Innovation in water use and emission reduction

Innovation in water use and
emission reduction
Agnes van Zoelen
Dutch regional water authority
Hoogheemraadschap van Schieland en de
Krimpenerwaard –Provincie Zuid-Holland
Droge voeten en schoon water
Introduction: a regional water authority
Water governance and management
Quality of surface water and groundwater
Waste water treatment
Flood prevention
Financially self-sufficient
Embedded in overall democratic structure
Drinking water (not part of our organisation)
Droge voeten en schoon water
Future view
Droge voeten en schoon water
Droge voeten en schoon water
Droge voeten en schoon water
AquaReUse: high quality irrigation water
for horticulture
Droge voeten en schoon water
Administrative agreement: towards
zero-emission for greenhouses in 2027
– Regional co-operation of municipalities, water
authorities and business organisations
– Active in 5 areas:
 Irrigation water supply for greenhouses
 Awareness of growers on emissions
 Permit issue and enforcement
 Monitoring of pollutants in surface water
 Investing in local waste water treatment
Droge voeten en schoon water
Droge voeten en schoon water
Droge voeten en schoon water