Presentation Outline 1. Introduction 2. Current Scenarios ( Why FP is essential ? ) 3. Issues & Challenges 4. The Way Forward 5. Conclusion 1. Background Introduction • The timber/wood industry - one of the key contributors in the State development and economic growth. • In 1991, log production from the natural forests has peaked - 19.4 million cubic meters. • In 1997, the State Government decided to embark on plantation forests - to supplement the production & to relief pressure of natural forests. - Ensure the sustainability of wood supply for local processing mills & the wood-based industries. Background (cont…) • Forests Ordinance amended & Planted 1997 Forests Rules adopted to provide establishment and regulations for FP. • 1st Licence 1998 issued. for Planted Forest(LPF) 2011 • Trial harvesting of FP started. • Production from natural forests decreased 2013 to 8.2 million m³ while that from planted forests increased to 537,000 m³. Distribution of Licences for Planted Forests (LPFs) in Sarawak Summary Of Licenses for Planted Forest In Sarawak No. of LPFs Gross Area (ha) Plantable Area (ha) 43 2,819,974 1,595,790 Area Planted (ha) - Jun 2014- 335,049 2. Current Scenarios Why Forest Plantation Essential ? Overview of Log Production • Bulk of log supply still comes from the natural forests. • Harvesting of timber in PF is in the initial years. • Timber production from natural forests is declining, while that from planted forests is increasing. Annual Log Production from Natural Forests Annual Log Production from Natural Forests Year Production (m3) 1980 1985 1990 1991 1995 2000 2005 2010 2013 8,399,069 12,285,328 18,873,760 19,410,900 16,091,920 14,274,049 12,036,153 10,151,766 8,211,078 Log Production from Planted Forests (2011- 2013) 600000 (m³) 500000 400000 300000 200000 100000 0 2011 2012 2013 YEAR 2011 2012 2013 Production (m³) 62,741 253,171 537,752 Demand On Timber For Local Processing • Mills capacity – Installed capacity = 11.3 million m3 / year – Summary of Mills Capacity No. 1 2 Types Sawmill Veneer & Plywood Total (m3 ) No. of mills Total capacity (m3 ) 167 4,778,200 73 6,555,700 240 11,333,900 Mills Consumption (Operative Capacity) • Operative capacity -- between 6.5 - 8.5 million m3/year. • Breakdown Of Consumption: 1. Sawmills - about 2mil. m3/year (40% of IC). 2. Veneer & Plywood - about 5.5mil. m3/year (80%IC). Progress Development of FP • In 1998, 1st LPF was issued – produce chips meant for pulp and paper production. • Since then, another 42 LPFs have been issued. • Gross LPF area -- over 2.8 million hectares. • Species planted are mainly fast growing species with short rotation of ranging from 7-15 years depending of its intended end uses. Progress Development of FP (cont…) • Aim to achieve a target of 1 million hectares of PF. • The progress of forest plantation development is slow -- about 20,000 ha/year planted. • To date only about 335,000 hectares have been planted. • LPF holders are now required to come up with catch-up plans to accelerate their planting in line with the approved TPP. Growing Stocks And Species • Choice of species: – at the prerogative of licensees depending on anticipated market demands & industry needs. • Main species planted: – Acacia species (69%), Batai (14%) & Eucalyptus pellita (8%). • Other Species planted: – Kelampayan (Neomalarckia cadamba) (6%), Rubber & Dipterocarps species (3%). Total Planted Area (Ha) By Species No. 1 2 3 4 Species Acacia spp. Batai (P. falcataria falcataria)) Eucalyptus spp. Kelampayan (N. cadamba cadamba)) Others 5 (Rubber, Meranti Meranti,, Kapur,, Keruing etc Kapur etc)) GRAND TOTAL Area Planted (Ha) (%) 230,110 69 46,457 14 26,527 8 20,833 6 11,122 3 335,049 100% Incentives for FP Establishment The incentives from State Government are: • Licence tenure of 60 years (4 - 6 rotations). • Conditional exemption of annual land rent up to 6 years from the issuance of licence. • Exemption of royalty and cess payment during the trial harvesting. • Policy of allowing 20% of the plantable area for oil palm - one rotation cycle of 25 years only. • Rights to salvage standing timber prior to land clearing. The Federal Government incentives are are:: • Tax exemptions & rebate in FP investment. • Soft Loan given by the Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities (MPIC) and implemented through Forest Plantation Development Sdn Bhd (FPDSB), a subsidiary company of MTIB under the Ministry . 