Nuclear matter in neutron stars investigated by experiments and astronomical observations 実験と観測で解き明かす 中性子星の核物質 A research project applying a Grant-in-Aid to create a new science area (~15M USD) 科研費新学術領域 (15億円) 申請中 H. Tamura Department of Physics, Tohoku Unviersity 1. Motivation World of matter made of u, d, s quarks Nu ~ Nd ~ Ns Strangeness in neutron stars ( r > 3 - 4 r0 ) Strangeness “Stable” Strange hadronic matter (A → ∞) Higher density LL, X Hypernuclei Z -2 L, S Hypernuclei N -1 0 3-dimensional nuclear chart by M. Kaneta inspired by HYP06 conference poster Maximum mass of n stars and hyperon mixing NN+NNN NN+NNN NN+NNN + YN + YY NN+NNN + YN + YY Radius central density Z.H. Li and H.-J. Schulze, PRC78(2008) 028801 1.44M n-star mass seems to be explained by hyperon mixing. (but slightly too light) Heavy neutron star? Shapiro delay Heavy neutron star? Nature 467 (2010) 1081 J1614-2230 (1.97 ± 0.04)Msun To obtain robust error estimates, we used a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) approach to explore the post-fit χ space and derive posterior probability distributions for all timing model parameters Hyperon mixing in neutron stars Hyperon (and kaon) fractions are sensitive to hyperon (kaon) potentials (YN, YY, KbarN interactions) We need: XN force (both I = 1 and 0), LL force SN force (I =3/2 (S-n) is particularly important) KbarN force (both I=1 and 0) LN-SN and LNN force, LN p-wave force, … n-star nuclear density n-star exp. UL= -30 MeV 存在比率 nuclear density Nu ~ Nd ~ Ns assumption exp. UL= -30 MeV ~exp assumption EOS constraints from astronomical observations Thermonuclear Burst in X-ray Binaries 4U 1608-248 EXO 1745-248 4U 1820-30 Probability of EOS P(e) Ozel et al., arXiv: 1002.3153 [astro-ph.HE] ? A. W. Steiner, et al., arXiv:1005.0811 Radius assuming isotropic black-body (flux + temperature) and Eddington flux Better understanding of nuclear matter in nuclear physics More and reliable data for radius from X ray observations => EOS can be determined. 2. Our Project ASTRO-H EOS covering wide range of r, p/n asymmetry, strangeness D: theory World-best two accelerators and astronomical satellite RIBF neutron star C: astronomical X-ray observation ⇒radius and mass J-PARC A: strangeness nuclear physics r < 2r0 r r > 2r0 B: neutron-rich nuclei Ultra-cold atomic gas ⇒ asymmetric nuclear matter and thin neutron matter ⇒ Interactions between strange particles Neutron star matter and our research subjects D01: Theoretical studies on neutron stars and nuclear matter Ohnishi (YITP) [fm-3] A02: Multi-strange baryon-baryon interactions Takahashi (KEK) A01: Strangeness in neutron-rich matter Tamura (Tohoku) B02: High-density neutron-rich nuclear matter Murakami (Kyoto) B01①: Collective motions of neutron-rich nuclei B01②: di-neutron correlation Baryon density B01③: Ultra-cold Fermi gas systems n, p, L, X,.. ? n nuclei + n B01: neutron-rich medium/low density nuclear matter Nakamura (TIT) C01: Neutron stars studied by observation of cosmic X rays and g rays Takahashi (JAXA) Fraction 研究組織 X00 実験と観測で解き明かす中性子星の核物質 Nuclear matter in neutron stars investigated by experiments and astronomical observations 田村 裕和(東北大) H. Tamura (Tohoku) A01 中性子過剰核物質中のストレンジネス Strangeness in neutron-rich nuclear matter 田村 裕和(東北大) H. Tamura (Tohoku) A02 多重ストレンジネスのバリオン間相互作用 Multi-strangeness baron-baryon interactions 高橋俊行(KEK) T. Takahashi (KEK) B01 中性子過剰な低密度核物質の物性 Properties of low/medium density neutron-rich nuclear matter 中村隆司(東工大) T. Nakamura (TIT) B02 高密度中性子過剰核物質の状態方程式 EOS of high-density neutron-rich nuclear matter 村上哲也(京大) T. Murakami (Kyoto) C01 宇宙X線・ガンマ線観測による中性子星研究の新展開 高橋忠幸(JAXA) New development of neutron star studies by cosmic T. Takahashi (JAXA) X-ray and g-ray observations D01 中性子星と核物質の理論研究 Theoretical studies on neutron stars and nuclear matter 大西 明(京大基研) A. Ohnishi (YITP, Kyoto) A: Strange nuclear matter at J-PARC A01: Strangeness in neutron-rich matter New!! Tamura (Tohoku) S+p, S-p scattering exp. Miwa,… -> SN interactions(in particular, S+p = S-n interaction) 下線は分担者 Spectroscopy of n-rich L hypernuclei (E10) Sakaguchi,... g-spectroscopy