May | 2015 r e t t e l s w AIMS Ne s t | Meeting s re te In n Al-Ano | | Service NIAFG AREA 14 Assembly Saturday, May 16, 2015 Friday 8:00p.m. Keep the Out of Towners Off the Street Open Meeting Saturday, May 16, 2015 New GR Meeting 8:20a.m. Main meeting 9:00a.m.-3:00 p.m. Published by Northern Illinois Al-Anon Family Groups The Carleton of Oak Park Hotel 3-star hotel · Pleasant St Traditional rooms with kitchenettes in an historic hotel with a lobby bar & American dining. $113, (708) 848-5000 The Write Inn St. Luke Catholic Church Parish School Waldron Hall 519 Ashland Avenue River Forest, IL 60305 1 Mile West of Harlem Avenue at Lake Street Hosted by NIAFG Steering Committee 2-star hotel · N Oak Park Ave Eclectic rooms & suites in an historic property with 1920s antiques & a French restaurant. $170, (708) 383-4800 Courtyard Chicago Midway Airport Washington St. Lathrop Ave. Ashland Ave. Madison St. I-290 Harlem Ave. Lake St. 3-star hotel · S Cicero Ave Airport hotel offering contemporary rooms & an indoor pool, plus freebies such as a shuttle & WiFi. $177, (708) 563-0200 Hilton Garden Inn Chicago/Midway Airport 3-star hotel · S Cicero Ave Airport lodging with an American restaurant & business center, plus free WiFi & airport shuttle. $85, (708) 496-2700 Candlewood Suites Chicago-O`hare 2-star hotel · N Mannheim Rd $158, (847) 671-4663 Best Western Plus River North Hotel 3-star hotel · W Ohio St Modern quarters with free WiFi, plus an indoor pool, on-site pizzeria & complimentary parking. $81, (312) 467-0800 From your delegate 12 Steps and Gender by Sandy W. NIAFG Panel 55 Delegate A question recently was asked from within our fellowship. I had to do a bit of research to find some answers and thought I would share the what I learned. Q: Can the Steps be re-written so that they are non-gender specific? A: Upon researching the answer, I discovered that this question comes up often in our fellowship. So often that Ric Buchanan, WSO Executive Director, wrote a memo for Delegates to provide information about it. Here is an excerpt: “Al-Anon is a worldwide fellowship with an extremely diverse membership. Our literature, based on the personal sharings of our members, expresses a wide array of concepts of a ‘Power greater than ourselves.’ The words ‘as we understood’ were included in the Steps so that all members could define for themselves the Power referred to in Step Two. In Al-Anon each of us is free to understand and identify this Power in our own way. Throughout our literature we are reminded of the tremendous freedom each member has to interpret ‘Higher Power’ or ‘God’ according to his or her own understanding. Pages 13 and 211 in Courage to Change (B-16), page 146 in Hope for Today (B-27), and page 49 of How Al-Anon Works for Families & Friends of Alcoholics (B-22) all reiterate this idea.” If such a change were to be initiated, it would come in the form of a Minority Petition as discussed in Concept 5. The petition would go to the WSO Policy Committee for review and then the Executive Committee, and finally the World Service Conference. If all Delegates approved in substantial unanimity, the petition would go out to every Al-Anon/Alateen Group worldwide for discussion and vote. Finally, if such a change were to take place, it would require 3/4 of the worldwide groups to send a “yes” to the WSO. As you can see, it would be difficult to make the change, but there is a process for individuals to be heard. That process would be through Knowledge Based Decision Making (KDBM) and would require the answer to the following questions: 1. What do we know about our members’ needs, wants, and preferences that relates to this issue? 2. What do we know about our resources that relates to this issue? 3. What do we know about our “culture” or “environment” that relates to this issue? 4. What are the implications of our choices? (pros and cons) 5. What do we not know about this issue that we wish we knew? There are also several references to a 6th KDBM question in my research: How do Al-Anon’s legacies apply to this issue? Once all the questions are answered, the information would be forwarded to the Delegate to send on to the Policy Committee to initiate consideration. Finally, I look forward to seeing everyone at the May Assembly, where I will be providing my report on the happenings of the World Service Conference that was held in May. In service, Sandy W. Northern Illinois Al-Anon Family Groups AIMS newsletter | May 2015 2 Desde su delegado 12 Pasos y Género by Sandy W. NIAFG Panel 55 delegado U na pregunta fue hecha recientemente dentro de nuestra confraternidad. Tuve que hacer un poco de investigación para encontrar algunas respuestas y pensé que iba a compartir el lo que aprendí. P: ¿Pueden los Pasos ser reescrita para que sean no sexista ? R: Al investigar la respuesta, descubrí que esta pregunta surge a menudo en nuestra comunión . Muy a menudo que Ric Buchanan, Director Ejecutivo de la OSM, escribió una nota para los delegados que proporcionan información al respecto. He aquí un extracto: “Al- Anon es una confraternidad mundial con una membresía muy diversas. Nuestra literatura, basado en las puestas en común personales de nuestros miembros, expresa una amplia gama de conceptos de un ‘Poder superior a nosotros mismos.’ Las palabras ‘como nosotros lo concebimos’ se incluyeron en la Plaza de modo que todos los miembros puedan definir por sí mismos el poder que se cita en el Paso dos. En Al- Anon cada uno de nosotros es libre de comprender e identificar este Poder en nuestro propio camino. A lo largo de nuestra literatura se nos recuerda la enorme libertad que cada miembro tiene que interpretar ‘Poder Superior’ o ‘Dio,’ de acuerdo a su propia comprensión . Páginas 13 y 211 en el valor para cambiar (B-16), en la página 146 en Esperanza para Hoy (B-27), y en la página 49 de cómo Al -Anon Obras para Familias y Amigos de Alcohólicos (B-22), se reitera esta idea.” Si ese cambio fuese iniciado, que vendría en la forma de una petición de la minoría como se discutió en el Concepto 5. La petición iría a la Comisión Política de la OSM para su revisión y luego el Comité Ejecutivo, y, finalmente, la Conferencia de Servicio Mundial. Si todos los delegados aprobaron por unanimidad substancial, la petición no se enviará a todos los Al- Anon/ Alateen Grupo en todo el mundo para su debate y votación. Por último, si tal cambio tuviera lugar, sería necesario 3/4 de los grupos de todo el mundo para enviar un “sí” a la OSM. Como se puede ver, sería difícil hacer el cambio, pero hay un proceso para que las personas sean escuchadas. Ese proceso sería a través del Conocimiento Basado Toma de Decisiones ( KDBM ) y requeriría la respuesta a las siguientes preguntas: 1. ¿Qué sabemos acerca de las necesidades de nuestros miembros, deseos y preferencias que se refiere a este tema? 2. ¿Qué sabemos acerca de nuestros recursos que se refiere a este tema? 3. ¿Qué sabemos acerca de nuestra “cultura” o “ambiente” que se refiere a este tema? 4.¿Cuáles son las consecuencias de nuestras decisiones ? (pros y contras) 5. ¿Qué es lo que no sabemos acerca de este tema que nos gustaría que nos conocimos? También hay varias referencias a una pregunta KDBM sexto en mi investigación : ¿Cómo se aplican los legados de Al- Anon a este tema ? Una vez que todas las preguntas son respondidas, la información se transmitirá a la Delegada para enviar a la Comisión de Política de iniciar el examen . Por último , espero verlos a todos en la Asamblea de mayo , donde estaré proporcionando mi informe sobre los acontecimientos de la Conferencia de Servicio Mundial que se celebró en mayo. Northern Illinois Al-Anon Family Groups AIMS newsletter | May 2015 3 From your chair Voting, Making Decisions, etc. by Gene W. NIAFG Panel 55 Chairman A l-Anon’s Warranties don’t get a lot of press in our meetings. When I was at the World Service Conference as your Delegate for the last panel, one of the Warranties got drilled into me — the third, which states “That all important decisions be reached by discussion, vote, and whenever possible, by substantial unanimity.” I think the “...whenever possible...” part was put in as boilerplate to cover hypothetical situations. In my three years at the World Service Conference every significant decision (aside from maybe approval of minutes which was done by simple voice approval) was reached by substantial unanimity, which at the World Service Conference we accepted as a two-thirds approval. In Northern IL we have “taken a pass” on this Warranty, using instead a simple majority. So, maybe we ought to consider implementing an adherence to this third Warranty. I put together a list of pros and cons for myself about implementing Warranty Three. ProsCons • Harder to make a change Harder to make a change • Requires more preparation to present a motion Takes more time • Requires more dialog • If passed, ensures motion has more support • Keeps us aligned with Al-Anon as a whole If I sat around for awhile I could think of more things to add to these lists, but I’ll let you do that on your own. “Harder to make a change” is listed on both sides of the table. I did do an informal poll of other areas, and as I recall, essentially all used a “substantial unanimity” criteria for passing motions. One response to my poll said something to the effect of, “If a motion can’t achieve a 2/3 vote, then it is not worth adopting.” So…I’m thinking we need to think about implementing Warranty Three in Northern IL. Do you