INTERNATIONAL WORKCAMPS PROGRAMME 2015 IN MEXICO AMVIAC AMVIAC (Mexican Association of International Volunteering A.C.) was born on the December the 5th, 2014 at the initiative of Mexican ex-‐volunteers and professionals wishing to participate in the transformation of the country through the integration of the International Volunteering in projects in Mexico organized by civil associations, municipalities, communities and organized groups. This transformation of Mexico materialises as well by sending Mexican young people to projects abroad with the idea that this experience can, upon their return to the country, encourage them to engage more actively in the work of their community. VISION The association's vision is the transformation of Mexican society, especially youth, giving them opportunities to travel and to live unique experiences as volunteers both in Mexico and abroad participating in projects of general interest and reverting that experience in their communities, schools , families, neighbourhoods, organizations and jobs, for the betterment of our country. ACTIVITIES OF AMVIAC WEEKEND WORKCAMPS - AMVIAC proposes workcamps for groups and individuals wishing to participate in specific actions proposed by organizations, communities and institutions over a weekend. INTERNATIONAL WORKCAMPS - Organized jointly with civil associations, municipalities and other institutions, international volunteering camps are spaces for exchange and encounter between people from different backgrounds and cultures, gathered to support as volunteer a project of Community interest in the educational, social, environmental or cultural areas. MEDIUM AND LONG TERM VOLUNTEERING –The association integrates national and international volunteers in projects with duration of 1 up to 12 months. During this period, the volunteer is an added value to the project complementing the work done by the host organization and it represents a unique experience for both, the volunteer and the host organization. CAMPAIGNS – AMVIAC participates in the mobility campaign of the use of bicycle promoted by several organizations. Concretely, the organization is a promoter of the Ride Safe in your City and Ride for Peace campaigns in the city of Cuautla. MEETINGS - In order to maintain regular communication, the association meets several times a year to evaluate their actions reflect on various issues, take decisions and spend moments of conviviality. PRESENTATIONS - Promoting volunteering is done, among other means, through presentations at various spaces such as schools, universities, specialized academic institutions, youth groups, offices of Tourism, Youth Institutes and others. VOLUNTEERING ABROAD - AMVIAC sends young people from 15 years old on to international volunteer projects in more than 20 countries in all regions of the world. These projects are organized by associations, municipalities, local groups in those countries and promoted by our partner organizations. To our international partners INTERNATIONAL VOLUNTEERING IN MEXICO: This programme presents the work that has been prepared by AMVIAC and its partner organisations in Mexico with the purpose to increase the number of existing projects already proposed by other Mexican organisations so more people, both Mexican and foreigners, have the opportunity to live this experience. Our camps are open to people 18 years old and over, Adults, Seniors and families. People with certain incapacities are welcomed to participate previous approval of AMVIAC. The themes of the workcamps reflect the priorities established by the General Assembly of AMVIAC which are Education, Environment, Cultural Heritage and Cooperation, although some other themes could be addressed in various projects. In all projects, the camp leaders will address the Sustainable Development Goals Post2015 in order to make participants aware about them but mainly to raise awareness of people about the importance of carrying them out in every day life. The camps are planned to host as many Mexican young people as possible because there is a need for our youth to join these type of projects as the cost of traveling abroad is, by far, the biggest restriction they have to participate in international voluntary service projects. All camps have a participation fee of $3,000 Mexican pesos that can be paid upon arrival or by PayPal before the camp starts. AMVIAC and its partners in Mexico do not receive funding from the government or any other institution. The fees requested to volunteers as participation fees are used essentially to cover for accommodation and food. Sometimes the project host or organizer provides