THURSDAY 7th MAY CHILDREN’S DAY. From 6 pm to midnight, all attractions in the Recinto Ferial (Fairground) are 1.5 €. 7.30 pm. Prizegiving of the Mayos and Crosses of May Contests. Casa de la Cultura (Avda. Constitución). held in the Meeting during the concert. 11 am. MEDIEVAL MARKET. From 11 am to 2.30 pm and 5 pm to 11 pm. Plaza de la Constitución. 8.30 pm. Reception of the groups taking part in the 32nd FOLKLORE FESTIVAL LOS MAYOS. Town Hall. FRIDAY 8th MAY 23rd CUSTOM MOTORBIKE MEETING. Complejo Deportivo Guadalentín (Sports Centre Guadalentín, Outdoor Swimming Pools). 10 am. Opening of the ticket office to register in the Custom Motorbike Meeting. 3 pm. Opening of the Custom Alhama Motoclub headquarter. 9 pm. Live Concert of “Vibración” and “Rock para 4”. Free entrance with limited capacity. CHILDREN’S DAY. From 6 pm to midnight, all attractions in the Recinto Ferial (Fairground) are 1.5 €. 7 pm. Opening of the MEDIEVAL MARKET. From 6.30 pm to 11 pm. Plaza Constitución. CHILDREN’S DAY. From 6 pm to midnight, all attractions in the Recinto Ferial (Fairground) are 1.5 €. SATURDAY 9th MAY 23rd CUSTOM MOTORBIKE MEETING. Complejo Deportivo Guadalentín (Sports Centre Guadalentín, Outdoor Swimming Pools). 9 am. Opening of the ticket office. 10 am. Opening of the heaquarter. 4.30 pm. Live Music with “Marcos Elvis”. 5.30 pm. Election of the “Corremayo Mayor”. 6 pm. Games and competitions. 7.30 pm. Motorbikes urban route and snack. 8.30 pm. Performance of the traditional music group “La Colla del Ramblar”. 10 pm. Rock Concert: “Capital 90”, “MOJINOS ESCOZIOS”, “La Moes”. Tickets: 13 € advanced tickets on sale at the Archaeological Museum Los Baños, and 15 € at the tickets office. Prizegiving of the different competitions 9.30 pm. 32nd FOLKLORE FESTIVAL LOS MAYOS. Participating groups: Grupo de Coros y Danzas “Niño Jesús de Balate” (Mula), Grupo de “Danzas de Villena” (Alicante), Grupo “Aires de Ronda, Música y Bailes Populares” de El Carpio de Tajo (Toledo). Free entrance with limited capacity. Organized by: Grupo Folklórico “Villa de Alhama”. Municipal Auditorium, Avenida Constitución SUNDAY 10th MAY 23rd CUSTOM MOTORBIKE MEETING: Custom Alhama Motoclub’s Headquarter. 10 am. “Moto-brunch”. Live music with “Marcos Elvis” and “Rock para 4”. 11 am. MEDIEVAL MARKET. From 11 am to 2.30 pm and from 5 pm to 11 pm. Plaza Constitución. CHILDREN’S DAY. From 6 pm to midnight, all attractions in the Recinto Ferial (Fairground) are 1.5 €. del 1 aL 10 DE MAYO LOS MAYOS 2015 THURSDAY 30 th APRIL 9 pm. Musical Theatre for all the family: “Dancing with Pérez Mouse”. Company La Ratonera and DUBBI KIDS. Free admission with limited capacity. Municipal Auditórium “Tierno Galván”, Avda. Constitución. 10 pm. The folk group “Villa de Alhama” will sing their Canto de los Mayos at their May Cross. C/ Alfonso X el Sabio, 35. FRIDAY 1st MAY 11 am. EXHIBITION: “Corremayos Mayores” of the Fiesta de los Mayos. From 1st to 3rd May. Opening time: 11 am – 2 pm and 5 pm - 10 pm. Casa de la Cultura (Avenida Constitución). 11.30 am. 22nd RICE COMPETITION “LOS MAYOS”. Recinto Ferial (Fairground). The Town Hall provides rice, soft drinks and firewood. This rice making competition will be livened up by the performances of some local music bands “rondallas”.1st Prize: 100 € and a “Corremayos” costume, 2nd Prize: 80 € and trophy, 3rd Prize: 50 € and trophy. Tribute Award “Diego el del Chaleco” to the the best presented dish, consisting of a trophy and a voucher worth 100 € to be used in El Chaleco Restaurant and/or El Rincón Bar. Registration at the Festivities Councillorship (Casa de la Cultura) until 29th April at 2.30 pm. 11.30 am. Performance of the group “La Edad de Oro”. Recinto Ferial (Fairground). 