mededelingen van het koninklijk wiskundig genootsch

29 augustus 2014 (electronische aflevering)
De eerstvolgende aflevering verschijnt omstreeks 12 september 2014.
Kopij kan worden gestuurd naar [email protected]; agenda-items kunnen ook
worden aangeboden via de website .
1. Agenda
2. Colleges, voordrachten en cursussen
3. Personalia
4. Promoties
1. Agenda
Van de met * aangeduide activiteiten vindt men bijzonderheden in
de rubriek Colleges, voordrachten en cursussen
Amsterdam: Vakantiecursus 2014 voor Wiskundeleraren
Thema: Nieuwe tijden
website voor informatie en registratie
TUE: CASA Colloquium
Lecturer: Jean-David Benamou (INRIA Rocquencourt, France)
Weak solutions of Monge-Ampere equation,
Optimal Transport and applications to reflector design
11-11.45 hrs, lecture room MF 13
The lecture will be preceded by coffee and tea
from 10:30 hrs in MF 5.086 (MF is building MetaForum)
Organisator: A.S. Tijsseling website
UU: Stafcolloquium
Harry Buhrman (CWI)
Title to be announced
15.30-16.30 hr, room 611 of the Hans Freudenthal building,
(campus De Uithof), lecture is preceded by coffee, tea, and
cookies from 15 to15.30 hr in the same room
UU: Stafcolloquium
Sebastiaan Klein (UU)
Title to be announced
15.30-16.30 hr, room 611 of the Hans Freudenthal building,
(campus De Uithof), lecture is preceded by coffee, tea, and
cookies from 15 to 15.30 hr in the same room
UvA: Celebration event in honour of Johan van Benthem
Friday 26-9: The Impact of Logic
Venue: Aula Oude Lutherse kerk, Singel 411
Saturday 27-9: Workshop on the Future of Logic
Venue: Tobacco Theater, Nes 75-87, Amsterdam
Finale Nederlandse Wiskunde Olympiade
Statistical Inference for Lévy Processes
UU: Stafcolloquium
Teun Koetsier (VUA) and
Jan van Mill (VUA/UvA)
Irmgard Gawehn and the topological classification of manifolds.
An attempt at rehabilitation
15.30-16.30 hr, room 611 of the Hans Freudenthal building,
(campus De Uithof), lecture is preceded by coffee, tea, and
cookies from 15 to 15.30 hr in the same room
UU: Stafcolloquium
Hendrik Lenstra (Leiden)
Title to be announced
15.30-16.30 hr, room 611 of the Hans Freudenthal building,
(campus De Uithof), lecture is preceded by coffee, tea, and
cookies from 15 to 15.30 hr in the same room
Eindhoven: Prijsuitreiking Nederlandse Wiskunde Olympiade 2014
Organisator: Nederlandse Wiskunde Olympiade e-mail, website
*Lunteren: The annual Meeting of Dutch Statisticians and
UU: Stafcolloquium
Edwin van Dam (Tilburg)
Title to be announced
15.30-16.30 hr, room 611 of the Hans Freudenthal building,
(campus De Uithof), lecture is preceded by coffee, tea, and
cookies from 15 to 15.30 hr in the same room
UU: Stafcolloquium
Richard Gill (Leiden)
Title to be announced
15.30-16.30 hr, room 611 of the Hans Freudenthal building,
(campus De Uithof), lecture is preceded by coffee, tea, and
cookies from 15 to 15.30 hr in the same room
UU: Stafcolloquium
Sam Payne (Yale)
Title to be announced
15.30-16.30 hr, room 611 of the Hans Freudenthal building,
(campus De Uithof), lecture is preceded by coffee, tea, and
cookies from 15 to 15.30 hr in the same room
Utrecht: Wintersymposium van het KWG – Dataverwerking en
Sprekers: Fetsje Bijma (VU, neurale netwerken), Marjan Sjerps
(NFI, UvA, forensisch onderzoek), Wouter Verkerke (Nikhef, Higgs
search) en Maurice Schmeits (KNMI, neerslag)
Tijd: 11-16 u.
Organisator: Jenneke Krüger (e-mail)
Scholen in heel Nederland:
Olympiade 2015
Optimaal beslissen in de life sciences
GQT graduate school and conference
Eerste ronde Nederlandse Wiskunde
Leiden: 51e Nederlands Mathematisch Congres
Organisator: Universiteit Leiden / TU Delft
2. Colleges, voordrachten en cursussen
Finale Nederlandse Wiskunde Olympiade
Datum: vrijdag 12 september 2014
Organisator: Nederlandse Wiskunde Olympiade website, e-mail .
Aan de finale van de Nederlandse Wiskunde Olympiade doen de 150 beste leerlingen uit de tweede ronde van de Wiskunde Olympiade mee. In de finale
krijgen deze leerlingen drie uur de tijd om vijf opgaven op te lossen. Er
zijn prijzen te winnen in drie categorieën: klas 6, klas 5, en klas 4 en
lager. De beste leerlingen in elke categorie maken ook kans op een plek in
de trainingsgroep voor de internationale wiskundewedstrijden.
Optimaal beslissen in de Life Sciences
Datum/tijd: 30 oktober 2014, 15-20 u.
