"Status of bird flu outbreak (30th of November 2014

> Retouradres Postbus 20401 2500 EK Den Haag
Bureau Bestuursraad
President of the House of Representatives
of the States General
Binnenhof 4
Bezuidenhoutseweg 73
2594 AC Den Haag
Postbus 20401
2500 EK Den Haag
Postbus 16180
2500 BD Den Haag
30 november 2014
Status of bird flu outbreak
Dear Madam Speaker,
An outbreak of bird flu (avian influenza, AI) was confirmed at an egg production
farm in Zoeterwoude on 30 November 2014. The outbreak has been confirmed as
the H5 strain of the virus, which means that control measures must be
implemented under European regulations.
T 070 379 8911 (algemeen)
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BBR / 14196624
I am writing to inform you about this infection and the measures taken, as well as
about the general status of the outbreak of bird flu in the Netherlands.
Bird flu in Zoeterwoude
The egg production farm houses some 28,000 birds. This farm has no outdoor
runs for the birds. Culling measures were instituted today and are being carried
out by the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority. As a
precaution, protective measures are being taken for the people involved in the
The Zoeterwoude case involves an H5 strain of avian influenza, but it is not yet
clear whether it is a highly pathogenic form of the virus or a low pathogenic one.
This will be determined by further analysis by the Central Veterinary Institute. The
results are expected tomorrow.
In accordance with European regulations, a 3 km protection zone and a 10 km
surveillance zone have been established around the affected farm. Four other
poultry farms are located in this zone, one of which lies less than 1 km from the
infected farm. These farms will be tested for the presence of bird flu, and their
contacts with the infected farm will also be investigated.
Testing at duck farms
I informed you in my letter of 26 November 2014 about the precautionary testing
of all duck farms in the Netherlands for the presence of bird flu. This testing has
now been completed. The H5 strain of the bird flu virus has not been found at any
of these farms.
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In my letter of 24 November 2014, I informed you about the investigation into
the possible role played by wild birds in spreading bird flu. So far, 1,500 wild birds
have been tested. The highly pathogenic H5N8 strain of the virus has not been
Extra slaughter corridor
In my letter of 25 November 2014 I informed you that, to increase the available
slaughter capacity, it would be permitted under strict conditions to transport
broilers from Region C (Oost-Brabant and Limburg) to two designated
slaughterhouses in the adjacent region (Region A) for slaughter. Waiting too long
before the broilers can be slaughtered also gives rise to welfare issues.
In order to increase the slaughter capacity, a third slaughterhouse in Region A
(Noord-Holland) has today been designated for the slaughter of broilers. The same
strict conditions will of course apply here. This further increase in the slaughter
capacity is necessary among other things because of the block on exports to
Enforcement and compliance
The Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority is working with a
number of agencies, including the police, customs authorities and the Royal Dutch
Constabulary, to supervise compliance with the measures instituted to combat the
bird flu outbreak. Among other things, the Authority is supervising implementation
of the protocols currently in force, supervising poultry slaughterhouses and
poultry transport companies, and investigating reports that come into its central
control room.
Action has been taken against infringements of the requirement to keep birds
indoors, the compartmentalisation (stickering) rules, the ban on visitors and
transport to other countries via the Netherlands. Official reports have been drawn
up in some of these cases.
Availability of information
The latest Q&As can be found on the website
www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/vogelgriep, together with a link to the relevant
regulations (in Dutch), as well as a link to the relevant regulations. In addition,
farmers with questions can contact the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO)
either via its call centre (tel. 088 042 42 42 from within the Netherlands) or by
email ([email protected]).
In addition, the website RVO.nl (www.rvo.nl/actueel/nieuws/stel-uw-vragen-overvogelgriep-aan-rvonl-klantcontact) now contains an Animal Disease Viewer which
can be used to see which measures are currently in force in each postcode area.
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Finally, I would like to inform you that the first compensation payments for the
culled animals will be made to the affected poultry farmers starting on Monday, 1
December 2014.
Sharon A.M. Dijksma
Minister for Agriculture
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