MOST HOLY TRINITY PARISH Parish Office: 236 Route 390, Cresco, Pennsylvania 18326 Worship Site: Msgr. McHugh Auditorium, 212 Route 390, Cresco 21st Sunday of Ordinary Time August 23, 2015 Parish Office (570) 595-3100 Parish Office Faith Formation (570)595-3111 595-3100 (570) Fax Faith 595-3200 Formation (570) Website (570) 595-3111 Email Fax [email protected] (570) 595-3200 Sunday Website Mass Schedule Saturday 4:00pm Sunday 8:00am Email 10:45am 12:30pm - Spanish [email protected] Reconciliation Monday 6:00-7:00pm - Parish Center First Saturday of the month 12:00-1:00pm Sunday Schedule Other timesMass by appointment. Sacrament Saturday 4:00pmof Baptism The sacrament is generally celebrated during the 10:45 am Mass on the second Sunday of 6:00pm the month. Parents/legal guardians are to contact the office early to arrange sacramenSunday 8:00am tal instruction and schedule a date. 10:45am Sacrament of Marriage A couple contemplating 12:30pm - marriage Spanish must meet Simon Peter answered him, “Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” MISSION STATEMENT We, the Catholic community of Most Holy Trinity Parish, rich in diversity, strive to achieve the unity that is the essence of God and the heart of the Church. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we are called to be faithful stewards of the apostolic tradition, to stir into flame the gifts of God the Father, and to evangelize through our action as witnesses to our Lord, Jesus Christ. with a priest at least six months prior to the desired date of the celebration. When the standard pre-nuptial investigation has been Reconciliation completed, a date can be arranged. Anointing of the Sick As an aid to comfort and strengthen the sick, the Monday sacrament is administered those 5:30-7:00pm - ParishtoCenter advanced in years, those preparing for surgery thoseofinthedanger of death. Firstand Saturday month 12:00Contact the parish office to make arrange1:00pm ments. Sacrament of Holy Orders Other times appointment. Any Catholic malebywho feels that God maybe calling him to serve His people as a deacon or priest, should talk to the pastor. Pastor: Rev. John Boyle Parochial Vicar: Rev. Gregory Loughney Retired Deacon: Ron Verkon In Residence: Msgr. John Bergamo Email Addresses Fr. Boyle: [email protected] Fr. Gregg: [email protected] Main Office: [email protected] Faith & Family Life Coordinator: [email protected] MHT PARISH MASS INTENTIONS 8:15am MHT-PC Bill and Joan Mary Conroy Conroy Family 11:30am Villa O.L. Florence Gerrity Ladies Guild 8:15am MHT-PC Paul Garber Wife 11:30am Villa O.L. Frances Lombardi Ladies Guild 8:15am MHT-PC Ray Stanton Kathleen McKevitte 11:30am Villa O.L. Diane Belly Ladies Guild 8:15am MHT-PC Richard Buchalski His Family 11:30am Villa O.L. In Thanksgiving Mr. & Mrs. Trickel 8/28 7:00am MHT-PC Palmira Genzano Mario Genzano 8/29 4:00pm MMS Stefano and Rose Fusco Roslyn Brereton 8/29 11:30am Villa O.L. The Bernardine Sisters of St. Francis of Villa of O.L. 8/30 8:00am MMS For the People 10:45am MMS Christine Gabbett Ladies Guild 12:30pm MMS Teofilas Taipe Guardia Family 8/24 8/25 8/26 8/27 Weekday Masses MHT Parish Center Mon-Thurs: 8:15am MHT Parish Center Fri: 7:00am MHT Parish Center Villa of Our Lady Mon-Fri: 11:30 am Parish Office Hours Monday Tuesday-Thursday Friday 9:00am - 8:00pm 9:00am - 5:00pm 9:00am - 12noon Introduction to the Liturgy of the Word Joshua 24:1-2a We will serve the Lord, for he is our God. Psalm 34 “Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.” Ephesians 5:21-32 This is a great mystery, regarding the Christ and the church. John 6:60-69 To whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. One thread that runs through our first reading and Gospel today is gratitude. Those who make the choice to serve and stay with the Lord are grateful for all that the Lord has done for them. As we listen to God’s holy word today, let us remember and be grateful for God’s many graces in our lives. We pray for: Those listed in our prayer intention book. Our men and women serving in the military. Most Holy Trinity Parish Stewardship Weekend of Aug 15/16 Sunday Collection Care and Maint. $ 9057.00 $ 807.00 Word of Life “I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly.” — John 10:10 (NABRE) Thank you Little Sisters of the Poor: The generous response of the parishioners of Most Holy Trinity Parish was $2,194.00. The Little Sisters of the Poor are so grateful and would like to assure the parishioners that