaimaali’i-Luamanu Samoa News Reporter THE BOB FRANKEN COLUMN Ebola Foolishness By Bob Franken Here’s a concept: Let’s come up with an idea that would make things worse even if it worked, which it wouldn’t. That would describe the proposal to prevent all people coming from the three West African nations devastated by Ebola -- Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia -- from entering the United States. The U.S., it seems, is also ravaged by a growing disproportionate hysteria about Ebola, and most of all by cynical politicians, largely conservatives, who are exploiting the alarm for a chance to score some points against the Democratic president in the days leading up to the election. They’re trying to capitalize on an impression that he is dithering as this killer illness threatens public safety here in the homeland. Now they’ve even been joined by some craven Dems, like North Carolina Sen. Kay Hagan, who is in a close race and has reversed her position that a travel ban would be a bad idea, folding under the pressure of her voters seeking a simple solution to their fears. As I said, it won’t work. Someone who really wants to get to the U.S. easily can exploit porous borders and huge accountability gaps in our travel system. If we actually did erect such a travel barrier, maybe we should include a blockade of Texas, since all the cases here have erupted in Dallas. And since one of the nurses who caught it subsequently flew Frontier Airlines from Dallas to Cleveland and back, perhaps we should add Ohio. For that matter, maybe we ought to ground Frontier while we’re at it, in spite of its very public sterilization of the affected plane. Was that a cheap shot? Yes, it was, I’ll admit it, but so is the calculated way that politicians are using their simple-minded scare tactics. Add to this arson the cable-news networks that are fanning the flames in their amoral pursuit of ratings, and people don’t know what to think. So they don’t. There are some things that can be done. First of all, let’s realize that as national dangers go, Ebola is very low on the list. What has so exacerbated the panic is the inept public-communications effort from our medical leaders. Each time their reflexive assurances that this is no big deal prove to be false, they end up scaring the daylights out of everyone. Barack Obama could use a little help with that himself. After critics charged him with floundering around still again, the president took decisive action: He appointed a “czar” to take decisive actions for him against Ebola. Ron Klain, his choice, is absolutely qualified to take this on, most importantly to assure a freaked-out nation. His No. 1 attribute is that he’s not a doctor. The doctors are the experts, but they have their hands full correcting various mistakes and reining in their hubris. Ron Klain has experience with a ton of that at the highest levels of government, and can finesse the politicians who are our biggest danger. (c) 2014 Bob Franken Distributed by King Features Synd., Inc. © Osini Faleatasi Inc. reserves all rights. dba Samoa News is published Monday through Saturday, except for some local and federal holidays. Please send correspondences to: OF, dba Samoa News, Box 909, Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799. Telephone at (684) 633-5599 • Fax at (684) 633-4864 Email advertisements to [email protected] Email the newsroom at [email protected] Normal business hours are Mon. thru Fri. 8am to 5pm. Permission to reproduce editorial and/or advertisements, in whole or in part, is required. Please address such requests to the Publisher at the address provided above. A Manu’a chief says that if all goes well a new airline called Tausani is in the works to fly between Manu’a and Tutuila. Responding to Samoa News questions asked after the coconut wireless signaled the planned airline, he said he and his partners plan to kick off flights in December. The chief who is the president of the new company declined to issue a formal media report until his partners had their input, but he did agree to answer our questions. Partnering with a local pilot and a Guamanian company that owns the aircraft, the chief told Samoa News that they had presented a proposal to the Port Director that has been in place for sometime now and when she didn’t reply they went directly to Governor Lolo Matalasi Moliga with their proposal. Samoa News understands the proposal that Tausani Airline president is referring to, was a proposal to lease the Segaula, however that is not possible as the lease for the Segaula has already been signed between Manu’a Airways represented by Barney Sene and the American Samoa Government. The Tausani Airline president told Samoa News yesterday their Guamanian partner for the new airline has been in the airline business for some time and they already have the requisite Federal Aviation Administration licenses for the planned service. He also pointed out that Tasani will not only service passengers but they will also offer cargo services. He said the motive behind this is to offer the Manu’a residents stable flights to and from Manu’a as options has been very limited for those in Manu’a. Earlier this month Aleki Sene Jr who spoke on behalf of Inter Island Airways dba Manu’a Airways Executive President Barney Sene told the fono a new date for inspection by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) of the Segaula is set for November 17, 2014. Earlier this year Barney told the Fono that Segaula and Manu’a Airways would be up and running by April this year, before Flag Day, however that did not happen. In July, Barney Sene told Samoa News that with all final inspections completed the airplane will be up and running in October. samoa news, Saturday, October 25, 2014 Page 5 Ia manuia lou ulua’i tausaga Angelina Tupea Oketopa 25, 2013 1 Matou te faamanuia atu i lou aso fanau lenei ua e aulia i le alofa ma le agalelei o le Atua, o le na faia oe ma Fa’aola ia te oe. Ia tumau pea le alofa o le Atua i lou olaga tuputupu a’e. Alofa’aga e le mavae; O ou matua; Tavita & Meloma Tupea Grandma Lina Tupea (Vailoatai) by B. Chen Samoa News Correspondent LOCAL ARMY RECRUITER RE-ENLISTS FOR THREE MORE YEARS Yesterday morning, Sergeant First Class (SFC) Jancey Fano Shimasaki re-enlisted to serve another three years in the United States Army. Administering the enlistment oath was Captain Puletasi WongMageo of the American Samoa Army Reserve Center. SFC Shimasaki, a Samoana High School graduate, is the son of Mitch and Terry Shimasaki of Fagaalu. To date, SFC Shimasaki has served a total of 18 years in the US Army. He is a member of the local US Army Recruiting Station based out of the 2nd floor of the Laufou Shopping Center in Nuuuli. Shimasaki is married to Teela Langkilde Shimasaki and they have three children: Brandon (who is currently serving in the US Air Force), Jordyn, and Caitlyn. CORAL SPECIES COLLECTION CONTINUES TO GROW Former Coral Reef Monitoring Ecologist for the Dept. of Marine and Wildlife Resources (DMWR) Douglas Fenner is working on a coral species collection that he hopes to one day write about, through multiple articles and publications. Fenner resigned from the DMWR last year but continues to use his passion for sea life as a motivation to collect coral species and learn more about them. Over the years, Fenner has dived in multiple sites in Tutuila, Aunu’u, and the Manu’a Islands and was part of the team that visited the Swains Island when Jean Michel Cousteau was working on his PBS documentary film “Swains Island: One of the Last Jewels of the Planet”. In response to Samoa News inquiries, Fenner explained that there are at least 250 species of coral in local waters but to date, he only has about 150 in his collection. As far as pieces, Fenner has about 700 pieces of coral in his possession. He said everything in his collection, including all the information and data, would be shared with the DMWR and the public, through publications that he hopes to put together once his collection is complete. 