The 108 Names of S¯urya -

✳s❯❛❀②❛❀❘❛❀➁❀❡❛✿❺❛✿❂✰❩❛❀t❛❀♥❛❀❛❀♠❛❀❛❀✈❛❀☞❛❀❧ ❍ ➪ ➪
The 108 Names of Surya
❄ ❆✿✢✰✿◆❛❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✶ ➪ ➪
1. Salutations to Arun.a, the red One.
❄ ❩❛✿❂✰◆②❛❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✷ ➪ ➪
´ . ya, the One who provides refuge.
2. Salutations to Saran
❄ ❦✰✳✢✰✿◆❛❀❛✿❂✰s❛❀✍❛❀s❛❀♥❉❛❀✈❡❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✸ ➪ ➪
3. Salutations to Karun.a¯ rasasindhu, the Ocean of the sentiment of compassion.
❄ ❆❀s❛❀♠❛❀❛❀♥❛❀❜❛❀❧✰✳❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✹ ➪ ➪
4. Salutations to Asam¯anabala, the One of unequalled strength.
❄ ❆❀❛❀t❘❛✿❂✰❬❛❀❦✰✿❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✺ ➪ ➪
5. Salutations to Artaraks
. aka, the Protector from suffering.
❄ ❆❀❛❀✡❛❀❞❀t②❛❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✻ ➪ ➪
6. Salutations to Aditya,
the Son of Aditi.
❄ ❆❀❛❀✡❛❀❞❀❇❯❛❀t❛❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✼ ➪ ➪
7. Salutations to Adibh¯
uta, the first Being.
❄ ❆❀ ✎
❛❀❑❛❀❧✰✳❛❀❣❛❀♠❛❀✈❡❛❀✡❛❀❞❀♥❡❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✽ ➪ ➪
8. Salutations to Akhil¯agamavedin, the Knower of all scriptures.
❄ ❆❀✳❝②✉❛❀t❛❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✾ ➪ ➪
9. Salutations to Acyuta, the steady One.
❄ ❆❀ ✎
❛❀❑❛❀❧✰✿❪❛❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✶✵ ➪ ➪
10. Salutations to Akhilaj˜na, the Knower of everything.
❄ ❆❀♥❛❀♥t❛❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✶✶ ➪ ➪
11. Salutations to Ananta, the unbounded One.
❄ ■✰✳♥❛❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✶✷ ➪ ➪
12. Salutations to Ina, the strong One.
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➪ ➪ ✳s❯❛❀②❛❀❘❛❀➁❀❡❛✿❺❛✿❂✰❩❛❀t❛❀♥❛❀❛❀♠❛❀❛❀✈❛❀☞❛❀❧❍ ➪ ➪