they will be remembered in the monthly Eucharistic offering for their benefactors. Rev. Randy Gonzales, cicm - Missionhurst: Fr. Gonzales would like to extend his gratitude to the parishioners for their hospitality and generous sacrifice. The gift from the parishioners to aid the work of the missionaries totaled $627.00. PASTOR CORNER Message of the Week John 6:60-69 “As a result of this, many of his disciples returned to their former way of life and no longer accompanied him.” These departing disciples followed Jesus to a point, but when they encountered a teaching they didn’t like, they decided to leave. That was their free choice. And Jesus respected their freedom by letting them go. Then, he turned to the Twelve Apostles and asked, “Do you also want to leave?” Thankfully for us and the entire history of Christianity, Peter replied, “Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” We have the same choice to make. Will we follow Jesus no matter what, or will we abandon our faith in him if his ways become too uncomfortable? Our decision, too, makes an impact on history. If we stand firm, even when being Christian means being unpopular or countercultural, then we will make a difference. In today’s Old Testament reading, Joshua speaks about choices to the Jewish people. He urges them, and us, “Decide today whom you will serve.” And then, he courageously declares, “As for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.” May we have the courage of Joshua to make the right decision and stay faithful to the Lord. Questions of the Week ? John 6:60-69: Are there any sayings of Jesus you find too hard to accept? Joshua 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b: How does your household serve the Lord? Ephesians 5:21-32: What do you find challenging in Paul’s message? Everyday Stewardship Remember when you joined Weight Watchers way back when? How did that go for you? Remember when you were a student and after the first or second day of that new class you ran to the school office to fill out the slip dropping the class? That was a close one! Then, how about the time you started that Bible study at the parish and after two weeks you disappeared? Who knew there would be actual homework! If you have never started something and then quit because it was just too difficult or you were scared of what it would ultimately cost, than you are in the minority. I think it is part of the human experience to retreat at some point from that which we find just too much or that which surprised us by the level of difficulty. We were filled with good intentions, but then we decided now was not the time or that we were just incapable of meeting expectations. Jesus attracted quite a few people in the Gospels. They wanted to be in his presence and follow him wherever he went. But when he told them what was really entailed in following him, many “returned to their former way of life.” The cost was just too great. Stewardship calls for us to become mature disciples that respond to Christ’s call, regardless of the cost. If we are going to take this commitment seriously, we have to work hard on becoming what we are called to in our baptism. On some days, it might seem easier to drift away or drop out, but this is more important than any class or weight loss program. Those things pass away and we move on, but this journey lasts forever. And better yet, Jesus is willing to tutor us if we let him. Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS JUSTICE NOTES: The Lord has eyes for the just, and ears for their cry Psalm 34: 16 I came across a quote the other day that is attributed to Simon Patrick (1626-1707) in the classic, "The Parable of the Pilgrim." He states, "The only faith which will carry us to Jerusalem is conformity to the ethics of Jesus." The ethics of Jesus…the phrase resonates with me. Ethics is the study of the general nature of morals and of the specific moral choices to be made by the individual in his/her relationship with others. Ethics asks the questions, "How should I act as to do what is good and right?" "What is meant by good?" "Who is the good person?" "What kind of a person ought I to be?" "How then shall I live so as to do what is right, just, and good?" "What ought I do?" If we look to the Bible, we find that it does not offer a list of ethics as laws but rather shows us a life-style, a way to live, a way to life. This is what we find in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) and the Sermon on the Plain (Luke 6: 17-49). Take some time to read and contemplate your own life in the light of these passages. For the greatest summary of ethical instruction, we have the words of our Lord (Matthew 22: 37-39) to love God and to love one’s neighbor and that the norm for all moral decision making is the character of God, especially God’s holiness (1 Peter 1:16). If you still aren’t clear as to what it means to live an ethical life, follow the Golden Rule of Matthew 7:12, "Do to others whatever you would have them do to you." This particular ethic is universal among cultures as you can see listed below: Do as you would be done by.