Alle publicaties PsyQ Kenniscentrum ADHD bij Volwassenen Laatste update: 27-11-2014 Publicaties ingedeeld als volgt: - (Inter)national refereed journals - Books - Book chapters - Other (Inter)national refereed journals: 62 publications. 1. Kooij JJS & Bijlenga D. High prevalence of photophobia in adult ADHD. Front Neurol, 2014; 5:256. 2. Bijlenga D, Jasperse M, Gehlhaar SK, Kooij JJ. Objective QbTest and subjective evaluation of stimulant treatment in adult attention deficithyperactivity disorder. Eur Psychiatry. 2014 Aug 26. 3. Kooij JJ & Bijlenga D. The Circadian Rhythm in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Health. The ADHD Report. 2014;22:1-6. 4. Michielsen M, Comijs HC, Semeijn EJ, Beekman AT, Deeg DJ, Kooij JJ. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Personality Characteristics in Older Adults in the General Dutch Population. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2014 Feb 25. 5. Bron TI, Bijlenga D, Boonstra AM, Breuk M, Pardoen WF, Beekman AT, Kooij JJ. OROS-methylphenidate efficacy on specific executive functioning deficits in adults with ADHD: a randomized, placebo-controlled cross-over study. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2014 Apr;24(4):519-28. 6. Kooij JJ. [ADHD in adults as severe as an anxiety or substance use disorder]. Tijdschr Psych. 2014;56(1):20-1. 7. Kooij JJS & Bijlenga D. The circadian rhythm in adult attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder: current state of affairs. Exp Rev Neurotherapeutics, 2013 Dec;22(6):607-16. 8. Bijlenga D, Van Someren EJ, Gruber R, Bron TI, Kruithof IF, Spanbroek EC, Kooij JJ. Body temperature, activity and melatonin profiles in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and delayed sleep: a case-control study. J Sleep Res. 2013 Dec:22(6);607-16. 9. Semeijn EJ, Kooij JJ, Comijs HC, Michielsen M, Deeg DJ, Beekman AT. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, physical health, and lifestyle in older adults. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2013 Jun;61(6):882-7. 10. Carpentier PJ, Arias Vasquez A, Hoogman M, Onnink M, Kan CC, Kooij JJ, Makkinje R, Iskandar S, Kiemeney LA, de Jong CA, Franke B, Buitelaar JK. Shared and unique genetic contributions to attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and substance use disorders: a pilot study of six candidate genes. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2013 Jun;23(6):448-57. 11. Bijlenga D, van der Heijden KB, Breuk M, van Someren EJ, Lie ME, Boonstra AM, Swaab HJ, Kooij JJ. Associations Between Sleep Characteristics, Seasonal Depressive Symptoms, Lifestyle, and ADHD Symptoms in Adults. J Atten Disord. 2013 Apr;17(3):261-75. 12. Kooij JJS, Conners, CK, Goto, T, Tanaka, Y, Williams, D, Allen, AJ, Heinloth, AN, Upadhyaya, HP. Validity of Conners’adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder rating scale-investigator rated: Screening version in patients from within and outside of Europe. Psychiatry Res. 2013 Jun 30;208(1):94-6. 13. Kooij JJ, Rösler M, Philipsen A, Wächter S, Dejonckheere J, van der Kolk A, van Agthoven M, Schäuble B. Predictors and impact of non-adherence in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder receiving OROS methylphenidate: results from a randomized, placebo-controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry. 2013 Jan 24;13(1):36. 14. Semeijn EJ, Michielsen M, Comijs HC, Deeg DJ, Beekman AT, Kooij JJ. Criterion Validity of an Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Screening List for Screening ADHD in Older Adults Aged 60-94 years. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2013 Jul;21(7):631-5. 15. Bron TI, Bijlenga D, Kassander MV, Spuijbroek AT, Beekman ATF, Kooij JJS. Long-term relationship between methylphenidate and tobacco consumption and nicotine craving in adults with ADHD in a prospective cohort study. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2013 Jun;23(6):542-554. 16. Michielsen M, Comijs HC, Semeijn EJ, Beekman AT, Deeg DJ, Kooij JJ. The comorbidity of anxiety and depressive symptoms in older adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A longitudinal study. J Affect Disorders. 2013 Jun;148(2-3):220-7. 17. Michielsen M, Semeijn E, Comijs HC, van de Ven P, Beekman AT, Deeg DJ, Kooij JJ. Prevalence of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in older adults in The Netherlands. Brit J Psychiatry. 2012 Oct;201(4):298-305. 18. Blom JD, Kooij JJ. ADD psychose: behandeling met antipsychotica en methylfenidaat? Tijdschr Psychiatr. 