10TH ANNUAL TISA’S TATTOO FEST OFFICIALLY UNDERWAY The setting couldn’t have been more beautiful. Add that to good company, wonderful conversations, and palate pleasing food and you’ve got the perfect kick off for the 10th Annual Tisa’s Tattoo Festival, a four-day event being held at Tisa’s Barefoot Bar in Alega. The festivities started this past Thursday with tattoo artists coming in to register and a cocktail party that included live entertainment. Those in attendance included Ms. American Samoa 2014 Anneliesse Sword, local artist Reggie Meredith, and Master Tufuga Wilson Fitiao who was working on a malu for a female Bluesky employee. Tisa told the Samoa News that this year’s event is a celebration of the art of the pe’a, our resources, culture, land, and life. She said a total of eight local tattoo artists will be featured during the event. Food for the occasion was prepared by Chef Candyman whose fried bananas, green salad and sautéed prawns had people wanting more. Presented on a woven place mat, the plate was garnished with a fresh green banana leaf. The presentation was beautiful on its own, and the service was splendid. Complimentary Vailima beer was offered to guests courtesy of GHC Reid and judging from all the laughter, everyone had a great time. Local tattoo artist Duffy Hudson was in attendance, along with Off Da Rock Tattoo Shop owner Joseph Ioane, accompanied by his wife. Tattooing continued yesterday, in addition to a healing demonstration and workshop for new and perspective tattoo artists. Today, Ms. American Samoa will carry out the ‘ava presentation to kick off activities that include an ‘ava tasting ceremony, a fashion show, competitions for skin art, faatau pati (slap dance) and Samoan siva, and a skin art show for the malu and pe’a. Intended Publication Date(s): Saturday, October 25, 2014. Sunday, October 26, 2014. Published AS, Samoa News [S_Saturday ad_Update to Publish or Proof] 4" X 2" Produced: 4:00 PM ET, 10/23/2014 102314040019 Regal 865-925-9554 Capt. Puletasi Wong-Mageo administered the re-enlistment oath for local US Army Recruiter [courtesy photo] SFC Jancey Shimasaki yesterday. An awards ceremony for the best traditional malu and pe’a is set for 3:30 p.m. - 5 p.m. Tomorrow is the last day of the Tattoo Fest and the agenda includes more tattooing, an art show, fashion show, modern tattoo competition, and an awards ceremony for the best modern tattoos. JOHN WICK (R) Sat.(100 400) 700 930 Sun.(100 PM 400 PM) 700 PM BOOK OF LIFE (PG) Sat.(115 415) 715 930 Sun.(115 PM 415 PM) 715 PM AMERICAN SAMOA WOMEN’S BUSINESS CENTER LEARNING IS A LIFELONG ACTIVITY… Times For Saturday,October 25,2014 - Sunday,October 26,2014 The American Samoa Women’s Business Center (ASWBC) begins its next training cycle offered at no cost to women and military veterans in the Territory. SCHEDULE: Mondays & Wednesdays 9:00AM – 12:00PM Advanced Computer Literacy Mondays & Wednesdays 4:30PM – 6:30PM Business Management & Leadership Skills Course Tuesdays & Thursdays 4:30PM - 6:30PM Financial Literacy for Adults; Financial Literacy for Small Businesses COURSES ARE 8 WEEKS IN DURATION BEGINNING MONDAY, OCT 27TH - DEC 18TH, 2014 To register, please call 699-8739 from Monday October 20 th through Friday October 24 th , 2014. Register early as class sizes are limited. First come, first served. ©2 Page 6 samoa news, Saturday, October 25, 2014 Tolopo le tofiaina o se faipule mo le motu o Swains tusia Ausage Fausia O le aso Tofi o le vaiaso fou i le itula e 5:00 i le afiafi i le Ofisa Palota i Tafuna ua fa’atulaga e faia ai le filifiliga a tagata palota uma o le motu o Swains, mo le sailia o se latou sui e nofoia le nofoa o le itumalo mo le isi lua tausaga o lo o soso’o nei. O ananafi na fa’atulaga e le Komesina o Palota ia Tuaolo Manaia Fruean e fa’ataunu’u aloaia ai lea filifiliga, ae talu ai o ni isi o mafua’aga tatau e pei ona saunoa le ali’i faipule o lo o i ai nei ia Su’a Alexander Eli Jennings, o le mafua’aga lea ua toe tolopo ai lea feiloaiga. “O le isi mafua’aga o le toe tolopo o le fonotaga a tagata Swains sa fuafua e fa’ataunu’u i le aoauli nei, ona e to’atele isi tagata palota o le itumalo e le o avanoa i le vaiaso nei, ma mafua ai loa ona faia le fa’aiuga e toe tolopo mo le vaiaso fou”, o le saunoaga lea a Su’a i le Samoa News. Ae o le toe tolopo ai o lea fonotaga e pei ona taua e Su’a, o se itu lelei lea mo tagata palota uma o Swains, ina ia mafai ona latou maua le avanoa e auai i le fonotaga ma fa’aali o latou finagalo i le filifiliina o se latou sui mo le Fono Faitulafono a le atunu’u. “E taua tele le avanoa lea ua mafua ai ona toe tolopo le feiloaiga sa fuafua e faia i le taeao a taeao (taeao nei), ma ou te talitonu o le a taua manatu e fa’aalia e tagata palota o Swain e fesoasoani i se sui o le a tasi i ai le filiga i le vaiaso fou”, o le isi lea saunoaga a Su’a. O le tausaga e 2005 na amata filifilia mai ai e tagata matutua o Swains le susuga Su’a e avea ma o latou sui i le Fono Faitulafono seia o o mai lava i le taimi nei. E pei ona silafia, o le sui o Swains e le palota i totonu o le maota o sui, ae mafai ona fa’aleo sona finagalo i le taimi o felafolafoaiga a komiti po o taimi fo’i o iloiloga, aua o ia o lo o avea ma taitaifono o le Komiti o le Puipuiga o le Saogalemu Lautele a le maota o sui, atoa ai ma isi komiti o lo o avea ai o ia ma totino. Na taua e Su’a i se fa’atalatalanoaga ma le Samoa News i le lua vaiaso talu ai e fa’apea, o ni isi o mataupu o lo o ia finau pea ina ia fa’aulu i luma o le Fono Faitulafono mo Swains, o le fa’aulu lea o se suiga i le Fa’avae ina ia mafai ai ona i ai se sui o Swains i le maota maualuga, atoa ai ma lona finauina pea lea o le mataupu e fa’atatau i le tu’u atu lea o le aia e mafai ai ona palota le sui o Swains i totonu o le maota o sui, aua o le taimi nei, e le o mafai ona palota le sui o Swains. Fesootai mai i le tusitala ia [email protected] Pacific maritime operation nabs 12 fishing vessels by RNZI staff The Forum Fisheries Agency’s Pacific region annual maritime surveillance sweep of Pacific fishing waters has netted a record 12 vessels in potential breach of their fishing licenses. The vessels, nabbed by Fisheries Maritime Police from the Federated States of Micronesia, Papua New Guinea and Palau are flagged to Thailand, the Philippines and FSM. They were among 114 boardings of fishing vessels and 1,011 sightings of vessels across the exclusive economic zones of 14 Pacific nations involved in the Operation Kurukuru maritime surveillance exercise. The regional sweep, launched on Wednesday last week, ended its tenth and final day Friday. FFA Director General, James Movick, says further details on the alleged infringements are an operational matter and will be dealt with at the national level. But he thinks the findings demonstrate the level of standards and effectiveness, which FFA partners are applying in the area of maritime surveillance. He says through operations such as Kuru- kuru, Pacific nations as custodians of their oceanic resources are sending a message to anyone fishing without, or in breach of, their licenses that their watching, their activity is being recorded, and they will be caught. Kurukuru 2014 covered an area of approximately 30 million square kilometres - including the EEZs of Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, Palau, PNG, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu. Fisheries surveillance and enforcement staff from all of these countries worked together with their Quadrilateral Defence Cooperation counterparts from Australia, New Zealand, France and the United States over the two weeks of round the clock surveillance, data analysis, reporting and information sharing and, ultimately, enforcement operations. Australia’s Fisheries Management Authority, the Cook Islands Ministry of Marine Resources, and NZ’s National Maritime Coordination Centre provided analysts to aid the operation in the surveillance center while Vanuatu shipriders worked with patrol boats in Palau. Iryna, 25, an internally displaced Ukrainian who abandoned her home in Donetsk one month ago, holds her three month old baby as she waits her turn to receive donated food during a food distribution