—Persian R EGLIGIOUS E DUCATION Registrations have opened for the 2015-2016 religious education year. Forms are available after each Mass on the weekend, have been emailed and can be accessed on our parish website. Classes will begin Sunday, September 13, 2015 at 9:00am. Interested in becoming Catholic ... Most Holy Trinity Parish Looking to complete the Sacraments of Initiation ... 18th Annual Golf Tournament Join our parish’s program for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Saturday, September 12, 2015 at 10:30 in the Parish Center an inquiry session will be held for those who are currently not Catholic, as well as baptized Catholics who have not received Holy Communion and/or Confirmation. Please inquire through the parish office. 570-595-3100 PARISH ACTIVITIES Parish Calendar Monday, Aug. 24 4:00pm-7:00pm Adoration (Chapel) 6:00pm-7:00pm Legion of Mary Wednesday, Aug. 26 10:00am-12noon ESL (MHT-PC) 1:00pm -2:00pm IHM Assoc. (MHT-PC) 6:00pm-8:00pm ESL (MHT-PC) 7:00pm-8:00pm Golf Outing Mtg. 7:00pm-9:00pm MHT Prayer Group (Chapel) 5:00pm-9:00pm 7:00pm-9:00pm 5:00pm-9:00pm Thursday, Aug. 27 BINGO IS BACK Friday, Aug. 28 Coro Hispano Saturday, Aug. 29 MHT Luau Party On the grounds of Msgr. School Calling all singers the Most Trinity Choir will be singing on a regular basis for parish liturgies. New singers are welcome. Our first rehearsal will be at the Parish Center on Tuesday, Sept. 8th at 7:00pm. We will have some rehearsals on Tuesday evenings and some on Sunday mornings. Also we are looking for musicians who play brass, woodwinds, percussion or string instruments who would be willing to play prelude music before Mass. Audition required. Please call the Parish Office. 570-595-3100 Saturday, September 12, 2015 at 1:00 PM Pocono Farms Country Club Tobyhanna, PA Enjoy a great afternoon on the course followed by an evening with good food, friends and fun. Lots of prizes and surprises! The cost for this event is only $115. This price includes entry into all events, 18 holes of golf, riding cart, dinner and various awards. Registration forms are available on our website, in the Parish Office and in the back of Msgr. McHugh Auditorium. Proceeds benefit Most Holy Trinity Parish Scholarship Fund, the care of historic St. Ann’s church and maintenance needs for our parish. Please Make Checks Payable to: Most Holy Trinity Parish /Golf Tournament 236 Route 390 Cresco, PA 18326 570-595-3100 Next meeting will Wed. August 26, 7:00pm Parish Center 50/50 Golf Outing Tickets will be sold after all the Masses on August 15 & 16, 29 & 30 September 5 & 6 Attention Ladies of the Parish! Sunday, September 13, 2015 for the Ladies Guild Annual (used) Purse Sale along with a Potluck Lunch at 2pm in the Parish Center. Admission $10.00. All Purses will sold for $5.00 except Vera Bradley’s will be sold$10.00 and Coaches will cost $25.00 Everyone is welcomed to al these events. Please Spread the word. MHT Bingo We’re back! Beginning Thursday, August 27th, Bingo will resume at Msgr. McHugh School. A reminder of our schedule: 5:00pm Doors open 5:30pm Kitchen opens 6:15pm Early Birds 6:30pm Bingo Join us for food, fun and prizes! CELEBRATION OF WEDDINGS AND FUNERALS: The Bernardine Sisters of St. Francis who staff the Villa of Our Lady Retreat House in Mt. Pocono, are allowing us to celebrate both Weddings and Funerals at their chapel. The Sisters also offered to provide (at a reasonable cost) an after funeral meal for those who choose to have their funeral Masses at the Villa. We are grateful for the sisters’ cooperation during our “transitional stage” - between our individual parish churches and the realization of our new church. With God’s help we continue to move toward that goal. C OMMUNITY O UTREACH ESL Summer Break Classes will be cancelled from 8/24 - 9/6. Fall Schedule Classes will resume September 9th