2nd ITUC World Women’s Conference Women in Leadership – Organisational commitments for the promotion of women 女性の登用に向けた組織的コミットメント Naomi Okamoto Deputy President Japanese Trade Union Confederation (RENGO) Gender Gap Index 2013 by WEF: Japan ranked 105 among the 136 countries - 4 places down from 2012 世界経済フォーラムのジェンダーギャップ指数(GGI):日本は136ヵ国中、105位 (前年比4ランクダウン) : Japan 105 101 ↓ 2 90.0 (%) 77.2 75.7 72.6 76.9 72.0 71.0 75.5 67.6 72.5 67.0 71.4 63.8 69.1 69.2 72.7 70.1 66.1 71.1 67.7 63.2 68.2 62.3 58.8 58.4 45.8 2011 45.7 80.0 70.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 2010 30.0 20.0 10.0 39.5 2001 17.5 13.2 13.3 13.8 16.0 15.0 0.0 15~19 20~24 25~29 30~34 35~39 age 40~44 年齢 45~49 50~54 55~59 60~64 65+ Source: Labour Force Survey, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications - 2001, 2010, 2011 Women employees: 24.2 million - 57.5% are non-regular (precarious) workers 女性の雇用労働者:約2,420万人、うち57.5%が非正規労働者(2012年) (2012) 3 1989 RENGO was formed 1991 1st Action Plan 連合結成 第1次推進計画 “RENGO aims to realise a genderequal society by promoting active participation of women in all fields…” •To increase the share of female union officials to 15% by 2000 各組織の女性役員比率を 2000年まで15%へ 2000 2nd Action Plan 2006 3rd Action Plan 第2次推進計画 第3次推進計画 •To raise the ratio •To ensure that the of women officials & delegates in RENGO organs to the percentage of women members in each organisation by 2006 share of female officials is equal to the percentage of women members by 2012 2012年までに女性組合員比率の 女性役員を選出 諸機関の女性参加率を2006年 までに女性組合員比率とする 「あらゆる分野に女性の 積極的な参加を進め、 男女平等な社会の 実現をはかる」 1st phase 第1段階 2nd phase 第2段階 3rd phase 第3段階 4 Decent work for women and men, and Promotion of women ディーセント・ワークの実現と女性の活躍の促進 Gender equality in employment 雇用における男女平等の実現 Resolving structural problems that hamper women’s participation 女性の参画を阻む構造的問題の解消 Work environment that enables women to work comfortably and continue to work 働きやすく、働き続けられる職場づくり Gender-neutral and lifestyle-neutral tax and social security systems 性やライフスタイルに中立な税・社会保障の確立 4th phase 第4段階 5 Balancing work and family life 仕事と生活の調和 Improving policy measures on work-life balancerelated matters 仕事と生活の両立支援制度などの拡充 Improvement and dissemination of programmes for supporting work-life balance at workplaces 職場における両立支援 制度の定着 Reviewing ways of working and enabling various ways of working under fair working conditions 働き方の見直しと公正な労働条 件での多様な働き方の整備 Raising awareness of gender-equal participation in housework and community activities 地域・家庭における役割・責任の分担 4th phase 第4段階 6 Attracting diverse people and Vitalising the labour movement 多様な仲間の結集と労働運動の活性化 Strengthening efforts for organising 組織拡大の取り組み強化 Producing activities and an environment accessible to both women and men 男女が参加・活躍できる活動づくり Creating a mechanism for women to participate in decision making 女性が意思決定に参画できるしくみの整備 Harmonising union activity with work and family life 組合活動と仕事や生活の調和 4th phase 第4段階 7 100% by 2015 Ratio of organisations (RENGO affiliates, enterprise-based unions, Local RENGOs) that state in their action policies the promotion of gender equality and RENGO’s 3 goals 運動方針に男女平等参画推進と「3つの目標」の取り組みを明記している組織 100% by 2017 Ratio of organisations that elect women as union officials 女性役員を選出している組織 30% by 2020 Share of women as RENGO officials and those in decision-making bodies 連合の役員・機関会議の女性参画率 4th phase 第4段階 8
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