Page 1 of 5 Tangential Radial Vertical Depth =13 km Strike=1 ; 92 30.00 sec, Max Amp=1.80e-04 cm/s, VR=40.1, Azi=300, Dist=195.3, Zcor=204 30.00 sec, Max Amp=4.31e-04 cm/s, VR=50.6, Azi=351, Dist=62.7, Zcor=189 Rake =-12 ; -177 Dip =87 ; 78 Mo =1.59e+22 Mw =4.07 Percent DC=7 Percent CLVD=93 Percent ISO=0 30.00 sec, Max Amp=2.31e-04 cm/s, VR=15.8, Azi=136, Dist=58.4, Zcor=188, Max Amp=2.80e-04 cm/s, VR=15.2, Azi=350, Dist=157.6, Zcor=201 Variance=8.29e-09 Var. Red=3.44e+01 RES/Pdc.=1.17e-09 30.00 sec P T 30.00 sec, Max Amp=6.41e-04 cm/s, VR=60.4, Azi=7, Dist=32.1, Zcor=187, Max Amp=4.33e-04 cm/s, VR=39.0, Azi=207, Dist=52.2, Zcor=189 30.00 sec Mxx=3.61e+21 Myy=5.72e+21 Automatic (tdmt_select_stations: No) Stations 1-6 of 24 O.T. 2015/02/28,03:16:17.810 Mag: 3.90 (41.9788, 13.5347) D: 17.300 Mxy=1.57e+22 Myz=2.62e+21 Mxz=2.06e+21 Mzz=-9.33e+21 LocID: 17281441 Page 2 of 5 Tangential Radial Vertical Depth =13 km Strike=1 ; 92 30.00 sec, Max Amp=1.27e-03 cm/s, VR=54.2, Azi=222, Dist=27.6, Zcor=184 30.00 sec, Max Amp=2.59e-03 cm/s, VR=7.4, Azi=83, Dist=30.9, Zcor=182 Rake =-12 ; -177 Dip =87 ; 78 Mo =1.59e+22 Mw =4.07 Percent DC=7 Percent CLVD=93 Percent ISO=0 30.00 sec, Max Amp=1.88e-04 cm/s, VR=15.0, Azi=102, Dist=135.7, Zcor=199 Variance=8.29e-09 Var. Red=3.44e+01 RES/Pdc.=1.17e-09 30.00 sec, Max Amp=2.90e-04 cm/s, VR=41.7, Azi=122, Dist=70.5, Zcor=191, Max Amp=3.67e-04 cm/s,VR=53.7, Azi=163, Dist=96.8, Zcor=194 P T 30.00 sec 30.00 sec, Max Amp=5.60e-04 cm/s, VR=73.1, Azi=275, Dist=65.8, Zcor=190 Mxx=3.61e+21 Myy=5.72e+21 Automatic (tdmt_select_stations: No) Stations 7-12 of 24 O.T. 2015/02/28,03:16:17.810 Mag: 3.90 (41.9788, 13.5347) D: 17.300 Mxy=1.57e+22 Myz=2.62e+21 Mxz=2.06e+21 Mzz=-9.33e+21 LocID: 17281441 Page 3 of 5 Tangential Radial Vertical Depth =13 km Strike=1 ; 92 30.00 sec, Max Amp=2.51e-04 cm/s, VR=24.1, Azi=340, Dist=101.1, Zcor=195 30.00 sec, Max Amp=2.07e-04 cm/s, VR=16.7, Azi=346, Dist=225.2, Zcor=210 Rake =-12 ; -177 Dip =87 ; 78 Mo =1.59e+22 Mw =4.07 Percent DC=7 Percent CLVD=93 Percent ISO=0 30.00 sec, Max Amp=1.40e-04 cm/s, VR=26.7, Azi=148, Dist=101.9, Zcor=194, Max Amp=5.83e-04 cm/s, VR=72.7, Azi=250, Dist=72.2, Zcor=190, Max Amp=5.67e-04 cm/s, VR=79.5, Azi=255, Dist=71.6, Zcor=190 Variance=8.29e-09 Var. Red=3.44e+01 RES/Pdc.=1.17e-09 30.00 sec P T 30.00 sec 30.00 sec, Max Amp=7.94e-04 cm/s, VR=32.4, Azi=121, Dist=59.7, Zcor=189 Mxx=3.61e+21 Myy=5.72e+21 Automatic (tdmt_select_stations: No) Stations 13-18 of 24 O.T. 2015/02/28,03:16:17.810 Mag: 3.90 (41.9788, 13.5347) D: 17.300 Mxy=1.57e+22 Myz=2.62e+21 Mxz=2.06e+21 Mzz=-9.33e+21 LocID: 17281441 Page 4 of 5 Tangential Radial Vertical Depth =13 km Strike=1 ; 92 30.00 sec, Max Amp=1.58e-03 cm/s, VR=39.8, Azi=259, Dist=86.2, Zcor=192 30.00 sec, Max Amp=2.07e-04 cm/s, VR=11.9, Azi=123, Dist=116.9, Zcor=197 Rake =-12 ; -177 Dip =87 ; 78 Mo =1.59e+22 Mw =4.07 Percent DC=7 Percent CLVD=93 Percent ISO=0 30.00 sec, Max Amp=1.63e-04 cm/s, VR=27.6, Azi=306, Dist=165.0, Zcor=201, Max Amp=4.70e-04 cm/s, VR=75.6, Azi=255, Dist=81.3, Zcor=191 Variance=8.29e-09 Var. Red=3.44e+01 RES/Pdc.=1.17e-09 30.00 sec P T 30.00 sec, Max Amp=3.84e-04 cm/s, VR=62.6, Azi=289, Dist=89.5, Zcor=192 30.00 sec, Max Amp=4.85e-04 cm/s, VR=58.8, Azi=346, Dist=43.0, Zcor=186 Mxx=3.61e+21 Myy=5.72e+21 Automatic (tdmt_select_stations: No) Stations 19-24 of 24 O.T. 2015/02/28,03:16:17.810 Mag: 3.90 (41.9788, 13.5347) D: 17.300 Mxy=1.57e+22 Myz=2.62e+21 Mxz=2.06e+21 Mzz=-9.33e+21 LocID: 17281441 PESA FSSB ARVD SSFR ATVO CING ATFO MURB SNTG GUMA FDMO CESI CASP ARCI SACS NRCA LATE LNSS 42˚30' SRES TOLF TERO CAMP AQU FIAM FAGN T0110 MTCE ROM9 RMP SAMA RDP VIVA INTR GUAR GIUL TRIV MELA RNI2 MIDA CERA BSSOGATE VAGA SACR SGG PTRJ PIGN MODR VITU SGRT MRB1 SGTA CAPA CAFE SNAL OVO 50 km 12˚30' 15˚00'
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