63480 Meded. Werkgr. Tert. K w art. Geol. vol. 16 nr. 4 pp. 139 -1 7 0 R otterdam , decem ber 1979 AN A N N O TA TED B IB LIO G R A PH Y O F PA L E O N T O L O G IC A L AND SYSTEM ATIC PA PERS ON F IS H -O T O L IT H S , PU B LISH ED SINCE 1968* by V L 12 (vzw) VLAAMS INSTITUUT VOOR OOR DE Z E I z a n d e r s m a r in e B eatrijs H uyghebaert & D irk N olf O o ste n d e - B e l g i u m in s t it u t e G ent Belgium H uyghebaert, B. & D. N olf. An annotated bibliography o f p aleontolo gical and system atic papers on fish-otoliths, published since 1968. Meded. Werkgr. T ert. K w art. Geol., 16 (4 ): 139 - 170, R otterdam , Decem ber 1979. The present paper co n stitu tes a tentative to list all references o f o to lith publications posterior to , o r n o t included in Weiler’s ‘O tolithi Piscium ’ (Fossilium Catalogus, Anim alia, pars 117), published in 1968. A fter each reference, new species an d /o r illustrated recen t otoliths are listed. Names o f species are ta k en fro m the original publications, w ith o u t eva luation o f their validity. Finally an alphabetic, non-interpretative list o f all fossil nom inal species described since 1968 is given. Lie. B. H uyghebaert and Dr. D. N olf, Geologisch In stitu u t, L ab o rato rium voor Paleontologie, Rijksuniversiteit G ent, Krijgslaan 2 7 1 , B-9000 G en t, België. V L I Z (vzw) VLAAMS I NSTI TUUT V VOOR DE ZEE F LA N D E R S M A R I N E = IN S T IT U T E O ostende - B e lg iu m C o n ten ts: In tro d u c tio n , p. 140 B ibliography, p. 141 A d d en d u m , p. 165 A lphabetical list o f fossil nom inal species described since 1968, p . 165 * G epubliceerd m e t d e steu n van h e t N atio n aal F o n d s v o o r W etenschappelijk O nderzoek, België. 140 IN TRO D U C TIO N W ith th e p u b licatio n o f volum e 117 (O to lith i P iscium ) o f th e ‘F ossilium C atalogus’ W eiler (1 9 6 8 ) supplied an extrem ely valuable basic d o c u m e n t fo r th e p alaeontological and system atic stu d y o f o to lith s. In this w ork W eiler gave an alm ost co m p lete list o f papers o n re cen t and fossil o to lith s th e n published. S im ultaneously w ith a system atic list o f illu stratio n s o f re c e n t o to lith s th e a u th o r gave his in te rp re ta tio n o f all published fossil species. A ra th e r com plete lib rary o n this subject was com posed b y one o f us (D .N .) a fte r th o ro u g h ly collecting all th e lite ra tu re th a t has appeared since 1968. T he in te re st in o to lith s has increased in the sam e p erio d am ong p alaeo n to lo g ists and ichthyologists. T h erefo re th e n u m b e r o f p apers published a fte r this d ate and th e ir im p o rtan ce are alm ost eq u al to all th o se th a t appeared before. T h e au th o rs decided to com pose th e p re sen t p a p e r because during th e ir o to lith studies th e y co n stan tly felt the n eed o f a co m p lem en tary bibliography. A t first a list o f references was com posed by B. H u y g h ebaert, based o n th e co llectio n o f papers b ro u g h t to g e th e r b y D. N olf. T o g eth e r w ith the references o f papers published a fte r 1968 those papers w ere included th a t w ere published b efo re 1968 b u t n o t m e n tio n e d by W eiler. S ubsequently th e list was co m p leted w ith bibliographic d ata collected in th e lib rary o f J. F itc h , during a visit o f D. N o lf in 1977. M oreover som e fo rty additio n al references, m ainly concerning n o t w ell-know n o ld er p u b licatio n s could be ad ded a fte r checking all th e headings ‘o to lith s ’ in th e C heck-list o f fishes o f th e n o rth -e astern A tlan tic and o f th e M editerra nean (C LO FN A M ), ed ited by H ureau & M onod (1 9 7 3 ). F inally a ten tativ e fo r co m p letio n w ith th e ‘D ean B ibliography o f F ish es’ and o f th e ‘Z oological R eco rd ’ proved to b e very tim e-consum ing b u t less fru itfu l. All in all th is m ay give an im pression o f th e degree o f com pleteness o f th e list. As expressed in th e title o f th is p ap e r th e au th o rs c o n c e n tra te d in th e first place on p alae o n to logical and system atic lite ra tu re , b u t also included a n u m b e r o f references concerning fishery, as well as physiology, cristallography, chem ical co m p o sitio n etc. o f o to lith s. In these related fields, how ever, th e references given will p ro p a b ly b e less com plete. T itles o f u n p u b lish ed theses (e.g. those o f C a p p e tta , K artas, L afond-G rellety, L am ber, N olf, P o in ter, Salem , S tringer and o th ers) are d eliberately o m itte d . T hough o f several o f these d o cu m en ts a considerable n u m b e r o f m im eograph ed copies was d istrib u te d am ong specialists it is th e opinion o f th e au th o rs th a t th e y m ay n o t b e regarded as p u b licatio n s in th e sense o f art. 8 and 8a o f th e In tern atio n al C ode o f Z oological N o m enclature. C iting c h a p te rs on o to lith s in general w orks, as e.g. th e ‘T raité de Z o o lo g ie’ o f Grassé, th e ‘L eh rb u ch d er P aläozoologie’ o f M üller, th e ‘H isto ry o f Fishes’ o f N orm an, etc. has b een ren o u n ced . Besides bibliographic references th e au th o rs also w a n te d to list all th e fossil species in tro d u ce d afte r 1968 and o f illu stra tio n s o f re c e n t species. P ro b ab ly o to lith o lo g y has m ade m o st progress in this last field. F o r this reason each reference is follow ed b y th e headings ‘new fossil species’ and ‘illu strated re cen t o to lith s ’. All species are cited w ith th e nam es used by th e concerning au th o r, w h e th e r valid o r n o t. T he co m p o sitio n o f th e nam e is th e sam e as in th e p ap e r concerned. T he au th o rs decided n o t to com pose a sy stem atic list o f th e re c e n t m aterial, because illustratio n s o f re cen t o to lith s th a t are badly id en tified o r cited w ith in c o rre c t nam es are ra th e r freq u en tly found in lite ra tu re . F o r th e fossil species th e y re stric ted theirselves to an alphabetical list o f th e nom inal species. A sy stem atic list w ould have b een m o re u sefu l, b u t w ould have req u ired a revision o f a con siderable n u m b e r o f species, m an y o f w hich w ould have b een useless o f unjustified. It w ould have been a jo b largely exceeding th e scope o f th e p re se n t p ap er. 141 B IB LIO G R A PH Y B asicly th e abbreviations o f nam es o f periodicals are th o se used by th e periodical itself. In cases w h ere it fails to give such an ab b rev iatio n th e o n e suggested b y F ischer, 1974 is used (A bkürzu n g s verzeich n is zum Z itieren von erdw issenschaftlichen Z eitsch riften . - Schweiz, geol. K om m .: 1 - 30). A nfossi, G. & S. Mosna, 1 9 6 9 a.'O to liti del bacino Terziario Ligure-Piemontese (T ortoniano e Miocene Superiore). A tti Ist. geol. Univ. Pavia, 2 0: 23 - 4 9 ,2 fig., p i. 1 - 5. A nfossi, G. & S. Mosna, 1969b. U lteriori co n trib u ti allo studio degii oto liti del bacino Terziario Ligure-Piem ontese. A tti Ist. geol. Univ. Pavia, 2 0: 57 - 6 6 , p i. 1 - 2. New fossil species: H ygophus interm edius derthonensis. A nfossi, G. & S. M osna, 1971. A lcuni o to liti del Miocene M edio-Superiore T ortonese. - A tti Ist. geol. Univ. Pavia, 2 1 : 1 3 8 - 148, pi. 1 - 4 . New fossil species: Clupea bonii, L am panyctus apenninicus, D iaphus italicus. A nfossi, G. & S. M osna, 1972. O toliti del Pliocene Inferiore di Lugagnano (Piacenza). - A tti Ist. geol. Univ. Pavia, 23: 9 0 - 1 1 8 ,2 fig., pi. 1 - 7 . New fossil species: O tolithus (M yctophidarum ) aemilianus. A nfossi, G. & S. Mosna, 1975. O toliti delia famiglia G onostom idae del Miocene Superiore delia zona di La M orra (C uneo). - A tti Ist. geol. Univ. Pavia, 25: 3 - 13, pi. 1 - 2. A oki, N ., 1967. Some fossil G obius from Japan. - Trans. P roc. P aleont. Soc. Japan, N .S., 6 7: 125 - 128, 6 flg. New fossil species: Gobius rusticus, G. notoensis. A oki, N ., 1968. Some Pleistocene fish-otoliths from the Boso and M iura Peninsulas. - Trans. Proc. Paleont. Soc. Ja p an , N .S., 71: 296 - 3 0 7 ,1 4 fig. New fossil species: O tolithus (Congridarum) bellus, O. (Crangidarum) calidus, Conger durus, N ibea gemma, O tolithus (Sparidarum) babai, Gobius puellaris, G. urbanus, G. copiosus, G. ingens. A oki, N ., 1971. Some Pleistocene fish-otoliths from the Boso and M iura Peninsulas (Second R ep o rt). - Sei. Rep. T okyo K yoiku Daigaku Sect., (C), 11 (104): 11 - 3 4 , 36 fig. New fossil species: M y c to p h u m spinatum , M. polygonium , O tolithus (M yctophidarum ) m akutaensis, O. (C o tti darum ) jizodoensis, O. (Congridarum) rhom bicus, Conger ellipticus, O tolithus (Serranidarum ) anesakiensis, G obius arenosus, O tolithus (Sciaenidarum ) clarus, M ycto p h u m vastus, G obius arenosus, G. rarus, M ycto p h u m cf. spinatum. A nw and, K ., 1963. V ergleichende U ntersuchungen an Frühjahrs- und H erbstheringen aus den Gewässern und Rügen. - Z . Fisch., 11 (3 -4 ): 211 - 2 5 0 , 18 fig. Illustrated recent o tolith: Clupea harengus m embras. B achm ayer, F. & E. W einfurther, 1965. Bregm aceros-Skelette (Pisces) m it in situ erhaltenen O tolithen aus den to r tonischen Ablagerungen von W albersdorf, Ö sterreich. - Senckenb. L ethaea, 46a: 19 - 33, pi. 1 - 3. Illu strated recent o to lith : Bregm aceros atripinnis. Bauzá R ullán, J., 1968. C ontribución al conocim iento de Ios o to lito s de peces actuales. - Bol. R. Soc. Española Hist. N at. (Biol.), 66: 105 - 114, 68 fig. Illustrated recent otoliths: A therina presbyter, A m m o d y te s lanceolatus, Brama raii, Capros aper, Leuciscus cephalus pyrenaicus. Bauzá R ullán, J ., 1969. C ontribuciones al conocim iento de Ios o to lito s de peces actuales y fósiles de Mallorca. Bol. Soc. H ist. nat. Baleares, 15: 103 - 1 1 0 , pi. 1 - 3. Illustrated recent otolithes: Conger conger, B athycongrus m ysta x, Congermuraena balearica. Bauzá Rullán, J., 1971a. C ontribución al conocim iento de Ios o to lito s de peces actuales, 2. - Bol. R. Soc. E spañola H ist. N at. (Biol.), 69: 307 - 31 5 , 36 fig. Illustrated recent otoliths: A m m o d y te s tobianus, Barbus barbus sclateri, B elone acus, Onos m acrophtalm us, R u tilu s arcasi, B othus podas, Z eus faber, D iplodus annularis, Uraleptus maraldi, Gambusia holbrocki. 142 Bauzá Rullán, J., 1971b. Paleontología de M allorca. Ciento ochenta millones de an o s de la flora y fauna de Mallorca. - In: J. Mascaró Pasarius. H istoria de M allorca, Palm a de M allorca: 331 - 430, p i. 1 - 67. Bauzá Rullán, J., 1972. C ontribuciones al conocim iento de la fauna ictiológica fósil de España (3 ). - A cta geol. hisp., 7 ( 2 ) : 6 2 - 6 5 ,3 3 fig. Bauzá, J. & M. C om pte, 1977. Nuevas contribuciones al conocim iento de Ios o to lito s de peces actuales. - Bol. Soc. H ist. nat. Baleares, 2 2: 62 - 9 5 , pi. 1 - 5. Illustrated recent otoliths: Zanclus canescens, Pom acanthus arcuatus, C haetodon sp. 1, C. sp. 2, Chelm o rostra tus, H eniochus acuminatus, C entrophyge sp., P terophyllum scalare, Cichlasoma nigrofasciatus, C. m eeki, A stro n o tu s ocellatus, X iphophorus helleri, X . maculatus, M onodactylus argenteus, A m phiprion ephippium , Plecto rhinchus orientalis, Thalasoma lunare, Pterois volitans, A canthurus leucosternon, Chromileptis altivelis, Tricho gaster trichopterus, T. yp., Ptereleotris m icrolepis. Bauzá, J. & J. Plans, 1973. C ontribución al conocim iento de la fauna ictiológica del Neogeno catalano balear. - Bol. Soc. Hist. nat. Baleares, 18: 72 - 1 3 1 , p i. 1 - 8. Bellon, L., 1954. R apport prélim inaire sur le N eothunnus albacora (Lowe). - In st. Esp. O ceanogr., M adrid, 19: 28 p., 1 fig. Illustrated recent o tolith: T hunnus (T hu n n u s) thynnus. Bilko, V. P., 1965. R ost bychka-pesochnika v Dneprovsko-Bugskom limane. - G idrobiol. Z h u rn ., 1965: 56 - 60. Illustrated recent o tolith: N eogobius fluviatilis. B lacker, R. W., 1969. Chemical com position o f th e zones in Cod (Gadus m o rh u a L .) otoliths. - J. Cons. in t. Expl. Mer, 3 3 ( 1 ): 107 - 108. B lacker, R. W., 1974. R ecent advances in o to lith studies. - In: F. R. H arden Jo n es (ed.), Sea Fish. res. New York (Jo h n Wiley & Son): 6 7 - 9 0 . B öhlke, J. E. & J. E. McCosker, 1975. The status o f the O phichthid eel genera Caecula Vahl and Sphagebranchus Bloch, and th e description o f a new genus and species from fresh w aters in Brasil. - Proc. Acad. n at. Sei. Phil adelphia, 127 (1): 1 - 11, 7 fig. Illustrated recent o to lith : S tictorhinus potam ius. Bolineau-Coatanea, F ., 1968. E tude anatom ique e t descriptive des otolithes (sagitta) du Bar (M orone labrax) (Pois sons, T éléostéens, Perciform es, Serranidae). - Bull. Mus. natl. Hist. n at. Paris, (2 e ser.), 40 (3): 4 7 4 - 484. B otha, L., 1971. G row th and o to lith m orphology o f the Cape Hakes M erluccius capensis Cast, and M. paradoxus Franca. - In. Div. o f sea fisheries invest, rep. Cape T ow n, 9 7: 22 - 3 2 ,1 7 fig. Illustrated recent otoliths: M erluccius capensis, M. paradoxus. Brelie, G. v. d., F. D oebl, F . Geissert, H. Weiler & W. Weiler, 1973. Ein A ufschluss im unteren Bereich der Hydrobien-Schichten (A quitan) beim Bau der G ruppen-Kläranlage ‘Q ueichta i’, G odram stein bei Landau (Pfalz). O berrhein, geol. A bh., 22: 13 - 4 4 , 10 fig., p i. 4 - 8. B reschet, J., 1838. Recherches anatom iques e t physiologiques sur I’ organe de 1’ o u ïe des poissons. - Mém. prés. div. Sav. Acad. Sei. In st. F r., (2) 5: 607 - 72 9 , pi. 1 - 17. Illustrated recent otolith: L ophius piscatorius. B rzobohaty, R., 1969. Die F ischfauna des Südm ährischen U nterm iozäns. - F olia F acultatis Sei. N at. Univ. Purkynianae Brunensis, X , (G eol.), 17 (1): 3 - 49, pi. 1 - 7. New fossil species: A phanius moraviae, O tolithus (inc. sedis) rzehaki, O. (Clupeidarum ) singularis. B rzobohaty, R., 1975. O to lith ’s zones in th e Miocene o f th e West Carpathians and East Alps. - In: I. Cicha e t al. Biozonal division o f the U pper T ertiary basins o f th e E atern Alps and West Carpathians. - Proc. V lth Congr. R .C M .N .S.: 7 0 - 7 4 , pi. 4. B rzobohaty, R., 1978a. Die Fisch-O tolithen aus dem Badenien von Baden-Sooss,NO. - A nn. N aturhistor. Mus. Wien, 8 1: 163 - 171, 1 fig., pi. 1. B rzobohaty, R., 1978b. Die O tolithen-Z onen in der zentralen Paratethys und ihre Beziehungen zum nordw esteuro päischen G ebiete. - M eded. W erkgr. T ert. K w art. G eol., 15 (4 ): 137 - 140. B rzobohaty, R., 1978c. Z ur ontogenetischen E ntw icklung der fossilen H oplostethiden (O tolithen, M iozän). - Acta Mus. Moraviae. Cas. m orav. M uz., 63: 49 - 5 6 , 1 pi. 143 B rzobohaty, R. & P. H olec, 1975. K orrelationsm öglichkeiten zw ischen dem M iozän der T ethys und der P aratethys au f G rund der O tolithenfauna. - V Ith Congr. reg. Com m . M editerrane Neogene stratigr. Bratislava: 343 - 346. B rzobohaty, R. & V. Kalabis, 1978. Biostratigrafické korelace v Paleogenu a Neogenu na základe ich ty o fau n y . Z em nÿ Plyn a N afta, 23 (4a): 533 - 5 4 2 ,1 pi. B rzobohaty, R ., V. Kalabis & 0 . Schultz, 1975. Die F ischfauna des Egerien. - In: T. Baldi & J. S e n e l Egerien. Die Egerer, Pouzdraner, Puchkirchener Schichtengruppe und die Bretkaer F o rm atio n . - Chronostratigraphie und N eostratotypen, 5: 4 5 7 -4 7 3 . B rzobohaty, R. & 0 . Schultz, 1971. Die Fischfauna der Eggenburger Schichtengruppe. - In: F. Steininger & S. J. Senes. Eggenburgien. Die Eggenburger S chichtengruppe u n d ihr S trato ty p u s. - C hronostratigraphie u n d N eo strato ty p en , 2: 719 -7 6 0 , pi. 1 - 8 . B rzobohaty, R. & 0 . Schultz, 1973. Die Fischfauna der Innviertler Schichtengruppe und der R zehakia F o rm atio n . In: A. P app, F. Rögl & J. Senes. O ttnangien.D ie Innviertler, Salgótaijáner, B ántapusztaer Schichtengruppe und die R zehakia F orm ation. - C hronostratigraphie und N eo strato ty p en . 