
Middle School Language Support Services
English Excel – SI
6 month to 2 years
ELP Levels 1-3
ELP Levels 3-5
SS/SC Excel – SI
2-4 years
ELP Levels 1-3
Newcomer Program
3 months to 1 year
ELP Level 1
Factors affecting length of specialized language services :
•Educational background (interrupted schooling? ESL services? consistency in
services? transient?);
•Literacy in native language;
•Home support (education of parents, home environment, home language, sibling
support); and
•Grade level transitioning to (gap is wider for upper grade levels, ex: level 2
student in 8th grade).
Priorities for middle services:
Sheltered Instruction teachers also teach nonESL classes;
Newcomer and SI students have lunch and
electives with non-LEP peers;
SI students are clustered for SS/SC to ensure
exposure to various learning experiences; and
Continuous staff development focused on
meeting students’ language and content needs:
students can and must acquire content
knowledge, concepts, and skills at the same time
they improve their English skills, regardless of
their proficiency level.
5-8 Newcomer Program
Self-contained: students are with the newcomer teacher
for 4 core subjects
Students transition upon meeting academic and social
goals (3 months to 1 year)
1. Develop students’ essential basic English language
skills through accelerated, intentional instruction;
2. Assist students with acculturation to U.S. schools,
community, and culture; and
3. Develop students’ school study and social skills.
Sheltered Instruction – English/SS/SC Excel
Intentionally develop students’ language by
planning lessons which incorporate daily
opportunities for students to read, write, and speak
the academic vocabulary and structures necessary
for school success.
Intentionally model and provide instructional
routines that teach and develop students’ school
skills and work habits.
Teach students grade level standards and concepts
by incorporating higher order thinking and crosscontent academic vocabulary use.