❄ ❀✡❛❀✈❛✿✭õ❀❛✿✣✰✳♣❛❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✶✸ ➪ ➪
13. Salutations to Vi´svar¯upa, the One with an all pervading form.
❄ ■✰✩②❛❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✶✹ ➪ ➪
14. Salutations to Ijya, the One to be revered.
❄ ■✰✳♥❞Ò✰❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✶✺ ➪ ➪
15. Salutations to Indra, the Lord of the devas.
❄ ❇❛❀❛❀♥❛❀✈❡❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✶✻ ➪ ➪
16. Salutations to Bh¯anu, the bright One.
❄ ■✰✳❛❀♥❞✿❂✰❛❀♠❛❀ ✴
✴ ✴✎
♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✶✼ ➪ ➪
17. Salutations to Indir¯amandir¯apta, the One who has gained the abode of Indir¯a (Laks.m¯ı).
❄ ✈❛❀♥❞❀♥☎❛❀❛❀②❛❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✶✽ ➪ ➪
18. Salutations to Vandan¯ıya, the praiseworthy One.
❄ ■❘✰✳❩❛❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✶✾ ➪ ➪
19. Salutations to ¯I´sa, the Lord.
❄ ✳s✉❛❀♣r❛❀s❛❀❾❛❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✷✵ ➪ ➪
20. Salutations to Suprasanna, the very bright One.
❄ ✳s✉❛❀❩☎❛❀❛❀❧✰✳❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✷✶ ➪ ➪
21. Salutations to Su´s¯ıla, the good-natured One.
❄ ✳s✉❛❀✈❛❀✳❝❘❛❀s❡❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✷✷ ➪ ➪
22. Salutations to Suvarcas, the brilliant One.
❄ ✈❛❀s✉❛❀♣r❛❀❞❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✷✸ ➪ ➪
23. Salutations to Vasuprada, the Bestower of wealth.
❄ ✈❛❀s❛❀✈❡❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✷✹ ➪ ➪
24. Salutations to Vasu, the Deva (the excellent One).
❄ ✈❛❀❛❀s✉❛❀❞❡❀✈❛❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✷✺ ➪ ➪
´ ı Kr.s.n.a.
25. Salutations to V¯asudeva, Sr¯
❄ ♦✰❹✈❛❀❧✰✳❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✷✻ ➪ ➪
26. Salutations to Ujjvala, the blazing One.
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➪ ➪ ✳s❯❛❀②❛❀❘❛❀➁❀❡❛✿❺❛✿❂✰❩❛❀t❛❀♥❛❀❛❀♠❛❀❛❀✈❛❀☞❛❀❧❍ ➪ ➪
❄ ♦✰✳❣④❛✿✣✰✳♣❛❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✷✼ ➪ ➪
27. Salutations to Ugrar¯upa, the One with a fierce form.
❄ ✘✰✿❉✈❘❛❀❣❛❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✷✽ ➪ ➪
28. Salutations to Urdhvaga,
the One who rises up.
❄ ❀✡❛❀✈❛❀✈❛❀⑦✈❛❀t❡❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✷✾ ➪ ➪
29. Salutations to Vivasvat, the One who shines forth.
❄ ♦✰✳❞ù❀❛❀ ✴
➴ ❛❀t❦✰✳
✴✎ ❂✰◆❛✿❥❛❀❛❀❧✰✳❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✸✵ ➪ ➪
30. Salutations to Udyatkiran.aj¯ala, the One who produces a lattice of rising beams of light.
❄ ✫✰✳❙☎❛❀❛❀❦
❡ ✰✿❩❛❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✸✶ ➪ ➪
31. Salutations to Hr.s.¯ıke´sa, the Lord of the senses.
❄ ✘✰✳❥❘❛❀⑦✈❛❀❧✰✳❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✸✷ ➪ ➪
32. Salutations to Urjasvala,
the powerful One.
❄ ✈☎❛❀❛✿❂✰❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✸✸ ➪ ➪
33. Salutations to V¯ıra, the Hero.
❄ ❀☞❛❀♥❛✿❥❘❛✿❂✰❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✸✹ ➪ ➪
34. Salutations to Nirjara, the imperishable One.
❄ ✳❥❛❀②❛❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✸✺ ➪ ➪
35. Salutations to Jaya, the victorious One.
❄ ✘✰✳✢✰✿❞
õ ❀②❛❀❛❀❇❛❀❛❀✈❛✿✣✰✳♣❛❀②✉❛❀⑨✰✿s❛❀❛✿❂✰❚❛❀②❡❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✸✻ ➪ ➪
36. Salutations to Urudvay¯
abh¯avar¯upayuktas¯arathi, the One whose charioteer has a form without
a pair of thighs.