accommodation but there are always costs related to the stay of volunteers. A part of your fee is to cover administration costs, preparation and evaluation of the camps. The regions of intervention are Morelos, Distrito Federal and Guanajuato in Central Mexico and Chiapas in the Southern part of the country. AMVIAC has among its members several ex-volunteers and former camp leaders who will support in the leading of the camps together with local young people who know the context and the projects and can facilitate the integration and communication with the local communities. The workcamps last between 12 and 15 days hosting a maximum of 15 volunteers. There will be camps from June until December some in rural some in urban areas. There is no official language and we hope all the foreign participants are keen to learn some Spanish. There are no possibilities for the moment for AMVIAC to provide insurance during the workcamps, therefore volunteers are expected to bring their own insurance. Consuming drugs is NOT allowed and will not be tolerated, as the drug situation in our country is quite delicate regarding this issue. We ask you to prepare well your volunteers and advice them to restrain from using any type of drugs. INTERNATIONAL WORKCAMPS LIST 2015 in MEXICO CODE NAME REGION DATES Nº VOLS THEME AMVIAC-‐MUSIC-‐2015 FIESTA OF THE MUSIC MORELOS 08/06–22/06 15 FESTIVAL ART AMVIAC-‐TSOMAN-‐1 TSOMANOTIK 1 CHIAPAS 15/06-‐26/06 10 AMVIAC-‐XOCHIM-‐2015 ª XOCHIMILCO DISTRITO FEDERAL 22/06-‐04/07 15 AMVIAC-‐TSOMAN-‐2 TSOMANOTIK 2 CHIAPAS 06/07-‐18/07 10 BIO-‐ CONSTRUCTION AMVIAC-‐XOCHIC-‐2015 * ª XOCHICALCO MORELOS 11/07-‐25/07 15 CULTURAL HERITAGE AMVIAC-‐TREN-‐2015 ª SCENIC TRAIN CUAUTLA MORELOS 12/07-‐25/07 15 CULTURAL HERITAGE AMVIAC-‐ZACUA-‐WHV * ZACUALPAN DE AMILPAS MORELOS 12/07-‐25/07 15 CULTURAL HERITAGE AMVIAC-‐TOTOL-‐WHV * TOTOLAPAN MORELOS 12/07-‐26/07 15 CULTURAL HERITAGE AMVIAC-‐VIVAVER-‐1 VIVA VERANO 1 CHIAPAS 19/07-‐01/08 10 EDUCATION CULTURAL AMVIAC-‐RIO-‐2015 CUAUTLA RIVER MORELOS 02/08-‐15/08 15 MEDIO AMBIENTE AMVIAC-‐VIVAVER-‐2 VIVA VERANO 2 CHIAPAS 02/08-‐15/08 10 EDUCATION CULTURAL AMVIAC-‐TSOMAN-‐3 TSOMANOTIK 3 CHIAPAS 06/08-‐18/08 15 BIO-‐ CONTRUCTION AMVIAC-‐ATLA-‐WHV * ATLATLAHUCAN MORELOS 08/08-‐22/08 15 CULTURAL HERITAGE AMVIAC-‐MONTE-‐2015 SIERRA MONTE NEGRO MORELOS 08/08-‐22/08 15 ENVIRONMENT AMVIAC-‐ZACUAL-‐2105 ZACUALPAN DE AMILPAS 1 MORELOS 21/09-‐05/10 15 FESTIVAL/RENOVATION AMVIAC-‐MINER-‐2015 MINERAL DE POZOS GUANAJUATO 25/10-‐07/11 12 CULTURAL HERITAGE AMVIAC-‐SUEÑOS-‐2015 FACTORY OF DREAMS CHIAPAS 06/12-‐18/12 10 EDUCATION CULTURAL ORGANIC AGRICULTURE RESUSTENTABLE CULTURAL HERITAGE * These projects are part of the 2015 World Heritage Volunteers Program run by the UNESCO’s World Heritage Center and the Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service. ª These projects are part of the 2105 International Volunteering for the Sustainable Development of Mexico Program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. AMVIAC-MUS-2015 FIESTA OF THE MUSIC 2015 CUAUTLA, MORELOS 08/06 – 22/06 15 VOLUNTEERS FESTIVAL/ART PROJECT: For the 3rd consecutive year is organized the Fiesta of the Music (Fête de la Musique) evoking the traditional French celebration, which is organised each 21st of June in more than 90 countries. Together with the Office of Tourism, the House of the Culture and other institutions, the Festival of the Music will be carried out with the aim of creating spaces where the local population can enjoy a diversity of musical genre going from Rock to Trova, passing by the Classical Music as well as international such as Capoeira and Irish. WORK: The volunteers will join the team of the Office of Tourism in the preparation of the festival carrying out different tasks such as promotion of the feast in schools, social clubs, cultural institutions and other municipalities. They will support in the setting up of the stands, musical equipment, giving information to attendees, giving support to the bands and musical groups amongst other tasks. After the event, the volunteers will help to uninstall of the stands and general clean up of the place. The group of volunteers will have the possibility to set up a group and also play during the festival. LOCATION: Cuautla is located 2 hours south of Mexico City. ACCOMMODATION: In a house adapted to host the volunteers with basic conditions. CONDITIONS: Interest in the thematic of music and some previous experience in the organisation of musical events. PARTICIPATION FEE: $3,000 pesos, includes accommodation and food and some organisational costs. AMVIAC-TSOMAN-1 TSOMANOTIK TZIMOL, CHIAPAS 15/06 – 26/06 10 