drive in central Kiev, Ukraine, Saturday, Oct. 25, 2014. Every Saturday some 800 aid packages are handed out to the poorest of the internally displaced people who settled in Kiev, after fleeing from the Donetsk and Luhansk regions in eastern Ukraine, areas under the control of pro-Russian rebels. According to the United Nations, more then 400,000 Ukrainians have fled the war torn east of the country, primarily from the cities of Donetsk and Luhansk. Some 50 percent of them have resettled in the capital Kiev, but under extremely poor condi(AP Photo/Emilio Morenatti) tions. samoa news, Saturday, October 25, 2014 Page 7 School gunman was homecoming prince, students say MARYSVILLE, Wash. (AP) — A student recently crowned freshman class homecoming prince walked into his Seattle-area high school cafeteria Friday and opened fire, killing one person and shooting four others — including two of his cousins — before turning the gun on himself, officials and witnesses said. Students said the gunman was staring at his victims as he shot them inside the cafeteria at Marysville-Pilchuck High School. The shootings set off a chaotic scene as students ran from the cafeteria and building in a frantic dash to safety, while others were told to stay put inside classrooms at the school 30 miles north of Seattle. The gunman was identified as student Jaylen Fryberg, a government official with direct knowledge of the shooting told The Associated Press. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media. Students and parents said Fryberg was a member of a prominent family from the nearby Tulalip Indian tribes and a freshman who played on the high school football team. He was introduced at a football game as a prince in the 2014 homecoming court, according to a video shot by parent Jim McGauhey. Marysville Police Commander Robb Lamoureux said the gunman died of a self-inflicted wound, but he could not provide more details. Shaylee Bass, 15, a sophomore at the school, said Fryberg had recently gotten into a fight with another boy over a girl. “He was very upset about that,” said Bass, who was stunned by the shooting. “He was not a violent person,” she said. “His family is known all around town. He was very well known. That’s what makes it so bizarre.” Three of the victims had head wounds and were in critical condition. Two unidentified young women were at Providence Everett Medical Center, and 15-year-old Andrew Fryberg was at Harborview Medical Center in Seattle, a hospital official said. Another victim, 14-year-old Nate Hatch, was listed in serious condition at Harborview, the hospital said. Family members told KIRO-TV that Andrew Fryberg and Hatch are cousins of Jaylen Fryberg. Witnesses described the shooter as methodical inside the cafeteria. Isabella MacKeige, 18, was having lunch with a friend when they suddenly heard gunshots behind them. “I heard six shots go off and I turned and saw people diving under the tables,” she told The Associated Press. “In my brain I thought ‘run!’ So I left my backpack, my phone and my purse and got out the door as fast as I could.” MacKeige and the other students in the cafeteria rushed out the door. Some students got hurt when they tripped and fell in the chaos, she said. They ran across an open field to the fence that circles the schoolyard and climbed over. She kept running until she felt safe and found a phone. “I called my mom and she said, ‘stay where you are -- I don’t want to lose you,’” MacKeige said. Brian Patrick said his daughter, a freshman, was 10 feet from the gunman when the shooting occurred. She ran from the cafeteria and immediately called her mother. Patrick said his daughter told him, “The guy walked into the cafeteria, pulled out a gun and started shooting. No arguing, no yelling.” A crowd of parents later waited in a parking lot outside a nearby church where they were reunited with their children. Patrick said after the shooting that his other daughter, a senior at the school, was “hysterical” when she called him from her classroom. “I thought, ‘God let my kids be safe,” he said. Some students described Jaylen Fryberg as a happy, popular student, but social media accounts suggested he was struggling with an unidentified problem. On Wednesday, a posting on his Twitter account read: “It won’t last ... It’ll never last.” On Monday, another tweet said: “I should have listened. ... You were right ... The whole time you were right.” Marysville-Pilchuck High School has a number of students from the Tulalip Indian tribes. Ron Iukes, a youth counselor with the tribes, said Jaylen Fryberg was from a well-known tribal family. “They’re real good people, very loving, a big part of the community,” he said. “Jaylen was one of our good kids. ... I’ve known this boy since he was a baby.” Nathan Heckendorf, a 17-year-old junior at the high school, said he saw Jaylen Fryberg on Friday morning before the shooting and there was nothing to indicate he was upset. “He looked happy,” Heckendorf said. State Sen. John McCoy, a tribal member, said the shooting devastated the tribal community. “We’re all related in one shape or form. We live and work and play together,” he said. Hundreds of people prayed and sang at a church vigil Friday night for victims and family members. The Oak Harbor high school football team, which had been set to play Marysville on Friday night, lined the front row of Grove Church in their purple jerseys. The game was canceled and Oak Harbor offered to give the win to Marysville. 29th, 29th, Page 8 samoa news, Saturday, October 25, 2014 Suluape Riccy Boy Lamositele Novera Jr. (center), owner of the world famous Polynesian Tattoo Factory in Haleiwa, Hawa’ii, including a second branch that opened last month at $2 Beach in Avaio, hosted a free workshop on tattoo safety Friday at Tisa’s 10th Annual Tattoo Festival. He is pictured here with his wife and a friend. [photo: TG] C M Y K C M Y K A look at the second day of the 2014 Tisa’s Tattoo Festival in Alega yesterday afternoon. This year’s Tattoo Festival will continue on today and conclude [photo: TG] tomorrow with the showcasing of tattoos and awards ceremonies. T ALA mai brought to you by SAMOA tanoa tusitala hotel, apia, samoa Saunia: L.A.F./Naenae Productions TATALA VAALELE FOU A LE POLENISIA O le aoauli analeila na tatala aloaia ai le vaalele fou a le kamupani vaalele a le atunuu, le Polenisia i se sauniga sa faataunuuina i le malae vaalele i Fagalii, ma na faaalia ai e le alii palemia, le susuga Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi, le igoa o le a faaigoaina ai lea vaa. O le tolu ai lea o vaalele a le Polenisia ma na faaalia e le alii palemia, ua a’e se tofa i le alii minisita ma le pulega o le Polenisia, ua tatau ona faaopopo se isi vaalele ona ua fai foi si leva o vaalele e lua o lo o i ai ina nei faaletonu se vaalele ao i ai se isi vaalele e sui ai. Fai mai a ia, ua fetaui lelei foi lea vaalele ma le faatupulaia o faigamalaga i le va o Samoa ma Amerika Samoa faapea foi mai Tutuila i Manua ona o lo o faaletonu foi vaalele a le teritori. “O se tulaga le talafeagai tele se atunuu e fai ni ana vaalele ae le soo lea atunuu i faigamalaga a ana vaalele,” o a Tuilaepa lea. “E le faapea a gau ona fai ai lava lea. O le mea a atoa le to’a 20 o tagata ua fia malaga i Savaii, ona alu lea pe faatasi i le vaiaso. Ae le faapea o le a le toe alu ai lava se malaga i Savaii.” Na faaalia foi e le alii palemia, o lo o i ai fuafuaga a le malo e faatau nisi vaalele lapopoa atu se lua mai Saina. FAAVAE E MAHONRI LE RUGBY ACADEMY SAMOA E maualuga se faamoemoega o lo o i le susuga ia Mase Mahonri Schwalger, o le sa avea ma kapeteni o le Manu Samoa faapea nisi o alo lakapi o le atunuu o lo o galulue faatasi i le polokalame o le Rugby Academy Samoa, lea ua faavaeina ma le faamoemoe e atina’eina ai le faatinoina o le taaloga lakapi mo tupulaga lalovaoa o le atunuu. O lea polokalama e mo I tupulaga talavou tama i le va o le 15-18 tausaga le matutua, e aotauina i tulafono ma tomai eseese i le faatinoina o le taaloga ina ia ausia le maualuga ua vaaia I atunuu e pei o Niu Sila ma Ausetalia i le tulaga faapolofesa