Welcome to Dordrecht! Dordrecht, a city of water, history and culture. The city embraces its rich history as it has known prosperity over the centuries as a prominent trading centre and hosted the first meeting of the States of Holland in 1572, which resulted in the foundation of The Netherlands. Nowadays history is still present and visible via the countless number of monuments in Dordrecht. Next to its history, water has also formed the city of Dordrecht. The battle with water that Dordrecht has always fought, has given the city its character, picturesque inner harbours, but also the unique National Park De Biesbosch. Discover the oldest city of Holland and feel the atmosphere of a city that continues to write history. 15 THINGS TO DO AND SEE 1. MEDIEVAL GROTE KERK OF DORDRECHT The Medieval Grote Kerk of Dordrecht, with its indisputable leaning tower, is one of the most remarkable sights in Dordrecht. The Gothic style built church has an impressive exterior and interior with beautiful chapels, choir stalls and a unique Bach pipe organ. A climb up to the top of the tower of the Dordrecht Minster via 275 steps will guarantee a magnificent view over the city. Lange Geldersekade 2 www.grotekerk-dordrecht.nl Welcome to Dordrecht! 5. HET HOF 6. NATIONAL PARK DE BIESBOSCH Het Hof: the start of Holland. It was here in the Statenzaal that the First Assembly of the Free States was held in 1572, a first step into the foundation of The Netherlands. After thorough renovations Het Hof will reopen in March 2015. The history of Dordrecht and The Netherlands will become tangible via interactive exposition halls and audiovisual shows. Hof 12 www.hethofdordrecht.nl Within its borders the city of Dordrecht has a beautiful nature reserve and wildlife area; National Park De Biesbosch. The park is situated only 5 kilometres from the city centre of Dordrecht and is the perfect getaway for adventurers and nature lovers. Explore the area and its indispensable water on foot, by boat or kayak. Discover its wildlife and maybe spot a beaver! Baanhoekweg 53 Accessible by car, aqua liner and public bus ACCESSIBILITY 10. Histouric harbours In the Middle Ages Dordrecht developed, due to its strategic location on several wide rivers, itself into a prominent trading centre for wine, wood, sugar and grain. The historic harbours are the place where all the trading took place, which nowadays operates as an idyllic berth for pleasure yachts, old canal barges and steam boats. A stroll through this area will show Dordrecht’s history and provide some mouth dropping views. 2. THE DORDRECHT MUSEUM 11. TAKE A WALKING TOUR The Dordrecht Museum, founded in 1842, is an important museum for Dordrecht and one of the oldest museums in The Netherlands. The museum owns an impressive collection of paintings from national as well as international artists with, for example, great works from Ary Scheffer, Ferdinand Bol en Aert Schouman. On a regular base the museum organises different expositions, showcasing modern and contemporary art. Museumstraat 40 www.dordrechtsmuseum.nl One of the best ways to see the most of the beautiful city centre of Dordrecht is to discover it on foot. The tourist office intree Dordrecht | VVV offers different walking tours such as the city walk Rondje Dordt, which shows the most iconic places in the historic centre. More information about different walking tours can be obtained from intree Dordrecht | VVV, Spuiboulevard 99 www.visitdordrecht.nl 3. SHOPPING The city centre of Dordrecht is the perfect place for a shopping day out. Over the years the city centre has been renewed and its shopping facilities have improved with a wide and attractive offer of shops in the shopping streets surrounding the Statenplein. Moreover the Statenplein and Sarisgang host a weekly market on Friday and Saturday. In addition shops in the city centre are open every day of the week and have late openings every Thursday. 4. ARK OF NOAH This ship is a replica of the oldest and biggest wooden ship in the world; Noah’s Ark. The replica of Noah’s Ark offers activities for the entire family with real animals, presentations about Noah’s history, cinemas and a restaurant. Maasstraat 12 | www.arcofnoah.org 7. Food and drinks The Scheffersplein, Statenplein and the Groothoofd are good places to have lunch, dinner or drinks. From early spring one can enjoy a bite or a drink on one of the many terraces on the Scheffersplein. Next to that, the eating places at the Groothoofd offer a unique view during lunch or dinner with three waterways that come together here. The inner harbours and several smaller streets also offer unique restaurants, secret lunch spots and terraces to enjoy a day or night out in Dordrecht. 