LNP LYNWOOD N’ PERSPECTIVE MONTHLY CITY NEWSLETTER OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD FEATURE DRASTIC REDUCTIONS IN WATER CONSUMPTION IMPOSED BY THE STATE With California facing one of the most severe droughts on record, on April 1, 2015, Governor Jerry Brown issued an Executive Order that mandates all cities, including Lynwood, and private water purveyors to reduce water consumption by their customers by 25 percent. If successful, this savings amounts to approximately 1.5 million acre-feet of water over the next nine months. For comparison, Big Bear Lake holds 73,000 acre-feet of water. After the directive from the Governor, the Lynwood City Council took action on April 21, 2015 and declared a Level 2 Water Supply Shortage condition in the City. Under the Lynwood Municipal Code following the declaration of such a condition mandates conservation measures and enforcement provisions to ensure that target reduction levels are attained. Lynwood water consumption must meet a conservation target of 15 percent and implementation measures to attain such a reduction will begin immediately. Effective immediately, residents and business owners in the City will be required to comply with the following regulations to help conserve water: MAY - VOL.9 - ISSUE 5 - 2015 José Luis Solache Mayor Yasmine Sterling Kid Mayor of the Month of April Maria T. Santillan-Beas Mayor Pro Tem Aide Castro Council Member Edwin Hernandez Council Member Salvador Alatorre Council Member Maria Quiñonez City Clerk Yolanda Rodriguez Gonzalez City Treasurer J. Arnoldo Beltran City Manager • INSIDE THIS ISSUE PG. 2 WEST NILE VIRUS • PG. 2 COUNCIL HIGHLIGHTS PG. 3 LOW COST CLINIC PG. 5 SUMMER DAY CAMP Lawn watering with potable water is prohibited between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. unless it is done by use of a hand-held bucket, a hand-held hose equipped with a self-closing water shut-off nozzle, or for very short periods of time; Watering with potable water for more than 15 minutes per day is prohibited; Watering in a manner that causes or allows excessive water flow or runoff onto an adjoining sidewalk, driveway, street, alley, gutter or ditch is prohibited; Washing Down Hard or Paved Surfaces is prohibited except when necessary to alleviate safety or sanitary hazards; Water fountains and decorative water features must operate with re-circulated water; Washing vehicles without the use of a hand-held bucket or handheld hose with a shutoff nozzle is prohibited; and the installation of single pass cooling systems is prohibited in buildings requesting new water service. Commercial lodging establishments must provide an option to not launder linen daily. Eating and drinking establishments must serve water upon request only. Installation of non-recirculating water systems at car washes will be prohibited. Businesses and residents will be required to fix leaks, breaks or malfunctions of plumbing within 48 hours. The City of Lynwood City Council also voted to reduce watering days to two days per week. Residents will be notified of the days. During the months of November through March, watering will be limited to no more than one day per week. There will be limits on filling ornamental lakes, ponds, and residential swimming pools and spas. More information on water conservation can be found at www.saveourwater.com. PG. 6 CINCO DE MAYO PG. 6 COMMUNITY CALENDAR CITY CALENDAR PREVIEW MAY 5 CINCO DE MAYO MAY 5 CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6 P.M. MAY 10 MOTHER’S DAY MAY 25 MEMORIAL DAY CITY HALL CLOSED MAY 26 NEIGHBORHOOD BLOCK WATCH CAPTAINS MEETING BATEMAN HALL ROOM 1 6 P.M. SANTA FE, SPRINGS HONOR APRIL KID MAYOR IS FOCUSED Will Rogers Elementary School 6th grader Yasmine Sterling did something in April that she never thought she would do, at least not as a kid. Sterling, who is 12 years old, served as the City of Lynwood’s April 2015 Kid Mayor and on Tuesday, April 21, 2015, she conducted the City Council Meeting like a pro. Sterling said that she had heard about the City’s Kid Mayor Program but didn’t think she would ever be selected by her teachers. “I can’t believe I was chosen,” Sterling told the Council. “Everybody at my school thinks it’s the coolest thing that I’m the Kid Mayor. I never thought that I would like to be in politics. At the beginning of the City Council Meeting I was really nervous, but after a few minutes, it felt natural for me to be sitting with all of the elected officials. I felt like I could do anything after that.” From calling the April 21st meeting to order, participating in the Council Member’s roll call, introducing the Sheriff’s Department’s Color Guard presentation, kicking off the Pledge of Allegiance and the invocation, Sterling remained focused. Spearheaded by the Lynwood Mayor with full support from his Council colleagues, the 2015 Kid Mayor Program gives 12 star Lynwood Unified School District students the opportunity to serve as the Junior Mayor of the City for an entire month. Sterling is the fourth student Kid Mayor selected for 2015. Sterling was presented with a proclamation, name plaque, badge and a $400 Scholarship. “Each Kid Mayor is getting a check for $400 in his or her name because we have faith in them that one day they will go to college,” said the Mayor about the scholarship. “We hope that this is just the beginning for them.” www.lynwood.ca.us | www.facebook.com/mylynwood.ca Ante una de las sequías más graves registradas con la que se enfrenta California, el 1 de abril de 2015, el gobernador Jerry Brown emitió un decreto que ordena a todas las ciudades, incluida Lynwood, y proveedores de agua privados a reducir el consumo de agua de sus clientes en un 25 por ciento. Si se tiene éxito, estos ahorros ascenderán a aproximadamente 1.5 millones de acre-pies de agua en los próximos nueve meses. Para comparar, el lago Big Bear contiene 73,000 acre-pies de agua. Después de la directiva del Gobernador, el Municipio de la Ciudad de Lynwood tomo medidas el 21 de abril de 2015 y declaró el estado de Escasez en el Suministro de Agua Nivel 2 en la Ciudad. Conforme al Código Municipal de Lynwood, luego de la declaración de dicho estado se requiere tomar medidas de conservación y disposiciones de cumplimiento para garantizar que se alcancen los niveles de reducción objetivo. El consumo de agua de Lynwood debe cumplir un objetivo de conservación del 15 por ciento y se implementarán de inmediato las medidas necesarias para alcanzar dicha reducción. Con efecto inmediato, los habitantes y dueños de negocios en la Ciudad deberán cumplir con las siguientes normas para contribuir con la conservación del agua: • • Regar el césped con agua potable está prohibido entre las 9 a.m. y las 6 p.m. salvo que se utilice un balde