ua i ai nei le taaloga. O le polokalme mo le silafia, o lo o galulue faatasi ai le susuga ia Mase Mahonri Schwalger ma le susuga George Stowers o se tasi foi o sui tuai o le Manu Samoa, faapea le susuga ia Sei Robert Johnston lea o lo o faiaoga nei i le au lakapi a alii i lalo o le 20 tausaga le matutua. Na maitauina le toatele o alo ma fanau sa oo atu i le aso muamua na faagasolo ai le polokalama i malae o le Kolisi o Pesega faapea le mamalu o m atua sa autovaa atu e faaali la latou lagolago i o latou alo. O lo o sailia nisi o tama taaalo talavou e taaalo i au a nisi o aoga i Niu Sila o lo o mananao mai i ni tama taaalo mai Samoa. O i si tama taaalo ua le toe aooga o lo o latou taumafai e maua ni a latou konekarate e taaalo a ii kalapu i Niu Sila. MANU’A TUGA I SE AGAESE E 28 tausaga o se alii mai Faleaseela, Lefaga o lo o i le va o le oti ma le ola i le falemai i Motootua, ona o ni manuaga tuga mai se agaese e mafua mai i se feeseeseaiga lea na iu ina osofaia ai o ia e se i si alii i se agaese. Na lipotia atu i leoleo lea faalavelave i le vaiaso na te’a neima na faamaonia mai e le sui komesina, le afioga Misa Fotuitaua Nofoito’a Talaimanu Keti e faapea, ua motusi nisi o tamatama’ilima o lea alii ma on lo o i ai ni manua tuga i ona foliga. Na lipotia mai e faapea, o le ua aafia sa fai se latou inugapia ma nisi alii ma na iu ina tulai mai ai le feeseeseaiga ua manua tuga ai o ia. O lo o taofia nei e leoleo se alii e 44 tausaga i lenei faalavelave ma ua molia nei o ia e leoleo i moliaga o le faaoo manua tuga i se tasi, ma o lo o i ai le fuafuaga e faaulu nisi moliaga faasaga ia te ia. FAAOOLIMA I SE TAMA E 80 TAUSAGA E 33 tausaga o se alii mai Fasitoo-tai na faasala i le falepuipui mo le lua masina i le vaiaso nei ona o lona faaaogaina o se pate ta polo e faaoolima ai i se tama e 80 tausaga. E oo mai i le taimi nei o lo o faataotolia lava lea tama talu mai lea faalavelave i le aso o Iulai o le tausaga nei. Ua auina atu nei o ia i Niu Sila mo togafitiga ma o lo o i se tulaga tigaina. Na otegia e le tamaitai faamasino o Matav Tuatagaloa le alii o Sialeipata Moe i lona faaoolima i lenei tama matua. “E le taitai faatusalia lou malosi ma le malosi o le tama na e faaoolima i ai,” o a Faamasino Tuatagaloa lea. “Ana e le faasua’ava atonu e i ai se faautauta ia te oe.” O lea faalavelave na mafua ona o se feeseeseaiga a le tama ua aafia ma le uncle o le ua faasalaina. Na faaalia i faamaumauga a le Faamasinoga e faapea, sa alu atu le tama e 80 tausaga ua aafia ina ua ia faalogoina le uncle o le ua faasalaina o ia lafo ni upu masoa i luma o lona fale. Ae sa faamata’u atu le uncle ua faasalaina i le tama ua aafia i se pate ta polo. samoa news, Saturday, October 25, 2014 Page 9 E atamamai atu toe malolosi e galulue fai fa’atoaga mai Asia nai lo tatou tusia Ausage Fausia C M Y K C M Y K I le aotelega o fa’amaumauga sa mafai ona tu’uina mai e le Fa’atonusili o le Matagaluega o Aoga, i luma o le fonotaga sa valaauina e le alii kovana ma le mamalu o le aufai fa’atoaga a le atunu’u i le taeao ananafi, na manino mai ai, “e foliga mai e atamamai atu tagata fai fa’atoaga mai Asia nai lo le aufai fa’atoaga a Amerika Samoa”, e pe ona taua e le susuga a Ifopo Amituana’i, o se tama fai fa’atoaga mai Iliili. E fa’avae lea talitonuga mai le susuga a Ifopo i le ripoti sa tolaulau e le Fa’atonusili o Aoga ia Vaitinasa Dr. Salu Hunkin Finau, lea na ia taua ai le fiafia tele o tagata fai fa’atoaga mai Asia e toto ituaiga fualaau ‘aina e tigaina toe tele galuega e fai i ai, ae vave na selesele ma taugata lona tau i le polokalame a le ‘school lunch’. Mo se fa’ata’ita’iga e pei ona saunoa Vaitinasa, o le to’atele o tagata fai fa’atoaga mai Asia ua mae’a ona lesitala a latou fa’atoaga ma kiliva atu i le ‘School Lunch’, e mafuli a latou fa’aeleeleaga i fualaau ‘aina e pei kapisi, kukama, maukegi, pi, Isalaelu, o fualaau ‘aina ia e pito sili ona mana’omia e le School Lunch e kuka ai taumafa a fanau laiti, toe taugata lo latou tau, ae vave fo’i ona selesele, ae o le aufai fa’atoaga a le atunu’u, e mafuli a latou fa’atoaga i taro ma fa’i, o taumafa e tau le mana’omia i le polokalame ae maualalo fo’i le tau o lo o fa’atau ai. Mai le to’a 194 o le aufai fa’atoaga ua uma ona lesitala i totonu o Amerika Samoa ma maua laisene faipisinisi, o le to’a 40 o i latou nei o tagata fai fa’atoaga mai Asia, e pei ona fa’amaonia e Vaitinasa i se ripoti sa tu’u fa’atasia e lona Ofisa. “O le uiga o le ripoti lea ua fa’ailoa atu i le aufai fa’atoaga, ua tatau nei loa ona amata toto fualaau ‘aina e so o se fai fa’atoaga, e lelei lena e le umi lava ona toto ae selesele, nai lo le naunau e toto le talo ma le fa’i, e fetaui lava le selesele ane ae o o loa fo’i i le taimi e fa’au’u ai le fanau aoga”, o le isi lea saunoaga a Vaitinasa. I le tausaga na te’a nei, e $1.5 miliona le tupe na fa’aalu e le polokalame a le school lunch i le aufai fa’atoaga a le atunu’u e fa’atau mai ai taumafa mo le fanau aoga. “O le taimi lenei ua tatau loa i le aufai fa’atoaga ona amata toto fualaau ‘aina nei nai lo le toto o isi taumafa e umi se taimi fa’atoa selesele”, o le isi lea saunoaga a Vaitinasa. A fa’atulaga fua o fa’atoaga e pito sili ona taugata ma mana’omia e le polokalame o le school lunch, e numera tasi lava le fa’i pula; sosoo ai le esi pula; kukama; pi; maukegi ona fa’atoa soso’o ai loa lea o le talo ma le fa’i. Ni isi o le aufai fa’atoaga a le atunu’u atoa ai ma le aufai fa’atoaga mai Asia na auai i le fonotaga ma le kovana lea na faia i le potu fono a le Ofisa o Fa’atoaga [ata: AF] i le taeao ananafi i Tafuna. Fualaau ‘aina nei e le o manatu mamafa i ai ni isi o le aufai fa’atoaga e toto, ae o ituaiga fualaau ‘aina nei o lo o mafua ai ona tele tupe o le polokalame a le ‘School Lunch’ o lo o alu aga’i i fai fa’atoaga mai Asia nai lo Amerika [ata: AF] Samoa. Page 10 samoa news, Saturday, October 25, 2014 Tulimanu O KATI LE LEOLEO NANA o le fa’aolataga Toleafoa Haserota Auvaa NEPUKANESA (II) Le tupu o Papelonia e (602 B.C. - 562 B.C.) o ia lea na faatonuina le toe ave o tagata Iutaia sa tafea o le taua ma na faatonuina le susunuina o le Malumalu ma Iuta i le (587 B.C.) ma talepeina le Malo. O lona lauiloa e iloa uma e le lalolagi i na ona po ae le taua i totonu o le Tusi Paia e iloa uma le tusi a Tanielu, o lea e iloa ai nisi uiga na fai e Nepukanesa (II). Na Tupu i le Malo pito i tautaua i lena vaitaimi, lea na oo lava lona toasa i Aikupito i le Malo o Farao Neco ‘Carchemish’ ao pulea Papelonia e oo mai ia Suria-Palesetina i le (605 A.C.) Na tipotia le tele a tagata Iuta ae maise ai le ‘au ata mamai e taua (upper class) i ai Tanielu ma Esekia. O Iuta na i ai, i le vaitaimi na malo ai le Malo o Aikupito i le la taua na fai muamua ma Papelonia lea na malo ai Aikupito i le tausaga (601 B.C.) ia o le mea lena na ‘osofai ai loa Iuta i le tausaga e (597 B.C.). Le mea lena na ave faapagota uma tagata o Iutaia i lona nuu o Papelonia, ae le mafai lava le osofaiga i fai e nisi i le nofoa o le Tupu, o lea loa na faatipotia uma ai tagata Iutaia i o i Papelonia, ma susunu ai le Malumalu ma Ierusalema ae tuu ai na’o tagata matutua ma vaivai. I le 13 tausaga o tupu lava Nepukanesa (II), na maua ai le tautaua o le tupu, ma na fausia mai fale tetele, ma na faia foi se ‘togalaau i tu i luga o le ‘ea’ ‘hanging garden’. I tusi o le Ieremia ma Esekia na tautaua mai ai le vaitaimi e pule Nepukanesa (II) i le lalolagi. O le tele lava a o mea e faia e Nepakenesa i fai lava i le faali’i ma lona ita, ‘angry and furious’ pei ona taua mai i totonu o le (Tanielu 2:12, 3:13,19.) O le tupu foi lea na te talia le Atua Moni, aua le Atua Moni ma le Faamaoni, o Ia lea na usuta’i ai le Isaraelu ma Iuta, lea la fai ai le fesili poo o mafau e a ona ita le Atua? by Wilson Casey BIBLE TRIVIA 1. Is the book of Haggai in the Old or New Testament or neither? 2. What does Paul urge Christians to be of God, as found in Ephesians 5:1? Lovers, Believers, Followers, Worshippers 3. From Proverbs 3, we are not to lean on our own ...? Riches, Understanding, Friends, Pity 4. In 2 Chronicles, what godly priest had a wife named Jehosheba? Jehoiada, Felix, Demetrius, Jeremiah 5. What is the middle chapter of the Old Testament (KJV)? 