EUROPEAN COMMISSION DIRECTORATE-GENERAL FOR AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT Directorate C. Economics of agricultural market and single CMO C.2. Olive oil, Horticultural products School Fruit Scheme - Annex V of DG AGRI Working Document (Guidelines) - Annual Monitoring Report 2011/2012 (Note : all the blue cells and the check boxes should be filled in) Belgium 1 - Member State : 29/11/2012 2 - Submission date : If regional, please enter the name of the region : Flanders 3 - Coverage of the scheme : National : 4 - Single contact point : Name : Aranka Delombaerde Institution : Flemish government, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Agriculture and Fisheries Policy Division Mailing address : Koning Albert II laan 35, bus 40, 1030 Brussels Tel : 32 2 552 79 40 Fax : 32 2 552 79 21 E-mail : [email protected] Regional : in € 2010/2011 (updated) 5 - Effective Budget : 1.003.191,0 EU 1.003.191,0 50% B - EU funds used : 522.798,0 541.698,0 MS 1.003.191,0 50% 52,1% 54,0% 2.006.382,0 100% 50,0% 50,0% C - Funding used other than EU = (1) + (2) 2.678.038,2 2.717.696,7 (1) accompanying measures 1.693.692,7 1.693.692,7 (2) co-funding = a)+b)+c) 984.345,5 1.024.004,0 a) Public contribution (non EU) 365.958,6 379.378,0 b) Private contribution 151.987,4 137.142,0 c) Parental contribution 477.751,0 507.484,0 3.200.836,2 3.259.394,7 2010/2011 (updated) 2011/2012 1.003.191,00 1.003.191,00 N° of schools covered by the national scheme : 1.139 1.176 N° of children covered by the national scheme : 244.019 251.535 459.586,00 478.833,00 B + C = TOTAL BUDGET (EU+MS) if the MS has already a scheme in place (1) Budget (total in €) of the national/regional scheme : Product distributed (in €) Printed on : 24/02/2014 Budget (EU + MS) 100 % 1.003.191,0 MS co financing rate in % : (1) 2011 / 2012 A - Final allocation : B/A = EU funds used in % of the final allocation : 6 - Effective additionality : 2011/2012 1/ 4 EUROPEAN COMMISSION DIRECTORATE-GENERAL FOR AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT Directorate C. Economics of agricultural market and single CMO C.2. Olive oil, Horticultural products 7 - Effective involvement of relevant stakeholders : - Educational sector Name of the entity : Departement of Agriculture Public Health Name of the entity : Department of Welbeing, Health and Family Agriculture Name of the entity : Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Civil society Name of the entity : Vlaams Instituut voor Gezondheidsbevordering en Ziektepreventie; Lokaal Gezondheidsoverleg Private sector Name of the entity : Verbond van Belgische Tuinbouwcoöperaties 8 - Quantitative indicators (see Chapter 4) : Number of participating schools in the target group 1.176 In % of the total schools of the target group in the MS 46,0% 251.535 Number of participating children in the target group 37,7% In % of the total children of the target group in the MS Target group (1) 2,5 to 12 years Specific target group (2) no specific target group Frequency of distributions (3) once a week Duration of distributions (4) 30 weeks Average weight per portion grams Average price per portion 0,20 € euros Average consumption per child 1,00 € portions Morning Morning Break Lunch Afternoon Other Delivery time (5) Delivery system (6) in most cases delivery by small retailer, sometimes school personnel or parents have to pick up at the supermarket (1) Please enter here the target group by indicating the age range. It could be for example children from 4 to 12 . (2) When relevant and possible, please describe the type of social group involved (low social economic status, special needs etc …) (3) Please describe, for example : once a day, once a week, twice a week, etc … (4) Please enter here the number of weeks of the scheme (5) Please select the corresponding time, or precise in "other" (6) Please describe : distribution done by the school team, a supermarket, a small retailer etc …. Printed on : 24/02/2014 2/ 4 EUROPEAN COMMISSION DIRECTORATE-GENERAL FOR AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT Directorate C. Economics of agricultural market and single CMO C.2. Olive oil, Horticultural products 9 - Effective product : List of products please fill in the annex Fresh quantities purchased/distributed (in tons) (7) Fresh quantities purchased/distributed (in portions) tons (7) 7.612.260 Processed quantities purchased/distributed (in liters) (7) liters Processed quantities purchased/distributed (in tons) (7) tons Processed quantities purchased/distributed (in portions) (7) Per category (fresh, processed) in % (7) portions portions 100,0% fresh processed Please fill in the appropriate cells % % Additional criteria (examples) : Child safety (allergic reactions etc...) Juice restrictions no juice Additional checks on product safety High quality (Integr Pest Managed product, Organic, other (specify) Availability Local 70% Seasonal calendar Community origin not stipulated but possible Organic not stipulated but possible Other 10 - Effective communication measures (art.5 reg. 288/2009) : 11 - Effective accompanying measures : Poster Other (specify) brochure, website, help by phone 2010/2011 (updated) 2011/2012 Total funds used for accompanying measures (public + private) 1.693.692,7 1.693.692,7 ---> % of public funds 100% 100% 244.019 251.535 97% 100% ---> % of private funds Total children covered by the accomp. measures in % of total children participating to the scheme Printed on : 24/02/2014 3/ 4 EUROPEAN COMMISSION DIRECTORATE-GENERAL FOR AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT Directorate C. Economics of agricultural market and single CMO C.2. Olive oil, Horticultural products 12 - List of effective accompanying measures : 13 - Other comments : Title Promoting organisation Local / Regional / National Target group Budget 123aantafel Nutrition Information CentreRegional NICE Beestig gezond Arteveldehogeschool Gent,Regional Christelijke Mutualiteit, Infants Provincie Oost – Vlaanderen, Vlaams Instituut voor G Tutti Frutti Vlaams Instituut voor Gezondheidspromotie Regional en infants Ziektepreventie and primary school Wild van water Logo Gent vzw, StuurgroepRegional Wild van water Lespakket ‘Gezond eten en drinken op school’ Vlaams Instituut voor Gezondheidspromotie Regional en infants Ziektepreventie and primary school parents/teachers of infants infants and primary school table 12: other accompanying measures (all regional): Aan tafel!, Land van Calcimus, Voedingsweek op school, Fruitmeester, LAVA scholencampagne - primary school ; Kieskeurig, Fitte school, Open je mond voor gezond, Plattelandsklassen, Boeren met klasse, 't Grom Groentemuseum - primary and secondary education; table 5: parental contribution is a minimum of € 2 per participating child if they participate for 30 weeks, this could be more depending on the price of the contract (e.g. if a contract is € 8, than the parental contribution is € 4, because we give a fixed amount of € 4 per child). If a child enters the system in the middle of the year table 9: is 'portions'= 'pieces'? If so, we have to add 5.352.244 pieces. We also have to mention we are not sure these are correct figures, because schools have to fill them in, which we know is sometimes a problem. 14 - Annex - list of products distributed : fruit calendar of regional strategy Flanders Printed on : 24/02/2014 4/ 4
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