ELP Handbook (pdf) - Amador County Unified School District and

Parent Handbook Revised 9/18/2014
ACOE Extended Learning Program Parent Handbook
“The Amador County Extended Learning Program will establish and maintain an educational
environment, which provides all individuals the tools necessary to become lifelong learners. This
quality program will ensure each child the chance to participate responsibly in our changing society.
Our philosophy is to develop a partnership with the parent/guardian and to provide, in their absence,
a safe, nurturing, educational and fun program in a child centered environment.”
Enrollment is open to Amador County Unified School District children age 12 and under, and
Amador County Office of Education (ACOE) State Preschool Students 4 years of age and up,
provided the program can meet the needs of that child. It has long been a policy of the ACOE that
children with special needs would not be denied child care services unless it was clear that their
needs could not be met within the parameters of the program as established. A trial period is
provided to determine whether the Extended Learning Program (ELP) can appropriately and
safely meet the needs of any child. Consideration for placement in the program is evaluated in
terms of enrollment numbers and ELP staff utilization. Unfortunately, the Extended Learning
Program is not always an appropriate option for some children.
Enrollment in the ELP Program shall be granted without discrimination in regard to sex, race,
color, creed or political belief.
ELP is open Monday through Friday. Hours vary according to each school’s hours.
After School:
11:15 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Non-School Days/Summer: 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. at Jackson Elementary School
Snow/Severe Weather Days
ELP sites will remain open whenever possible. If the school closes prior to, during, or after the
normal school day (due to weather or school site emergency), the Extended Learning Program
will also close. There will be no credit for childcare fees due to snow days.
Should hazardous conditions develop during the day, parents are to call ELP to determine if and
when ELP will be closing. Please be ready to cooperate, should early closure be necessary, to
maintain the safety of the children and staff. Always keep your emergency card up-to-date with
correct phone numbers and persons authorized to pick up your child.
In the event of a school closure, parents and/or emergency contacts will be notified by site
personnel. NOTE: If a school closes BEFORE 11:00a.m., children DO NOT go to ELP.
Parent Handbook Revised 9/18/2014
ACOE Extended Learning Program Parent Handbook
The Extended Learning Program is closed on the following holidays:
Independence Day
Labor Day
Veteran’s Day
Day Before Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Day
Day After Thanksgiving
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
New Year’s Eve
New Year’s Day
Martin Luther King Jr.
Lincoln’s Birthday
President’s Day
Memorial Day
After School Rates:
25 – 39 hours: $ 2.95 per hour for first child, $ 2.66 per hour for siblings
40+ hours: $ 2.65 per hour for first child, $ 2.39 per hour for siblings
Non-School Day/Summer Rates:
Full Day: $18.50 per child
Half Day: $11.00 per child (5 hours or less)
Schedules are calculated to the quarter hour.
Minimum requirement per child is 25 hours per month/6.25 hours per week.
Payment for first month’s scheduled hours and $25 registration fee due at time of
It is your responsibility to notify ELP Staff of schedule variances. ELP will not call if your
child doesn’t attend.
Monthly fees are based on the schedule set in place with the Scheduled Hours Contract.
Prior notice must be given for a child to attend on a non-contracted day. Extra days will be
charged according to your regularly contracted daily rate. Minimum days require an
additional fee of two hours which is automatically calculated into your monthly statement
if your child is scheduled to attend.
Children ARE NOT accepted on a drop-in basis.
No transferring/switching days allowed.
Contracts may be changed up to three times per school year (excludes break and nonschool days) with a two-week advanced notice. A $10.00 charge per contract change will
be assessed after the third time.
If additional hours/days are repetitive, you will be required to change your Scheduled
Hours Contract.
Non-School Days, Breaks and Summer Sessions are held at Jackson Elementary School. Preregistration is required as space is limited. Break calendars are due by the date specified.
Parent Handbook Revised 9/18/2014
ACOE Extended Learning Program Parent Handbook
A $25.00 non-refundable registration fee is required for each child, each school year. All
registration forms must be completed, signed and submitted to the Extended Learning Program
Office with payment BEFORE a student is allowed to attend.
A tuition fee schedule is printed on each child’s contract. All fees must be paid in advance of
services and received by the tenth of each month. Parents/guardians are required to pay their
monthly contract even if the child is absent or uses the facility for a minimal amount of time.
NOTE: May and June are billed together and will be payable by the tenth of May.
A $25.00 late fee will be added if payment is not received by the tenth of each month (postmark
dates are not accepted). Failure to make payments on time will result in termination from the
program. It is important that the fees are paid on time and on a consistent basis.