8. CULTURE IN DORDRECHT 9. DORDTEVAAR Dordrecht is a city of culture. The Energiehuis is the centre for performing arts in Dordrecht. Music venue Bibelot programmes national and international artists at the Energiehuis. After major renovations theatre Kunstmin reopened in november 2014. Next to that, museums like the Van Gijn House, the National Museum of Education, the Dordrecht Patrician Residence, Museum 1940-1945 and the National Medical Museum with both permanent collections and temporary shows add flavour to the cultural character of Dordrecht. www.visitdordrecht.nl This electric boat sails through the historic harbours of Dordrecht from April to October. This tour goes off the beaten track and reveals sights that would otherwise stay hidden such as beautiful bridges and colossal warehouses. Wijnbrug (starting point). Book in advance via the tourist office (VVV) or call +31-78 6130094 13. MONUMENTS The countless number of monuments in the city centre of Dordrecht showcase the city’s rich history. Architecture styles vary from Gothic to Jugendstil and Neoclassicism. Remarkable buildings worth a visit are the City Hall and properties like ’t Zeepaert and Stokholm. www.visitdordrecht.nl Your guide to Dordrecht www.visitdordrecht.nl 15. Visit an event Dordrecht is an attractive city with a diversity of events scheduled all year round. These include colourful smaller events as well as bigger events. Some of the most noteworthy events include music festivals and the annual Dordrecht Christmas Market. ANNUAL EVENTS •Dancetour • Dordt in Stoom •Wantijpop • Dordtse Boekenmarkt • Big Rivers Festival • Open Monumentendagen • Bachfestival Dordrecht • Dordrecht Christmas Market 12. ART & ANTIQUES Dordrecht has many remarkable art shops and antiquarians. There is a varied range of shops, from secondhand bookshops to small antiquarians and stylish art galleries. The areas of Voorstraat-Noord, Vleeshouwerstraat, Wijnstraat and Grotekerksbuurt are well known for their art and antique shops. In addition to the regular opening times, participating shops of the walking tour ‘Kunstrondje Dordt’ have special openings every first Sunday of the month. www.kunstrondje.nl The city of Dordrecht has purposefully chosen to extend the peaceful character of its historic city centre which leads for the centre to be car-free. There are several parking facilities close to the city centre, for example in the parking lots Weeskinderdijk or Energiehuis (free for the first 24 hours). The city centre can also be reached via different forms of public transport. From Rotterdam and surrounding cities the aqua liner (Waterbus) serves two stops in Dordrecht. Dordrecht Central Station is situated at a 10-minutes walking distance from the city centre. Moreover the so-called ‘citybus’ number 10 has stops in the heart of the city centre. Dance event - Kingsday (27 April) Steam event - May 2016 (once every two years) Music festival - June Book market - First Sunday of July Music festival - First half of July Cultural heritage days- Second weekend of September Classical music festival - Mid September 2016 Mid December More information about events in Dordrecht? www.visitdordrecht.nl Need more information? 14. VILLA AUGUSTUS The Wantij territory, with two unique monuments, is situated just outside the city centre. The water tower, a former storage room for water, is now a hotel and the pump building serves as a restaurant and market café. The monuments are surrounded by beautiful vegetable gardens and glass houses, which are the heart of Villa Augustus as all produce from the gardens is used in restaurant dishes and sold in the market café. Oranjelaan 7 | www.villa-augustus.nl INTREE DORDRECHT | VVV OPENING TIMES: Intree Dordrecht is the starting point for a visit to Dordrecht. The official Tourist Information Office (VVV) is part of intree Dordrecht and offers all information about events, culture, nature, leisure activities and walking tours. Monday: 10.00h - 18.00h* Tuesday to Friday: 09.00h - 18.00h Saturday: 10.00h - 17.00h Spuiboulevard 99, 3311 GN Dordrecht Tel. +31-78 6322440 www.visitdordrecht.nl * 15 October to 15 April: Monday: 12.00h - 18.00h Every first and last Sunday of the month: 12.00h - 17.00h How to reach National Park de Biesbosch? N3 ec dir Ark van Noah 7 Sc ho ols tra at Vr an ke ns tra at W ijn ga ar ds tra at Do els traa t Kr om ho ut Sin ge l M us eu m st ra at Ve st Voorstraat No ord Ve sts tra at 28 5 Sp ui ha ve n km Vi jve rw eg free 24 hours N oo rd en di jk Kunstmin Theatre Si nt Jo ris w eg free 24 hours Vl ijw eg Wantijpark 31 Ha llin qla an Si ng el Park Merwestein St