3 : 652 - 693, pi. 1 - 5. B rzobohaty, R. & 0 . Schultz, 1978. Die F ischfauna des Badeniens. - In: A . P app, I. Cicha, J. Senes, F . Steininger et al. - C hronostratigraphie und N eostratotypen, 6: 441 - 4 6 5 , pi. 1 - 5. New fossil species: Argylopelecus weinfurteri, B enthosem a fitch i, S ym bolophorus haereticus, Brosm e tejkali, Tripterophycis m ultituberosus moravicus. B rzobohaty, R. & J. Stancu, 1974. Die F ischfauna des Sarm atien s. str. - In: A. Papp, F. Marinescu & J. Senes. Sarm atien. Die Sarm atische Schichtengruppe und ihr S trato ty p u s. - Chronostratigraphie u n d N eo strato ty p en . 4 : 4 9 2 - 5 1 5 , pi. 1 - 3 . New fossil species: Prole bias senesi. C arlström , D ., 1963. A crystallographic study o f vertebrate otoliths. - Biol. Bull., 125 (3): 441 - 463, 5 fig. Casier, E., 1943. C ontributions à 1’ étude des poissons fossiles de la Belgique - Quelques espèces nouvelles ou peu connues du L andénien m arin. - K on. Belg. In st. N atuurw . M eded., 29 (3 5 ): 1 - 16, 1 pi. New fossii species: Gadus wansinensis. Casteel, R. W., 1971. Identification o f the species o f Pacific Salm on (Genus O ncorhynchus) native to N o rth America based upo n otoliths. - Copeia, 2: 305 - 3 1 1 ,3 fig. Illustrated recent otoliths: O ncorhynchus tshaw ytscha, 0 . kisutch, O. nerka, 0. keta, O. gorbuscha. Casteel, R. W., 1974a. A m e th o d for estim ation o f live w eight o f fish from the size o f skeletal elem ents. - Amer. A n tiq u ity , 39 (1): 9 4 - 98, 6 fig. Illustrated recent o to lith : A rchoplites interruptus. Casteel, R. W., 1974b. Use o f Pacific Salm on o to lith s for estim ating fish size, w ith a note on the size o f late Pleisto cene and Pliocene Salm onids. - N orthw est Sei., 48 (3): 175 - 179, 3 fig. Illu strated recent o toliths: O ncorhynchus tshaw ytscha, 0 . kisutch, O. nerka, O. keta, O. gorbuscha. Chaîne, J. & J. Duvergier, 1927. D istinction des G adus capelanus, m inutus e t luscus par leu r sagitta. - Acad. Sei. 184 (16): 9 7 7 - 9 7 8 , 1 fig. C hao, L. N ., 1978. A basis for classifying W estern A tlantic Sciaenidae (Teleostei: Perciform es). - NOAA T ech. Rep., N M F S C irc .,4 1 5 : 1 - 6 4 ,4 1 fig. Illustrated recent o to lith s: Bairdiella chrysoura, L eio sto m u s xanthurus, Pseudosciaena crocroa, Stellifer lanceo latus, Ctenosciaena gracilicirrhus, E quetus lanceolatus, E. punctatus, L eiostom us xanthurus, Pareques acum ina tus, P. um brosus, Sciaena trewavasae, S. bathytatos, Umbrina millae, U. coroides, Pachyurus schom burgkii, Pla gioscion surinamensis, Pogonias cromis, A p lo d in o tu s grunniens, Larim us fasciatus, L. breviceps, Sciaenops ocel lata, Nebris m icrops, C ynoscion nebulosus, C. regalis, C. similis, C. virescens, M enticirrhus saxatilis, L onchurus lanceolatus, Paralonchurus elegans, P. brasiliensis, Isopisthus parvipinnis, M acrodon ancylodon, M icropogonias furnieri, M icropogon undulatus, Ophioscion punctatissim us, Stellifer lanceolatus, Bairdiella chrysoura, O donto scion d en tex. Stellifer colonensis, S. m icrops, S. rastrifer, S. venezuelae, Micropogonias undulatus. Chao, L. N. & R. V. Miller, 1975. Two new species o f sciaenid fishes (trib e: Sciaenini) fro m th e Caribbean Sea and adjacent w aters. - Bull, m arine Sei., 25 (2): 259 - 2 7 1 , 10 fig. Illustrated recent o to lith s: Sciaena trewavasae, S. b athytatos, S. um bra, A p lo d in o tu s grunnensis, L arim us fascia tus, L eio sto m u s xanthurus, E quetus umbrosus. 144 C hu, Y ., Y. Lo & H. Wu, 1963. - A study on th e classification o f th e sciaenoid fishes o f China, w ith description o f new genera and species, (in Chinese). - M onogr. Fishes o f C hina, Shangai (Science & Technology Press): 1 - 100, pi. 1 - 40. Translated by L. N. Chao in 1972, Virginia Inst. M arine Sei., T ranslation series, 2 4 : 1 - V, 1 - 91. Illustrated recent otoliths: Johnius am blycephalus, J. fasciatus, J. belengerii, Wak tingi, W. sina, Megalonibea fusca, Bahaba flavolabiata, Sciaena russelli, O tolithes argenteus, Nibea coibor, N. albiflora, N. semifasciata, N. diacanthus, N. m iichthioides, N. japonica, N. acuta, A rgyrosom us aneus, A . macrocephalus, A. pawak, A . argen tatus, A trobucca nibe, M iichthys m iiu, Pseudosciaena crocea, P. polyactis, Collichthys lucidus, C. niveatus. C ohen, M. D ., 1974. A review o f th e pelagic O phidoid fish genus B rotulataenia w ith descriptions o f tw o new species. - Z ool. J. Linnean Soc., 55 (2): 119 - 149, 17 fig. Illustrated recent o to lith : Brotulataenia brevicauda. Colem an, L. R . & B. G. N afpaktitis, 1972. D orsadena yaquinae, a new genus and species o f M yctophid fish from the eastern N orth Pacific Ocean. - Los Angeles C o unty Mus. C ontrib. in Sei., 2 25: 1 - 11, 4 fig. Illustrated recent otoliths: Dorsadena yaquinae, Taaningichthys sp., L am padena anomala. C ollette, B. B., 1973. H yporham phus australis x H y. m elanochir, a hybrid H alfbeak (H em iram phidae) from A ustralia. - Fishery Bull., 71 (1): 318 - 3 2 1 ,2 fig. Illustrated recent otoliths: H yporham phus australis, H y. australis x m elanochir, Hy. melanochir. C ollette, B. B., 1976. Indo-W est Pacific H alfbeaks (H em iram phidae) o f th e genus R hynchorham phus w ith descrip tions o f tw o new species. - Bull, m arine Sei., 26 (1 ): 72 - 9 8 ,9 fig. Illustrated recent o to lith : R hynchorham phus malabaricus. C ollette, B. B. & L . N. C hao, 1975. System atics and m orphology o f th e B onitos (Sarda) and th eir relatives (Scom bri dae, Sardini). - Fishery Bull., 73 (3): 516 - 6 2 5 ,7 0 fig. Illustrated recent otoliths: Cybiosarda elegans, O rcynopsis unicolor, Sarda orientalis, S. sarda, G ym nosarda uni color, A llo th u n n u s fallai. Collignon, J., 1968. Les Trigles des eaux m arocaines; Ire n o te : G énéralités. Trigla hiru n d o . - Bull. Inst. Pêch. m arit. M aroc., (16): 3 - 3 3 , 22 fig. Illustrated recent o to lith : Trigla lucerna. Collins, R. A. & J. D. S p ra tt, 1969. Age d eterm in atio n o f n o rth ern anchovies, Engraulis m ordax, from o to lith s. Calif. Fish and G am e, Fish. Bull., 147: 39 - 5 5 . D aget, J ., 1965. Les genres N annaethiops e t N eolebias (Poissons, Characiform es). - Rev. Z ool. Bot. A fr., 72 (1-2): 1 - 2 4 ,1 3 fig. Illustrated recent o to lith : Nannaethiops unifasciatus. D aget, J., 1967. Le genre Ichthyborus (Poissons, C haraciform es). - Cah. O.R.S.T.O.M ., sér. H ydrobiol., 1 (1 -4 ): 139 - 1 5 4 ,1 0 fig. Illu strated recent o to lith : Ichthyborus besse. D avy, B., 1972. A review o f th e lanternfish genus T aaningichthys (fam ily M yctophidae) w ith th e description o f a new species. - Fish. Bull., 70 (1): 67 - 78. Illu strated recent otoliths: Taaningichthys m inim us, T. paurolychnus. Degens, E. T ., W. G. D euser & R. L. H aedrich, 1969. M olecular stru ctu re and com position o f fish o to lith s. - Marine Biol., 2 (2): 105 - 113. Del Rio G racia, C., 1970. L evantam ento ictiológico em jazidas pre-históricas. - Estud. de pré-hist. gen. e Brasil., 475 - 4 8 6 ,1 5 fig. Illustrated recent otoliths: M icropogon furnieri, Pogonias chromis, C ynoscion acoupa, Isopisthus parvipinnis, Larim us breviceps, Bairdiella ronchus, C onodon nobilis, C entropom us undecimalis, M ugil brasiliensis, L o b o tes surinamensis, Tachysurus spixii, T. barbus, T. luniscutis, Bagre bagre. D ieni, I., 1968. Gli o to liti del Pliocene In fe ru m di Orosei (Sardegna). - Mem. A ccad. Patavina, Cl. Sei. m at. n a t., 80: 2 4 3 - 2 8 4 , pi. 1 - 3 . New fossil species: M y c to p h u m oroseinum, D ieuzeide, R ., 1929. Les Sciénidés des côtes algériennes. - Bull. S tn . A quic. P êch. Castiglione, (1 ): 131 - 1 6 1 ,8 fig., 4 pi. 145 Illustrated recent o tolith: Umbrina canariensis. Dieuzeide, R., 1950. Sur un Epigonus nouveau de la M éditerranée (Epigonus denticulatus, nov. sp.). - Bull. Stn. A quic. Pêch. Castiglione (n.s.) (2): 89 - 1 0 5 ,1 1 fig., 1 pi. Illustrated recent o to lith : E pigonus denticulatus. D ixon, M. A., 1971. Fish o to lith assemblage o f a gastrolithic beach gravel. - Texas J. Sei., 23 (2 ): 179 - 185. D ixon, M. A., 1975. Com parisons betw een pelican gastrolithic and oth er o to lith assemblages. - Texas J. Sei., 26 (3 -4 ): 4 7 9 - 4 8 4 . D u p o n t, E ., 1972. La valeur de la m éth o d e otolith o m étriq u e p o u r la déterm ination de 1’ age du M erlu (Merlucius m erlucius - Pisces, G adidae) en M éditerranée. - Bull. Inst. r. Sei. n at. Belg., 4 8 : 1 - 15, 9 fig. Illustrated recent o to lith : M erluccius merluccius. Duvergier, J., 1921. N ote sur 1’ affleurem ent de Falun de Lalande, à Mios. - A ctes Soc. Linn. Bordeaux, 7 3: 123 130. E rm an, F ., 1960. A com parative m orphological study on some Mugil’s o to lith s. - Istanb. Univ. Fen Fak. H idrobiol., (B) 5: 2 6 - 2 9 , pi. 1 - 3 . Illustrated recent o to lith : L iza (Liza) ramada. Eziuzo, E, N. C., 1963. The identification o f otoliths from West A frican dem ersal fish. - Bull, de F I.F.A .N ., 25, A (2): 488 - 5 1 2 ,2 1 fig. Illustrated recent otolith: P seudotolithus typus, P. senegalensis, P. brachygnathus, Corvina cameronensis, C. nigrita, Larim us peli, Sciaena m bizi, Umbrina canariensis, Hisch dolloi, E thm alosa fim briata, Sardinella cam e ronensis, Arius sp., Pom adasys jubelini, B rachydeuterus auritus, Galeoides decadactylus, Trichiurus lepturus, Deprana africana. Farkas, B., 1938. Z ur K enntnis des Baues u n d der F u n k tio n des Saccolithen der K nochenfische. - V erh. d. dtsch. Zool. Ges., 193 - 2 0 6 ,5 fig. Illustrated recent otolith: P hoxinus laevis. Faura i Sans, M., 1922. Els prim ers otolits fossils descoberts a C atalunya. - Bull. Inst. Catalana hist, n at., (2a ser.), 2 ( 2 2 ) 7 : 1 2 4 - 126. Fedotov, V. F., 1976. G adidae o f th e Palaeogene-Neogene from the U .S.S.R . - Acad. Sei. U SSR ,T rans. Paleont. Inst., 157: 5 - 83, 2 4 fig., pi. 1 - 7. T ranslated b y W. Ivantsoff, N at. M arine Fisheries Service System atics Lab., Translation 75: 1 -7 3 . F itch , J. E ., 1951. Age com position o f the S outhern California catch o f Pacific M ackerel 1939-40 th ro u g h 1950-51. - F is h . Bull., 83: 3 - 73. Illustrated recent o to lith : P neum atophorus diego. F itch , J. E., 1967. Fish rem ains recovered from a C orona del Mar, California, Indian Midden (O ra-190). - Calif. Fish and Game, 53 (3): 185 - 191, 1 fig. Illustrated recent o to lith : Engraulis m ordax. F itch , J. E ., 1968. O toliths and o th e r fish rem ains from th e Timms P o in t Silt (Early Pleistocene) at San Pedro, Cali fornia. - Los Angeles C ounty Mus. C ontrib. in Sei., 146: 1 - 2 9 ,4 fig. F itch, J. E ., 1969a. Fossil lantem fish o to lith s o f California, w ith notes on fossil M yctophidae o f N o rth America. Los Angeles C ounty Mus. C ontrib. in Sei., 173: 1 - 20, 4 fig. F itch , J. E., 1969b. Fossil records o f certain schooling fishes o f th e California current system . - Calif. Mar. Res. Com m ., Cal.COFI R ept., 13: 71 - 80, 3 fig. F itch , J. E ., 1969c. A ppendix A. Fish rem ains, prim arly otoliths, from a V en tu ra, California, Chum ash village site (VEN-3). - Mem. so u th . Calif. Acad. Sei., 8: 56 - 71, 19 fig. F itch, J. E ., 1970. Fish rem ains, m ostly o tolith s and te e th , from th e Palos V erdes Sand (L ate Pleistocene) o f Cali fornia. - Los Angeles C ounty Mus. C ontrib. in Sei., 199: 1 - 41, 6 fig. F itch, J. E ., 1971. Late Eocene fossils from E ua, Tonga. T eleost otoliths. - G eol. Surv. Prof. Pap., 640: G 13 - G16. F itch , J. E ., 1972. Fish rem ains, prim arily oto lith s, from a coastal Indian M idden (SLO-2) at Diablo Cove, San Luis Obispo C ounty, California. - San Luis Obispo C o unty A rchaeol. Soc. occas. Pap., 7: 101 - 120, 4 fig. 146 F itch, J., 1974. Strange o to lith s I have know n, p. 13, Ichthyological A bstract. In:Program o f A m erican Soc. Ichth. H erp., 5 4 th . ann. m tg., O ttaw a, 1 7 - 2 2 Ju n e 1974. F itch, J. E. & L. W. Barker, 1972. The fish fam ily Moridae in the Eastern N o rth Pacific w ith n o tes o n M orid otoliths, caudal skeletons, and th e fossil record. - Fishery Bull., 70 (3 ): 565 - 584, 6 fig. Illustrated recent otoliths: L aem onem a barbatulum, Tripterophycis gilchristi, Physiculus nem atopus, P. rastrelli ger, Pseudophycis bachus, L otella callarias, A n tim o ra m icrolepis, M icrolepidium verecundum , L ep id io n eques, Halargyreus johnsonii, M ora pacifica, A uchenoceros punctatus, A ctu a rio lu m sp., A. terakohensis. F itch , J. E. & R. L .Brownell Jr., 1968. Fish o to lith s in cetacean stom achs and th eir im portance in interpreting feed ing habits. - J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada, 25 (12): 2561 - 2 5 7 4 , 3 fig. F itch, J. E. & R. L. Brownell Jr., 1971. F ood habits o f the Franciscana P o n to p o ria blainvillei (Cetacea: Platanisti dae) from S outh A m erica. - Bull. Marine Sei., 21 (2): 626 - 636, 1 fig. F itch, J. E. & D. W. Gotshall, 1972. F irst record o f th e Black Scabbardfish, A phanopus carbo, from th e Pacific Ocean w ith notes on o th er Californian Trichiurid fishes. - Bull, south. Calif. Acad. Sei., 71 (1 ): 12 - 18, 3 fig. Illustrated recent otoliths: D iplospinus m ultistriatus, Paradiplospinosus gracilis, A phanopus carbo, Trichiurus nitens, L epidopus xantusi, Assurger anzac. F ollett, W. I., 1965a. Fish rem ains in th e archeological context. - Sacram ento A ntropol. Soc. Pap., 3: 36 - 4 6 , pi. 1 -5 . F ollett, W. I., 1965b. A ppendix: Fish rem ains from th e Conejo rock shelter site (V en-69) V en tu ra C ounty, Califor nia. - Archaeol. Surv. A nnu. R ep., 81 - 85, 1 pi. Frizzell, D. L. & J. W. K oenig, 1973. U pper Cretaceous O stariophysine (V orhisia) redescribed fro m unique associ ation o f utricular and lagenar o