de mano o una manguera de mano equipada con una boquilla con cierre automático, o se realice por períodos de tiempo muy breves; Regar con agua potable durante más de 15 minutos por día está prohibido; Regar de una manera que cause o permita un flujo o escorrentía de agua excesivos hacia las aceras, caminos de acceso, calles, callejones, alcantarillas o zanjas está prohibido; Lavar superficies pavimentadas o asfaltadas está prohibido excepto cuando sea necesario para mitigar peligros de seguridad o sanitarios; Las fuentes de agua y otras instalaciones decorativas que utilizan agua deben operar con agua recirculada; Lavar los vehículos sin usar un balde o manguera de mano con una boquilla con cierre está prohibido; y se prohíbe la instalación de sistemas de refrigeración de paso único en los edificios que solicitan un nuevo servicio de agua. Los establecimientos de alojamiento comercial deben brindar la opción de no lavar la ropa blanca todos los días. Los establecimientos de comidas y bebidas deben servir agua únicamente a pedido. Se prohibirá la instalación de sistemas de agua sin recirculación en los lavaderos de autos. Los negocios y los residentes deberán arreglar las filtraciones, roturas o fallas de la cañería dentro de un plazo de 48 horas. El Municipio de la Ciudad de Lynwood también votó para reducir los días de riego a dos días por semana. Se les notificará a los residentes sobre los días. Durante los meses de noviembre hasta marzo, el riego estará limitado a no más de un día a la semana. Habrá límites para llenar los lagos y estanques decorativos y las piscinas y spas residenciales. Puede encontrar más información sobre la conservación del agua en www.saveourwater.com. Yasmine Sterling, alumna de 6to grado de Will Rogers Elementary School, hizo algo en abril que nunca pensó que haría, al menos no de niña. Sterling, que tiene 12 años, actuó como Alcaldesa Niña de la Ciudad de Lynwood en abril de 2015 y el martes 21 de abril de 2015 dirigió la Asamblea del Municipio como una profesional. Sterling comentó que había escuchado sobre el Programa de Alcalde Niño de la Ciudad pero que nunca pensó que iba ser elegida por sus maestros. “No puedo creer que me eligieran”, Sterling le dijo al Municipio. “Todos en mi escuela piensan que es la cosa más genial que yo sea Alcaldesa Niña. Nunca pensé que me gustaría estar en la política. Al principio de la Asamblea del Municipio estaba muy nerviosa, pero después de unos minutos, se sintió natural estar sentada junto a todos los funcionarios electos. Sentí que podía hacer cualquier cosa después de eso.” Sterling permaneció concentrada desde que se realizó la apertura de la asamblea del 21 de abril, participando del llamado de lista de los Miembros del Municipio, la presentación de la Guardia de Color del Departamento del Sheriff, hasta el inicio al Himno de la Bandera y la invocación. Liderado por el Alcalde de Lynwood con el apoyo total de sus colegas en el Municipio, el Programa de Alcalde Niño de la Ciudad de Lynwood 2015 brinda a 12 estudiantes estrella del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Lynwood la oportunidad de actuar como Alcaldes Junior de la Ciudad por un mes completo. Sterling es la cuarta estudiante seleccionada para Alcalde Niño en el 2015. Sterling recibió una proclamación, una placa con su nombre, una credencial y una Beca de $400. “Cada Alcalde Niño recibe un cheque por $400 en su nombre porque tenemos fe en que algún día irán a la universidad”, declaró el Alcalde sobre la beca. “Esperamos que este sea tan solo el comienzo para ellos.” CITY OF LYNWOOD | NEWSLETTER | MAY 2015 | ISSUE 4 | VOL. 9 | PAGE 1 LYNWOOD AGENDA COUNCIL BRIEFS City Council Meetings 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month 6:00 p.m. - City Hall Council Chambers Open to the Public CONTEST IF YOU LOSE, YOU WIN: THE WINNERS When you have 184 participants losing a total of 1,775 pounds in 12 weeks with a prize pool of $5,700, you have a winner of a Weight Loss Challenge Program. In its 5th year, the City of Lynwood handed over a check for $3,000 to the 1st Place Winning Team in the annual city-wide Weight Loss Challenge – the largest 1st Place Prize in five years. The Lose Weight, Gain Confidence team, consisting of Lynwood residents Robert Garcia, Julie Garcia, Jeanette Sotelo and Jaime Valderrama, beat 47 other four-member teams who enrolled in the 2015 Weight Loss Challenge. Garcia, who lost 25.2 percent of his body weight – winning the Men’s Division’s 1st Place prize of $550, said the challenge and competition this year was “really tough.” “All four of us did our part, we all did it together,” said Garcia. “It was a close race, too.” Each member of the Lose Weight, Gain Confidence team will receive $750 from the $3,000 prize. NOTICE INVASIVE MOSQUITOES IN LOS ANGELES COUNTY Men’s Division Prizes: 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place Robert Garcia Jonathan Salas Pablo Garcia 25.2 pounds 24.6 pounds 21.5 pounds $550 $350 $200 Women’s Division Prizes: 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place Gwendolyn Spear Jeanette Sotelo Patricia Alvarez 22.2 pounds 19.22 pounds 19.2 pounds $550 $350 $200 The Weight Loss Challenge this year ran from January 17 to April 17. “We had 48 teams sign up who lost a total of 1,775 pounds together and a prize pool of $5,700 – that’s the biggest prize pool ever,” said Mark Flores, director of the City’s Recreation and Community Services Department. “Not only has our Weight Loss Challenge been a great way for the community to get healthy, but it’s also been a great community builder as friends, family and neighbors compete against each other in a fun and supportive environment. The $30,000+ in cash prizes that have been paid out since 2009 is not bad either!” MOSQUITOS INVASORES EN EL CONDADO DE LOS ÁNGELES Unlike the mosquitoes that we are familiar with in Southern California, the Greater Los Angeles County Vector Control District has detected three new black-and-white mosquitoes no bigger than your fingernail that pose a serious threat to our communities. The three invasive species are the Asian tiger mosquito, the yellow fever mosquito and the Australian backyard mosquito. These mosquitoes adapt very well to urban environments. Once introduced, they can thrive in our neighborhoods. While the Greater Los Angeles County Vector Control District is working hard to fight these invasive insects, it is seeking residents’ help. With a busy mosquito season ahead, Vector Control aims to remind Southern California residents of the dangers that mosquitoes and other vectors pose to the health of our communities. In addition to the West Nile Virus, they have the potential to transmit debilitating diseases such as dengue and yellow fever. This invasive