12.30 pm. Street Theatre: “Life is a Miracle”. Company Zootroupe / Nacho Vilar. Parque La Cubana and Recinto Ferial. In collaboration with the Culture Councillorship. 1.30 pm. Performance of the group “Aires de Espuña”, Location: Recinto Ferial (Fairground). 4.30 pm. FOAM PARTY. Parque La Cubana. 10 pm. CONCERT OF LOS MAYOS: HENRY MÉNDEZ + Dj NEXT and XRIZ.. Free admission with limited capacity. Parque La Cubana. SATURDAY 2nd MAY , “Day of the Cross” 10.30 am. Visit of the judges to the Crosses of May taking part in the contest.. 6.30 pm. “Corremayos” Make-Up Workshop. From 12 to 26 years old. Limited capacity. In collaboration with the Youth Councillorship. Casa de la Cultura. Avda. Constitución. 9 pm. Presentation of the “CORREMAYO MAYOR” OF THE FIESTAS DE LOS MAYOS 2015. This year the designated “Corremayo Mayor” is María José González Provencio. Town Hall, Plaza de la Constitución. 9.15 pm. GRAND CORREMAYOS PARADE.- Route of the Corremayos around the town with music by the folk group MALVARICHE and the visual and pyrotechnical show “BUFONES” opening the parade. The Corremayos gather at the Plaza de la Constitución, in front of the Town Hall, and then follow a route via: Avenida Constitución, Juan Carlos I, La Feria, Corredera, San Francisco Javier, Plaza del Nazareno, Avda. Constantino López, Rambla Don Diego and Fairground. 11.30 pm. Concert of Los Mayos: “HUECCO”. Free entrance with limited capacity. Parque La Cubana. SUNDAY 3rd MAY , “Los Mayos Day” “PLANTADA DE LOS MAYOS”. Setting of Los Mayos (dummies) throughout the streets, squares and gardens of Alhama. LOS MAYOS TRAIN. It will visit several places where Mayos have been set up. Several departures throughout the day. Departure point from Avenida de la Constitución, in front of the Auditorium. The Tourist Office will be open to provide information about the Fiesta, maps of Mayos and May Crosses, programmes and general information from 10 am to 8 pm. 9.30 am. Opening of the ARTISAN MARKET “ZOCO ALHAMA”, natural and handicrafts products, from 9.30 am to 3 pm. Parque La Cubana. 10 am. Reception of the participant groups in the Meeting of “Cuadrillas” (traditional folk music groups). Town Hall. 10.15 am. Visit of the Judges to the Mayos taking part in the contest. 10.30 am. CORREMAYOS PARADE with the Alhama’s Charanga (brass band) to visit the Mayos. Gathering and departure of the parade from Plaza de la Constitución (Town Hall’s square) 11 am. MEETING OF CUADRILLAS “Encuentro de Cuadrillas”, The “cuadrillas” (music groups) will visit different Mayos and will return to the stage set up in the Municipal Park La Cubana to perform and close the meeting. With the following performances: 12.15 pm. Cuadrilla Ánimas de Aledo. 12.45 pm. Cuadrilla de Fuente Librilla.13.15 pm. Cuadrilla de El Berro. 13.45 pm. Cuadrilla de la Zarzadilla de Totana. 14.15 pm. Cuadrilla de La Costera de Alhama (Alhama de Murcia). 2.30 pm. GIANT PAELLA. Priority to the people participating in the Corremayos Parade and dressed with the Corremayos costume. Fairground (Recinto Ferial).
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