Chinese Language Partners Program Welcome!

Chinese Language Partner Program
Please sign in
Please take one nametag and one index
On the index card, please draw a picture of
yourself or some thing(s) that are
important to you (which you will present to
others later)
Program Goals
To foster language & culture exchange
between Chinese speakers, and students
of Chinese
 To meet needs/interests of participants
 To build bridges (personal, cultural,
Program Activities
Conversation partnerships (one-on-one
or small groups)
◦ Follow-up on this semester—how did it go?
Cultural events:
◦ Short films & discussion
◦ Chinese New Year (Late January/early
Other activities?
Peer Sharing & Learning
How do we learn more about a language
and culture?
 Learning through interaction (video)
Why participate?
Conversational language practice
 Opportunity to ask ‘insider’ questions
about language and culture (regional,
social, academic, discipline-specific,
current events)
 Chance to share what you know
 Chance to explore ‘fun stuff’ in the other
Making Connections
Form small groups (one native speaker of
Chinese, three learners of Chinese)
Each person will introduce self to group
by explaining what is on his/her index
◦ Chinese and English both encouraged!
◦ Allot 3-5 minutes for each person. (Group members
can ask questions.)
Ground Rules for Partnerships
Share ‘bio sketch’ sheet with your partner/group
members at or before first meeting (will receive
by e-mail)
 Meet 3-4 times this semester (schedule in
advance, lock in dates, 48 hour notice to
 Bring something to share each time (website,
article, food, list of expressions, personal item,
music, etc.)
 Bring a question each time (Cultural topic?
Something you don’t understand? Current event?
Creating Partnerships
Identify a person/group you could partner
 Get partner contact information
 Schedule a first meeting date/time now
 Write partner(s) names on sign-up sheet
(before leaving)
 You will receive a ‘bio sketch’ sheet by email to share with your partner/group
Tell your friends!
Please tell your friends, colleagues,
classmates about the program
Send e-mail to [email protected] to join
the list.
Thanks for coming!