2792 THE LONDON GAZETTE, MAY 1, 1903. OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership hereOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership hereN tofore subsisting between us the undersigned, N tofore subsisting between us the undersigned, Sarah Ann Robins and Alice Harriett Wylde, carrying James Daw^on Morphet and Marc Ceppi, as School- on business as Court Lace Cleaners and Menders, Dyers and Cleaners, at 24, Elizabeth-street, Eaton-square, London, under the style or firm of ROBINS AND WYLDE, has been dissolved by mutual consent as and from the 25th day of March, 1903. All debts due to and owing by the said late firm will be received and paid by the said Sarah Ann Eobins.—Dated 28th day of April, 1903. S. A. ROBINS. 130 ALICE HARRIETT WYLDE. masters, at West Kirby, in the county of Chester, under the style or firm of "MORPHET AND CEPPI," has been dissolved this day by mutual consent. All debts due and owing to or by the said late firm will be received and paid by the said James Dawson Morphec, by whom the school will in future be carried on.—Dated this twenty-seventh day of April, 1903. J. 0. MORPHET. HO MARC CEPPI. N N OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership hereOTICE Is hereby given, that the Partnership heretotofore subsisting between us the undersigned, fore subsisting between us the- undersigned, John Walter Pomfret, Joseph Warburton, William Chappell, Swales and Joseph Horace Ellis, carrying on business as Edward Turner, and John Slack Myles, carrying on Butchers, at Oakwood Roundhay, 50, Chapeltown-road, business as Engineers, at 36, Charles-street, Princess- and 77, Sweet-street, Holbeck, all in the city of Leeds, street, Manchester, under the style or firm of "THE under the style or firm of "JOHN SWALES," has been OXFORD ENGINEERING WORKS." has been dis- dissolved by mutual consent as from the 27th day of solved by mutual consent as and from the fifteenth day of April, 1903. All debts owing by the said late firm will October, 1902. All debts due to the said late firm will be paid by the said John Swales, and all debts due to be received by Mr. John Townley Trotter, Chartered the said late firm in respect of the Roundhay business Accountant, of 27, Brazennose-street, Manchester, and will be received by the said Joseph Horace Ellis, who particulars of all claims on the said copaitnership must will for the future carry on the said business on his own be sent in to the said Mr. Trotter.—Dated the twenty- I account; and all debts due to the said late firm in respect fifth day of April, 1903. of the businesses carried on at 50, Chapeltown-road, WALTER POMFRET. and 77, Sweet-street, Holbeck aforesaid, will be received JOSEPH WARBURTON. by the said John Swales, who will for the future carry WILLIAM CHAPPELL. on these said businesses on bis own account.^Dated this (By power of attorney to me given Walter Pomfret.) I twenty-seventh day of April, 1903. EDWARD TURNER. JOHN SWALES. 025 JOHN SLACK MYLES. 104 JOSEPH HORACE ELLIS. OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership lately N subsisting between Manuel Anastasins Copchili, Richard Charles Perkins, and Walter William Rycroft, "VTOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership heretoJL i fore subsisting between us the undersigned, Henry Waterworth, Alfred Waterworth, and William Ernest and the late Charles Louis Theodor Holtzmann, carrying Waterworth, carrying on business as Woollen Manufacon business as Merchants, at 53, Well-street, Bradford, turers, at Crompton Mills, Yeadon, under the style or firm in the county of York, under the style or firm of of D. WATER WORTH AND SONS, has been dissolved " STAVERT, ZIGOMALA, AND CO.," has been dis- by mutual consent as and from the 25th day of April, 1903. solved as and from the 31st day of March, 1903. All All debts due to and owing by the said late firm will be debts due to and owing by the late firm will be received received and paid by the said Alfred Waterworth and and paid by Manuel Anastasius Copchili, Walter William Ernest Waterworth, who will continue to carry on William Rycroft, Thomas Williamson Gaunt, and Paul the business under the same style.