Tauonic B decays in the MSSM arXiv : hep-ph/0409228 YITP : 2005.1.13 Hideo Itoh (Ibaraki univ., KEK) in collaboration with S.Komine(KEK), Y.Okada(KEK,SOKENDAI) 1 0: Overview of the physics of the B and SuperB Factory The current experiments Asymmetric B factory experiments(1999~) KEKB(KEK) : Belle experiment (~340fb-1) PEPⅡ(SLAC) : BaBar experiment (~250fb-1) The first purpose of the B factories Precise test of the CKM picture It succeeded! for the CPV Ex. 2 The history of the integrated luminosity 2004 summer 2003 summer 3 What is the next purpose of the B factories? We look for deviation from the SM: Correction from new physics beyond the SM We need more Luminosity and far precise test. In particular: Processes of the final state including more than two neutrinos tauonic B decays : B→Dτν, B→τν To identify these processes, we have to accumlate more luminosity. Necessity of the SuperB 4 Motivation of the SuperB Factory (Letter of Intent for KEK Super B Factory, hep-ex/0406071) SuperB Factory : Goal of the luminosity is 50-100 times more than the current achieved luminosity. ・SuperB is focused on studies for new physics (NP). ・LHC may find NP, but the information from LHC are not enough to distinguish between NP models. ・SuperB provides much information for the NP models from following measurements. LC - New CP phase LHC - LFV (τ→μγ, τ→eγ,…) - Tauonic B decays EDM LFV - etc… B physics These results are useful to K physics Muon g-2 combine with the LHC results. Charm physics 5 (Okada san) KEKB Upgrade Scenario Lpeak (cm-2s1) Lint 1.4x1034 280 fb-1 5x1034 1 ab-1 Super-KEKB (major upgrade) 5x1035 10 ab-1 5x109 BB /year !! & also t+t- 6 1. Introduction Two types of the SUSY effects on B physics 1. For the FCNC processes (b→sγ, Bs→μμ, B→φKs…) Ex.) SM (loop) SUSY (loop) 2. For the Tauonic B decays (B→Dτν, B→τν) Ex.) SM (tree) SUSY (tree) 7 Important features of the tauonic B decays ・Charged Higgs boson can contribute to the decay amplitude at the tree level in the MSSM. ・At least two neutrinos are present in the final state in the signal side. Full-reconstruction is required for the B decay in the opposite side. It is difficult to probe the tauonic B decays. However we may probe the charged Higgs effects on the B physics if we can probe the tauonic B decays. Full-reconstruction efficiency is 10-3. So we need more and more luminosity to probe the tauonic B decays. 8 SM prediction and current experimental results The branching ratio of the tauonic B decays at the SM ・B→Dτν : 8×10-3 ・B→τν : 9×10-5 ・B→Dτνis larger branching ratio. There is no experimental data. We have not probed B→Dτνat both B factories. ・B→τνis smaller branching ratio due to helicity suppression. Experimental data - Upper bound from Belle : 2.9×10-4 - Upper bound from BaBar : 3.3×10-4 These processes are important target of the SuperB Factory. 9 The b→c(u)τυ processes in the MSSM Contributing diagrams SUSY corrections Also there are SUSY corrections to the Yukawa couplings SUSY correction to yd is induced due to 1-loop diagrams. (K.S.Babu & C.Kolda, M.Carena, et al) 10 This correction affects the branching ratios for some other processes too. Ex. BS→μμ (A.Dedes & Pilaftsis, et al) b→sγ (G.Degrassi & P.Gambino & G.F.Giudice, et al) … We study B→Dτν and B→τν in MSSM ・Assume the Minimal Flavor Violation case Explain later・・・ ・SUSY correction to H±-c (u )-b and H±-τ-ν vertex ・Correlation between b→sγ, Bs→μ+μ- and tauonic B decays. 11 2: Formalism (A.Dedes & A.Pilaftsis) Framework: MSSM with MFV and large tanβ Tree level Yukawa couplings have the same structure as that of the superpotential. Different types of the tree level Yukawa couplings are induced by SUSY effects through 1-loop diagram. 