to lith s (lapillus and asteriscus). - Copeia, 4 : 692 - 698, 5 fig. Illustrated recent o to lith : M oxostom a aureolum. Gaemers, P. A. M., 1968. Wat zijn otolieten? - M eded. Werkgr. T ert. K w art. G eol., 5 (1): 9 - 13, 2 fig. Gaemers, P. A. M., 1969a. O tolieten u it h e t Anversien van A ntw erpen. - M eded. Werkgr. T ert. K w art. G eol., 6 (1-2): 3 - 2 1 , pi. 1 - 3 . Gaemers, P. A. M., 1969b. O tolieten u it h e t Anversien van A ntw erpen, II. - M eded. Werkgr. T ert. K w art. Geol., 6 (4): 69 - 79, pi. 4. Gaemers, P. A. M., 1971. Bonefish-otoliths from th e Anversian (Middle M iocene) o f A ntw erp. - Leidse geol. Meded., 46: 237 -2 6 7 , pi. 1 - 9 . New fossil species: Trisopterus antwerpiensis. Illustrated recent o tolith: Trisopterus esmarki. Gaemers, P. A. M., 1972. O toliths from th e ty p e locality o f th e Sands o f Berg (Middle Oligocene) a t Berg, Belgium. - M eded. Werkgr. T ert. K w art. G eol., 9 (3 -4 ): 73 - 8 5 , pi. 1 - 3. New fossil species: Onos bergensis, Sebastes weileri, Eucitharus belgicus. Gaemers, P. A. M., 1973. New o toliths from th e T ertiary o f th e N o rth Sea Basin. - M eded. Werkgr. T ert. K w art. G e o l, 10 (2): 58 - 7 5 , pi. 1 - 2 . New fossil species: G adichthys undosus, M erlango gadus decorus, Merlangius bifurcus, Gaidropsarus acuticauda tus, Tripterophycis m ultituberosus, Scorpaena edegemensis, M acruridarum inegularis. Gaemers, P. A. M , 1974a; De betekenis en de taxonom ische waarde van o to lieten . - H et Zeepaard, 3 4 (3 ): 29 - 40, 7 fig. Gaemers, P. A. M , 1974b. O tolieten u it h e t M erksem ien en Icenien van boring O uw erkerk (Zeeland, N ederland). M eded. Werkgr. T ert. K w art. G e o l, 11(3): 133 - 143, 1 f ig , pi. 1. Gaemers, P. A. M , 1976a. New concepts in th e evolution o f th e G adidae (V erteb rata, Pisces) based on th e ir otoliths. - M eded. Werkgr. T ert. K w art. G e o l, 13 (1): 3 - 3 2 , 11 f ig , 1 enclosure. Illustrated recent o toliths: R aniceps raninus, B rosm e brosm e, M olva m olva, Gadus m orhua, Pollachius virens, P. carbonarius, P. pollachius, M elanogram m us aeglefinus, M erlangius merlangus, M icrom esistius poutassou, Tri sopterus luscus, T. m inutus, N eocolliolus esmarki, G adichthys thori, Gadiculus argenteus, Boreogadus saida. Gaemers, P. A. M , 1976b. New gadiform o to lith s from th e T ertiary o f the N o rth Sea Basin and a revision o f some fossil and recent species. - Leidse geol. M e d ed , 4 9 : 507 - 537, 2 f ig , pi. 1 - 7. 147 Illustrated recent otoliths: Pollachius virens, P. carbonarius. New fossil species: Gadus parallelus, Trisopterus concavus, T. incognitus, Colliolus parvus, C. johannettae, C. schwarzhansi, Palaeoraniceps regularis, M olva primaeva, B rosm e heinrichi, ? Macruridarum deurnensis. Gaem ers, P. A. M., 1977. R ecente en Jong-K w artaire visresten van h e t Long Forties gebied, N oordelijke N oordzee. - M eded. Werkgr. T ert. K w art. G eol., 14 (1 ): 21 - 4 0 , pi. 1 - 2. Illu strated recent otoliths: Merlangius merlangus, N eocolliolus esmarki, E chiodon drum m ondi, E ch elyo p u s cim brius, G lyptocephalus cynoglossus, M olva molva. Gaemers, P. A. M., 1978a. Late Q uaternary and R ecent o to lith s from th e seas around southern N orw ay. - M eded. Werkgr. T ert. K w art. G eol., 15 (3): 1 0 1 - 1 1 7 ,3 fig., pi. 1 - 2. Illustrated recent otoliths: Notoscopelus kroeyeri, N otoscopelus elongatus, G adichthys thori, Merlangius m er langus. Gaem ers, P. A. M., 1978b. A biozonation based o n G adidae o to lith s fo r the northw est E uropean younger Cenozoic, w ith th e description o f some new species and genera. - M eded. Werkgr. T ert. K w art. Geol., 15 (4): 141 - 161, 1 pi. New fossil species: Palaeoranicepsgramensis, Colliolus m inutulus, Pseudocolliolus cuykensis. G aem ers, P. A. M ., 1979a. E en interessante o to lieten fau n a afkom stig u it de N oordzee, 20 k ilom eter w estelijk van Scheveningen. - H et Z eepaard, 39 (2): 31 - 4 6 , pi. 1 - 2. Gaemers, P. A. M., 1979b. A anvullend otolietenm ateriaal afkom stig u it de N oordzee, 20 kilom eter w estelijk van Scheveningen. - H et Z eepaard, 39 (3): 59 - 62. Gaemers, P. A. M. & W. Schw arzhans, 1973. Fisch-O tolithen aus dem Pliozän von A ntw erpen (Belgien) und Ouwerkerk (N iederlande) u n d aus dem Plio-Pleistozän der W esterschelde (N iederlande). - Leidse geol. M eded., 49 (2): 2 0 7 - 2 5 7 ,2 flg., pi. 1 - 1 0 . New fossil species: Trisopterus elongatus, T. pliocenicus, M icrom esistius hochti, M elanogrammus conjunctus, Trachinus angustus, O tophidium com pactum , A m m o d y te s rostratus, Gobius ornatus, (G obiidarum ) m odestus, (G .) dorso concavus, (G .) bicornutus, (G .) rectangularis, O n o co ttu s asper, G adichthys benedeni verticalis, Cara pu s n u n tiu s elongatus, A m m o d y te s lanceolatus sculptus. Illustrated recent otoliths: M icrom esistius poutassou, Spondyliosom a cantharus. Gaemers, P. A. M. & V . W. M. H insbergh, 1978. R upelian (M iddle Oligocene) fish o to lith s from the clay p it ‘De V lijt’ near W interswijk, The N etherlands. - Scripta G eol., 4 6: 1 - 77, 3 fig., pi. 1 - 15. New fossil species: C lupeiform orum planus, G adichthys altus, Palaeogadus com pactus, B rotulidorum phasco loides, D en tex kokeni, Paralabrax splendens, A cropom idarum martini, Carangidarum robustus. G ilbert, C. R ., 1966. W estern A tlantic Sciaenid fishes o f th e genus U m brina. - Bull. Marine Sei., 16 (2): 230 - 258, 5 figillu strated recent otoliths: Umbrina coroides, U. canosai, U. sinoloae. G otshall, D. W., 1977. S tom ach contents o f n o rth ern California dungeness crabs, Cancer m agister. - Calif. Fish and Gam e, 6 3 ( 1 ) : 4 3 - 5 1 , 2 fig. G o ttb e h u t, V ., 1935. OtoH then und L abyrinthe verschiedener Teleostier. - Jenaische Z. N aturw ., 70 [N .F. 63] (1): 1 5 9 - 196, 23 fig. G reenw ood, P. H ., 1970a. Skull and sw im bladder connections in fishes o f the family Megalopidae. - Bull. b rit. Mus. nat. H ist., 19 (3): 121 - 135, 2 fig., pi. 1 -3. Illustrated recent otoliths: Megalops cyprinoides, Tarpon atlanticus. G reenw ood, P. H ., 1970b. O n th e genus Ly copiera and its relationship w ith the fam ily H iodontidae (Pisces, Osteoglossom orpha). - Bull. b rit. Mus. nat. H ist., 19 (8 ): 2 - 2 8 5 , 10 fig. Illustrated recent otoliths: H iodon alosoides, L y copiera m iddendorffi. G regory, P. A. & D. G. C oy, 1976. Results o f a stu d y to d etec t spawning m arks in otoliths o f n o rth ern A nchovy, Engraulis m ordax. - Calif. Fish and Game, Adm. R ep., 76 (1 3 ): 1 - 1 3 , 5 fig. G regory, P. A. & T. Jow , 1976. The validity o f otoliths as indicators o f age o f petrale sole from California. - Calif. Fish and G am e, 62 (2): 132 - 140, 5 fig. Illustrated recent o to lith : E opsetta jordani. 148 H ansen, P. M., 1943. Capelin (M allotus villosus). - A nn. biol., 1: 121 - 124, fig. 28a, 28b. Illustrated recent o to lith : M allotus villosus villosus. H atai, K ., 1966. C enozoic fish otoliths and their stratigraphical significance. - Fossils, 11: 19 - 29, 4 fig. Hebig, W., 1978. O tolithen von C ottus gobio (L .) aus dem eem-interglazialen T ravertin von B urgtonna (Thüringen) (O steichthyes, C ottidae). - Zool. Abh. Mus. T ierk. D resden, 35 (9 ): 141 - 160, 13 fig. Illustrated recent o to lith : Cottus gobio. H echt, T ., 1977. A descriptive system atic study o f th e o to lith s o f th e N eopterygean marine fishes o f S o u th Africa. P art I. Intro d u ctio n . - Trans, roy. Soc. S. A fr., 43 (2): 191 - 197, 1 fig. H echt, T . & A. H echt, 1977. A descriptive system atic study o f o to lith s o f the N eopterygean m arine fishes o f S outh A frica. P art II. The delim itation o f T eleost orders, some system atic notes and a provisional new phyletic order sequence. - Trans, roy. Soc. S. A fr., 43 (2): 199 - 2 1 8 , 37 fig. Illustrated recent otoliths: Elops saurus, G onorhynchus gonorhynchus, Sardinops ocellata, Bathylagus longi rostris, Argyropelecus sladeni, Tachysurus feliceps, N o ta ca n th u s sexspinis, Lam padena chavesii, Trachinocepha lus m yops, C hloropthalm us agassizi, H em irham phus far, M erluccius capensis, G enypterus capensis, Physiculus capensis, Trachipterus altivelis, Zeus faber, A ntigonia rubescens, D iretm us argenteus, M onocentrus japonicus, M y rip ristis m urdjan, Austroglossus pectoralis, Chascanopsetta lugubris, N em ip teru s delagoae, Germo allalonga, P achym etopon grande, Gobius nudiceps, Platycephalus scaber, Scorpaena natalensis, Trigla capensis, D actylo pte n a orientalis, O phisurus serpens, A riosom a anago, Canthigaster margaritatus, Sphaeroides spengleri, Lophius piscatorius, A therina breviceps, A rgyrosom a argyrosoma. H einrich, W. D ., 1969. F ischotolithen aus dem O berm iozän von H ohen Woos. - G eol, Z. geol. Wiss., 67 (1 - 111): 3 - 110, 11 fig., pi. 1 -1 9 . N ew fossil species: Bonapartia spina, H ygophum ?germ anicum , Merlangius spatulatus m iocenicus. H einrich, W. D ., 1970. Nachweis der Teleostiergattung L epidorhom bus G ünther, 1862 im C h att von Malliss. G eol., 19 (7): 883 - 8 8 7 ,1 pi. New fossil species: ILepidorhom bus subtriangularis. H ognestad, P. T ., 1962. The Dealfish, T rachypterus arcticus Brünnich, in N o rth N orw ay. - A starte, (2 1 ): 1 - 13. Illustrated recent o to lith : Trachipterus arcticus. H olec, P., 1973. Fisch-O tolithen aus dem O beren Baden (M iozän) des nordöstlichen Teiles des W iener Beckens (Ge b iet von R ohoznik). - Geol. Zb. geol. carpatica, 24 (2): 393 - 4 1 4 , 1 fig., pi. 1 - 6. H olec, P., 1975a. B em erkungen zu dem stratigraphischen W ert von Fisch-O tolithen u n d die M öglichkeiten ihrer K or relation in der P aratethys. - V Ith Congr. Reg. Com m . M editerrane Neogene S tratigr., 189 - 190. H olec, P., 1975b. Fisch-O tolithen aus dem Baden (M iozän) des nördlichen Teiles des Wiener Beckens und der DonauT iefebene. - G eol. Z b., geol. carpathica, 26 (2): 253 - 2 6 6 , 1 fig., p i. 1 - 2. New fossil species: O tolithus (M yctophidarum ) acutirostrum , M icrom esistius schwarzhansi, A ntigoniapostängusta. H ourson, A. S., 1968. A bnorm al cessation o f g ro w th in a herring o to lith . - J. Fish. Res. Board C anada, 25 (11): 2503 - 2 504. H ubbs, C. L. & W. I. F o llett, 1978. A natom ical n o tes on an ad u lt m ale o f th e deep-sea O phidiid fish Parabassogigas grandis from o f f California. - Proc. Calif. A cad. Sei., IV th S er., 41 (17) :385 - 3 9 9 , 7 fig. Illustrated recent o to lith : Parabassogigas grandis. H ubbs, C. L. &. T. Iw am oto, 1977. A new genus (M esobius), an d th ree new bathypelagic species o f M acrouridae (Pisces, G adiform es) from the Pacific Ocean. - P roc. Calif. A cad. Sei., IV th Ser., 41 (7): 233 - 251, 11 fig. Illustrated recent o to lith : M esobius berryi. H ubbs, C. L. & N. J. Wilimovsky, 1964. D istribution and synonym y in th e Pacific Ocean, and variation, o f th e G reenland H alibut, R einhardtius hippoglossoides (W albaum). - J . Fish. Res. Bd. Canada, 21 (5): 1129 - 1154, 5 fig. Illustrated recent o to lith : R einhardtius hippoglossoides. H uddleston, R. W. & L. W. Barker, 1978. O toliths and o th e r rem ains from th e Chum bash M idden at Rincon Point (SBa-1) Santa B arbara - V entura C ounties, California. - Los Angeles C ounty Mus., C ontr. Sei., 2 8 9 : 1 - 36, 8 fig. 149 Hunger, R ., 1939. U eber O tolithen bei Palaeoniscus. - Pai. Z ., 21 (3 ): 167 - 170, 4 fig. H ureau, J. C., 1962. E tude descriptive de 1’ oto lith e (sagitta) de quelques Téléostéens antarctiques. - Bull. Soc. zool. France, 87 (5-6): 533 - 54 6 , 6 fig. Illustrated recent otoliths: N otothenia neglecta, T rem atom us bernacchii, G ym nodraco acuticeps, T rem atom us newnesi, T. borchgrevinki, T. hansoni. H ureau, J. C., 1963. G ym nodraco victori n. sp., espèce nouvelle de la famille des B athydraconidae (Téléostéens, Per ciformes, Trachinoidei). C onsidérations biologiques e t biogéographiques sur le genre G ym nodraco. - Bull. Mus. natl. Hist. nat. Paris, (2), 35 (4): 334 - 342, 4 fig. Illustrated recent o toliths: G ym nodraco victori, G. acuticeps. H ureau, J. C., 1964. Sur la probable identité des deux espèces du genre Chaenichthys, de la famille des Chaenichthyidae (Poissons à ‘sang blanc’). - Bull. Mus. natl. Hist. n at. Paris, (2 ), 36 (4): 450 - 456, 2 fig. Illustrated recent o to lith : Chaenichthys rhinoceratus. H uyghebaert, B. & D. N olf, 1979. O tolithes de Téléostéens e t biostratigraphie des Sables de Z onderschot (M iocène M oyen) de la Belgique. - M eded. Werkgr. T ert. K w art. G eol., 16 (2 ): 59 - 100, 5 fig., pi. 1 - 6. New fossii species: E chiodon heinzelini. Illustrated recent species: G nathophis catalinensis, P isoodonophis cruentifer, A teleo p u s indicus, Dibranchus atlanticus, M ystriophis intertinctus, N otoscopelus caudispinosus, N. resplendens, N. kroyerii, O phichthus tri serialis, O. gomesii, Gadiculus argenteus, Trisopterus luscus luscus, T. luscus capelanus, Oligopus ater, E chiodon dentatus, A ntigonia capros, Peristedion cataphractum, Pristigenys niphonia, M yoxocephalus quadricornis, Seriphus politus, C ynoscion striatus, Trachinus draco, T. lineolatus, A m m o d y te s lanceolatus, Buglossidium luteum . Irie, T., 1955. The crystal te ctu re o f th e o to lith o f a m arine T eleost Pseudosciaena. - J. Fac. Fish. A nim . Husb. H iroshim a Univ., 1 ( 1 ): 1 - 13, pi. 1 - 3. Illustrated recent o to lith s: Pseudosciaena manchurica. Irie, T ., 1957. On the form ing season o f annual rings (opaque and tran slu cen t zones) in th e o to lith s o f several m arine Teleosts. - J. Fac. Fish. Anim. Husb. H iroshim a Univ., 1 (3 ): 311 - 317, 2 fig., 1 pi. Illustrated recent o to lith s: A rgyrosom us argentatus, Lateolabrax japonicus, M ylio macrocephalus. Irie, T., 1960. The grow th o f th e fish o to lith . - J. Fac. Fish. Anim. H usb. H iroshim a Univ., 3 (1 ): 203 - 2 2 1 , 8 fig., pi. 1 - 4 . Illustrated recent o to lith : Lateolabrax japonicus. Irie, T., 1967. Calcification o f fish o to lith caused by food and w ater. - Bull. ja p . Soc. Sei. F ish., 33 (1): 24 - 2 6 , 2 fig. Iw am oto, T ., 1978. E astern Pacific M acrourids o f the genus C oelorhynchus Giorna (Pisces: G adiform es), w ith description o f a new species from Chile. - Proc. Calif. Acad. Sei., 41 (1 2 ): 307 - 337, 2 0 fig. Illustrated recent o toliths: C oelorhynchus scaphopsis, C. canus, C. aconcagua, C. fasciatus, C. chilensis. Jaq u et, M., 1907a; Sur une form e jeu n e de Trigla. - Bull. Inst, océanogr. M onaco, (102): 5 p ., 1 pi. Illustrated recent o toliths: H elicolenus dactylopterus, Scorpaena scrofa. Jo n e t, S., 1972-1973. E tu d e des otolithes des Téléostéens (Pisces) du M iocène des environs de Lisbonne. - Com unic. Serv. geol. P o rt., 56: 107 - 29 4 , 14 fig., pi. 1 - 4. New fossii species: Congermuraena weileri, M ugil pragalensis, Trachurus elegans, Jefitch ia spinosa, Peristedion pulchrum , E ucitharus lusitanicus, Pseudorhom bus helvecianus. Illustrated recent o toliths: Pagellus centrodontus, P. belloti, D en tex m acrophthalm us, Pagrus auriga, P. pagrus, Sparus auratus. Jost, O., 1975. Fisch-O tolithen in Speiballen der Wasseramsel. - N atur u. M useum , 105 (9 ): 283 - 286, 3 fig. Illustrated recent o to lith : C ottus gobio. K andier, R ., 1941. U ntersuchungen ü b er F ortpflanzung, W achstum und V ariabilität der A rten des Sandaals in Ostund N ordsee, m it besonderer Berücksichtigung der Saisonrassen von A m m odytes to b ian u s L. - Kiel. M eeres forsch., 5 (1): 45 - 145. 