VOLUNTEERS ORGANIC AGRICULTURE PROJECT: The Tsomanotik Solidarity Center (CST) is an agro-ecological center in Chiapas that works with the conviction and aim of contributing to the construction of a more sustainable, just and solidary society through: Intercultural projects with people form various parts of the world, Agro-ecological and Productive projects in favour of sustainability, Educational projects in and with the local community, Solidary Projects that encourage local community’s development. WORK: The volunteers will participate in the construction of a demonstrative greenhouse, which will help in the learning of food sovereignty. Volunteers will also learn the operation of an organic greenhouse and its advantages, design and construction of a community greenhouse model, the construction of a demonstration greenhouse for the learning space CST. Besides volunteers will prepare the ground of the Greenhouse for planting, conditioned the soil around it, plant and transplant plants that grow in the greenhouse. Participants will share group dynamics and participate in workshops learning techniques and methodologies that support them for construction works in the project. LOCATION: Tzimol is located 15 minutes from Comitán in the Chiapas region. ACCOMMODATION: In the development hosting center of Tsomanotik, in 4-6 people bedrooms with double beds with a toilet in each bedroom. REQUIREMENTS: Interest in the sustainable development and organic farming themes. PARTICIPATION FEE: $3,000 pesos, includes accommodation and food and some organisational costs. AMVIAC-XOCHIM-2015 XOCHIMILCO XOCHIMILCO, D.F. 22/06–04/07 15 VOLUNTARIOS CULTURAL HERITAGE/ENVIRONMENT PROJECT: Xochimilco is a declared Zone of Historical Monuments and World Heritage Site that is recognized of cultural, heritage and environmental importance due to the existence of many buildings dating from the colonial era and also maintains vestiges of aquifers and lakes pre-Hispanic and colonial times. Its system of canals and chinampas is a unique example of agricultural production of its kind in the world. The Association Trofeo a la Vida AC, in collaboration with a group of Xochimilco trajineros (people managing the traditional boats) and national and international volunteers will carry out some actions to improve different areas of this cultural site. WORK: The volunteers will support in the different tasks such as tree pruning, placement and painting of information signs, cleaning some canals and other works. Also volunteers will conduct interviews of tourists to compile information to improve the conditions of this place. Volunteers will have the opportunity to discover the intangible heritage of this iconic cultural site in Mexico as well as traditional ancestral farming practices. LOCATION: Xochimilco is located in the south part of Mexico city. ACCOMMODATION: Volunteers will stay in a house in the community. TERMINAL: Mexico City International Airport. REQUIREMENTS: Volunteers interested in the Cultural Heritage and protection of the Environment themes are encouraged to participate. PARTICIPATION FEE: $3,000 pesos, includes accommodation and food and some organisational costs. AMVIAC-TSOMAN-2 TSOMANOTIK 2 TZIMOL, CHIAPAS 06/07 – 18/07 10 VOLUNTEERS BIO-CONSTRUCTION PROJECT: The Tsomanotik Solidarity Center (CST) is an agro-ecological center in Chiapas that works with the conviction and aim of contributing to the construction of a more sustainable, just and solidary society through: Intercultural projects with people form various parts of the world, Agroecological and Productive projects in favour of sustainability, Educational projects in and with the local community, Solidary Projects that encourage local community development. WORK: Volunteers will participate in building a learning classroom for the course on food sovereignty that the Solidarity Center Tsomanotik teaches to the youth from communities in the region, using bio-construction techniques. They also learn basic bio-construction techniques and their applications, they will get to know the benefits of using bio-constructions and the different existing types, learning about the different types of clays and soils, and their uses, they will extract, mix and prepare materials for bio-constructions. Volunteers share group dynamics and participate in workshops learning techniques and methodologies that could help them during the construction of the classroom. LOCATION: Tzimol is located 15 minutes from Comitán in the Chiapas region. ACCOMMODATION: In the development hosting center of Tsomanotik, in 4-6 people bedrooms with double beds with a toilet in each bedroom. REREQUIREMENTS: Interest in the sustainable development and organic farming themes. PARTICIPATION FEE: $3,000 pesos, includes accommodation and food and some organisational costs. AMVIAC-XOCHIC-WHV XOCHICALCO XOCHICALCO, MORELOS CULTURAL HERITAGE/ENVIRONMENT 11/07 – 25/07 15 VOLUNTEERS PROJECT: This site is a well-preserved example of a fortified political, religious and commercial center of the turbulent times of 650-900 that followed the disintegration of the great Mesoamerican states such as Teotihuacan, Monte Alban, Palenque and Tikal. The project aims to reach out more young people in local communities, inviting them to form a group of Heritage Young Guardians and increase their awareness of the need to protect their tangible or intangible heritage. WORK: Volunteers will participate in some renovation work at the site ranging from paths to some of the walls of the Acropolis and gardening near the pyramids. The volunteers will join a three-days summer program held at the archaeological site where children from surrounding schools follow an educational, awareness-raising program. Participants will be also conducting interviews with tourists about their impressions on the site. They will also made presentations of World Heritage sites of their countries and regions in local schools through the use of non-formal education tools. LOCATION: Xochicalco is located 2 hours southwest of Mexico City. ACCOMMODATION: Volunteers will be staying at a house in one of the communities where they will intervene. TERMINAL: Mexico City International Airport REQUIREMENTS: Interest in Cultural Heritage and Environment. PARTICIPATION FEE: $3,000 pesos, includes accommodation and food and some organisational costs. AMVIAC-TREN-2015 SCENIC TRAIN CUAUTLA CUAUTLA, MORELOS CULTURAL HERITAGE/RENOVATION 12/07 – 25/07 15 VOLUNTEERS PROJECT: Cuautla’s Tourism Office wants to improve the image of the old railway station of Cuautla in which the Experiential Railway Museum and the Museum of Independence are located. Being one of the major tourist attractions of the city, it requires on-going maintenance. WORK: The volunteers will paint the façade of the main building as well as the Municipal Tourism Office and a one of the outside walls of the station in order to value this cultural heritage of the city of Cuautla. Besides the volunteers perform improvement tasks in the Experiential Railway Museum and some green areas as well as in the station’s platform. The work will be complemented with some awareness-raising activities organized for and with the local population, especially children and youth: workshops identifying the assets of the community, site of the heritage of the city, presentation of the heritage of volunteers’ countries and regions students from schools, cultural and educational institutions. Volunteers will discover the Convent Route, Route of the haciendas and other tourist attractions including Agua Hedionda, spa with healing waters sulphated higher mineral balance in the world. LOCATION: Cuautla is located 2 hours south of Mexico City. ACCOMMODATION: Volunteers will be staying at a house adapted with all basic services. TERMINAL: Mexico City International Airport REQUIREMENTS: Interest in Cultural Heritage and Renovation. PARTICIPATION FEE: $3,000 pesos, includes accommodation and food and some organisational costs. AMVIAC-ZACUAL-WHV ZACUALPAN DE AMILPAS ZACUALPAN, MORELOS CULTURAL HERITAGE/RENOVATION 12/07 – 25/07 15 VOLUNTEERS PROJECT: Former Convent of the Immaculate Conception is one of the 14 monasteries on the slopes of Popocatepetl volcano, and is in excellent condition. The objective of this project is to increase the visibility of the site with local people and local authorities as well as raise awareness to protect their heritage. WORK: The volunteers will do some clean-up and secondary jobs in the former convent and its garden as well as in the former hacienda of San Francisco Cuauhtepec, which has had a direct relationship with former convent. Volunteers will participate in workshops of cartonería (use of cardboard and other materials – lately recycled materials), a local tradition, with which the World Heritage will be addressed. They will also made presentations on World Heritage and their countries during the summer program of the community; awareness-raising activities with children and young people will focus on local intangible heritage. Volunteers will have the opportunity to learn about materials and local building techniques used in the preparation of mortar for filling joints in buildings of this type of construction, as well as how to prepare lime paint widely used in the time of the