❄ ✙✰✳✡❛❀❙❛❀✈❛❀♥❞ù❀❛❀❛❀②❛
♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✸✼ ➪ ➪
37. Salutations to R.s.ivandya, the One worshipped by
❄ ✳✢✰✿❣●❛✿♥✿➄❡❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✸✽ ➪ ➪
38. Salutations to Rugghantr., the Destroyer of disease.
❄ ✙✰✳❬❛❀✳❝❛❀❦
Ò ✰✿✳❝❛✿❂✰❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✸✾ ➪ ➪
39. Salutations to R.ks.acakracara, the One who moves through the wheel of stars.
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➪ ➪ ✳s❯❛❀②❛❀❘❛❀➁❀❡❛✿❺❛✿❂✰❩❛❀t❛❀♥❛❀❛❀♠❛❀❛❀✈❛❀☞❛❀❧❍ ➪ ➪
❄ ✙✰❥✉❛❀⑦✈❛❀❇❛❀❛❀✈❛❀☞❛❀✳❝❛✿❺❛❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✹✵ ➪ ➪
40. Salutations to R.jusvabh¯avacitta, the One whose mind by nature is sincere.
❄ ❀☞❛❀♥❛❀t②❛❀⑦t✉❛❀t②❛❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✹✶ ➪ ➪
41. Salutations to Nityastutya, the One who is fit to praised always.
❄ ✙✰✳❦✰✿❛✿❂✰♠❛❀❛❀t①❛❀❦✰✿❛❀✈❛❀◆❘❛✿✣✰✳♣❛❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✹✷ ➪ ➪
42. Salutations to R.k¯aram¯atr.k¯¯upa, the One who has the form of the letter .rk¯ara.
❄ ♦✰❹✈❛❀❧✰✳t❡❛✿❥❛❀s❡❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✹✸ ➪ ➪
43. Salutations to Ujjvalatejas, the One with a blazing brilliance.
❄ ✙✰✳❬❛❀❛❀☛❛❀❉❛❀♥❛❀❛❀❚❛❀✍❛❀♠❛✿❼❛❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✹✹ ➪ ➪
44. Salutations to R.ks.a¯ dhin¯athamitra, the Friend of the Lord of stars (the Moon).
❄ ✿♣✉❛❀❙❦✰✳❂✰❛❀❬❛❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✹✺ ➪ ➪
45. Salutations to Pus.kar¯aks.a, the lotus-eyed One.
❄ ❧✉✰✳❿❛❀❞❀♥t❛❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✹✻ ➪ ➪
46. Salutations to Luptadanta, the One whose teeth are lost.
❄ ❩❛❀❛❀♥t❛❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✹✼ ➪ ➪
´ anta, the calm One.
47. Salutations to S¯
❄ ❦✰✿❛❀ ✴
✴ ✴✎
♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✹✽ ➪ ➪
48. Salutations to K¯antida, the Bestower of beauty.
❄ ❀●❛❀♥❛❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✹✾ ➪ ➪
49. Salutations to Ghana, the Destroyer.
❄ ❦✰✿♥❛❀t❦✰✿♥❛❀❦✰✿❇❯❛❀❙❛❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✺✵ ➪ ➪
50. Salutations to Kanatkanakabh¯us.a, the brilliant golden Ornament.
❄ ❑❛❀❞ù❀❛❀❡
➴ ❛❀t❛❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✺✶ ➪ ➪
51. Salutations to Khadyota, the Light of the sky.
❄ ❧❯✰✳☞❛❀♥❛❀t❛❀❛❀ ✎
❛❀❑❛❀❧✰✳❞❊❀t②❛❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✺✷ ➪ ➪
52. Salutations to L¯unit¯akhiladaitya, the Destroyer of all demons.
❄ ✳s❛❀t②❛❀❛❀♥❛❀♥❞❀⑦✈❛✿✣✰✳✡❛❀♣❛❀◆❡❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✺✸ ➪ ➪
53. Salutations to Saty¯anandasvar¯upin, the One whose nature is true bliss.
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➪ ➪ ✳s❯❛❀②❛❀❘❛❀➁❀❡❛✿❺❛✿❂✰❩❛❀t❛❀♥❛❀❛❀♠❛❀❛❀✈❛❀☞❛❀❧❍ ➪ ➪
❄ ❆❀♣❛❀✈❛❀❣❘❛❀♣r❛❀❞❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✺✹ ➪ ➪
54. Salutations to Apavargaprada, the Bestower of liberation.
❄ ❆❀❛❀t❘❛❀❩❛✿❂✰◆②❛❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✺✺ ➪ ➪
¯ saran.ya, the Provider of shelter to the distressed.
