Schedule Medical Sciences Summer School Oncology 2014 June 30 – July 11 Staff [email protected] J. de Vries, MD PhD Prof. B.G. Szabó, MD PhD Prof. J.L.N. Roodenburg, MD PhD Prof. F.A.E. Kruyt PhD M. Jalving MD PhD J. Widder, MD PhD Students [email protected] Sanne Pruntel [email protected] +316-57 58 05 14 Matilda Arvidsson Kvissberg [email protected] +316-48 44 47 75 Klaartje de Bruijn [email protected] +316-81 54 77 94 Philip Brouwer [email protected] +316-14 47 46 82 Cas de Jongh [email protected] +316-42 04 81 27 Wouter Bakker [email protected] +316-38400213 Secretary [email protected] Olga Klompstra Aranka van Bronkhorst [email protected] [email protected] +3150-361085 +3150-361085 | 1 08.15 08:45 09.00 10.00 12.00 13:00 15:3016.30 16:45 17:00 Monday June 30 Moderators: De Vries & Pruntel Location Breakfast Location: Lounge Facility Arrival participants 2014 Students ISOMS 2014 The Graduate School of Medical Sciences about the future Smit opportunities Location: Blauwe Zaal MRSA screening Location: Triade Building, E.1. entrance 24 Lunch Location: Lounge Facility Welcome participants: Explanation of the day Location: Room 16 Exam Location: FMW 3215.0137 Location: FMW 3215.0122 Group photo Location: Poortweg 10 Tour UMCG De Vries Pruntel Wilkens De Bos Klompstra Arvidsson Kvissberg Social (Moderator: Bakker) 19.30 Welcome reception 21.00 Drinks with other Summer Schools Plaza Danza ( Villa Volonté 2 Tuesday July 1 Moderators: Roodenburg & De Bruijn Location: Room 16 08:30 Breakfast Location: Lounge Facility 09.15 Opening remarks De Vries Pruntel 09:30 Common general aspects of cancer De Vries 10:00 Introduction surgical-, radiation-, and medical oncology De Vries Oosting Widder 10:45 Coffee and tea 11:00 Introduction surgical-, radiation-, and medical oncology De Vries Oosting Widder 11:45 Up-to-date: strategy in literature search, in the ‘CMB’: CMB employee Group 1: 12:00-12:30 Group 2: 12:30-13:00 Location: CMB (Medical Library) 13.00 Lunch Location: Lounge Faculty Clinic (T1) Moderators: Roodenburg & De Bruijn Location: Room 16 14.00 14.30 15.15 15.30 Introduction cases and posters Patient Coffee and tea Prostate cancer 16.15 End of educational program Research (T2) Moderators: Kruyt & Brouwer Location: Room 15 Roodenburg 14.00 Introduction (1/2) Kruyt Leliveld 15.00 15.15 15.45 Coffee and tea Introduction (2/2) Excursion Oncology Laboratory End of educational program Jalving Timmer Leliveld 17.45 Social (Moderator: Bakker) 19.00 Dinner Kaap Noord, Groningen 3 Wednesday July 2 Moderators: Roodenburg & Arvidsson Kvissberg Location: Room 16 08:30 Breakfast Location: Lounge Facility 09:15 Patient (female) Mourits 09:45 Gynecologic cancer Mourits 10:45 Coffee and tea 11:00 Gynecologic cancer Arts 12:00 Pathology Kluin 13.15 Lunch Location: Lounge Facility Clinic (T1) Moderators: Roodenburg & Arvidsson Kvissberg Location: Room 16 14.00 Poster presentations 15.00 15.15 16.15 14.00 Targeted therapy, bench to bedside 15.00 Coffee and tea 15.15 17.15 Laboratory experience (1/2) End of educational program Elise Young Francisco Telesforo Aldo Soldini Coffee and tea Poster presentations Research (T2) Moderators: Kruyt & Brouwer Location: Room 15 De Jong Maria Agudelo Luis Tinoco Marla Alves End of educational program Kruyt Social (Moderator: Bakker) 18.30 V&D dinner Department store V&D, Grote Markt 4 Thursday July 3 Moderators: Widder & Bakker Location: Room 16 08:30 Breakfast Location: Lounge Faculty 09:15 Patient Hiltermann 09:45 Lung cancer Hiltermann Konrad 10:45 Coffee and tea 11:00 Genetics and cancer Oosterwijk 12:00 Oncology and Radiology Viddeleer 13.00 Lunch Location: Lounge Faculty Clinic (T1) Moderators: Widder & Bakker Location: Room 13 14.00 Poster presentations Vijayshree Muthukumar Guilherme Franca Diana Cirimpei Amir Solovitz Jiaying Lu Research (T2) Moderators: Kruyt & Brouwer Location: Room 15 14.00 Gynecologic Oncology: epigenetic in cancer Coffee and tea Laboratory Experience (2/2) End of educational program 15.30 15.45 Coffee and tea Preparing case presentation 15.00 15.30 16.45 End of educational program 17.15 Wisman Kruyt Jalving Social (Moderator: Bakker) 19.30 Climbing Martinitoren Grote Markt 5 Friday July 4 Moderators: Roodenburg & Arvidsson Kvissberg Location: Room 16 08:15 Breakfast Location: Lounge Faculty 09.15 Introduction bad news conversation Location: Room 16 Wiering 09.30 Bad news conversation Head & neck examination Breast examination Location: Room 16 Wiering/Dopheide Location: Room 13 Roodenburg Location: Room 15 De Vries 13.00 Lunch Location: Lounge Faculty Clinic (T1) Moderators: Roodenburg & Arvidsson Kvissberg Location: Room 16 14.00 Patient KluinNelemans 