2012;54(1):89-93. 19. Asherson P, Akehurst R, Kooij JJ, Huss M, Beusterien K, Sasané R, GholizadehS, Hodgkins P. Under Diagnosis of Adult ADHD: Cultural Influences and Societal Burden. J Atten Disord. 2012 Jul;16(5 Suppl):20S-38S. 20. Kooij JJ, Huss M, Asherson P, Akehurst R, Beusterien K, French A, Sasané R, Hodgkins P. Distinguishing comorbidity and successful management of adult ADHD. J Atten Disord. 2012 Jul;16(5 Suppl):3S-19S. 21. Asherson P, Akehurst R, Kooij JJ, Huss M, Beusterien K, Sasané R, Gholizadeh S, Hodgkins P. Under diagnosis of adult ADHD: cultural influences and societal burden. J Atten Disord. 2012 Jul;16(5 Suppl):20S-38S. 22. Buitelaar JK, Casas M, Philipsen A, Kooij JJ, Ramos-Quiroga JA, Dejonckheere J, van Oene JC, Schäuble B. Functional improvement and correlations with symptomatic improvement in adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder receiving long-acting methylphenidate. Psychol Med. 2011 Jun;1:110. 23. Buitelaar JK, Kooij JJ, Ramos-Quiroga JA, Dejonckheere J, Casas M, van Oene JC, Schäuble B, Trott GE. Predictors of treatment outcome in adults with ADHD treated with OROS® methylphenidate. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2011 Mar;35(2):554-60. 24. Reif A, Nguyen TT, Weissflog L, Jacob CP, Romanos M, Renner TJ, Buttenschon HN, Kittel-Schneider S, Gessner A, Weber H, Neuner M, GrossLesch S, Zamzow K, Kreiker S, Walitza S, Meyer J, Freitag CM, Bosch R, Casas M, Gómez N, Ribasès M, Bayès M, Buitelaar JK, Kiemeney LA, Kooij JJ, Kan CC, Hoogman M, Johansson S, Jacobsen KK, Knappskog PM, Fasmer OB, Asherson P, Warnke A, Grabe HJ, Mahler J, Teumer A, Völzke H, Mors ON, Schäfer H, Ramos-Quiroga JA, Cormand B, Haavik J, Franke B, Lesch KP. DIRAS2 is associated with adult ADHD, related traits, and co-morbid disorders. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2011 Oct;36(11):2318-27. 25. Sánchez-Mora C, Ribasés M, Casas M, Bayés M, Bosch R, Fernàndez-Castillo N, Brunso L, Jacobsen KK, Landaas ET, Lundervold AJ, Gross-Lesch S, Kreiker S, Jacob CP, Lesch KP, Buitelaar JK, Hoogman M, Kiemeney LA, Kooij JJ, Mick E, Asherson P, Faraone SV, Franke B, Reif A, Johansson S, Haavik J, RamosQuiroga JA, Cormand B. Exploring DRD4 and its interaction with SLC6A3 as possible risk factors for adult ADHD: a meta-analysis in four European populations. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 2011 Jul;156(5):60012. 26. Van Veen MM, Kooij JJ, Boonstra AM, Gordijn MC, Van Someren EJ. Delayed circadian rhythm in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and chronic sleep-onset insomnia. Biol Psychiatry. 2010 Jun 1;67(11):1091-6. 27. Boonstra AM, Kooij JJ, Oosterlaan J, Sergeant JA, Buitelaar JK. To act or not to act, that's the problem: primarily inhibition difficulties in adult ADHD. Neuropsychology. 2010 Mar;24(2):209-21. 28. Franke B, Vasquez AA, Johansson S, Hoogman M, Romanos J, BoreattiHümmer A, Heine M, Jacob CP, Lesch KP, Casas M, Ribasés M, Bosch R, Sánchez-Mora C, Gómez-Barros N, Fernàndez-Castillo N, Bayés M, Halmøy A, Halleland H, Landaas ET, Fasmer OB, Knappskog PM, Heister AJ, Kiemeney LA, Kooij JJ, Boonstra AM, Kan CC, Asherson P, Faraone SV, Buitelaar JK, Haavik J, Cormand B, Ramos-Quiroga JA, Reif A. Multicenter analysis of the SLC6A3/DAT1 VNTR haplotype in persistent ADHD suggests differential involvement of the gene in childhood and persistent ADHD. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2010 Feb;35(3):656-64. 29. Johansson S, Halmøy A, Mavroconstanti T, Jacobsen KK, Landaas ET, Reif A, Jacob C, Boreatti-Hümmer A, Kreiker S, Lesch KP, Kan CC, Kooij JJ, Kiemeney LA, Buitelaar JK, Franke B, Ribasés M, Bosch R, Bayés M, Casas M, RamosQuiroga JA, Cormand B, Knappskog P, Haavik J. Common variants in the TPH1 and TPH2 regions are not associated with persistent ADHD in a combined sample of 1,636 adult cases and 1,923 controls from four European populations. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 2010 Jul;153B(5):1008-15. 30. Kooij SJ, Bejerot S, Blackwell A, Caci H, Casas-Brugué M, Carpentier PJ, Edvinsson D, Fayyad J, Foeken K, Fitzgerald M, Gaillac V, Ginsberg Y, Henry C, Krause J, Lensing MB, Manor I, Niederhofer H, Nunes-Filipe C, Ohlmeier MD, Oswald P, Pallanti S, Pehlivanidis A, Ramos-Quiroga JA, Rastam M, RyffelRawak D, Stes S, Asherson P. European consensus statement on diagnosis and treatment of adult ADHD: The European Network Adult ADHD. BMC Psychiatry. 2010 Sep;10:67. 