55. Salutations to Arta´
❄ ❖❀❀❦✰✿❛❀✡❛❀❦✰✿♥❡❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✺✻ ➪ ➪
56. Salutations to Ek¯akin, the solitary One.
❄ ❇❛❀❣❛❀✈❛❀t❡❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✺✼ ➪ ➪
57. Salutations to Bhagavat, the divine One.
❄ ✳s①❛❀✡❛❀➁❀ ✴
✴ ✴ ✴✎
❛✿❂✰◆❡❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✺✽ ➪ ➪
58. Salutations to Sr.s.t.isthityantak¯arin, the One who makes the creation, maintenance, and end.
❄ ❣✉❛❀◆❛❀❛❀t♠❛❀♥❡❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✺✾ ➪ ➪
59. Salutations to Gun.a¯ tman, the One with qualities.
❄ ❀●①❛❀✌❛❀◆❛❀❇①❛❀t❡❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✻✵ ➪ ➪
60. Salutations to Ghr.n.ibhr.t, the One who possesses light.
❄ ❜①❛❀❤❀t❡❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✻✶ ➪ ➪
61. Salutations to Br.hat, the great One.
❄ ❜✳r❛❀➃❀◆❡❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✻✷ ➪ ➪
62. Salutations to Brahman., the eternal Brahman..
❄ ❖❡❀✿✭õ❀❛❀②❘❛❀❞❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✻✸ ➪ ➪
63. Salutations to Ai´svaryada, the Bestower of power.
❄ ❩❛❀✈❛❀❘❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✻✹ ➪ ➪
64. Salutations to Sarva,
the One that injures.
❄ ❤❀✝❛✿❂✰❞✿✭õ❀❛❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✻✺ ➪ ➪
65. Salutations to Harida´sva, the One with tawny horses.
❄ ❩❛❀❊❛✿❂✰②❡❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✻✻ ➪ ➪
66. Salutations to Sauri,
the heroic One.
❄ ❞❀❩❛❀✡❛❀❞❀★s▼❛❀♣r❛❀❦✰✿❛❀❩❛❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✻✼ ➪ ➪
67. Salutations to Da´sadiksam
. prak¯as´a, the One who shines in ten directions.
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➪ ➪ ✳s❯❛❀②❛❀❘❛❀➁❀❡❛✿❺❛✿❂✰❩❛❀t❛❀♥❛❀❛❀♠❛❀❛❀✈❛❀☞❛❀❧❍ ➪ ➪
❄ ❇❛❀⑨✰✿✈❛❀❩②❛❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✻✽ ➪ ➪
68. Salutations to Bhaktava´sya, the One who is attentive to the devotees.
❄ ❆❀❡❛✿❥❛❀⑦❦✰✳❂✰❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✻✾ ➪ ➪
69. Salutations to Ojaskara, the Maker of power.
❄ ✳❥❛❀☞❛❀②❛❀♥❡❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✼✵ ➪ ➪
70. Salutations to Jayin, the victorious One.
❄ ✳❥❛❀❣❛❀❞❀❛❀♥❛❀♥❞❀❤❡❀t❛❀✈❡❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✼✶ ➪ ➪
71. Salutations to Jagad¯anandahetu, the Cause of joy for the world.
❄ ✳❥❛❀♥⑥✳❛❀♠①❛❀t②✉❛✿❥❛✿❂✰❛❀✈✳②❛❀❛❀☛❛❀❉❛❀✈❛❀✍❛✿❥❘❛❀t❛❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✼✷ ➪ ➪
72. Salutations to Janmamr.tyujar¯avy¯adhivarjita, the One who is free from birth, death, old age,
suffering, etc.
❄ ❆❀❊❛❀❾❛❀t②❛❀♣❛❀❞❀s❛✿✯✳
ã❛➪ ❀❛✿❂❀❂✰❚❛❀⑦❚❛❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✼✸ ➪ ➪
73. Salutations to Aunnatyapadasa˜nc¯ararathastha, the One established in a chariot that moves with
lofty steps.
