Pitch TNO Hegrid - TKI Switch2SmartGrids

Hybrid Energy GRID
HEGRID 2013 -2014
TNO, Siemens, KIT, Deutsche Telekom,
Doel en verwachte resultaten
Doel: realiseren van een Open Hybrid Energy Management
Framework (hybrid: elektriciteit, gas en thermische energie)
waarmee partijen zoals DSO’s en energie leveranciers hybride
energieproposities kunnen leveren.
Verwachte resultaten:
– Realisatie prototype geïntegreerd energie mgt systeem: HEGRID
Platform 3.0, integratie PowerMatcher, (TNO, TU/e) ABEM (CWI),
– Use-cases, zowel huishoudens als commercieel
– Simulatieomgeving (VTT), Technologie (KIT), Deployment (DT)
– Uitwerking business model voor DSO (Alliander); oa kwantificatie
– 2013: PoC; 2014: Pilot-ready; 2015: marktintroductie
Bijdrage aan het realiseren van de
ambities van TKI S2SG?
HEGRID realiseert Open Hybrid Energy Mgt
Framework (elec + gas + heat)
TKI programmalijn – Diensten en
producten/Virtuele Infra
Eindresultaat ondersteunt partijen bij het
aanbieden van hybride energieproposities
Bijdrage aan het realiseren van de
ambities van TKI S2SG?
Matchen vraag en aanbod - De
belangrijkste KPI van HEGRID is hybride
Informatie diensten- Interactie tussen
markt en fysieke infra
Andere KPI is reducing (system) costs
Wat is de rol / inbreng van het project
daarbij? (tijdens én na project)
• Integratie van ‘’losse’’ energie mgt systemen
• Realisatie van Open Hybride Framework
• Ontwikkelen levensvatbare business modellen
Resulterend in een prototype voor succesvolle integratie
hybride energie mgt.
Project is binnen EIT ICT Labs aangemerkt al High Impact
Contactgegevens project
George Huitema/Mente Konsman
A: Eemsgolaan 3, Groningen
T: 088-866 77 36
E: {george.huitema, mente.konsman}@tno.nl
• Website : http://www.eitictlabs.eu/home/
Hybrid Energy GRID
Project objective
2013: Hybrid Energy Grid Management (HEGRID) focuses on realizing a prototype multicommodity (electricity, gas and thermal energy) energy management framework. This framework
enables interoperability of a variety of energy management approaches and devices. The basis of
HEGRID will be formed by the Open Energy Management Framework: an operational platform
that supports multiple smart grid approaches for the electric grid. This base platform will be
extended to support gas and thermal grids as well. It will also feature a coordination mechanism
that can make intelligent decisions across commodities (e.g. how to make the best use of a CHP
that uses gas to produce heat and electricity). Multi-commodity energy management is largely
unexplored territory, but is an important step to increase the efficiency, flexibility and stability of
the combined grids. The project addresses essential challenges posed by the "Energy transition"
to incorporate more energy generated from renewable sources.
2014: To build an interoperable hybrid energy management platform that aims for optimized use
of multiple commodities for smart cities, built environment and small industrial sites. Thus
bringing together smart energy ecosystems. This management framework will service retailers,
DSOs and ESCOs in achieving a coordinated balance of electricity, gas and heat flows.
Hybrid Energy GRID
Added Value
2013: The change in energy systems is forced by different governments all over the world and
especially Europe. Thus, this change concerns all members of our society. Tackling future energy
problems requires us to make changes now where ever it is possible. The open framework for
interoperability and integration of energy systems forms an area where more research needs to
be done. If successful, there will be quite some potential for the development of new services
utilizing the open framework for interoperability of EMS across different types of energy grids.
The valorisation potential will be quantified further within this activity by exploring use cases
both from a household and an industrial/commercial point of view.
2014: Added value will be achieved by delivering a working prototype of an energy management
framework for multi-commodity energy grids. This framework will manage multi-commodity
devices such as CHP's, constantly determining their energetic flexibility. The energetic flexibility is
expressed in a generic and standardized way. It can be exploited by energy apps which run on top
of the framework (analogous to apps on Android or IOS). An example would be peak shaving. 3
energy apps will be developed.