2 Chronicles 3, Job 29, Psalms 34, Isaiah 41 6. On which day did God make Adam and Eve? Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth ANSWERS: 1) Old; 2) Followers; 3) Understanding; 4) Jehoiada; 5) Job 29; 6) Sixth Wilson Casey’s 2015 Daily Box Calendars make excellent holiday gifts. Order Bible Trivia Challenge, Golf Trivia or True Crime at www.Amazon.com. (c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc. E toe fa’atalofa atu i le aufaitau i le fa’aiuga o lenei vaiaso, ae alo mai loa i le toe sosooina o le tatou tala fa’asolo, lea na gata mai i le vaiaso na te’a nei i le taimi lea ua tulimata’i ai e Kati le talanoaga a lana paga tama’ita’i ma le ali’i faigaluega o le Pa Pia lea o lo o fai mai i luga o le laulau. E le i toe emo ese mata o Kati i le taimi atoa lea ina ua ia vaaia suiga nei i lana paga tama’ita’i lea o lo o talanoa mai ma le ali’i faigaluega o le Pa Pia. Na te’i le tama ina ua ia toe iloa atu ua pu’e e le ali’i lea le ata o lana paga i lana telefoni, ona ia vaaia lea ua tula’i le ali’i faigaluega ma savali aga’i atu i le pito i tua o le Pa Pia mo ni nai minute, e le i umi ae ona vaaia loa se isi ali’i se to’atasi e laei mama ua fa’ataga savali mai i luga o le vaega e oka ai mea inu, ina ua mae’a sa toe fa’ataga savali atu loa i le itu lea e saofa’i mai ai le tama’ita’i lenei ma nofo ai loa i lana laulau, ona vaaia lea e Kati o le ali’i lea ua fesili i le tama’ita’i i lona igoa, ma sa tali i ai le tamaitai, ona fesili fo’i lea o le tama’ita’i i le ali’i lea i lona igoa, ae po o ai fo’i o ia ua mafua ai ona nofo atu i ona autafa, ae na ata le ali’i ma tali atu i ai o ia o le loia. “O oe o le loia?”, o le fesili atu lea a le paga a Kati i le alii lea la te faa fesaga’i, ma ua amata nei ona fa’ato’ato’a atu lana vaai ona ua tau sau le nenefu o lana vaai ua ova lona ‘ona, “O lea lava tama’ita’i, o a’u o se loia mai le malo o Sapania, o lea ou te usufono mai i le fonotaga tele a Leoleo nana a le lalolagi lea e faia i le vaiaso fou i le laumua nei o Aferika i Saute ...” Ua amata le talanoaga a le to’alua lea ae o le taimi lea o lo o tuli mata’i uma mai e Kati gaioiga o lo o faia ina ne’i a’afia atu ai lana paga i le ali’i lea o lo o la talanoa, e le i atoa se itula talu ona talanoa le ali’i lea ma le paga a Kati ae vaaia loa ua tu i luga ma savali atu i le nofoa o lo o i tafatafa o le tamaitai ma toe nofo ai, ae pe tusa o le afa itula talu ona saofa’i le ali’i lea i tafatafa o le tama’ita’i ae vaaia loa e Kati le tutu i luga o le ali’i lea ma lana paga e foliga mai o le a savavali aga’i i se mea. E le i toe fa’atali le Leoleo nana i le taimi lea ae ua tago atu loa i lana fana o lo o fulu i luma o lona manava ua fa’alatalata mai i fafo ina ia vave ona papa’i atu i ai ona lima lapopo’a, ona fa’ataga tu lea i luga ma savali aga’i i le Bar ma toe oka mai ai isi ana ipu uaina e lua, ona savali loa lea ua saofa’i mai i le isi nofoa e fa’afesaga’i lelei lava ma le laulau lea o lo o fai mai ai gaioiga a le to’alua lea. Na manino i le vaai a Kati e foliga mai e musu le tamaitai e alu ae o lo o tauanau o ia e le ali’i o lo o la toa’alua la te o. E le i toe fa’atali Kati ae ua savali atu loa ma musumusu i le ali’i lea, “Tu’u le tama’ita’i aua e te toe pa’i i ai, e le o fia alu o ia i le mea lena e te mana’o i ai ..” na vave le fa’asaga i tua o le ali’i loia ma tau atu ai lana vaai ia Kati o lo o tu mai i ona luma ma ona foliga saua, ona ia manatu lea, o le a ia osofaia le ali’i lea ua fa’alavelave atu ia te ia. ALOFA E OO I LE OTI E toe fa’atalofa atu i le aufaitau i lenei aso, faamoemoe sa outou maua se vaiaso manuia i feau ma tiute masani, ae alo mai loa, o le toe sosooina lenei o le tatou talafaasolo lea na gata mai i le vaiaso na te’a nei i le taimi lea na feto’i fa’afuase’i ai le lauga fa’aumiumi a le tamaloa o Liko ina ua ia fa’alogo ua vevesi mai tua i le umukuka. O le fia iloa e Liko o le mea ua mafua ai ona pisa mai lana fanau i tua i le umukuka na vave ai ona tu i luga ma savali loa i fafo ma le fale, ae o le taimi lea o lo o tau fa’a valavala mai le lauga a si olomatua, le tina o Tania. O le te’i tele o Liko i le vaaiga lea ua ia iloa atu na mafua ai ona alaga leotele atu i lana fanau e tau fetuli ese ma le sapelu, ae vaaia loa le tamaloa o Veli ma le agaese e tau fai maai uma itu e lua ua tamo’e mai ma ia ma sasau solo, pei lava o le la e sasa vao povi i lana gaioiga o lo o fai, ma muamua ai lava taia le atali’i matua o Liko i le agaese, o le ali’i fo’i lea na fiu lava si olomatua, le tina o Taina e tau fa’ato’ato’a atu i le taimi na fa’atoa taunu’u atu ai ma lona tama ae ua atili ai le malomaloa i luga ma folafola lona lima e le lavea i se tasi, ae na matua fa’ateia le olomatua ina ua ia vaaia le palasi ifo i lalo o le atali’i matua lea o Liko ma alaga i le fia ola, a o tu Veli ma le pelu i lona lima, ua matua iila le tino o le fai ‘ava mai Savai’i i le ita ona o tu’uaiga sese ua latou faia fai mai o ia lea na gaoia le latou ma’umaga ma fa’aleaga le toga ta’amu a le latou aiga. “ ...Veli! Veli! Veli ea”, o le tauvalaau atu lea a le olomatua i le to’alua o lana tama ma savali atu lava i ai, ae o Liko ma le isi vaega o lana fanau, ua na o le laulaututu ua leai ma se isi toe gagana i le taimi lea, ina ua fa’ateia i latou i le vaaiga mata’utia lea ua latou vaaia mai le tamaloa o Veli. “Aisea ua oukou faia ai gei fa’amakalaga makaga e fa’aleaga ai a’u ma le aiga o lo’u ko’alua, kou ke iloa e o o lava i pili ma mo’o ua kalagoa ai i le maka’ukia o kala ua oukou faia, afai kou ke fia iloa le kagaka ga fa’aleagaiga la oukou ma’umaga, o e saili i le ofisa o leoleo kou ke maua ai, ae le o le fa’alele solo o gei mau kala le mogi”, e fai lava tala a le tamaloa o Veli ma toe sasau lana ta i le lau o le sapelu i le papatua o le atali’i o Liko lea e ta’atia i lalo ma oi i le tauau ua lavea uma i le agaese, ona tu lea ma tusi lona lima i le tamaloa o Liko, “O le a le mea ua oukou soli mai ai le fagua, se’i vaai isi gei olomakua makua ma laga fagau ga o keige ma kamaiki laiki, ae se’i fa’auka i le aukau ga e sau ma aumai, afai e kele lou faku, savali mai loa la i le kaimi legei”, e fai lava tala ia a Veli, ma togi ese le agaese o lo o uu i lona lima, ae ua savali aga’i sa’o atu nei i le tuli manu o le umukuka lea e tu mai ai le tamaloa o Liko, ae na te’i le tamaloa o Veli e le i latalata atu ae tatagi loa ma tulivae o Liko i luga o le paepae ma’a ma fa’apea ana upu, “Veli lo’u uso, fa’agamalo mai Liko ma laga fagau ..” Tala i Vavau o Samoa UA FOLA VALE LAU TA’AMU O AOPO O le isi lenei Vavau a le atunu’u e le gata na mafua mai ai ni isi o muagagana fa’aalaga’upu mai le amataga, ae o le tulaga malie fo’i o lona fa’amatalaina. Fai mai le mau a tagata A’opo i Savai’i, o le Sau’ai lenei o Fa’aufilau’ulu, e tele lava ina nofo i luga o le sami, ia po o le isi fo’i ona igoa sa fa’aigoa ai i aso ua mavae, o le pupu, e pei o le pupu o lo o i le nu’u o Taga. O le mau la a tagata A’opo e fa’apea, o le Pupu lenei, sa masani ona pipisi ina a’e le suavai magalo mai le manava o le ‘ele’ele, ma o le suavai lea sa fa’aaoga e tagata A’opo e fai ai a latou taumafa i aso ua mavae, ona o le nu’u e naumati i le suavai. A o’o la i le po, ona o mai lea o tagata A’opo ua ta mai lau ta’amu, ua fola fa’ata’amilomilo i le gutu o le Pupu, ina ia mafai ona tali tali ai le suavai lea e pipisi mai e le Pupu i le po, ma, a o’o lava i le taeao, ona o mai lea o tagata ua ao atu suavai ia na maua i le po, ma ‘ave ua fa’aaoga e fai ai mea’ai. Ae fai mai le mau a le nu’u, o se tasi taeao, na aga’i atu ai tagata o le nu’u e asi a latou lau ta’amu ia sa fola fa’ataamilomilo i le ‘augutu o le Pupu, pe o i ai ni suavai, ae asi atu, e leai ma se suavai o to’a mai ai, talu ai se mea mata’utia sa tupu i le po, ao tofafa le nu’u atoa. Fai mai le tala, ona o le malosi o galu i lea po, na mafua ai ona leotele le e’e a le Pupu o Fa’aufilau’ulu, pe a o’o i le taimi na te pipisi ina ae ai le (Faaauau itulau 11) samoa news, Saturday, October 25, 2014 Page 11 LAND COMMISSION E te fia NOTICE is hereby given that NAMU AETUI TUAMASAGA of FUTIGA, American Samoa, has executed a LEASE AGREEMENT to a certain parcel of land commonly known as MAOTAOALI’I which is situated in the village of FUTIGA, in the County of TUALATAI, WESTERN District, Island of Tutuila, American Samoa. Said LEASE AGREEMENT is now on file with the Territorial Registrar to be forwarded to the Governor respecting his approval or disapproval thereof according to the laws of American Samoa. Said instrument names AMERICAN SAMOA POWER AUTHORITY as LESSEES. Any person who wish, may file his objection in writing with the Secretary of the Land Commission before the 15TH day of DECEMBER, 2014. It should be noted that any objection must clearly state the grounds therefor. POSTED: OCTOBVER 15, 2014 thru DECEMBER 15, 2014 SIGNED: Taito S.B. White, Territorial Registrar Poka? KOMISI O LAU’ELE’ELE Toleafoa Haserota Auvaa NFL MA LE EBOLA O ‘au uma o le NFL na alu atu ai le tusi a alii Fomai e ‘faa’ete’ete i mea e maua ai le tagata i le Ebola, e vaai uma ‘au ma ia mautinoa ua uma ona fufulu lima pea ‘e alu i le fale le taua.’ I fautuaga lava e fai i soo se malae vaalele, ua usitai uma i ai tagata ae mai le faiga o (guarantine). Ma toaga e tausisi i le tulafono lea ua uma ona aumai i malae vaalelei, ae maise o malaga ia e malaga mai i Afeika. A e oo i le isi aso,vaai atu tagata ua tusi mai i le malae vaalele lena, “Ebola: faa’ete’ete i le malosi o le ‘au a Denver Broncos….” O LE FAGU O le toeaina e 85 tausaga e le alu ma se ofu vae pupu’u (short). O o i le isi aso, sau le toeaina, masau mai lava ma faaali mai loa le malie, “Sole se Doc, se ua ta fiu foi e fai alii pei o le mea na e fai mai.” fai atu loa le Fomai, “O le a mea ua tupu Eteuale?.” “Sa ou fiu e faaaoga lau lima taumatau, a uma ave ifo lau agavale e fiu foi a, ia ou alu i le potu fai ai i le loomatua e fesoasoani mai, ua tatau ona aumai le fagu lea o le faatalitali mai lau susuga.” Ua amata ona tete mai i luga mata a le Foma’i, ae faauma atu loa le tala a le toeaina, “Ia ua fiu foi le loomatua e faaoga lana lima taumatau, e le mafai lava, ave ifo lana agavale o le mea lava e tasi.” Ou savali loa i le matou tauoi e fesoasoani mai i le faalavelave, ma alu ifo foi si loomatua o Suzy i le taumafai, uma lava lima taumatau ua tago i le lima agavale, ia tago tuu i lona vaivae, e le mafai a ona lava. Na fesili mai loa le alii Foma’i, “E a, ua oo i lou tuaoi…..?.” fai mai Eteuale, “Ua ou fiu a e tatala le fagu e le matala le tapuni.” ➧ Vavau O Samoa… suavai magalo i uta, ma o le leotele tele o le e’e a le Pupu o Fa’aufilau’ulu, na mafua ai ona tei valevale le Sau’ai o lo o nofo i le Pupu i Taga. Ae ona o le ita tele o le Sau’ai o lo o nofo i le Pupu i Taga i le leotele tele o lenei tagata e e’e atu, na mafua ai ona ia alu e sa’ili, po o ai lava lenei e le mafaufau i le leva o le po, ma le isi itu, sa i ai le manatu o le Sau’ai mai Taga, e na o ia lava le Sau’ai leotele o totonu o Salafai atoa, ae o lea ua maua ane, e i ai le isi Sau’ai e sili atu lona leotele nai lo ia. Ua amata le sa’iliga a le Sau’ai mai Taga, i lona fia mauaina o le tagata le mafaufau lea o lo o e’e leotele i le leva o le po, fai mai ua alu pea le sa’iliga ma ina ua latalata i le tulua o po ma ao, na taunu’u ai loa le Sau’ai mai Taga i le vaega tonu o lo o e’e mai ai le Pupu o Fa’aufilau’ulu. Fai mai e le’i toe fa’atali le Sau’ai mai Taga i se isi lava mea e fai, ae ua fa’asaga atu loa ma sasau lana po malosi i le alafau po o le manifinifi o le Pupu o Fa’aufilau’ulu. Na ‘avea le tauga o le po a le Sau’ai mai E Asset or serial number N E R G Y Vacuum truck Ford 700 1W9223264NL010873 Trailer- WELD IT COMPANY IFVZSMDBXYP770332 S25032420 OUTBOARD MOTOR S25023423 OUTBOARD MOTOR FOR SALE 2004 FULL SIZE SATURN VUE, Black, In Good Condition, Runs Great, Radiator Needs To Be Replaced. Asking for $3K OBO. Contact Losa @ 252-2560/252-2424. ANNOUNCEMENT A Phillipine Consular Outreach will be conducted Oct 25th - 27th from 8:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m., to provide the following services: 1) Passport Renewal 2) Authentication 3) Dual Citizenship 4) Notarial Service Questions and Answers with the Consul General will be held on Sunday, Oct 26, 2014 from 2:30 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. at the Coconut House Sewing Shop II in Faleniu. For more information, please call 258-7079 or 258-4610 Mai itulau 10 Taga i le gutu o Fa’aufilau’ulu ma itu na motu fa’afuasei ai lana e’e, ma ‘ese ai loa le mea ua fa’asaga i ai lona gutu, ua le fa’asaga sa’o mai i uta i le pa’u matu e pei ona masani ai, ae ua fa’asaga i tai i le sami. Ua malama le taeao, ona aga’i mai loa lea o le nu’u o A’opo e asi a latou lau ta’amu lea sa fola i le po, pe o to’a ai se suavai, peita’i e taunu’u mai, e leai ma se suavai o to’a atu ai. Na o latou taumafai e sa’ili pe o le a le mafua’aga, ma o latou iloa ai, o le suavai magalo lea sa masani ona pipisi mai e Fa’aufilau’ulu i uta, ua pipisi aga’i i tai i le sami, ona ua fa’asaga i tai i le sami lona gutu, ma o i’ina lea na maua ai le muagagana lea e masani ona fai e le to’atele e fa’apea, “Ua fola vale lau ta’amu o A’opo.” O lona uiga, ua mao A’opo i le folaina o a latou lau ta’amu, ae leai se suavai na maua ai, ma fai mai fo’i le mau a tagata A’opo, e o’o mai lava i aso nei, ua le toe pipisi mai i uta le Pupu o Fa’aufilau’ulu, ae o lo o pipisi pea i tai i le sami. Soifua Joel Sanchez Filipino Community Am. Samoa President PACIFIC ENERGY - AUCTION EQUIPMENT LIST Itemd escription (make and model) CFROWVH54885 O LE FA’ASALALAUGA lenei ua faia ona o NAMU AETUI TUAMASAGA ole nu’u o FUTIGA, Amerika Samoa, ua ia faia se FEAGAIGA LISI, i se fanua ua lauiloa o MAOTAOALI’I e i le nu’u o FUTIGA i le itumalo o TUALATAI, Falelima i SISIFO ole Motu o TUTUILA Amerika Samoa. O lea FEAGAIGA LISI ua i ai nei i teuga pepa ale Resitara o Amerika Samoa e fia auina atu ile Kovana Sili mo sana fa’amaoniga e tusa ai ma le Tulafono a Amerika Samoa. O lea mata’upu o lo’o ta’ua ai AMERICAN SAMOA POWER AUTHORITY. A iai se tasi e fia fa’atu’i’ese i lea mata’upu, ia fa’aulufaleina mai sa na fa’atu’iesega tusitusia ile Failautusi o lea Komisi ae le’i o’o ile aso 15 o TESEMA, 2014. Ia manatua, o fa’atu’iesega uma lava ia tusitusia manino mai ala uma e fa’atu’iese ai. 10/25 & 11/25/14 Tractor Freightliner EngineC apacity V8 PROPANE GAS 6 CYL DIESEL Mileage 168900 533742 Condition “as is” “where is basis” MFG DATE GVW MINIMUMB ID $10,000 1970 Bid Ends 11/26/2014 “as is” “where is basis” 8/1/1992 40,000 lbs $5,000 “as is” 6/1/1999 “where is basis” 52,000 lbs $10,000 11/26/2014 $1,500.00 for both 11/26/2014 JOHNSON FOUR STROKE J115PX4SD HP1 15 “as is” “where is basis” JOHNSON FOUR STROKE J115PX4SD HP1 15 “as is” 11/5/2005 “where is basis” 11/5/2005 IFTSW20P75EC35128 FORD F250 SUPER DUTY V8 DIESEL 6.0L POWER STROKE 62147 “as is” “where is basis” 2/1/2005 5TEGM92NX4Z41916 TOYOTA TACOMA SR5 4 DOOR 4 CYL GAS 2.7L 139822 “as is” “where is basis” 7/4/2004 11/26/2014 11/26/2014 1000 lbs $1,500.00O BO 11/26/2014 $5,000.00O BO 11/26/2014 Page 12 samoa news, Saturday, October 25, 2014 Suspect arrested in death of 2 California deputies Steve Ward and Donna Workman add pumpkins to a display as work on Ric Griffith’s Pumpkin House continues on Friday, Oct. 24, 2014, in Kenova, W.Va. (AP Photo/The Herald-Dispatch, Sholten Singer) 47 SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — A man armed with an assault rifle shot three sheriff’s deputies and a civilian, killing two of the deputies and leading dozens of police officers on a wild six-hour chase and manhunt Friday that spanned two Northern California counties before the 34-year-old suspect was taken into custody. Marcelo Marquez, of Salt Lake City, was taken alive Friday afternoon from a home in Auburn in Placer County after the shooting hours earlier in a strip mall in a commercial area of Sacramento, said Placer County Sheriff’s spokeswoman Dena Erwin. Marquez, 34, was examined at a hospital for unspecified injuries. He and a woman also taken into custody were being questioned by investigators about their motives late Friday night and it was unclear when they would be formally arrested, CHANNEL * (E) English Subtitles * (L)-Live Programming/News * (R)-Rerun *Note: If you need