150 Illustrated recent otoliths: A m m o d y te s tobianus, A . marinus. Karrer, C., 1968. U eber Erstnachw eise und seltene A rten von Fischen aus dem Südatlantik (argentinisch-südbrasi lianische K üste). - Zool. Jb . Syst., 95: 542 - 570, 9 fig. Illustrated recent otoliths: A llo c y ttu s verrucosus, X en olepidichthys dalgleishi. K arrer, C., 1971. Die O tolithen der Moridae (Teleostei, G adiform es) u n d ihre system atische Bedeutung. - Z ool. Jb. Syst., 9 8: 153 - 204, 20 fig. Illustrated recent otoliths: M ora mora, Halargyreus johnsonii, A n tim o ra rostrata, L epidion eques, L. lepidion, Physiculus capensis, Gadella maraldi, Tripterophycis gilchristi, Brosm iculus imberbis, L aem onem a barbatulum, L. laureysi, Salilota australis, Lotella rhacina, Pseudophycis barbatus, P. bacchus, P. breviusculus, A uchenoceros punctatus. Karrer, C., 1973a. U eber Fische aus dem Südostatlantik. - M itt. Z ool. Mus. Berlin, 49 (1 ): 191 - 257, 29 fig. Illustrated recent otoliths: Yarella blackfordi, P h o tich th ys argenteus, Triplophos hemingi, S ym bolophorus vera nyi, Lam panyctodes hectoris, Diaphus dum erili, D. taaningi, Evermannella balbo, H oplostethus atlanticus, H. sp., Taractes rubescens, H yperoglyphe pringlei, Schedophilus h u tto n i, Diceratias wedli. K arrer, C., 1973b. U eber das V orkom m en von Fischarten im N o rdw estatlantik (N eufundland-Baffinland). - Fisch. Forsch, wiss. S chriftenr., 11 (1): 73 - 90, 32 fig. Illustrated recent otoliths: A lepocephalus bairdi, A . agassizi, Bathylagus euryops, Bathysaurus agassizi, M yc to p h u m punctatum , N otoscopelus kroyeri, L am panyctus macdonaldi, Scopelosaurus lepidus, N otolepis rissoi, Paralepis coregonoides, Gaidropsarus ensis, Phycis chesteri, Chiasm odon niger, Triglops nybelini. K artas, F., 1971. Les Triglidae de la m er Catalane. D istribution, croissance e t réproduction. II. Genre Lepidotrigla, Trigloporus lastoviza, Eutrigla gurnardus. - Thèse Faculté Sciences Paris (m im eographed): 173 p., 41 fig. Illustrated recent otolith: Lepidotrigla dieuzeidei. K ostyuchenko, V. A ., 1961. V ozrat i tem p ro sta bychkakryglyaka (N eogobius m elanostom us Pallas) v Azovskom m ore. - Trudy vses. Azov. - Cherm on. nauchno-issled. Inst. m orsk. ryb. K hoz. O keanogr., 19: 45 - 60. Illustrated recent o to lith : N eogobius m elanostom us. K otthaus, A., 1952. H oplostethus islandicus, nov. spec. (A canthopterygia, A bt. Beryciform es, Familie T rachichthy idae) aus den südisländischen Gewässern. - H elgoländer wiss. M eeresunters., 4 : 62 - 87, 2 fig. Illustrated recent o to lith : H oplostethus islandicus. K otthaus, A., 1968. Fische des Indischen Ozeans. Ergebnisse der ichthyologischen U ntersuchungen w ährend der E xpedition des Forschungsschiffes ‘M eteor’ in den Indischen Ozean, O k to b er 1964 bis Mai 1965. A. System a tischer Teil, III. O stariophysi und A podes. - ‘M eteor’ Forsch.-Ergebnisse, D (3): 14 - 56, 52 fig. Illustrated recent otoliths: Anago anago, A riosom a somaliense, D iploconger polystigm atus, L em kea heterolinea, Pseudophichthys macroporis, R hynchocon g er ectenurus, M oringua m icrochir, B orodinula infans, N ettastom a elongatum, M yrophis lepturus, R obinsia catharinae, A rius sona, A . thalassinus. K otthaus, A., 1969a. Fische des Indischen Ozeans.... IV. S y n en to g n ath i.- ‘M eteor’ Forsch.-Ergebnisse, D (4): 1 - 31, 22 fig. Illustrated recent o to lith : E xo co etu s volitans. K otthaus, A., 1969b. Fische des Indischen Ozeans.... V. Solenichthyes u n d A nacanthini. - ‘M eteor’ Forsch.-Ergeb nisse, D (4): 32 - 4 6 , 20 fig. Illustrated recent otoliths: Bregmaceros atlanticus, B. nectabanus, B. arabicus, B. macclellandii. K otthaus, A., 1970a. Fische des Indischen Ozeans.... VI. A nacanthini (2 ), Berycom orphi, Zeom orphi. - ‘M eteor’ Forsch.-Ergebnisse, D (5 ): 53 - 70, 22 fig. Illustrated recent otoliths: P hysiculus peregrinus, M elanonus zugm ayeri, P olym ixia fusca, M yripristis berndti, Scopelogadus m izolepis, M elam phaes sim us, M. danae, A ntigonia rubescens. K otthaus, A., 1970b. Fische des Indischen O zeans.... VII. P ercom orphi (1 ). - ‘M eteor’ Forsch.-Ergebnisse, D (6): 43 - 5 5 ,1 7 fig. Illustrated recent otoliths: Epinephelus diacanthus, Flagelloserranus m eteori, Pseudochrom is punctatus, Gram m istes sexlineatus. K otthaus, A., 1970c. Fische des Indischen O zeans.... VIII. P ercom orphi (2 ). - ‘M eteor’ Forsch.-Ergebnisse, D (6): 56 - 7 5 ,2 7 fig. 151 Illustrated recent otoliths: A p o g o n semiornatus, Pristiapogon frenatus, Jaydia sm ithi, J. q u eketti, J. striata, O storhynchus fleurieu, 0 . endekataenia, 0 . nitidus, 0 . m icrom aculatus, B entuviaichthys nigrim entum , S y n agrops adeni. K otthaus, A., 1972a. Die meso- u n d bathypelagischen Fische der ‘M eteor’-R ossbreiten-Expedition 1970 (2. und 3. F ahrtabschnitt). - ‘M eteor’ Forsch.-Ergebnisse, D (1 1 ): 1 - 28, 113 fig. In this paper the au th o r gives illustrations o f 134 species o f mesopelagic fishes from th e surroundings o f the C anary Islands. A lthough some specim ens are som ew hat affected by form alin and all specim ens are p h o to graphed w ithout previous coloration, this is a valuable docum ent fo r th e knowledge o f o to lith s o f mesopelagic fishes o f th e north-east A tlantic. K otthaus, A., 1972b. Fische des Indischen Ozeans.... IX. ïniom i (N achtrag: Farn. M yctophidae). - ‘M eteor’ Forsch.E rg e b n isse ^ (12): 1 2 - 3 5 , 25 fig., pi. 1 - 2. Illustrated recent otoliths: Electrona rissoi, B enthosem a suborbitale, B. fib u la tu m , H yg o p h u m proxim um , M yc to p h u m aurolaternatum, M. nitidulum , M. brachygnathum , M. selenops, Sym b o lo p h o ru s evermanni, S. rufinus, N otolychnus valdiviae, Paralam panyctus ater, L am panyctus nobilis, L. intricarius, L. alatus. K otthaus, A ., 1973. Fische des Indischen Ozeans.... X. P ercom orphi (3). - ‘M eteor’ Forsch.-Ergebnisse, D (16): 1 7 - 3 2 ,1 6 fig. Illustrated recent o toliths: B athyclupea hoskynii, P elontrus morgansi, X enanthias interm edius, Chelidoperca occipitalis. K otthaus, A ., 1974a. Die Fische des Indischen Ozeans.... XI. Percom orphi (4 ). - ‘M eteor’ Forsch.-Ergebnisse, D (17): 33 - 5 4 ,2 5 fig. Illustrated recent otoliths: A cropom a japonicum , Lactarius lactarius, Selar crum enophthalm us, L u tia n u s kas mira. K otthaus, A ., 1974b. Fische des Indischen Ozeans.... X II. Percom orphi (5 ). - ‘M eteor’ Forsch.-Ergebnisse, D (18): 4 4 - 5 4 , 10 fig. Illustrated recent o to lith : N em ipterus japonicus. K otthaus, A., 1975. Fische des Indischen O zeans.... X V I. Percom orphi (6). - ‘M eteor’ Forsch.-Ergebnisse, D (21): 3 0 - 5 3 ,2 1 fig. Illustrated recent otoliths: O tolithes cuvieri, Johnieops dussumieri. K otthaus, A., 1976. Fische des Indischen O zeans.... XVII. Percom orphi (7 ). - ‘M eteor’ Forsch.-Ergebnisse, D (23): 4 5 - 6 1 , 15 fig. Illustrated recent o to lith : C irrhitichthys aureus. K o tth au s, A., 1977a. Fische des Indischen O zeans.... XIX. Percom orphi (9). - ‘M eteor’ Forsch.-Ergebnisse, D (25): 24 - 4 4 , 22 fig. Illustrated recent o to lith : B enthodesm us spec. K otthaus, A., 1977b. Fische des Indischen O zeans.... XX. Pleuronectiform es (H eterosom ata). - ‘M eteor’ Forsch.Ergebnisse, D (26): 1 - 2 0 , 2 4 fig. Illustrated recent o to lith : Sym phurus? gilesi. K otthaus, A ., 1979. Fische des Indischen O zeans.... XXI. Diverse O rdnungen. - ‘M eteor’ Forsch.-Ergebnisse, D (28): 6 - 5 4 , 62 fig. Illustrated recent o toliths: E chiodon sp., P yram odon ventralis, D iaphus problem aticus, D. m alayanus, D. gar mani, D. jenseni, D. phillipsi, D. fragilis, D. parri, D. brachycephalus. Lafond-G rellety, J., 1963. Les otolithes de 1’ H elvétien de Sallespisse (Basses-Pyrénées). - P.V . Soc. linnéenne Bor deaux, 100: 141 - 158, pi. 1 - 2 . New fossil species: C ottus p a rascorpis. Lafond-G rellety, J. & M. V igneaux, 1964a. In terp réta tio n stratigraphique des otolithes du M iocène inférieur et m oyen du bassin aquitain occidental. - C.R. Soc. géol. France, 1: 28 - 30, Paris. Lafond-G rellety, J. & M. V igneaux, 1964b. Paléontologie. - C onsidérations paléoécologiques sur les oto lith es de 1’ H elvétien de Sallespisse (Basses-Pyrénées). - C.R. Acad. Sc. Paris, 2 58: 2138 - 2140. L anckneus, J. & D. N olf, 1979. Les otolith es desTéléostéens redoniens de Bretagne (Néogène de 1’ O uest de la 152 France). - Bull. Inst. Géol. Bassin A quitaine (sous-presse), pi. 1 - 4. New fossil species: ‘genus aff. Ogilbia’ heinzelini, O phiodon springeri, D iplodus racheboeufi. Illustrated recent otoliths: Conger conger, Trisopterus capelanus, Oligopus ater, O phidion barbatum , A therina presbyter, Pagellus bogaraveo, P. erythrinus, Trachurus picturatus, A rgyrosom a regia, D iplodus vulgaris, Trachi nus vipera, Arnoglossus imperialis, A m m o d y te s lanceolatus. Lavenberg, R. J. & J. E. F itch, 1966. A n n o tated list o f fishes collected by m idw ater traw l in th e G u lf o f California, m arch-april 1964. - Calif. Fish and Game, 52 (2): 92 - 110, 6 fig. Illustrated recent otoliths: L am panyctes leucopsarus, L. parvicauda, L. regali, Ceratoscopelus townsendi. Lea, R. N. & J. E. F itch, 1972. Sebastes rufinanus, a new Scorpaenid fish from Californian w aters. - Copeia, 3 : 423 4 2 7 , 2 fig. Illustrated recent otolith: Sebastes rufinanus. Le R oy, L. W., 1939. Some small Foram inifera, O stracoda and otoliths from th e Neogene ( ‘M iocene’) o f th e Rokantapanoeli area, Central Sum atra. - N a tk d . Tijdschr. Nederlandsch-Indie, 99: 215 - 296, pi. 1 - 14. L etaconnoux, R., 1951. C ontribution à l ’étu d e des espèces du genre Trachurus e t spécialem ent du T rachurus trac h u rus (L.). - Mém. Off. Sc. Pêch. m arit., 15: 6 7 9 ., 35 fig. Illustrated recent otolith: Trachurus trachurus. Macer, C. T., 1966. Sand eels (A m m odytidae) in the south-w estern N o rth Sea; th eir biology and fishery. - Fish. Invest., L ond., (2) 24 (6): 1 - 5 5 . Illustrated recent otolith: A m m o d y te s marinus. Maiskii, V. N ., 1963. M aterialy po biologii bychka-sirm ana N eogobius syrm an (N ordm ann). - T rudy vses. nauchno issled m orsk. ryb. Khoz. O keanogr., 6: 95 - 103. Illustrated recent otolith: Neogobius syrman. Malz, H ., 1975. Mit Hilfe von O tolithen den Fischen a u f der Spur. - N atur u. M useum , 105 (6 ): 186 - 191, 6 fig. Malz, H ., 1978a. Massengrab fossiler ‘O hrsteine’. - U m schau, 78 (1 ): 27 - 28, 2 fig. Malz, H ., 1978b. A quitane O tolithen-H orizonte im U ntergrund von F ran k fu rt am Main. - Senckenb. lethaea, 58 (6): 451 - 4 7 1 , 4 fig., 1 pi. New fossil species: O tolithus (Percidarum) m oenus. Malz, H., 1978c. Vergleichend-m orphologische U ntersuchungen an aquitanen Fisch-O tolithen aus dem U ntergrund von F rankfurt am Main. - Senckenb. lethaea, 59 (4-6): 441 - 4 8 1 , 4 fig., pi. 1 - 6. New fossil species: A phanius (A phanius) chios, Dapalis bartensteini. Illustrated recent otoliths: A phanius (A phanius) sophiae, A . (A .) anatoliae, A . (A .) chantrei, A . (Kosswigichth y s) asquamatus, A . (A .) iberus. M artini, E., 1968. Fisch-O tolithen aus G eschieben in N orddeutschland. - G eschiebesam m ler, 2 (3-4): 63 - 70, 1 fig., pi. 1 -2. M artini, E., 1974. Q uaternary fish o to lith s fro m sites 242 and 246 - leg 25, deep sea drilling project. - In it. Rep. D eep Sea Drill. Proj., 25: 647 - 655, 1 fig., pi. 1 -3. Illustrated recent otolith: S ym bolophorus californiensis. M aurin, C., 1954. Les merlus du M aroc e t leur pêche. - Bull. Inst. Pêch. m arit. M aroc, 2: 7 - 6 5 ,2 6 fig. Illustrated recent otolith: M erluccius merluccius. M ay, A. W., 1964. An asym m etrical pair o f cod o to lith s. - J. Fish. Res. Board Can., 21 (2 ): 413 - 414. M cIntosh, W. C. & E. E. Prince, 1890. On th e developm ent and life-histories o f the T eleostean food and o th e r fishes. -T ra n s . R. Soc. Edinb., 3 5 ,3 ,( 1 9 ) : 665 - 9 4 4 , 3 fig., pi. 1 -2 8 . Illustrated recent otolith: M yoxocephalus scorpius scorpius. Menzel, H ., 1979. Die Fischfauna aus dem M ittelm iozän von Twistringen. - A bh. N aturw ; V erein Brem en. 3 9: 83 1 2 7 ,2 fig., pi. 1 - 9 . Illustrated recent otoliths: Clupea harengus, A nguilla anguilla, Gadus morhua. Messieh, S. N ., 1972. Use o f o toliths in identifying herring stocks on th e Southern G ulf o f St. Lawrence and adjacent w aters. - J. Fish. Res. Board o f C anada, 29 (8 ): 1113 -1 1 1 8 , 7 fig. Miller, P. J., 1961. Age, grow th, and rep ro d u ctio n o f th e rock goby, G obius paganellus L., in th e Isle o f Man. - J. 153 m ar. biol. Ass. U.K., 41: 737 - 769. Illu strated recent o to lith : Gobius paganellus. M iller, P. J., 1963. T axonom y and biology o f th e genus L ebetus (Teleostei - Gobioidea). - Bull. Br. Mus. n at. Hist., Z ool., 10: 205 -2 5 6 . Illustrated recent o to lith : L ebetus scorpioides. M iller, P. J., 1969. System atics and biology o f th e leopard-spotted goby, Gobius ephippiatus (Teleostei: G obiidae), w ith description o f a new genus and notes on th e id en tity o f G. m acrolepis K olom batovic. - J. m ar. biol. Ass. U .K ., 49: 8 3 1 - 8 5 5 . Illu strated recent o to lith : Thorogobius ephippiatus. M iller, P. J., 1971b. A revision o f M editerranean gobiid genus Chrom ogobius (Teleostei - Perciform es). - J. Zool., L ond., 164: 305 -3 3 4 . Illustrated recent o tolith: Chromogobius quadrivittatus. M iller, P. J., 1973a. The iden tity o f G obius affinis K olom batovic, w ith notes on the system atics and biology o f Pom atoschistus pictus (Malm). - Annali Mus. civ. n at. Giacomo D oria; Illustrated recent o to lith : P om atoschistus p ic tu s pictus. Miller, P. J. & E. T ortonese, 1968. D istribution and system atics o f th e gobiid fish O dondebuenia balearica (Pellegrin & Fage). - A nnali Mus. civ. S tor. n at. G iacom o D oria, 7 7: 342 - 358. Illustrated recent o to lith : O dondebuenia balearica. Mina, M. Y. & G. J. Tokareva, 1967.