If your account becomes past due, the Amador County Office of Education may be forced to take
legal action. In addition, your child will not be permitted to attend ELP and will be sent to the
school office.
If a check or online payment is returned for non -sufficient funds, there will be a $25.00 processing
charge. In addition, future payments must be made with cash or money order only.
Checks are to be made payable to: Amador County Office of Education (ACOE). Payments can be
dropped off in room 7 or 15 at the District Office, or mailed to:
Amador County Office of Education
Attn: ELP
217 Rex Avenue,
Jackson, CA 95642
Please do not take payment to the ELP Instructor or to the ELP site, they WILL NOT be accepted.
Upon your child’s arrival and/or departure, it is required that you sign your child in and/or out.
You will find your child’s monthly sign-in sheet in alphabetical order in the attendance book. This
procedure is necessary for record keeping. It would also be used in case of emergency evacuation,
to take attendance of all students present. Please do not drop off or take your child from the ELP
site, without signing them in and out AND notifying a staff member that you have arrived/are
Photo identification is required of all persons picking up your child from ELP. If someone other
than the person(s) included on your child’s emergency card is to pick them up, please call or send
a written consent. ELP Staff are NOT permitted to transport your child to or from the center.
Parent Handbook Revised 9/18/2014
ACOE Extended Learning Program Parent Handbook
DROP OFF & PICK UP - continued
No one under 16 years of age will be allowed to pick up/drop off or sign-in/-out a student from the
Extended Learning Program.
It is the parent/authorized person’s responsibility to sign out their student. A full signature is
required (section 1012329.1 CA Dept. of Social Services) and is required by ACUSD/ACOE state
auditors. If the sign out time is left blank, you will be charged until 6:00 p.m. for that day.
ELP charges a late pick-up fee of $25.00 if a parent/guardian fails to pick up their child within five
minutes after 6:00p.m. After 30 minutes, if no one has contacted the center and no emergency
contacts could be reached, the Sheriff’s Department and/or Child Protective Services may be
If a parent/guardian is late more than three times, it may result in termination from the program.
If you wish to withdraw your child from the program, a minimum 2-week notice is required. You
are contractually obligated to pay for those two weeks even if your child does not attend.
Each family is allowed to take one week off (in a one week increment) during the school year for
vacation if your student has been in the Extended Learning Program for one year (12 consecutive
months), and not be billed for the time off. Please notify the ELP Office at least two weeks in
advance so adjustments may be made to the staff schedule. CREDIT WILL NOT BE GIVEN IF
ADVANCE NOTICE IS NOT RECEIVED. If a child does not return from vacation as scheduled and
staff is not notified, they may be dropped from the program.
By enrolling your child in ELP, you are reserving the time, space, staffing and provisions for your
child whether or not they attend.
For the safety and welfare of your child, you are required to call the ELP site when you know that
your child will not be attending on a particular day.
It is important to inform ELP staff when your child is ill or when your child will not be attending
Extended Day. A credit may be given if your child is out ill for four or more days IF notice was
given to ELP staff on the first day of the illness.
If your child does not attend school for the day, they may not attend ELP. If your child has been
suspended or expelled from school, they may not attend ELP. No refunds or credits will be issued.
Parent Handbook Revised 9/18/2014
ACOE Extended Learning Program Parent Handbook
It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to verify that children are healthy before sending them to
ELP. The staff is required to send all children home who are ill. ELP Staff has the authority to
refuse any child who shows signs of illness and their judgment is final.
If your child becomes ill with a contagious illness you need to notify the Extended Learning site. It
is your responsibility to keep your child at home during the contagious period and until the illness
is no longer present.
ELP staff cannot give your child medication unless there is a completed Medication in School form
on file. In order for medications to be administered, Education Code states that the Extended
Learning Program must receive the Medication in School form with a doctor’s authorization. All
It is the parent’s responsibility to transport medication and authorization form to all ELP sites as
necessary. This form may be obtained from any ELP staff member or from the school office.
Please inform ELP staff of any allergies or allergic symptoms prior to your child’s admittance to
ELP. This should include food and medication allergies. Allergies should be disclosed on your
child’s Emergency Card.
Toilet Training
Children must be completely potty trained and able to use the bathroom independently. The
Extended Learning Program cannot risk contamination of surfaces that other children touch if a
child has an “accident” at ELP. In the event of an “accident”, you will be contacted to pick up
your child immediately.