31. Landaas ET, Johansson S, Jacobsen KK, Ribasés M, Bosch R, Sánchez-Mora C, Jacob CP, Boreatti-Hümmer A, Kreiker S, Lesch KP, Kiemeney LA, Kooij JJ, Kan C, Buitelaar JK, Faraone SV, Halmøy A, Ramos-Quiroga JA, Cormand B, Reif A, Franke B, Mick E, Knappskog PM, Haavik J. An international multicenter association study of the serotonin transporter gene in persistent ADHD. Genes Brain Behav. 2010 Jul;9(5):449-58. 32. Sánchez-Mora C, Ribasés M, Ramos-Quiroga JA, Casas M, Bosch R, BoreattiHümmer A, Heine M, Jacob CP, Lesch KP, Fasmer OB, Knappskog PM, Kooij JJ, Kan C, Buitelaar JK, Mick E, Asherson P, Faraone SV, Franke B, Johansson S, Haavik J, Reif A, Bayés M, Cormand B. Meta-analysis of brain-derived neurotrophic factor p.Val66Met in adult ADHD in four European populations. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 2010 Mar 5;153B(2):512-23. 33. van Dongen-Boomsma M, Lansbergen MM, Bekker EM, Kooij JJ, van der Molen M, Kenemans JL, Buitelaar JK. Relation between resting EEG to cognitive performance and clinical symptoms in adults with attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder. Neurosci Lett. 2010 Jan 18;469(1):102-6. 34. Verster JC, Bekker EM, Kooij JJ, Buitelaar JK, Verbaten MN, Volkerts ER, Olivier B. Methylphenidate significantly improves declarative memory functioning of adults with ADHD. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2010 Oct;212(2):277-81. 35. Buitelaar JK, Ramos-Quiroga JA, Casas M, Kooij JJ, Niemelä A, Konofal E, Dejonckheere J, Challis BH, Medori R. Safety and tolerability of flexible dosages of prolonged-release OROS methylphenidate in adults with attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2009;5:457-66. 36. Overtoom CC, Bekker EM, van der Molen MW, Verbaten MN, Kooij JJ, Buitelaar JK, Kenemans JL. Methylphenidate restores link between stop-signal sensory impact and successful stopping in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Biol Psychiatry. 2009 Apr;65(7):614-9. 37. Boonstra AM, Kooij JJ, Buitelaar JK, Oosterlaan J, Sergeant JA, Heister JG, Franke B. An exploratory study of the relationship between four candidate genes and neurocognitive performance in adult ADHD. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 2008 Apr;147(3):397-402. 38. Franke B, Hoogman M, Arias Vasquez A, Heister JG, Savelkoul PJ, Naber M, Scheffer H, Kiemeney LA, Kan CC, Kooij JJ, Buitelaar JK. Association of the dopamine transporter (SLC6A3/DAT1) gene 9-6 haplotype with adult ADHD. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 2008 Dec;147B(8):1576-9. 39. Kooij JS, Boonstra AM, Vermeulen SH, Heister AG, Burger H, Buitelaar JK, Franke B. Response to methylphenidate in adults with ADHD is associated with a polymorphism in SLC6A3 (DAT1). Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 2008 Mar;147B(2):201-8. 40. Kooij JJ., Boonstra AM, Willemsen-Swinkels SH, Bekker EM, de Noord I, Buitelaar JK. Reliability, validity, and utility of instruments for self-report and informant report regarding symptoms of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in adult patients. J Atten Disord. 2008 Jan;11(4):445-58. 41. Medori R, Ramos-Quiroga JA, Casas M, Kooij JJ, Niemelä A, Trott GE, Lee E, Buitelaar JK. A randomized, placebo-controlled trial of three fixed dosages of prolonged-release OROS methylphenidate in adults with attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder. Biol Psychiatry. 2008 May;63(10):981-9. 42. Polanczyk G, Faraone SV, Bau CH, Victor MM, Becker K, Pelz R, Buitelaar JK, Franke B, Kooij S, van der Meulen E, Cheon KA, Mick E, Purper-Ouakil D, Gorwood P, Stein MA, Cook EH Jr, Rohde LA. The impact of individual and methodological factors in the variability of response to methylphenidate in ADHD pharmacogenetic studies from four different continents. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 2008 Dec;147B(8):1419-24. 43. Verster JC, Bekker EM, de Roos M, Minova A, Eijken EJ, Kooij JJ, Buitelaar JK, Kenemans JL, Verbaten MN, Olivier B, Volkerts ER. Methylphenidate significantly improves driving performance of adults with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: a randomized crossover trial. J Psychopharmacol. 2008 May;22(3):230-7. 44. Boonstra AM, Kooij JJ, Oosterlaan J, Sergeant JA, Buitelaar JK, Van Someren EJ. Hyperactive night and day? Actigraphy studies in adult ADHD: a baseline comparison and the effect of methylphenidate. Sleep. 2007 Apr;30(4):43342. 45. Kooij JJ. [The basis for the diagnosis of ADHD in adults starts to take shape]. Tijdschr Psychiatr. 2007;49(5):301-3. 