暗黒物質対消滅起源のガンマ線 久野純治 (東京大学宇宙線研究所) 研究会「CANGAROO望遠鏡によるガンマ線天文学の新展開」 日時: 2003年12月11日(木)-12日(金) 場所: 京都大学 基礎物理学研究所 湯川記念館3F 大講演室 1, Introduction Evidence of cold dark matter Fit to the WMAP , CBI, ACBAR, 2dFGRS and Lyman α forest data 2dFGRS v.s. N-body simulation for Large-scale structure formation What is this dark matter? Candidate of dark matter MACHO (almost excluded) 107.5 M M 30M Microlensing Wide binaries (Chaname et al) 45M M Neutrino (Not cold) It might be hot dark matter, thus 0.01 ( m 1eV ) Unknown stable particle Relics in the early hot universe. WIMP (Weakly interacting massive particle) (Cold) SUSY particle, Kaluza-Klein particle, Wimpzilla,,, Axion (Cold) SUSY dark matter Solves hierarchy problem SUSY GUTs Light Higgs boson Lightest SUSY particle(LSP) is stable due to R parity. SM particles; even, SUSY particles; odd → Dark Matter Nature of LSP It depends on the SUSY breaking mechanism 0 0 0 0 0 Neutralino ( 10 ); 1 a1B a2W3 a3 H1 a4 H2 0 0 ( H ( B ) Bino -like or Higgsino ) -like in supergravity 0 ( W Wino 3 )-like in the anomaly mediation Gravitino (G0 ) in the gauge mediation Direct search for DM by the nucleus elastic scattering Dirac neutrino (sneutrino) mass > 100TEV Dark matter should be Majorana fermion or real scalar if it has weak charge. DM genesis Thermal abundance 10 10 SM particles is blocked when T 1/ 20 m 0 . 1 0 1 10 (56) (1/100GeV ) 2 v annihiration eff Smaller DM ( 0.27) may mean larger annihilation rate. Notice co-annihilation may enhances cross section when SUSY particles masses are degenerate. 10 1 SM particles, 10 SM particles, (Nath et al) Non-thermal production DM is produced after T 1/ 20 m 0 by non-thermal 1 process. (for example, G, Qball, 10 ) 0 1 1/ 20 10 (56) T / m 0 1 (1/100GeV )2 v annihiration eff In this case, the larger annihilation rate, such as in Higgsino-like or Wino-like case, is favored. Detection of DM Direct detection by elastic scattering with nucleus. N N 0 1 0 1 DAMA, EDELWEISS, CDMS, Zeplin, …… Indirect detection of neutrinos, antiproton, positron, and gamma ray from DM annihilation in our Galaxy, Sun, or Eearh. 10 10 p, e , , Collider experiment LHC starts on 07’. It determine mass and properties of the DM candidate. 2, Dark matter distribution N-body simulation provides universal cuspy profile for the halo DM density distributon (Navarro, Frenk & White, 96,97). NFW (r ) 0 (r / r0 )(1 r / r0 ) 2 Navarro, Frenk &White M 99 (r ) 0 (r / r0 )1.5 (1 r / r0 ) 1.5 Moore High resolution N body simulation Large N and small time stepsize are required. ( N O(10)M ) Recent simulation observed deviation from the universal profile for r 0.01 rV . Time evolution (Figures;Fukushige and Makino) Cusp/Core problem Rotation curve measure ment of Low Surfacebrightness Galaxies by HI and Halpha. Data prefer soft cores . Early suspicion on observation; beaming, pointing error, small sample, inconsistency among observations, etc. de Blok(2003): These problems no more exit. Measurement of gravitational lense constrains DM profile for clusters. Sand et al show 0.54 Objection :Ellipticity (Dalal et al) A little good news. 1/ r 3 for large radius is favored. (CL0024+11654, Kneib et al) Our galaxy Our galaxy is High surface-brightness galaxy. (Baryon rich, Bar, BH ) It is difficult to say something, especially DM profile around the galactic center. http://www.astronomynotes.com/ismnotes/rotcurv2-big.gif 3, Gamma ray from DM