this Schedule, e-mail <[email protected]>. and I will send it to you every week!” “TRUTH of DOKDO!” <http://www.truthofdokdo.com> <http://www.forthenexgeneration.com> NATIONAL PACIFIC INSURANCE LIMITED “Working with the Community” TEL: 633-4266 • FAX: 633-2964 Sacramento County sheriff’s Sgt. Lisa Bowman said. The shootings sparked a manhunt that included search dogs, helicopters and armored vehicles. Residents nearby were told to stay indoors, and schools were locked down. The owner of the home said officers used tear gas to drive the suspect from the basement. He identified his slain officer as sheriff’s homicide Det. Michael David Davis Jr. The 42-year-old detective died 26 years to the day after his father, for whom he is named, died in the line of duty as a Riverside County deputy sheriff. Gov. Jerry Brown Brown called the killings “a tragic reminder of the sacrifices we demand of our peace officers and the incredible courage they display as they protect our communities.” Flags at the state Capitol were ordered flown at half-staff. The slaying of the deputies was the single deadliest day for California law enforcement since February 2013. In separate incidents that month, a former Los Angeles police officer killed two law enforcement officers, and two Santa Cruz police detectives were shot and killed. Marquez had a driver’s license that identified him as a Salt Lake City resident. Sacramento County Sheriff Scott Jones said the deadly chain of events began when Deputy Danny Oliver, 47, approached a suspicious vehicle in a motel parking lot around 10:30 a.m. and was shot in the forehead at close range. Oliver, the first county deputy killed since 2008, was a 15-year veteran who leaves behind a wife and two daughters. Bonner later described Davis as an 18-year law enforcement officer. Davis leaves behind a wife and four children. Bonner said the wounded deputy, Jeff Davis, is a 17-year veteran who was shot in the arm. He was released after treatment at a hospital. About a mile away, the suspect attempted to steal a car, but shot the driver in the head when he refused to give up his keys, Jones said. He did not know the condition of that victim but said he was alive and conscious when he was transported. The assailants then stole a pickup from Jose Cruz, who was gardening outside a client’s house in Sacramento. The suspects then fled to neighboring Placer County, about 30 miles north of Sacramento. Deputies swarmed the area, and the suspect shot two deputies with an AR-15-type assault weapon. House painter Sean Smith of Sacramento said he was working when he heard gunshots. samoa news, Saturday, October 25, 2014 Page 13 Veterans In Politics International United States Congress have agreed to wholly endorse and support Aumua Amata 2014 candidate for US Congress Representing American Samoa Steve Sanson – President Karen Steelmon – Auxiliary Director Jason Brooks - Nevada President October 22, 2014 Date The mission of Veterans In Politics is to educate, organize, and awaken our veterans and their families to select support and intelligently vote for those candidates whom would help create a better world, to protect ourselves from our own government(s) in a culture of corruption, and to be the political voice for those in other groups who do not have one. VeteransInPolitics.org This ad is paid for “Friends of Amata” 252-6084/ [email protected] Page 14 samoa news, Saturday, October 25, 2014 Tala ‘oto’oto o le Pasefika tusia A.F.M LATA I LE TO’A 5,000 UA MALILIU I LE ‘EBOLA’ Aferika i Saute - E tusa ma le 4,800 le aofa’i o tagata mai atunuu eseese o Aferika i Saute ua fa’amaonia mai e le Ofisa o le Soifua Maloloina o le lalolagi (WHO), le maliliu i le fa’ama’i oti o le ‘Ebola’, ma le to’a 9,900 ua fa’amaonia le a’afia ai i ‘auga o lenei fa’ama’i. A o vavao ai atunuu eseese o le lalolagi i le tau togafitia o lenei gasegase, ua fa’amaonia mai e le Palemia o le malo o Ausetalia e fa’apea, e le mafai ona auina atu ni sui mai lona atunuu e galulue mo le ofoina atu o fesoasoani i vaega o Aferika o lo o a’afia i lenei ma’i. Suva, Fiji - MOLIA SE ALI’I TUSITALA I FITI O se ali’i tusitala e galue i se tasi o Fale Televise Fa’asalalau i Fiti, ua molia nei o ia i luma o le fa’amasinoga i lona a’afia ai i le mataupu e feso’ota’i ma le fa’alavelave lea na maliu ai se tamaititi e 12 tausaga le matua i le nuu o Nabouciwa i le 7 tausaga talu ai. O lo o tuuaiga faasaga le alii tusitala o Apisalome Rabo ma ni alii se to’alua, lea o lo o tuuaia i moliaga o le auau fa’atasi e fa’atino se solitulafono e fesootai ma le maliu o lenei alualu toto. Denver, USA - SOSOLA MA LE VASEGA ONA O LE FIA AVEA MA SUI O LE ‘ISIS’ E to’atolu ni tamaitai aoga mai le setete o Denver na sosola ese ma le latou potu aoga ona o le naunau e fia avea i latou ma totino o le vaega fa’atupu fa’alavelave o le ISIS i totonu o Suria, e pei ona fa’amaonia mai i ni ripoti mai Amerika i le vaiaso nei. Na fa’ailoa e matua o tamaitai nei e to’atolu i leoleo ma le FBI, e masalomia ua agai atu nei tamaitai nei i le atunuu o Turkey ma le fa’amoemoe e fia avea i latou ma totino o le vaega fa’alavelave a le ‘ISIS’. Na ona maua lava e le FBI o fa’amatalaga uma nei, amata loa a latou sailiga ma mafai ai ona taofia mai tamaitai nei e to’atolu mai le malae va’alele i Frankfurt ma toe fa’afo’i mai ai i latou i Amerika. Ina ua fesiligia e le FBI i latou nei, sa faamaonia ai e le isi to’alua lo la faanaunauga sa i ai e fia avea i laua ma fitafita mo le ISIS. E to’atasi le tamaitai e 17 tausaga le matua ae o le isi to’alua e ta’i 15 tausaga le matutua, na fananau i Amerika ae tupuga mai i tagata Suesilani. Kalefonia, USA - TO’AFA MOLIA I LE FASI MATEINA O MOA E 920 E to’afa ni ali’i ua taofia nei e leoleo i Kalefonia i le vaiaso i le falepuipui, ina ua fa’amaonia lo latou aafia ai i le fa’alavelave lea na osofaia ai se faatoaga moa mai se tasi o lafu manu tele i totonu o le setete, ma fasi mate ai moa e 920, e pei ona faamaonia mai i faamaumauga a le ofisa o leoleo. O i latou e to’afa ua molia e aofia ai ni ali’i se to’alua e ta’i 17 tausaga le matutua, ma le isi to’alua e ta’i 15 tausaga le matutua. O lo o tu’uaia i latou nei i lo latou ulufale fa’amalosi i totonu o le nofoaga o lo o tausi ai moa i le faatoaga ma fasi mate nei meaola. O lo o molia i latou e le malo i moliaga mamafa e aofia ai fa’aleaga meatotino faapea ai ma le gaoi. NY, USA - $1 MILIONA LE TAU O LE ISU O se tina tausi aiga e le i i’u lelei ana aoga i aoga kolisi i se vaega o Amerika , ae ua avea nei o ia ma tina milionea ina ua mafai ona ia fa’ailoa ituaiga fagu fa’amanogi e sili ona anagata mo tamaitai e ala i lona faaaogaina o lona isu sa fai ai sona taotoga, ma i’u ina o o atu ai i le ta’i $1 miliona le aofai o tupe e fa’aalu e tamaitai e fa’atau ai fagu manogi mai lana pisinisi fai fagu manogi. Na taua e le fafine o Jo Malone i tusitala e fa’apea, atonu e le mafai ona ia tusia se tusi i lona lima ona e le i maea lana aoga, ae mafai ona ia ofoina atu se meaalofa sili mo se tasi e ala i le meaalofa o le sogisogi o lona isu. Uaealesi Mosooi a le FAFIGE FAIKAKALA tusia S.A.M O AI TONU E AGAVA’A FALE NA FAUSIA POLOKALAME ‘1602’? O lo o fa’alogoina pea e si Fafige Faikakala le tele o le mumumumu ma le muimui mai nisi o le atunu’u, i lo latou fia iloaina lelei lea po o ai tonu tagata e agava’a i fale tetele ia sa fautia i tupe na auala mai i le polokalame o le ‘1602’, ona o lea ua manino i lana fa’alogo e foliga mai e i ai tagata ua mae’a ona fausia a latou fale sa fa’atupe e le polokalame, ae ua ese tagata ia ua ave le avanoa e nonofo ma latou fa’aaogaina ai fale, e le o tagata e vaivai ma maualalo lo latou tamaoaiga, e tusa ai o aiaiga ma tuutuuga o lenei polokalame. Na ata ata aamu si Fafige Faikakala ao fa’amatala e le isi ana uo mai Manu’a e fa’apea, o se tasi o tagata o lo o fausia e le polokalame a le ‘1602’ sona fale foga falelua i Ta’u i Manu’a ma le fa’amoemoe e tatau ona mautotogi ai tagata e maualalo lo latou tamaoaiga, ae na te’i ina ua emo ane le ata, ua avatu i ai pisinisi e mautotogi i le fale ma fa’aaoga mo mataupu tau pisinisi. Na te’i si Fafige Faikakala ina ua oso atu lana uo