[ On th e o to lith structure o f Gadus m orhua callarias L. in the Southeastern Baltic Sea ]. - V op. Ikhthiol., 7 (2): 326 - 337, 12 fig. (in Russian). Illustrated recent o tolith: Gadus m orhua callarías. M ohan, R . S. L., 1972. A synopsis to th e Indian genera o f the fishes o f th e family Sciaenidae. - Indian J. Fish., 16 (19 6 9 ): 82 - 9 8 , 2 fig. Illustrated recent otoliths: Johnius carutta, Jo hnieops dussumieri, Kathala axillaris, N ibea diacanthus, Pennahia aneus, A trobucca nibe, Chrysochir aureus, O tolithes ruber, O tolithoides biaurates, Panna m icrodon, Macrospinos cuja. M om beck, F ., 1971. N otes on th e distinction o f N orthw est A tlantic Hakes, M erluccius albidus and M. bilinearis. I.C .N .A .F. Res. Bull., 8: 87 - 89, 3 fig. Illustrated recent otoliths: M erluccius atlanticus, M. (M .) m editerraneus, M. albidus, M. bilinearis, M. (M .) capen sis, M. (M. ) paradoxus, M. hubbsi. M orovic, D ., 1953. Sur la déterm ination des muges adriatiques d’ après la form e de 1’ o to lith e sagitta. - Biljeske. N otes, 9: 1 - 7, 3 fig. Illustrated recent otoliths: Mugil cephalus, M. capito, M. labeo, M. aurathus, M. saliens. M orris, R. W. & L. R. K ittlem an, 1967. Piezoelectric p ro p erty o f o to lith s. - Science, 158: 368 - 370, 2 fig. Illustrated recent o to lith : Trem atom us bemarchii. M ugiya, Y ., 1966. Calcification in fish and shell-fish. - VI. Seasonal change in calcium and m agnesium concentrations o f th e o to lith fluid in som e fish, w ith special reference to th e zone form ation o f th eir o to lith . - Bull. Jap. Soc. S cient. Fisheries, 32 (7): 549 - 557. M ugiya, Y ., 1972. On aberrant sagittas o f Teleostean fishes. - Jap. J . Ichthyology, 19 (1): 11 - 14, 6 fig. Illu strated recent otoliths: Theragra chalcogramma, G eisthenes p in eto ru m herzensteini, Salm o gairdnerii irideus. M üller, A., 1977. Beiträge zu r K enntnis der Fauna des Rüpel der südlichen Leipziger T ieflandsbucht. Teil III: Wei tere Fischreste aus verschiedenen H orizonten der Leipziger R upelserie. - Abh. u . Ber. N atu rk u n d l. Mus. ‘M auri tia n u m ’ A ltenburg, 10: 115 - 148, pi. 1 - 9. N afpaktitis, B. G. & J. R. P axton, 1968. Review o f th e lanternfish genus Lam padena w ith a description o f a new species. - Los Angeles C ounty Mus. C ontrib. Sei., 138: 1 - 29, 10 fig. Illu strated recent o toliths: Lam padena speculigera, L. lum inosa, L. urophaos, L. sp., L. notialis, L. dea, L. chavesi, L. anomala, Taaningichthys bathyphilus. N ielsen, J. G., 1965. On th e genera A canthonus and T yphlonus (Pisces, Brotulidae). - G alathea R ep., 8: 33 - 47, 10 fig., pi. 1 1 - 1 3 . 156 2 fig., 1 pi. Illu strated recent otoliths: D entex angolensis, D. maroccanus, D. m acrophtalm us, D. congoensis, D. d en tex, D. gibbosus, D. nufar, D. canariensis, D. barnardi. Nolf, D ., 1979d. C ontribution à 1’ étude des oto lith es des poissons, II. Sur l’ im portance systém atique des otolithes (sagittae) des B atrachoididae. - Bull. Inst. r. Sei. n at. Belg., 51 (1 0 ): 1 - 1 1 ,6 fig. Illustrated recent otoliths: Perca fluviatilis, Serranus cabrilla, Gadus morhua, R aniceps raninus, Halobatrachus didactylus, Perulibatrachus rossignoli, C oelorhynchus s p M erluccius albidus, Peristedion cataphractum , M inous versicolor, C hitonotus pugetensis, Icelus spatulus, M alacocottus kincaidi, L o p h iu s piscatorius, L. americanus, Scorpaena scrofa, Sebastes helvom aculatus, S. marinus, S. m entella, S. viviparus. N olf, D ., in prin t. C ontribution à 1’ étude des o tolithes des poissons, III. A rgum ents nouveaux p o u r le classem ent des poissons O phidioïdes dans 1’ ordre des Gadiform es. - Bull. Inst. r. Sei. nat. Belg., Illustrated recent otoliths: Gadus m orhua, G enypterus blacodes, Trachyrhynchus trachyrhynchus, Merlangius merlangus, Trisopterus luscus, Brotula barbata, H ym enocephalus italicus, Phycis phycis, L ep o p h id iu m cervinum, L yco d es diapterus, Blennius ocellaris, B. sanguinolentus. N olf, D ., in print. C ontribution à 1’ étude des o to lith es des poissons, IV. A propos des M oridae. - Bull. Inst. r. Sei. n a t. Belg. Illu strated recent otoliths: L epidion lepidion, Mora pacifica, R aniceps raninus, C oelorhynchus sp., Carapus acus, T ripterophycis gilchristi, Echiodon drum m ondi, L aem onem a barbatulum. N olf, D .& C appetta, 1976. Observations nouvelles sur les oto lith es des Téléostéens du Calcaire G rossier (Eocène du Bassin de Paris). - G éobios, 9 (3): 251 - 277, 2 fig., pi. 1 - 2. N ew fossii species: M uraenesox spatulus, Genus S yn o d o n tid a ru m interm edius, Genus O phidiidarum spinosus, Chanda bohlkei, M ene sekharani. Illustrated recent otoliths: M uraenesox cinerus, M. talabon, Saurida recta, S. tum bil, S. parri, A u lo p u s cadenati, Platycephalus macracanthus, Chanda ambassis, Paralabrax nebulifer, M ene maculata, M ullus surm uletus, S p h y raena pinguis, Solea solea. N olf, D. & H. Lapierre, 1977. Les otolithes de T éléostéens des sables coquilliers du Bois-Gouët (Eocène de Bretagne). - Biol. J b . D odonaea, 44 (1976): 256 - 2 6 8 , pi. 1 - 2. New fossii species: A therina margereli, A m m o d y te s vasseuri. Illustrated recent otoliths: M onocentris japonicus, A th erin a presbyter, K uhlia rupestris, E m m elich th ys nitidus, O rthopristis chrysoptera, O. ruber, X enistius californiensis, A m m o d y te s lanceolatus. N olf, D. & H. L apierre, 1979. O tolithes de poissons nouveaux ou peu connus du Calcaire Grossier e t de la F orm ation d’ Auvers (Eocène du Bassin parisien). - Bull. Mus. natl. Hist. n at. Paris, sect. C (4 ° ser.), 1 (n ° 2 ): 79 - 125, 1 fig., pi. 1 - 6. New fossii species: ‘genus C lupeidarum ’ schultzi, ‘genus Caproidarum ’ sonodae, ‘genus C h a n d id a ru m 'inflatus, ‘genus C handidarum ’ steurbauti, M orone eschm eyeri, ‘genus aff. G a zza ’pentagonalis, ‘genus L eiog n a th id a ru m ’ bercherensis, O rthopristis trewavasae, Parapristipoma bavayi, Pagellus fo lletti, T oxotes wheeleri, Cepola massi va, ‘genus O pisthognathidarum ’bloti, ‘genus B lenniidarum ' blondeaui, Haliophis colletti, C allionym us lerenardi, ‘genus B othidarum ’ biaculeatus, ‘genus Soleidarum ’ schultzei. Illustrated recent otoliths: Osmerus eperlanus, Pterothrissus gisu, G ym n o th o ra x saxicola, G. nigromarginatus, A rndha zebra, N otacanthus m osleyi, N. sexspinis, R hinom uraena quaesita, Paraconger californiensis, Chirocen trus dorab, E trum eus sadina, K onosirus p u n cta tu s, Pellona harroweri, P. hoevenii, A rius planus, S irem bo im ber bis, Capros aper, Chanda nalua, Velifer hypselopterus, Moharra rhom bea, Leiognathus rivulatus, Gazza m inuta, Gerres argyreus, Leiognathus splendens, H aem ulon flavolineatum , H. plum ieri, H. aurolineatum , H. bonariensis, H. parrai, H. sciurus, Parapristopoma octolineatum , Pagellus natalensis, T o xo tes jaculator, B lennius sanguino lentus, Atrosalarias fuscus, O pistognathus rhom aleus, Congrogadus subducens, Haliophis g u ttatus, Callionymus richardsoni, C. lyra. N olf, D. & J. M artinell, in prin t. O tolithes de Téléostéens du Pliocène des environs de Figueras (C atalogne). - G eoló gica e t Paleontológica, New fossii species: A riosom a coheni, G nathophis kanazawai. Illustrated recent otoÜths: P anturichthys m auritanicus, Harengula clupeola, Electrona risso, M y c to p h u m punc- 157 tatum , Ceratoscopelus maderensis, Diaphus m etopoclam pus, D iaphus holti, D. rafinesquei,D . mollis, D. fragilis, D. problem aticus, M icrom esistius poutassou, B elone belone, Parascombrops pseudom icrolepis, P olydactylus vir ginicus. N olf, D. & E. S teurbaut, 1979. Les otolithes de Téléostéens des faluns sallomaciens d’O rthez e t de Sallespisse (Mio cène M oyen d ’A quitaine m éridoniale, France). - P aleontographica, A b t. A, 164 (1 - 3): 1 - 23, 2 fig., pi. 1 - 5. New fossii species: Ilisha nijsseni, D iplodus karrerae. Illustrated recent otoliths: Ilisha africana, Sardinella longiceps, S. anchovia, Sprattus sprattus, H yporham phus m elanochir, A rrham phus sclerolepis, Trachurus m editerraneus, M orone labrax, B rachydeuterus auritus, D iplodus annularis, D. senegalensis, Pom adasys incisus, Pagellus erythrinus, Pagrus pagrus, D en tex (Cheim erius) gibbosus, A rgyrosom a regia, Galeoides decadactylus, P olynem us plebeius, Sphyraena piscatorum , Trachinus draco, A c e n trogobius koum ansi, G obius geniporus, Arnoglossus imperialis. N olf, D . & L. Taverne, 1978. C ontribution à 1’ étude des oto lith es des poissons, V. L ’ origine des Sciaenidae (Teleos tei, Perciform es). - Biol. Jb. D odonaea, 45 (1 9 7 7 ): 150 - 1 6 1 ,5 fig. Illustrated recent otoliths: P lectrypops lima, M yripristis jacobus, M. murdjan, O tolithes ruber, Johnieops aneus, Pteroscion peli, P seudotolithus elongatus, P. senegalensis, Umbrina cirrhosa, U. roncador, A rgyrosom a hololepi dota, Cynoscion virescens, Ctenosiaena gracilicirrhus, H olocentrus rufus, A d io ry x rubrum. O he, F ., 1976a. Fossil o to lith s o f Sciaenid fishes from th e T ertiary and Q uaternary form ations, T obai district, cen tral Japan and th e ir paleontological vicisitudes. - M izunami Fossil Mus. Bull., 3: 73 - 97, 5 fig., pi. 23 - 24. New fossil species: Paleosciaena mizunamiensis. Ohe, F., 1976b. Com parative m aterial to the fossil fishes from the T ertiary form ations in T okai region, Japan: the o toliths o f the deep w ater fishes o f the Seas o f Enshu and K um ano. - Bull. Asahino Senior High School., 3: 105 - 126, 58 fig. Illustrated recent o toliths: C hlorophthalm us albatrosis, A te leo p u s japonica, B eryx splendus, G ephyroberyx ja ponicus, H oplostethus m editerraneus, P olym ixia japonica, Z en itea, Parazen pacificus, Z enion pacificum , R exea solandri, Leiognathus rivulatus, Psenopsis anomala, Upeneus bensasi, Cepola schlegeli, Branchiostegus japoni cus auratus, E pigonus atherinoides, A pogon lineatus, A p o g o n ic h th ys carinatus, N eoscom brops analis, Priacan thus boops, A cropom a japonicus, A . hanedai, Scom brops boops, Quinquarius japonicus, M alakichthys wakiai, M. elegans, N iphon spinosus, Chelidoperca hirundiaceae, M usterichthys gracilis, Owstonia gram m odon, N e o b y th i tes fasciatus, N. sivicolus, H om ostolus japonicus, Uranoscops japonicus, Triacanthodes anomalus anomalus, S e tarches longimanus, Chascanopsetta lugubris, Physiculus japonica, Chaunax fim briatus. Ohe, F ., 1976c. Com parative recent m aterial to th e fossil fishes fro m th e T ertiary form ations in T okai region, Jap an : The o toliths o f th e deep w ate r fishes o f the Seas o f K um ano and E nshu. - ‘Kaseki n o to m o ’, R ep. pub. Fossil Soc., 14: 1 7 - 2 2 ,2 3 fig. Illustrated recent otoliths: Pterothrissus gissu, Yarrella elongata, H ypom esus japonicus, P olyipnus stereope, A u lopus japonicus, N eoscopelus m acrolepidotus, N. microchir, D iaphus elucens, A teleo p u s japonicus, O phichthus urolophus, B eryx decadactylus, Zalantias azum anus, E pinephelus septem fasciatus, M alakichthys elegans, Caranx equula, Sebastes scythropus, H elicolenus hilgendorfi, Coelorhynchus kamoharai, C. kishinouei, Coryphaenoides nasutus, H ym enocephalus striatissimus, Ventrifossa garmani. Ohe, F., 1976d. C om parative recent m aterial to the fossil fishes from th e T ertiary form ations in T okai region, Japan (3): The otoliths o f th e deep w ater fishes o f the Seas o f K um ano and E nshu. - ‘K aseti n o to m o ’, Rep. pub. Fossil Soc., 15: 9 - 1 5 ,4 0 fig. Illustrated recent o to lith s: A nago anago, Conger japonica, M acroham phosus japanicus, X en o lip id ich th ys dal gleishi, Storom ateoides sinensis, Psenopsis anomala, Taius tum ifrons, Parapersis aurantica, P. minasedna, P. sex fasciata, C ham psodon guentheri, C. snyderi, H exagram m os otakii, Uranoscopus oligolepis, Synchiropus altivelis, C haeturichthys hexanem a, A canthogobius flavim anus, A ntigonia capros, M acrorhamphosodes uradoi, Neosebas tes entaxis, Bem bras japonicus, Lepidotrigla m icroptera, L. guntheri, Peristedion orientale, S a tyrich th ys amiscus, Kareius bicoloratus, P oecilopsetta plinthus. Ohe, F ., 1977a. O toliths from D ainichi sand and H osoya tuffaceous beds o f Kakegawa G roup (Pliocene), Shizouka Prefecture, C entral Japan. - ‘K aseki n o to m o ’, T okai Fossil Soc., 16: 1 3 - 1 9 , 56 fig. 158 Ohe, F., 1977b.O toliths o f coastal fishes o f Ise Bay and K um anonada. - Bull. A sahino Senior High School., 4: 149 158, 51 fig. Illustrated recent otoliths: A m phiprion xanthurus, Chrysiptera hollisi, A m p h ip rio n ocellaris, D uym aeria flagel lifera, Choerodon azurio, Prionurus m icrolepidotus, C haetodon nippon, C. vagabundus, Stephenolepis cirrhifer, Lagocephalus lunaris, Canthigaster rivulatus, Fugu rubripes, P terois lunulata, Sebasticus marm oratus, Sebastes inermis, Scorpaena neglecta m iostom a, Inim icus japonicus, H o p lich th ys fasciatus, Pseudoblennius percoides, Pseudoblennius cottides, H ippoglossoides dubius, Pleuronectes sp., Zebrias japonicus, Zebrias sp., Cynoglossus joyneri, Spratelloides japonicus, Saurida tum bil, S yn o d u s variegatus, Chlopsis fierasfer, Conger m yriaster, Con ger sp., H ippocam pus takakurei, Fistularia petim ba, L ep id o cyb iu m flavobrunneum , R a ch ycen tro n canadum, Parupeneus indicus, H istiopterus typus, A pogon endekataenia, Priacanthus macracanthus, M icropterus salm oni dés, Aulacocephalus tem m incki, Epinephelus fasciatus, Sacura margaritacea, Erythrocles schlegeli, Hapalogenys nigripinnis, G oniistius zebra, G. zonatus, B em brops filodorsalis, Calliurichthys japonicus, Dascyllus trimaculatus. Ohe, F . & Y. Araki, 1973. Som e Miocene fish o to lith s from th e Y akuoji F orm ation, Tsu, Mie P refecture. - Sei. Rep. T ohoku Univ. G eol., 6: 4 0 7 - 4 1 3 , pi. 49. New fossil species: D iaphus angulatus, D. hataii, L am panyctus kuboensis, H ygophum rotundum , N otacanthus circulus, C oelorhynchus yakuojiensis. Ojaveer, E., 1962. [ O n differentiation on th e herring seasonal races in th e N o rth E astern Baltic by m eans o f o to lith s ]. Jzv. - Akad. N auk. Est. SSR, ser. biol., 11 (3): 193 - 2 0 8 , 3 fig., 2 m icroph. (in Russian, w ith English sum m ary). Illustrated recent o to lith : Clupea harengus membras. Pana, I., 1977. Problem s arisen by th e appearance o f the new o to lith s species and their stratigraphicial im plications. Exam ples o f D acian o to lith s from S. D obrudja. - An. Univ. Bucuresti, G eol., 2 6 : 105 - 124, 4 fig., pi. 1 - 5. New fossil species: G obius gibbosus, Sciaena m oguntiniform is, Corvina rumana, C. dobrogica, C. dacica. Pana, I. & D. Paua, 1978. La valeur biostratigraphique des otolithes p lio c è n e s .