annihilation in Galactic center Gamma ray from DM annihilation line spectrum: 10 10 , Z 0 continuum spectrum: 10 10 W W , Z 0 Z 0 , 0 Merit and Demerit Merit: Characteristic spectrum, e.g. line. Sensitive to heavier DM Demerit: Cross section depends on DM proparties. Sensitive to DM halo profile. Gamma ray flux d ( E ) dE 9.3 1012 cm-2sec-1GeV -1 J 100GeV m 0 1 2 v VV ' dNVV ' 27 3 -1 cm sec VV ' dE 10 where DM 1 dl d J -3 sight lineof 8.5kpc 0.3GeVcm 2 Galactic Halo profile Dependence on DM profile is huge. DM 1 J d dl -3 lineof sight 8.5kpc 0.3GeVcm M 99 (r ) 0 (r / r0 )1.5 (1 r / r0 ) NFW (r ) 1.5 0 (r / r0 )(1 r / r0 ) 2 modifed (r ) isothermal 0 (1 r / r0 ) 2 2 J 105 J 103 J 3 101 for R0 8.5kpc, DM ( R0 ) 0.3GeVcm-3 and 103. In the following, I take the moderate value, that is J 103 . DM annihilation cross section Annihilation cross section to fermions is suppressed by the fermion mass due to the S wave annihilation. Sizable cross section to continum gammais expected when m mW . 0 1 Cross section depends on propaties of the DM. Case 1:Bino-like DM. Interaction is very weak. MSUGRA + thermal production favor this. Case 2: Higgsino or Wino DM. These have SU(2) weak charge. Bino-like DM Line spectrum. 4 100GeV J 12 -2 -1 2.0 10 cm sec 3 3 m 10 10 l Sensitive to slepton mass. Continuum spectrum MSUGRA simulation by Feng et al. m 0 61,97,120, 202GeV. 1 v 2 m 10 cW2 ml4 2 Higgsino or Wino DM They have SU(2) weak charge and acompany with SU(2) partner, those are chargino, . When they are heavier than W boson mass, the masses are degenerate. Annihiration cross section to 2 gamma’s is independent of the DM mass at the leading order. v 2 1 1 4 2 For Wino (Higgsino) 2 4 sW mW This means that line gamma search is sensitive to heavier DM. 4 However, this behavior is strange since v 2 . vm 0 1 Non-relativistic effects DM is highly non-relativistic (v / c 103 ). Thus, the cross section is sensitive to existence of bound state under Yukawa potential induced by W exchange. v (cm3 sec1 ) for 0 0 2 v / c 103 m 0.1 GeV m 1 GeV Wino-like Higgsino-like Leading order cal. E mv2 / 2 0 Zero energy resonance enhances the cross section. Bound state W-exchanged Yukawa potential Line spectrum ( m 0.1GeV m 1GeV Wino-like Flux (cm-2sec-1 ) 103 103 m 0.1GeV m 1GeV Higgsino-like ). Photon energy (GeV) Continuum spectrum ( m 0.1GeV , Flux (cm2 sec1 GeV 1 ) Wino-like 17 10 1011 9 10 103 ) Flux (cm2 sec1 GeV 1 ) Higgsino-like 1019 1015 1017 1013 1015 1013 1011 The shaded regions correspond to S> BG. d B.G. / dE 9.1105 (E /1GeV)2.7 (EGLET) There are already some regions constrained by the EGRET. EGLET Gamma ray spectrum from Galactic center observed by EGLET is not well fit to the standard explanation of diffused gamma, p, He X 0 2 (index=2.72) It might come from DM annihilation. (Cesarini et al) 4, Summary After WMAP measurement, DM search is very important subject. Gamma from DM annihilation is sensitive to relatively heavier DM, and it has different dependence from other DM searches. Will gamma from DM annihilation at Galactic center be observed or not ? Or, can we discriminate particle physics models or astronomical models? At present, it is hard to answer them, because gamma ray signal depend on detail of both models. If DM candidate is discovered at new collider (LHC?) or DM-like gamma ray is observed, DM astronomy will be started.
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