species can bite during the day, lay eggs in small containers of water and thrive indoors. With the unusually warm weather and drought conditions, the Mosquito and Vector Control Association anticipates a large number of mosquito transmitted diseases in 2015. They ask residents to immediately report black-and-white daytime biting mosquitoes. A diferencia de los mosquitos con los que estamos familiarizados en el sur de California, el Distrito de Control de Vectores del Condado del Gran Los Ángeles ha detectado tres nuevas especies de mosquitos blanco y negro, no más grandes que las uñas de los dedos, que representan una grave amenaza para nuestras comunidades. Las tres especies invasoras son el mosquito tigre asiático, el mosquito de la fiebre amarilla y el mosquito de jardín australiano. Estos mosquitos se adaptan muy bien a los ambientes urbanos. Una vez introducidos, pueden desarrollarse en nuestros vecindarios. Aunque el Distrito de Control de Vectores del Condado del Gran Los Ángeles trabaja duro para combatir estos insectos invasores, necesita de la ayuda de los habitantes. Con una atareada temporada de mosquitos por delante, el Control de Vectores busca recordarles a los habitantes del sur de California sobre los peligros que los mosquitos y otros vectores representan para la salud de nuestras comunidades. Además del Virus del Nilo Occidental, pueden transmitir enfermedades debilitantes como el dengue y la fiebre amarilla. Estas especies invasoras pueden picar durante el día, colocar huevos en pequeños contenedores de agua y crecer en interiores. Con las inusuales condiciones de clima cálido y sequía, la Asociación de Control de Vectores y Mosquitos anticipa un gran número de enfermedades transmitidas por los mosquitos en 2015. Solicitan a los habitantes que informen de inmediato la presencia de mosquitos blanco y negro que pican de día. To report a sighting of either of these invasive mosquitoes, call (562) 944-9656 or visit www.ReportMosquitoes.org. For more information, visit www.glacvcd.org. Para informar la presencia de cualquiera de estos mosquitos invasores, llame al (562) 944-9656 o visite www.ReportMosquitoes.org. Para obtener más información, visite www.glacvcd.org. PAGE 2 | CITY OF LYNWOOD | NEWSLETTER | MAY 2015 | ISSUE 4 | VOL. 9 March 3, 2015 Meeting: • Approved the Declaration of Certain City Owned Vehicles as Surplus Property and Authorized Staff to Dispose of Said Surplus Property Through a Public Auction • Approved a Special Permit Request from Circo Hermanos Caballero to conduct a circus at Plaza Mexico’s auxiliary parking lot, March 6-30, 2015 March 17, 2015 Meeting: • Adopted the Plans, Contract Documents and Working Details for the Bradfield Avenue Improvement Project • Accepted the Emergency Repairs of the 8 Inch Sewer Main Line Located on Louise Avenue and Sanborn Avenue • Approved the Appropriation from Unappropriated Gas Tax Fund to the Traffic Signal Division to Cover the Cost of Services for a Traffic Signal Replacement at Tweedy Boulevard and State Street • Tabled the Issuance of a Request for Proposals for Auditing Services Related to Performance Compliance and Payments Due to the City Under Contracts and Franchise Agreements March 30, 2015 Special Meeting: • Approved a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Lynwood Supporting the Boycott of all El Super Markets Due to Inadequate Wages and Benefits and Poor Health Standards • Approved a Conceptual Design for the New Annex With an Appropriation for Secured Parking March 3, 2015 Meeting: Asamblea del 3 de marzo de 2015: • Se aprobó la declaración de determinados vehículos de la Ciudad como bienes excedentes y se autorizó a la personal a deshacerse de dichos bienes excedentes a través de una subasta pública • Se aprobó un permiso especial solicitado por Circo Hermanos Caballero para establecer un circo en el estacionamiento auxiliar de Plaza Mexico, del 6 al 30 de marzo de 2015 • Asamblea del 17 de marzo de 2015: • Se adoptaron los planos, documentos de contrato y detalles de trabajo para el Proyecto de Mejoras de Bradfield Avenue • Se aceptaron las reparaciones de emergencia de la Cañería Principal de Cloacas de 8” ubicada en Louise Avenue y Sanborn Avenue • Se aprobó la asignación del Fondo No Asignado de Impuestos a la Nafta para la División de Semáforos a fin de cubrir el costo de los servicios para el reemplazo del semáforo de Tweedy Boulevard y State Street • Se pospuso la emisión de una solicitud de propuestas para servicios de auditoría relacionados con el cumplimiento y pagos adeudados a la Ciudad en virtud de los Contratos y Acuerdos de Franquicia • Asamblea Extraordinaria del 30 de marzo de 2015: • Se aprobó una resolución del Municipio de la Ciudad de Lynwood que apoya el boicot a todos los El Super Markets debido a salarios y beneficios inadecuados y a estándares sanitarios deficientes • Se aprobó un diseño conceptual para el nuevo anexo con una asignación para un estacionamiento con seguridad INFO MOTHER’S DAY IDEAS Make every mom feel young, invigorated and excited on that second Sunday in May. Show her that you love her and truly value everything she has done. Perhaps you’ve exhausted all the possible Mother’s Day surprises you can think of. Well, think again, because with a small amount of extra time and care, you can make this one especially memorable. One thing that always makes a big splash is acknowledging their lives outside of motherhood. Think about the women in your life for a moment, and then consider these Mother’s Day surprises. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Cook her favorite meal Make a Tribute Video Offer her a spa treatment Plan a weekend getaway Take her out for a private dinner Prepare a picnic lunch at the park Enroll her in an interesting class Help around the house Make her a gift Take her to a live concert www.lynwood.ca.us | www.facebook.com/mylynwood.ca NOTICE LYNWOOD NOTICE THE WAR ON GRAFFITI LA GUERRA CONTRA LOS GRAFITIS There are different times of the year when graffiti and vandalism rise. While the City of Lynwood deals with its share of graffiti and vandalism all year long, so much as to reinstate its graffiti abatement division, there’s a time of the year when graffiti and vandalism skyrocket and it’s not something that City officials, business owners, homeowners, the school district and law enforcement are looking forward to. It’s called the end of the school year, or as some may call it, summer. No one is blaming all graffiti, vandalism or tagging on youth, EVENT but it is a fact that all the above rise during the summer months when kids are out of school with too much time on their hands and are out and The Society for California Veterinary Vaccine Care and the City of Lynwood’s Animal Control Division are