sixteenth century to protect flattened. LOCATION: Zacualpan de Amilpas is a beautiful small town 25 minutes away from the city of Cuautla, Morelos. ACCOMMODATION: In a local development hosting center with all basic services. REQUIREMENTS: Interest in World Heritage and Local development themes. PARTICIPATION FEE: $3,000 pesos, includes accommodation and food and some organisational costs. AMVIAC-TOTOL-WHV TOTOLAPAN TOTOLAPAN, MORELOS CULTURAL HERITAGE/RENOVATION 12/07 – 25/07 15 VOLUNTEERS PROJECT: Former convent of San Guillermo Abad is one of 14 monasteries in the called Convent Route and is in excellent condition. This is the first time that the village of Totolapan will host an international voluntary service project and what a best occasion that the World Heritage Volunteers program. WORK: In order to give more visibility to this World Heritage site and sensitize the local population to the importance of protecting their heritage, volunteers will clean and realise secondary tasks in the former convent and in the chapels of San Miguel de Nepopualco and The Assumption of Ahuatlán under the supervision of the National Institute of Anthropology and History of Morelos. They will also made presentations on World Heritage and their countries during the summer program of the community; awareness activities with children and young people will focus on local intangible heritage. Volunteers will have the opportunity to learn about materials and local building techniques used in the preparation of mortar for filling joints in buildings of this type of construction, as well as how to prepare the paint made out of lime, widely used in the sixteenth century to protect flattened surfaces. LOCATION: Totolapan is located in Heights of Morelos, at 20 minutes of Cuautla. ACCOMMODATION: Volunteers will be staying at a house adapted with all basic services. REQUIREMENTS: Interest in the theme of Cultural Heritage. PARTICIPATION FEE: $3,000 pesos, includes accommodation and food and some organisational costs. AMVIAC-VIVAVER-1 VIVA VERANO 1 SAN CRISTÓBAL DE LAS CASAS, CHIAPAS EDUCATION/CULTURAL/FESTIVAL 19/07 – 01/08 10 VOLUNTEERS PROJECT: The Tlaxcala Cultural Project generates a space for children and young people to enable them to recognise themselves and their environment through culture and art, with the participation of parents and adults in the cultural education of children and youth in the various activities organized and promoted by the project. It also serves as a space to complement formal education of children in subjects such as Spanish, math and English. WORK: Volunteers will carry out workshops and art, music, language and literacy activities aimed at children 6-13 years old and complemented by leisure and recreational activities. In addition, the volunteers will participate in the implementation of activities that have as main goal the strengthening self-esteem, teamwork, values such as respect, community, tolerance, justice and peace. The implementation of the activities by the volunteers will ensure that within two weeks of camp, the activities revolve around leisure and recreation, and this will help to develop the skills of children. A final presentation of the Works done during the camp will be organised. It is expected that volunteers can bring ideas, games, songs, pictures to share and proposed activities (music, crafts, languages, drawing, painting, etc). LOCATION: San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas ACCOMMODATION: Volunteers will be staying at a house adapted with all basic services. REQUIREMENTS: Interest in the theme of NonFormal Education, work with children and Art. PARTICIPATION FEE: $3,000 pesos, includes accommodation and food and some organisational costs. AMVIAC-RIO-2015 CUAUTLA RIVER CUAUTLA, MORELOS 02/08 – 15/08 15 VOLUNTEERS ENVIRONMENT/SOCIAL PROJECT: The Cuautla River is fed by the spring Los SabinosSanta Rosa-San Cristobal, which is a protected natural area and provides drinking water to 19 colonies of the municipality. To protect this heritage and promoting ecosystem conservation, preserving its natural beauty, regulate urban growth and population pressure exerted on the banks of the river and the area Cuautla springs, standardize and streamline production activities and protect the recharge zone of aquifers, various actions involving all sectors of the population of this city are necessary. The objectives of this international volunteering workcamp are to help improve the quality of life and environment for the inhabitants of ANP, promote the development of recreational and tourism activities on the landscape scenarios because the springs, flora