oo pl aa n Groe nedijk N oo rd en di jk 32 Ce ra m str aa t B Tim or str aa t Marke ttenw eg Oo st Burg. de Raa dtsing el ijk ed m om Kr oen n ts Pla Weizigtpark Re ew eg at ra st ka an B le aer Central Station k ar ep nj ra O k ar ep nj ra O an la se on ul o T Ce ra m str aa t Nicolaas Maessingel B n aa el nj ra O Vr ies ew eg k ar ep nj ra O Stationsweg Vlietweg Bo ls in ge l Spuiw eg Van Hellingen Energiehuis ijk med Krom 34 Spu iweg 29 at tra as nk Ba 88 Ha ven stra at laa n 86 C. de Wittstraat B 33 30 B Beverwijcksplein va n No ord end ijk Vr ies ew eg Johan de Wittstraat R Veemarkt at tra ks ijc ew d Go Me rwe des traa t Maasstr aat Mill ‘Kyck over den Dyck’ Villa Augustus 25 enhof oz Do kw eg Drievriendenhof st Ve Burg eme este r de Ra adtsing el Hu go de Gr oo t 24 seweg Dubbeldam free 24 hours B ag ijn ho f Achterom Albe rt Cu ypsin gel We esk inde ren dijk K ol fs tra at ijk sd er ek Bl van Strij sing el N ie uw st ra at Vr ie se st ra at 49 s bo en ilg W Pa ra lle lw eg t aa str am Ra Spu ibou leva rd Spuibo ulevard Spuihaven e ng La 22 23 ng ga ris Sa rte aat Visstraat Ko str ee Br t Vis st aa ra str at ee Br W an tij ka de Energiehuis Fe rd in an d 35 rs ke ak rh te h c A City Hall Lij nb aa n 27 W an tij Kr om ho ut Pelserstraa t Boogje s 3 H of st ra at G el de rse ka de Ruitens traat Dolhuiss traat Prinsen straat 2 Voorstra at West uistraat Grote Sp at tra rs ike Su B ui te n B K in al ne kh n av K en al K kh al av kh e av n en Grotekerksb uurt Ste ego vers loo t 21 Riedijkshaven Ve st at tra ss Vi Grote Kerk Ste k 17 Het 20 Hof en at in St ple Le ng he ns tra at at ra st or Vo Scheffers plein Achte rom direction Zw ge 4 18 19 at tra fs ol K 1 kt ar m en ro G 16 15 t aa str or Vo at ra st se ie Vr n La G M rote ar kt at tra ws eu Ni en uin utt Ho t aa str er uw Waterbusstop Hooikade o esh Vle e ad ik t oo ga H ns t rte ga aa ns e M rt a a M kt ar m en k r Va n ve Ha Gravenstra at Wijnstraat Kn ol ha ve n ijndrecht 6 5 n ve Ha we we eu eu Ni Ni Nieu wbru g Aa rd m ap ar pe kt l de zij er at W at tra gs ru lb To t ch e dr ji n Zw n ne in B t es ev al W Maass traat La ng e aat nstr Tore k la V ’t n ite Bu t es ev al W Ark of Noah Prins Hendrikbrug Nieuwkerksplein 26 Ora nje laa n 14 Dok Straatman Stadsw erven Otto Dickeplein Or an jel aa n 12 13 Ri ed ijk To re ns tra at No ord ers tra at N3 8 87 Bl eij e National Park de Biesbosch n n ve ve ha ha rs rs e e v ev we w ol ol W W Sc hr ijv er ss tra at W ijn str aa t City map Dordrecht 10 9 K ui pe rs ha ve n N3 Waterbusstop Merwekade Merw ekad e Boo mstr aat nh Ri oe ed k ijk sh av en e ud O Oranjelaan Waterbusstop Ark of Noah 11 W ijn M at ha te ve nk n ad e Baanhoekweg Free parking for 24 hours (caution, tickets are required) Carpark direction ‘Ark of Noah’, Papendrecht, Hollandse Biesbosch en Sliedr echt O ra nj el aa n s aa M Vo or st ra at N oo rd A15 A16 Ko rte a nP tio Groothoofdspoort Merwedestraat A16 ht ijn n Zw ctio dire 100 meter pe drec Information centre National Park de Biesbosch 1km m rda ee tV ch re nd Gro ene dijk 5 km Beneden Merwede Rotterdam direction A15 Legend: Coach parking Bicycle parking free & guarded Cycle route network Citybus 10 B Bus station Hotel Food & drinks ATM Police Station Starting point Dordtevaar Sights of interest 1 Grote Kerk (medieval church) 2 National Medical Museum 3 City Hall 4 Library (Gulden Os) 5 Van Gijn House (museum) 6 Museum 1940-1945 7 Dok Straatman (industrial heritage) 8 Pakhuis Stokholm (monumental house) 9 Dordrecht Patrician Residence (museum) 10Damiatebrug (monumental bridge) 11 Groothoofdspoort (monument) 12 't Zeepaert (monumental house) 13Bonifatiuskerk (monumental church) 14Nieuwkerksplein (square) 15Pictura (monumental exhibition/artcentre) 16 De Munt (monumental building) 17 Rechtbank Dordrecht (court) 18Augustijnenkerk (monumental church) 19Berckepoort (monumental building) 20 Het Hof (monumental site) & Regionaal Archief Dordrecht (archive) 21Kloostertuin (former monastery garden) 22 Dordrecht Museum 23 Cinema The Movies 24 Arend Maartenszhof (courtyard) 25Regentenhof (courtyard) 26 Ark of Noah (replica) 27DordtYart (exhibition centre) 28 Villa Augustus (restaurant, hotel, garden) 29Energiehuis (centre for performing arts) 30 Mill 'Kyck over den Dyck' 31 Kunstmin Theatre 32 Central Station 33 Duurzaamheidscentrum Weizigt (nature education centre) 34 National Museum of Education (De Holland) BooQi products are produced under license and 35Stadskantoor (townhall) are subject to design registrations and trademarks. © Booqi Media Solutions BV www.booqi.com Publisher: Dordrecht Marketing call +31 (0)20 7163151 Design: BuroGeus 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