calling on all about with little supervision from their working parents. According to pet owners to attend a Low-Cost Vaccination & Microchip Clinic Lt. Todd Deeds of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department’s Century on May 20, 2015 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Lynwood Community Station, graffiti, vandalism and tagging rise tremendously in the summer months and prompts Sheriff’s deputies to be more aggressive Center, 11301 Bullis Road, in Lynwood. The Clinic will be held on a first-come, first-served in identifying the individuals responsible for graffiti and vandalism. basis. Pet owners must be at least 18 years of age to participate, It is important for parents to know that per the Lynwood and all pets must be on leashes or in carriers to be treated. Municipal Code and pursuant to the California Civil Code, where graffiti Only healthy and non-pregnant animals will be vaccinated. is applied by a minor, the parents or legal guardians of said minor shall Pet owners are advised to bring their pet’s license tag, a license be jointly liable for the damages caused by that minor. If evidence renewal notice, or prior rabies certificates to receive a 3-year proves that your kid is guilty of damaging businesses and homes with rabies vaccine, otherwise, the vaccine will only be good for 1 any type of graffiti paraphernalia, then you as a parent or legal guardian year. All veterinary services can be paid in cash or by credit card. will be held financially responsible. Lt. Deeds advises parents to check “Vaccinations are an important part of your dog’s their kid’s room, their backpacks and their pockets. Parents are advised or cat’s health care routine,” said J.D. Whitaker, the City’s Parking Enforcement and Animal Control Division Manager. to know where their children are, who they’re hanging out with, and “By vaccinating your pet, you help protect your family friend of course, know what they’re doing. “Graffiti, vandalism and tagging from various diseases including rabies, distemper, parvovirus, might sound like non-egregious infractions to some parents, but as a infectious hepatitis, bordetella, feline leukemia and others,” reminder, if no one intervenes, their actions could provoke violence he said. “Pets, like people, also require an annual visit to the from others who are tagging or putting up their monikers out there veterinarian and combined with keeping your pet’s vaccinations too – and that’s something that we certainly want to prevent,” said Lt. up-to-date will help keep your beloved companion safe and Deeds. LOW-COST PET CLINIC healthy.” Microchipping your pet provides an extra level of protection in case your pet loses his collar and tags. Providing your cat or dog with both tags and a microchip can help ensure a happy reunion if the unthinkable happens and your companion gets lost. The pet population in the City of Lynwood gets bigger every year. The City’s new Animal Control Division encourages pet owners to spay and neuter their pets as soon as possible. Kennels in animal shelters are overcrowded with pets that people no longer want or can keep. La Sociedad de Vacunación Veterinaria de California y la División de Control Animal de la Ciudad de Lynwood convocan a todos los dueños de mascotas que asistan a la Clínica de Vacunación y Colocación de Microchips de Bajo Costo el 20 de mayo de 2015 de 6 a 8 p.m. en el Centro Comunitario de Lynwood, 11301 Bullis Road, en Lynwood. La Clínica atenderá según el orden de llegada. Los dueños de mascotas deben ser mayores de 18 años para participar y todas las mascotas deben estar con correas o en bolso para el transportación de perro para ser atendidos. Solo los animales saludables y que no estén preñados serán vacunados. Se recomienda a los dueños de mascotas que lleven la chapa de licencia de su mascota, una notificación de renovación de licencia o certificados de vacunaciones previas contra la rabia para recibir una vacuna antirrábica por 3 años; de lo contrario, la vacuna solo servirá por un año. Todos los servicios veterinarios pueden abonarse en efectivo o con tarjeta de crédito. “Las vacunaciones son una parte importante de la rutina del cuidado de la salud de su perro o gato,” dijo J.D. Whitaker, el Gerente de la División de Control Animal y Normas de Estacionamiento de la Ciudad. “Al vacunar a su mascota, usted ayuda a proteger al amigo de su familia de varias enfermedades, como la rabia, moquillo, parvovirus, hepatitis infecciosa, bordetella, leucemia felina y otras”, comentó. “Las mascotas, como las personas, también requieren una visita anual al veterinario, lo cual, junto con cumplir con las vacunaciones de su mascota oportunamente, contribuirá a que su querido compañero esté saludable y seguro.” Colocarle un microchip a su mascota brinda un nivel adicional de protección en caso de que pierda su collar y chapa de identificación. Colocarle a su gato o perro tanto una chapa de identificación como un microchip puede ayudar a garantizar un reencuentro feliz en caso de que suceda lo impensable y su compañero se pierda. La población de mascotas en la Ciudad de Lynwood crece cada año. La nueva División de Control de Animales de la Ciudad incentiva a los dueños de mascotas a que esterilicen y castren a sus mascotas lo antes posible. Las perreras en los refugios de animales están repletas de mascotas que la gente ya no quiere o no puede tener. www.lynwood.ca.us | www.facebook.com/mylynwood.ca Hay diferentes épocas del año en las que aumentan los grafitis y el vandalismo. Aunque la Ciudad de Lynwood se ocupa del problema de los grafitis y el vandalismo todo el año, tanto como para restablecer su división de eliminación de grafitis, hay una época del año en la que los grafitis y el vandalismo se disparan y no es algo que los funcionarios, los propietarios de negocios, los propietarios de viviendas, el distrito escolar y las fuerzas policiales de la Ciudad esperen con ansias. Se llama fin del año escolar, o como algunos lo llaman, verano. Nadie culpa a la juventud por todos los grafitis, vandalismo o “tagging”, pero es un hecho que los anteriores se incrementan durante los meses de verano cuando los niños están fuera de la escuela con mucho tiempo libre y andan por la calle con poca supervisión de sus padres, que se encuentran trabajando. Según el Tte. Todd Deeds del Departamento del Sheriff Century Station en el Condado de Los Ángeles, los grafitis, el vandalismo y el “tagging” presentan un enorme incremento en los meses de verano y provocan que los oficiales del Sheriff estén más activos para identificar a los individuos responsables de los grafitis y el vandalismo. Es importante que los padres sepan que conforme al Código Municipal de Lynwood y al Código Civil de California, cuando un