Nieuwsbrief 24 19 februari 2015 INTRODUCTIE MARCUS GROLLMAN I would like to take this opportunity to briefly introduce myself. I am Marcus Grollman, and from May I will be the Coordinator of the International Department, combining this with teaching in the TPO section. Although I have Dutch nationality and consider Groningen very much my home, I was born in London and spent quite a number of years teaching in the UK, as well as in Italy and Spain. My family origins are VERY mixed: Irish, Danish, German, Latvian (among other bits!) – so I think I can safely be called European; indeed, that is what I feel!! For seven years I have been working at the Language Centre of the University of Groningen, and I have been the Head of English for the last two years. For nearly twenty years before that, I was an elementary (primary) school teacher and manager, and I am really looking forward to returning to what I consider my real vocation and love: working with and for children. Before I began working at the University Language Centre, I taught at the Helen Sharman School in Assen, and it will be great to work again with some colleagues from those days. Although I won’t be officially starting work until 1 May, I hope to be around school quite a bit before then, so I look forward to meeting as many children, colleagues, parents and friends as possible. I’m sure I will be writing a bit more about myself once I officially join the GSV community. PERSONELE BEZETTING HB1 EN F1/F2 Vanaf 2 maart zal er wisseling worden doorgevoerd in de personele bezetting voor de groepen HB1 en F1/F2. Juf Corrina Gifford zal volledig voor F1/F2 komen te staan (zij vertrekt hiermee uit HB1) en juf Manda Ophuis zal op de maandag, dinsdag en woensdag in HB1 voor de klas gaan. DINSDAG 17 MAART : ONDERBOUWVRIJE DAG HELP! Heeft iemand misschien mijn antracietgrijze gymshirt gevonden? Deze ben ik dinsdag 17 februari bij de gymles kwijtgeraakt. Indien je het hebt gevonden graag even bellen met 06-22797487 (moeder Gonnie) of 0650260292 (vader Wim). Marthe Kiers 3C INNING SCHOOLFEES 2014-2015 Op 28 februari a.s. zal de tweede helft van de schoolfee voor dit schooljaar worden geïnd van het door u aangegeven bank/INGrekeningnummer. Indien u vragen/opmerkingen heeft over de schoolfees kunt u contact opnemen met de administratie van de school. Ina Sieverts, Administratie GSV [email protected] ENGLISH EXTRA LESSONS As you are all aware, Audrey Wijnberg has retired as English teacher at the GSV. She will be missed by us all but we are also sure she will enjoy her new lifestyle. I (Pip Broad - English teacher in groups 3 & 4) will be taking over Audrey’s ‘plus groups’. Since August 2014 I have been teaching group 7 plus children on the Friday morning, and my hours will now be extended to the whole Friday. There are some important changes in the structure of these plus groups which the team of the GSV would like to share with you. The lessons will now be called EXTRA English lessons instead of PLUS. The reason for this is that children who need a challenge and those who need extra support, will both be catered for. Group 8 will also be included in this new structure. Previously it catered for groups 5 to 7. The children will receive lessons in a block of 6 to 8 weeks and then another group will take their place. The groups will receive more than one block of lessons a year. This means we can help more children and we keep the motivation level high. The specialist English teachers and the class teachers discuss who are suitable candidates, and if your child is invited to join a group, a note will be sent home so you are also aware of the situation. I am looking forward to this new aspect of my work at the GSV and I am sure the children and I will have an educational, fun time working on projects together. Best wishes, Pip Broad MISS AUDREY Langs deze weg, wil ik alle leerlingen, leraren en ouders bedanken voor de geweldige afscheid cadeaus en aandacht van afgelopen week. Bloemen, kaarten, schilderijen, planten; voor mij was dit een TOP afscheid. Ook hebben leerlingen gezongen, concerten gegeven met eigen instrumenten en ook mij voor de laatste keer een hand en knuffel gegeven. Ik was er erg ontroerd door. Ik zal jullie allemaal ontzettend missen. Audrey FOTO’S AFSCHEID AUDREY: 20 T/M 1 MAART - VOORJAARSVAKANTIE 6 MAART 17 MAART - PRESENTATIE GROEP 5A - ONDERBOUWVRIJE DAG INTRODUCTION : Sarah - Teaching Assistant Sarah (Ms. Sarah) is a new Teaching Assistant at GSV. Although she moved around Europe most of her life, she considers home to be Prague, Czech Republic. Sarah will be assisting with EAL and learning (disability) support in classes F2 (Mrs. Susie) and Year 4 (Mrs. De Vries). When she is not teaching at GSV, Sarah is studying to complete her Master's degree at the University of Groningen. FIJNE VAKANTIE & TOT MAANDAG 2 MAART
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