IVY ACADEMIA BUSINESS OFFICE K-12 ENTREPRENEURIAL CHARTER SCHOOL 7353 VALLEY CIRCLE BLVD WEST HILLS, CA 91304 Educating Our Next Generation of Entrepreneurs WWW.IVYACADEMIA.COM TEL: (818) 716-0771 FAX: (818) 914-3674 Re-Enrollment Form for School Year 2015-2016 Please make sure to print clearly and provide the most accurate information Form must be returned to teacher no later than February 27, 2015 STUDENT INFORMATION Legal Name: ______________________________________________________ Last Name: First Name: Gender: □ Male □ Female Grade Level: _______________ 2015 – 2016 Middle: Date of Birth: ____/____/______ MM DD YYYY Home Number: (_____) _____-_______ Home Address: (complete only if address has changed in the last year) _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Street Address Apt./Unit _______________________________________________________________________________________________ City State Zip Code Student Lives with/Guardianship: (check all that apply) □ Mother & Father □ Mother □ Both parents alternately □ Father □ Mother/Stepparent □ Relative: ___________________ □ Father/Stepparent □ Foster Home □ Guardian □ Other: _____________ PARENT INFORMATION/LEGAL GUARDIAN Mother/Guardian Name: (complete only if information has changed in the last year) ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Last Name First Name Middle Home Telephone Number: Work Telephone Number: Cell Telephone Number: (_____) _____-_______ (_____) _____-_______ (_____) _____-_______ I would prefer to receive general school information on: □ Cell number □ Home number □ Work number E-mail Address: _________________________________________ Home Address: (if different than student) ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Street Address Apt./Unit ______________________________________________________________________________________________ City State Zip Code Father/Guardian Name: (complete only if information has changed in the last year) ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Last Name First Name Middle Home Telephone Number: (_____) _____-_______ Work Telephone Number: Cell Telephone Number: (_____) _____-_______ (_____) _____-_______ I would prefer to receive general school information on: □ Cell number □ Home number □ Work number E-mail Address: _________________________________________ Home Address: (if different than student) ______________________________________________________________________ Street Address Apt./Unit ______________________________________________________________________________________________ City State Zip Code IVY ACADEMIA BUSINESS OFFICE K-12 ENTREPRENEURIAL CHARTER SCHOOL 7353 VALLEY CIRCLE BLVD WEST HILLS, CA 91304 Educating Our Next Generation of Entrepreneurs WWW.IVYACADEMIA.COM TEL: (818) 716-0771 FAX: (818) 914-3674 Stepparent Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Last Name First Name Middle Home Telephone Number: Work Telephone Number: (_____) _____-_______ Cell Telephone Number: (_____) _____-_______ (_____) _____-_______ E-mail Address: _________________________________________ Ivy Academia Business Directory Please complete if you would like your business to be included in our Parent Business Directory free of charge. Type of Business: _____________________________________________________________________ Name of Business: _____________________________________________________________________ Brief Business Description: _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Contact Person: ____________________________________ Phone number: (_____) _____-_______ Business Address: _____________________________________________________________________ Street Address City State Zip MEDIA RELEASE I authorize: □ Ivy Academia □ Ivy Educational Foundation □ Ivy Parent Leadership Group (IPLG) the right to use artwork, statements, interviews, photographs and audio/visual recordings of my child. This would be for the purpose and/or use, in promotional, educational or fundraising materials including, but not limited to videotapes, pamphlets, websites and brochures. I understand that the last names of the child and/or parent/legal guardian will not be used in connections with said materials. I acknowledge that Ivy Academia shall have all copyrights in and of such photographs and videotapes and may use such copyrights fully. I hereby release Ivy Academia and its administration from all liability connected with the taking and use of said materials. In addition, I waive all rights, interests or claims for payment in connection with any exhibition or release of said materials. I acknowledge that this consent is voluntary and I acknowledge that I have legal authorization to sign this form on behalf of this minor. □ Yes, I authorize □ No, I do not authorize AUTHORIZATION FOR EMERGENCY MEDICAL TREATMENT The undersigned, legal custodian of this student, a minor, hereby authorizes the principal or designee, into whose care the aforementioned minor pupil has been entrusted, to consent to any X-ray examination, anesthetic, medical or surgical diagnosis, treatment, and/or hospital care to be rendered to said minor upon the advice of any licensed physician and/or dentist. It is understood that this authorization is given in advance of any required diagnosis, treatment, or hospital care and provides authority and power to the aforementioned agent(s) to give specific consent to any and all such