46. Amons PJ, Kooij JJ, Haffmans PM, Hoffman TO, Hoencamp E. Seasonality of mood disorders in adults with lifetime attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). J Affect Disord. 2006 Apr;91(2-3):251-5. 47. Goossensen MA, van de Glind G, Carpentier PJ, Wijsen RM, van Duin D, Kooij JJ. An intervention program for ADHD in patients with substance use disorders: preliminary results of a field trial. J Subst Abuse Treat. 2006 Apr;30(3):253-9. 48. Oosterloo M, Lammers GJ, Overeem S, de Noord I, Kooij JJ. Possible confusion between primary hypersomnia and adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Psychiatry Res. 2006 Aug;143(2-3):293-7. 49. Bekker EM, Overtoom CC, Kenemans JL, Kooij JJ, De Noord I, Buitelaar JK, Verbaten MN. Stopping and changing in adults with ADHD. Psychol Med. 2005 Jun;35(6):807-16. 50. Pereira RR, Kooij JJ. [Disorders of concentration and memory in young adults and middle-aged persons]. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2005 Jul;149(27):153940. 51. Bekker EM, Overtoom CC, Kooij JJ, Buitelaar JK, Verbaten MN, Kenemans JL. Disentangling deficits in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Arch Gen Psychiat. 2005 Oct;62(10):1129-36. 52. Boonstra AM, Kooij JJ, Oosterlaan J, Sergeant JA, Buitelaar JK. Does methylphenidate improve inhibition and other cognitive abilities in adults with childhood-onset ADHD? J Clin Exp Neuropsychol. 2005 Apr;27(3):278-98. 53. Kooij JJ, van den Oord EJ, Buitelaar JK, Furer JW, Rijnders CA, Hodiamont PP. Internal and external validity of Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in a population-based sample of adults. Psychol Med. 2005 Jun;35(6):817-27. 54. Kooij JJ, Burger H, Boonstra AM, Van der Linden PD, Kalma LE, Buitelaar JK. Efficacy and safety of methylphenidate in 45 adults with attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder. A randomized placebo-controlled double-blind cross-over trial. Psychol Med. 2004 Aug;34(6):973-82. 55. Kooij JJ. ADHD bij volwassenen. Neuropraxis. 2001;5(6):201-205. 56. Kooij JJ, Middelkoop HA, van Gils K, Buitelaar JK. The effect of stimulants on nocturnal motor activity and sleep quality in adults with ADHD: an open-label case-control study. J Clin Psychiatry. 2001 Dec;62(12):952-6. 57. Kooij JJ, Aeckerlin LP, Buitelaar JK. [Functioning, comorbidity and treatment of 141 adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) at a psychiatric outpatient department]. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2001 Aug;145(31):1498-501. 58. Kooij JJ, Buitelaar JK, van Tilburg W. Antwoord aan Sonnen en de Ridder, n.a.v. reactie op 'Voorstel voor diagnostiek en behandeling van aandachtstekortstoornis met hyperactiviteit (ADHD) op volwassen leeftijd’. Tijdschr Psychiatr. 2000;42(2):127-131. 59. Kooij JJ, Buitelaar JK, van Tilburg W. Reactie op Grijpma en Gorissen n.a.v. discussie over 'Voorstel voor diagnostiek en behandeling van aandachtstekortstoornis met hyperactiviteit (ADHD) op volwassen leeftijd'. Tijdschr Psychiatr. 2000;42(7):547-548. 60. Buitelaar JK, Kooij JJ. [Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): etiology, diagnosis and treatment]. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2000 Sep;144(36):1716-23. 61. Kooij JJ, Buitelaar JK, van Tilburg W. Voorstel voor diagnostiek en behandeling van aandachtstekortstoornis met hyperactiviteit (ADHD) op volwassen leeftijd. Tijdschr Psychiatr. 1999;41(6):349-358. 62. Kooij JJ, Goekoop JG, Gunning WB. [Attention deficit disorders with hyperactivity in adulthood; implications for diagnosis and treatment]. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 1996 Sep;140(37):1848-51. Books: 8 publications 1. Kooij JJS. Adult ADHD. Diagnostic Assessment and Treatment, 3rd edition. Springer-Verlag, London, 2012. 2. Kooij JJS & Otten-Pablos S. Hyper Sapiens. Unieboek/het Spectrum, 2013. 3. Kooij JJ. ADHD bij volwassenen, diagnostiek en behandeling. Pearson Assessment and Information, Amsterdam. 3e druk: 2009. 4. Kooij JJ. PHDA em adultos. Perturbaçaõ de Défice de Atençaõ e Hiperactividade. Introdução ao Diagnóstico e Terapêutica. Coisas de Ler, Lisboa, 2008. 5. Kooij JJ. Over medicatie voor volwassenen met ADHD. Kenniscentrum ADHD bij volwassenen en Vereniging Impuls, Bilthoven, 2008. 6. Schuijers F & Kooij JJ. ADHD' ers voor elkaar. Lotgenotenproject. Vereniging Impuls, Bilthoven, 2007. 7. Kooij JJ. ADHD in adults. Clinical studies on assessment and treatment. Thesis, VUmc Amsterdam. Harcourt Book Publishers. 2006. 