Examples from the water sector Developments with new technologies / ideas Waterforum Jaarcongres , Rotterdam, 18 November 2014 Egbert de Jong Regional presence in the Netherlands GDF SUEZ Energie Nederland Production and supply of energy for the private market Eemshaven Electrabel Nederland Supply of energy and services consumer market Burgum Roden Den Helder GDF SUEZ Global Energy Supply of energy and services private market Lelystad Zaandam GDF SUEZ E&P Nederland B.V. Zwolle Exploration and production Zoetermeer Cofely Nederland Technical services Rotterdam Bunnik Capelle a/d IJssel Arnhem Nijmegen SITA Nederland Moerdijk Waste management Ondeo Industrial Solutions Water management GDF SUEZ LNG Solutions B.V. LNG-services Oisterwijk Terneuzen Venlo Maastricht Airport Fabricom Technical services Oil and gas industry De group has approx. 10.000 employees in the Netherlands and achieved a turn-over in 2013 of around 5 billion euro. 2 GDF SUEZ is strategic shareholder in SUEZ Environment with 35.8% of shares. SUEZ Environment a world leader in water and waste resources management 3 Challenges facing the Industry Increasing pressure to optimise costs, minimize water usage while cutting back on investments More and more stringent environmental regulations To achieve performance objectives, several challenges need to be addressed: • Integration of state of the art water technologies in order to meet environmental and local constraints (space, discharge consent and water resources) • Requirement for robust installations following industry specific standards • Reliable solutions to ensure a flawless operation 4 Market trends Existing plants Gras-root Revamping and/or upgrading older water & wastewater treatment plants (>30 years) to meet new legislation or to give a second life Gras-root water & wastewater treatment plants for new industrial sites • increased treatment efficiencies, reuse systems Contaminated groundwater treatment plants with reuse • high efficient, state of the art, treatment plants Effluent reuse, and Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) policy on new plants Operation and maintenance Mobile water treatment Increasing demand of customers to support them in the day to day operations of their water treatment systems Assist clients for ageing installation to continue production while repairing or revamping their water treatment systems 5 A few case studies MUNICIPAL EFFLUENT RECYCLING Los Angeles (CA): West Basin An old and vulnerable system putting Southern California water supply at risk • Expensive water transportation costs • Earthquake vulnerable system • Conflicting water uses upstream Los Angeles Aqu. - 1913 Colorado River Aqu. - 1928 Central Valley Pjct - 1933 State Water Pjct - 1966 Central Valley Project State Water Project Need for more autonomy Los Angeles effluent treatment plant “Hyperion” • Amongst the world’s largest (1.3 Mm3/day) • 10% of the treated effluents are recycled for industrial purposes on dedicated treatment plants (West Basin public agency) 7 MUNICIPAL EFFLUENT RECYCLING Los Angeles (CA): West Basin recycled water operations HTP WWTP O3 + MF + Single pass RO Ind. Customer 1 O3 + MF + Double pass RO O3 + MF + RO + AOP + Stabilization Main Plant WRD Clarif+ filtration + disinfection Nitrification Satellite Carson Satellite El Segundo Nitrification MF/RO Satellite Torrance Nitrification Ind. Customer 2 300 Customers MF/RO Ind. Customer 3 8 MUNICIPAL EFFLUENT RECYCLING Los Angeles (CA): West Basin recycled waters Reverse Osmosis - Barrier Water Cap. 30,000 m3/day Tertiary Water - Title 22 water Cap. 110,000 m3/day Reverse Osmosis - Single Pass Cap. 31,000 m3/day Nitrified Water – Cooling Tower Cap. 41,000 m3/day Five “designer” waters Reverse Osmosis: Double Pass Cap. 10,000 m3/day 9 MUNICIPAL EFFLUENT RECYCLING Los Angeles (CA): West Basin recycled water operations KEY GROUND WATER REPLENISHMENT MISSION From 100% imported water in 1954 