March 2014 Energy Club Newsletter Find us on Facebook Follow us on twitter No. 2 Subscribe to Calendar "Differenrichment" He llo Eve ryone ! The transition towards a sustainable e ne rgy supply syste m is a m ulti-disciplinary challe nge . Policy m ak e rs, e ngine e rs, e ntre pre ne urs, scie ntists, re gulators and citize ns, all the se playe rs and m ore are work ing toge the r on it. The y do this be cause the y are inte rde pe nde nt, but also be cause the y can e nrich e ach othe r by com bining the ir spe cialitie s into cre ative and innovative solutions. This ye ar's e dition of the All Ene rgy Day will focus on the e ne rgy transition. W ith scie ntists, busine ss m an, politiciancs and e ntre pre ne urs the spe ak e rs and de bate rs cle arly form a dive rse group. Also m ulti-disciplinarity will be pre se nt through the 500 visitors, who com e from a ve riaty of unive rsitie s in the Ne the rlands and who all have diffe re nt study program s, pe rsonalitie s, opinions and ide a's about what would be the ide al future . Through this introductionary note of this ne wsle tte r I would lik e to invite all who will be pre se nt on 14th of March at the All Ene rgy Day, buth also those who are involve d in the e ne rgy transition in anothe r way, to contribute to the richne ss of the e ve nt by be ing diffe re nt. Le t your own be lie fs and spe cialtie s flourish and be inspire d by what othe r pe ople bring. Le t the re be "diffe re nrichm e nt"! Frits Dank e rs, Se cre tary Organize a debate with EU representatives W ould you lik e to organize a de bate in which stude nts discuss with politacians about the future of our e ne rgy supply? Against the back ground of Europe an Parliam e nt e le ctions the Ene rgy C lub organize s a de bate be twe e n stude nts and the Dutch re spre se ntative s of Ene rgy in the EU. For this e ve nt we are look ing for e nthousiastic stude nts who would lik e to organize this toge the r with us. Are you inte re ste d? Nice ! Se nd an e m ail with your C V and a short m otivation to e x te rn@e ne be fore the 15th of March. All Energy Day 2014 - Schrijf je Nu in! De inschrijvings deadline voor de A ll Energy Day is 4 maart 2014. Schrijf je dus vandaag of morgen in via deze link als je dat nog niet gedaan hebt! Be n jij ge ïnte re sse e rd in de e ne rgie transitie ? Dan is de All Ene rgy Day e e n e ve ne m e nt dat je nie t m isse n m ag! Na he t grote succe s van de afge lope n jare n, zal op vrijdag 14 m aart 2014 alwe e r de de rde e ditie van de All Ene rgy Day plaatsvinde n. R e se rve e r de ze dag dus nu alvast in je age nda! De organisatie is druk be zig m e t he t voorbe re ide n van de dag. De locatie voor dit jaar is de Fok k e r Te rm inal in De n Haag. De e e rste , inspire re nde , spre k e r is Wouter van Dieren, lid van de C lub van R om e . De twe e de spre k e r is Thijs Jurgens, VP Innovations She ll, die zich zal richte n op de positie ve ge volge n e n m oge lijk e k anse n die de e ne rgie re volutie m e t zich m e e bre ngt. Ve rde r zulle n Liesbeth Staats e n Winfried Baijens als dagvoorzitte rsduo de ve rschille nde dagonde rde le n, zoals de work shops van onde r ande re Te nne t, She ll & Ene co, he t de bat, de onde rne m e rspitch e n de be ursvloe r, aan e lk aar prate n m e t hun uitdage nde opm e rk inge n e n sche rpe one line rs! Be k ijk voor m e e r inform atie de site : www.alle ne Tot vrijdag 14 m aart! This item is only available in Dutch since the All Energy Day will also be in Dutch. Internships Are you se arching for an inte rnship re late d to e ne rgy? You can find the m on the EC we bsite ! Som e inte rnships that have re ce ntly be com e available are the following: available are the following: W ould you lik e to do re se arch on Ele ctric Ve hicle s and Microgrids in both the Ne the rlands and the USA? D-Incert is offe ring a 6-m onths inthe rnship in which you can do just that. Half of it will be in the Ne the rlands, the othe r half you will be base d in Ne w York . Inte re ste d? Find m ore inform ation about the inte rnship and how to apply on our we bsite . W ould you lik e to de ve lop a proce ss to se que strate hydroge n from cok e ove n gas for the hydroge n e conom y at Tata Steel? Tata Ste e l produce s e ne rgy rich cok e ove n gas in huge am ounts to be use d for he ating and powe r production and ne e ds he lp to de ve lop the proce ss for this se que stration. Inte re ste d? C lick he re . E-Stone is de ve loping a low-cost long-life non-tox ic batte ry, m ade from abundant available iron m ine rals. The y use space qualifie d