8. Kooij JJ, Paternotte A. In kort bestek: ADHD bij volwassenen. Voorlichtingsboekje voor patiënten en familieleden. Bilthoven: Balans. 2001. Book chapters: 12 publications 1. Kooij JJ. Diagnostiek en behandeling van ADHD bij volwassenen. In: Leerboek psychiatrie voor verpleegkundigen, 2e druk. Clijssen M, Garenfeld W, Van Loenen E, Kuipers G. Reed Business Education, Amsterdam, 2015. 2. Kooij JJ. Insomnie bij volwassenen met ADHD. In: Leerboek Slaap en slaapstoornissen. Verbraecken J, Buyse B, Hamburger H, Van Kasteel V, Van Steenwijk R. Acco Leuven / Den Haag, 2013. 3. Kooij JJ. Medication management in adult ADHD. In: ADHD in Adults, Characterization, Diagnosis, and Treatment. Buitelaar JK, Kan CC, Asherson P. Cambridge University Press, 2011. 4. Kooij JJ. ADHD bij volwassenen (chapter 11). In: Psycho-educatie in de GGz en de verslavingszorg: Theorie en Praktijk. Hoencamp E, Haffmans PMJ. Van Gorcum, Assen, 2008. 5. Bekker EM, Kooij JJ, Buitelaar JK. Sleep and quality of life in ADHD. In: Sleep and Quality of Life in Medical Illness. Verster JC, Pandi-Perumal SR, Streiner DL. The Humana Press Inc, USA, 2008. 6. Kooij JJ. ADHD en persoonlijkheidsstoornissen. In: Handboek Persoonlijkheidspathologie. Eurelings-Bontekoe EHM, Snellen WM, Verheul R. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, 2007. 7. Kooij JJ & de Noord I. ADHD bij vrouwen en mannen. In: Sekseverschillen in de psychiatrie: een neurobiologische benadering. Cath DC, Gijsbers van Wijk CMT, Klumpers UMH. Assen: Van Gorcum, 2007. 8. Asherson P. & Kooij JJ. Clinical assessment and treatment of ADHD in adults. In: People with Hyperactivity: Understanding and managing their problems, Clinics in Developmental Medicine. Taylor E. Mac Keith Press, 2007. 9. Boonstra M, Gorissen M, Kooij JJ. Alle dagen heel druk (ADHD). De cognitieve neuropsychiatrie van volwassenen met ADHD. In: Cognitieve Neuropsychiatrie. Eling P, ea. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Boom, 2003. 10. Kooij JJ. en Buitelaar JK. Aandachtstekortstoornis met hyperactiviteit: van kindertijd tot volwassenheid. In: Jaarboek voor psychiatrie en psychotherapie. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, 2001. 11. Buitelaar JK, Kooij JJ. Aandachtstekort-hyperactiviteitsstoornis: van kindertijd tot volwassenheid. In: Psychiatrie van jong tot oud (Boerhaave cursus). Boerhaave Commissie voor Postacademisch Onderwijs in de Geneeskunde, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden, 1999. 12. Middelkoop HA, van Gils K, Kooij JJ. Adult attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): Actimetric evaluation of nocturnal motor activity and subjective sleep characteristics. In: Jaarboek Nederlandse vereniging slaap/waak Onderzoek, 1997. Other: 111 publications 1. Kooij JJS. Assessment of adult ADHD. Abstract 2nd Asian Conference on ADHD, Tokyo, 2014. 2. Kooij JJS. DIVA 2.0 training. Abstract 2nd Asian Conference on ADHD, Tokyo, 2014. 3. Kooij JJS. Looking into the eye of ADHD. Poster SLTBR meeting, Vienna, 2014. 4. Kooij JJS. Motiveren kun je leren, ook bij ADHD! Abstract Voorjaarscongres Ned. Ver. voor Psychiatrie, Maastricht, 2014. 5. Kooij JJS. In het oog van ADHD. Eerste data over overgevoeligheid voor licht bij volwassenen met ADHD. Abstract Voorjaarscongres Ned. Ver. voor Psychiatrie, Maastricht, 2014. 6. Kooij JJS. Adult ADHD. Diagnosis and Treatment. Abstract Brixia, Italy, 2014. 7. Kooij JJS. The Lifespan ADHD clinic. Abstract Brixia, Italy, 2014. 8. Kooij JJS. The future of ADHD in Europe. Abstract UKAAN meeting, London, 2014. 9. Kooij JJS. ADHD in women. Abstract UKAAN meeting, London, 2014. 10. Kooij JJS. ADHD and top sport. Abstract WADA meeting, Paris, 2014. 11. Kooij JJS. ADHD in older adults. Epidemiological data on prevalence, comorbidity and physical health. Abstract WPA, Madrid, 2014. 12. Kooij JJS. ADHD and the circadian rhythm in adults with ADHD: implications for sleep, mood and health. Abstract ADHD Worldwide, Tel Aviv, 2013. 13. Kooij JJS. The development of the Romanian DIVA 2.0 and training of the instrument. Abstract Child and adolescent psychiatry symposium, Boekarest, 2013. 14. Kooij JJS. The circadian rhythm in adult ADHD, consequences for sleep, mood and health. Abstract APSARD, Washington DC, 2013. 15. Kooij JJS. DIVA 2.0 App: a new application for mobile health in psychiatry. Abstract 16th European Health Forum, Austria, 2013 16. Kooij JJS. 10 years Adult ADHD in the Netherlands: looking back and innovative plans for the future. Abstract Jubilee symposium at PsyQ, the Netherlands, 2013 17. Kooij JJS. ADHD, slaap stemming, eetpatroon en lichamelijke gezondheid. Abstract NVvP Voorjaarscongres, Maastricht, 2013. 