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Meyer, Arthur Fraser Walter, Benjamin Samuel
Faudel-Phillips,Philip Joseph Gutterez Henriques,
John Robert Cooper, John Lulham Pound, Henry
Clarke, Walter Owen Clough, Horatio Gordon
Davies, Lionel Lawson Faudel Faudel-Phillips,
Ludovic Godfrey Goetz, Alfred Gutterez
Henriques, William Bradbury Leaf, Charles Lindo,
Esquires, Sir Thomas Johnstone Lipton, Baronet,
Knight Commander of our Royal Victorian Order,
Ernest Braithwaite Savory, Henry Savory Way,
Esquires, Heniy Lloyd Gibbs, Esquire, commonly
called the Honourable Henry Lloyd Gibbs, David
John Morgan, Esquire, Sir Thomas Robert
Dewar, Knight, Lieutenant-Colonel Clifford
Probyn, John Henry Lile, Alfred Willis, Harold
Blake Dayies, John King-Farlow, Harry
Kottingham Newton, Arthur Thomas Franklin,
Samuel Samuel, Paul Alliston, James Ibotson
Ward, Esquires, Nathaniel Charles Rothschild,
Esquire, cqmmonlycalled the Honourable Nathaniel
Charles Rothschild, Abe Bailey, Herbert Edmund
Knight, William Mendel, Thomas Hastings
Miller, Arthur Burrows Moore, Keyes O'Clery,
John William Tyler, Thomas Vaughan-Roderick,
John Waddington, Samuel Garcia Asher, George
Lord Beeforth, Jeremiah Colman, Alfred Heathcote Copeman, Herbert Thomas Crosby, Henry
.Green, John Francis Greenwood, Clarence
, Richard Halse, Alfred Jordan Hollington, Henry
Smith, Alfred :Durant Watson, Henley Grose
Grose-Smith, Lancelot Wilkinson Deut, Esquires;
Sir Joseph Lawrence, Knight, Captain Sir
Francis Haydn Green. Baronet, George Chater,
Edward Spicer, Spencer William Morris, Henry
Attlee, Edwin Hanson Freshfield, Esquires, Sir.
Thomas Henry Brooke - Hitching, Sir James
Fortescue Flannery, Knights, Edward Baverstock
Merriman, and Charles John Ritchie, Esquires.
Whitehall, June 21, 1904.
The KING has been pleased to give and grant
unto Captain George Clifford Miller Hall, D.S.O.,
Royal Engineers, Goods Manager of the Egyptian
State Railways, His Majesty's Royal licence and
authority that he may accept and wear the
Insignia of the Third Class of the Imperial Ottoman Order of the Osmanieh, conferred upon him
by His Highness the Khedive of Egypt, authorized
by His Imperial Majesty the Sultan of Turkey,
in recognition of valuable services rendered by
him to His Highness.
Whitehall, June 21, 1904.
The KING has been pleased to give and grant
uuto Francis Arthur Aglen, Esq., His Majesty's
Royal licence and authority that he may accept
and wear the Insignia of the First Class of the.
Third Division of the Imperial Chinese Order of '
the Double Dragon (with Civil rank of the Third
Class), which decoration has been conferred upon
him by His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of,
China, in recognition of his services as Commissioner of the Imperial Chinese Customs, and Chief
Secretary, Inspectorate-General, Peking.
Whitehall, June 21, 1904.
The KING has been pleased to give and grant
unto John Edward Roberts, Esq., His Majesty's
Royal licence and authority that he may accept
tiud wear the Insignia of the Fifth Class of the
Imperial Ottoman Order of the Medjidieh, conferred upon him by His Highness the Khedive of
Egypt, authorized by His Imperial Majesty the
Sultan of Turkey, in recognition of his services as
Superintendent of Machinery of the Port of
[The following Notice is substituted for that
which appeared in the London Gazette of
September 25, 1903.]
Foreign Office,
September 19, 1903.
The KING has been pleased to approve of
Mahmoud Macan Marikar Effendi as Consul of
Turkey at Colombo.
Foreign Office,
June 13,1904.
The KING has been pleased to approve of—;
Mr. C. Bastin as Consul of Belgium at Calcutta;
Mr. M. Gerard as Consul of Belgium at Bombay;
Sefior Don Felix J. Piccoue as.Cousulof Costa
Rica at Gibraltar.
Foreign Office*
June 23, 1904. .
The following Decree, of which a translation
is annexed, has been officially published by the
President, of Venezuela, and has been received
by the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs,
through His Majesty's Minister at Caracas:—
Presidencia de la Repiiblica.
Presidente Provisional de los Estados Unidos
de Venezuela,
ART. 1°. La Aduana dc "Puerto Cristobal
CpUSn," Croatia por Decreto Ejecutivo de 7 de
diciembre de 1903, comeuzara a ejurcer sus
funciones desde el 1° de junio proximo y su jurisdiccion coinpreiidera desde el Proniontorib de
Paria hasta la Boca del Rio Grande.
AKT. 2°. En cumplimiento de lo dispuesto en
el arti'culo 4° del Decreto citado de 7 de diciembre
de 1903, queda habilitada la Aduana de Ciudad
Bolivar para ejercer las mismas funciones y
deberes que teni'a antes de ser suprimida y con la
misma jurisdicci6n.
AKT. 3°. La Aduana de Tucacas, creada por
Decreto Ejecutivo de 28 de uoviembre de 1903,
eutrara a ejercer las fuuciones que tiene serial adas desde e 1° de junio proximo, y su jurisdiction
sera desde Boca de Area hasta Boca de Giieque.
Queda, en cpusecuencia derogada la Resolution
del Ministerio de Hacienda y Credito Publico de
de noviembre de 1903.
ART. 4°. Se rehabilita para el comercio de
importation, de exportation y de cabotaje la
JUluana de La Vela, cerrada ternporalmente por
Decreto Ejecutivo de fecha 27 de mayo de 1903,
con las misiuas facultades y deberes que tenia
antes de ser suprimida.
§ unico. La jurisdiction, de esta Aduana sera
desde la Boca de Giioque hasta la Punta de
ART. 5°. De"se cuenta de este Decreto al
Congreso Nacioual en su pr<Sxima reunion.
ART. 6°. El Mmistro de Hacienda y Creclito
Publico queda eucargado de la ejecucion de este