総合生命科学部 生命科学セミナー 第1部

総合生命科学部 生命科学セミナー
演 者 : Prof. Arnold J. M. Driessen
日 時 : 2016年9月9日(金)15:00~16:00
場 所 : 京都産業大学総合生命科学部15号館1階 15102セミナー室
演 題 :Single molecule imaging of the dynamics of the
Sec translocase in living cells
Translocation of proteins across, and insertion of membrane proteins into bacterial membranes are
vital processes in biogenesis. Most of our understanding of the molecular principles underlying these
processes is derived from the bacterial Sec-translocase that in its minimal form consists of a proteinconducting channel, SecYEG that associates with the motor protein SecA or translating ribosomes. The
Sec-translocase further interacts with the chaperone SecB, the SecDF membrane complex and the YidC
membrane protein insertase that each add to specific functions. Many mechanistic details of the Sectranslocase emerged from biochemical and structural studies, but there is still a poor understanding on
how the system operates in living cells. Developments in fluorescence microscopy during the past
decade paved the way for single-molecule in vivo studies. The high spatial and temporal resolution of
this technique makes it possible to visualize the position of proteins with great detail and provides
dynamical data in a natural environment. We have used super resolution imaging of living cells to
visualize the activity of individual Sec-translocases at native expression levels to reveal the dynamics of
the subunit interaction. This allowed us to address controversies concerning its cellular concentration
and localization, oligomeric state and dynamics.
世話人:京都産業大学総合生命科学部 遠藤 斗志也
共催 :JSPS 科研費 15H05705 「ミトコンドリア生合成を司る細胞内統合的ネットワークの解明」
Arnold J. M. Driessen
Department of Molecular
Microbiology, Groningen
Biomolecular Sciences and
Biotechnology Institute, Zernike
Institute for Advanced Materials,
University of Groningen, 9747AG
Groningen, The Netherlands