Mon. & Wed. - evening classes from 6:00-8:00 pm Wed. &Thur. - morning classes from 10am-12 noon Most Holy Trinity Parish is hosting a weekly meal for the Community on Wednesdays, Liturgy Committee Forming In order to assist in our parish’s worship and praise of God, a well formed and informed Liturgical Committee is needed. Anyone who feels that they may have something to offer as far as our Liturgical Life is concerned, please contact Fr. Boyle for further information. Individuals who have had previous experience on Liturgy Committees, those who are interested in participating in a greater or different manner are asked to step forward and help make MHT the worshipping and praying parish we are called by God to be. An initial meeting will be held in Mid-August. Any questions, 12 noon to 1:00 at Mountainhome United Methodist Church. Questions? Call Madeleine Forssell 570-595-6491 Volunteer Coordinator Nancy Santi 570-595-5063 The purveyor on Wednesday, August 12, 2015 was Kasa's Pizza in Paradise Valley. Desserts were provided by The Daily Bread Bakeshop. Many thanks Life in the Spirit Presentation Valor helps homeless and disadvantaged veterans. MHT collects donations suitable for homeless veterans living on the streets (sturdy clothes, shoes, sleeping bags, toiletries, etc.) for distribution thru Valor. Call Allen Seaman at 570-839-2362 if you have donations. For a complete list of items needed see the Valor website at St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish will be hosting a 7 week presentation on Thursday evenings beginning September 3rd and running through October 15th. Come and discover ways YOU can have a personal encounter with Jesus Christ, and experience a full Catholic Life in the Holy Spirit! If interested in attending, please respond before Friday, August 28, 2015 by calling St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish at 570-646-6424 or emailing Lynette Smith ([email protected]) or Marion Colvin ([email protected]). Trinity’s Treasure Trove: Stop! Don’t throw that out! One Man’s Trash is Another Man’s Treasure! We can find a home for almost anything in good condition through local charities, food pantries, clothing closets, etc. to help the needy in our area. We are currently seeking air conditioners, fans, mattress sets, pots and pans, silverware, dishwasher, dressers, tables and chairs. To learn more about specific treasures currently needed see the website or call Elaine Madere at 732-995-3370. please call the Fr. Boyle or Fr. Gregg. Building Project Update Following the 4pm Mass on Saturday and the 8am Mass on Sunday two open townhall meetings were held to update parishioners about current and proposed happenings in the parish. Fr. Boyle and Fr. Gregg, along with Mr. Alan Schwartz of Kirby-Smith and Associates, presented information concerning several projects and they answered questions posed by parishioners in attendance. The following is a collective summary report of the discussions that occurred at those two meetings: Permission was asked of and granted by Bishop Bambera to use the chapel at the Villa of Our Lady Retreat House as an option for parish funerals and weddings. Permission was asked and currently pending for the churches of St. Mary of the Mount and St. Bernadette to be closed and the properties marketed for sale. The Finance and Parish Councils along with the Development Committee will meet with diocesan officials to discuss the process. Following this meeting Fr. Boyle will meet with the Presbyteral Council of the diocese. After all the proper canonical steps have been taken closing liturgies will be celebrated, the properties will be appraised and then put on the market for sale. The marketing of church properties will necessitate the acquisitioning of a priests’ residence. It has been determined to be most cost effective and advantageous to overall site development for the residence to be located off of the McHugh campus. At present residential homes for sale in the vicinity of our campus are being considered. A brief summary of the feasibility study was presented by Mr. Schwartz. He then elaborated on a timeline for our proposed capital campaign. After meeting with the diocesan director of development and completing the requisite diocesan steps we hope to begin forming the leadership team for the campaign this fall. Phase 1 of the wastewater and well projects is coming a close. We are most grateful to Jim Moore, Joe Matarazzo, Tom Shea, Walter Dill and