diagnosis, treatment, or hospital care which a licensed physician or dentist may deem necessary. This authorization is given provisions of Section 25.8 of the California Civil Code, and shall remain effective for the full school year unless revoked in writing and delivered to said agent(s). I understand that Ivy Academia, its officers and its employees assume no liability of any nature in relation to the transportation of the said minor. I further understand that all costs of paramedic transportation, hospitalization, and any examination, X-ray, or treatment provided in relation to this authorization shall be borne by my undersigned. □ Yes, I authorize □ No, I do not authorize SIGNATURE I verify that the information contained in this document is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. X _________________________________ Date: ____/____/______ Parent/Legal Guardian Signature ________________________________________________________________________________ Printed Name Relationship to Student: (Check one) □ Parent □ Legal Guardian □ Other (specify): ______________________________ TRACK STEP 1: ROOM # ENTER STUDENT NAME AND PROVIDE ALL REQUESTED INFORMATION. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Birth Date LAST NAME FIRST NAME M M D D Y Y SCHOOL NAME Food Stamp, CalWORKS, KinGAP or FDPIR Case # Grade HOUSEHOLDS WITH A FOSTER / INSTITUTIONALIZED (GROUP HOME) CHILD: COMPLETE SEPARATE APPLICATION FOR EACH FOSTER CHILD IF the above is a FOSTER child living with your household, is the legal responsibility of a welfare agency or court. write the FOSTER child's monthy personal use income. .00 Write "0" if the child has no personal use income. Skip to STEP 4. STEP 2: ADD THE NAMES OF ALL OTHER CHILDREN IN HOUSEHOLD SCHOOL NAME GRADE FOOD STAMP, CALWORKS, KINGAP OR FDPIR CASE # STEP 3: LAST NAME FIRST NAME LAST NAME FIRST NAME LAST NAME FIRST NAME LAST NAME FIRST NAME LAST NAME FIRST NAME LAST NAME FIRST NAME LIST ALL ADULT HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS Wellfare Payments, Child Support / Alimony Earnings from Work Before Deductions Job 1 Monthly I cerfify that all of the information provided is true and correct and that all income is reported. I understand that this information is given in connection with the receipt of Federal funds, that school officials may verify the information on the application, and that diliberate misrepresentation of the information may subject me to prosecution under applicable State and Federal laws. STEP 4: LAST NAME FIRST NAME LAST NAME FIRST NAME LAST NAME FIRST NAME LAST NAME FIRST NAME ADULT HOUSEHOLD MEMBER MUST SIGN SIGNATURE HERE PRINTED NAME OF ADULT HOUSEHOLD MEMBER: Pay from Pensions, Retirement or Social Security Job 2 or Any Other Income Monthly Monthly Monthly .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 X TODAYS DATE: ADULT HOUSEHOLD MEMBER SOCIAL SECURITY # X IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A SOCIAL SECURITY #, CHECK BOX ADDRESS CITY ZIP CODE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY HOME PHONE REVIEWER WORK PHONE DATE MI HS F T-45 R NE TRACK SECCIÓN 1: ROOM # ESCRIBA EL NOMBRE DEL ESTUDIANTE Y TODA LA INFORMACION NECESSARIA. POR FAVOR ESCRIBA CLARO Númbero de Identification del estudiante Fetcha de Nacimiento APELLIDO PRIMER NOBMRE M M D D A A NOMBRE DE ESCUELA Grado Estampillas de Comida, CalWORKS, KinGAP or FDPIR Case # Niños Adoptivos (Foster) o Instituionalizados: Complete una solicitud separada por cada niño adoptivo Si un hijo(a) de CRIANZA reside en su hogar y es la responsabilidad legal de la Agencia del Welfare o la Corte, escriba cuanto es el ingreso personal mensual de hijo(a) de CRIANZA. .00 Escribe "0" si su hijo(a) no recibe dinero personal. Llene Sección 4. SECCIÓN 2: ANOTE TODOS LOS NIÑOS EN EL HOGAR NOMBRE DE ESCUELA GRADO ESCRIBA EL NUMERO DE CASO: ESTAMPILLAS DE COMIDA, CALWORKS, KINGAP OR FDPIR CASE # SECCIÓN 3: APELLIDO PRIMER NOMBRE APELLIDO PRIMER NOMBRE APELLIDO PRIMER NOMBRE APELLIDO PRIMER NOMBRE APELLIDO PRIMER NOMBRE APELLIDO PRIMER NOMBRE ESCRIBE LOS NOMBRES DE TODOS LOS ADULTOS EN EL HOGAR Certifico que toda la información proporcionada es verdad y correcta y que todos los ingresos fueron reportados. Entiendo que esta información se da con respecto al recibo de fondos federales, y que los oficiales de la escuela pueden verificar la información en la aplicacion. Yo entiendo que si deliberadamente proveo información falsa, mis niños podrian perder los beneficios de comidas y yo podria ser procesado legalmenta bajo las leyes estatales y federales correspondientes. SECCIÓN 4: Escribe los nombres de todos los adultos en el hogar APELLIDO PRIMER NOMBRE APELLIDO PRIMER NOMBRE APELLIDO PRIMER NOMBRE APELLIDO PRIMER NOMBRE FIRMA DE ADULTO ESCRIBE CON LETRA DE MOLDE SU NOMBRE ADULTO): Pensión, Retiro, o Segura Social (Mensual) .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Trabajo 1 X (DE Cualquier Otro Ingreso Mensual o Ingreso Mensual del Trabajo 2 Ayuda Monetaria, Pensión por Divorcia, Mentenimiento de Hijos (Mensual) Ingréso del Trabajo Mensual (antes de las deducciones) FECHA DE HOY NUMER DE SEGURO SOCIAL DEL ADULTO X MARQUÉ EN EL CUADRITO SI NO TIENE NUMBERO DE SEGURO SOCIAL DOMICILLO CIUDAD CODIGO POSTAL PARA USO OFICIAL SOLAMENTE NUMERO DE TELEFONO DEL HOGAR REVIEWER NUMERO DE TELEFONO DEL EMPLEO DATE MI HS F T-45 R NE
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