menor realiza un grafiti, los padres o tutores legales de dicho menor serán solidariamente responsables por los daños causados por el menor. Si hay pruebas de que su hijo es culpable de dañar negocios y viviendas con cualquier tipo de parafernalia de grafiti, entonces usted como padre o tutor legal será considerado responsable económicamente. El Tte. Deeds les aconseja a los padres que controlen la habitación de sus hijos, sus mochilas y sus bolsillos. Se les aconseja a los padres que sepan dónde se encuentran sus hijos, con quién se juntan y por supuesto, qué hacen. Los grafitis, el vandalismo y el “tagging” pueden parecer infracciones inofensivas para algunos padres, pero les recordamos que, si nadie interviene, sus acciones podrían provocar violencia en otras personas que también están dejando su firma y colocando sus apodos allí afuera, y eso es algo que seguramente quieren prevenir”, declaró el Tte. Deeds. FEATURE CENTURY STATION HOSTS OPEN HOUSE CENTURY STATION CELEBRARÁ UNA JORNADA DE PUERTAS ABIERTAS The Los Angeles County Sheriff ’s Department’s Century Station is getting ready to host its first ever Open House on Saturday, May 30, 2015 where more than 4,000 people are expected to see what’s behind Century Station’s massive concrete walls. Free and open to the public, Century Station leaders are hoping that this Open House will give the communities it serves a first glance of what Century Station is like behind the concrete walls. “This will be the first time we open up the gates for the public,” said Lt. Todd Deeds. “It’s all a part of our community outreach. In hosting this event we want to continue building on our community efforts. We want this to be a big, special event where the communities can come and learn about Century Station, its deputies, and about all of the services we have to offer.” The Open House, which takes place from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 11703 S. Alameda St., Lynwood, CA 90262, will include an array of Sheriff ’s Department displays, the helicopter, the K-9 Unit, the Swat Team, horses, the Motor Unit, and Burt the Camel Deputy. Attendees will also have the opportunity to tour the facility, including the jail and the Dispatch Center. “Century Station not just a campus with a jail and concrete walls, there’s so much more to Century Station than meets the eye. Through this event we’re inviting everyone to come in and see what we’re about,” said Lt. Deeds.The Open House will also feature an array of free children’s activities, food and entertainment. Century Station del Departamento del Sheriff del Condado de Los Ángeles se prepara para celebrar su primera Jornada de Puertas Abiertas el sábado, 30 de mayo de 2015 en la cual se espera que más de 4,000 personas vean lo que se encuentra detrás de las enormes paredes de hormigón. Los líderes de Century Station esperan que esta Jornada de Puertas Abiertas, gratis y abierta al público, le dé a las comunidades a las que sirve una primera mirada de cómo es Century Stations detrás de las paredes de hormigón. “Esta será la primera vez que abriremos las puertas al público”, comentó el Tte. Todd Deeds. “Todo es parte de nuestro compromiso con la comunidad. Al celebrar este evento queremos continuar desarrollando nuestros esfuerzos comunitarios. Queremos que este sea un evento grande y especial en el que las comunidades puedan venir y aprender sobre Century Station, sus oficiales y todos los servicios que tenemos para ofrecer.” La Jornada de Puertas Abiertas, que tendrá lugar de 11 a. m. a 4 p. m. en 11703 S. Alameda St., Lynwood, CA 90262, incluirá una selección de muestras del Departamento del Sheriff, el helicóptero, la Unidad K-9, el Equipo Swat, caballos, la Unidad Motorizada y el oficial Burt el Camello. Las personas que asistan también tendrán la oportunidad de recorrer las instalaciones, incluida la cárcel y el Centro de Recepción de Llamadas de Emergencia. “Century Station no es solo un campo con una cárcel y paredes de hormigón, hay mucho más de Century Station que lo que se ve a simple vista. Mediante este evento invitamos a todos a venir y ver quiénes somos”, dijo el Tte. Deeds. La Jornada de Puertas Abiertas también incluirá una variedad de actividades para niños, comida y entretenimiento gratis. CITY OF LYNWOOD | NEWSLETTER | MAY 2015 | ISSUE 4 | VOL. 9 | PAGE 3 LYNWOOD FEATURES Starting now, we are accepting photo submissions to be featured on our Lynwood feature page. Here’s how this goes: You submit photos, our staff decides on the best, and your photo gets month-long fame in our newsletter. You can send in a photo of you at a Community event, or of you involved in the Community or you can send in a photo of you doing something to make your community better. You have creative freedom. All we ask is that you are the taker of the photo, and that you think it represents the Lynwood community. Filters are allowed – be as creative as you want! Send photo to [email protected]. CESAR CHAVEZ DAY EVENT A bout 200 people turned out on March 31 to celebrate Cesar Chavez as a brand new Cesar Chavez “Si Se Puede” Committee, working in collaboration with the support of the City of Lynwood and the Lynwood Unified School District, hosted its first Cesar Chavez Celebration at Lynwood City Park. Special Guest Speaker Maria Elena Chavez, niece to the late Cesar Chavez, treated attendees to a special address about her uncle and her mother, Dolores Huerta, their struggles and how their work, sacrifices and perseverance paved the way for change. The event also featured an array of informational booths, entertainment and a special award presentation to several individuals who once worked as braceros (laborers) in the fields alongside the late Chavez during the start of the United Farm Workers Movement. City officials were on hand for the event and presented Maria Elena Chavez with the Key to the City of Lynwood. Chavez said that this was the first Key to any city that she has ever received and was proud to receive it. YOUTH BASEBALL/SOFTBALL OPENING ANNUAL EASTER EGG HUNT T he green fields at Lynwood City Park were once again loaded with Easter eggs as hundreds of children were treated to the City of Lynwood’s Annual Easter Egg Hunt. A huge crowd of children and their families came out to Lynwood City Park for a day of fun in the sun, Easter egg coloring contests, pictures with the Easter Bunny, arts and crafts, inflatable jumpers, face painting, a trackless train ride, and booths serving an array of sweet treats. Children and adults hunted for special golden eggs that could be exchanged for baskets full of candy and special treats. Organized by the City’s Recreation and Community Services Department, the Annual Easter Egg Hunt consisted of more than 7,000 plastic Easter eggs full of