Summary of Proposed Reliability Standard NUC-001-3

Summary of Proposed Reliability
Standard NUC-001-3
Reliability Standards Authority: NERC
NUC-001-3 – Nuclear Plant Interface Coordination
This standard requires coordination between Nuclear Plant
Generator Operators and Transmission Entities for the
purpose of ensuring safe operation and shutdown of nuclear
power plants.
Change Type:
Revised based on the recommendations arising from NERC’s
obligatory periodic review of reliability standards.
Applicable Functional Entities:
All Transmission Entities
Non-Ansi Standard:
Ballot Results:
Quorum 88.63%, Approval 97.23%
Technical Impact in Ontario:
Costs of Implementation:
Ontario Participant Support:
Ontario voted for the standard.
Reliability Standard Milestone
August 14, 2014
September 15, 2014
September 25, 2014
January 13, 2015
Adopted by NERC Board of Trustees
NERC Petition for Regulatory Approval
IESO Posting Date
End of OEB Review Period
FERC Order Issued
US Mandatory Enforcement Date
Ontario Enforcement Date (Milestones in Reliability
Standard Development and Lifecycle)
NERC filed for regulatory approval Reliability Standard NUC-001-3 to replace the currently
effective NUC-001-2.1 reliability standard. The proposed standard requires a nuclear plant
generator operator to coordinate operations and planning with transmission entities providing
services relating to nuclear plant operating and off-site power delivery requirements. The
NERC Reliability Standard Brief
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nuclear plant generator operators and transmission entities must execute and implement
interface agreements setting forth expectations and procedures for coordinating operations to
meet the nuclear plant licensing requirements and system operating limits affecting nuclear
plant operations.
The proposed reliability standard carries forward the obligations from the currently effective
standard, but contains several improvements, many of which are intended to provide clarity by
improving the structure and language over the currently effective version. The most substantial
revision clarifies that all agreements are not required to address each of the elements identified
in Requirement R9, but that the agreements taken as a whole must address all elements.
There are no technical and no financial impacts anticipated with the proposed standard.
Other Salient Information:
The IESO is not aware of any other significant factors.
NERC Reliability Standard Brief
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