リスク管理共通教育中核教員団の養成 平成18年度大学教育の国際化推進 プログラム(海外先進教育実践支援) 筑波大学大学院 システム情報工学研究科 本取組の概要 安全・安心社会確立のためのセキュリティ技術を統括する概念はリスク管 し,基本概念,教育方法,教育評価法等を実地に習得させる. 理であり,その教育は,工学全般において不可欠となりつつある. なかでも,基本概念を理解させるリスク管理共通教育は最も重要であり, リスク管理教育に関する欧米の優れた取組を理解し,我が国におけるリス ク管理共通教育モデル確立のための中核的役割を果たす教員団を養成す スケジュール 同時に,自己評価・外部評価体制を整え,評価結果を公表する.これらの活 実施計画 共通教育 マニュアル フィードバック 研究科評価委員会 外部評価委員会 中間審査 短期派遣 メンバー 我が国に即したリスク管理共通教育モデルを確立する. 動を通して,中核的教員団を育成する. ることが本申請の目的である. 長期派遣 メンバー 次いで,これらの教育機関に教員数名を短期派遣して研修会を実施し,教育 方法の研鑽を行う.これらの教員の帰国後,集中的な教育内容開発を行って, かつ不足している. プロジェ クト長 まず、リスク・セキュリティ教育に優れた欧米の教育機関に教員を長期派遣 成果審査 管理・統括 準備期間 長期派遣 教カ 授リ 法キ 開ュ ラ 発ム ・ 教 材 ・ 海 外 F D セ ミ ナ ー 準備期間 5ヶ月 3ヶ月 1 週 間 3ヶ月 改善 シ ン ポ ジ ウ ム リ ス ク 管 理 共 通 教 育 中 核 教 員 [長期派遣] GWU, CMU, MIT に教員を派遣 基本概念,教育方法,教育評価法等研修 [短期派遣] GWUに教員・大学院生を派遣 教育システム、教授法等研修(FD研修) [カリキュラム・教材開発] 長期派遣教員帰国後、集中的に開発 平成19年3月成果報告会と外部評価 実施中 11月末 12月より 19年 3月 リスク共通教育中核教員団 他組織 200611月26-28日GWUにて開催予定 実施計画1 Proposal for Improvement of the Academics related to Engineering Risk Management at Univ of Tsukuba カリキュラムの一例と実施計画 リスク・ セキュリティ管理 セキュリティの基礎 セキュリティ技術 リスク学概論 危機管理入門 リ ス ク と 現 代 社 会 School of Engineering at Stanford Univ: Aeronautics and Astronautics(航空・宇宙) Bioengineering(バイオ) Chemical Engineering(化学) Civil and Environmental Engineering(社会基盤・環境) Computer Science(コンピュータサイエンス) Electrical Engineering(電気・エネルギー) Materials Science and Engineering(材料) Mechanical Engineering(機械) 危機管理と リスクコミュニケーション Management Science and Engineering 学群(学部)レベル 各2単位,4単位以上を取得 大学院レベル 各2単位,4単位以上を取得 に参考にできるのではないか. Engineering Risk Analysis: Course Description The techniques of analysis of engineering systems for risk management decisions involving trade-offs (technical, human, environmental aspects). Elements of decision analysis; probabilistic risk analysis (fault trees, event trees); economic analysis of failure consequences (human safety and longterm economic discounting); and case studies (space, systems, nuclear power plants, liquefied natural gas terminals, and dams). Public and private sectors. Course Details 3 units, Mon and Wed, 11:00-12:15, 26 sections Course Reader: Available at the Stanford University Bookstore. Volume 1:classnotes; Volume 2: readings. Exams: Midterm: 1 hour in class Final Exam: 3 hours Final Grade: 50% - Final Exam 30% - Midterm Exam 20% - Homework Core Course: Engineering Risk Analysis Preparation in Analytic Techniques: Degree Programs Interactive Management Science Non-Degree Programs Probability Analysis Risk Analysis Certificate Decision Analysis I Advanced Electives: 「リスク管理入門」 Project Course in Engineering Risk Analysis 「リスク・セキュリティー管理概論」 Decision Analysis II Proposed Engineering Risk Analysis at Univ of Tsukuba: Engineering Risk Analysis (cont.): Course Topics Overview & fundamental treatment: 4 sections Sections 1, 2: Overview of Methods and Applications Sections 3, 4: Treatment of Uncertainties: Issues and Summary Section 5: Decision Analysis: Structuring a Problem Section 6: Decision Trees and Event Trees. Examples Section 7: Influence Diagrams Section 8: Utility Theory and Risk Attitude Section 9: Value of Information Risk analysis and Section 10: Multi-Attribute Decisions assessment techniques: 13 Section 11: Collective Decision Making--Public Sector sections Section 12: Introduction to Probabilistic Risk Analysis Section 13: Fault Trees Section 14: Systems Evolution: Markov models. Section 15: Optimal Allocation of Reinforcement Costs Trade-offs between Sections 16: Second Level of Uncertainty in Risk Analysis stakeholders and hazard: 4 sections Sections 17: Expert Judgment in Risk Analysis Sections 18: Risk Perceptions and Acceptance Section 19, 20: Human Safety and Safety Goals. Discounting in Risk Analysis Section 21: Organizational Factors in Risk Analysis (SAM approach) Section 22: Warning Systems in Risk Management Scenarios in risk Section 23: Fire Monitoring in Oil