Body Language and Performance Psychology -

Body Language and
Performance Psychology
Learning how to read people and perform better.
-Pupils dilate
Detect lying on deception
Detecting interest from a possible
List some non-verbal cues for the following:
Someone interested
Someone not interested
exposure of elbow crease
Arms fold across chest
long eye contact
Rigid stance
Angled stance
Continuing to square up
to you
Relaxed posture
Touching of the hand, leg,
shoulder or face
Glancing past you
Translate these
-Lifting an eyebrow
-rubbing your nose
-clasping your arms
Protecting ourselves
-wink one eye
Seeking intimacy
-tap finger
Are facial displays of emotion
universal among cultures?
Yes. Theorized by Darwin proven by Ekman,
Friesen, and Sorenson.
Some of the displays are joy, surprise, fear, anger,
disgust, contempt, and shame.
Summarize each of Dr.
Halls’ concepts:
Intimate distance:
Acceptable for family, friends, lovers, and
parent/child (touching 18 inches)
-In confined to indicate w/strangers body must
remain rigid to indicate apology for touching
-Glances are ok but long gazes are seen as completely
Personal Distance
Close (18-30 inches) -wives and
husbands, when others move in it
portrays them as interested , can hold
Far (30-48 inches) called “limit of
physical domination, acceptable for
meeting someone on the street
Social Distance
Close (4-7 feet) transact interpersonal business,
house wife/repairman, meeting someone new,
boss greeting an employee
Far (7-12 feet) Formal social or business
relationships, Big boss and employee. This
distance means steady eye contact during
conversation, failure to do so is disrespectful.
Can allow you to keep working w/out seeming
Public Distance
Close (12-25 feet) teacher addressing
Far (25 or more) Politicians (for
*There are harsh sanctions for
invading these distances
In what way do we use body language to
indicate dominance? How is this done?
Your position in relation to someone else is judged by your height
Seated while they stand
Sitting at the head of the table
In dealing with space, what is the 1st thing
you can do to break down someone's self
assurance? Where is this seen and used?
Intruding upon someone's person and space makes them
uncomfortable and uneasy
Police officers
People trying to start a fight
Men hitting on women
Boss with employees
*Makes the person that is being intruded on feel as if they are a
non-person. They feel disrespect by the other person, as if they
do not care.
T/F Smiling is the most common
mask we wear, and it is one that is
over used.
True. Most masking
techniques are taught through
culture and are considered
“manners” or “etiquette”
When do we drop our masks?
When we are intimately comfortable w/
the person or when we see them as a
*Extreme ends of the spectrum/usually
worn to protect someone's feelings or
our own
In order to develop a
relationship, of any kind, what
must first happen?
Both must unmask and show their
true selves, for if not they can not
become close
How do our emotions manifest themselves
w/out us being aware? Give examples.
Crossing arms in front of chest for protection –frightened
Curled upper lip - disgust
Corners of mouth up turned –enjoyment
Looking away or fighting -embarrassment
Besides your clothes, what is the 1st thing people notice
about you? How can this help you obtain a date?
Stance or Walk
Provides messages as to
your intentions
Uninterested or
Hips forward w/ legs
Arms crossed
Thumbs locked on belt
with fingers pointed
Rigid Posture
Tight Face
Expose neck, elbow
crease, open stance
Counter these by offering up complimentary & opposing body
language. If trying to show interest hold your gaze or glance longer
than appropriate (just a little/ don’t be a creeper) .
What things can be done after gaining someone’s attention
to progress to a more intimate encounter?
After flirting as commenced:
Invade body space minimally enough for obvious
objection. Stay till they become comfortable
Let eyes linger in areas where short glances would be
Stare into her/him while drawing attention to places
like mouth, neck, chest groin.
Attention must be narrowed to that one person, not
spread around to others
What are some ways you can tell if
he/she is available?
Look for a ring or pale skin on the ring finger
Stance while sitting
Knees apart/ holding gaze/ loose posture
Draws attention to mouth, neck, thighs, chest, hips,
Hips forward or loose/ sway or swagger of hips/
shoulders back 7 head up
When on “the make” what rules
are different for a man and
woman? How are they different?
TouchingMen can not touch,
while women can.
*when a man touches a woman
will be seen as being
uncomfortable, while a woman’s
touch is seen as showing a sign of
great interest.
A woman may also adjust her
skirt, uncross her legs, draw
attention to her chest, or pout
her mouth
According to Dr. Scheflen,
what happens to both men
& women upon meeting
someone they are
interested in breeding
-Step 1 Posture Changes
•Muscles Tense
•Body sagging disappears
•Posture becomes erect
•Stomach tightens
•Face Blushes or glows
•Preening begins
•Adjusting of clothes/
hair/ makeup
According to Dr. Scheflen,
what happens to both men
& women upon meeting
someone they are
interested in breeding
Step two- Positioning
Couples will sit together
Face each other
Lean into one another
Use arms to make a circle
Cross their legs towards each other
What are some things a less aggressive woman
might do to convey interest to a man?
Flirting glances
Holding his eye
Turning her head to one side (expose neck)
Rolling her lips
Revealing the top of her thigh by crossing her legs
Putting her hand on her hip
Exposing her wrist or palm
T/F 93% of communication is understood
through the spoken word.
The answer is FALSE
7% spoken 93% body language
What can posture be used to transmit?
• Question
• Protection
• Statement
• Inclusion
• Interest
• Exclusion
• Non- Interest
What are the “rules of thumb” for looking at a
person in the following situations:
Passing someone on the
Must look away when
within 8 feet
Putting a person down:
Stare and continue
People with unusual hair,
clothes, facial hair, hair or
Stare then look away
Make sure to follow these
rules as not to be socially
True/False When studying
kinesics, one must take all of
the following into account:
1. Situation
2. All body movements at the time
3. Any physiological patterns
True- No single motion stands alone, there is always a
In a sequence of
Kines, what body
part needs to change
in order to change
the meaning of the
It’s the
MOUTH, dude!
That’s right it’s your pie hole!
Using the example of Bob, what is a
common trait among successful leaders?
Listening to what followers have to say &
want, then leading them in the that direction.
Imitate body language to denote interest while
subduing signs of disinterest
Not making to many movements without real
What are
some ways
an athlete
can prepare
in order to
perform at a
higher level?
Rank these in
their order of
1. Intense
Practice of
both Physical
and Mental
2. Rest
3. Relaxation
4. Healthy
What must be done prior to performance to
stimulate enhancement of performance?
The participant must go through their physical warm up, and then
needs to become calm and relaxed, almost in a state of meditation, and
start to visualize their performance. This visualization should be as if
the participant is watching a movie, they should be able to rewind, fast
forward, and put it in slow motion.
Explain how visualization helps to
better performance.
Visualization will allow the participant to focus and
concentrate on how they want/need for their body to
react and function in order to perform to their optimal
Visualization also allows the participant to continue to
perform reguardless of what happens around them
during competition, due to the fact that they are still
focused on performing the way they saw in their mind.
Visualization allows for relaxation of the body to
stimulate recovery, and also allows the muscles to react
to the situation the way it was imagined.
Outline the proper way to
visualize prior to performing.
Quite & Relaxed
II. Slow Down Breathing & Heart Rate
III. Become introspective
IV. Start to begin playing movie
V. Check to make sure you can use all of your senses in
the movie
VI. Begin to slowly move back to your normal state
What is key to
performing well?
Having the right mind set and
having confidence in yourself!!