Should a fire or any other type of emergency take place, children will be relocated according to
each school’s emergency plan. Should a child need medical attention, an attempt will be made to
notify their parent/guardian. If they cannot be reached, medical attention will be sought at a local
The Extended Learning Program operates under the following policies and general expectations
for behavior:
Students will maintain an attitude of courtesy and respect toward other students, staff, and
physical surroundings at all times.
Parent Handbook Revised 9/18/2014
ACOE Extended Learning Program Parent Handbook
The following behaviors will not be tolerated:
Verbal or physical aggressiveness and/or excessive physical contact
Defiance of authority
Inappropriate behavior and/or language
Disruptive or out of control behavior
Lack of consideration and rudeness towards others
Also, electronic devices and expensive or valuable toys are prohibited unless preauthorized as an
exception by the Instructor, Supervisor, or Director. ELP is not responsible for loss, theft or
Children must comply with all regular school rules and with the directions of after school staff.
The Instructor will post site rules and discuss them with the children. ELP’s disciplinary guidelines
are as follows:
Student will have a verbal warning with a staff/child conference.
Time out
Written/verbal parent notification
A conference with staff and/or district representative concerning ongoing, unacceptable
5. Parent/Guardian notification to remove child from facility
6. Possible suspension/expulsion
7. If a child demonstrates excessive, malicious, or dangerous behavior, the parent OR
emergency contact must be available to pick the student up, IMMEDIATELY.
The Director of ELP may suspend or terminate any student from the program for up to one year if
it is determined that an unsafe situation for children and/or staff exists. An unsafe situation
occurs when the health, safety, and well-being of the children and/or staff is compromised.
A family will be terminated for using abusive, intimidating and/or threatening behavior towards an
employee or child of the Amador County Office of Education Extended Learning Program.
To ensure the safety of all students and staff, any threat will be taken seriously and a referral may
be made to law enforcement.
The Extended Learning Program has an obligation to provide a safe environment for those who
use its program and takes pride in doing so. ELP is also pleased to promote good behavior though
praise, recognition and positive reinforcement.
Parent Handbook Revised 9/18/2014
ACOE Extended Learning Program Parent Handbook
Each child must have an original Emergency Card on file with the names, addresses and phone
numbers (work and home) of local people you wish to be contacted in the event of an emergency,
when you, the parent or guardian, cannot be reached. Your child will only be released to those
listed on their Emergency Card. The form is not considered complete without at least two (2) local
people and their home and work phone numbers. Only the contracted parent can submit the
completed Emergency Card with the names and phone numbers of the authorized persons
allowed to pick up the child. Any custodial parent may pick up at any time unless stipulated by
court order or restraining order against such authorization. These orders must be on file with the
In addition, an emergency contact may be contacted if a parent appears to be under the influence
of drugs or alcohol. Staff members are prohibited to release any student(s) under such suspicion
and authorities may be notified.
Each site will have an INFORMATION BULLETIN BOARD where general information, special
notices, reminders and pertinent information are posted. Be sure to check each day!
The Extended Learning Program is not responsible for any personal items lost, stolen or damaged
during program hours.
Open communication is important for the best interest of your children. If you have any
suggestions, questions or concerns with the child care please feel free to discuss them directly
with ELP Staff or the program Director.
Questions concerning accounts should be directed to the ELP Office at (209) 257-5423.
Parent Handbook Revised 9/18/2014
ACOE Extended Learning Program Parent Handbook
Extended Learning Program Staff Contact Information
District Office
Margie Plant
(209) 257-5396
(209) 257-5380 fax
[email protected]
District Office
Angela Johnson
Admin. Assistant
(209) 257-5423
217 Rex Ave.
(209) 257-5380 fax
Jackson, CA 95642
[email protected]
Ione Elementary
Jennifer Henderson
(209) 257-7024
(209) 274-6906 emergency
415 So. Ione St.
Ione, CA 95640
Jackson Elem.
Brittany Scrivner
(209) 257-5629
(209) 223-3914 emergency
220 Church St.
Jackson, CA 95642
Pine Grove Elem.
Deborah McCrorey
(209) 296-0633
(209) 296-0633 emergency
20101 Hwy 88
Pine Grove, CA 95665
Plymouth Elem.
Laura Carl
(209) 257-7024
(209) 245-4308 emergency
1060 Sherwood St.
Plymouth, CA 95669
Sutter Creek Prim.
Dana Knight
(209) 257-7108
(209) 267-0387 emergency
110 Broad St.
Sutter Creek, CA
217 Rex Ave.
Jackson, CA 95642
Parent Handbook Revised 9/18/2014