Teaching is interesting. Vocabulary - Ex. 1a - 1b (a) car salesman - 自動車販売員 (a) tough job - 難しい仕事 at least - 少なくとも waiting tables - selling ~ - ~を販売すること 食事の給仕をすること acting - 演じること (be) tiring - 疲れる starring in a movie - (to) stand all day - 一日中立つ 映画に出演すること (be) good with (something) (何か)が得意である (be) good at (doing something) (何かをすること)が得意である using computers コンピューターを使うこと (a) police officer / (a) cop - 警察官 fixing (cars) -(車)を修理すること (a) rock band - ロックバンド (be) cool - かっこいい (to) paint - 絵を描く (to) learn a lot from (someone) ~ (誰か)から多くのことを学ぶ (be) rewarding - ためになる working at home 在宅で仕事をすること (be) comfortable - 心地よい Notes:_______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 073 │ Lesson 10 1a. 左側 1-10 と、右側 A-J を組み合わせましょう。次にペアになって、1 & B の ように、組み合わせた文を読みながら答えを確認しましょう。斜字体の文字 (例:sell → selling)を参考にするとよいでしょう。 1. Bob is a car salesman. He has to sell at least three cars a week. A. Working at home is really nice (for her). 2. Diana loves to act in movies. B. Selling cars is challenging. 3. Jamie is not good with computers. C. Being a cop is not an easy job. 4. Charlie is a police officer. His job is very dangerous. D. Painting is relaxing. 5. Joy fixes cars. She always comes home tired. E. Starring in a movie is exciting. 6. Betty is a waitress. She has to stand all day. F. Using computers is really difficult (for him). 7. John plays rock and roll guitar. His band is very popular. G. Being in a rock band is cool. 8. Kate loves to paint. It’s fun. H. Teaching is rewarding. 9. Amanda is a great teacher. Her students always learn a lot from her. I. Fixing cars is tiring. 10.Mary works at home. It’s very comfortable. J. Waiting tables is a tough job. 動名詞 - 主語 - 目的語 / gerunds - subjects - objects 10 動 名 詞 主 語 │ 074 1b. Working from pictures: 下の写真に適切な説明にあたる文を、前ページ の A-J から選び、写真1. のように書き込みましょう。次に、ペアになって答えを 確認しましょう。 _____________ 1. Working at home is really nice. _____________ 4. __________________ __________________ __________________ 2. ___________________ ___________________ 3. ___________ ___________ 5. ______________ ______________ ______________ 6. _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ 7. _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ 075 │ Lesson 10 8. __________ __________ __________ __________ 9. _________ _________ _________ _________ 10. ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Ex. 2 Ex. 3 owning a business - What is going to happen to ~ ? ~に何が起こるだろうか? 会社を経営すること (be) stressful - ストレスが多い (be) noisy - 騒がしい (be) better paid - もっと給料が良い (be) paid well - 給料がよい (a) gas station - ガソリンスタンド bad news - 悪いニュース (to) go out of business - 倒産する that’s terrible - それはひどい (to) have to look for (something) - 10 (何か)を探さなければならない that would be difficult for me それは私には難しいだろう too ~ - ~過ぎる (it’s) challenging - やりがいのある let’s see... - ええっと... (to) hire - 雇う working with the elderly - 動 名 詞 主 語 高齢者の介護をすること Notes:_______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 動名詞 - 主語 - 目的語 / gerunds - subjects - objects │ 076 2. Painting is fun. 絵を描くのは楽 くのは楽しい。 しい。 Owning a business is stressful. 会社を 会社を経営するのは 経営するのはストレス するのはストレスが ストレスが多い。 Using computers is difficult. コンピュータを コンピュータを使うのは難 うのは難しい。 しい。 A-J を使って、1-10 の文を完成させましょう。 A. B. C. D. E. working at home selling cars being a cop painting starring in a movie F. G. H. I. J. using computers being in a rock band teaching fixing cars waiting tables 1. ______________________ is less noisy than _____________________ 2. _____________________ is better paid than _____________________ 3. ____________________ is more stressful than ___________________ 4. ___________________ is more rewarding than ___________________ 5. __________________ is more challenging than __________________ -----------------------------------------------------6. _________________________________ would be too difficult for me. 7. _____________________________________________ isn’t paid well. 8. _______________________________________________ is too noisy. 9. _______________________________________________ is too tiring. 10. ________________________________ wouldn’t be interesting for me. 077 │ Lesson 10 3. Conversation questions A: 1. What is going to happen to EJ’s Gas Station? It’s _________________________________ 2. What doesn’t pay well? ____________________________________ 10 3. How about __________________________ 動 名 詞 主 語 4. Is Joy looking for a challenging job? Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t. Why do you think so? Because she says, “_________________________________________” EJ’s Gas Station 5 10 Joy - Bad news. EJ’s Gas Station is going out of business next month. Dan - Really? That’s terrible. Joy - Yeah. Now I have to look for a new job. Is there anything in the newspaper? Dan - Let’s see… A restaurant is hiring. Joy - No, waiting tables doesn’t pay well. Dan - O.K., then how about working with the elderly? That pays better and it’s more rewarding. Joy - Working with the elderly? No, that would be too difficult for me. 