Organisator: Betasteunpunt Wageningen website, e-mail
In deze verdiepingscursus laten we zien hoe je in de Life Sciences
strategische beslissingen kunt nemen op grond van mathematische
modellen. Als centraal voorbeeld gebruiken we het modelleren van
het beheer van kuddes in een savannegebied en gaan na hoe
woestijnvorming kan worden voorkomen.
GQT graduate school and conference
Dates: 3-5 November: GQT graduate school,
6 and 7 November: GQT Colloquium
We would like to draw your attention to the forthcoming GQT Graduate School
and Colloquium, twin events organised by the Dutch Geometry and Quantum
Theory research cluster.
Registration is now open and can be done via the event’s website. The deadline for registration is 15 October, but we do encourage early registration.
The school will focus on three topics:
- Maarten Solleveld: p-adic groups
- Jasper Stokman: Quantum integrable systems
- Andre Henriques: K-theory
The program of the colloquium is not fixed yet. The plan is to have several
talks related to the topics discussed during the school as well as some
talks on general GQT themes. Both events are aimed primarily at GQT-members,
with the school aiming specially at PhD-students. The organization will
cover the costs relative to their stay at Zandvoort (full board). There is
limited funding for members from foreign universities.
The annual Meeting of Dutch Statisticians and Probabilists
Date/location: November 10-12, 2014, Conference Hotel De Werelt
Organisers: W.Th.F. den Hollander (Leiden), M.N.M. van Lieshout (CWI),
A.W. van der Vaart (Leiden).
The annual meeting will take place in `De Werelt' in Lunteren. Those who
wish to participate in the meeting - including those who will not stay
overnight - are kindly requested to register before October 1st.
Confirmed speakers:
Tony Cai (Pennsylvania), Nina Gantert (Munich), Leo Held (Zurich), Jonathan
Taylor (Stanford), Cristina Toninelli (Paris),Anton Wakolbinger (Frankfurt).
For registration and detailed information see the website.
3. Personalia
Tot ons grote leedwezen is op 16 augustus 2014 overleden onze bijzondere
collega en emeritus in de Algebra, Jan Strooker.
De crematie heeft plaatsgevonden op maandag 25 augustus j.l.
Namens het Mathematisch Instituut van de Universiteit Utrecht
Erik van den Ban
4. Promoties
30-9 Margriet Palm, Reverse engineering the role of tip cells and pericytes
in vascular developement, promotor: Roeland Merks, Academiegebouw University
Leiden, 15 u.
Corien Prins, Inverse methods for illuminiation optics, promotor: W.L.
IJzerman, co-promotoren: J.H.M. ten Thije Bookkamp, T.W. Tukker, Auditorium, zaal 4, 16 u.
22-9 Nico Banagaaya, Index-aware model order reduction for DAEs, promotor:
W.H.A. Schilders, Auditorium, 16 u.
25-9 Manh Hong Duong, Large deviations and variational approaches to generalized gradient flows, promotor: M.A. Peletier, Copromotor: J. Zimmer,
Auditorium, zaal 4,16 u.
28-10 Chris Köhn, High-energy Phenomena in Thunderstorm and Laboratory Discharges, promotor: prof.dr. Ute Ebert (CWI, TUE), co-promotor: dr. Lex
van Deursen (TUE), Collegezaal 4, 14 u.
5. Vacatures
1) University of York, UK
Postdoctoral Research Associates in Number Theory
Applications are invited for up to three EPSRC funded postdoctoral positions
to work jointly with Professors Sanju Velani and Victor Beresnevich on the
programme “New frameworks in metric Number Theory: foundations and applications”.
The research programme aims to make significant contribution to fundamental
problems in the theory of Diophantine approximation; in particular, Littlewood’s conjecture on multiplicative Diophantine approximation, the DuffinSchaeffer conjecture on non-monotonic Diophantine approximation and the
generalised Baker-Schmidt problem on Diophantine approximation on manifolds.
For further details see programme .
You should hold a PhD in Mathematics`or an equivalent of this by the start
date of your appointment. Applicants with a background in metric or analytic
number theory, ergodic theory, dynamical systems and related areas are
especially encouraged.
The posts are fixed-term for a period of up to 3 years. Ideally the posts
will be taken up between January 2015 and May 2015. The precise start date
is subject to negotiation.
The deadline for applications is 29th September 2014.
To apply go to the following link.
For further information and enquiries, please contact: Sanju Velani or
Victor Beresnevich.
2) University of Kent, UK
Mathematics Lectureships
The School of Mathematics, Statistics & Actuarial Science at the University
of Kent seeks to appoint three new lecturers in Mathematics, see.
For two lectureships, preference will be given to candidates with research
expertise in applied numerical computation, geometric integration or numerical analysis (Ref: STM0485). For one lectureship, preference will be given
to candidates with research expertise in geometry and/or topology which
links with and enhances the current research interests of the Mathematics
group (Ref: STM0486).
Ref: STM0485
Closing date: 12th October 2014
Interview date: 5th November 2014
Ref: STM0486
Closing date: 28th September 2014
Interview date: 30th October 2014
Informal enquiries are welcomed and should be directed to: Prof. Peter
Clarkson or Prof. Andy Hone.
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