candy. YOUNG PARENTS & PREGNANC Y FAIR PHOTO OF THE MONTH T he more than 700 youth that enrolled in the City of Lynwood’s Youth Baseball/Softball program were treated to a day with former Dodger Matt Luke during the City’s 2015 Opening Day Ceremony on April 11, 2015. There are a total of 47 little league teams in the program with youth under 14 years old. Luke talked to the teams about his career, gave them pointers, signed autographs and was happy to take photographs with them. This year’s Baseball/Softball Opening Day Ceremony also inaugurated the formation of five brand new little league teams specifically created for children with special needs. This will be their first official season. For more information, call the City’s Recreation and Community Services Department at (310) 603-0220 Ext. 319. PAGE 4 | CITY OF LYNWOOD | NEWSLETTER | MAY 2015 | ISSUE 3 | VOL. 9 The Lynwood Unified School District, in partnership with the City of Lynwood and St. Francis Medical Center, are seeking donations for the upcoming Young Parents and Pregnancy Fair, to be held at Bateman Hall on May 14, 2015. Gift cards and larger gifts from merchants such as Target, Babies R Us and Toys R Us will serve as raffle prizes for teens, while coupons, discounts and other small gift items will be graciously accepted for inclusion into gift bags. Close to 200 teens from inside and outside the District are expected. Lynwood Unified offers the fair, which coincides with National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month, as a way to reassure teen moms and dads that they will still be able to complete their education with the full support of the District. The fair will focus on preparing expectant mothers on what they face before, during and after childbirth. Workshops, motivational speakers, college and career guidance, nutritional advice and discussions on the father’s role in child rearing will also be presented during the daylong event. For more information or questions regarding the fair, please contact Christine Arostigue-Manson at [email protected] or (310) 886-1458. www.lynwood.ca.us | www.facebook.com/mylynwood.ca LYNWOOD COMMUNITY RECREATION PROGRAM NEW TENNIS COURTS OPEN Tennis enthusiasts, as well as City Council officials, participated in a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony held by the City’s Recreation and Community Services Department for the recently refurbished tennis courts at Lynwood City Park. Thanks to a $250,000 grant from the Los Angeles County Regional Park and Open Space District, the entire park got a much needed facelift. The grant specified that the tennis courts on the north end of the park get $50,000 to repaint and resurface all of the playing areas and install new nets. Benches, trash cans and signage were also replaced. The basketball courts, baseball fields and soccer fields have also been refurbished thanks to the grant. NOTICE SUMMER DAY CAMP TO THE RESCUE CAMPAMENTO DE DÍA DE VERANO AL RESCATE It’s almost that time of the year again. While kids are super excited for summer to arrive, working parents aren’t as eager about school being out and having to find a sitter for their kids. But wait, the City’s Recreation and Community Services Department’s Youth Center is here to save the day! The Youth Center’s annual Summer Day Camp provides working parents with an extraordinary option for youth between the ages of 5 to 13 years. The City’s Summer Day Camp is a great value for families, and provides a safe, convenient and enriching environment for children throughout the summer months. Early registration for the Summer Day Camp at its Youth Center is from May 1 through May 14. Summer Day Camp operates for 12 weeks starting on June 8 through August 28. There are three, 4-week sessions that operate Monday through Friday, from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. with breakfast and lunch provided daily. A wide variety of activities are planned for all ages such as games, sports, movies, skating, beach trips, miniature golf, etc. Excursions to major theme parks and attractions are available on Fridays at an additional cost; these trips are also open to parents and to the general public. The 2015 Summer Day Camp starts in June. Register during our early registration dates and save $20 for each full-session registration. Children love the City’s Summer Day Camp, and so do returning parents. It’s a safe alternative to leaving kids at home alone. The City’s Summer Day Camp is here to save the day for parents worrying about keeping their kids safe and busy this summer! Ya casi llega otra vez esa época del año. Aunque los niños están muy ansiosos de que llegue el verano, los padres que trabajan no están tan entusiasmados con que termine la escuela y con tener que encontrar una niñera para sus hijos. Pero espere, el Centro para la Juventud del Departamento de Servicios Recreativos y Comunitarios de la Ciudad está aquí para salvar el día. El Campamento de Día de Verano anual del Centro para la Juventud brinda a los padres que trabajan una opción extraordinaria para los jóvenes de entre 5 y 13 años. El Campamento de Día de Verano de la Ciudad tiene un gran valor para las familias y proporciona un ambiente seguro, conveniente y enriquecedor para los niños durante todos los meses de verano. La inscripción anticipada para el Campamento de Día de Verano en su Centro para la Juventud es desde el 1 de mayo hasta el 14 de mayo. El Campamento de Día de Verano funcionará por 12 semanas a partir del 8 de junio hasta el 28 de agosto. Hay tres sesiones de 4 semanas que funcionan de lunes a viernes, de 7 a.m. a 6 p.m. con desayuno y almuerzo incluidos todos los días. Hay una gran variedad de actividades planificadas para todas las edades, como por ejemplo juegos, deportes, películas, patinaje, días de playa, minigolf, etc. Hay disponibles excursiones a grandes parques temáticos y atracciones los días viernes sin costo adicional; estas excursiones también están abiertas para los padres y el público general. El Campamento de Día de Verano de 2015 comienza en junio. Regístrese en las fechas de nuestra inscripción anticipada y ahorre $20 por cada inscripción a sesiones completas, por hijo. A los niños les encanta el Campamento de Día de Verano de la Ciudad, así como también a los padres. Es una alternativa segura a dejar a los niños solos en casa. El Campamento de Día de Verano de la Ciudad está aquí para salvarles el día a los padres que se preocupan por mantener a sus hijos seguros y ocupados durante este verano. SENIOR CITIZEN ACTIVITIES Cinco de Mayo Celebration – Tuesday, May 5, 2015 NOTICE FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS Taking place on Saturday, May 16, 2015 at Lynwood High School, the Lynwood Festival of the Arts is a