3. ISSUES & CHALLENGES IN FOREST PLANTATIONS Factors Contributed To Slow Progress Of FP Development • Manpower Shortage. • Land disputes or conflicts with locals. • Natural Calamities (Pest & Diseases, Forest Fires & Windthrow) • High Investment Risk & Opportunity foregone. • Lack of co-ordinated Industrial R&D Programmes on forest plantation. Manpower Shortage • Local workers - not keen to work due to poor working environment & unattractive wages. • State Foreign Labour Policy - restricts only Indonesians in forest plantations & workers from other foreign countries are not allowed. • Shortage of local expertise in forest plantation as they are uncertain of their career prospects. Land Disputes • Land claims by the locals but cannot be confirmed as Native Customary Land (NCL) by the land authority. • The LPF holders cannot just enter by force without having amicable solutions with the claimants. • Hence, delayed the Planting progress. Pest & Diseases ( Isolated cases reported) No. Species 1. Acacia species Batai Pest and Diseases/ symptoms Ceratocystis, Red Root Rot (Ganorderma), Termite, Shoot Dieback, Skeletonising of Leaves (Cricket). (P. falcataria) Defoliator (Bagworm, Yellow Butterflies), Chewing (Deer) E. deglupta Ring Borer; Trunk Breakage, Tips Cut-off (Cricket); Termite. 4. E. pellita Stem Canker; Sap Sucking Insect; Dieback/Tips Cut-off (Cricket & Katydids); Root Rot. 5. Kelampayan/ Laran 2. 3. 6. (N. cadamba) Leave Roller/Eater (Moths), Skeletonising, Rolling Of Leave; Chewing (Deer & Wild Boar); Borer. Rubber (LTC) Root decay Forest Fire § No serious fire outbreak reported in LPF plantation. § Cases - destroyed experimental planted plots in Sabal Forest Reserve and Oya Road Forest Reserve. § Caused by carelessness . lightning & human § Pose serious threats to our PF especially during dry seasons (May- Sept). Windthrow § Could cause serious damages to our forest plantations. § Big patches of trees in planted forests could be uprooted, broken or tilted because of strong winds. E.g … § Cause huge investment loss to LPF holders. High Investment Risk & Commitment Need Real Full Commitment from LPF holders because of investment risk : § Long gestation period. § Huge capital investment. § Damages caused by pest & diseases, and natural disasters (fire & windthrow). § Fluctuating global timber market prices. § Opportunity foregone. Lack Of Coordinated R & D Programmes • Lack of coordination among LPF holders on R&D Programme • Each group/LPF doing their own R&D on tree improvement without sharing their findings. • Results: Repetition of work; little new R&D progress & findings (unproductive). 4. THE WAY FORWARD to ensure FP roles in the wood-based industry sustainability § LPF holders planting. require to accelerate their § Salvaging of standing timber in natural forests shall be confined to plantable area and should not be too far ahead of planting – no unnecessary damages to the nature forests. § Excluding unplantable areas from the licence. § Intensifying R&D on high quality planting materials & should be made readily available. THE WAY FORWARD cont… § Enhancing control of pest and diseases, plantation harvesting & utilization of timber efficiency from FP. § Developing sound land management practices engagement with locals. § Embarking on Certification. Forest disputes through Plantation 5. CONCLUSION § Finally, in view of the decreasing wood production from the Natural forests & increasing production from the plantation forests. - Forest plantation – is deniably becoming essential in the sustainability of wood production & wood-based industries survival in Sarawak. - In the years to come, any shortfall in production from natural forests to sustain the needs of the local wood-based industries shall be met from the production of Plantation Forests. THANK YOU Acacia mangium Nursery LPF/0043 Bintulu/SPF Eucalyptus pellita Nursery LPF/0037- Merabong/RH Paraserianthes falcataria Nursery - LPF/0018 /Belaga/SY Neolarmarckia cadamba Nursery - LPF/0021 Paong/SL Eucalyptus pellita (1 year) - LPF/0028 Mengiong/RH Gmelina arborea (1½ years) - LPF/0021- Paong/ SL Paraserianthes falcataria(6 years) - LPF/0018 – Belaga/ SY Acacia mangium (10 year)-LPF/0004 – K. Baram/SL Harvesting- LPF/0043- SPF / GP LPF/0003 Daiken Harvesting at LPF/0043 – SPF/GP LPF/0003 Daiken Re-planting LPF/0043 SPF ---- Bye ---
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