Manny DeStefano for their diligent and dedicated work in monitoring this project. The wastewater plant is scheduled to be back on line Friday, August 21st. We recognize that our temporary home in Msgr McHugh auditorium works, however we all desire to realize the dream of a new church sooner rather than later. With that consideration, it has been decided that the proposed project would occur in phases. The first phase would be the building of the church and phase 2 would be the building of the hall. Furthermore the site has been moved from the upper baseball field to the current parking lot on the south side of the school building. Finally structural modifications are being made in an attempt to bring the church construction costs around the 4 million dollar mark. Permission was asked and currently pending for additional parking at the McHugh site. We are proposing an expansion of the parking lot in the front of the school. This would serve us both during the week at the parish center and on the weekend for Masses. COMUNIDAD CATÓLICA DEL CONDADO DE MONROE Diócesis de Scranton XXI Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 23 de Agosto, 2015 Msgr. José P. Kelly Director de Asuntos Hispanos en La Diócesis Padres del Ministerio Hispano del Condado de Monroe Rev. John Boyle La Santísima Trinidad, Phone # 570 595-3100 Rev. Gerald Shantillo San Mateo East Stroudsburg, Phone # 570 421-2342 Rev. Carmen Perry San Lucas, Stroudsburg, Phone # 570 421-9097 Rev. Michel Quinnan Reina de la Paz, Brodheadsville, Phone # 610 681-6137 Misas del Día del Señor Sábado y Domingo Sábado 6:30pm San Juan Marshalls Creek Domingo 12:30pm PARROQUIA LA SANTISMA TRINIDAD Auditorio Colegio Msgr.McHugh 1:30pm Reina de la Paz Brodheadsville 3:30pm San Mateo E. Stroudsburg Misa Durante la Semana Martes Rev. Gregory Reichlen San Juan, Marshalls Creek, Phone # 570 223-9144 Diacono Oscar Langlois San Mateo, East Stroudsburg 7:00pm San Lucas Stroudsburg Santificaras el día del Señor. El Señor nos reúne de nuevo en el domingo, para celebrar juntos la Eucaristía. En las lecturas escucharemos una situación, que hoy es de plena actualidad entre nosotros. Mucha gente, por resultarle duras las palabras y exigencias de Jesús, lo abandona y le da la espalda. Pasaba en el Antiguo Testamento, en tiempos de Jesús y en nuestros días. En cambio, también escucharemos las palabras de Pedro: Señor ¿a quién vamos a acudir? Tú tienes palabras de vida eterna; nosotros creemos. Esta es también nuestra respuesta y porque creemos en Jesús, estamos aquí reunidos para darle gracias por haberse quedado en la Eucaristía para siempre. Hoy llegamos a la conclusión de una serie de pasajes del Evangelio de san Juan acerca de la Eucaristía. Jesús le pregunta a sus discípulos (y a nosotros) si ellos desean marcharse después de haber escuchado lo que les acababa de decir. Igual que las tribus de Israel congregadas frente a Josué en la primera lectura nosotros tenemos la opción cada día de servir o no servir al Señor. Elevemos hoy nuestra oración a fin de recibir la sabiduría para hacer la opción correcta. ¿PREGUNTA DE LA SEMANA? ¿Esta semana, que acción concreta de mi parte demostrará inequívocamente que he decido quedarme con Cristo en un discipulado eucarístico? La Eucaristía, el regalo más precioso del Señor Papa Francisco: “No todas las Misas, tal como las conocemos, son litúrgicamente inspiradoras. El Cielo comienza en la Eucaristía “En estos domingos la Liturgia nos está proponiendo, del Evangelio de Juan, el discurso de Jesús sobre el Pan de Vida, que es No todas las Misas son enriquecidas por un sermón conmovedor. Él mismo y que es también el sacramento de la Eucaristía” dijo, No todas las Misas se celebran en una casa de culto esplendida. y señaló que el pasaje de hoy “presenta la última parte de ese No todas las Misas son doblemente realzadas por un buen coro e himnos discurso, y hace referencia a algunos entre la gente que se escandalizan porque Jesús dice: ‘El que come mi carne y bebe apropiados. mi sangre tiene Vida eterna, y yo lo resucitaré en el último día’. Sin embargo, todas las Misas: Hacen presente a todos los participantes, nada más y nada menos, que el sacrificio ofrecido en la cruz por Nuestro Señor y Salvador, Jesucristo. Y todas las Misas son consideradas como la más preciosa y poderosa oración ante el trono de Dios, como “la fuente y el culmen de toda la vida cristiana” Parroquia La Santísima Trinidad 18th Torneo Anual de Golf Comenzará Sábado 12 de Septiembre