of hypernuclei (E13) Tamura, Koike,.. -> LN, LN-SN (LNN) interaction in n-rich matter K- nuclear bound states (E15) Outa, Iwasaki,.. -> KbarN interaction T. Takahashi (KEK) A02: Multi-strangeness baryon-baryon interactions X hypernuclear spectroscopy (E05) Nagae,… X atomic X-rays (E03) Tanida,… LL hypernuclei and X atomic X-rays (E07) Nakazawa,… New!! S= -2 resonance Sato, Imai,... -> LL, XN, XN-SN interactions, H dibaryon-like state e ( r , ) = e ( r ,0) + Esym 2 + ... e ( r , ) =matter e ( r ,0) + E at +RIBF ... B: EOS of neutron-rich r -r N -Z 2 sym = n p 2= rn - r p N - Z = = r A e ( r , ) = e ( r ,0) + Ersym + ...A r n - r p N - 1Z 2 E p0 1 2 E K 0 p0 2 E = = a + r r + r r + ... E = = a + r r + = =sym 4 0 0 2 sym 4 2 0 2 2 2 2 2 r 1 r 18 r r A 0 0 0 =0 =0 p0 dipole resonance K 0 1 2E 2 Pigmy Esym = = a + r r + r r + ... 4 0 0 2 2 2 Neutron 2 =0 rof0 n-skin nuclei18r0 matter unknown ? ? ? ?? Nakamura (TIT) n-skin Core r <~ r0 Monopole (E0) giant resonance (breathing mode) of n-rich nuclei Di-neutron correlation, 4-n states N-rich nucleus-nucleus collisions 52Ca+48Ca, 132Sn+124Sn, … r0 Ultra-cold Fermi gas systems Horikoshi (Tokyo) -> Properties of low density neutron matter < r < 2r0 Murakami (Kyoto) r << r0 C: X-ray observations Observables for radius T. Takahashi (JAXA) • kHz QPO (quasi periodic oscillation) Periodic X ray burst from a nuclear fusion spot orbiting near the surface of the n star Several data samples exist. • Red shift (~30%) of absorption lines from the surface of the n star Only a few data samples exist. ASTRO-H: 2014~ ~10 good samples of kHz QPO and red shift for radius expected. Better X-ray detectors should be developed for future Present constraints to mass-radius relation D01: Theory group (slide by Ohnishi) 計画班研究代表者 大西 明(基研、班長):中性子星と核物質の理論研究 分担研究者 松尾正之(新潟大):中性子対相関とダイニュートロン 原田 融(大阪電通大):ハイパー核の生成と構造 中田 仁(千葉大):n-rich 物質の状態方程式 飯田 圭(高知大): 中性子星の諸現象 巽 敏隆(京大): 高密度物質における非一様凝縮 小野 章(東北大): 重イオン衝突から探る対称エネルギー 土手昭伸(KEK): K中間子を含む原子核と核物質 木村真明(北大): 中性子過剰ハイパー核の構造 連携研究者: 国広(京大)、西崎(岩手大)、親松(愛知淑徳大)、丸山(敏)(JAEA)、 阿武木(東京理科大)、大橋(慶應大)、柴崎(立教大) D01: Theory group (slide by Ohnishi) 中性子対相関と低密度中性子物質(松尾、中田、木村、(阿部(喬)、関)、...) 中性子物質におけるギャップの第一原理計算 Abe, Seki, 2009 密度による相互作用の強度変化→BEC-BCS cross over 中性子過剰核におけるダイニュートロン相関 対称エネルギーの密度依存性 (中田、小野、飯田、...) r0 での対称核物質では圧力0→ 対称エネルギーが中性子星を支える 有限レンジ相互作用(M3Y)を用いたHF GMR、重イオン衝突から対称エネルギーへ ストレンジネス混合(原田、土手、木村、大西、...) ハイペロン-核相互作用 → ΛからΣ、Ξへ(Hypernuclear Sym. E. ?) 構成要素としての中間子(K, π, ..) M=1.67 Msun を支える3体力 クォーク物質(巽、飯田、国広、阿武木、...) 非一様カイラル凝縮(~ π 凝縮)の再発見 超新星爆発での相転移の影響 → Quarkyonic物質、カラー超伝導、 X線観測と中性子星物質状態方程式 (飯田、大西、中田、巽、...) TOV方程式を使うと、M(R) versus P(ε) は1対1対応 半径と質量の同時測定 →状態方程式へ( Baym et al., Lattimer et al.) →国内での研究者はほぼいないので、ここで組織して共同研究を開始!(観測+理 論) パスタ原子核(飯田、親松、丸山、....) How to use money + shared use A01: Detector system for YN scattering exp. (fiber trackers) Development of high-rate beam line trackers Fast readout system for Hyperball-J A02: Emulsion, emulsion scanning system DSSD for LL nuclei and X X-rays Decay particle detector (TPC) for S=-2 resonance B01: A new generation neutron counters => A01 kaonic nucleus, … g-ray calorimeter (LaBr crystal array etc.) => A01 hypernuclear g rays Laser cooling system for cold atoms B02: TPC in SAMURAI CsI forward calorimeter +NEBULA SAMURAI C01: Development of new X/g-ray detectors (Compton camera w/ Ge, CdTe, Si..) => can be tested in J-PARC/RIBF D01: PD’s Workshops (NEutron Detection System for Breakup of Unstable Nuclei with Large Acceptance) 3. Summary Combined with nuclear physics experiments and astronomical observations, nuclear matter EOS in neutron stars will be able to be determined. The proposed project combines researches on A: Strangeness nuclear physics experiments at J-PARC B: Neutron-rich nuclear experiments at RIBF + Ultra-cold Fermi atoms by laser cooling C: X-ray observations by ASTRO-H satellite D: Theoretical studies in order to determine THE EOS covering wide ranges of density, asymmetry, and including strangeness. We are applying a grant (15M USD for 5 years in total) to MEXT.
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