El estómago malo, Food poisoning mystery - Reeths

Mi nombre: ______________________
Nombre de mi compañero: ______________________
¡El estómago malo!
Scenario: A three-star tapas restaurant in Madrid, El Aficionado, has been closed by the city because one
of its clients, Joaquín Hambriento, got sick after eating there last Saturday. The owner of the restaurant, Sr.
Juan Bobo, is sure that the cause of the illness was food poisoning. This has been confirmed by the local
doctor. However, it is difficult to figure out which food served at the restaurant is the cause of the problem,
especially since this is a tapas restaurant, and each client sampled a variety of dishes.
Tarea (Task): You work at the health department in Madrid. Work with your partner to figure out what food
caused the illness.
Los vendedores sospechosos de la venta de la comida contaminada:
• Bruno Bruto vende todo tipo de carne, pollo y jamones. También vende huevos.
• Francesca Fresca vende todo tipo de frutas y vegetales frescos.
• Antonio Antiguo vende productos del mar: pescados ahumados y mariscos.
• Javier Injusto vende productos lácteos como quesos, cremas y leche.
Los clientes:
• Joaquín Hambriento no comió las ensaladas. Comió todos los otros platos.
• Lilia Lujosa comió todas las ensaladas.
• Ana Ansiosa comió el plato ahumado, el plato de barbacoa y el plato de variedades.
Las enfermedades:
• Joaquín y Lilia estuvieron enfermos, pero Ana no estuvo enferma.
Los platos ofrecidos a los clientes la noche del episodio:
• Ensalada verde griega (queso griego, tomates, jamón y lechuga)
• Plato de barbacoa (jamón, carne de búfalo)
• Ensalada italiana (pasta, huevo duro, jamón, crema agria y arroz)
• Plato ahumado (salmón y jamón)
• Ensalada de mariscos (atún y camarones con crema agria)
• Plato de variedades (jamón, queso suizo, huevos, sardinas y atún)
• Plato prudente (asado de pollo, atún y patatas con crema agria)
A. List the foods that eat customer ate.
Joaquín comió…
Ana comió…
Lilia comió…
B. Compare the foods eaten by the clients. Evaluate your information and solve the mystery. Which
food made the clients ill? Which suspect sold the restaurant this bad food? When you think you
have the answer, check it with the teacher.
Mi nombre: ______________________
Nombre de mi compañero: ______________________
¡El estómago malo!
C. Prewriting: Next you will write a short summary paragraph in COMPLETE Spanish sentences in
order to prepare your report to the health department.
1. Since this happened last Saturday, you will need to use past tense.
Circle which past tense you will use:
2. In English explain why the past tense you chose would be best to use for this situation.
3. Before you begin writing go back to the information on the first page and find and circle the
past tense verbs. (There are 9 of them. Can you tell which 2 of them are irregular?)
4. Work with your partner to write your paragraph in the box below.
Be sure to include:
 What food or foods the two sick people ate.
 Which of those foods the other person did not eat.
 Which vendor sold the contaminated food to the restaurant.
IMPORTANT: Before you go looking in a dictionary or on word reference, go back to the first page to find
the best vocabulary to use to write your sentences.
D. After you have finished your paragraph, underline or circle your past tense verbs. Then compare
your paragraph to that of others in your group and, if there is time, with another group. Double check
your past tense verbs.
E. Be ready to share your paragraph with the class today or tomorrow, depending on time.
F. If you are done early do one of the following: a) help others, b) study food vocabulary or c) if you
know all of the foods on the vocabulary list, search your supplementary vocabulary pages or a
dictionary to find new food words that you can learn.