-Rev. R o u m .G éo l.G éo p h y s. e t Géogr., Géologie, 2 2: 103 - 1 1 9 ,2 fig. Panella, G., 1971. Fish otoliths: daily grow th layers and periodical p attern s. - Science, 173: 1124 - 1 1 2 7 ,2 fig. Illustrated recent o to lith : M erluccius bilinearis. Palm ork, K. H. & M. E . U. T aylor, 1963. The crystal structure o f aberrant o to lith s. - A cta Chem. Scand., 17 (5): 1 4 5 7 - 1 4 5 8 ,2 fig. Pinkas, L., M. S. O liphant & I. L. K. Iverson, 1971. F o o d habits o f A lbacore, bluefin tu n a, and Bonito in California W aters. - Fish Bull., 152: 3 - 1 0 5 ,5 0 fig. Illustrated recent otoliths: Engraulis m ordax, Cololabis saira, Tarletonbeania crenularis. Post, A. & T. H echt, R esults o f th e research cruises o f th e F.R .V . ‘W alt Herwig’ to S o u th America, 49. The otoliths o f D iretm us Johnson, 1863 (O steichthyes, Beryciform es, D iretm idae). - M itt. H amburg Zool. Mus. Inst., 74: 165 - 1 7 0 ,3 fig. Illustrated recent otoliths: D iretm us argenteus, D. pauciradiatus. Priol, E . P., 1932. R em arques sur les espèces de G rondins les plus com m uns des côtes de France. - Revue Trav. Off. (scient, tech.) Pêch. m arit., 5 (2): 223 - 257. Illustrated recen t otoliths: Trigla lucerna, Aspitrigla cuculus, Eutrigla gurnardus, Trigloporus lastoviza. Q uinet, G. E., P. C oupataz & G. W outers, 1970. N ote prélim inaire sur la faune ichthyologique e t les otolithes de 1’ Ypresien belge de Montroeul-au-Bois, en H ainaut, Belgique. - Bull. Inst. r. Sei. n at. Belg., 46 (33): 1 - 6, pi. 1 - 2. R ado, G., 1965. O tolite din depozitele T ortoniene de la costeiul de Sus. - A n. Univ. Bucuresti (Ser. Geol. G eogr.), 14: 5 5 - 7 1 , 3 fig., pi. 1 - 5 . R ado, G., 1968. E tu d e des otolithes sarm atiens de Copacel-Chijic (Bassin du Crisul Repede). - Trav. Mus. Hist. nat. Grigore A ntipa, 8: 581 - 585, 1 fig., pi. 1 - 5. R ado, G., 1969. G rupe n o i de organisme in fauna T o rto n ian a de la B uituri. - St. si. cerc. de geol. geof. geogr., (Seria Geologie), 14 (1): 189 - 2 0 4 , pi. 1 - 2. 159 R ado, G ., 1971. O tolite ín depozitele M iocene din forajele de la Islaz. - Bui. Soc. S tiinte Geologice R om ania, 13: 179 - 194, 1 fig., pi. 1 - 9 . R aitt, D. S. & V . 0 . Sagua, 1969. Prelim inary investigations o f th e biology o f B rachydeuterus auritus (V al., 1831), in Nigerian w aters. - A ctes symp. océano, et ress, halieut. A tlantique tropical (A bidjan, 1966), U nesco, Paris, 1969: 3 9 7 - 4 0 1 . Illustrated recent o tolith: B rachydeuterus auritus. R annou, M ., J. G. Nielsen & J. C. H ureau, 1975. N ote sur quelques A phyonidae de 1’ A tlantique N ord (Téléostéens, O phidioidei). - Bull. Mus. natl. H ist. n at. Paris (3 e sér.), 247 (1 9 7 4 ): 1249 - 1 2 5 7 ,4 fig. Illustrated recent otoliths: A p h y o n u s gelatinosus, L eucochlam ys galatheae. R annou, M. & C. Thiriot-Q uievreux, 1975. S tru ctu re des otolithes d ’ un M acrouridae (poisson gadiform e) hathyal. E tude au m icroscope électronique à Balayage. - Ann. Inst. O céanogr., Paris, 1975, 51 (2 ): 195 - 201. R obba, E., 1970. O toliti del T ortoniano-tipo (Piem onte). - Riv. Ital. P aleont., 76 (1 ): 89 - 172, pi. 8 - 1 6 . New fossil species: M ycto p h u m rossiae, H yg o p h u m agatense, Gadus robustus, G lyptorhynchus triangulus, H olocentrus? weileri, Bauzaia tuberosa, B. ornatissima, P orichthys pedem ontanus. R osenblatt, H. & A. Bell, 1976. O steology and relationships o f the roosterfish, N em atistius pectoralis Gili. - Los Angeles C ounty Mus. C ontrib. in Sei., 2 7 9 : 1 - 23. 18 fig. Illustrated recent otoliths: N em atistius pectoralis, Caranx marginatus. R osenblatt, R. & I. R ubinoffi 1972. P y thonich th y s asodes, a new H eterenchelyid eel from the G ulf o f Panam a. Bull. Marine Sei., 22 (2): 355 - 36 4 , 3 fig. Illustrated recent o to lith : P yth o n ich th y s asodes. Sasaki, H ., 1967. The function o f th e o to lith organs. - Yonago A cta M ed., 11: 133 - 140. Schäfer, W., 1962. Pisces. In: W. S chäfer, 1962. A ktuo-Paläontologie, nach S tudien in der N ordsee. F ran k fu rt am Main (W aldemar K ram er): 59 - 104. Schm idt, W., 1968. Vergleichend m orphologische S tudie ü ber die O tolithen m ariner K nochenfische. - A rch. Fischereiwiss., 19 (1): 1 - 9 6 , pi. 1 - 2 5 . This paper gives illustrations o f 186 species o f o to lith s o f marine fishes from the E ast A tlantic, fro m th e Baltic Sea to th e G ulf o f G uinea. Each o to lith is represented by a schem atical drawing and a p hotograph, u n fo rtu n a te ly m ade w ithout previous coloration o f th e specim ens. S ch o tt, J. W., 1969. A technique for producing and m o unting o to lith w afers fo r age determ ination. - Calif. Fish and G am e, 55 (1): 86 - 8 8 ,2 fig. Schw arzhans, W., 1972. Der W ert von m orphologischen M erkmalen der T eleosteer-O tolithen (Sagitta) fü r höhere system atische Rangstufen (m it Beispielen und Problem fragen). - M eded. Werkgr. T ert. K w art. G eol., 9 (3/4): 1 0 6 -1 1 6 . Schw arzhans, W., 1973. Einige O tolithen aus dem U nteroligozän von H ückelhoven u n te r besondere Berücksichti gung der Evolution der T rachinidae. - M eded. Werkgr. T ert. K w art. G eol., 10 (2 ): 31 - 4 3 , pi. 1 - 2. New fossil species: A pogonidarum ventrolobatus, Callionym us schuermanni, B othidarum rhom boides, Trachinus gaemersi. Schw arzhans, W., 1974. Die O tolithen-Fauna des C h att A und B (O beroligozän, T ertiär) vom N iederrhein, un ter E inbeziehung w eiterer F undstellen. - D echeniana, 126 (1 /2 ): 91 - 1 3 2 ,7 8 fig., pi. 1 - 3. New fossil species: N otogenous brevirostris, Trisopterus kasselensis, Macrurus rectangularis, Serranus krefeldensis, M upus neum anni, Pagrus gaemersi, Scom bridarum bisculptatus, B othidarum weileri, inc. sed. tenuicauda. Schw arzhans, W., 1976. Die fossilen O tolithen der G attu n g Bathycongrus (Meer-Aale; Congridae, Pisces). - Senckenb. L ethaea, 56 (6): 469 - 4 7 7 ,4 fig. New fossil species: Bathycongrus twistringenensis. Illustrated recent o to lith : Congermuraena bowersi. Schw arzhans, W., 1977. O tolithen aus dem U nteroligozän (T ertiär) von H ückelhoven (Kreis H einsberg, N ordrheinW estfalen). - D echeniana, 130: 268 - 2 9 2 , 34 fig. New fossil species: Osmeridarum rectidorsalis, ?Saurida indansi, P hycis praecognatus, Bregmaceros oblongus, inc. sed. spinosus. 160 Schw arzhans, W., 1978. O tolith-m orphology and its usage for higher system atical u n its w ith special reference to the M yctophiform es s.l. - M eded. Werkgr. T ert. K w art. G eol., 15 (4 ): 167 - 185, 9 fig., pi. 1 - 3. Illustrated recent otoliths: E lops hawaiensis, Megalops cyprinoides, Chlorophthalm us nigripinnis, C. agassizi, A u lo p u s curtirostris, Saurida tum bil, S. undosquam is, S yn o d u s variegatus, S. luciopes, Trachinocephalus m yops, B athypterois longifilis, Scopelosaurus harryi, S. lepidus, Ipnops s p H arpodon translucens, B enthalbella m acro pinna, Sudis jayakara, O m osudis lowei, Paralepis atlanticus, Diaphus rafinesquei, N eoscopelus microchir, N. m acrolepidotus, A p h yo n u s gelatinosus, O n u xo d o n margaretiferae, L ep o p h id iu m prorates, N e o b yth ites margina tus, D ipulus caecus, H olcom ycteronus p tero tu s, G enypterus blacodes, B rotula barbata, P hycis sp., Gadiculus argenteus, C oelorhynchus carminatus, H ym enocephalus sp., Chalinura leptolepis, B athygadus novus. Schw arzhans, W., 1979. O tolithen aus dem U nter-Pliozän von Süd-Sizilien und aus der T oscana. - Berliner geowiss. A bh., 1978 (A ) 8: 1 - 5 2 ,4 flg., pi. 1 - 13. New fossil species: M ycto p h u m unicum , D iaphus crassus, G ym noscopelus fitch i, H yg o p h u m agrigentensis, H ygophum ? o r damensis, Electrona anfossim osnai, M icrom esistius boscheineni, N ezu m ia contem plata, Heptocara pauper, B rotulidarum cetonaensis, G obius truncatus, C itharopsettodes angustus. Illustrated recent otoliths: M ycto p h u m aurolaternatum , M. p u nctatum , S ym b o lo p h o ru s evermanni, B enthosem a glaciale, B. fibulata, Diaphus theta, Lobianchia dofleini, L. gemellari, G ym noscopelus fraseri, Ceratoscopelus tow nsendi, H ygophum atratum, Triphoturus m exicanus, P ro to m ycto p h u m crockeri, Gadiculus argenteus argen teus, Coelorhynchus carminatus, C. scaphopsis, C. fasciatus, C. coelorhynchus, C. australis, Lepidorhynchus denticulatus, Ventrifossa occidentalis, N ezum ia bairdi, N. convergens, N. nigromaculata, N. aequalis, N. orbita lis, Coryphaenoides acrolepis, Macrourus berglax, Coryphaenoides rupestris, H ym enocephalus striatissimus, H. italicus, H. sp., Albatrossia pectoralis, Trachyrhynchus trachyrhynchus. Scuderi, I., 1957. Sui caratteri m orfologici delT Engraulis del ‘Lago V erde’. - Boli. Pesca Piscic. Id ro b io l., 12 (2): 232 - 2 6 4 , 7 fig. Illustrated recent otolith: Engraulis encrasicolus. Sieber, R. & E. W einfurther, 1967. O tolithen aus tiefen G osauschichten Ö sterreichs. - Ann. N aturhistor. Mus. Wien, 71: 353 - 3 6 1 , pi. 1. New fossil species: O tolithus (Percidarum) transitus, 0 . (inc. sed.) weinbergeri. Skalkin, V. A ., 1961. O tolity treskovykh ryb (sem. G adidae) dalnevostotchnykh m orei (T he otoliths o f Gadidae from seas o f th e F ar E ast). - V opr. Ikhtiologii, 1 ,2 (19): 2 8 6 - 289. Illustrated recent otoliths: Eleginus gracilis, Gadus m orhua macrocephalus, Theragra chalcogramma. Skalkin, V. A ., 1963. O tolity n ek o to rry k h ryb dalnevostotchnykn m oree (The o to lith s o f some fishes from seas o f the F ar East). - Jzv. tikho-ok. n ao u tch . éd. Inst. ryb. K hoz. okeanog., 4 9: 159 - 199, 46 fig., pi. 1 - 9. Illustrated recent otoliths: Clupea harengus pallasi, Engraulis japonicus, O ncorhynchus gorbuscha, Salvelinus leucom aenis, S. malma, H ypom esus olidus, Leuciscus brandti, Gasterosteus aculeatus, Cololabis saira, Trichiurus japonicus, Sebastodes taczanowskii, S. alutus, Sebastolobus alascanus, A n o p lo p o m a fim bria, H exagram mus octogram m us, Pleurogrammus azonus, M yoxocephalus sp., M. verrucosus, H em itripterus villosus, G ym nocan thus herzensteini, Triglops beani, Icelus spiniger, A rtediellus pacificus, P odothecus acipenserinus, P. gilberti, Liparis pulchellus, H ippoglossoides elassodon elassodon, A therestes evermanni, A . stomias, Hippoglossus sten o lepis, L epidopsetta bilineata, Lim anda aspera, L io p setta obscura, G lyptocephalus stelleri, Stichaeus grigorievi, S. nozawae, B athym aster signatus, L yco d es palearis arcticus, H yp o p ty ch u s d ybow ski, Coryphaenoides sp. Smigielska, T ., 1973. Fish otoliths from th e L ow er T o rto n ian deposits a t Niskowa near N ow y Sacr. - Ann. Soc. Géol. P ol., 43 (1): 3 - 4 0 ,5 fig., pi. 1 - 5. New fossil species: O tolithus (C ottidarum ) m odestus, Arnoglossus inconspectus. S p ra tt, J. D ., 1975. A nom alous o toliths from th e n o rth ern anchovy, Engraulis m ordax. - Calif. Fish and Game, 61 (4): 235 - 23 6 , 1 fig. S tancu, J., 1970. O tolitele sarm atiene de la Soceni (Banat-Rom änia). - D ari Seam ä Sedint., 16 (3 ) (1968-1969): 5 2 4 ,4 fig., pi. 1 - 1 1 . S teurbaut, E., 1979a. O tolithes de T éléostéens de quelques form ations continentales d ’ age A quitanien du m idi de la France. - Bull. Soc. belge Géologie, 87 (3 ): 179 - 1 8 8 ,1 pi. New fossii species: ‘g enus U m bridarum ’ringeadei, ‘g enus C yprinodontidarum ’angulosus, ‘g enus Cyprinodontoi- 161 d e o ru m ’ labre tensis, ‘g enus C yprinodontoid eo ru m ’ obesus. Illustrated recent otoliths: Umbra krameri, L ebistes reticulatus, Umbra pygmaea. S teurbaut, E ., 1979b. Les otolithes de Téléostéens des Marnes de Saubrigues (Miocène d’ A quitaine m éridionale, France). - Palaeontographica, A bt. A (166): 48 - 91, pi. 1 - 12. New fossii species: ‘Genus a ff. L e m k e a ’ saubriguensis, ‘Genus aff. Valenciennellus’kotthausi, Saurida rectiline ata, Sym bolophorus meridionalis, Diaphus cahuzaci, D. poignantae, A d io ry x ostialis, M yripristis verus, ‘Genus aff. L epidotrigla’ postdorsalis, ‘Genus Triglidarum ’ parvulus, N eoscom brops flexuosus, D en tex (Polysteganus) nolfi, Bem brops vandeveldae, ‘G enus P erciform orum ’ wheeleri. Illustrated recent otoliths: L em kea heterolinea, P rom yllantor macroporis, M aurolicus muelleri, Vinciguerria poweria, V lucetia, Sym bolophorus veranyi, Diaphus debilis, Lobianchia dofleini, B olin ich th ys supralateralis, D iaphus dumerili, B olinichthys indicus, Diaphus m etopoclam pus, D. garmani, Gadiculus argenteus, Physiculus huloti, P. roseus, P. kaupi, P. argyropastus, P. rastrelliger, P. peregrinus, L euresthes tenuis, A therinopsis califor niensis, Brotula barbata, G ephyroberyx darwini, A d io ry x hastatus, A ntigonia capros, Pristigenys niphonia, Parascombrops philippinensis, P. m icrolepis, Synagrops japonicus, E pigonus telescopus, D actyloptena papilio, Pagellus coupei, B em brops greyi, B. heterurus, Lesueurigobius saenzoi, L. friesii, A centrogobius koum ansi, L ep i dopus caudatus, H yperoglyphe japonicus, Paraplagusia japonica. S teurbaut, E., in prin t. D eux nouveaux gisements à oto lith es de T éléostéens, d o n t une espèce nouvelle, dans 1’ A qui tanien continental du Midi de la France. - G éobios, short notes. New fossii species: ‘Genus C yprinodontidaru m ’feistae. S teurbaut, E. & J. H erm an, 1978. Bio stratigraphie e t poissons fossiles de la form ation de I’ Argile de Boom (Oligo cène M oyen du bassin belge). - G éobios, 11 (3 ): 297 - 325, 3 fig., pi. 1 - 3. New fossii species: ‘Genus G adidarum ’ensiformis. Illustrated recent o to lith : Trisopterus luscus. S tin to n , F. C., 1968. On the study o f T ertiary fish o to lith s. - Mém. B.R.G.M ., 58: 153 - 162, 1 pi. Illustrated recent otoliths: E so x lucius, Pterothrissus gissu, Hilia sp., N etu m a thalassina, M erluccius vulgaris, Trachichthodes affinis, B ery x decadactylus, L utianus m altzani, Pelam ys sarda. S tin to n , F. C., 1973. Fish o toliths from th e English Cretaceous. - P aleontology, 16 (2 ): 293 - 305, 1 fig., pi. 31. New fossil species: Megalops bicrenulatus, A lbula obesa, Osmerus lobatus, Sphaeronchus rotundus. Illustrated recent utriculiths: N o to p teru s notopterus, Gaterin gaterinus, E ssox lucius. S tin to n , F . C., 1975. Fish o to lith s from th e English Eocene, I. Palaeontogr. Soc. [M onogr.]: 1 - 56, 12 fig., pi. 1 - 3. New fossil species: A lbula rhaphiodon, A . hantoniensis, A . marginalis, A . incurvata, Pterothrissus protensus, P. cristatus, P. leiodus, Anguilla annosa, M uraena prim a, M oringua explicata, N etta sto m a crenulatum , Conger pro ductus, C. extensus, A stroconger crassus, A . ellipticus, Paraconger calvus, L em kea glabra, L. aftonensis, P rom yl lantor im pletus, P. fastigatus, P. guttulus, P. similis, G nathophis obesus, Uroconger incisurus, U. emarginatus, Echelus contractus, E. crenulatus, O phichthus sphaeroides, M yrich th ys brevis. Illustrated recent otoliths: D inoperca petersi, Gaterin picus, Centropyge heraldi, C. flavissimus, C. n o x, C. bispi nosus, C. bicolor, C. m ultispinis, C. argii, C. tibicen, C. vroliki, E lops saurus, E. affinis, E. hawaiaensis, Megalops ciprinoides, A lbula vulpes, L episosteus osseus, Pterothrissus gissu, P. belloci, Anguilla vulgaris, M uraena