18. Kooij JJS. Adult ADHD. Cutting Edge Psychiatry in Practice, 2012; 1:163-169. 19. Kooij JJS. Diagnostic assessment and treatment of ADHD in adults. Abstract training course Cereb, Stockholm, 2012. 20. Kooij JJS. Diagnostic assessment of ADHD in adults. Abstract symposium Code Lessius, Leuven, 2012. 21. Kooij JJS. ADHD in adults. Meeting TDAH Belgique, Brussels, 2012. 22. Kooij JJS. Methylphenidate: short-, longacting and retard. Abstract Richtlijnen middag Parnassia Groep, 2012. 23. Kooij, JJS. Use of the semi-structured Diagnostic Interview for ADHD (DIVA 2.0) in adults. Clinical seminar during Eunethydis congress 2012, Barcelona. 24. Kooij, JJS. ADHD in girls and women. Family Resources Belgium, Brussels. 25. Kooij, JJS. Diagnostic assessment and treatment of adult ADHD by a specialized team. Training Psychiatric hospital, Kristianstad, Sweden. 26. Kooij, JJS. Diagnostic assessment of ADHD and comorbidity in adults; Set up of a department adult ADHD; Set up an ADHD network. Training for a Swedish group of psychiatrists. 27. Kooij, JJS. Impulsiviteit bij ADHD. Relatie met slaap- en eetpatroon en lichamelijke gezondheid. Abstract Benecke cursus Impulsiviteit, Barcelona, 2012 28. Kooij, JJS. ADHD and the circadian rhythm. Abstract CADDRA meeting, Vancouver, 2012 29. Kooij, JJS. Update ADHD in older adults and training DIVA 2.0. Abstract CADDRA meeting, Vancouver, 2012. 30. Pereira RR, Kooij JJ, Buitelaar J. ADHD is zeker geen modegril. Medisch Contact. 2011 Jan; 66(3). 31. Bijlenga D, van der Heijden KB, Breuk M, Lie ME, van Someren EJ, SwaabBarneveld HJ, Kooij JJ. Relationship between sleep, seasonal affective symptoms, health, and ADHD: The ASESA study. Poster 1st International Congress for the European Network Adult ADHD, London, 2011. 32. Kooij JJS. A lifespan clinic for ADHD. Debate at the 1st International Congress for the European Network Adult ADHD, London, 2011. 33. Kooij, JJS. ADHD, bipolar disorder or borderline personality disorder. Abstract 1st International Congress for the European Network Adult ADHD, London, 2011. 34. Kooij, JJS. Bijlenga D. Changes of circadian behaviour in adult ADHD patients. Abstract 1st International Congress for the European Network Adult ADHD, London, 2011. 35. Bron TI, Bijlenga D, Breuk M, Michielsen M, Kooij JJ. Do Dutch ADHD patients really drive that badly? Poster 1st International Congress for the European Network Adult ADHD, London, 2011. 36. Kooij JJS. Changes in circadian behaviour in adults with ADHD. Abstract 3rd International Congress on ADHD, Berlin, 2011 37. Bijlenga D, van der Heijden KB, Breuk M, Lie ME, van Someren EJ, SwaabBarneveld HJ, Kooij JJ. Relationship between sleep, seasonal affective symptoms, health, and ADHD: The ASESA study. Poster 3rd International Congress on ADHD, Berlin, 2011. 38. Michielsen M, Semeijn E, Comijs H, Beekman A, Deeg D, Kooij S. The prevalence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in older adults in The Netherlands. Poster 3rd International Congress on ADHD, Berlin, 2011. 39. Semeijn E, Michielsen M, Comijs H, Beekman A, Deeg D, Kooij S. Criterion validity of an Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) screening list for screening ADHD in older adults. Poster 3rd International Congress on ADHD, Berlin, 2011. 40. Kooij JJS, Michielsen M, Semeijn E, Comijs H, Beekman A, Deeg D. ADHD in elderly. First data of an epidemiological study in the Netherlands. Abstract Voorjaarscongres NVvP, 2011. 41. Kooij JJS. Long term clinical perspective on efficacy and safety of ADHD medications in adults. Abstract Voorjaarscongres NVvP, 2011. 42. Kooij JJS. ADHD and the circadian rhythm. Abstract speakerstour Canada, nov 2011. 43. Kooij, JJS. Pharmacological treatment of ADHD in adults. Abstract BAP Summermeeting, Harrogate, 2011. 44. Kooij, JJS. Diagnostic assessment and treatment of ADHD in adults. Abstract symposium Patient organisation Denmark, 2011. 45. Kooij JJS. Signalering, diagnostiek en behandeling van ADHD bij volwassenen. Abstract Symposium DOK Rotterdam, 2011. 46. Kooij JJS. ADHD in girls and women. Abstract patient organisation AIFA, symposium the many faces of ADHD, Rome, 2011. 47. Kooij JJ & Francken MH. Diagnostisch Interview voor ADHD (DIVA 2.0), 2010. Expertise center for Adult ADHD, PsyQ The Hague, The Netherlands. Free to download from Translations of the DIVA 2.0 are available in many languages, see 48. Kooij JJ. Leven en werken met ADHD. BG Magazine. 