Iris K. Schneider - Dr. Iris Schneider

Iris K. Schneider
Postdoctoral Research Associate
University of Southern California:: Department of Psychology
3620 South McClintock Avenue :: Los Angeles, CA, 90089 -1601
(310) 280 6395 :: [email protected]
University of Amsterdam, 2008 - 2013
Project: The Dynamics of Ambivalence: Cognitive, Affective,
and Physical Consequences of Evaluative Conflict (advisors;
Dr. F van Harreveld, Prof. Dr. J. van der Pligt and Dr. M
Rotteveel). M. Sc. (Cum Laude) Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, July 2007
Research Master Social Psychology, Honor’s Masters Program (advisor: Prof. Dr. C. E. Rusbult), ECTS 120.
B.Sc. (Cum Laude)
Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, July 2005, Social Psychology Bachelor Program (advisor: Dr. C. Beukeboom), ECTS: 204
Aug 2014 - current
Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Southern
California in Los Angeles, working with Prof. Dr. Norbert
Schwarz. !
Oct 2012 – current
Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the VU University in
Amsterdam, working with Dr. Sander Koole in the Amsterdam
Emotion Regulation Lab.
Oct 2011 – Dec 2011 Visiting Scholar at the University of Würzburg with Prof. Dr.
Fritz Strack and Dr. Sascha Topolinski. !
Apr 2008 – Oct 2008 Research Assistant Communication Science, VU University
Aug 2007– Aug 2008
Consultant (Young Executive Recruitment, Amsterdam)
Sep 2006 – Jul 2007 Research Assistant Social Psychology, VU University Amsterdam !
Mixed Feelings I am interested in how people experience and deal with mixed
feelings, such as ambivalence, indecision and doubt. I am
particularly interested in how mixed feelings are expressed in
the body and how physical and sensory perceptions play a role
in these experiences. !
Emotion Regulation
I (co) supervises multiple PhD students with whom I
investigate the way in which people’s body influences their
emotional experiences (with Lotte Veenstra), how self-control
may cause somatic neglect (with Caroline Schlinkert) and the
buffering effects of belonging for people with low self-esteem
(with Mandy Tjew A Sin).
Van Harreveld, F., Nohlen, H.U, & Schneider, I.K. (forthcoming) You shan’t always
get what you want: The consequences of ambivalence towards desires. Chapter
forthcoming in: L.F. Nordgren & W. Hofmann, The Psychology of Desire. Guilford
van Harreveld, F., Rutjens, B.T., Schneider, I.K., Nohlen, H. & Keskinis, K. (2014).
In doubt and disorderly: Ambivalence promotes compensatory perceptions of order.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. IF 4.76
Koole, S.L., Tops, M., Strübin, S, Bouw, J., Schneider, I.K. & Jostmann, N.B.
(2014). The Ego Fixation Hypothesis: Involuntary Persistence of Self-Control. In J.
P. Forgas & E. Harmon-Jones (Eds.), The control within: Motivation and its
regulation. New York, NY, US: Psychology Press
Koole, S.L., Tjew A Sin, M., & Schneider, I.K. (2014). Embodied Terror
Management: (Simulated) Interpersonal Touch Alleviates Existential Concerns among
Individuals with Low Self-Esteem. Psychological Science, 25, 30-37. IF 4.43
Koole, S.L., Tops, M., Fockenberg, D. & Schneider, I.K. (2013). The Birth and
Death of the Superhero Film. D. Sullivan and J. Greenberg (Eds.) Fade to Black:
Death in Classic and Contemporary Cinema
Schneider, I.K., Eerland, A., van Harreveld, F., Rotteveel, M., van der Pligt, J., van
der Stoep, N., & Zwaan, R.A. (2013). One way and the other: The bi-directional
relationship between ambivalence and body movement. Psychological Science, 24(3),
319-325. doi: 10.1177/0956797612457393 IF 4.43
Schneider, I.K. (2013). The dynamics of ambivalence: cognitive, affective, and
physical consequences of evaluative conflict. Doctoral dissertation, University of
Van Harreveld, Schneider, I.K., Nohlen, H.U., & van der Pligt (2011). Ambivalence
and conflict in attitudes and decision-making. In B. Gawronski & F. Strack (eds.),
Cognitive Consistency: A Fundamental Principle in Social Cognition, The Guilford
Press, NY, 267-284.
Schneider, I.K., Rutjens, B.T. & Jostmann, N.B. & Lakens, D. (2011). Weighty
matters. Importance literally feels heavy. Social Psychological and Personality
Science, 2, 474 – 478. doi: 10.1177/1948550610397895 IF: unknown
Lakens, D., Schneider, I. K., Jostmann, N. B., & Schubert, T. W. (2011). Telling
things apart: The distance between response keys influences categorization times.