12 MSSM with Minimal Flavor Violation (MFV) Minimal Flavor Violation Squarks have the same flavor structure as one of the quarks. In other words, the flavor changing source is only the KM matrix. ・Not MFV case The large deviation from SM is possible generally. Because there are many flavor mixing parameters. ・MFV case The large deviation from SM is possible for large tanβ. tanβ is the ratio of the two vacuum expectation values of the neutral Higgs. This assumption comes from mSUGRA, GMSB, AMSB ・・・. 13 Under the Minimal Flavor Violation 14 Under the Minimal Flavor Violation Loop function 15 SUSY corrections to the charged Higgs couplings Charged Higgs coupling including SUSY correction : (“ “ denotes a diagonal matrix.) For the correction to the down-type Yukawa coupling The SUSY corrections at b→u,c are given by 16 In Minimal Flavor Violation case ・gluino-sbottom contribution ・higgsino-stop contribution Higgsino contribution becomes too small in comparison with gluino contribution. at MFV For the correction to the lepton Yukawa coupling 17 These SUSY corrections appear via the following combina -tion of the parameters in the branching ratio formulas. SUSY effects are absorbed into the value of tanβ. I will explain later. If there are no SUSY corrections (Ex. 2HDM case) 18 Intuitively, these SUSY corrections become the vertex correction like below. 2HDM SUSY Also we can see the following results. In MFV case B→Dτν B→τν There is a correlation between the tauonic B decays at MFV! 19 SUSY parameters for the tauonic B decays at MFV ・Tree-level charged Higgs effect depends on the following parameters. ・The SUSY corrections to the Yukawa couplings depend on the follow -ing parameters with tanβ. 20 3: Numerical results The SUSY correction matrix elements 21 3: Numerical results The SUSY correction matrix elements At above parameter space, the SUSY correction to the lepton Yukawa coupling becomes sizable in comparison with the down-type Yukawa’s one. 22 Branching ratio for B→Dτν and B→τν at tanβ = 50 B→Dτν B→τν μ = -400GeV μ = 400GeV μ = -400GeV μ = 400GeV SM No SUSY cor. case SM No SUSY correction case μ is the higgsino mass parameter. The SUSY corrections drastically contribute to the branching ratio. 23 The correlation of the two processes as a function of Theoretical uncertainties : ・Vertical error : 25 5 20 15 10 SM ・Horizontal error : ・SuperKEKB : 5ab-1 Sensitivity to reach to 11 In MFV, SUSY effect can be absorbed into an effective tanβ. The correlation itself is the same as the 2HDM, and so one cannot distinguish them. It is thus interesting to compare it with other experiments. 24 Effect on other process: b→sγ Au=Ad=-100GeV no SUSY corr. Au=Ad=-100GeV Au=Ad=100GeV no SUSY corr. Au=Ad=100GeV Au and Ad are trilinear scalar couplings ・Charged Higgs and chargino-stop diagrams contribute. ・For μ<0 case, fine-tuning of parameters is necessary. 25 Effect on other process: Bs→μ+μUpper bound from exp. Au=Ad=-100GeV Au=Ad=100GeV Au=Ad=-100GeV Upper bound from exp. ・SM prediction : 3.4×10-9 ・Receive the large SUSY corrections ・μ<0 case is strongly restricted by b→sγ Au=Ad=100GeV 26 4. Summary MSSM with MFV at large tanβ : B→Dτν and B→τν Receive large correction via SUSY loops. The correlation between Br[B→Dτν] and Br[B→τν] in MFV SUSY loop effect absorbed into the effective tanβ Correlation is same as the 2HDM Important to compare : measurements of Br[B→Dτν] and Br[B→τν] (SuperB Factory ) : measurements of tanβ (LHC ) Ex. ・heavy Higgs direct production ・chargino/neutralino mixing ・stau decay b→sγ and Bs→μ+μ- : receive large correction generally in the same parameter space 27
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