2010 Dec;6. 49. Standaert WJ, Kooij JJ, Kok R. Casus de behandeling van ADHD bij ouderen. Psyfar. 2010 Dec;4. 50. Kooij JJ. ADHD of circadiane ontregeling? II. Implicaties van het slaaptekort bij ADHD. Abstract Voorjaarscongres NVvP, 2010. 51. Kooij JJ. Is kort slapen ongezond? Over de slaapproblemen van volwassenen met ADHD. Abstract symposium Dubbelfocus op ADHD, januari 2010. 52. Kooij JJ, van Veen MM, Boonstra AM. ADHD in adults: is there a relationship between obesity and circadian based sleep disturbances? Abstract EPA Munich, 2010. 53. Trott GE, Kooij S, Ramos-Quiroga A, Dejonckheere J, van Oene JC, Schäuble B, Casas M, Buitelaar J. Predictors of treatment Outcome in Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Treated With OROS® Methylphenidate. Abstract EPA Munich, 2010. 54. Kooij JJ. Aandachtspunten bij de transitie van adolescent naar volwassene met ADHD. Abstract CNS express, 2010. 55. Kooij JJ. ADHD, ADHD bij volwassenen, comorbiditeit en de samenhang met stoornissen in het circadiane ritme, Abstract Neuroscience Academy 2010. 56. Kooij JJS. Psychiatric comorbidity and treatment strategies in young adults with ADHD. Abstract Nordic Psychiatry Academy ADHD, Copenhagen, 2010. 57. Kooij JJS. Transition into adulthood – from a clinical perspective. Abstract Nordic Psychiatry Academy ADHD, Copenhagen, 2010. 58. Kooij JJ. Folder ADHD bij volwassenen, 3e druk, i.s.m. Trimbos instituut, 2009. 59. Kooij JJ. Folder In gesprek over ADHD bij volwassenen, herziene druk. Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychiatrie, 2009. 60. Kooij JJ. ADHD bij volwassenen: signaleren en behandelen. Abstract CMP Medica 2009. 61. Kooij S, van Veen M, Boonstra M. (2009). On rhythms and seasons: Associations between ADHD, evening types, seasonal mood changes, and health. Abstract ADHD: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders, 2009, 1, 71. 62. Kooij JJ. Transition of ADHD into adulthood. 22 May 2009, 2nd International Congress on ADHD, Vienna, Austria. 63. Boonstra M, Kooij JJ, van der Heijden K, & Swaab H. (2009). Adult ADHD and disturbed biological rhythm: an inventory.Abstract ADHD: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders, 1, 113. 64. Kooij JJ. et al. On rhythms and seasons: associations between ADHD, eveningtypes, seasonal mood changes, and health. Abstract EPA Lisbon, 2009. 65. Kooij JJ, Boonstra AM, van Veen MM, et al. Comparing symptoms of ADHD, sleep, mood and circadian preference in adults with ADHD, normal controls and breastcancer patients. Abstract WPA Florence, April 1-4, 2009. 66. Kooij JJ. Diagnosis and treatment of adult ADHD at PsyQ, the Netherlands. Abstract Premiere Journée Européenne sur le Déficit de l’Attention Hyperactivité chez l’Adulte, Paris, 2009. 67. Kooij JJ. Leidt de verlate slaapfase bij volwassenen met ADHD tot gezondheidsproblemen? Abstract symposium van Promotie naar Praktijk, november 2009. 68. Kooij JJ. Flink gassen zonder medicatie. Impulsief, 2008 Apr;6(8). 69. Kooij JJ. Door overslaan ontbijt: veel ADHD’ers last van eetproblemen. Impulsief. 2008 Jul;30-31. 70. Bruinsma BM, Kooij JJ. Diagnostiek en behandeling van adolescenten en volwassenen met ADHD. GAVscoop. 2008 Apr;12(1). 71. Kooij JJ. Preventie van comorbiditeit cq chroniciteit door behandeling van ADHD? AbstractVoorjaarscongres NVvP 2008. 72. van Veen MM, Kooij JJ, Boonstra AM, van Someren EJ, e.a. Disrupted circadian rhythm in adults with ADHD and chronic sleep onset insomnia. Abstract SLTBR Vancouver, 2008. 73. van Veen MM, Kooij JJ, Boonstra AM, van Someren EJ. Disrupted circadian rhythm in adults with ADHD and chronic sleep onset insomnia. Abstract Eunethydis, Mannheim, 2008. 74. Kooij JJ. Leidt de inhibitiestoornis ADHD tot ontremming? Plaatsbepaling ten opzichte van de bipolaire en borderline stoornis. Abstract symposium CMP Medica, 2008. 75. Kooij JJ, van Veen MM, Boonstra AM. Adult ADHD and the circadian rhythm. Abstract AEP Nice, 2008. 76. Kooij JJ, Medori R, Buitelaar JK, Trott GE, Ramos-Quiroga JA, Lee E, Casas M. Open-label extension study of the safety and tolerability of prolonged release methylphenidate in adults with ADHD - the LAMDA trial. Poster presented at the ECNP 2007. 77. Medori R, Kooij JJ, Buitelaar JK, Lee E, Trott GE, Casas M. Double-blind study of the efficacy and safety of prolonged release methylphenidate in adults with ADHD - the LAMDA trial. Poster presented at ECNP 2007. 