en Pocono Farms Contry Club, Tobyhanna. Te invitamos a que pases una tarde agradable. Son 18 años consecutivos que se esta trabajando para ayudar a las becas de la Escuela Católica y al mejoramiento de nuestra Parroquia. El costo es de $ 115.00 incluye 18 hoyos, cena y varias actividades. Anímate y participa. Mas informe llamar a la oficina telf. 570 595-3100 PARROQUIA LA SANTISIMA TRINIDAD 1er. ANUAL PICNI “LUAU PARTY” Te invitamos Sábado, 29 de Agosto Hora 5:00pm a 9:00pm a nuestro Primer Anual Picnic, que se celebrará en las áreas verdes de Colegio Msgr. McHugh. Tendremos BBQ , comida, buena música, juegos, sorpresas y mucho más. Trae a tu familia para compartir. Sugerimos una donación de $ 10.00 por familia por Agosto 23 En el boletín semanal, esta la información, recortar y llenarlo con la cantidad de personas que vienen y entregarlo en la contribución dominical, con el fin de saber con cuantas personas contaremos. Clases de Ingles E.S.L. Por el Verano: Las clases se cancelaran desde 8/24 has 9/6 2015 Horario de Otoño: Comenzaremos Sept. 9 2015 Actividades de la Parroquia San Mateo La reunión de Cursillistas: Cada segundo domingo del mes, Hora 5:00 pm. Mayor información, llamar a Larry , 570 242-4494 MISA EN PHILADELPHIA CON EL PAPA FRANCISCO Dos buses saldrán el día Domingo, 27 de Septiembre Costo del ticket: $ 40.00 Misa : 12:00pm a 4:00pm Partida alrededor de las 8:00am (Parking de la Parroquia) Retorno no más tarde de las 9:00pm. Desde el estacionamiento del Bus a la Misa se caminara una milla. Mas información para reservar tu asiento, llamar a Jean Lynch al telf. # 570 656-1994 ANIMATE Y NO PIERDAS ESTA OPORTUNIDAD DE VER EN VIVO AL SANTO PADRE FRANCISCO Santoral y Calendario Mes de Agosto 2015 24 Lunes Fiesta de san Bartolome 25 Martes Memoria de san Luis de Francia Dia de la Independencia de Uruguay 27 Jueves Memoria de santa Monica 28 Viernes Memoria de san Agustin Los Santos fueron personas que siguieron las huellas de Cristo, viven gozosos en el cielo. Derramaron su sangre por su amor y por eso se alegran con Cristo para siempre. El Papa destacó que “el estupor de los que lo escuchan es comprensible”. “Ante todo preguntas: ¿qué significa ‘comer la carne y beber la sangre’ de Jesús?, ¿es solo una imagen, una forma de decir, un símbolo, o indica algo real?”, indicó. Francisco destacó que “sabiendo que deberá morir sobre la cruz por nosotros, Jesús se identifica con aquel pan partido y compartido, y eso se convierte para Él en el ‘signo’ del Sacrificio que lo espera. Este proceso tiene su culmen en la Última Cena, donde el pan y el vino se transforman realmente en su Cuerpo y en su Sangre”. Parroquia la Santísima Trinidad (MHT) Calendarios de Misas y Actividades Auditorio, Colegio Msgr. McHugh, Cresco Misa cada Sábado: Hora 4:00pm (Ingles) Misa cada Domingo: 8:00am, 10:45am (Ingles) y 12:30pm (Español) Bingo: Por las dos semanas siguiente, no estaremos en activos. Capilla Centro Parroquial, Cresco Adoración al Santísimo Sacramento Cada lunes de 4:00 a 7:00pm Sacramento de Reconciliación: Lunes de 6:00pm a 7:00pm y el primer sábado de cada mes de 12:00am a 1:00pm Legión de María, Reuniones los Lunes a las 6:00pm CATEQUESIS FAMILIAR - MHT Las matrículas están abiertas para: Pre catequesis, Primera Comunión, Transición, Confirmación y Familia de Nazaret. Anímate e inscribe a tu hijo para que conozca mas de Jesús. Dile SI al Señor! Las clases muy pronto comenzaran nos reuniremos cada domingo en el Colegio Msgr. McHugh, Hora 10:45am hasta 12:15pm. La Vida en el Espíritu La Parroquia Maximiliam Kolbe in Pocono Pine, auspiciará por 7 semanas presentaciónes de la Vida en el Espiritu los Jueves a partir de Sept. 3 a Oct.15 Ven y descubre caminos para ti teniendo un encuentro personal con Cristo Jesús y una experiencia llena de Vida en el Espíritu. Si estas interesado por favor llamar a la Parroquia Maximilian Kolbe antes del Viernes 28 de Agosto telf. 570 646-6424 Grupos de Oración y Estudio de Biblia Los invitamos a participar en los diferentes grupos Viernes: 7pm Iglesia Nuestra Señora Reina de la Paz, Brodheadsville. Viernes: 7pm Iglesia San Mateo, East Stroudsburg. Estudio de la Biblia en Ingles : Iglesia San Lucas, cada Jueves hora 10am y será repetido a las 7:00pm. Todos son bienvenidos. Anuncios Llamar a la Oficina de la Parroquia La Santísima Trinidad hasta el día Lunes de 9:00am a 4:00pm Telf. # (570) 595-3100 o escribir al correo Electrónico: [email protected]
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