and fauna constitute an attraction for people of Cuautla and Ayala, and develop integrated sanitation actions in the Cuautla River. WORK: Volunteers will do some mapping in the area in order to identify the problems of this Protected Natural Area, they will participate in the production of aromatic plants, perform cleaning work in the channel and slopes longing the river; will develop awareness-raising workshops on management and care of Protected Natural Area; will participate in the design of murals for the care of Protected Natural Area; will conduct visits to historical and cultural sites in the region and establish exchange of experiences with people to generate alternative solutions to environmental problems. LOCATION: Cuautla is located 2 hrs. south of Mexico City. ACCOMMODATION: Volunteers will be staying at a house adapted with all basic services. REQUIREMENTS: Interest in the themes of Environment, Social and Arts. PARTICIPATION FEE: $3,000 pesos, includes accommodation and food and some organisational costs. AMVIAC-VIVAVER-2 VIVA VERANO 2 SAN CRISTÓBAL DE LAS CASAS, CHIAPAS EDUCATION/CULTURAL/FESTIVAL 02/08 – 15/08 10 VOLUNTEERS PROJECT: The Tlaxcala Cultural Project generates a space for children and young people to enable them to recognition themselves and his environment through culture and art, with the participation of parents and adults in the cultural education of children and youth in the various activities organized and promoted by the project. It also serves as a space to complement formal education of children in subjects such as Spanish, math and English. WORK: Volunteers will carry out workshops and art, music, language and literacy activities aimed at children 6-13 years old and complemented by leisure and recreational activities. In addition, the volunteers will participate in the implementation of activities that have as main goal the strengthening self-esteem, teamwork, values such as respect, community, tolerance, justice and peace. The implementation of the activities by the volunteers will ensure that within two weeks of camp, the activities revolve around leisure and recreation, and this will help to develop the skills of children. A final presentation of the works done during the camp will be organised on the 14th of August to celebrate the 2º anniversary of the Project. It is expected that volunteers can bring ideas, games, songs, pictures to share and proposed activities (music, crafts, languages, drawing, painting, etc). LOCATION: San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas ACCOMMODATION: Volunteers will be staying at a house adapted with all basic services. REQUIREMENTS: Interest in the theme of Non-Formal Education, work with children and Art. PARTICIPATION FEE: $3,000 pesos, includes accommodation and food and some organisational costs. AMVIAC-TSOMAN-3 TSOMANOTIK 3 TZIMOL, CHIAPAS BIO-CONSTRUCTION 06/08 – 18/08 14 VOLUNTEERS PROJECT: The Tsomanotik Solidarity Center (CST) is an agro-ecological center in Chiapas that works with the conviction and aim of contributing to the construction of a more sustainable, just and solidary society through: Intercultural projects with people form various parts of the world, Agro-ecological and Productive projects in favour of sustainability, Educational projects in and with the local community, Solidary Projects that encourage local community development. WORK: Volunteers will participate in building a learning classroom for the course on food sovereignty that the Solidarity Center Tsomanotik teaches to the youth from communities in the region, using bio-construction techniques. They also learn basic bioconstruction techniques and their applications, they will get to know the benefits of using bio-constructions and the different existing types, learning about the different types of clays and soils, and their uses, they will extract, mix and prepare materials for bioconstructions. Volunteers share group dynamics and participate in workshops learning techniques and methodologies that could help them during the construction of the classroom. LOCATION: Tzimol is located 15 minutes from Comitan in the Chiapas region. ACCOMMODATION: In the development hosting centre of Tsomanotik, in 4-6 people bedrooms with double beds with a toilet in each bedroom. REREQUIREMENTS: Interest in the sustainable development and organic farming themes. PARTICIPATION FEE: $3,000 pesos, includes accommodation and food and some organisational costs. AMVIAC-ATLA-WHV ATLATLAHUCAN ATLATLAHUCAN, MORELOS 08/08–22/08 15 VOLUNTEERS CULTURAL HERITAGE/ SOCIAL PROJECT: For the eighth consecutive year the World Heritage Volunteers