to 100% recycled water in 2013 10 INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT REUSE South Italy: existing oil refinery Context • Existing oil refinery • Water scarcity. Possible choices • Invest in a desalination plant • Shut the refinery down • Effluent reuse/recycling Solution • Effluent reuse • Involving specific technologies – Ultrafiltration as tertiary treatment – Reverse osmosis 11 INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT REUSE South Italy: existing oil refinery 12 INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT REUSE China Greenfield: project background New refinery and petrochemical plant • One of the largest Chinese petroleum companies • Environmental sensitive area • 10 M tons per year refinery • 800 ktons per year ethylene production • 2500 m3/hr of wastewater. • Sensitive environment Requirement to recycle water 13 INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT REUSE China Greenfield: characteristics MAIN FEATURES • Final plant capacity : 60 000 m3/d • Reuse line: 1680 m3/h • Status : under commissioning TECHNOLOGIES INVOLVED • primary oil/water separation • Flotation • Biological treatment • Tertiary treatment • Ozone oxydation • Biofiltration • UF • RO 14 INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT REUSE LESSONS LEARNED Membranes qualification Qualification test bench at Suez Environnement R&D center 15 A new idea for the Netherlands Solar biosludge drying centralised plant for Botlek area • Sludge disposal costs may be as high as 40% of OPEX, • Truck movements of liquid or dewatered sludge may be reduced, • Solar drying of dewatered sludge from minimum 16% DS to > 70%DS • Dried sludge (> 70 DS) becomes exothermal and acts as a fuel in a coal fired power plant or waste incinerator, • A process with a high sustainable development context, • During the Dutch winters waste heat from the industry can be used for « floor heating » to maintain an efficient drying process. • A process in greenhouses that fits perfectly in the Rotterdam area 17 Solar biosludge drying – the principle SUN Reflection lar Ra n tio dia Dry Air Ev a por atio He n ati ng So Greenhouse Exhaust Air d Ra SLUDGE n tio ia Dry air 18 Solar biosludge drying – how does it look like 19 Solar biosludge drying – how could it be in Rotterdam 20 Meer profijt uit duurzaamheid 21 GDF Suez is actief in de hele (energie)waardeketen 22 Zo werkt The Green Quest: 1 Gezamenlijk met de directie van het bedrijf worden duurzaamheidsambities geformuleerd 2 Duurzaamheidsscan wordt uitgevoerd; een gedegen analyse van hoe het bedrijf er op duurzaamheidsgebied voor staat. Ook worden er berekeningen – technisch en financieel- gemaakt om tot de realisatie van de doelstellingen te komen 3 Het Green Team en het schaduwteam bestuderen de analyse en dragen concrete mogelijkheden en aanbevelingen aan om vervolgstappen te zetten. Ook worden de suggesties vanuit de crowd besproken en verwerkt 4 Rapportage en uitgewerkt advies gepresenteerd door het Green Team en het schaduwteam aan de directie van het bedrijf 5 Nu is het bedrijf aan zet! 15 november 2014 | 23 FrieslandCampina DMV Doelstellingen van de missie: • Minder energie, water en afvalwater; In 2020 gebruikt FrieslandCampina DMV Veghel 25 procent minder energie, water en afvalwater per kilo product dan in 2010 • Nieuwe, duurzame proposities; In 2020 komt FrieslandCampina DMV Veghels omzet voor 10 procent uit duurzame proposities die klanten helpen hun duurzaamheidsdoelstellingen te realiseren • Het benutten van de medewerkersbetrokkenheid; Benut de hoge medewerkersbetrokkenheid van FrieslandCampina DMV Veghel – die nu al erg leeft rond het thema veiligheid - de komende vijf jaar effectiever om ook de duurzaamheidsdoelstellingen te bereiken. Een korte impressie van de missie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTGvz5UvElo 24 @ gdfsuez.com suez-environnement.com
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