Refineries (C/B Analysis) management: 5 sections Section 24: Nuclear Power Plants: WASH 1400; Nuclear Power Plants Section 25: NASA Space Shuttle: Risk Analysis for the Black Tiles of the Orbiter Section 25: NASA Space Shuttle: PRA as a Management Tool Section 26: Patient Risk in Anesthesia: Probabilistic Analysis and Management Course Topics Overview & fundamental treatment: 2 sections Sections 1: Overview of Methods and Applications Sections 2: Treatment of Uncertainties: Issues and Summary Section 3: Decision Analysis: Structuring a Problem Section 4: Decision Trees, Event Trees and Influence Diagrams, Examples Section 5: Introduction to Probabilistic Risk Analysis Risk analysis and Section 6: Fault Trees assessment techniques: 6 Section 7: Systems Evolution: Markov models. sections Section 8: Optimal Allocation of Reinforcement Costs Midterm Section 9: Utility Theory and Risk Attitude Section 10: Value of Information Section 11: Multi-Attribute Decisions Trade-offs between Section 12: Collective Decision Making--Public Sector stakeholders and Sections 13: Second Level of Uncertainty in Risk Analysis hazard: 9 sections Sections 14: Expert Judgment in Risk Analysis Sections 15: Risk Acceptance Criteria Section 16, 17: Human Safety and Safety Goals. Discounting in Risk Analysis Section 18: Integration of Risk Analysis and Assessment in Risk Management Section 18: Scenario 1 in Risk Management; Manufacturing Innovative Engineered Systems Section 19: Scenario 2 in Risk Management; Critical Infrastructures Section 20: Scenario 3 in Risk Management; Security of Communication Networks Section 21: Scenario 4 in Risk Management; Use of Genetic Modified Foods Scenarios in risk In addition to this, Midterm: 1.5 hour in class, management: 4 sections Final Exam: 3 hours are requisite. Institute for Crisis, Disaster and Risk Management at The George Washington University 実施計画2 ICDRMの概要 Goal and Objectives リスク・ セキュリティ管理 セキュリティの基礎 リ ス ク と 現 代 社 会 セキュリティ技術 リスク学概論 危機管理と 危機管理入門 リスクコミュニケーション 学群(学部)レベル 各2単位,4単位以上を取得 大学院レベル 各2単位,4単位以上を取得 The goal of The Institute for Crisis, Disaster, and Risk Management is to improve the disaster, emergency, and crisis management plans, actions and decisions of government, corporate, and not-for-profit organizations by transforming theory into practice. The Institute's objectives are to create and teach courses in crisis, disaster, and risk management; conduct research, and create knowledge through its research activities; and disseminate knowledge through educational programs, professional forums, and workshops. The Institute faculty and staff work to facilitate exchanges of crisis management information, knowledge, and best practices among all sectors. The Institute is engaged in both domestic and international endeavors. 調査期間:2006年9月3日-12月14日 調査地:1776 G. St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20052 Background Established in 1994, the Institute is an interdisciplinary academic center affiliated with the University's School of Engineering and Applied Science, School of Public Health and Health Services, and Elliott School of International Affairs. The capabilities of the Institute are enhanced by its close links with other GW academic and research centers including the Political Psychology Program, the Aviation Institute, the National Crash Analysis Center, the Transportation Research Institute, and the International Institute for Tourism Studies. 目的:同研究・教育機関が実施して いるリスクおよび危機管理に関 する教育環境の視察と修得. 