Med dia Group In nternational | Training Academy Av vid Interrplay Ad dministration – WG213 Cou urse Code:: MGI-TA--WG213 Intrroduction Thiss course is d designed for administra ators respon nsible for the setup and day-to-day d operation of o compone ents in an Avid d Interplay workgroup w environmen nt. Studentss learn how w to adminisster the Avid d Interplay Engine and d Avid Arch hive Engine (if applicab ble), and how to work with w data abases in th he system. Additional A to opics includ de nam ming conven ntions, delettion strateg gies, deletion prottection, dailly and weekkly maintena ance, and archiving. Thiss course (or equivalent experience) is a requirred prerequ uisite of the e Interplay ACSR A path. Durration 3 da ays at MGI T Training Aca ademy or su uitably equipped custtomer trainiing centre. Certtification Alignment A Pre--requisite of the ISIS In nterplay Certification pa ath(Avid Certified Supp port Represe entative), ho owever the thre ee days of trraining address multiple audience es including: • • • • • • Enginee ers tasked with w maintaiining and trroubleshootting the ISIS S hardware Media M Managers re esponsible for media deletion d Interpla ay ACSR Can ndidates System Administra ators Front lin ne maintena ance person nnel Facility or freelance e technician ns responsib ble for the setup s and day to day operations o o of compone ents in and A Avid Interplay workgro oup environm ment Cou urse Scope and Seque ence Day 1 - Inttroduction Inte erplay Accesss Inte erplay for Ed ditors AMA A and Interplay Day 2 – Co onfiguration n Inte erplay Administration Inte erplay Engin ne Inte erplay Servicce Framewo ork © 20 014 Media Grroup Internattional www | p: +9 971 4 2797444 4 | Page 1 of 2 Med dia Group In nternational | Training Academy Day 3 – Ma aintenance e Inte erplay Media a Indexer Inte erplay Mainttenance Insttructor Joe MacQuarrie e: [email protected] Joe MacQuarrie e has a Masster’s Degre ee in Communication and is an Avid Certified Instructor (ACI). ( Since 1999 Joe has trrained hund dreds of Avid technicians (ACSR’s) in New Yorrk and Los Angeles. A Mo ost recently, Joe was based at A Avid’s European headqu uarters just outside Lon ndon at Pinewood Stud dios instructing and certtifying engin neers in the eir ACSR Editing, ACSR ISIS, ACSR Interplay I an nd ACSR Central course es. Joe has now joined Media Group Inte ernational (M MGI) as Traiining Manager opening g their new Training Academy in Du ubai, UAE where he willl continue to provide Avid A Training g as well as manage au uthorized train ning for oth her broadcast manufactturers. Certtified AVID Elite Instrucctor (ACI) - CS400, UN4 422, WG433 3, WG453, UN212, U WG2 213 - Officia al trainer alll ACS SR courses. Cou urse Formatt/Materialss 8am m to 4pm wiith breaks. The T presenttations will be a mix off whiteboard d teaching, screen dem mos, PowerP Point pressentations a and lab exerrcises. Stud dent Requiirements notepad an Lapttop with Windows 7 orr greater or Mac OS X. Attention, motivation, m nd pen. Cusstomer Site e Requirements ACS SR courses require r speccific hardwa are pre-conffigured onsite. Contactt MGI for exxact requirements. A suitable training room with whiteboard, projecto or, and surfa aces for lapttops and no otes. A posittion for the instructor at the top of the e room. Priccing/Dates Plea ase contact jjoe.macqua [email protected] your MGI Account Manager M or [email protected] s tv. We can offer o com mpetitive priicing based on location n, number of o attendeess, and existiing projectss. Pub blic course ccost is $1,80 00 per stude ent, and can n be delivere ed either att the MGI Trraining Acad demy or on nsite at properly p equ uipped customer facilitty. © 20 014 Media Grroup Internattional www | p: +9 971 4 2797444 4 | Page 2 of 2
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