Aankondiging Nascholing Mindful Movement

Aankondiging Nascholing Mindful Movement
In september 2014 komt Sona Fricker naar Nederland voor het geven van een
workshop Mindful Movement over de toepassing mindful bewegen bij mensen
met pijn en ziekte.
Workshop met Sona Fricker
19 en 20 september 2014
Mindful Movement
vrijdag 19 en zaterdag 20 september 2014
De Poort, Groesbeek www.depoort.org
Vrijdag van 10.00 tot 17.30 uur
Zaterdag van 10.00 tot 17.00 uur
Voor wie:
Trainers in MBSR / MBCT, en trainers in opleiding
€ 395 (inclusief lunch en koffie/thee)
De voertaal van de workshop is Engels
Deelnemers: Het maximum aantal deelnemers is 22
Deelnemers ontvangen na de workshop een bewijs van deelname
Docent: Sona Fricker
Sona started meditating in 1972. He has taught &
practiced Hatha yoga for many years. He taught
meditation & Buddhism in Stockholm, Sweden for 8
years, after which he moved to the UK and became
director of a Buddhist retreat centre. Sona is one of the
founders and senior trainer at Breathworks and travels
with Vidyamala Burch internationally to offer courses
and retreats in the Breathworks approach to
mindfulness. Sona regularly teaches the mindful
movement on the Breathworks teacher training events.
Aanmelden kan door het aanmeldformulier ingevuld te
sturen/mailen naar het Instituut voor Mindfulness.
U kunt via www.depoort.org een kamer reserveren als u bij De
Poort wilt overnachten. Overnachten is niet bij de prijs inbegrepen.
Bij annulering tussen 4 en 2 weken voor aanvang van de workshop
betaalt u 50% van het totale factuurbedrag.
Bij annulering binnen 2 weken voor aanvang van de workshop is
geen restitutie mogelijk en betaalt u het totale factuurbedrag.
The aim of the workshop is to give Mindfulness teachers:
• an opportunity to practice in the movements
• learn the appropriate way to do the movements, so as to avoid injury
• learn how to teach the movements, there will be opportunities to practice teaching the
movements to other participants in the workshop
Inhoud van de workshop
The course is mainly experiential, conducted in small groups in which we explore our
own (students and trainers) processes in mindfulness.
Each student will also have the opportunity to lead a guided meditation to a small group
of students and trainer, and to receive constructive feedback.
This workshop ‘Mindful Movement’ is a complete introduction to the system of mindful
movement as developed and taught at Breathworks.
In addition, there will be sessions in which we look at:
 the role of the mindfulness trainer
 teaching and learning styles
 listening
 dealing with the common difficulties people have with practice
Who is it for?
It will help participants develop the skills needed to teach the Breathworks mindfulnessbased approach, as well as develop your skills in teaching mindful movement in
MBSR/MBCT classes.
The Mindful Movement workshop is aimed at Mindfulness Teachers to use with their
own clients. The movements are especially suited to people with chronic pain, or who
suffer from chronic illness. They are also suited to anyone who finds the movements used
on MBSR courses too difficult.
Breathworks programmes are a development of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
(MBSR) adapted to suit the needs of those with chronic pain or illness.
Breathworks was founded by Vidyamala Burch, who has used mindfulness to manage
severe spinal pain for over 25 years. Her experience forms the basis for the highly successful
methods used on Breathworks courses. These methods, that include mindfulness practices,
are drawn from what she has found most beneficial in managing her own condition.
The movements you learn in this workshop are all breath-based, that is, breath awareness
is central and uses the breath to lead the movements. In this way it creates its own
mindfulness practice, as well as helping people to gain greater confidence if their mobility
has be compromised.