78. Medori R, Kooij JJ, Ramos-Quiroga JA, Buitelaar JK, Lee E, Casas M. et al. Efficacy and safety of OROS methylphenidate in adults with ADHD - the long- acting methylphenidate in adult ADHD (LAMDA) trial. Poster presented at American Psychiatric Meeting, San Diego, California 19-24 May 2007. 79. Kooij JJ, Dhondt AD. 'Ouder, en nog altijd druk?’ADHD bij ouderen. Abstract symposium het nieuwe ouder worden, 2007. 80. Kooij JJ, van Veen MM, Kashani Banaei A, Akbarkanzadeh V. ADHD and the circadian rhythm. Abstract SLTBR Kopenhagen, 2007. 81. Kooij JJ. Association of response to methylphenidate in adults with ADHD with a polymorphism in SLC6A3 (DAT1). Abstract AEP Madrid, 2007. 82. Kooij JJ. Voor de volwassenen met ADHD. Impulsief. 2007 Jan;12-13. 83. Kooij JJ. Langwerkende psychostimulantia. Impulsief. 2007 Okt;32-33. 84. Kooij JJ, Boonstra AM, Vermeulen SH, Heister JG, Burger H, Buitelaar JK, Franke B. Farmacogenetische responspredictie met methylfenidaat bij volwassenen met ADHD. Abstract Voorjaarscongres NVvP 2006. 85. Kooij JJ, Nolen WA. ADHD and bipolar disorder: overlap or differential diagnosis? Abstract Voorjaarscongres NVvP 2006. 86. Kooij JJ. Behandeling van adolescenten en volwassenen met ADHD. Abstract Boerhaave cursus 2006. 87. Kooij JJ. How to Recognize ADHD in Your Practice and How to Tell an ADHD Diagnosis from Another Disorder. Abstract ECNP Paris, 2006. 88. Kooij JJ. ADHD of borderline persoonlijkheidsstoornis? Abstract Voorjaarscongres NVvP 2005. 89. Kooij JJ, Boonstra AM, Willems S, e.a. De validiteit van de diagnose ADHD bij volwassenen. Abstract Voorjaarscongres NVvP 2005. 90. Kooij JJ, Boonstra AM, Huybregts I, e.a.. Onderzoek naar overlap tussen ADHD en de cluster-B persoonlijkheidsstoornis. Abstract Voorjaarscongres NVvP 2005. 91. Kooij JJ. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in adults or cluster B - personality disorder? Abstract AEP Geneve, 2004. 92. Kooij JJ. Adult Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): comorbidity, differential diagnosis and treatment. Abstract BCNBP, 2004. 93. Kooij JJ, van den Oord E, Buitelaar JK, Furer JW, Rijnders CA, Hodiamont PP. Epidemiology of adult ADHD. Abstract symposium APA, New York, 2004. 94. Kooij JJ. De waarschijnlijkheid van de diagnose ADHD op volwassen leeftijd. ADHD Actueel. 2004; 1(4). 95. Kooij JJ. Een polikliniek voor volwassenen met ADHD. ADHD Wachtkamerspecial. 2004; 1(4). 96. Mertens JB, Kooij JJ. Bestaat er ook late-onset ADHD? Een casusbespreking. Patient Care, Neuropsychiatrie en Gedragsneurologie. 2004; 1: 11-15. 97. van de Glind G, Kooij JJ, van Duin D, Goosensen A, Carpentier PJ. Protocol ADHD bij verslaving. Screening, diagnostiek en behandeling voor de ambulante en klinische verslavingszorg. Utrecht: Trimbos Instituut, 2004. 98. Kooij JJ. Na de diagnose. Impulsief. 2003 Jan; 2-6. Kooij JJ, Buitelaar JK, van den Oord EJ, Furer JW, Rijnders CA, Hodiamont PP. Resultaten van epidemiologisch onderzoek naar ADHD bij volwassenen in Nederland. Abstract Voorjaarscongres NVvP 2003. 99. Kooij JJ. The impact of ADHD across the life span. Abstract ECNP, Prague 2003. 100. Kooij JJ, e.a. Internal and external validity of ADHD in adults. Abstract ESCAP Paris, 2003. 101. Kooij JJ. Vijf jaar Netwerk: hoe het begon. Abstract 1e lustrum symposium Netwerk ADHD bij volwassenen, 2003. 102. Kooij JJ. Meisjes en vrouwen met ADHD. Abstract symposium ADHD gedurende de levensloop, 2002. 103. de Kruiff MA, Kooij JJ. Coaching van volwassen ADHD-patiënten in groepsverband. Maandblad Geestelijke Volksgezondheid. 2002; 57(6): 579– 91. 104. Kooij JJ. ADHD bij volwassenen. Psychiatrie Actueel. 2002. 105. Kooij JJ. ADHD en slaap. Impulsief. 2002 Okt;12-14. 106. Paternotte A, Kooij JJ. ADHD bij volwassenen. Meer kennis, maar nog steeds geen prioriteit. Balans Belang. 2001;5-9. 107. Kooij JJ. Nieuwe inzichten in de betrouwbaarheid van retrospectieve diagnostiek. Abstract symposium ADHD bij volwassenen: nieuwe inzichten in diagnostiek en behandeling, VU 2001. 108. Kooij JJ. Farmacotherapie van ADHD en comorbiditeit. Abstract symposium ADHD bij volwassenen: nieuwe inzichten in diagnostiek en behandeling, VU 2001. 109. Boonstra M, Sergeant J, Kooij JJ. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Een typische kinderstoornis… of toch niet? De Psycholoog. 1999; 34(10):442-47. 110. Kooij JJ. Volwassenen met aandachtstekortstoornis met of zonder hyperactiviteit (ADHD). Balans Belang. 1997 Nov;17-20. 111. Kooij JJ. Aandachtstekortstoornis met hyperactiviteit (ADHD). Proces, maandblad voor berechting en reclassering. 1996; 11:206-9.
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