Smart Specialization Strategies: Implementing European Partnerships 18/06/2014 Lorenza Badiello What do we do? Where to go from now? The Emilia Romagna Region: Which common goals for a transformative change? Who are we ? How to act (including withS3)? What major drivers? who are we ? ce: 22,453 Km2 itants: 4,471,104 (7% Italy) ation Density: 199/Km2 Source: ISTAT 2013 140,942 M€ (8.8 % Italy) er Capita: 31,688 € er Capita Index: 127 average equal to 100, 2008) Source: ISTAT 2011 e Region has: A strong tradition of social cohesion & consensus High levels of innovation and entrepreneurship Advanced education and research systems Wellbeing and quality of life An ability to adapt to changing circumstances Ranking among the wealthiest regions of Europe A strong participation in EU policies and programmes (effective use of SF and research and innovation programmes). orld renown prestigious companies: Ferrari, Maserati, Lamborghini, ucati, Technogym, Barilla to name but a few mall companies that are world leaders. orld renown food products (Parma ham, Parmesan chees among others) t also, other products : car components, packaging machinery, omedical equipment, tiles, agrimachinery, robots (that are used in ctories around the world). n example: a significant % of components in German cars are produced in milia Romagna. milia-Romagna and inter-dependence: within a European and global anufacturing perspective collaborations and partnerships are needed. anufacturing has a revolutionary strength because technologies are motive and motocycles Food Industry Ceramic Tiles hatronics Machining and Tools Woodworking Machinery EGIONAL INFRASTRACTURAL SYSTEM s, rail and road networks, intermodal eight villages, sea ports and a way network The Trans-European networks and Bologna at the centre Bologna With its 89 industrial research laboratories and innovation centers, the HTN brings together universities and research centers providing skills (to over 600 researchers), facilities and services to business. The Network is organized in thematic platforms and coordinated by ASTER The MISSION: • To Foster innovation culture • To Promote industrial research • To Facilitate industry-research collaboration • To Identify opportunities for funding opoles are facilities ated to industrial research cated across the 9 provinces ilia-Romagna es ment n Resources Thematic Competences • 241 Mln € Investments: • 137 Mln € from Regional Government An equitable, socially inclusive and sustainable manufacturing renaissance model that embraces: the internationalization of applied R&D; innovation in the broadest sense; enterprise competitiveness; a highly skilled workforce and quality of life INNOVATION International collaboration, transnational clusters in leading edge technologies, local/regional competitive edge COMMUNITY SKILLS AND JOBS An even stronger Social Inclusion Attracting, retaining talents Access for all Life science and health creating Innovative jobs and competencies Sustainability •Sustainable Mobility •Clean economy •Recycle/reuse of materials A digital society Job creation •ICT •Connectivity •Public services and services for business •Virtual spaces •Attracting Retaining Talents •New skills /competencies •New and better jobs Governance «People first» Start ups hi-tech KETs Regional High Technology Network Drivers for change Regional Production Innovative STRATEGIC INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS HIGH POTENTIAL OF INNOVATION INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS Agrifood Life sciences and health Construction Cultural and creative industries Mechatronics First Step Net-Labs/Hi-Mech District 2004-2007 Second Step High Technology Network 2008-2009 Third Step Technopoles Fourth Step 2010-2013 ected with global trends rated with EU policies and programmes (namely ESIF and Horizon2020) related to national innovation initiatives d on the regional innovation system and HTN (able to include KETs in new ucts, processes and business) rated with Knowledge and Innovation Communities – KIC pe is global leader in supplying advanced manufacturing ; a new generation of stries is growing (Manufacturing 2.0, 3D printing , automation, Intelligent company..) s is an emerging paradigm in which ER is an active partner. a region with an advanced industrial system. It has an effective governance, strong ility, education and research infrastructures : It is now moving towards a new strial paradigm, where manufacturing, sustainability and inclusion go hand in hand. a helpful process also towards the development of new collaborative networks and a ficant step towards a regional innovative manufacturing. re to go from now on Industrial Renaissance ? This is going to be an underlying me of the Italian EU Presidency . ER is developing already a road map, contact us! a Romagna Region – EU Office tor: Lorenza Badiello Montoyer, 21 - Brussels +32.2.732.30.90 il: [email protected]
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