want to be on a task force to make a recommendation for Northern IL? Email or call me. (See print verson for contact information.) And by the know, other than elections of officers, there is nothing in the Service Manual or Northern IL Assembly motions on how a vote is to be conducted. Does that mean I get to choose? Maybe if it is not close, just do a simple visual assessment by asking people to stand up, for and against, i.e. no more count offs? And occurred to me that Warranty Three could be a very useful thing to implement in our families. In the Forum and other publications, people write about how the Traditions work in families and other settings outside our meetings. I think one (as in one of you who is reading this) could write a very interesting article on the application of Warranty Three in the family. Maybe for starters submit it to the AIMS? Gene W. Northern Illinois Al-Anon Family Groups AIMS newsletter | May 2015 4 Desde su presidente Votación, Toma de decisiones , etc. by Gene W. NIAFG Panel 55 presidente G arantías de Al-Anon no reciben una gran cantidad de prensa en nuestras reuniones. Cuando estaba en la Conferencia de Servicio Mundial como su delegado para el último panel , una de las Garantías obtuve perforados en mí—la tercera, que establece “Que todas las decisiones importantes sean alcanzadas por discusión, votación y siempre que sea posible, por unanimidad sustancial.” Creo que el “siempre que sea posible” parte se puso en tan repetitivo para cubrir situaciones hipotéticas. En mis tres años en la Conferencia de Servicio Mundial cada decisión importante (aparte de tal aprobación del acta que se hizo por la aprobación de voz sencilla) se alcanzó por unanimidad sustancial , que en la Conferencia de Servicio Mundial aceptamos como una aprobación de dos tercios. En el norte de IL hemos “dado un paso” en esta Garantía, utilizando en su lugar una mayoría simple. Así, tal vez deberíamos considerar la implementación de una adhesión a esta tercera garantía . Redacté una lista de pros y contras para mí mismo acerca de la implementación de Garantía de tres . ProsCons • Más difícil de hacer un cambio Más difícil de hacer un cambio • Requiere más preparación para presentar una moción Toma más tiempo • Requiere más diálog • Si se aprueba, asegura el movimiento tiene más apoyo • Nos mantiene alineados con Al-Anon en su conjunto Si me senté por un rato pude pensar en más cosas que añadir a estas listas, pero voy a dejar que lo hagas por tu cuenta. “Más difícil de hacer un cambio” aparece en ambos lados de la mesa. Hice una encuesta informal de otras áreas, y por lo que recuerdo, esencialmente todo utilicé un criterio de “unanimidad sustancial” para el paso de las mociones. Una respuesta a mi encuesta dijo algo en el sentido de: “Si un movimiento no puede lograr un voto de 2/3, entonces no vale la pena adoptar.” Así que ... Estoy pensando que tenemos que pensar en la aplicación de la garantía de tres en el norte de Illinois. ¿Quieres estar en un grupo de trabajo para hacer una recomendación para el norte de IL ? Enviar o llamarme. (Ver versión para imprimir la información de contacto) Y por cierto ... ya sabes , que no sea la elección de funcionarios, no hay nada en el manual de servicio o movimientos del Norte Asamblea IL sobre cómo una votación se lleve a cabo. ¿Eso significa que puedo elegir? Tal vez si no está cerca, acaba de hacer una evaluación visual simple preguntando a la gente a ponerse de pie, a favor y en contra, es decir, no máscount offs? Y finalmente ... se me ocurrió que podría Garantía Tres ser una cosa muy útil para poner en práctica en nuestras familias . En el Foro y otras publicaciones , la gente escribe sobre cómo las Tradiciones trabajan en las familias y otros lugares fuera de nuestras reuniones. Creo que uno (como en uno de los que están leyendo esto) podría escribir un artículo muy interesante sobre la aplicación de la Garantía de tres en la familia. Tal vez para empezar la comunicará a los objetivos? Gene W. Northern Illinois Al-Anon Family Groups AIMS newsletter | May 2015 5 From you alternate delegate Discipline in my Recovery by Christine W NIAFG Panel 55 alternate delegate I learned very early on in my recovery that if I really wanted to grow in the Al Anon program, it would take a lot of discipline. Initially, I made three meetings a week, if something was heavy on my mind, I would make four. I went to an open meeting once a month, to remind myself of the pain the alcoholic was in. I truly thought they were having a good time! My family members became aware of my meeting times, and would ask me to assist them with something. These requests often conflicted with the times I needed to be at a meeting. My response to them was “I can’t help you at