Weekly Newsletter - Lanesville Community School Corporation

January 15, 2015
The following students were chosen as Honor Students from
their classroom. These student portray good behavior, citizenship and/or work improvement. The chosen students
invited two adults to join them for lunch. They are: Lena
Jacobi, Owen Nyhuise, Nicholas Warren, Tuff Adams,
Reece Smith, Peyton Kruer, Carter Atkins, Emilee Snyder,
Jackson Schneider, MacKenzie Nyhuise, Carter Smith, Austin Crosier, Bradley Outland and Lindsey Hayse. Congratulations ladies & gentlemen!
Each bus driver selected two students from their bus route
to have breakfast with him/her.
We appreciate the following students’ great behavior on the
bus. They are: Jackson Schneider, Michael Abel, Cade
Carter, Brett Kendall, Hylton Brumley, Ellie Schneider, Jensen Philpot, Tucker Wolfe, Brayden Kiesler, Logan Warren,
Bradley Outland, and Emma Striegel. Preston Duggins and
Jeremy Guffy were not available to come, so they will celebrate at the next breakfast.
Monday, January 19 will be the 100th day of school. We would like to invite all students and staff to dress like they are 100 years
old. Many of our classrooms will be celebrating with special activities. The following school day would be the 100th day if school
would not be in session on January 19.
I would like to take time to review an area of our Responsible Use Policy for our one to one technology devices. When/if you discover
your child’s device has been damaged notify the school (classroom teacher, Mr. Hancock, or me) immediately. Accidental damage to
the device brings about the following process – a device is loaned to the student and the damaged device will be sent for repair. This
repair cost is not charged to the parent. Please note, though, should the device be stolen or lost, the parent is responsible for the cost.
Insurance can be purchased by the parents to cover the loss or stolen situations.
The entire Responsible Use Policy can be found on the school website and I encourage you to refer to it as questions arise. Also feel
free to call us if you have a question. In summary, please don’t be afraid to report damage. We have a plan in place to take care of
this matter and expect you to notify us immediately.
I finally was able to email report cards last evening. I am sorry for the delay. Having a standards-based report adds some additional
steps to the process. You will notice that only ELA and Math have standards attached for the first semester. With the change to career
and college ready standards it took some time to enter the new standards into the Harmony system. I am planning for Social Studies
and Science standards to be available for second semester. I also believe Mr. Henke will have the Art standards available.
Thanks for all you do for our school and your children.
Mark Your Calendars for
High School HOMECOMING Basketball
game is on Saturday, January 24th
We are asking everyone to wear your NEON
colors to the game to show your school
The Music Boosters will be serving a pre game dinner on Friday,
January 16. Serving is from 5:00
to 6:30 pm. The menu is Chili and
Peanut Butter Sandwiches. Also,
cake and pie. Free will offering.
JAN 21—6:00 pm at St. Johns
Jan 19
Jan 19
Jan 27
Feb 6
Mar 13
Mar 16
Mar 20
Mar 23
100th day of school
PTSO Meeting (5:45 pm)
2nd 9 Week Awards—2:00 pm
Mid Term
End of 3rd quarter
4th quarter begins
No school unless for snow makeup
Intersession unless snow makeup