❄ ❆❀s✉❛✿❂✰❛✿❂✰②❡❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✼✹ ➪ ➪
74. Salutations to Asur¯ari, the Enemy of the demons.
❄ ❦✰✿♠❛❀♥☎❛❀❛❀②❛❀❦✰✳❂✰❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✼✺ ➪ ➪
75. Salutations to Kaman¯ıyakara, the Fulfiller of desires.
❄ ❆❀❜✳✐❛❀✈❛❀➀✰✿❇❛❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✼✻ ➪ ➪
76. Salutations to Abjavallabha, the most Beloved of Abja (Dhanvantari).
❄ ❆❀♥t❛❀❜❘❛❀✡❛❀❤❍ ♣r❛❀❦✰✿❛❀❩❛❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✼✼ ➪ ➪
77. Salutations to Antarbahih.prak¯as´a, the One with inner and outer brilliance.
❄ ❆❀☞❛❀✳❝❛❀♥t②❛❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✼✽ ➪ ➪
78. Salutations to Acintya, the inconceivable One.
❄ ❆❀❛❀t♠❛✿✣✰✳✡❛❀♣❛❀◆❡❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✼✾ ➪ ➪
79. Salutations to Atmar¯
upin, the Form of Atman.
❄ ❆❀✳❝②✉❛❀t❛❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✽✵ ➪ ➪
80. Salutations to Acyuta, the imperishable One.
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➪ ➪ ✳s❯❛❀②❛❀❘❛❀➁❀❡❛✿❺❛✿❂✰❩❛❀t❛❀♥❛❀❛❀♠❛❀❛❀✈❛❀☞❛❀❧❍ ➪ ➪
❄ ❆❀♠❛✿❂❡✰❩❛❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✽✶ ➪ ➪
81. Salutations to Amare´sa, the Lord of immortals.
❄ ✿♣❛✿❂✰s♠❊❛ ✳✩②❛❀❡❛❀☛❛❀t❛❀❙❡❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✽✷ ➪ ➪
82. Salutations to Para Jyotis, the supreme Light.
❄ ❆❀❤❀⑦❦✰✳❂✰❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✽✸ ➪ ➪
83. Salutations to Ahaskara, the Maker of the day.
❄ ✳❂✰✈❛❀②❡❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✽✹ ➪ ➪
84. Salutations to Ravi, the One who roars.
❄ ❤✿❂✰②❡❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✽✺ ➪ ➪
85. Salutations to Hari, the Remover (of sin).
❄ ✿♣❛✿❂✰♠❛❀❛❀t♠❛❀♥❡❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✽✻ ➪ ➪
86. Salutations to Param¯atman, the Supreme Being.
❄ t❛✿✢✰✿◆❛❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✽✼ ➪ ➪
87. Salutations to Tarun.a, the youthful One.
❄ ✈❛✿❂❡✰◆②❛❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✽✽ ➪ ➪
88. Salutations to Varen.ya, the most excellent One.
❄ ❣④❛❀❤❀❛❀◆❛❀▼❛ ✿♣❛❀t❛❀②❡❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✽✾ ➪ ➪
89. Salutations to Grah¯an.a¯ m
. Pati, the Lord of planets.
❄ ❇❛❀❛❀⑦❦✰✳❂✰❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✾✵ ➪ ➪
90. Salutations to Bh¯askara, the Maker of light.
❄ ❆❀❛❀✡❛❀❞❀♠❛❀❉②❛❀❛❀♥t❛✿❂✰✡❛❀❤❀t❛❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✾✶ ➪ ➪
91. Salutations to Adimadhy¯
antarahita, the One who is solitary in the beginning, middle, and end.