内容:開講講義の受講,ヒアリング, 情報収集等 Graduate Certificate in Homeland Security Emergency Preparedness and Response The Graduate Certificate in Homeland Security Emergency Preparedness and Response (abbreviated as the HS EPR ) is offered by the GW Department of Engineering Management and Systems Engineering (EMSE) and reflects the research and scholarship generated by the GW Institute for Crisis, Disaster, and Risk Management (ICDRM). The graduate certificate is awarded upon completion of six (6) graduate courses. Students may also enroll in the EMSE Master of Science Degree in Engineering Management and Systems Engineering with a concentration in Crisis, Emergency, and Risk Management and may transfer the credits for all six courses (completed with a grade of B or better) taken for the HS EPR certificate into their Masters of Science Degree program of studies. Course requirements for HS EPR EMSE230: Homeland Security: The National Challenge EMSE232: Crisis and Emergency Management EMSE233: Information Technology in Crisis and Emergency Management EMSE234: Management of Risk and Vulnerability for Natural and Technological Hazards and Terrorist Threats EMSE238: Current Issues in International Disaster Management EMSE239: Medical and Public Health Emergency Management EMSE240: Management of Mass Terrorism Preparedness and Response EMSE332: Crisis Management, Disaster Recovery, and Organizational Continuity EMSE333: Hazard Mitigation in Disaster Management EMSE334: Environmental Hazard Management 講義内容例 Management of Risk and Vulnerability for Natural and Technological Hazards and Terrorist Threats (EMSE234) The concepts required for risk-based planning and risk management are developed. Objectives of and methods for vulnerability and risk assessment for natural disaster, technological hazards, and terrorist threats and concepts of risk perception, risk communication, risk mitigation are described. EMSE292: Special Topics Managing Catastrophe EMSE234の講義ノート: 各講義の内容がわかりやすく 解説されており,学生に配布 される. (青字は調査時開講科目) Outline: Management of Risk and Vulnerability for Natural and Technological Hazards and Terrorist Threats (EMSE234) 1. Introduction -Risk Analysis and Risk Management: A Historical Perspective The Risk Management Challenge/Risk Analysis and Risk Management Techniques Practiced pre 20th Century 2. Introduction -Risk Assessment Overview of Daily Risks of Life/General Approach towards Risk Assessment/Definition of Risk 3. Introduction -Risk Communication Discuss Risk Communication Case Study/Misinterpretation of Risk Analysis Terminology 4. Introduction -Risk Perception Overview of Risk Perception/Discuss Importance of Trust 5. Introduction -Risk Management Discuss "De Minimis" Risk Strategy as a Tool for Risk Management/Discuss How Objectives, Alternatives & Trade-Off Affect "Acceptable Risk" 6. Risk Modeling -Modeling Uncertainty/Using Expert Judgment Introduce Probability, Given an Overview of Elicitation Methods e.g. The Delphi Method 7. Student Presentations: Individual Papers -Issues in Risk Management 8. Risk Modeling -Modeling the Causal Chain Discuss Fault Tree Analysis/Event Tree Analysis/Introduce Causal Structure for Risk Management 9. Risk Modeling -Modeling Probability and Consequence Failure Modes and Effect Analysis 10.Case Studies -Schiphole International Airport Risk Analysis Present the concept of acceptable Risk in Schiphol Risk Assessment Study/Discuss Modeling Approach and Data Analysis Approaches in Schiphol Airport Case Study 11.Case Studies -WSF Ferry Risk Assessment Present the Risk Management Approach in WFS Risk Assessment Study/Discuss Modeling Approach and Data Analysis Approaches in WSF Study 12.Case Studies -Overview and Earthquake Damage Assessment Discuss the Modeling Approach for Earthquake Damage Assessments/Earthquake Risk Intervention Priorization 13.Risk Management in Homeland Security Terrorism Risk 14.Class Presentations of Proposals -Proposals Due 実施計画3 その他,教育環境に関する注目すべき点(例) Blackboard その他,教育環境に関する注目すべき点(例) 研究・課題実施上のモラル GWUには, Blackboardというネッ トワークシステムがあ り,そこで講師と履修 登録者との情報のや りとりが行われる.図 には,講義中に課さ れたGIS課題に関す る情報が示されてい る. EMSE233では,まず最初に講 義を受講するうえでの注意事項 が示された.