batte ry te chnology to e nsure a life tim e of e ne rgy on e arth. W ould you lik e to work on a se cure , re ne wable and distribute d future e ne rgy supply? Have a look he re . SolarSwing is look ing for stude nts! W ould you lik e to de ve lop a we b-base d inte rface to control the ir SolarSwing R e fle ct? It is a transpare nt shading syste m s which e nable s office buildings to save substantial am ounts of e ne rgy while cre ating a he althy and productive inne r clim ate . C he ck out the we bsite . Summer Course for Excellent Master Students W ould you lik e to spe nd two we e k s this sum m e r at the gorge ous C om o lak e in Italy? Brainstorm ing with tale nte d stude nts from 3 of the be st unive rsitie s in Europe about the future of the sustainable e ne rgy m ark e t? The TU De lft, in coope ration with Polite cnico di Milano, the C ope nhage n Busine ss School, and the Te chnical Unive rsity De nm ark are organizing a sum m e r course from the 7th until the 18th of July about Succe ssful Le ade rship, Innovation, and Entre pre ne urship within the Ene rgy Se ctor. More inform ation about this sum m e r course can be found he re . TU Delft achieves maximum light trapping in solar cells Researchers at TU Delft have opened the way for the realization of the next generation of high-efficiency, cost-effective and ultra-thin crystalline silicon solar cells. They are the first in the world to come very close (99.8%) to the theoretical limit of absorption enhancement (light trapping) in a broad light spectrum range. Their article on light management in ultra-thin silicon is accepted for publication in the journal A CS Photonics. PhD-stude nt Andre a Inge nito of the Photovoltaic Mate rials and De vice s (PVMD) group at TU De lft has e x pe rim e ntally de m onstrate d the the ore tical lim it of the e nhance m e nt of light absorption in a thin se m iconductor m ate rial. Inge nito use d wafe rs of crystalline silicon and e x pe rim e ntally prove d the the ore tical pre diction of the m ax im al e nhance m e nt of light absorption in a se m iconductor m ate rial. He is the first in the world to com e ve ry close (99.8%) to the the ore tical lim it of absorption e nhance m e nt in a broad light spe ctrum range . An e x pe rim e ntal de m onstration of this absorption e nhance m e nt lim it in solar ce lls has be e n e lusive for the last thirty ye ars. The PVMD group at TU De lft (Faculty of EEMC S) has world-le ading e x pe rtise in the de sign, fabrication, and im ple m e ntation of light trapping structure s in the solar ce lls. The re se arche rs in the group m anage d to de ve lop an advance d m e tal-fre e light trapping sche m e for crystalline silicon wafe rs. At the front side of the silicon wafe rs the y applie d a nano-te x ture k nown as black -silicon. At the re ar side , the y im ple m e nte d a random pyram idal te x ture coate d with a photonic Die le ctric Back R e fle ctor which was de signe d to e x hibit m ax im al and om ni-dire ctional inte rnal re fle ctance . For wafe rs thinne r than 35 μm the re se arche rs achie ve d m ore than 99% (with the photonic re fle ctor) and up to 99.8% (with the silve r back re fle ctor) of the the ore tical classical absorption lim it in the broad light spe ctrum from 400 to 1200 nm . Succe ssful im ple m e ntation of TU De lft’s light trapping sche m e in crystalline silicon solar ce lls re quire s an ade quate surface passivation of the front nano-te x ture . For this purpose , the re se arche rs at the PVMD group have de ve lope d the rm al silicon ox ide and alum inium ox ide passivation laye rs. TU De lft's trapping sche m e toge the r with e x ce lle nt surface passivation ope ns the way for the re alization of the ne x t ge ne ration of high-e fficie ncy, cost-e ffe ctive and ultra-thin crystalline silicon solar ce lls. Inge nito’s article in ACS Photonics was co-authore d by supe rvisors prof. dr. Miro Ze m an and dr. O lindo Isabe lla. The re se arch was carrie d out in the AdLight proje ct (Advance d light trapping for thin and highly e fficie nt silicon solar ce lls) funde d by Age ntschap NL. Solland and EC N have be e n the partne rs in the proje ct. For furthe r inform ation, re ad the publication. You are re ce iving this Ne wsle tte r be cause you have subscribe d for our ne wsle tte r at our site or at one of our e ve nts. If you do not wish to re ce ive furthe r ne ws or m ailings from The Ene rgy C lub click on the unsubscribe button be low. C opyright © 2013 Ene rgy C lub. All R ights R e se rve d.
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