11th European Women Pharmacists Meeting

Please fill in and fax to: 0031 84 8837202
Members NOVA Friday pharmacy visit 15.00 hrs
Friday evening dinner 18.00 hrs
(own expenses)
Please mark
number of
H 100,00
H 85,00
Saturday evening dinner
Poentjak, Kneuterdijk, Den Haag H 45,00
(meal & drinks) 18.00 hrs
11th European Women
Pharmacists Meeting
4-6 September 2015 The Hague, Netherlands
Organised by
Sunday Museum Mauritshuis 10.00 hrs
H 20,00
This meeting is sponsored by
the Royal Dutch Pharmacists Association
Dutch women pharmacists association
Friday 4th of September
NOVOTEL Den Haag City Centre
Hofweg 5-7
2511 AA Den Haag
Tel: 0031-703108866
Please make your own hotel reservation:
for NOVA until 15th of July 2015. Keyword: NOVA
15.00 Location
Visit of a community or hospital pharmacy NOVOTEL, The Hague, Reception
Dinner at the seaside.
NOVOTEL, The Hague, Reception
Saturday 5th of September
Please copy this link for online booking:
KNMP, Alexanderstraat 11, The Hague
‘Getting older carefully’
9.00 Registration
9.20 Welcome
Dr. Martina Teichert, President NOVA
9.30–10.00 Opening Gerben Klein Nulent MSc, President KNMP
10.00–10.45 Medicines reviews in the community - The Australian experience
Dr. Karen Luetsch, Brisbane, Australia
10.45–11.30 Medication Review in the Netherlands
Dr. Anne Leenderste, Utrecht, Netherlands
11.30–12.15 Women, drugs and Genetics
Dr. Eline Rodenburg,
Rotterdam, Netherlands
12.15–13.15 Lunch
13.15–14.00 Medication review from patients’ perspective
Prof. Dr. Marion Schaefer, Berlin Germany
14.00–15.30 Workshops Medication Review
English: Dr. Jacqueline Hugtenburg,
Deutsch: Prof. Dr. Katja Taxis, Dr. Dorothee Dartsch,
Nederlands: Gudy Meijvis, Valerie Meijvis MSc,
Marianne van den Berg MSc
15.30–16.15 Work of Pharmacists beyond borders in the Slums of Buenos Aires Apotheker ohne Grenzen,
Carina Vetye-Maler MSc, Project coordinator Argentina
16.15–17.00 Professional values in pharmaceutical care – challenges for women pharmacists Wilma Göttgens-Jansen MSc, MA, Nijmegen, Netherlands
18.00 Dinner: Restaurant Poentjak, Kneuterdijk, Den Haag
Sunday 6th of September
Mauritshuis, The Hague
10.30-11.30 Guided Tour: Women and art
NOVOTEL, Den Haag. Reception
10.30–11.30 Guided tour / Führung / Rondleiding
(English / Deutsch / Nederlands)
http://businesstravel.accorhotels.com/lien_externe.svlt?goto=societe&ID_COMPANY_ID= SCP461163&ID_NUM_CONTRACT=1848592&hotelOuVille=1180&jour_
Day rates (breakfast inclusive)
Single room
C 95,00
Double room: C 105,00
Tourism rate: C 4,60
In case of cancellation of the meeting or events for any reason, all fees contributed
to us will be fully refunded. No further claims for compensation will be accepted.
General information
Organising committee:
Martina Teichert, Leiden. Marianne van den Berg, Alphen. Marianne Glimmerveen,
Gouda. Marjolein Dernier, Alphen. Larissa Dernier, Boskoop.
Please fill in the information at the back of the form and fax this to:
Fax: 031 - (0)84-8837202. For registration by mail or any further
information please contact us by mail: [email protected]
Bank details
NOVA, keyword: meeting
NL65 INGB 0004 0853 63
Meeting location on Saturday:
Alexanderstraat 11
2514 JL Den Haag
Congress language: English. Workshops also in German and Dutch.