helena, Moringua hawaiensis, G ym nothorax rueppelli, M uraenesox cym b iu m , N etta sto m a melanura, A stroconger m yri aster, M uraenesox talabon, Conger conger, C. acutus, Paraconger notialis, L em kea heterolinea, P rom yllantor macroporis, G nathophis m ystax, Uroconger lepturus, U. validus, Echelus vulgaris, O phichthus zophochir, 0. roseus, M yrichthys maculosus. S tin to n , F . C., 1977a. Fish o to lith s from th e English E ocene, II. Palaeontogr. Soc. [M onogr.]: 57 - 1 2 6 ,1 2 fig., pi. 4 -8 . New fossil species: Chirocentrus exilis, Stolephorus productus, S. furculus, A losa incisa, P om olobus circularis, Harengula similis, H. regularis, Sardinella spatiosa, S. extensa, O pisthonem a collatum , Dussum ieria amussa, E trum eus undatus, H eterotis acutangulus, Chanos com pressus, Palaeosox densus, Umbra valida, A lepocephalus novus, Osmerus sculptus, O. delicatulus, 0 . colvellensis, Ich th yo co ccu s subregularis, A u lo p u s sinuosus, Chlor ophthalm us elongatus, S yn o d u s bisectus, Saurida tenuis, P olym ixia? rhom boidalis, P. serta, M erluccius nodosus, M. apicalis, Gadus varians, R aniceps elegans, L epidion tuberculatum , Trachyrincus m inusculus, Coelorinchus triquetrus, H ym enocephalus fim briatus, D in em a tich th ys brevisulcus, Ogilbia centrota, N e o b yth ites constrictus, 162 D erm atopsis astrictus, N eo b yth ites angustus, N. scabrosus, N. laevis, M o n o m ito p u s costatus, Oligopus gibbosus, O. bulbiformis, Sirem bo convexus, H oplobrotula panda, H. undulata, H. spissa, X iphiurus nodosus, Encheliophis triangularis. Illustrated recent otoliths: Chirocentrus dorab, Setipinna taty, Stolephorus com m ersonnii, A losa alosa, P om olo bus pseudoharengus, Clupea harengus, Harengula pensacola, Sardinella eba, O pisthonem a oglinum , Dussumieria acuta, E trum eus m icropus, D orosom a chacunda, H eterotis niloticus, Chanos chanos, Tachysurus thalassinus, Galeichthys felis, Umbra limi, A rgentina silur, A lepocephalus tenebrosus, Osmerus eperlanus, H ypom esus pretio sus, Ichthyococcus irregularis, A u lo p u s filam entosus, Syn o d u s fo eten s, Saurida tum bil, C hlorophthalm us agas sizi, Polym ixia nobilis, M erluccius vulgaris, Gadus m orhua, Microgadus p roxim us, Trisopterus luscus, Molva vul garis, Raniceps raninus, Bregmaceros atripinnis, L epidion eques, Trachyrincus trachyrincus, Coelorinchus coelo rinchus, H ym enocephalus italicus, D inem a tich th ys iluocoeteoides, Ogilbia cayorum , B rosm ophycis marginatus, Derm atopsis m acrodon, N eo b yth ites sivicolus, M o n o m ito p u s m etriostom a, Selachophidium guentheri, Dicrolene introniger, Oligopus robustus, B rotula m ultibarbata, Sirem bo imberbis, H oplobrotula armata, L ep o p h id iu m cer vinum, Xiphiurus capensis, Encheliophis gracilis. S tin to n , F. C., 1977b. Teleost o toliths from th e H arefield Beds (Paleocene: O ldhaven F orm atio n ) a t Bignell’sC o m er, Flerts. - T ertiary Res., 1 (4): 119 - 1 2 5 ,1 pi. New fossil species: A nguilla pectinata, H oplobrotula protensa. S tin to n , F. C., 1978. Fish o toliths from the English Eocene, III. - Palaeontogr. Soc. [M onogr.]: 127 - 189, pi. 9 - 12. New fossil species: L ophius papillosus, A ntennarius excavatus, A . validus, A . curvatus, A . ham atus, A . falcatus, Ogcocephalus cirrhosus, O. glyptosus, Chaunax semiangulatus, H em iram phus ovalis, H. subcircularis, H. mosai cus, Pranesus densus, Trachichthys abditus,H oplostethus densus, Paratrachichthys angulatus, P. cirratus, G ephy roberyx hexagonalis, C entroberyx rotundus, C. elegans, C. crenulatus, M onocentris cristata, B ery x nova, H olo centrus extenuatus, M yripristis sinuatus, M. depressus, Capros exiguus, C. incisus, Chana antiqua, Scorpaena regularis, Sebastodes perangustus, Scorpaenodes recurvus, N o to sth es flexu o su s, Paracentropogon annectens, M inous excavatus, M. carinatus, Prionotus contiguus, P. tortuosus, Trigla? gibbosa, Lepidotrigla selsiensis, Cheli d onichthys curvatus, Peristedion prom inens, P odothecus costulatus, D actyloptena crenata, D. orbicularis, D. lobata, C entropom us annectens, L ates delicatulus, Chanda rhom boides, C. ovalis, C. fim briata, C. convexa, C. pentagonalis, C. lobata, C. turgida, Dapalis vectensis, M orone crassa, Centrogenys ornatus, E pinephelus nodosus, E. constrictus, E. plicatus, E. exacutus. S tin to n , F. C. & D. Kissling, 1968. Q uelques o tolithes de téléostéens de la Molasse oligocène de Suisse occidentale. C.R. des Séances, S.P.H.N. Genève (N .S.), 3 (3 ): 140 - 1 5 4 ,4 fig., 1 pi. New fossil species: C yprinodon subtrigonus, C. dentifer, Dapalis carinatus, D. rhom boidalis, Gobius sectus, L epi dogobius bifidus. S tin to n , F. C. & H. S. T orrens, 1968. Fish o to lith s from th e B athonian o f sou th ern England. - P aleontology, 11 (2): 2 4 6 - 2 5 8 ,1 4 fig. New fossil species: G yrosteus subdeltoideus, Sphaeronchus dorsetensis, S. circularis, Pholidophorus paradoxicus, P. prae-elops, L eptolepis tenuirostris, L. densus, L. roddenensis, Archengraulis productus, Cleidogonia antiqua. Sulak, K. J., 1977. A ldrovandia oleosa, a new species o f th e Halosauridae, w ith observations on several o th er species o f th e fam ily. - Copeia, 1: 11 - 2 0 , 8 fig. Illustrated recent o toliths: A ldrovandia oleosa, A . phalacra. T akahashi, M., 1976. Some M iocene fish o to lith s from th e Mizunami G roup, C entral Japan. - Bull. M izunami Foss. Mus., 3: 55 - 7 2 , p i. 1 6 - 2 2 . Takahashi, M., 1977. Som e Pliocene fish o to lith s from the Dainichi Sands, Kakegawa G roup, C entral Japan. - Bull. M izunam i Foss. Mus., 4 : 97 - 118, pi. 23 - 29. T akai, T ., 1959. Studies on th e m orphology, ecology and culture o f th e im p o rta n t apodal fishes, M uraenesox cine reus (Forskal) and Conger m yriaster (B revoort). - C ontr. Shim onoseki College Fish., 285: 8 - 3 4 0 ,1 5 3 fig., 14 pi. Illustrated recent o toliths: O. leptognathus, M uraenesox cinereus, M. yam aguchiensis, Anago anago, Alloconger anagoides, A . shiroanago shiroanago, Congriscus m egastomus, Conger m yriaster, Conger japonicus, R hyncho- 163 c ym b a n ystro m i nystrom i, R h y n c h o cy m b a n ystro m i ginanago, R hynchoconger ectenura, P rom yllantor nezum i, Japonoconger sivicola, Congrina retrotincta, Uroconger lepturus. Taverne, L ., 1968. Ostéologie du genre G nathonem us Gili sensu stricto [G nathonem us petersii (G th r) et espèces voisines] (Pisces M orm yriform es). - A nn. Mus. r. A frique C ent., (sér. in-8°), (Sei. Z ool.), 170: 1 - 91, 4 4 fig., pi. 1 -4 . Illustrated recent o tolith: G nathonem us petersii. Taverne, L ., 1969. Etude ostéologique des genres Boulengerom yrus Taverne et Géry, G enyom yrus Boulenger, P etro cephalus m arcusen (Pisces M orm yriform es). - A nn. Mus. r. A frique C ent., (ser. in-8°), (Sei. Z ool.), 174: 1 - 85, 4 6 fig., pi. 1 - 2. Illustrated recent otoliths: Petrocephalus bane, G enyom yrus do n n yi, B oulengerom yrus knoepffleri. T averne, 1971. Ostéologie des genres M arcusenius Gili, H ippopotam yrus Pappenheim , C yphom yrus Myers, Pollim yrus Taverne e t Brienom yrus Taverne (Pisces M orm yriform es). - Ann. Mus. r. A frique C ent., (sér. in -8 °), (Sei. Z ool.), 188: 1 - 144, 80 fig., pi. 1 - 3 . Illustrated recent otoliths: C yphom yrus psittacus, M arcusenius cyprinoides. Taverne, L ., 1972. Ostéologie des genres M orm yrus Linné, M orm yrops Müller, H yperopisus Gili, Isichthys Gili, M yo m yrus Boulenger, Stom atorhinus Boulenger et G ym narchus Cuvier. Considérations générales sur la systém atique des poissons de 1’ ordre des M orm yriform es. - A nn. Mus. r. A frique C ent., (sér. in-8°), (Sei. Z o o l.), 2 0 0 : 1 - 194, 116 fig., pi. 1 - 2 . Illu strated recent otoliths: G ym narchus niloticus, S to m a to rh in u s puncticulatus, M yo m yru s macrops, Isichthys henryi, H yperopisus occidentalis tenuicauda, M orm yrops deliciosus, M orm yrus rume. Taverne, L ., 1974. L ’ ostéologie d ’ Elops Linné, C., 1766 (Pisces E lopiform es) e t son in té rêt phylogénétique. - Acad, r. Belg., Mém. Cl. Sei. Collect. in-8°, (sér. 2), 41 (2 ): 5 - 9 8 , 40 fig., 1 pi. Illustrated recent o to lith : Elops lacerta. T averne, L ., 1974. Sur la sagitta des M orm yridae (Pisces O steoglossom orphes). - Rev. Zool. afr., 88 (2 ): 281 - 285, 2 fig. Illustrated recent otoliths: P antodon buchholzi. Marcusenius m acrolepidotus, C am pylom orm yrus tamandua, Petrocephalus bane, Taverne, L ., 1975. A propos de trois T éléostéens fossiles déterm inés erroném ent comme Ostéoglossides, Cearana Jo rd a n , D. S. e t Branner, J. C., 1908, E urychis Jo rd an , D. S., 1924 et G enartina Frizzell, D.L. e t D ante, J. H., 1965. - A nn. Soc. r. Zool. Belg., 105 (1-2): 15 - 30, 8 fig. T averne, L., 1977. Ostéologie, phylogénèse e t systém atique des Téléostéens fossiles e t actuels du super-ordre des O stéoglossom orphes. Première partie. Ostéologie des genres H iodon, E ohiodon, L ycoptera, O steoglossum , Sclero pages, H eterotis e t Arapaim a. - A cad. r. Belg., Mém. Cl. Sei., Collect. in -8 °, (sér. 2), 4 2 (3): 5 - 2 3 5 , 146 fig. Illustrated recent otoliths: A rapaim a gigas, H eterotis niloticus, Scleropages form osus, O steoglossum bicirrhosum , H iodon alosoides. Taverne, L ., 1978. Ostéologie, phylogénèse e t systém atique des Téléostéens fossiles et actuels du super-ordre des O stéoglossom orphes. D euxièm e partie. Ostéologie des genres Phareodus,Phareoides, B rychaetus, M usperia, Pan to d o n , Singida, N otopterus, X enom ystus e t Papyrocranus. - A cad. r. Belg., Mém. Cl. Sei., Collect. in -8 °, (sér. 2), 42 (6): 4 - 2 1 3 . Illustrated recent otoliths: Papyrocranus afer, X en o m y stu s nigri, N o to p teru s notopterus, P antodon buchholzi. T ilak, J ., 1963. Studies on the com parative m orphology o f th e o to lith s o f Indian siluroids. - G eol. A nz., 173 (3): 1 8 1 -2 0 1 . Trewavas, E ., 1977. The sciaenid fishes (Croakers or D rum s) o f th e Indo-West-Pacific. - Trans, zool. Soc. L ond. (1977), 33: 259 - 54 1 , 61 fig., pi. 1 -1 4 . Illustrated recent otoliths: Bahaba chaptis, Umbrina canariensis, Kathala axillaris, O tolithoides pama, O. biau ritus, Panna m icrodon, Boesem ania m icrolepis, Pennahia m acrophthalm us, A rgyrosom us hololepidotus, A. am oyensis, P terotolithus m aculatus, P. lateoides, O tolithes ruber, Chrysochir aureus, Daysciaena albida, A u stro nibea oedogenys, Paranibea semiluctuosa, N ibea maculata, N. semifasciata, N. soldado, Son o ro lu x flum inis, Johnius coitor, Sciaena um bra, M acrospinosa cuja, Bahaba taipingensis, Pennahia macrocephalus, P. pawak, P. argentata, M egalonibea fusca, A rgyrosom us japonicus, A . m iiu y, A tro b u cca nibe, A . trewavasae, A fro scio n thor- 164 pei, Protonibea diacanthus, D endrophysa russelli, N ibea albiflora, L arim ichthys crocea, L. polyactis, C ollichthys lucidus, C. niveatus, Johnius coitor, A tractoscion aequidens, Pseudotolithus brachygnathus, P. senegalensis, P. (Pinnacorvina) epipercus, P. (Hostia) m oorii, P. (F onticulus) elongatus, Miracorvina angolensis, P. (P. ) senegalen sis, Pteroscion peli. V oigt, E., 1928. U eber einen G adidenotolithen u n d einige andere unbeachtete Fossilien aus der Schreibkreide von Rügen. - Cbl. Mineral. Geol. Paläont., B (6 ): 377 - 3 8 1 ,4 fig. New fossil species: O tolithus (Gadidarum ) rugiae. Weiler, W., 1929. Prolebias praecursor n. sp. aus den Süsswasserschichten des Cyrenenm ergels im M ainzer Becken. N otizbl. Ver. E rdkd. u . Hess. Geol. L.A. (5-F .), 12: 110 - 111, pi. 6. Weiler, W., 1968. Die O tolithen der b athypelagischen Fam ilie M elamphaidae und ihre system atische Bedeutung (Pisces). - Senckenbergiana biol., 49 (3 /4 ): 223 - 2 3 0 , 7 fig. Illustrated recent otoliths: Scopeloberyx robustus, P orom itra crassiceps, S io nordenskjoldii, Scopelogadus sp., M elam phaes lugubris, Scopelogadus m izolepis bispinosus, M elamphaes acanthomus. Weiler, W., 1968. O tolithi Piscium (N eubearbeitung). - Fossilium Catalogus, I. Animalia, 117: 1 - 196. Weiler, W., 1969. Fisch-O tolithen aus der U nter-K reide der U m gebung von H annover und aus dem U nter-E ozän von F ehm arn. - Senckenb. L ethaea, 50 (4): 357 - 366, 8 fig. Weiler, W., 1971a. Palealbula ventralis n. sp. (Pisces, Clupeiform es) aus dem N eocom (U nter-H auterive) von Engel bostel bei Hannover. - Senckenb. L ethaea, 5 2 ( 1 ) : 1 - 3, 3 fig. N ew fossil species: Palealbula ventralis. Weiler, W., 1971b.Fisch-Otolithen aus dem Ju n g tertiär Süd-Siziliens. - Senckenb. L ethaea, 52 (1 ): 5 - 37, pi. 1 - 2. N ew fossil species: Diaphus praerafinesquii, Carapus praeimberbis, N eoscom brops praeannectens. Illustrated recent otoliths: H ygophum benoiti, Ceratoscopelus tow nsendi, C. maderensis, Diaphus rafinesquii, E lectrona carlsbergi, E. crockeri, E. rissoi, E. subaspera, H yg o p h u m atratum , H. hygom i, B enthosem a panam en se, B. glaciale, L am panyctus crocodilus, N eoscom brops annectens. Weiler, W., 1972a.Fische. In: F. D oebl, H. M owahed-Awal, P. R othe, V. Sonne, H. T obien, H. Weiler & W. Wèiier, 1972. Ein ‘A quitan’-Profil von Mainz-Weisenau (T ertiär, Mainzer Becken). M ikrofaunistische, sedim entpetrographische und geochem ische U ntersuchungen zu einer Gliederung. - Geol. Jb., A5: 75 - 81, pi. 15. New fossil species: M orone brevis. Illustrated recent otoliths: A rgentina sphyraena, A . sp., Æ silus, A . striata, A . sialis, Glossanodon semifasciatus. Weiler, W., 1972b.Fisch-O tolithen aus der u n teren K reide Niedersachsens. - Ber. N aturhist. Ges., 116: 71 - 79, 5 fig. New fossil species: Palealbula gracilis, O tolithus (inc. sed.) rostratus, O. (inc. sed.) pockrandti. Weiler, W., 1973. E rster Nachweis von O tolithen der Fam ilie U m bridae (Pisces) im T ertiär des M ainzer Beckens, m it B em erkungen über die phyletischen Beziehungen innerhalb der U nterordnung Esocoidei. - Senckenb. Lethaea, 5 (6): 455 - 46 7 , 14 fig. N ew fossil species: Paleumbra m oguntina, P. ? acutirostris. Illu strated recent otoliths: Umbra krameri, U. lim i, N ovum bra hubbsi. W einfurther, E., 1967. Die m iozäne O tolith en fau n a von S t. V eit an der T riesting, NO. - A nn. N aturhistor. Mus. W ien, 71: 381 - 393, pi. 1 - 2 . N ew fossil species: ?Smerdis kühni. W eitzm an, S. H., 1954. The osteology and th e relationships o f th e S outh A m erican Characid fishes o f th e subfamily G asteropelecinae. - S tanford Ichth. Bull., 4 (4 ): 213 - 2 6 3 , 18 fig. Illu strated recent o to lith : Carnegiella vesca. W eitzm an, S. H ., 1962. The osteology o f Brycon m eeki, a generalized Characid fish, w ith an osteological definition o f th e fam ily. - S tanford Ich th . Bull., 8 (1 ): 3 - 7 7 ,2 1 fig. Illustrated recent o tolith: B rycon meeki. W eitzm an, S. H ., 1967b. The osteology and relationships o f th e A stronesthidae, a