❄ ✳s❛❀❊❛❀❑✳②❛❀♣r❛❀❞❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✾✷ ➪ ➪
92. Salutations to Saukhyaprada, the Bestower of happiness.
❄ ✳s❛❀❦✰✿❧✰❥❛❀❣❛❀t❛❀▼❛ ✿♣❛❀t❛❀②❡❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✾✸ ➪ ➪
93. Salutations to Sakalajagat¯am
. Pati, the Lord of all worlds.
❄ ✳s❯❛❀②❛❀❘❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✾✹ ➪ ➪
94. Salutations to S¯urya, the powerful One, or the brilliant One.
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➪ ➪ ✳s❯❛❀②❛❀❘❛❀➁❀❡❛✿❺❛✿❂✰❩❛❀t❛❀♥❛❀❛❀♠❛❀❛❀✈❛❀☞❛❀❧❍ ➪ ➪
❄ ❦✰✿✈❛❀②❡❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✾✺ ➪ ➪
95. Salutations to Kavi, the wise One.
❄ ♥❛❀❛✿❂✰❛❀②❛❀◆❛❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✾✻ ➪ ➪
96. Salutations to N¯ar¯ayan.a, the One whom men approach.
❄ ✿♣❛✿❂❡✰❩❛❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✾✼ ➪ ➪
97. Salutations to Pare´sa, the highest Lord.
❄ ✳t❡❛✿❥❛❀❡❛✿✣✰✳♣❛❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✾✽ ➪ ➪
98. Salutations to Tejor¯upa, the One with the form of fire.
❄ ✭r☎❛❀▼❛ ❀✡❛❀❤✿❂✰◆②❛❀❣❛❀❇❛❀❘❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✾✾ ➪ ➪
99. Salutations to Hiran.yagarbha, the golden Source (of the universe).
❄ ✿❤
ò ☎ ❀▼❛ ✳s❛❀⑥✳♣❛❀t❦✰✳❂✰❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✶✵✵ ➪ ➪
100. Salutations to Sampatkara, the Maker of success.
❄ ❖❡▼❀ ■✰✳➁❀❛❀❚❘❛❀❞❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✶✵✶ ➪ ➪
101. Salutations to Is.t.a¯ rthada, the Bestower of the desired object.
❄ ❆▼ ✳s✉❛❀♣r❛❀s❛❀❾❛❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✶✵✷ ➪ ➪
102. Salutations to Suprasanna, the very bright One.
❄ ✭r☎❛❀❛❀♠❛❀t❡❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✶✵✸ ➪ ➪
´ ımat, the glorious One.
103. Salutations to Sr¯
❄ ✭r❡❛❀②❛❀s❡❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✶✵✹ ➪ ➪
104. Salutations to Sreyas,
the most excellent One.
❄ ✳s❛❀❊❛❀❑✳②❛❀❞❀❛❀☞❛❀②❛❀♥❡❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✶✵✺ ➪ ➪
105. Salutations to Saukhyad¯ayin, the Bestower of enjoyments.
❄ ❞☎❀❛❀❿❛❀♠❯❛❀t❘❛❀②❡❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✶✵✻ ➪ ➪
106. Salutations to D¯ıptam¯urti, the One with a blazing form.
❄ ❀☞❛❀♥❛❀ ✎
♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✶✵✼ ➪ ➪
107. Salutations to Nikhil¯agamavedya, the Knower of all scriptures.
❄ ❀☞❛❀♥❛❀t②❛❀❛❀♥❛❀♥❞❀❛❀②❛ ♥❛❀♠❛❍ ➪ ✶✵✽ ➪ ➪
108. Salutations to Nity¯ananda, the One who is always blissful.
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➪ ➪ ✳s❯❛❀②❛❀❘❛❀➁❀❡❛✿❺❛✿❂✰❩❛❀t❛❀♥❛❀❛❀♠❛❀❛❀✈❛❀☞❛❀❧❍ ➪ ➪
✳s❯❛❀②❛❀❘❛❀➁❀❡❛✿❺❛✿❂✰❩❛❀t❛❀♥❛❀❛❀♠❛❀❛❀✈❛❀☞❛❀❧ ❍
End of The 108 Names of Surya
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