—Dated 25th day of Friedrich Ferdinand Holtzmann, who will carry on the April, 1903. H. WATER WORTH. said business at the same place under the same style or ALFRED WATER WORTH. firm of Stavert, Zigomala, and Co.—Dated this third 016 WILLIAM ERNEST WATERWORTH. day of April, 1903. M. A. COPCHILI. OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership heretoRICHARD CHARLES PERKINS. fore subsisting between us the undersigned, W. W. RYCROFT. Charles Guly, John Bennett, and William Headley THOS. W. GAUNT. Clement, carrying on business as General and Builders' P. F. F. HOLTZMANN. Ironmongers and Merchants, at Balham, in the county J. E. L. H. GLAUERT, of London, under the style or firm of BENNETT BROWN C. WATKINSON, AND CO., has been dissolved, eo far as the said Charles PAULINE HOLTZMANN, Guly is concerned, by mutual consent as and from the P. F. F. HOLTZMANN, 29th day of September, 1902. All debts due to and Executors of the will of the above named Charles owing by the said late firm will be received and paid by 135 Louis Theodor Holtzmann. the said Jobn Bennett and William Headley Clement.— Dated this 27th day of April, 1903. JOHN BENNETT. "VTOTIOE is hereby given, that the Partnership hereWILLIAM HEADLEY CLEMENT. _Li tofore subsisting between us the undersigned, CHARLES GULY. _ Herbert Hirst and Joseph Barraclough, carrying on the 020 trade or business of Painters, Decorators, Dealers in OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership herePictures and Fine Arts, at Number 1, Bradford-road, tofore subsisting between us the undersigned, Brighouse, in the county of York, under the style or firm of "HIRST AND BARRAOLOUGH," has been Louis Oram Trivett and John Edmund Berrey, carrying dissolved by mutual consent as and from the eighteenth on business as Manufacturers of Spotted Chenille, at day of April instant. All debts due to and owing by the Short Hill, in the city of Nottingham, under the style or said late firm will be received and paid by the said firm of the "TRIVETT CHESILLING COMPANY," is Herbert Hirst, who will henceforth carry on the business hereby dissolved by mutual consent as from the day under the name or style of " Herbert Hirst."—Dated this of the date hereof. All debts due to and owing by the said firm will be received and paid by the said Louis twenty-seventh day of April, 1903. Oram Trivett.—Dated this 20th day of April, one HERBERT HIRST. thousand nine hundred and three. 094 JOSEPH BARRACLOUGH. L. O. TRIVETT. 3- EDMO. BEKREY. OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership here- on tofore subsisting between us the undersigned, OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership hereWalter Henry Harrington Price, William Beddoe Rees, tofore subsisting between us the undersigned, and Walter Harrington Crawfurd Price, carrying on business as Carriage Importers and Manufacturers, at John Henry Shepherd and Thomas James Shepherd, 118, Great Portland-street, in the county of London, carrying on business as Bakers and Flour Dealers, at under the style or firm of THE COLUMBUS CARRIAGE 520, Olflham-roar), Manchester, and at 92, Church-lane, COMPANY, has been dissolved by mutual consent as Harpurhey, Manchester, under the style or firm of. and from the ninth day of April, 1903. All debts due J. AND T. SHEPHERD, has been dissolved by mutual and owing to or by the said late firm will be received and consent as from this day. All debts due to and owing paid by the said Walter Henry Harrington Price and by the &aid late firm will be received and paid by Walter Harrington Crawfurd Price, and that such busi- the said Jobn Henry Shepherd, who will continue 'the ness will be carried on in the future by the said Walter business on bis own account, under the style of J. Henry Harrington Price and Walter Harrington Craw- Shepherd, at 92, Church-lane, Harpurhey, Manchester, to which address all future communications should be furd Price.—Dated this ninth day of April, 1903. directed.—Dated this twenty-fifth day of April, 1903. WALTER H. H. PRICE. JOHN HENRY SHBPHERD. W. BEDDOE REES. 044 THOMAS JAMES SHEPHERD. i-i3 W. HARRINGTON C. PRICE. N N N N
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