14.30 Hematological malignancies KluinNelemans 15.15 Coffee and tea 15.45 Hematological malignancies KluinNelemans 16.30 End of educational program 14.00 Research (T2) Moderators: Kruyt & Brouwer Location: Room 15 Systems Biology Fehrmann 14.45 Coffee and tea 15.15 Systems Biology 17.15 End of educational program Tavassoly Social (Moderator Bakker) 19.00 BBQ with other Summer Schools Housing Office 6 Saturday July 5 Social (Moderator: Bakker) 18.00 International Cooking Event Housing Office Sunday July 6 Social (Moderator: Bakker) 10.00 – 20.00 Survival and BBQ Hunzepark Gasselternijveen 7 Monday July 7 08:30 09:15 Moderators: De Vries & De Bruijn Location: Room 16 Breakfast Location: Lounge Faculty Patient Pediatric Oncology De Bont 09:45 Pediatric Oncology 10:45 11:00 Coffee and tea Pediatric oncology 11.45 13.00 14.00 15.00 Salivary gland stem cell therapy Lunch Puppeteer Coffee and tea De Bont Van Baren Van der Weide De Bont Van Baren Van der Weide Coppes Location: Lounge Faculty Vollenhoven Clinic (T1) Moderators: Widder & De Bruijn Location: Room 13 15.30 Case presentations Widder Research (T2) Moderators: Kruyt & Brouwer Location: Room 15 15.30 Leukemic stem cells Schuringa Schepers 16.15 17.30 Brain tumor stem cells End of educational program Kruyt Group 1 Group 2 16.30 End of educational program Social (Moderator: Bakker) 19.00 Dinner De Boom, Groningen 8 Tuesday July 8 Moderators: Roodenburg & Pruntel Location: Room 16 08:30 Breakfast Location: Lounge Faculty 09:15 Patient (palliative care) Geerling 09:45 Palliative care & Pain management Geerling 10:30 Coffee and tea 10:45 Palliative care & Pain management Geerling 11:30 Euthanasia Mackor 13.00 Lunch Location: Lounge Faculty Clinic (T1) Moderators: Roodenburg & Pruntel Location: Room 13 14.00 Poster presentations Braian Sousa Natalia Dassi Florencia Variana Bogdan Chiva Giurca 15.00 Coffee and tea 15:30 14.00 Research (T2) Moderators: Kruyt & Brouwer Location: Room 15 Oral presentations 15.00 Agam Bansal Veronica Martini Vladimir Kushnarev Coffee and tea Wardrounds Surgical Oncology Maxillofacial Surgery Pulmonology Medical Oncology Urology Pediatric Oncology Gynecologic Oncology Pediatric Surgical Oncology Hepato-, Pancreato-, Biliary Surgery 17.00 Guided tour Radiotherapy 17.00 Oral presentations 17.45 End of educational program 18.30 De Vries Roodenburg Hiltermann Oosting Leliveld Plasschaert Mourits Van Baren De Jong Weijing Tang Vivaan Dutt Thembisa Sibande End of educational program Social (Moderator: Bakker) 21.00 World Championship Football ‘t Golden Fust 9 Wednesday July 9 Moderators: Szabó & De Jongh Location: Room 16 08:30 Breakfast Location: Lounge Faculty 09:15 Patient Peters 09:45 Oesophageal cancer Peters 10:45 Coffee and tea 11:15 Patient De Jong 11:45 Hepato Pancreato Biliary cancer (HPB-cancer) De Jong 13:00 Lunch Location: Lounge Faculty Clinic (T1) Moderators: Szabó & De Jongh Location: Room 13 14.00 Poster presentations Samod Sanusi Ana Clara de Moraes Bittencourt Lara Faria Souza Dias 15.00 Coffee and tea 15.15 Poster presentations Clara Lemstra Emma Molony Ana Carolina Gelini 16.00 Case presentation 14.00 Research (T2) Moderators: Kruyt & Brouwer Location: Room 15 Oral presentations Kruyt Szabó Angela Luna Meza Martin Heilmann Tammi Rubinstein Zulrahman Erlangga 15.00 15.30 Coffee and tea Molecular Imaging in Oncology Nagengast 16.30 Evaluation Kruyt 17.00 End of educational program Group 3 Group 4 17.00 End of educational program Social (Moderator: Bakker) 19:00 Bicycle tour Windmill Route: Housing Office-Paterswoldsemeer 10 Thursday July 10 Moderators: De Vries & Bakker Location: Room 16 08:30 Breakfast Location Lounge Faculty 09:15 Patient De Vries 09:45 Breast cancer De Vries 10:45 Coffee and tea 11:00 Breast cancer 12:00 13.00 Skin malignancies Lunch 14.00 Proposal and Protocols writing policies on an international level EORTC Representative 15.00 Coffee and tea 15.15 Head and Neck cancer Roodenburg 16.30 3D Imaging Witjes 17.30 End of educational program De Vries Terra Location Lounge Faculty Shash Social (Moderator: Bakker) 19:00 Running dinner Route: Student houses Groningen 11 Friday July 11 Moderators: Roodenburg & De Jongh Location: 08:45 Breakfast Location: Lounge Faculty 09:15 Clinical reasoning 10:45 Coffee and tea 11:00 Exam Location: Combizaal 12:30 Lunch Location: Lounge Faculty 14:00 Evaluation 15:00 Certification, awards and drinks 18:30 End of certification, awards and drinks Location: 3214.0081 Roodenburg Location:3214.0081 De Vries Location: de Kikker (UMCG) Social (Moderator: Bakker) 19:00 Farewell dinner ‘t Pannekoekschip 12
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