This is a temporal version. The final version will be available on 15/07/2014. Status 4: De gewijzigde opleiding is nagekeken en in orde bevonden door de faculteit (programmadirecteur, POC,…) Master of Artificial Intelligence (Leuven) (60 ECTS) Stage1 Master of Science This group comprises the three options within the Master of Artificial Intelligence. Students have to select one of the three options: 1. Engineering and Computer Science (ECS), 2. Speech and Language Technology (SLT), 3. Big Data Analytics (BDA). Option: Engineering and Computer Science (ECS) Option: Speech and Language Technology (SLT) Option: Big Data Analytics (BDA) Students follow all subgroups of the option, according to the rules defined in these subgroups. DBA Introductory Components Students take all courses in this subgroup. 5 ECTS Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence H02A0D D.De Schreye (coordinator) M.Bruynooghe D.De Schreye 6 ECTS Data and Statistical Modelling H00Y0A A.Carbonez N. 4 ECTS Privacy and Big Data H00Y2A M.Martinez Diaz BDA Programming Component All students take the course offered in this subgroup. 6 ECTS Big Data Analytics Programming H00Y4A J.Davis BDA Advanced Mandatory Components Students take all courses in this subgroup. 4 ECTS Machine Learning and Inductive Inference H02C1A H.Blockeel 4 ECTS Data Mining H02C6A J.Davis H02D2A L.De Raedt (coordinator) BDA Optional Components Students must select 16 credits from this subgroup. 4 ECTS Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence H.Bruyninckx T.De Laet L.De Raedt 4 ECTS Speech Recognition H02A6A D.Van Compernolle 4 ECTS Knowledge and the Web G0B34D B.Berendt 4 ECTS Text based Information Retrieval H02C8A M.Moens (coordinator) 4 ECTS Support Vector Machines: Methods and Applications H02D3A J.Suykens 4 ECTS Computer Vision H02A5A D.Vandermeulen 4 ECTS Bio-informatics H02H6B Y.Moreau H00Y7A D.De Schreye (coordinator) BDA Master's Thesis Students are required to make a Master's Thesis in a subject related to the DBA knowledge domain. 15 ECTS Master's Thesis BDA ECTS N. Optional Components Required in stage Optional in stage First term Second term Both terms This year Next year Alternating years External Prerequisites Language of instruction Duration Level Taught by Copyright © KU Leuven | reacties op de inhoud: [email protected] Realisatie: ICTS | Laatste wijziging: 12 juli 2012 Disclaimer
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