this time, but here are the times when I can assist you.” I call my sponsor every day. There are times that I cannot reach my sponsor, at those times I call on a power greater than myself. I make contact with that power at least three times a day, no matter what is going on in my life, good or bad. I read conference approved literature twice daily. I really needed a change in my attitude, so I had something everyday that I was working on to improve and enhance my recovery. This program said to me “work this program” because my life depends on it. This statement has held truth for me then, and does so for me now. The discipline has allowed me much peace, also showing me unconditional love, showing me how to have a relationship with the person behind the disease. Christine W. The Forum: A meeting in my pocket Serenity in my day From your Alateen coordinator Stand up for our Alateens by Wayve C NIAFG Panel 55 Alateen Coordinator H ello, I am your new Area 14 Alateen Coordinator. With the help of my HP and a number of trusted servants to provide assistance, the work is slowly getting done. By the time you read this message, the majority of Al-Anon Members In Alateen Service (AMIAS) will be recertified for another year and we will have a group of new Sponsors to join us in service to Alateens. The Midlake 2015 Conference is our main Alateen event for the year. It will be held May 22nd, 23rd, and 24th at Devils Head Resort, 56330 Bluff Road, Merrimac, WI 53561. The Registration Form must be mailed before May 1, 2015. No registrations will be accepted after May 10, 2015. A permission form must be completed, signed, and notarized by parent/legal guardian. Conference Guidelines should be read by Sponsors, Alateens and Parents to ensure the welfare and enjoyment of everyone. Sponsors may contact me for needed forms, or questions. As I travel throughout Area 14, I will be asking AMIAS to consider the open position of Area Alternate Alateen Coordinator to provide a stronger support system for all AMIAS and Alateen groups. If your District does not have an Alateen Coordinator, that too is a great opportunity to be of service to Alateen. I hope each of you will talk to your HP and to your Al-Anon Sponsor about these positions. In service and fellowship, Wayve C. Northern Illinois Al-Anon Family Groups AIMS newsletter | May 2015 6 From your group records secretary Keeping the records straight Laurie C. NIAFG Panel 55 Group records secretary H ello Al-Anon Family: For the past few weeks, I have been enjoying all my beautiful spring flowers. In March, I had the opportunity to participate on a panel at the NIA Spring conference at Pheasant Run. The topic was, “Participation is Fun- Come to the Service Party!” I spoke about what service has done for me. Most importantly, when I was a newcomer, service work gave me a sense of belonging, and the commitment I made kept me coming back to meetings. It enhances my program because, in service, I work the Steps, Traditions, and Concepts. When I need help with a service-work-related issue, I make a decision to turn my will and my life over to the care of God (Step 3). Service work keeps my shortcomings in check and reminds me of my assets, because I continue to take a personal inventory (Step 10). For decisions that need to be made, I seek to improve my conscious contact with God, praying only for knowledge of his will for us, the panel, and the power for us to carry it out (Step 11). In service, I am carrying the message to others and practicing these principles in all my affairs (Step 12). In service, “Our common welfare should come first; personal progress for the greatest number depends upon unity (Tradition 1).” In our service meetings, “there is but one authority—a loving God as He may express Himself in our group conscience (Tradition 2).” In my service work, I am reminded to place principles above personalities (Tradition 12), and I am practicing Concept 10, “Participation is the Key to Harmony.” I show up. Wow, this if FUN! So, my motto is, “Do Not Leave Before the Miracle Happens.” So consider joining the party!! Inactive New Groups Pathways to Hope Monday at 7:00 pm Medinah Wednesday Night Alateen Wednesday at 6:00 pm Antioch Recovery Club 311 Depot Street/Suite C Antioch Plano AFG Wednesday at 6 pm Plano Courage to Change (formerly Hope for Today Wednesday at 6:00 pm Bethany United Church of Christ 4250 North Paulina Street Chicago Northern Illinois Al-Anon Family Groups AIMS newsletter | May 2015 7 AIMS personal subscription Personal subscriptions are $3.00 per year. Include your subscription label for renewal or address change. Please mark the following ❑❑ ❑❑ ❑❑ ❑❑ ❑❑ New subscription Renewal (Please attach mailing label) Address change (Attach