動名詞 - 主語 - 目的語 / gerunds - subjects - objects │ 078 Ex. 4a - 5 It would be fun ~ - working as a ~ - ~として働くこと ~多分楽しいだろう (a) hair stylist - 美容師 (I) wouldn’t like ~ (an) interpreter - 通訳者 (私は)~したくないだろう speaking foreign languages (I) would be interested in ~ 外国語を話すこと (私は)~に興味があるだろう (I) would hate ~ (私は)~が嫌いだろう (a) marathon - マラソン cleaning public toilets 公衆トイレを掃除すること (I) wouldn’t mind ~ - writing novels - 小説を書く事 (私は)~を構わないだろう What do you think about ~ ? (be) handicapped - 障害がある ~についてどう思いますか? taking care of (children) (to) make more money (子供)の世話をすること もっとお金を稼ぐ Notes:_______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 079 │ Lesson 10 4a. I would be interested in teaching. 左側と右側の文を比べてみましょう。ペアになって、ひとりは左側の1-5をラン ダムに読み、パートナーは右側の文を読みながら、文法の違いをつかんでいきま しょう。役割を交代して繰り返しましょう。 1. Starring in a movie sounds fun. → It would be fun starring in a movie. 2. Waiting tables is tiring. 10 → I wouldn’t like waiting tables. 3. Teaching is interesting. → I would be interested in teaching. 4. Selling cars is a difficult job. → I would hate selling cars. 動 名 詞 目 的 語 5. Working at home sounds O.K. → I wouldn’t mind working at home. 4b. 下に記したフレーズを使って、次ページ1 のような文を作ってみましょう。上の5 つのパターン (It would be fun...) をそれぞれ2回ずつ使って書きましょう。 taking care of children working with handicapped kids working with the elderly working as a hair stylist being an interpreter running in a marathon working at an English school owning a business cleaning public toilets writing novels 動名詞 - 主語 - 目的語 / gerunds - subjects - objects │ 080 4b. 1. I would be interested in owning a business. business 2. __________________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________________ 4. __________________________________________________________ 5. __________________________________________________________ 6. __________________________________________________________ 7. __________________________________________________________ 8. __________________________________________________________ 9. __________________________________________________________ 10. __________________________________________________________ 4c. ペアになりましょう。前ページ4bのフレーズを使って、下の例文のような質問と 答えの練習をしてみましょう。 A: What do you think about (being an interpreter)? B: I would be interested in being an interpreter. 5. はじめに、下の英文を聞いて正しい順番に並べ替え、1~5の番号を書きましょ う。次にその英文を次ページ上の Dan と Joy の会話文の空欄に書きます。書き終 えたらペア a, b になって、a は Dan を、b は Joyを読みながら答えを確認します。 お互い同じ順番になりましたか?最後に次ページの4つの文の空欄を埋めましょ う。 __ I wouldn’t mind working as an interpreter. It would be fun meeting people from other countries. __ I’m not sure. I’m good at speaking foreign languages. I can speak Italian, Spanish, and a little French. __ And you could make more money being an interpreter than working at a gas station. __ Hey, maybe you could be an interpreter. __ So what kind of job are you interested in doing, Joy? 081 │ Lesson 10 - _______________________________________________________ 5. Dan Joy - _______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Dan - _______________________________________________________ Joy - _______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Dan - _______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 10 1. Joy is good at ______________________________________________ 動 名 詞 目 的 語 2. She wouldn’t mind __________________________________________ 3. It would be fun _____________________________________________ 4. She could make more money __________________________________ than ______________________________________________________ Ex. 6 - 7 Which do you prefer? - どっちがいいですか? waking up early - 早起きすること staying up late - 夜更かしすること sleeping in - 遅くまで寝ること getting home late - 夜遅くに帰宅すること Notes:_______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 動名詞 - 主語 - 目的語 / gerunds - subjects - objects │ 082 6. Getting to know your teacher and classmates: 先生やクラスメイトに聞いてみましょう。動名詞(~ing)を使って、例文を参考にしな がらあなた自身の答えを書いてみましょう。次にペアになって、アイコンタクトしな がら質問し、お互いの答えを聞いてみましょう。何か同じ答えはありましたか? 1. What are you good at? I’m good at (playing the piano). How about you? __________________________________________________________ 2. What are you bad at? I’m bad at (cooking). How about you? __________________________________________________________ 3. What is stressful for you? For me, (taking tests) is stressful. How about you? __________________________________________________________ 4. Which do you prefer, waking up early in the morning or staying up late at night? I prefer (staying up late at night). How about you? __________________________________________________________ 5. What do you like doing on Sundays? On Sundays, I like (waking up late). How about you? __________________________________________________________ 7. 下の文を参考にしながら、あなたが日曜日にすることで 好きなことと嫌いなことを書いてみましょう。下線部分 の語句は、スムーズな文を作るのに役立つはずです。で きるだけ動名詞の文で構成しましょう。作文が終わった らグループになってお互いの作文をシェアしましょう。 あなたと類似点がある人はいましたか?グループの代表 は、ひとりの作文を選んでクラスで発表します。クラス のみんなはそれが誰のものかを予想しながら、あなたと の類似点があるかどうかを注意して聞きましょう。 Composition and Speech On Sundays, I like sleeping in. I usually get up around 11:00 a.m. After taking a shower, I like having some milk and cookies while watching TV or reading a magazine. In the afternoon, I like going shopping with my friends. Sometimes, we see a movie or just go to the park. I don’t like getting home too late because I have school the next day. 083 │ Lesson 10
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