レポート作成およ び試験実施時の剽窃行為に対 する注意,および他者の研究成 果を引用する際の方法につい てなどである. EMSE233 Information Technology in Crisis and Emergency Management Instructed by Prof. Frank Fiedrich Research Projects on Risk Literacy in University of Birmingham リスク・ セキュリティ管理 セキュリティの基礎 セキュリティ技術 リスク学概論 危機管理入門 学群(学部)レベル 各2単位,4単位以上を取得 Why risk literacy is important? What is risk literacy? リ ス ク と 現 代 社 会 Three aspects of risk communication Risk literacy, and its scientific literacy counterpart Level of trust in the risk communicator Reflexivity, or the extent to which risks are responsive to the needs, aspirations and understandings of individuals and the community ‘Risk literacy’ encapsulates: (i) underpinning personal scientific knowledge relating to science in general, including concepts of uncertainty, as well as the risk issues; and (ii) personal interpretation of this knowledge in the context of everyday experience, and the reconciliation of different sources of information. リスクコミュニケーションは,技術者側から一般市民への一方通行的な 「説得」であってはいけない 参加(participation)と信頼(trust)が重要 人々がどのように科学・工学やリスクを理解するか(科学のリテラシ, リスクのリテラシ)を知ることが,技術者にとって重要 → リスクコミュニケーションの講義の中に,リスクリテラシに関する トピックを組み込む.具体的な教授法については調査中. 危機管理と リスクコミュニケーション 大学院レベル 各2単位,4単位以上を取得 Petts J., Wheeley S., Homan J., Niemeyer S., 2003. Risk Literacy and the Public: MMR, Air Pollution and Mobile Phones final report for the Department of Health; Centre for Environmental Research and Training, University of Birmingham, Birmingham http://www.dh.gov.uk/assetRoot/04/07/40/99/04074099.pdf Survey of Researches and Lectures on Risk Management and/or Risk Perception in MIT Interviewee Prof. George Apostolakis (Nuclear Engineering) Prof. Thomas Sheridan (Human-Machine Systems) Prof. Nancy Leveson (Complex systems) Prof. John Hansman (Aeronautics, Astronautics) Prof. Mary Cummings (Systems Engineering) The survey will be conducted in December, 2006. 実施計画4 Example: Syllabus of Engineering Risk-Benefit Analysis for 1st-year graduate students (Prof. Apostlakis) February March 8 13 15 21 22 27 1 6 8 13 15 20 22 Introduction & RPRA1 RPRA 2: Elements of probability theory RPRA 3: Probability distributions RPRA 3: Probability distributions (cont’d) RPRA 4: Availability RPRA 5: Data and epistemic uncertainties; Statistics RPRA 6: Probabilistic Risk Assessment RPRA 6: Probabilistic Risk Assessment (cont’d) Guest Lecture RPRA 7: Risk Management Guest Lecture RPRA Quiz DA 1: セキュリティの基礎 セキュリティ技術 危機管理入門 学群(学部)レベル 各2単位,4単位以上を取得 3 DA 2: The value of perfect information 5 DA 3: The axioms of rational behavior 10 DA 4 & 5: Introduction to utility; Risk Aversion 12 DA 6: Multiattribute utility theory 19 DA7: Decision Analysis and Risk Management 24 Guest Lecture 26 DA Quiz May 1 CBA 1: Background and fundamental premises 3 CBA 2; The time value of money 8 CBA 3: Bases for comparison of alternatives 10 CBA 4: Evaluating public activities 15 Guest Lecture 17 CBA Quiz NOTE: The order of the lectures may be changed to accommodate the schedules of the guest lecturers. Risk Management at CyLab of Carnegie Mellon University Some Education Programs and Education Team at CyLab リスク・ セキュリティ管理 リスク学概論 April リ ス ク と 現 代 社 会 危機管理と リスクコミュニケーション 大学院レベル 各2単位,4単位以上を取得 組織概要:CyLabは,CMUに関係する多くの学部/研究機関が 終結したもので,大学付属研究機関としては,米国最大の 情報セキュリティ研究組織 調査地:5000 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15213 目的:情報セキュリティを主体とした,リスク管理に関する教育 技術の研鑽.情報倫理,法制度を含む教育カリキュラム・ 教授法の開発 内容:教育方法開発プログラムの視察.ヒアリング,意見交換等 CyLab’s education initiatives Professional Graduate Degree Programs Executive Education Capacity Building Programs Awareness and Outreach Programs Interviewee Prof. Don McGillen (Executive Director) Prof. Timothy McNulty (Director for Economic Development) Prof. Dena Haritos Tsamitis (Director for Education, Training, and Outreach) Prof. Pradeep Khosla (Co-Director) Prof. Richard D. Pethia (Co-Director)
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