label and indicate new address) Gift—No, do not include a gift line on the label Gift—Yes, use gift line in label. “Gift from _________________” Make you check or money order payable to NIAFG. Please allow two months for changes to be processed. Thank you. Name:_______________________________________________________________________________ Address:_____________________________________________________________________________ City:________________________________________________________________________________ State:_____________________________________ Zip:___________________________________ Phone:_______________________________________________________________________________ Send money and information to: Barb K (See print version for address) H From your Archives Coordinator ello! I am your new Archives Coordinator. Now that spring is here, I hope to work in earnest on organizing our historical documents. If you have some papers, directories, copies of the Forum, minutes or leaflets that you might like to donate, you can mail them to me, or bring them to an Assembly, AWSC meeting, or Convention. I gave a brief history of Lois W. at the last Area World Service Conference. She was born in 1891 and lived to 1988. This is an amazing span of time which covered two World Wars, Women’s Right to Vote, the Depression, and Prohibition. When she started organizing the AFG with Anne B. in 1951, she was already 58 years old. Today there are thousands of AFG groups worldwide. I was just reading a report from our Delegate Maxine K-H, Panel 25 from 1985. She had gone to N.Y. for the World Conference and had the privilege of meeting Lois and hear her speak. It was our 25th Anniversary. Lois also met the delegates at Stepping Stones and said hello to them again. She was 94 years old .Lois then traveled to Washighton D.C the next day to receive an honor from the National Council on Alcoholism. My thanks to Mary Jane M., Panel 28, for these unique documents which reflect our experience, strength, hope, and humor. In Service, Milly L. Northern Illinois Al-Anon Family Groups AIMS newsletter | May 2015 8 From your Literature Coordinator Break the Reader Not literally, of course! Judy M Literature coordinator O ne thing I see over and over again is how at many meetings I visit, the Daily Readers are not only used for reading the day’s page, but also as the only literature used for the topic of the meeting. Not that there is anything wrong with this, of course, but the problem lies in the fact that some groups seem to ONLY use the Daily Readers in place of any other piece of Conference Approved Literature (CAL). We have so many wonderful books at our disposal that it is a shame to ignore them. And, when we don’t use them, newcomers to Al-Anon don’t become aware of their existence. I once used the smallish book The Dilemma of the Alcoholic Marriage for a series of meetings. There was so much in that little book that one meeting was not enough to cover the vast wisdom I found amongst its pages. Our new workbook, Reaching for Personal Freedom: Living the Legacies is a spectacular tool to use when having a meeting on a Step or Tradition. It’s fresh and new and each time I’ve used it I’ve gotten wonderful comments at the end. (Not to mention selling a copy!) Of course, one of the easiest pieces of CAL we can use at a meeting is our Forum. There is always an article on a meeting topic or the larger articles can be passed around, each member reading one or two paragraphs, or plucking the little “gems” of wisdom out is not only a great discussion starter, but also a wonderful opportunity for members to see what the Forum is all about and it is also a great time to introduce the idea of getting a personal subscription. Even picking a pamphlet out to use as a discussion starter is a great way to get a topic going. So next time it is your turn to lead a meeting, put down your Daily Readers and reach for one of the vast array of other pieces of CAL at our disposal. I predict you will get a lot out of it! From your Treasurer THANKS FOR YOUR DONATIONS!!! Linda M. NIAFG Panel 55 Treasurer H ere’s the 2nd article about our finances. Our donations were up in February but down again in March. Please check your group contribution amounts. Are you keeping a prudent reserve or do you have an excess of funds? Those funds could be helping us do important work in the area! We have many recurring expenses each month and maybe you aren’t aware where the area money is going. Here’s a few places it goes. The AIMS—printing, putting it together and mailing it is running between $700$1,100 each month. Directories—Printing is about $700 and the $1 charged does not cover all of those costs. Website—we have monthly bills to keep the website