Program is carried out in Mexico and this year 4 international camps are organized in the state of Morelos. The program aims at raising awareness about the importance to protect the cultural heritage, create link between the site managers and the local population, demonstrate the value of the non formal education in this type of projects and to introduce participants to basic renovation and restoration techniques. WORK: The volunteers will clean several areas of the former convent of San Mateo, as well as some heritage sites linked to the former convent as is the old railway station and other buildings in the communities of San Miguel and San Juan Tlatetelco, Texcalpa. In the field of sustainable development volunteers will perform tasks on a cycling path that is planned to be implemented in this community as a means of preserving the surrounding environment. Volunteers also make presentations on World Heritage and their countries at local schools; awarenessraising activities with children and young people will focus on local intangible heritage. Volunteers will have the opportunity to learn about materials and local building techniques used in the preparation of mortar for filling joints in buildings of this type of construction, as well as the preparation of paint to lime widely used at the time sixteenth century to protect flattened. LOCATION: Atlatlahucan is 16 km from the city of Cuautla in the Morelos region. ACCOMMODATION: In the premises of the Family and Community Development Center of Atlatlahucan. REQUIREMENTS: Interest in the theme of Cultural Heritage. PARTICIPATION FEE: $3,000 pesos, includes accommodation and food and some organisational costs. AMVIAC-MONTE-2015 YAUTEPEC, MORELOS 08/08 – 22/08 SIERRA MONTE NEGRO 15 VOLUNTEERS ENVIRONMENT/SOCIAL PROJECT: The lack of employment and migration has generated a social change in the younger population of this region, in which the use of materials for the construction of their homes, is not longer in compliance either with them nor with the environment. Invasions, change and land use, excessive logging, poaching, introduction of exotic species to the ecosystem, livestock, monocultures, burning garbage, water pollution, mineral extraction, etc., have led to a deterioration and negative impact on the Monte Negro Sierra. WORK: Volunteers will participate in identifying environmental problems in the region, will be integrated to conservation and restoration productive projects, driven by the Ministry of Sustainable Development through the Directorate General of Protected Natural Areas, exchanging experiences with owners and holders on the management of forest nurseries, apiaries, production of aromatic plants, fire management strategy, environmental limits of the protected areas, reforestation, among others. Also, tours will be conducted to identify environmental misconduct such as open waste disposal, illegal logging, poaching, changes in land use involving agrarian groups and different levels of the government. LOCATION: This Natural Protected Area is located in four different municipalities Emiliano Zapata, Tlaltizapán, Yautepec and Jiutepec situated in the state of Morelos. ACCOMMODATION: In a house adapted for the volunteers or in a communal hall. REQUIREMENTS : Interest in the themes of Environment and Sustainable Development. PARTICIPATION FEE: $3,000 pesos, includes accommodation and food and some organisational costs. AMVIAC-ZACUAL-2 ZACUALPAN DE AMILPAS ZACUALPAN, MORELOS 21/09 – 05/10 FESTIVAL/CULTURAL HERITAGE/RENOVATION 15 VOLUNTEERS PROJECT: The objective of this project is to support the people of this community in the preparation and implementation of the Community annual festivities which integrate the masquerades parade, which takes place the last Sunday in September as part of the celebrations in honor of the Virgen del Rosario. The activities take place around the village and especially in the former convent of the Immaculate Conception, one of the 14 monasteries on the slopes of Popocatepetl volcano Cultural Heritage. WORK: The volunteers will help in the preparations for local festivities, painted plaster of the outer walls of the monastery complex and cleanliness of the courtyard and garden of the former convent, as well as the construction and placement of a mural made out of seeds. Volunteers will have the opportunity to participate in improvement work of the “aguardiente” (a local alcohol) museum and of the former hacienda of Cuautepec. They will also make presentations of their countries at local schools. Prior to holding the Mojigangas, volunteers will participate in various workshops to support some of the