fam ily o f oceanic fishes. - Dana Rep., (71): 1 - 5 4 , 3 1 fig. 165 Illustrated recent o to lith : A stronesthes niger. W eitzman, S. H ., 1974. O steology and evolutionary relationships o f the S ternoptychidae, w ith a new classification o f S tom atoid families. - Bull. am er. Mus. n a t. H ist., 153 (3): 331 - 4 7 8 , 113 fig. Illustrated recent otoliths: Spirinchus thaleichthys, Vinciguerria lucetia, P o lym etm e corythaeola, Thorophos nexilis, M aurolicus m uelleri, D anaphos oculatus, Valenciennellus tripunctulatus, A rgyripnus sp., A. atlanticus, Sonoda megalophthalm a, P olyipnus asteroides, P. aquavitus, Ich th yo co ccu s irregularis, Argyropelecus aculeatus, A. affinis, S te rn o p ty x diaphana. Wigley, R. L. & F. C. S tin to n , 1973. D istribution o f m acroscopic rem ains o f recent animals from m arine sediments o ff Massachusetts. - Fishery Bull., 71 (1 ): 1 - 4 0 , 26 fig. ADDENDUM Dartevelle, E. & E. Casier, 1959. Les poissons fossiles du Bas-Congo e t du régions voisines (Troisième p artie). - Ann. k. mus. Belg. Congo, (3) 2 (3): 257 - 568, pi. 23 - 39. New fossii species: O tolithus (M erlucciidarum ) signeuxae. McCosker, J. E., 1977. T he osteology, classification, and relationships o f th e eal family O phichthidae. - Proc. Calif. Acad. Sei., Ser. 4 , 4 1 (1): 1 - 123, 45 fig. Illustrated recent otoliths: O phichthus triserialis, O. zophochir, O phisurus serpens, E chiophis intertinctus, E tha dophis merenda, M yrich th ys xystrurus, Echelus pachyrhynchus, A p la th o p h is chauliodus, M yrophis vafer. Pom erol, C., 1973. Stratigraphie e t paléogéographie. Ere cénozoïque (Tertiaire e t Q uaternaire). Paris (D oin), 269 pp. In this general treatise, Pom erol figured 8 photographies o f o to lith s fro m the collection S tin to n , o n page 122. Among them , Lactarius am plus (fig. 4.11.8 ) is new. A uthorship o f this species belongs to Pom erol, as stated by Stinton (1 9 7 8 , p. 181). Schw arzhans, W. & W. Weiler, 1971. Ein ungew öhnlicher Fund von O to lith en ‘in situ’ aus dem m itteloliozänen Meeressand des M ainzer Beckens. - Senckenb. L ethaea, 52 (5 /6 ): 529 - 535, 5 fig. New fossil species: Trigla hem m oorensis. Illustrated recent otoliths: Pterygotrigla polyom m ata, Prionotus carolinus. S tin to n , F. C. & D. N olf, 1970. A T eleost o to lith fauna from the Sands o f Lede, Belgium. - Bull. Soc. belge Géol., P aléont., H ydrol., 78 ( 3 4 ) : 219 - 23 4 , 1 pi. New fossil species: A nguilla rectangularis, G ym n o th o ra x diagonalis, M oringua fissura, L ep o p h id iu m aequalis, H oplobrotula lerichei, A ntigonia angusta, Platycephalus aculeatus, A p o g o n arambourgi, A m bassis electilis, Serranus (Serranellus) delicatulus, Centropristes exsculptus, Lagodon pectinoides, Oblada joneti. N.B. The new fossil species m entioned in th e addendum have already been incorporated in th e alphabetical list. A LPH A B ETIC A L L IS T O F F O S SIL NOM INAL SPECIES D ESC R IB ED SINCE 1968 All species are arranged in alp h ab etical o rd e r o f generic nam es, disregarding th e possible prefix ‘O to lith u s ’ o r ‘genus’. T he spelling is th e sam e as in th e original p u b licatio n . It is stressed th a t in sertio n in th is list does n o t m ean th a t th e a u th o rs regard a nam e as valid o r correct. A cropom idarum m artini Gaemers & H insbergh, 1978 A d io ry x ostíalis S teurbaut, 1979b A lbula hantoniensis S tin to n , 1975 A lbula incurvata S tin to n , 1975 A lbula marginalis S tin to n , 1975 A lbula obesa S tin to n , 1973 A lbula rhaphiodon S tin to n , 1975 B rotulidorum cetonaensis Schw arzhans, 1979 B rotulidorum phascoloides G aem ers & Hinsbergh, 1978 A lepocephalus novus S tin to n , 1977a A losa incisa S tinton, 1977a ?Caesio concavissim us N olf, 1973c Callionymus lerenardi N o lf & Lapierre, 1979 Ambassis electilis S tin to n & N olf, 1970 A m m o d y te s lanceolatus sculptus Gaemers & Schwarz Callionym us schuerm anni Schw arzhans, 1973 hans, 1973 ‘genus Caproidarum ’ sonodae N o lf & L apierre, 1979 Capros exiguus S tin to n , 1978 A m m o d y te s rostratus Gaemers & Schw arzhans, 1973 A m m o d y te s vasseuri N o lf & L apierre, 1977 Capros incisus S tin to n , 1978 Carangidarum robustus Gaemers & Hinsberg, 1978 Anguilla annosa S tinton, 1975 Carapus nu n tiu s elongatus Gaemers & Schwarzhans, Anguilla pectinata S tin to n , 1977b Anguilla rectangularis S tin to n & N olf, 1970 Anguilla rouxi N olf, 1974 A ntennarius curvatus S tin to n , 1978 A ntennarius excavatus S tin to n , 1978 A ntennarius falcatus S tin to n , 1978 A ntennarius ham atus S tin to n , 1978 A ntennarius validus S tin to n , 1978 A ntigonia angusta S tin to n & N olf, 1970 A ntigonia postangusta H olec, 1975b A phanius (Aphanius) chios M alz, 1978c 1973 Carapus praeim berbis Weiler, 1971b C entroberyx crenulatus S tin to n , 1978 C entroberyx elegans S tin to n , 1978 C entroberyx rotundus S tin to n , 1978 Centrogenys ornatus S tin to n , 1978 C entropom us annectens S tin to n , 1978 Centropristes exsculptus S tin to n & N olf, 1971b ?Centropyge ko tth a u si N olf, 1973c Cepola massiva N o lf & L apierre, 1979 A phanius moraviae B rzobohaty, 1969 Chana antiqua S tin to n , 1978 A pogon arambourgi S tin to n & N olf, 1970 Chanda b o h lkei N o lf & C appetta, 1976 Chanda convexa S tin to n , 1978 Apogonidarum ventrolobatus Schw arzhans, 1973 Archengraulis productus S tin to n & Torrens, 1968 Archylopelecus w einfurteri B rzobohaty & Schultz, 1978 Chanda fim b ria ta S tin to n , 1978 Chanda lobata S tin to n , 1978 Ariosom a coheni N olf & M artinell, in press Arnoglossus inconspectus Smigielska, 1973 Astroconger crassus S tin to n , 1975 Astroconger ellipticus S tin to n , 1975 Chanda ovalis S tin to n , 1978 A therina margereli N olf & L apierre, 1977 ‘genus C handidarum ’ inflatus N o lf & Lapierre, 1979 A ulopus sinuosus S tin to n , 1977a ‘genus C handidarum ’ steurbauti N o lf & L apierre, 1979 Chanda pentagonalis S tin to n , 1978 Chanda rhom boides S tin to n , 1978 Chanda turgida S tin to n , 1978 Chanos com pressus S tin to n , 1977a Bathycongrus twistringenensis Schw arzhans, 1976 Bauzaia ornatissima R obba, 1970 Chaunax sem iangulatus S tin to n , 1978 Bauzaia tuberosa R obba, 1970 C helidonichthys curvatus S tin to n , 1978 Chirocentrus exilis S tin to n , 1977a Bem brops vandeveldae S teurbaut, 1979b Chlorophthalm us elongatus S tin to n , 1977a B e ry x nova S tinton, 1978 B enthosem a fitc h i B rzobohaty & Schultz, 1978 Citharopsettodes angustus Schwarzhans, 1979 Cleidogonia antiqua S tin to n & Torrens, 1968 Clupea bo n ii Anfossi & M osna, 1971 Bonapartia spina H einrich, 1969 ‘genus C lupeidarum ’sch u ltzi N olf & L apierre, 1979 ‘genus B o th id a ru m ’ biaculeatus N o lf & L apierre, 1979 B othidarum rhom boides Schw arzhans, 1973 Ot. (Clupeidarum ) singularis B rzobohaty, 1969 C lupeiform orum planus Gaemers & H insbergh, 1978 B othidarum weileri Schw arzhans, 1974 ?Bothus sem en N olf, 1973a Coelorhynchus yakuojiensis Ohe & Araki, 1973 Coelorinchus triquetrus S tin to n , 1977a Colliolus jo h a n n etta e Gaemers, 1976b ‘genus Blenniidarum ’ blondeaui N o lf & L apierre, 1979 Bregmaceros oblongus Schw arzhans, 1977 Brosm e heinrichi Gaem ers, 1976b Brosm e tefkali B rzobohaty & Schultz, 1978 Colliolus m in u tu lu s G aem ers, 1978b Colliolus parvus Gaemers, 1976b ‘genus aff. B ro sm o p h ycis’brevis N olf, 1974 Colliolus schwarzhansi Gaemers, 1976b 167 Conger durus Aoki, 1968 E pinephelus constrictus S tin to n , 1978 Conger ellipticus Aoki, 1971 Conger extensus S tinton, 1975 E pinephelus exacutus S tin to n , 1978 Conger p ro d u c tu s S tinton, 1975 Congermuraena weileri Jo n e t, 1972-73 Epinephelus plicatus S tin to n , 1978 E pinephelus nodosus S tin to n , 1978 Epinephelus postangulatus N olf, 1973a O tolithus (Congridarum) bellus A oki, 1968 E tru m eu s u ndatus S tin to n , 1977a O tolithus (Congridarum) rhom bicus A oki, 1971 Corvina dacica Pana, 1977 Eucitharus belgicus Gaemers, 1972 Corvina dobrogica Pana, 1977 Exallias vectensis N olf, 1973c Corvina rum ana Pana, 1977 O tolithus (C ottidarum ) jizodoensis A oki, 1971 Eicitharus lusitanicus Jo n e t, 1972-73 G adichthys altus Gaemers & Hinsbergh, 1978 Otol. (C ottidarum ) m odestus Smigielska, 1973 G adichthys benedeni verticalis Gaemers & Schw arzhans, 1973 C o ttu s p a ra sc o rp is Lafond-G rellety, 1963 O to lith u s (Crangidarum) calidus A oki, 1968 G adichthys undosus Gaem ers, 1973 Gadiculus deum ensis N olf, 1977 C yprinodon dentifer S tinton & Kissling, 1968 ‘genus G adidarum ’ensiform is S teu rb au t & H erm an, 1978 ‘genus G adidarum ’ lerichei N olf, 1977 C yprinodon subtrigonus S tinton & Kissling, 1968 ‘genus C yprinodontidarum ’ angulosus S teurbaut, 1979a ‘genus C yprinodontidarum ’feistae S teurbaut, in press ‘g e n u s C y p rinodontoideorum ’labretensis S teurbaut, 1979a ‘gem is C y p rinodontoideorum ’obesus S teurbaut, 1979a O tolithus (Gadidarum ) rugiae V oigt, 1928 Gadus parallelus Gaemers, 1976b Gadus robustus R obba, 1970 Gadus varians S tin to n , 1977a Gadus wansinensis Casier, 1943 D a ctyloptena crenata S tin to n , 1978 Gaidropsarus acuticaudatus Gaem ers, 1973 D actylo p ten a lobata S tin to n , 1978 ‘genus aff. G azza’pentagonalis N o lf & L apierre, 1979 D actylo p ten a orbicularis S tin to n , 1978 G enypterus rectangularis N olf, 1973c Dapalis bartensteini Malz. 1978c G ephyroberyx hexagonalis S tin to n , 1978 Dapalis carinatus S tinton & Kissling, 1968 G lyptorhynchus triangulus R o b b a, 1970 Dapalis rhom boidalis S tinton & Kissling, 1968 G nathophis kanazawai N o lf & M artin ell, in press Dapalis vectensis S tinton, 1978 G nathophis obesus S tin to n , 1975 D e n te x k o k e n i Gaemers & H insbergh, 1978 (G obiidarum ) bicornutus Gaemers & Schw arzhans, 1973 D e n te x (Polysteganus) nolfi S teurbaut, 1979b D erm atopsis astrictus S tin to n , 1977a (G obiidarum ) dorsoconcavus Gaemers & Schwarzhans, 1973 D iaphus angulatus Ohe & A raki, 1973 (G obiidarum ) m od estu s Gaemers & Schw arzhans, 1973 D iaphus cahuzaci S teurbaut, 1979b D iaphus crassus Schwarzhans, 1979 (G obiidarum ) rectangularis Gaemers & Schw arzhans, 1973 D iaphus hataii Ohe & Araki, 1973 Gobius arenosus A oki, 1971 D iaphus italicus Anfossi & Mosna, 1971 G obius copiosus A oki, 1968 D iaphus poignantae S teurbaut, 1979b D iaphus praerafinesquii Weiler, 1971b G obius gibbosus Pana, 1977 Gobius ingens Aoki, 1968 D in em a tich th ys brevisulcus S tin to n , 1977a G obius notoensis A oki, 1967 D iplacanthopom a tortonesei N olf, 1977 D iplodus karrerae N olf & S teurbaut, 1979 Gobius ornatus Gaemers & Schw arzhans, 1973 Gobius puellaris A oki, 1968 Gobius rarus A oki, 1971 D iplodus racheboeufi L anckneus & N olf, 1979 D ussum ieria amussa S tinton, 1977a Gobius rusticus A oki, 1967 Gobius sectus S tin to n & Kissling, 1968 E chelus contractus S tinton, 1975 E chelus crenulatus S tin to n , 1975 G obius truncatus Schw arzhans, 1979 Gobius urbanus A oki, 1968 E chiodon heinzelini H uyghebaert & N olf, 1979 G ym noscopelus fitc h i Schw arzhans, 1979 E lectrona anfossim osnai Schw arzhans, 1979 E ncheliophis triangularis S tin to n , 1977a G ym nothorax diagonalis S tin to n & N olf, 1970 G yrosteus subdeltoideus S tin to n & T orrens, 1968 170 P rionotus contiguus S tin to n , 1978 P rionotus tortuosus S tin to n , 1978 Pristigenys caduca N olf, 1973a Stolephorus p ro d u ctu s S tin to n , 1977a Prolebias senesi Brzobohaty & Stancu, 1974 1976 Syn o d u s bisectus S tin to n , 1977a S ym b o lo p h o ru s haereticus B rzobohaty & S chultz, 1978 P rom yllantor fastigatus S tin to n , 1975 P rom yllantorguttulus S tinton, 1975 P rom yllantor im ple tus S tinton, 1975 P rom yllantor sim ilis S tin to n , 1975 P settodes collatus N olf, 1973a Strom ateus brailloni N olf, 1975 ‘Genus S yn o d o n tid a ru m ’ interm edius N o lf & C apetta, S ym bolophorus m eridionalis S teu rb au t, 1979b Toxotes wheeleri N o lf & Lapierre, 1979 Trachichthodes p a tterso n i N olf, 1975a P settodes oedelem ensis N olf, 1973b P settodes spinosus N olf, 1973c Trachichthodes weileri N olf, 1970 Pseudocolliolus cuykensis Gaemers, 1978b Trachichthodes abditus S tin to n , 1978 Pseudorhom bus helvecianus Jo n e t, 1972-73 Pterothrissus cristatus S tinton, 1975 Trachinus angustus G aem ers & H insbergh, 1973 Trachinus gaemersi Schw arzhans, 1973 Pterothrissus leiodus S tin to n , 1975 Trachurus elegans Jo n e t, 1972-73 Pterothrissus protensus S tin to n , 1975 Trachyrincus m inusculus S tin to n , 1977a ‘genus Trichiuridarum ’ wongratanai N olf, 1977 R aniceps altus N olf, 1974 Trigla?gibbosa S tin to n , 1978 R aniceps elegans S tin to n , 1977a Trigla hem m oorensis Schw arzhans & Weiler, 1971 R aniceps herm ani N olf, 1978a R ho m b o p lites easteri N olf, 1970 ‘genus Triglidarum ’giganteus N olf, 1977 ‘Genus Triglidarum ’parvulus S teu rb au t, 1979b Sardinella extensa S tinton, 1977a Tripterophycis m u ltitu b ero su s Gaem ers, 1973 Sardinella spatiosa S tinton, 1977a Tripterophycis m u ltitu b ero su s m oravicus B rzobohaty & Schultz, 1978 ?Saurida indansi Schwarzhans, 1977 Saurida rectilineata S teurbaut, 1979b Saurida tenuis S tinton, 1977a Sciaena m oguntiniform is Pana, 1977 O tolithus (Sciaenidarum) clarus Aoki, 1971 Scom bridarum bisculptatus Schw arzhans, 1974 Scorpaena edegemensis Gaemers, 1973 Scorpaena regularis S tin to n , 1978 Scorpaenodes recurvus S tinton, 1978 Sebastes weileri Gaemers, 1972 Sebastodes perangustus S tinton, 1978 O tolithus (Serranidarum) anesakiensis Aoki, 1971 Serranus delicatulus S tinton & N olf, 1970 Serranus krefeldensis Schw arzhans, 1974 Trisopterus antw erpensis Gaemers, 1971 Trisopterus concavus Gaem ers, 1976b Trisopterus elongatus Gaemers & Schw arzhans, 1973 Trisopterus incognitus G aem ers, 1976b Trisopterus kasselensis Schw arzhans, 1974 Trisopterus pliocenicus Gaemers & Schw arzhans, 1973 Umbra valida S tin to n , 1977a ‘genus U m bridarum ’ringeadei S teu rb au t, 1979a Uranoscopus septentrionalis N olf, 1978b Uroconger emarginatus S tin to n , 1975 Uroconger incisurus S tin to n , 1975 Sirem bo convexus S tin to n , 1977a ‘Genus aff. Valenciennellus’ko tth a u si S teu rb au t, 1979b Sirem bo tum idus N olf, 1973c ?Sm erdus kü h n i W einfurter, 1967 X iphiurus nodosus S tin to n , 1977a ‘genus Sole idarum ’ schultzei N olf & L apierre, 1979 O tolithus (Sparidarum ) babai A oki, 1968 ‘genus Sparidarum ’ w hiteheadi N olf, 1977 Spicara kugleri N olf, 1977 Spicara aram bourgi N olf, 1973a Sphaeronchus circularis S tin to n & T orrens, 1968 Sphaeronchus dorsetensis S tinton & T orrens, 1968 Sphaeronchus rotundus S tin to n , 1973 Stolephorus furculus S tin to n , 1977a
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