running for hosting of $20. We also pay annual fees for the domain and hosting of about $400. Communication—We pay for the emails sent to our members, about $40 each month Storage—We have a small unit to keep our old records and archive materials and that runs $110 each month. North Central Regional Delegates Meeting—Past and Current Delegates met in Iowa to share their experiences, cost Northern Illinois Al-Anon Family Groups AIMS newsletter | May 2015 9 $1,050 for hotel and registrations When I started this position, I did not really know where the area money went. Now I’m seeing it and I would guess most of our members don’t really know of everything done at the area. Our area is very active and supportive of Al-Anon and our members! It’s entirely up to the groups to make sure the area can continue to do this good work for everyone. Please be generous with the donations and continue to support the efforts of so many in the program!! In service, Linda May Calendar May Al-Anon Adult Children Workshop and Festival May 1 Conference Center W2511 State Highway 23 Green Lake, Wisconsin 54941. 3 days, 4 pm, at Green Lake Alateen sponsor certification workshop Saturday, May 2, 2015 9:00 am-12:00 pm St. John United Church of Christ fellowship hall, lower level 45 West River Street Kankakee, IL 60901 The Northern IL Al-Anon Family Group Alateen Safety and Behavioral Requirements say that current Alateen sponsors (any Al-Anon Member Involved in Alateen Service including “backup” and “conference” sponsors) are expected to attend one training session each year. This is to ensure a safe environment for sponsors and teens, and also to help sponsors run a better Alateen meeting. The workshop is also a great introduction for Al-Anons interested in learning more about Alateen sponsorship. The workshop is open to anyone in Al-Anon in Northern Illinois. Workshop materials will be provided. Alateen needs sponsors. And it’s a great service opportunity. Your experience, strength and hope could make a big difference in the lives of children who have been affected by alcoholism. It’s also an opportunity for personal growth. Light breakfast will be served. Hosted by District 14 For more information, contact Barb K at (See print verson for number) Al-Anon Adult Children Workshop and Festival May 1 Conference Center W2511 State Highway 23 Green Lake, Wisconsin 54941. 3 days, 4 pm, at Green Lake Alateen Certification Workshop May 2 9 am St. John United Church of Christ, 1045 West River St. Kankakee, IL 60901. Hosted by District 14. Light breakfast will be served. 3 hours Open Speaker Meeting before NIAFG Area Assembly May 15 8 pm St Luke Catholic Church Parish School 519 Ashland Ave River Forest, IL 60305. In Waldron Hall. 1 mile West of Harlem Avenue at Lake Street. Parking North of Waldron Hall entrance & non-metered street parking available. NIAFG Area Assembly May 16 9 am St. Luke Catholic Church Parish School 519 Ashland Ave River Forest, IL 60305. In Waldron Hall. 1 mile West of Harlem Avenue at Lake Street. Parking North of Waldron Hall entrance & non-metered street parking available. 6 hours. June Sharing Serenity Al-Anon Family Group 4th Anniversary Open Saturday June 13 9:00 am to 11:00 am The Center 12700 Southwest Highway Palos Park, Illinois A.A. and Al-Anon speakers. Fellowship and refreshments July 12 Step Al-Anon Roundup Jul 10 3 Days, 6 pm, at LaSalle Manor 12480 Galena Road Plano, IL. Any questions contact: Nancy K (See print verson for number) Area World Service Committee Meeting Jul 18 9:30 am Advocate Lutheran General Hospital, 1775 Dempster Street 10th Floor Park Ridge, IL 60068. Business meeting for Northern Illinois Al-Anon/Alateen. All members welcome. 5.5 hours. September Open Speaker Meeting before NIAFG Area Assembly Sep 18 8 pm, Location to be announced Hosted by District 10. South DuPage County. Watch for more details. NIAFG Area Assembly Sep 19 6 hours 9 am Location to be announced Hosted by District 10. South DuPage County. Watch for more details. October 2015 2015 AFG Illinois State Convention 3 days Oct 23 Eaglewood Resort 1401 Nordic Road Itasca, IL 60413. Theme: Just Get In The Car! Save the Date! Watch for more information. Northern Illinois Al-Anon Family Groups AIMS newsletter | May 2015 10 NIAFG Officers & Coordinators Delegate Sandy W Alternate Delegate Christine W Area Chairperson Gene W Recording Secretary Barbara (Babs) B Group Records Secretary Laurie C Treasurer Linda M Spanish Services Veronica R P.O. Box 2044 Coordinator Lisa S Alateen Coordinator Wayve C Alternate Alateen Coordinator Literature Coordinator Judy M Directory Distribution Coordinator Gwen T Conventions Liaison Web Content Coordinator Web Tech Coordinator Brian B Electronic Communications Coordinator