lea, “Sole, fai aku fo’i ali’i o gei ikuaiga polokalame, o legei ga folafola mai e ga o kagaka lima vaivai e mafai oga maukokogi i fale gei, ae o lea ua mai kau aku e ga o kagaka faipisigisi lea e mau kokogi i le fale o le ula lea”, ae na te’i le uo a sei Fafige Faikakala ina ua ia musumusu atu i ai le Fafige Faikakala i lona taliga, “Ia ogosa’i ia lou loko, leaga e pule lava le kama a le loomakua ia, ma le isi mea, o lea ua oso lava le mea e le o koe fa’asaaga ..” O LE A SE ITUAIGA FAIGAMALO TALAFEAGAI MO AMERIKA SAMOA? O le fesili pe o le a se ituaiga faigamalo e talafeagai ona vaai i ai Amerika Samoa e avea ma faigamalo lelei mo ia i le taimi nei, e le o mafai ona tali e ona ta’ita’i aemaise ai tagata palota uma i Tutuila, Manu’a ma Swains Island. To’atele uo a le Fafige Faikakala na mafai ona fa’aali o latou manatu e uiga i lenei fesili. Fai mai lana uo tama’ita’i mai Aunu’u, e lelei ai lava le ituaiga faigamalo lea o lo o fa’aaogaina e le teritori o Palau i le taimi nei, e ui ua tuto’atasi ae o lo o i ai pea lava le fa’amalumaluga a le Iunaite Setete i so o se taimi, e aofia ai ma tulaga tau tupe, ae o fa’aiuga ma so o se mea e fai lava e le malo o Palau. Na oso atu le uo toeaina a le Fafige Faikakala fai mai, e manaia le ituaiga faigamalo lea o lo o i ai le atunu’u o Fiti, e pulea e le Militeli le tele o fa’aiuga fai, atonu e lelei lena e fa’aaoga ai le Ami Fa’aleoleo a le malo o lo o i ai, e pulea ma faia ai nisi fa’aiuga mautu mo Amerika Samoa, ae na tete’i ina ua oso atu le isi uo loomatua a le Fafige Faikakala ma tala ata e fa’apea, “E sili ai lava le ikuaiga faigamalo o lo o i ai Samoa, e le gaka e kuko’akasi, ae fa’alagolago fo’i i le tupe o lo o maua mai i aga fa’akoaga, lafu magu, aemaise ai o so o se oloa o lo o la’u aku i makeki i fafo”, ata loa le Fafige Faikakala ma toe tali atu i ai, “Loga uiga afai loa e misi akoa kakou ma kupe o lo o saa’a mai ia Uncle Sam, pau le mea e fai o le kua loa o le popo ma le koko, a o se upu i kakou fa’akoaga e ga o mea oki lava le mea e maua”. E TAUGATA LE FIA NOFO I AMERIKA SAMOA O si’itaga fou i totogi o tautua a le Ofisa o Femalagaaiga lea na fa’alauiloa i le vaiaso nei, e le gata ua to’atele nisi o tagata mai fafo ua tomumumu ai, ae o le to’atele fo’i ua ula ma fai anaga fai mai, “e taugata le fia avea ma Amerika Samoa moni”. E le afaina tulaga o si’itaga i le mafaufau o si Fafige Faikakala, ae ua mafua ona fesiligia lenei mataupu, ona o nisi o ana uo loomatutua ua tomumumu ma fa’asea i le taugata o le tupe e pu’e ai le I.D, lea ua si’i i le $50 mai le $30 sa i ai, pe aisea e le faia ai ni aiaiga faapitoa pe afai e sili atu i le to’atolu sui o le aiga e fia pu’e a latou I.D, pe le mafai ona pau i lalo le tau. Te’i le Fafige Faikakala ina ua fautua atu i ai le isi ana uo mai Savai’i e fa’apea, “Kakou ogosa’i i lea mea ua i ai, ua mafua lava le kakou pologa o le o mai fua iigei” A model shows off the latest fashion from NE Tiger during the opening show for the China Fashion Week in Beijing Saturday, Oct. 25, 2014. Held twice annually, the Fashion Week showcases the latest from both domestic and foreign designers. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan) Obama: Science, not fear, key to Ebola response WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama says the U.S. must be guided by science — not fear — as it responds to Ebola. In his weekly radio and Internet address, Obama says he was proud to give Texas nurse Nina Pham a hug in the Oval Office after she was cured of Ebola. He says the other nurse who contracted Ebola is also improving. Obama is praising New York’s quick reaction to its first Ebola case. He says he’s promised local officials any federal help they need. Obama is reminding Americans they can’t contract Ebola unless they come into direct contact with a patient’s bodily fluids. The president says the U.S. can beat the disease if it remains vigilant. He says the best way to stop it is at its source in West Africa. samoa news, Saturday, October 25, 2014 Page 15 ELECTION OFFICE American Samoa Government To: The People of American Samoa From: Chief Election Officer Subject: Polling Stations for November 4, 2014 General Election Pursuant to ASCA 6.0502, the following locations are hereby designated as official polling stations on November 4, 2014: District #1 Manu’a 1. Faleasao 2. Fitiuta 3. Tau 4. Manu’a Tutuila #1 Hall -EFKAS Hall - EFKAS Hall - EFKS TafunaHall EFKAS Talalelei District #2 Manu’a 1. Ofu - Hall EFKAS 2. Olosega/Sili Laoa Laauoleola 3. Tutuila (Petesa Tai) Hall EFKAS District #3 Vaifanua 1. Aoa 2. Vatia 3. Alao 4. Tula/Onenoa Hall EFKAS Laoa o Tuiasosopo Hall - EFKAS Hall EFKAS Tula District #4 - Sa’ole 1. Aunu’u Hall EFKAS 2. Amouli/Auasi/Utumea Hall Katoliko (Amouli) 3. Alofau Hall EFKAS District #5 - Sua #1 1. Lauli’i Hall EFKAS 2. Fagaitua Hall EFKAS 3. Amaua/Auto/Avaio/Alega Hall EFKAS Amaua District #6 - Sua #2 1. Afono 2. Masefau 3. Masausi/Sailele Hall EFKAS Hall EFKAS Hall EFKAS Sailele District #7 - Ma’oputasi #1 1. Faga’alu/Fatumafuti Laoa Uso 2. Utulei/Gataivai Samoan Affairs Conference Room District #8 - Ma’oputasi #2 1. Fagatogo Hall CCJS District #9 - Ma’oputasi #3 1. Pago Pago Maota o Mauga District #10 - Ma’oputasi #4 1. Atu’u/Leloaloa/Satala Maota o Uti Petelo District #11 - Ma’oputasi #5 1. Aua Hall Katoliko District #12 - Itu’au 1. Fagasa Laoa o Sala 2. Matu’u/Faganeanea Hall EFKAS Matu’u 3. Nuuuli Maota o Sialega District #13 - Fofo 1. Leone Hall Katoliko District #14 - Alataua 1. Amaluia/Asili/Afao/Atauloma Hall EFKAS Asili 2. Nua/Se’etaga Laoa (Maota Veu) 3. Amanave/Agugulu/Faa’ilolo Laoa Fafai 4. Poloa/Fagali’i/Fagamalo/Malota Maota Tuiolemotu-Poloa District #15 Tualauta 1. Faleniu/Mapusaga/Mesepa Hall EFKAS Faleniu 2. Pavaiai Hall Metotisi 3. Iliili Hall EFKAS 4. Vaitogi Hall EFKAS 5. Tafuna Hall Metotisi District #16 Tualatai 1. Vailoatai Hall EFKAS 2. Taputimu Hall EFKAS 3. Futiga/Malaeloa Ituau Hall Katoliko Futiga District #17 - Leasina 1. Aoloau/Aasu 2. Malaeloa Aitulagi Hall EFKAS Aoloau Laoa Tuitasi Page 16 samoa news, Saturday, October 25, 2014 Tisa’s Barefoot Bar in partnership with American Samoa Visitors Bureau presents Tattoo Artists Registration Thursday, October 23 1 P.M. Registration Tattoo 1:00 to for 4:00 P.M.Artists C M Y K C M Y K 5-8 P.M. Meet the Tattoo Artists Meet the Tattoo Artists Cocktail Party Welcoming from 4:00Cocktail – 6:00 P.M.party Friday, October 24 Oct 24 12 Friday, p.m. - 4 P.M. Tattooing • 12 NOON - 4:00 P.M..........TATTOOING 11 A.M. - 4 P.M. Tattooing exhibit and • 11:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M.....healing ..TATTOOING EXHIBIT AND HEALING by demonstration DEMONSTRATION by Traditional Traditional Tufuga Artist Tufuga Artist 12 p.m. - 1 P.M. Workshop for new and • 12:00 NOON - 1:00 P.M...per ..WORKSHOP FOR NEW AND spective Tattoo Artisits PERSPECTIVE TATTOO ARTISTS 11 A.M. 2 P.M. Water color art dis • 11:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M.....play ..WATER and COLOR ART DISPLAY show by ASCC Art AND SHOW by ASCC Art Students Students Saturday, October 25 Ava presentation by Miss Saturday, Oct 25 American Samoa 2014 - 2015 • 1:30 AVA PRESENTATION by tasting MISS AMERICAN SAMOA 2014-2015 P.M. Ava ceremony Designers • 1:30 P.M.......... AVA TASTING CEREMONY Fashion show by Lalelei Fashion Store • DESIGNERS FASHION SHOW by Lalelei Fashion Store 2:00 P.M. & Pacific RootsSkin Art Competition, Faatau • 2:00 & P.M.Siva ......... Samoa SKIN ART COMPETITION pati competition ........................... FAATAUPATI & SIVA SAMOA COMPETITION 3 P.M. Malu & Pe’a skin Art Show • 3:00 P.M.......... MALU & PE’A SKIN ART SHOW 5 P.M. Award Ceremony • 3:30 3:30 - -5:00 P.M. AWARD CEREMONY FOR BEST for best TRADITIONAL MALU & PE’A traditional Malu & Pe’a Sunday, Oct 26 • • • • • • • 11:00 A.M.. . .GATE OPENS 11:30 A.M.. . .TATTOOING BEGINS 12:30 P.M.. . .ART SHOW 2:30 P.M.. . . . .FASHION SHOW by JD Hall & Pacific Roots 3:00 P.M.. . . . .MODERN TATTOO COMPETITION 3:30 P.M.. . . . .AWARD CEREMONY FOR BEST MODERN TATTOOS CLOSING CEREMONY • END OF ANOTHER GREAT YEAR
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