public event with free art workshops, music, outdoor exhibitions and interactive activities for the whole family to celebrate the rich talent and diversity of the Lynwood Community and its art scene. The annual festival is an initiative to build on the local arts community, increase the visibility of artists who live and work in the area, promote community-based arts practices and open a dialogue for empowerment through the arts. This outdoor festival provides a space for local student and adult artists to engage residents and visitors in exposing them to the visual and performing arts. Artists will reflect on the community’s cultural diversity, lifestyles, faiths and history. This event is part of an effort by Lynwood Unified School District art teachers and students to expose the community to the arts through collaboration with other artists, neighbors, and local stakeholders. Interested artists may submit proposals for art education or interactive activities and/or art exhibition opportunities. Artists in Lynwood and surrounding areas of all ages and skill level are strongly encouraged to participate. For more information about the festival, please email Luis Vega at luis.vega@ lynwood.k12.ca.us. The Lynwood Unified School District is organizing the Lynwood Festival of the Arts in partnership with the City of Lynwood and other community partners. For more information please email: [email protected]. Lynwood High School is located at 4050 E. Imperial Highway, Lynwood, CA 90262. Registration Information: • Lynwood Community Center, 11301 Bullis Road, Monday through Thursday, 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Call (310) 603-0220, Ext. 319 for any questions. Cash & Credit Cards are accepted. • Lynwood Senior Center, 11329 Ernestine Ave., Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Fridays 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Call (310) 886-0425 for any information. Cash only. www.lynwood.ca.us | www.facebook.com/mylynwood.ca Join us for our festive Cinco de Mayo Celebration at the Lynwood Senior Center on Tuesday, May 5, 2015 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. This celebration honors the victory of Mexican soldiers over the French army invasion near Puebla, Mexico on May 5, 1862. This event is offered during the Senior Center Meal Program, so if you’d like to have lunch please R.S.V.P. by calling the Senior Center the day before the celebration. The senior donation is $2.00, non-seniors is $4.00. Mother’s Day Celebration – Thursday, May 7, 2015 Calling all Senior Citizens to celebrate Mother’s Day! The first 100 seniors to register for this gathering will enjoy light refreshments and entertainment at the Lynwood Senior Center from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Relax and enjoy music, dancing, and pleasant conversations with friends. Moms really do make the world go ‘round! Upcoming Trip! Laughlin Get-Away – Wednesday, June 17 to Friday, June 19, 2015 Enjoy a 3-day excursion to sunny Laughlin, Nevada! Guests will stay at the Edgewater Hotel & Casino where amenities include an on-site casino, nightclub, restaurants, coffee shop, flat-screen TVs, outdoor pool, arcade/ game room, gift shops, and newsstands. Double-occupancy is $125 per person and single-occupancy is $145 per person. These reasonable prices include roundtrip transportation on a coach bus and two complimentary buffet-style meals at one of the Edgewater’s eateries! PICK OF THE MONTH : Congresswoman Janice Hahn is hosting her annual Senior Briefing & Luncheon on Friday, May 22, 2015, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Carson Community Center, located at 801 E. Carson St., Carson, CA 90745. More than 1,000 people attended last year’s event. The Congresswoman’s Office will provide transportation to the event for those who sign up to attend. Congresswoman Hahn’s Annual Senior Briefing is the most eagerly anticipated event for Senior Citizens in the region. The event’s “Resources Expo” will feature FREE health screenings (i.e. blood pressure, blood glucose, cholesterol, and HIV testing), eye exams, insurance provider information tables, FREE mini-massages, dental exams, and many other useful services. Members of the Lynwood Senior Center, along with a performance by the Lynwood Steppers, have helped to make this annual event a success every year. Seats for the bus and for the event fill up fast, so call Eric Boyd at (310) 831-1779 to sign up today, or you can email him at Ericf.boyd@mail. house.gov. CITY OF LYNWOOD | NEWSLETTER | MAY 2015 | ISSUE 4 | VOL. 9 | PAGE 5 LYNWOOD FEATURES HISTORY IMPORTANT NUNMBERS CINCO DE MAYO C inco de Mayo commemorates the Mexican army’s 1862 victory over France at the Battle of Puebla during the Franco-Mexican War (1861-1867). Although it is a relatively minor holiday in Mexico, in the United States, Cinco de Mayo has evolved into a celebration of Mexican culture and heritage, particularly in areas with large Mexican-American populations. Cinco de Mayo traditions include parades, mariachi music performances and street festivals in cities and towns across Mexico and the United States. In the United States, Cinco de Mayo is widely interpreted as a celebration of Mexican culture and heritage, particularly in areas with substantial Mexican-American populations. Chicano activists raised awareness of the holiday in the 1960s, in part because they identified with the victory of indigenous Mexicans over European invaders during the Battle of Puebla. Today, revelers mark the occasion with parades, parties, mariachi music, Mexican folk dancing and traditional foods such as tacos and mole poblano. Some of the largest festivals are held in Los Angeles, Chicago and Houston. Many people outside of Mexico mistakenly believe that Cinco de Mayo is a celebration of Mexican independence, which was declared more than 50 years before the Battle of Puebla. That event is commemorated on September 16, the anniversary of the revolutionary priest Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla’s famous “Grito de Dolores” (“Cry of Dolores”), a call to arms that amounted to a declaration of war against the Spanish colonial government in 1810. E l Cinco de Mayo conmemora la victoria del ejército mexicano sobre Francia en la Batalla de Puebla en 1862 durante la guerra Franco-Mexicana (1861-1867). A pesar es una fiesta relativmente menor en México, en los Estrados Unidos el Cinco de Mayo se ha convertido en una celebración de la cultura y el patrimonio de México, sobre todo en áreas con grandes populación estadounidenseses de origen mexicano. Las tradiciones del Cinco de Mayo incluyen desfiles, música de mariachis y festivales callejeros en ciudades y pueblos en Mexico y los Estados Unidos. En los Estados