Barb G AIMS Personal Subscriptions Barb K Coordinator for Public Information & Cooperating with the Professional Community Institutions Coordinator Phyllis M Open for Open for You You AIMS Editor Sky H Open for You Open for You Archives Coordinator Media Library Mildred L (Blake is covering till you take over) Open for You AAPP (Area Alateen Processing Person) Christine McC There are still coordinator positions available as of March 10. Are you willing to serve? Talk to your sponsor and your higher power and think about it. If you have never held a service position before this is a great opportunity to reap the benefits of Al-Anon service work. Keep and open mind and think about it. Group Records Change Form Al-Anon Registration/Group Records Change Form (GR-1) Please send this form through your Area Process or the WSO 1. Group Record 2. Status WSO I.D. Number ____________________ District Number _____________________ Area Name (Abbreviation) _____________ 3. Changes (Check all that apply) q Group Name q Current Mailing Address (CMA) q Mtg Place q Mtg Day q Mtg Time q GR q Contact q New q Change q Inactive q Not Sure If Registered 4. Group/Registration Overview Group Name ___________________________________________________________ Mailing Language _______________________ Reflects Al-Anon principles and is inviting to all. See [Instructions to fill out the GR-1 Form]. Please note that group names not in compliance with the Al-Anon policy will delay processing of the registration. Contact your Area Group Records Coordinator or the WSO for further information. Location: Meeting Place _________________________________________________________________________________________ Meeting Address _______________________________________________________________________________________________ City _______________________________________________ State/Province ______ Zip/Postal Code __________ Country _____ Contact First Name ___________________________________ Phone Number ___________________________________________ Contact First Name ___________________________________ Phone Number ___________________________________________ Additional Meeting 5. Meeting Details Day ___________________ Time ____________ Type: q Open q AM q PM q Closed Type: Spoken Language ______________ Member Count ________ q Beginners* Day ___________________ Time ____________ q Open q AM q PM q Closed Spoken Language ______________ Member Count ________ q Introductory** q Limited Access q Handicap Access q Babysitting q Fragrance Free q Smoking Permitted q Sign Language q Beginners* q Introductory** q Limited Access q Handicap Access q Babysitting q Fragrance Free q Smoking Permitted q Sign Language Location Instructions Location Instructions * Held in conjunction with a regular Al-Anon group meeting; not considered an Al-Anon group. Provide newcomers a simple introduction to Al-Anon. ** Attendance changes frequently; not considered an Al-Anon group. Attendees are invited to go to regular Al-Anon meetings. 6. Current Mailing Address (WSO mail for the group is sent to the CMA postal and e-mail address) First Name ______________________________________________ Last Name ____________________________________________ Street/PO Box ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ City ________________________________________________ State/Province ______ Zip/Postal Code __________ Country _____ Phone Number ______________________________________________ E-mail ___________________________________________ 7. For Area Use q Group Rep q Other _________________________________________________________________________ First Name ______________________________________________ Last Name ____________________________________________ Street/PO Box ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ City ________________________________________________ State/Province ______ Zip/Postal Code __________ Country _____ Phone Number ______________________________________________ E-mail ___________________________________________ The WSO will register any group designating itself as an AL-Anon Family Group with the understanding that it will abide by the Traditions and that meeting will be open to any Al-Anon members. Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual (P-24/27), ”Digest of Al-Anon and Alateen Policies” Submitted by: ____________________ Date: __________ Phone: ___________________ E-mail: __________________________ Al-Anon Family Groups Headquarters, Inc. 1600 Corporate Landing Parkway, Virginia Beach, VA 23454. (757) 563-1600 fax: (757) 563-1655 e-mail: [email protected] Member’s Web site Northern Illinois Al-Anon Family Groups AIMS newsletter | May 2015 12 01/12
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