troupes to finish up their puppets that will parade the day of the pilgrimage. LOCATION: Zacualpan de Amilpas is a beautiful small town 25 minutes away from the city of Cuautla, Morelos. ACCOMMODATION: In a local development hosting center with all basic services. REQUIREMENTS: Interest in Cultural and Intangible Heritage and Festival. PARTICIPATION FEE: $3,000 pesos, includes accommodation and food and some organisational costs. AMVIAC-MINER-2015 MINERAL DE POZOS MINERL DE POZOS, GUANAJUATO DATES: 25/10 – 07/11 CULTURAL HERITAGE/SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 12 VOLUNTEERS PROJECT: Mineral de Pozos is known as a ghost town, as it was abandoned twice since its founding but now it has the title of Magic Village and the community seeks to rescue their old houses, squares, streets, farms and mines, for heritage preservation and the promotion of cultural tourism. Nearby are the remains of ancient mines and haciendas which recall the richness of the silver and gold veins that existed from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century. These farms and mines of great historical and heritage value are in a state of abandonment for many years and it is now necessary to do cleaning work, renovation and adaptation of spaces, so they can be enjoyed by the community and its visitors. WORK: The volunteers will help in the clean-up, renovation and upgrading of areas of the mines and the haciendas. They will conduct outreach activities with the community and promote the appreciation and rescue of heritage as a means of sustainable development. There will be a familiarization with the society of Mineral de Pozos, for collaboration in the development and implementation of techniques for exploration, cleaning, accommodation and restructuring of mines, removal of flora, and natural materials (rocks, soil, etc.) of courtyards and structures of farms, to promote tourism development in the city. Volunteers will do some maintenance work in a cycle track, the largest in Mexico, which they will go over to recognize areas for improvement. LOCATION: Mineral de Pozos is located 60 km from San Miguel de Allende and 280 km from Mexico City, about 3 and half hours. ACCOMMODATION: In an Agro ecological Centre located in the heart of the mining area. REQUIREMENTS: Interest in the themes Sustainable Development and Cultural Heritage. PARTICIPATION FEE: $3,000 pesos, includes basic accommodation and food. of AMVIAC-SUEÑOS-2015 FACTORY OF DREAMS SAN CRISTÓBAL DE LAS CASAS, CHIAPAS EDUCATION/FESTIVAL/CHILDREN/CULTURE 06/12 – 18/12 10 VOLUNTEERS PROJECT: The Tlaxcala Cultural Project generates a space for children and young people to enable them to recognition themselves and his environment through culture and art, with the participation of parents and adults in the cultural education of children and youth in the various activities organized and promoted by the project. It also serves as a space to complement formal education of children in subjects such as Spanish, math and English. Workshops and art, music, language and literacy activities are aimed at children 6-13 years old and are complemented by leisure and recreational activities. In addition, strengthening self-esteem, teamwork, values such as respect, community, tolerance, justice and peace are addressed during the activities. WORK: Volunteers will participate and carry out activities in order to contribute to the rescuing and conservation of Mexican traditions such as the traditional “posadas”, so the camp will culminate in an big celebration in collaboration with the neighbourhood. During the two weeks the volunteers will participate in workshops on this subject. It is expected that volunteers can bring ideas, games, songs, pictures to share and proposed activities (music, crafts, languages, drawing, painting, etc LOCATION: San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas ACCOMMODATION: In a house conditioned for the volunteers. REQUIREMENTS: Interest in the Non-Formal Education, work with children, Arts and Cultural intangible Heritage. PARTICIPATION FEE: $3,000 pesos, includes accommodation and food and some organisational costs. We hope this program will motivate you and your volunteers enough to participate in one of the international workcamps offered by AMVIAC! Other workcamps will be added later on in the year. Asociación Mexicana de Voluntariado Internacional A.C. Calle Gustavo A. Madero #50, Col. Fco. I. Madero Cuautla, Morelos, C.P., 62742 -‐ México Tel.: +52 735 3525181 Cel: +52 735 1730981 Incoming person: Nicolas Aguilar Email: [email protected] Facebook:
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