Psychological Science, 22, 887-890. DOI:10.1177/0956797611412391. IF 4.43
Schneider, I.K., Konijn, E.A., Righetti, F. & Rusbult, C.E. (2011). A healthy dose of
trust: The relationship between trust and health. Personal Relationships, 78, 668 –
676 DOI: 10.1111/j.1475-6811.2010.01338. IF .95
Konijn, E. A., Oegema, D., Schneider, I.K., De Vos, B., Krijt, M., & Prins, J. (2010).
Young and Multi-Media: Media use and information seeking among adolescents and
young adults, especially among muslim youth. Amsterdam/The Hague, NL:
Breckfield Hall Publishers/WODC, Ministry of Justice. (230 pp). !
Schneider, I.K., van Harreveld, F.,Rotteveel, M. & van der Pligt, J. (2010). Weten is
voelen: Negatieve gevoelens als gevolg van conflictbewustzijn en ambivalentie
(Knowing is feeling: Conflict awareness as a cause of ambivalence induced negative
feelings). In B. Derks, R.J. Renes, K. Ruys, N. van de Ven, N., & M. Vliek (eds.),
Jaarboek Sociale Psychologie, ASPO Press, 391-402.
Schneider, I.K., Rusbult, C.E., & Konijn, E.A. (2009). Vertrouwen binnen
romantische relaties bevordert gezondheid (Trust in romantic relationships promotes
health). In R. Custers, B. Beersma, H. van de Berg, F. Harinck, & M. van Zomeren
(eds.), Jaarboek Sociale Psychologie, ASPO Press, 373-381. !
Stins, J., Schneider, I.K., van Beek, P., & Koole, S. The Influence of Mental Imagery
on Postural Sway:Differential Effects of Type of Body Movement and Person
Schneider, I.K., van Harreveld, F., Rotteveel, M., Topolinski, S., van der Pligt, J., &
Koole, S. Ambivalent moves: Using mouse trajectories to reveal evaluative conflict in
ambivalent attitudes. !
Schneider, I.K., Parzuchowski, M., Wojciszke, B., Schwarz, N., & Koole, S. L.
Weighty data: perceived importance influences estimated weight of digital information storage devices.
Veenstra, L., Schneider, I.K., Domachowska, I., Bushman, B. J. & Koole, S.L.
Taming Tempers: Approach/Avoidance Motivation Moderates the Effects of Trait
Anger on State Anger and Agression. IRIS K. SCHNEIDER
Leung, A., Liou, S., Miron-Spektor, E., Chan, D., Eisenberg, R., & Schneider, I.K.
Unpacking the Creative Benefits of Paradoxical Frames: Between-Person and
Between-Culture Analyses of Middle Ground Attitude
Topolinski, S., Zürn, M., & Schneider, I.K., What’s In and What’s Out in Branding?
A Novel Articulation Effect for Brand Names
Schneider. I.K. (Spetember 2014). A body of doubt: the role of embodied processes in
ambivalence. Brown Bag Talk Department of Psychology, University of Southern
California, Los Angeles, United States of America.
Schneider, I.K., M.M. Tjew A Sin, & Koole, S.L. (May 2014) Embodied Terror
Management: (Simulated) Interpersonal Touch Alleviates Existential Concerns among
Individuals with Low Self-Esteem. Twenty-sixth Annual Meeting of the Association of
Psychological Science, San Francisco, CA, United States of America.
Schneider, I.K. (April 2014) Ambivalent Moves: Using Mouse Trajectories to Reveal
Evaluative Conflict. Invited Talk at the Department of Clinical & Health Psychology,
University of Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Schneider, I.K., Parzuchowski, M., Wojciszke, B, Schwarz, N. & Koole, S.L.
(February 2014) Weighty data: Perceived information importance inflates estimates of
weight. Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Society of Personality and Social
Psychology, Austin, TX, United States of America. Schneider. I.K. (May 2013). Ambivalence in action: Evaluating Ambivalent Attitude
Objects Leads to Cognitive Competition. Invited talk at Brain and Cognition, Erasmus
University Rotterdam, The Netherlands. !
Schneider, I.K., Stins, J.F., Eerland, A., van Harreveld, F., Rotteveel, M., van der
Pligt, J., van der Stoep, N., & Zwaan, R (May 2013). The relationship between
ambivalence and body movements revisited. Interdisciplinary symposium of The
Faculty of Human Movement Sciences and the Faculty of Psychology and Education
of the VU University (poster).
Schneider, I.K., Eerland, A., van Harreveld, F., Rotteveel, M., van der Pligt, J., van
der Stoep, N., & Zwaan, R (May 2012). One way and the other: the relationship
between ambivalence and body movements. Bi-annual conference of the Kurt Lewin
Institute, Zeist, The Netherlands.
