⎇ⓥᵴേ ᡆૃࠬࡄࠦࡦ࠹ࠖ࠾ࡘ࠙ࡓశᵄࠍ↪ߚࠦࡅࡦ࠻ࠕࡦ࠴ࠬ ࠻ࠢࠬࡑࡦᢔੂ㗼ᓸಽశ Coherent anti-Stokes quasi-supercontinuum Raman scattering microscopic spectroscopy using ໊Ỉ⋥᮸㧔Naoki KARASAWA㧕 Tel & Fax: 0123-27-6063 E-mail: [email protected] Quasi-supercontinuum from a photonic crystal fiber was generated and used as a Stokes pulse in broadband coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) spectroscopy. The quasi-supercontinuum was created by modulating optical pulses by an acousto-optic modulator, and the group delays in the quasi-supercontinuum were compensated for by a pair of high index prisms. By the use of the quasi-supercontinuum, the CARS measurement time was reduced to be about one eighth compared with our previous study. With this setup, broadband CARS signals between 900 cm-1 and 3100 cm-1 of a single polystyrene bead sample have been measured successfully. ࠦࡅࡦ࠻ࠕࡦ࠴ࠬ࠻ࠢࠬࡑࡦᢔੂ㧔CARS㧕ಽశߪ⍴శࡄ࡞ࠬࠩࠍశḮ ߣߒߡ↪ࡊࡦࡐޔశߣߘࠇߣᵄ㐳߇⇣ߥࠆࠬ࠻ࠢࠬశࠍ↢ߥߤߩ⹜ᢱߦ㓸శߒߘޔ ߩߣ߈⹜ᢱߩಽሶᝄേߦ㡆⊛ߦ⊒↢ߔࠆࠕࡦ ࠴ࠬ࠻ࠢࠬశᵄࠍಽశߔࠆᣇᴺߢࠆޕᚒޘ ߪࡈࠜ࠻࠾࠶ࠢ⚿᥏ࡈࠔࠗࡃ㧔PCF㧕ߦ࠴࠲ ࡦࠨࡈࠔࠗࠕࠩ߆ࠄߩశࡄ࡞ࠬࠍዉᵄߒޔ ⊒↢ߔࠆၮᧄ࠰࠻ࡦࡄ࡞ࠬࠍࠬ࠻ࠢࠬశߣ ߒߡ↪ࠆᐢᏪၞ CARS 㗼ᓸಽశశቇ♽ߩ⹜ ࠍⴕߞߡ߈ߚ⎇ᧄޕⓥߢߪᓥ᧪ߩᚻᴺߦᲧߴޔ ࠃࠅᒝᐲ߇ᐔမߢ᷹ቯᤨ㑆ߩ⍴❗߇ᦼᓙߐࠇࠆ ᡆૃࠬࡄࠦࡦ࠹ࠖ࠾ࡘ࠙ࡓశࠍ↪ߚᐢᏪ ၞ CARS ಽశታ㛎ࠍⴕߞߚޕ Fig 1 The spectrum of quasi-supercontinuum (black curve) and the spectrum of a single fundamental soliton pulse (dashed curve). ታ㛎ߦ߅ߡߪ㖸㗀శቇ⚛ሶߦࠃࠅ PCF ߦ ߔࠆశᵄߩᒝᐲࠍᵄᢙ 500 KHz ߢᄌ⺞ߒޔ ᡆૃࠬࡄࠦࡦ࠹ࠖ࠾ࡘ࠙ࡓࠍ⊒↢ߐߖߚޕ Fig㧝ߦߘߩࠬࡍࠢ࠻࡞ࠍ␜ߔߚࠇߐ↢⊒ޕᡆ ૃࠬࡄࠦࡦ࠹ࠖ࠾ࡘ࠙ࡓߪᵄ㐳ߣㆃᑧᤨ 㑆ߩ⇣ߥࠆၮᧄ࠰࠻ࡦࡄ࡞ࠬߩ㓸߹ࠅߢ ࠆ߇߈ߣߩߎޔㆃᑧᤨ㑆ߦߟߡߪ㜞ዮ᛬₸ࠟ ࠬࡊ࠭ࡓኻࠍ PCF ߩജㇱߦᝌߒߘߩ ఘࠍⴕࠅࠃߦࠇߎޔᐢᏪၞߢାภ߇㜞ᒝᐲ ߥ CARS ⸘᷹ࠍⴕ߁ߎߣ߇น⢻ߣߥߞߚޕFig 2 ߦߎࠇࠄࠍ↪ߡᓧࠄࠇߚන৻ࡐࠬ࠴ࡦ 㧔⋥ᓘ 6Pm㧕ߩ CARS ାภࠍ␜ߔޕ࿁ߩᡆૃ Fig 2 The CARS signal of a single polystyrene bead (black curve). The spontaneous Raman shifts are shown by dashed lines. ࠬࡄࠦࡦ࠹ࠖ࠾ࡘ࠙ࡓࠍ↪ߚᣇᴺߦࠃࠅޔ ᓥ᧪ߩ⚂ 8 ಽߩ㧝ߩ 0.3 ⑽ߩ᷹ቯᤨ㑆ߢ 900 cm1 ߆ࠄ 3100 cm1 ߩᐢᏪၞߩ CARS ାภ߇ ⍎ߦ᷹ⷰน⢻ߥߎߣ߇ࠊ߆ߞߚޕ 㧙 101 㧙 ⎇ⓥᵴേ ࡈࠜ࠻࠾࠶ࠢ⚿᥏ࡈࠔࠗࡃ߆ࠄߩ㜞ᰴࡕ࠼ബߦࠃࠆಽᢔᵄߩ ⊒↢ Generation of dispersive waves from a photonic crystal fiber by higher-order mode excitation ໊Ỉ⋥᮸㧔Naoki KARASAWA㧕 Tel & Fax: 0123-27-6063 E-mail: [email protected] Dispersive waves were generated from a photonic crystal fiber by higher-order mode excitation and the dependence of their wavelengths on polarization was measured. The dispersion properties of various spatial modes with different symmetry numbers were calculated theoretically and four combinations of linearly-polarizing higher-order modes were identified. The phase-matching conditions of dispersive waves for higher-order modes were calculated and it was found that the wavelengths of dispersive waves with identical spatial modes depended on polarization directions. The dependence measured experimentally agreed well with results obtained by theoretical calculations. ࡈࠜ࠻࠾࠶ࠢ⚿᥏ࡈࠔࠗࡃ㧔PCF㧕ߦ⍴శࡄ࡞ࠬࠍዉᵄߔࠆߣᐢᏪၞశᵄࠍ⊒↢ߢ ߈ࠆߎߣ߇ߐࠇޔ᭽ߥޘᔕ↪ߦ↪ࠄࠇߡࠆޕᐢᏪၞశᵄߩ⊒↢ߪ PCF ߩಽᢔ߇ ബᵄ㐳ߢ⇣Ᏹಽᢔߢࠅޔ㜞ᰴ࠰࠻ࡦߩવ៝ߣߘߩၮᧄ࠰࠻ࡦ߳ߩಽⵚ߮ၮᧄ࠰ ࠻ࡦߣ⋧ᢛวߩߣࠇߚಽᢔᵄߩ⊒↢ߢ⺑ߐࠇࠆ⎇ᧄޕⓥߦ߅ߡߪ㜞ᰴࡕ࠼વ៝ ߦ߅ߡ߽ಽᢔᵄ߇⊒↢ߒߩߘޔᵄ㐳߇శᣇะߦଐሽߔࠆߎߣࠍߒߚޕ ᧄታ㛎ߢߪ⋥ᓘ߇ 1.57 Pm ߩⓨሹ߇ 6 ⷺᩰሶ⁁ߦࡇ࠶࠴߇ 2.27 Pm ߢ 5 ࡦࠣᒻᚑߐࠇߚ PCF ࠍ↪ߚߩࠄ߆ࠩࠕࠗࠔࡈࠨࡦ࠲࠴ߦࠇߎޕᵄ㐳 810 nmࠬ࡞ࡄޔ 50 fs ߩశࡄ ࡞ࠬࠍߐߖߚޕၮᧄࡕ࠼વ៝ߢߪಽᢔᵄߩ⊒↢ߪࠄࠇߥ߆ߞߚ߇ޔ㜞ᰴࡕ࠼વ ៝ߢߪนⷞశߩ㗔ၞߦಽᢔᵄߩ⊒↢߇ࠄࠇߩߘޔᵄ㐳ߪశᣇะߦଐሽߒߚޕFig㧝ߦߘ ߩࠬࡍࠢ࠻࡞ࠍ␜ߔޕℂ⺰⸘▚ߦࠃࠅ㜞ᰴࡕ࠼ߪⓨ㑆⊛ኻ⒓ᕈߩ⇣ߥࠆ㧠ߟߩࡕ࠼㧔p1ޔ p2ޔp5ޔp6㧕ߩ✢ᒻ⚿วߢࠊߐࠇࠆߎߣ߇ࠊ߆ߞߚޕၮᧄ࠰࠻ࡦࡄ࡞ࠬߣ⋧ᢛว߇ ߣࠇࠆߚߩಽᢔᵄߩᵄ㐳ࠍℂ⺰⊛ߦ⸘▚ߒߚ߽ߩࠍ Fig 2 ߦ␜ߔࠅࠃࠇߎޕห৻ߩⓨ㑆ࡕ ࠼ࠍᜬߟ㜞ᰴࡕ࠼ߦ߅ߡޔశᣇะ߇⇣ߥࠆߣಽᢔᵄߩᵄ㐳⇣ߥࠆߎߣ߇੍᷹ߐࠇޔ ታ㛎ߢߩ⚿ᨐ߇⺑ߐࠇߚߦ߁ࠃߩߎޕಽᢔᵄߩᵄ㐳߇శᣇะߢᓮߢ߈ࠆߎߣ߆ࠄޔ 㜞ㅦశᄌ⺞╬߳ߩᔕ↪߇⠨߃ࠄࠇࠆޕ Fig 2 The dispersive wave wavelength versus pump wavelength for higher-order modes Fig 1 The spectra of dispersive waves and with different symmetry numbers. spatial modes. Arrows indicate polarization directions. ෳ⠨ᢥ₂㧦N. Karasawa and K. Tada, Opt. Express, 18, 5338 (2010). 㧙 102 㧙
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