Unidos, Cinco de Mayo se interpreta mayoritariamente como una celebración de la cultura y la herencia mexicana, particularmente en áreas con grandes poblaciones mexicoamericanas. Los activistas chicanos dieron a conocer este feriado en los años sesenta, en parte porque se identificaban con la victoria de los indígenas mexicanos sobre los invasores europeos durante la Batalla de Puebla. Hoy en día, los que festejan marcan la ocasión con desfiles, fiestas, música mariachi, danzas folclóricas mexicanas y comidas tradicionales tales como taco y mole poblano. Algunos de los festivales más grandes se celebran en Los Angeles, Chicago y Houston. Muchas personas fuera de México creen erróneamente que el Cinco de Mayo es la celebración de la independencia mexicana, que se celebró más de cincuenta años antes de la Batalla de Puebla. El evento se conmemora el 16 de septiembre, el aniversario del cura revolucionario Martín Hidalgo y Costilla, el famoso “Grito de Dolores”, un llamado a las armas que equivalió a una declaración de guerra contra el gobierno colonial español en 1810. SENIOR BRIEFING (310) 886-0413 • City Hall (310) 603-0220 • Code Enforcement (310) 886-0456 • Compton Court (310) 762-9100 • Waste Resources (888) 467-7600 • Dial-A-Taxi (855) 545-9595 • Fire Inspection (310) 603-5258 • Fire Station #147 (310) 603-5255 • Fire Station #148 (310) 603-5270 • Hall of Records (562) 462-2137 FLIER CALENDAR BLOOD DRIVE • Bateman Hall The need is constant. The gratification is instant. Give blood. The American Red Cross is bringing their famous Blood Mobile to the City of Lynwood next week for their quarterly blood drive. Interested persons may register online to donate at redcrossblood.org with sponsor code: City of Lynwood. All participants will receive a Buy One Get One Free Sub from Quizno’s, 2 tickets for an L.A. Galaxy game, 2 tickets to explore the Grammy Museum at L.A. Live, and 2 complimentary VIP tickets to the Laugh Factory. INFO: Thursday, May 7, 2015, from 9 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. Lynwood City Park, 11301 Bullis Road, Lynwood, CA 90262. (310) 603-0220 Ext. 319 Congresswoman Janice Hahn invites members of the City of Lynwood’s Senior Community to her Annual 44th Congressional District Senior Briefing & Luncheon. The event boasts an interactive forum, a luncheon, and a health and resource fair to educate, empower and entertain attendees. This event is free and open to the public. The Congresswoman’s Office is also arranging for transportation services from locations throughout her 44th District. The Lynwood Senior Center is one of those locations. RSVPs are encouraged. Check with the Senior Center for more information. INFO: Friday, May 22, 2015, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Carson Community Center, 801 E. Carson St., Carson, CA 90745. (310) 831-1799 TRANSIT AREA STRATEGIC PLAN OPEN HOUSE The City of Lynwood is preparing its Transit Area Strategic Plan and the community is invited to be a part of its development. The Strategic Plan Area includes the Metro Green Line – Long Beach Transit Station Area, the I-105 Freeway, portions of Long Beach Boulevard, Imperial Highway and Alameda Street near the Industrial Park. The goal of the Strategic Plan is to capture development opportunities, ease transit connections, reduce traffic congestion, and develop a more sustainable and pedestrian-oriented Lynwood. The Strategic Plan will propose recommendations that improve neighborhood access to bus and rail transit services, encourage bicycle use, and increase pedestrian mobility and safety. INFO: Wednesday, May 20, 2015, from 6 to 8 p.m. Bateman Hall, Room 2, 11331 Ernestine Ave., Lynwood, CA 90262. PAGE 6 | CITY OF LYNWOOD | NEWSLETTER | MAY 2015 | ISSUE 4 | VOL. 9 COMMUNITY CALENDAR • Health Department, Environmental MAY 5 CINCO DE MAYO • L.A. County, Sheriff ’s Department (213) 351-5085 (323) 568-4800 MAY 9 EISNER PEDIATRIC & FAMILY MEDICAL CENTER FREE COMMUNITY OPEN HOUSE & HEALTH FAIR 3680 E. IMPERIAL HIGHWAY, SUITE 200 LYNWOOD, CA 90262 11 A.M. TO 4 P.M. • Lynwood Library (310) 635-7121 • Lynwood Natatorium (310) 886-0414 MAY 10 MOTHER’S DAY • Lynwood Post Office (Atlantic Ave.) MAY 14 YOUNG PARENTS & PREGNANCY FAIR BATEMAN HALL, 11331 ERNESTINE AVE., LYNWOOD, CA 90262 8:30 A.M. TO 2 P.M. INFO: (310) 886-1458 • Lynwood Post Office (Long Beach Blvd.) (310) 632-3707 MAY 30 CENTURY SHERIFF’S STATION OPEN HOUSE 11703 S. ALAMEDA ST., LYNWOOD, CA 90262 11 A.M. TO 4 P.M. (310) 886-1600 (310) 886-0425 • Lynwood Sports Office (310) 886-0426 MAY 16 LINEAR PARK MOSAICS WORKSHOP BATEMAN HALL, 11331 ERNESTINE AVE., LYNWOOD, CA 90262 10 A.M. TO NOON MAY 26 NEIGHBORHOOD BLOCK WATCH CAPTAINS MEETING BATEMAN HALL ROOM 1 6 P.M. • Lynwood Unified School District • Lynwood Senior Center MAY 16 FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS LYNWOOD HIGH SCHOOL, 4050 IMPERIAL HIGHWAY, LYNWOOD, CA 90262 10 A.M. TO 3 P.M. MAY 25 MEMORIAL DAY CITY HALL CLOSED (310) 638-9074 • Lynwood Youth Center (310) 886-0453 • Senior Meals (310) 886-0416 • Street Sweeping (562) 860-0604 • Service Request (310) 603-0220 x. 207 • Trolley, MV Transit (562) 259-9911 • Used Oil Recycling (800) 449-7587 • Bulky Item Pick-up (888) 467-7600 JUNE 4, 2015 SIDEWALK CPR, LYNWOOD SENIOR CENTER 11AM – 2PM EVERYONE WELCOME • Animal Control Request (310) 603-0220 x. 207, 312 www.lynwood.ca.us | www.facebook.com/mylynwood.ca LYNWOOD BUSINESS TO ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS C A LL : (31 0 ) 60 3 -0 2 2 0 , ex t. 6 1 3 “SPECIAL PRICE!” $3.99 +tax on all white display boards PAID ADVERTISEMENT PAID ADVERTISEMENT CALOZZUMA CRTP BOND 66871 [email protected] INCOME TAX Serving Your Community for 26 years W2’s - 1099’s - Schedule C’s - Homeowners Rentals - and Ever y thing Else! PAID ADVERTISEMENT PAID ADVERTISEMENT INSURANCE Agency auto • life • commerical INDIVIDUAL• BUSINESS • PARTNERSHIP (310) 604-0082 11701 Long Beach Blvd., Lynwood, CA 90262 Manuel Calozzuma [email protected] Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. ® CALL A STATE FARM AGENT FOR A QUOTE 24/7 NO BROKER FEES AND NO COMMISSIONS! Delores Stubbs (310)894-4579 PAID ADVERTISEMENT 3601 E. Imperial Highway Lynwood, CA 90262 www.deloresstubbs.com www.lynwood.ca.us | www.facebook.com/mylynwood.ca AUTO • HOME • BUSINESS State Farm Mutual Automible Insurance Company. ® State Farm Indeminty Company, Bloomington, IL | statefarm.com CITY OF LYNWOOD | NEWSLETTER | MAY 2015 | ISSUE 4 | VOL. 9 | PAGE 7 Alfredo Gonzalez Jr. PAID ADVERTISEMENT (310) 639-1342 10844 S. Atlantic Ave. Lynwood, CA 90262 www.alfredogonzalezsf.com PAGE 8 | CITY OF LYNWOOD | NEWSLETTER | MAY 2015 | ISSUE 4 | VOL. 9 www.lynwood.ca.us | www.facebook.com/mylynwood.ca
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