Schneider, I.K., van Harreveld, F., Rotteveel, M. & van der Pligt, J. (October 2011). A
body of doubt. Embodied responses to ambivalence. University of Würzburg,
Schneider, I.K., van Harreveld, F., Rotteveel, M. & van der Pligt, J. (July 2011). The
morn of feeling torn. Motor responses to ambivalence. International Conference, 16th
EASP General Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden. Schneider, I.K., van Harreveld, F., Rotteveel, M. & van der Pligt, J. (2011). Motor
responses to ambivalence. Research Methods in Cognitive Studies Winterschool,
Zakopane, Poland. Schneider, I.K., van Harreveld, F., Rotteveel, M. & van der Pligt, J. (December 2010).
Weten is voelen: Negatieve gevoelens als gevolg van conflictbewustzijn en
ambivalentie (Knowing is feeling: Conflict awareness as a cause of ambivalence
induced negative feelings). ASPO Conference, Enschede, The Netherlands, 2010. Schneider, I.K., van Harreveld, F., Rotteveel, M. & van der Pligt, J. (November 2010).
Motor responses to ambivalence. ‘Approach and avoidance motivation in positive and negative affect research workshop’ of the Kurt Lewin Institute,
University of Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands. !
Schneider, I.K., Rusbult, C.E., & Konijn, E.A. (December, 2008). Vertrouwen binnen
romantische relaties bevordert gezondheid (Trust in romantic relationships promotes
health). ASPO Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2008.
Schneider, I.K., Rusbult, C.E., & Konijn, E.A. (February, 2009). Vertrouwen binnen
romantische relaties bevordert gezondheid (Trust in romantic relationships promotes
health). ETMAAL Conference, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 2009.
E.A. Konijn, Schneider, I.K. & C.E. Rusbult (2009). A Healthy Dose of Trust:
Communicating Trust Improves Health in Romantic Relationships. International
Communication Association (ICA) , Chicago, 21-25 May 2009.
TEACHING _____________________________________________________________________
Practicum Research (BA2) Academic Writing (BA2)
Programming in Inquisit (RMA)
Design Thinker: Executive MBA course on Innovation and Creativity, University of
Michigan, Ross School of Business, Los Angeles Campus, TA to Dr. Sanchez-Burks,
(Jan 2014) Master Thesis Supervision (MA, RMA) (M. Zandbergen, J. Nooteboom, F. de Groot,
A. Vonk, L. van de Sande, F. van de Valk, K. Kamenov, T. Fehn, N. Sterk)
PhD student (co)-Supervision: Mandy Tjew A Sin (expected end date October 2017),
Lotte Veenstra (expected end date October 2016), Caroline Schlinkert (expected end
date May 2016)
Completed the ”Teaching in Higher Education” course, 2010
Fluent in Dutch and English
Moderate in French and German
Well-versed in Microsoft Office, SPSS, Authorware, Inquisit, Qualtrics, Medialab,
Mousetracker, Direct RT, Examine. !
Sufficient in SAS, HTML, R
€63000 Rubicon Grant from the Dutch Science Organization to work with Prof. Dr.
Norbert Schwarz at the University of Southern California (2014)
€1500 grant for ASPO Blits! conference to promote social psychological science
from the Dutch Association of Social Psychology (2012)
€1000 grant for ASPO Blits! conference to promote social psychological science
from the Dutch Association of Social Psychology (2010)
€800 Travel Grant European Association of Social Psychology to visit Prof. Dr. Fritz
Strack and Dr. Sascha Topolinski at the University of Würzburg (2011).
Beyond the Call of Duty Award from the department of Social Psychology at the
University of Amsterdam in recognition of extraordinary contribution to the
department (2009)
Organizer of the Social Nature of Emotions conference 2013 in Amsterdam, together
with Prof. Dr. Agneta Fischer, Prof. Dr. Gerben van Kleef, and Dr. Arik Cheshin. !
Organizer of the 2013 KLI workshop “Self-Regulation of Effort: Social-Cognitive,
Motivational, and Physiological Processes” with invited speaker Prof. Dr. Guido
Gendolla together with Dr. Nils Jostmann, Dr. Sander Koole, and Dr. Lotte van
Dillen. !
Organizer of the ASPO Blits! In 2010 & 2012 together with Dr. Daniël Lakens and Dr.
Nils Jostmann.
Organizer of the 2012 KLI workshop “Should we worry about our methodology?
Current concerns in experimental research and how to deal with them” with invited
speakers Prof. Dr. Klaus Fiedler and Dr. Eric-Jan Wagenmakers together with Dr.
Daniel Lakens and Dr. Nils Jostmann. !
Participant in the 2011 Research Methods in Cognitive Studies Winterschool,
Zakopane, Poland. !
2010-2013 PhD Student Representative within the Kurt Lewin Insitute
Psychological Science Cognition and Emotion Motivation and Emotion
International Journal of Psychology Social Psychology
International Journal of Behavioral Development
Society of Personality and Social Psychology
Association for Psychological Science
Dutch Association for Social Psychological Research
Kurt Lewin Institute (full member)
Amsterdam Uncertainty Lab, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Amsterdam Emotion Regulation Lab, VU University, the Netherlands
Mind and Society Center, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA
European Association Social Psychology (full member)